0 FlRESSo PUBLISHED EiZERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDKY. VOL. VXIO.208. EINSTON, II. O, GATUKDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1002. PBICJ2 TWO OZZJT OLD IIORTH STATE IIEUS MID GOSSIP ODD 1KD ISTEEESTIS3 EiPPEIGSS. v Otfi-.-r to the leiea of the laU A second crop 'of strawberries la being . mad by track growers along the line o! - tie' Wilmington and Weldon railroad, between Wilmington and Goldsboro, , : B tUlg-h, N. O, Not. 27.-In a brilliant Inter-collegiate debate here tonight fa tbe Academy of U aelo, : Richmond college, of Richmond, Va., won the silver ' loving cup as a trophy of their victory over Wake Forest college, of this State. ' Monroe Journal: Two revenue officers from Greensboro yesterday C morning found eight barrels Jf brandy In a barn ' on T.H.Btmpson'e place two miles above - town. 1 They hauled ft to the depot here nd shipped It to Charlotte. ' r v !-V-'T ' An organisation of mechanics has been , affected at Durham with 85charternaem - bers, , A complefcj set of officers has been lected, and It is under the constitution - and by-laws of the Joiners National or ganisation. ' Concord Tribune: , The Concord foun- - 'dry and machine shops are shot dowa today on account of no coal. Messrs. Bloom Bros., the owners of the works, have Just received notice that two cars of coal consigned to them bave been con fiscated by the railroad '' -Bilelgh Post: The 8 waln-Drlecol com pany of New Bern was Incorporated by ' the secretary of State yesterday.'; The company proposes to do a general tim- - ber and lumber business.? The incorpor ' ators are Lemuel F. Swain, of Beaufort, . and Joseph L. Driacol and Archie W. Go, ." of Atlantic City, N. J. Another charter ws that of the' Colored Business Men's ; rfioclal company, of Goldeboro, with capi tal stock of 2,500. The concern is , authorized to begin business when twen .tyflve 50 shares are subscribed for and the membership fee of 91 is paid. The ' purpose of the'6fganlztlon la the est ab- Iishment of a club tor social and athletic purpoaes. . : t" Raleigh, Nov. 27.-rBurxIars last nght .entered the borne of Senator Simmons through a rear window, thy then " opened a door to net means of a oUk i exit. They went Into the Senator's bed ' Tjom and took Mrs. Simmons' pocket' book containing. 20 and carried it to) the dining room where they took tba money and left tbe book lying on tbe tble. , The burglars alroHfld a trunk Of Mrs. Simmons in tho hall, way near 4 he door they had opened, and went Into toe room occupied by the Senator's daughters. The latter acres med and waked him, whereupon vthe burglars &. It does not appear tbat they got anything except f 20. , ' Wilmington, Nov. 27. An Insane col ored man, who Imagines himself worth millions as the result of speculation in cross ties, and who bee une highly Indlg- aant .because he was refused credit for large bills of goods by Fron tstreetmer ! chantefCreated some excitement yesterday afternoon until arrested and locked up In tbe police station. lie is a tenant on Governor Russell's plantation across the river and-came over to the city with the Intention of making large purchases of tea "ly everything for sale by ' Wilming ton merchants. At a wholesale hard " ware store he bought a big bill of cutlury and tools wblch be said were for use In an extensive cross-tie business In which he was engaged. At a jewelry store he gave an order for several gold watches and left tbe store to get a blank check which be ea'd be would fill out and make payment therefor. lie next visited ' a livery stable and was inclined to make trouble because the dealer would not sell him 300 bead of mules to be ' used' in bis mythical cross-tie locking camp. He r -turned to the hardware store and vu demanding the goods he JaU)!y bad packed op for blm when the police took cbare c f L!;a. To Cn :.9 I r e a Ci ' 1 Ia One Day. T.ivts. TL;s "a erery lex, Bright Jawel Eaten-tr nment. A very Interesting social entertainment was glvsa Jaet evening by- the Bright Jewels Society of the M, K. church at the hoje of. lira. E. A. Parker, on Blosnt street, to which members of tbe society Invited their young friends and spent an evening of pleasure that was thoroughly enjoyed by all participating. Abont forty young people gathered at the home of Mrs.' Parker, which, was graciously thro wn open to them, and an interesting program of songs and recitations was rendered that was so well enjoyed that tbe evening - pawed so quickly that it seemed as It time had been borne on tbe wings of the eagle'.; The Voting spirits In the arranging of tbe program were: Ifesdames IS. A. Parker, J. J. Blasell and 8. B. Bonntree, Jr. The parlors of Mrs. Parker were beautifully decorated with palms and potted plants and tbe walls festooned with evergreens that made them a truly pretty scene. The younger guests were given one parlor to themselves, while the older ones gathered In another. 'After all bad enjoyed the in tellectual part of the program the guests were Invited into the spacious dining roim of the hostess, and there the sight that met their vision truly a scene of beauty.' The large board around which they gathered was bountifully and beau tifully laden with fruits and confec tioneries, and other light refreshments that was tally enjoyed by all. 1 The table decorations were beautifully arranged, insisting of large pumpkins being hol lowed out and filled with choicest traits, note and confectioneries, forming pyra mids at intervals on the table. Tbe meet ing closed but too early for the young people and it was with a sigh of regret that they all left for their several homes, heaping thanks upon the hostess and promoters of tbe affair. -.' - " : This Is the season : when the women who knows the best remedies for croup is In demand In every neighborhood. O te of the most terrible things ia tbe wortd Is to be awakened an tbe middle ' of tn night by a whoop from one o' the child reu.iThecronp remedies are almos aw' sure to be lost In case of croup as a revol-1 ver is sure to be lost n ease of burglars, There need to be an oldlaahtonea remedy for crouo.known as hive avruu and tola, lve syrop and tola, r mothers , sa 4 that 1 Remsdv la hatte nt7K LllJZmVhli but kjaiu. modern Cbatnberlin's Congh and does not ciwt eo the pwtient to "thrhow up roe phlegm" quicker, and gives relet in m shorter time. (Jiv this remady as soon as the croup r sou iih MppMMrs and it will prevent the at-' tack. It never lain and is pleasant and The Uoa. The only animal besides man found all over the worldis the dog. . , -r Japmaese Economy. -. . ' Japanese . ecouomy la one of tha causes of Japanese prosperity Even tbe charcoal dust Is saved and molded into balls, ; with .chaff or straw, for fuel. , 11 , - . ' . m- Mother Goosa. r "Mother Goose," who is probably more familiar to children than any oth er personage Id story books, was a real person. " Mrs. Goose, for that was her real name, lived with jt family named Fleet, who kept a little store in Fud .Ung lane, Boston. Whistllaaj Ia Doenoa Ayrea. Any person caught whistling in the streets of Buenos Ayres is liable -to be arrested. The police alone bave the right to whistle. - . 1 ; ." . ' Economy la Cage. , . ,Wben eggs ar(e expensive. It Is, well to remember that it is not necessary to boil a whole egg to get a yolk for gar-nishing.-oparate white and yolk with out breaking the latter and poach It hard in salted water.. The white is saved for glazing or meringue, etc. . A Great Bridge Span. In the valley of Fetruffe, In Luxen bour?, Germany, stands the largest single span of any masonry bridge in the wcild, witba length of 277 feet and a height of 102 feet. A Blonster Cold Kagnget., There Is a monster gold nugget lying at the bottom t the Atlantic. It wos shipped from Santo Domingo to. the ticg of Fpuin yearn ago as a tangi 11 rrocf cf the value of Columbus' ihovery, Lut was lost In a storm, to gcijor with C.).iC3 ounces of smaller golon rr'cl-'efii. . A i : i cf r ; T. 1 Tadsre. ' I. : -n it'll co:,t. we-". '...3 i a it CHAUBER OF COnDERCE WILL EEET KEXT CCSCil K1GHT ,,v:.'','''-'",,,'",.'-",i''' " " ,"' ' """ ' -:::?J" Qssstioss of Great ImporUsce to Kins- -, ton to In Considered'1 - A meeting of the Chamber of Com me roe will ba held at tbe court house Monday night, to which every member of the Chamber is urged to be present.' ; Questions of Importance to v the community will be taken up , and discusaed by the chamber; qownos that are of the utmost concern to every one. such as placing a boation!Xuse river, street Improvements etc. The legislature meets in January and the Bentiment of the people as to water works, sewerage and other street im provements should be ascertained, so that , Intelligent action can be taken regarding thess things. f- V, A full meeting of the Chamber Is de- sired. :. '. ,. ' .; ,: J. W, Gkaingek, Pres. Plato Colukh, Sec'y. , i This Is our child, dear Aeab f our dean and bona of our bone; 1 Hera la the end of our yuth, and now we begin to atone. . - X4ow wa So reel what Uieir ov waa thoaa who have reared ua and taught: Now do we know of tha treaaurea that neither are aqld aor bought. Bare lahe Joy of the raoe,. Joy that muat -. grow oat of pain: Here la the iaat of our aelf ; now we ar Ilnka In the chain. Body of youra.and mine tu more la the f meaaure of grief : " i All that ha suffers la ura ,a6d Increased while w cry for relief; '. ITea, for our boy, our beloved,, we'll "yearn through tha beckoning vear . Toll for hina, laugh with him. atruggle and pour out th fountain of tears! Robert Brldgea Iltmeaserat, t - StVSlirViSlt .ma f Were w two bird aad bough or man and ! - ' wife. . t ; r Or wave and spar. j Or wave and anar. v I "refn ?? r br 0n wh,cb it. breaks T. I know note II . But s.-. thiv my wery dear. I knows Your vole awaltes old echoes In my heart. And things 1 say to you now ar said once more. ; And, sweet, when we two parr. I feel I have seen you falter and linger so. Bo hesitate and turn ai.il cling -yet go,' As once la some ImmemnroMo Before. Once on some fortunate yet thrice Masted shore. . Waa It for goodT Oh,- these poor eyea are wet. And yet. oh, yet. Now that wa know, t -would not. If 1 .. '..could. - , Torget. , w K. 'Henley A Cold Wave. The forecast of sudden changes In the j weather serves notice that a hoarse voice - and a heavy cough may Invade the sanc tity of health In your own home. Cm- - tious people have a bottle of Ooe Min ute Cough Cure always at hand. B. II. Wise, Madison, Ga , writes: "I am indent- ed to (ine Minute Cough Cure tormy pres ent good health, and prjbably my life." It cures Coughs, Colds LaGrlppe, Bron-1 ehltle, Pneumonia and all Throat and I Lung troubles. One Minute Cough Cura : euts the phlegm, draws out ths tnflama i tion, heals and soothes the mucous mem- ) branes and strengthens tbe lnngs. 1 . t I l 1 I I 1 J I'lVti ! f The CHURCHES f Subjects for Sermons Announcement of Spec- 4 ial and Regular Services , 4. 4-11-1- 1 1 1 I 1' 11 1 -1 ! Services will be held in the following cnurcnes tomorrow, to which everybody is invited: w ' , Episcopal Chnrca. ; Services both morning and evening by tue reetor, W. U. Urlitn.b, Jr. Sanday school at 9:30 a. m. Metnotfist Cnarck. - Preaching both morning and evening dv tt.e pastor. Sunday school at 9-30 a. m. Kpwortb League at 4 p. m. Sunday. ' Missionary Baptist Church. : No preaching. Pnn'IsT school at 9:"0 a. m. B. y. r. U. at3.S0 p. m. , Ciri.'Ian Church. - Pnm-LtsM by r.r. V. B. Call. .' xtni.ij s houl at D:C3 a. m. r . " l r i 1 r 1 1 " . r end evex.tr;-; J a. i i. t C'Lorch. - - ' '" 1 r - J eveeir j. . i . GEMS IN VCRtfE Mr Wife, .' A; ' ; Trnety, duaky. vivid, true. With eyea of gold and bramsle daw, Steel true and blade atralght. . The great ArtlHcer .., .v ' slade my mat. .. Honor, anger, valor. (Ire, '' A' love tbat lla could never tire, ' : . Death quench or evil atlr. The mighty Maater . Gave to her. . , . Teacher, tender, comrade, wife, A fellow farer true through lit,' Heart whole and aoul free. The Kugust Father .. , Gave to me. V . -Robert Louis Stevenson. v . ' jradca. 7 Take two cupa of augar and one cup O) . milk. Of chocolate th unsweetened kind One-fourth of a pound, and of butter a lump Like a walnut la ample, you'll find. Melt all of the chocolate over the steam Of a kettle that merrily alnga. And you may elng, too, aa you busily sUt Ia one saucepan theaa various things. Now beat well together and aet them tc boll , Ten minutes or fifteen at need But stir all tha time with a long kitcher spoon If your "fudge" would be "fudgy" tn- deed. -" , , " . When It thickene enough to lift on th stove. Pour tn your vanilla to taste: ; Then beat It again with a light, aklllfut hand; Tou have two or three minutes to i waata 1 While cook greases the pan: Just keer I aurnng. arouna; Remember, 'tis not work, but fun r ' . - Then pour put your candy and set (t - COOl, And when It Is very near dona Cut Into email squares, Juet tha else ( a one v And paaa It around with a will. or wnen mat naa vanished 'tis eaar again The pans with fresh candy to fill. , New York Mall and Express. Banall, bat Mighty. There are four little words in (ha lan- guage That volumea of meanmr eiDresa. And wa find oftentimes In their utterance una magical power they possess. They have made or marred Uvea without number . : :,,. i,-':.: ..' And aettled grave questions of atata And-ao potent for good and for evil 'J heir use la the passport ts Fata. Do .you know which thir ara and tbair meaniner I'm aure you have made a shrewd auona That these (our little words you are using Are piain -will" and "won t." -no" arl - "yea.'.' , . . . . Bertha 8Un. , The Passlaa of tha Flreslae. The kettle never almmera cn the hearth stone sny mors, i . We have given up the aacred fireside: una kitten never sleeps before the back log- on the floor, . i And the spinning wheel has stopped since a-ranama died. , But the poet in his fancy sees the "ram iiy ciroie".yet . And blithely ainca the glory of his . dream. While the artist takes his pencil and la nappy to forget inat tne fireside has given way to ateam. : .. ; . , , ., . The boiler and tha furnace are in no do- tree sublime. ine scornful bard refuses to ennohlv tnem in rhyme. And the artlpt neves turns i With hla brush to such conr-wrm: iuey nave eponea tne family clrcltt oi "the aplendid olden time." bliu the preacher aravely Preiuhcs al me "aacred fireside.' . Forgetting- that long since It cease J iu be, forgetting that the people he la prtiu:!i- ing to abide Where Janitors are lords of alt ihev avi u, mo iiresiue ia oniy a Diinu launi. I t..i the wall; i i i. . ....... ..... in tutsa mat useo 10 cracaie Olaac i:u . more. no more raniastio snaaows over old r.' carpeta ran; .- Ibe hearthstone a but a grating iu tht- noor. The-good old ways are ended and the charm of tbera has fled ; , No fireside" remains to lure ua now; more, was, doaa - rather have to clamber out of bed . ; ' To light the logs while mother telle bi.n bow. : ' ;. '.. i : ' .'..,; little Willie doesn't have to carry billets in at night Or. caviling, chop kindllr.it nowadara. Stay! That'sbut the steam pip thump ing; in no lime tor flight or fright: We have given up the old poetic ways. Ob. a fancy screen ia standing as an or nament before The walled and plastered Place that was lue fi rem ile of yore; The wind is howling. "Woo-o-o-o!" But no Jlames K-ap up the fine Ana the hearthstones lust a ermine In the lloor. S. E Klr in Chl sKO Kei-ord-Heml.l fhah's Rteh Clo':c In reheran may be se-.-ii th cos! ilost georrnj hlc;il pli,Ie In the wjil'l. It ia the i i : ity of the shiih. and it Is said that l:e freourntiv studlea !t. T'm s:ir- if i: enrtii ; l t i ff r is reprt wonted on It ft' 1 in its ro !:,! rue s' '. 1 j. '1 j Pi n ;l'l'vV r!v ' f 1 Is fr ' !'"l 1. t' ! 1P.1 HUMOR OF THE HOUR - Wrka Bt Ways. . ' He laughed. Ob, how be laughed I II was s great joke. "At last," he said, "l bave found a place where they bave woman sized up just right. She lent a complete human being." " 4 . , "She Isn't!' she exclaimed warmly. "No, , In Sweden, where they've flg ured the problem out, a man Is the nult of value, and a woman counts for only hlf,u he explained. : ' When a man travels, be pays full fare on the rail roads and full rates at the hotels, while If be takes his wife along the two of them are chnrtred up as only one and n half persons.. V'ou see tbe logical de duction V' "I do," she answered. "And when o woman travels alone she is charged full rate for one person, while If her husband happens to lx along the rate is for one and a liuif iivrsons. The bus band, therefore" ; . .... . , He hnl stopped laughing. always did think," he announced emphatically, "that woman has a most perverted sense .of humor and a most extraordinary method of reasoning." "But If you really want to get at rel ative values," she persisted, "why, Just consider the matrimonial market Man fs quoted at a high figure in that only when he has a title, while ' woman brings the top price without one." "Oh, well." he said to himself as be slammed the door behind him, "what a the use of arguing with a woman any how?" Chicago Post. ' Saaplcloas of It. ' "Do you , believe In the segregation of the Bexes? asked Mrs, Oldcastle. ' . "Well," replied her hostess, "I can't say as I do. Joslah's kind of taken with it, but there's so many of these new notions coraln' up tbat I'd rather wait and see bow they turn out first. Of course, I believe In vaccination, be cause everybody knows that's all right,-but I'd hate to let a child of mine get segregated unless It was the last hope." Chicago Record-Herald. Kn TresMe aa to His name. After hnv'.riK called nine or ten times the man wii'ii the bill was fortunate enough to find his victim in. ' "This ts Mr. .Ardupv Isn't it Y' he said. "OrvHit-rdupr, - - " - "Is. Yon seem to know my name. ail i'l .h'." ' ' MC!i, 1 r -'inember your name well cn': .i I. your rac? that generally t'scp s nil ." -Chicasro Tribune. Of Caaraa Not. "What do yon think of Camfer's new venture?" - "What is be doing now?" "le bns invested in a wax works ag gregation and is traveling about the country with it" 'Pshaw! Of course he hasn't a liv ingshow!" , r :. .Aa I'aaal. : !':: 'Good morning, sir," said a stranger accosting Rip Van winkle, as -the lat ter came down out of the mountains frpm'hls twenty year sleep, and bow are you feeling this morning?" "i am reeling cum very bum, re plied Rip n tbe usual grumbllug way of mankind. "Why. I tiever Blent -wink aU night." Boston Post ' ; Hla View of It. 'Yon are not calling on the colonel's daughter now. I understand," said Hunker to Spatts. ?. i "Did she dismiss you?" ' "Oh, ua I received an honorable discharge." Detroit Free Press. Love and "A woman." she Finance. said, "gives all or nothing." 'And she takes." he replied, "all she can get." . . , But then, they had been married many years, and a millinery bill bad just come In. Chicago Post The Limit. ' J:rs. ' rnifoa-rWty. I . thought "your t'e i' t was white! Le f.'frie-fo te was, but I la! 1 : l i 1 I vn to i ttcb this drc A Perfect t erablnarioa. i t" 1 mnrrj?" . i , r '"') i 1' t it was a !" J a t.id case of gout" ; WISE ATTACKS THE COIISTITDTIOIT ? YIRGHfllEEFCRE CISCCIT CCUST Irgaes 1J9 MditUctlsa of tis Cca . , stitaticnal Ccaitstica. . Richmond, Vau Nov., '28. Tbe case brought by John S. Wise, on behalf of certain colored complainants, to restrain tbe state Roard of Canvassers from Is suing certificates of election to tbe mem bers of congress elected In the last con greeslonal election; and to Invalidate the new Virginia constitution was called In Ibe United States Circuit court at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, . Chief Justice Ful ler presiding, and Judge Waddiil siting with him. Attorney-General Anderson and Mr. Frank Christian represent the Commonwealth-! . -: Mr. Wise opened for the complainants ' and was still speaking when court ad journed. , Up to that time the trend of tbe Chief Justice's queries to counsel was agafnst Mr. Wlae. The latterre contention that the constitution was vitiated by tbe re fusal of the members of tbe conven tion ; to take the oath, led the Chief Joetlce to ask If the convention was not a convention de facto. To tbe argu ment that complainants were without remedy as to certain matters, tbe Chief Justice asked If Virginia did not bave a supreme court , , ""' Lack aaT llaaiaesa, ; - Luck tapped upon a cottage door, . . ? A gentle, quiet tap. And Lailness, who lounged within, Tbe eat upon bla lap, .. Stretched out hla alippera to the fire And gave a aleepy yawn. ' "Oh, botherl Let him knock again," F , He aaid. but Luck "was gone, ' Lack tapped again, more faintly a till. Upon another door. . -' Where Inuusiry waa hard at work Mending bla cottage floor. The door waa opened wide at once, .-i "Come Int" the worker cried, t And Luck waa taken by tbe band - And fairly pulled Inside. . Be Stilt fa there a wondrous gueat " From out whose magic hand Fortune flows fast, but Laziness Can never understand Bow Industry found such a friend. " . "Luck never came my way!" : j He afgha and quite forgets the knock . Upon bla door that day. , -St. Louis Republic. The City. Twilight above the church's dome; ' ' The cover of tbe night cornea down, - ' And along tbe waya of the swarming ' town ' . ' The crwda at dusk are haatenlng home. A thoueand lights are strung along ' ' ' The brawling, bustling thoroughfares. And above the yell of a hawker's wares Hand organ music and shrilling song. . Midnight along the city atreet ; ' " The glare of lamps and the flash of gems. Fair, proud women with trailing hems Wealth born and gutter . born, passing, meet Laughter and roses and dying mirth, A cloak wrapped close round her scent ed' hair; ....... In a darkened doorway mumbling there A beggar la crouching close to earth. - ... '. .:'. Gray, cold dawn o'er the stretching roofa; Silence along the empty atreeta; No aound. no stir the atrained ear greets Save the trick track of a horse's hoofs. Ghostly and targe through the misting rain, ; , :.,'. :.' -:. , ; ; . . . , A market wagon and rumbling carta; : A ehrill blown whistle, the city starts. Awakes, thrills, throbs and. tolls again. Mary F. Faxon in Boston Transcript Ta My Native Laad. .. Imperial people, full of wealth and power, A nation chosen from Jts natal hour. Whose commerce penetrates the farthest : seas.''' .' j 'i '. i. -!;S.! -. v . Whose, starry emblem floats on every, . 4reexe, In every age may justice grace thy halls. Truth. , equity and- freedom guard thy walls; To unending time may thou protect anj ' blesa ' The poor, the widow and the fatherless. And through revolving centurlea still be Ever the home of valiant men and free; A land where honor, manhood, honest '' -Worth.' Claim rightful precedence o'er wealth and . birth; , i Thy children dowered with every grace of heart - " -,; -: . That binds and crucifies the baser pan; tail lead, mankind, and foremost in tbe van , Put down the brute and elevate the man; Deacon light upon the rock bound ' strand. . i Far ahining from the harbor, ever stand To guide humanity, my native land! , Chicago Inter Ocean, . TU Ilea so a Why Bald an owl to a fly . Passing dolpfiiMv hv "Pray rest awhiie, matin m. aiiu ten tnm your irouuia I'm wise as birds po And perhaps 1 woui.i know If your sorrow Is we:; v;ty Or B-n-ply a bubble," Vo'"r Hr.l !i. I t-sv." F ' 1 t-.e fv, -i t !' 1 !".,. t n'v ey-'s ft .- . - iMiiii. r ov r i , A n.i think, if v.-.j i t hit c" .st ! 1 ' t. ' I I i. - ' . 1 ! -S. S -. I : ' -V,". "" v if i.i ., i Of h( T.