Xinston js? ! 'TrsValafcs aidV TkAlHI AKRJTK AND MATE. A. ft N. C, East, 8.58 a. m., to New Bra only; 422 p. m. Wsst, 10.13 ft. m., 'SJ8 a m , 7.87 p. m. A. C L., north 7.30 a. n., south, 4.45 TIB HAILS. Closs, A. C. L., north, 7 a. id; A. ft. N. C. 20. eat, and 9.40 a. m, wsst; 4,00 p.i mtt', Q.30 went Opon Irom wsst D.85 a. n , from east lo w; a. s.ia p. 1 ,om wsst; 7.45 p. m. from east. m., 1 9 IRfnaton Iftfnetoscope Moving f Picture of Dally Evnts Street Happening Subscribers to the telephone system are requested to change on their lists tie name of Jim Rouse to N. J. Rouse. liarrlatrs license was Issued at the register's office here yesterday to Jobn 11. Hood and Battle Singleton, of Lenoir county. , The lowest register of the thermometer 'lor tbe winter so far reported wae this morning, being eight degrees below frees- lng point ' 1 Tbe Ashing and bnntlng party com posed of Messrs. B.F.II111, W.E. Par rott and Dr. Wo. Edwards returned abla morning from Barelock. "Nothing iolng." The switchboard of the telephone com- J pan av mis piace is uuw iuii. m. sw section bar been1 ordered which is expected to a tew days, ' The total nam "twr of 'phones how on tbs list Is 300. Elenor Vale, tbe 19-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Pitt-nan, died this morning about 7 o'clock of pneumonia. Tbe remains will be Interred In the ceme tery tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. On account of tbs holidays tbe A. ft N, C railroad 111 sell round trip tickets from all stations at on and a third first Wat tare, beginning December 16th to January 1st, lncluslre, good to return otu January 8rd. He, tt. N. Cowan left this morning fcr Durham to attend tb ' Baptist ' 8 tat exmrsntion. - Iters. C W. Blanchaid sutdB. W. 8pilman are tb other de)c gates from the Klnston church to tl tonrentlon and they are In attendai" e. Papers hare been received from Got. Ayoock grantiug a special term of Lenoir ounty court, beginning the second Mon ftay la January 1003, and to continue until all the business of the court shall be disposed of. Only cItII actions will be 'Irled.' -w . " : Major 8anderlln and Charlie Avery both colord. had an altercation this Morning back of Chestnutt's bar, San oran Claiming tnat ATery had taken a revolver belonging to the former. Avery atenled it and alter some "fussing" let fly rant upper cut. sanderiio made a football tackle and while " embracing Arery knifed him In the sldo. Sanderlln broke away, leaving a severe, but not serious wound. ' . Mr. J. C Chestnutt, who conducts a bar on North street, was before Mayor Webb 1 this morning on a v warrant brought by Policeman Taylor, charging aim with running a disorderly house. Messrs. E. R. Wooten and L. R. Vareer 'were attorneys for Cnestnuttv After lis tening to argument the mayor ruled that tb warrant was not brought un der any ordinance and dismissed the . Service this evening at 7:30 o'clock In St. Mar 's Episcopal churca, sermon by the Rev. Mr. F. H. T. Horefleid of Golds boro. Also services tomorrow morning 'at 10:80. Public cordially invited to all service. Amongst those who are in at tendance at tbe Convocation, are the Rev. Messrs. George of Newbern, Hugbee of Fayettevllle, Skinner of Clinton, Dick inson of Wilmington and Horefleid of Goldsboro. Others are expected this afternoon. ... Tb following juror have been drawa for tb special term of court January 12th. J. H. Dardea.Jr., J. 8. Brown, J. W. Hanee, Denant Alphine, H. L. HU1, (i. B. Kll patrick, W. T. Htnes, J. F. Bar wick, 8. L. Fordham, J. B. Holland, W. L. ArthurJ. P. Joyner, A. L. Dawson, J. H Fatten, E. C. Hunter, R. W. Sutton, 'II. J. Bryan, C, E. Johnson, Zack How ard. K. M.Herrtnr, A. R, Button, John W. Foes, Fel'x W'haley an J J. T. Al- drtdge. ' , ' ; ,-... v - ; A western editor coms at bis delin quent subecrlbers id th follnwlng m in en "Ton may approximate the stars In a nail keg, hang the ore an on a vrap vlne to dry, wipe the no of a cyclone with a towel, cut oil the tall nd of a tornado for a keepsake, put tne sky la the ground to soak, unbuckle tbe belly tndof eternity and open up the sun en 1 moon be&Ith reeorte, but never la d.Saiel with tLe idea that you can t 'tf rt tbe ether slIe of purgatory If you d'5'tr'yf rryocrrTr." Continued Story of jCocal Events (Purely Personal Items About People JjVhoCome and Go Mr. 8. H. Ieler, Sr., went 16 GoldsDoro this morning. . Miss Maggie Griffin, of New Bern, came this morning' to visit at Mr. N. B, Moors'. Mr. Geo. W. Best, of Seven Springs, took the care here thle morning, return ing home. Mr. Ed. Galloway, of Snow Hill, after pending a few days retained home this morning. Mr, Richard VTooten, after spending a abort while in Klnston, left this morning for LaU range. Mi, MuGeacby and son, Master Wie ner, of Ralelgb, who bad been vtelttng her sister, Mrs. John Hlckson, Jr.,- re turned home thle morning. Mr. D. P. Daughertr, well known throughout Merer and Sumner counties W. Va.. most likely owes his life to the kindness of a neighbor. He was almost hopelessly afflicted with diarrhoea; when attended by two physician who gave him little, if any. relief, when a neighbor learning of nl ennouecondltlon, brought him a bottle of Cbamberllan' Colic. Chol era and Diarrhoea Kercady, which cured him in less than twenty-four hours. For sal by J. E. Hood. BOCKERS. A big shipment just receiv ed with ' ' . Leather, Willow and Cane Bottoms. Make your home more pleasant and attractive. We will help you. ! QUIHH & CDILLER. K1NHTON, N. . STBrHm W. Islu. HBmiv E. Shaw, ISLER & SHAW, ATTOUNEYS-AT-IVW, KlNSTON, N. C. Grecna, Josm and OmIcw. Also ia Superior and Higker courta. Loani Bgxliatd and patent ngnu aacona. Beirs Shops No. jio E. Blout St, KlNSTON S.C. New Farm Carta for sale cheap for cash. Repairing of all kinds from a Jewsharp to a log cart done with neatness and dispatch. aapactfallr ' JA8. H OELL PHONK NO. ii NOTICE I Special Term of Superior Coirt Notice is hereby given to all per sons concerned, that there will be held a special term of the Superior Court fof the county of Lenoir, N. C. , for the trial of civil actions only, to begin on the second Monday in January, 1903,' and to continue until all the business of the- court shall be disposed of. All suitors and witnesses heretofore interested and subpoenaed to attend the reg ular terms of the Superior Court shall attend said special term with out further notice under the same rules and penalties as are prescribed for regular terms of the Superior Court. This December 10th, 1902. HENRY TULL, C. B. C. : COMING ! The Greatest Success of i the Season Opeta House . THREE SIGHTS. Commencing Thursday. Dec. 11th, i n a iin and a big Company of Ameri can and E.:rcpean UERRY TAKERS. SPECIAL NOTICES the reonrs WAirrcnmsOTratf Si. liaei so Cnarc leas Hum 10ej To Let, for Bale, Help Watte Worlt TTaated; Article. pt cAaafe, Xoet, TommA, BewarSta. eke.) v-XMAS NUMBERS OP ALIvTHEMAG- ;tffl KmsToif Coin ft Book Exchavoi, . IDoe.W. (fraayMBf. WANTED AT ONCE A COMPETENT Job Printer. Must edmsf welt recom mended. ' - T Kinstox FvbIj, Co. HOLIDAY GOODS, L A RG E8T 8TOCK greateet variety and tb prettleet good- ever snown at tne Karket etore.. Mle Erskine In buying tbe stock made a moet beautiful and ueeful selection. Dolls and an endleee rarlety of toys, Chinaman, ornamental articles, leather goods, burnt wooa ana ieatner articles. ; ueat variety of picture. And every thing at lowest prices. Prldgen'a Block, opposite Citizens Sivlnge bank. TWENTY-FIVE RESON8 FOR BUY. Ig h high speed ' Standard" Rotari Siiuttle Twoln One Sowing Macbln. makes 175 stltube while others make 100. Only one reason for buying any otter Machne, vis: it la cheaper. But there Is more difference in tbe quality than in tbe price. " J,, A. McDanikl. ft'e have tbe following: The Leopard Spots, Lily of Fran. 9, Donovan Pa ha, Tb Gentleman from Indiana, Hearts Courageous, Tb Vultures. When Knight hood was In Flower, Castle Crawey Crow. Ti Battle Ground. Mr. Wlggrof of the Cahetf Patch. A all wilt con-vin-e you that we carry everything that an up-to-date book store should. . . . Klnston Coin ft Book Exchange. Thos. 8. Grady, mgr. BORSK SALE-ONE . GOOD DRIVE and work horee. Cheap to a quick buyer .,,. . . Mr. W. A Bobblt. Acid Iron Mineral (Natures own Rem- ady.) ' TtMPLK-MABeTON Dhco Co. t Agents, FOR RiNT-FOBTY OR FIFTY acres of pasture land, well fenced, and twenty acres of farming land. J. G. Cox MEALS 8ERVED CONVENIENTLY at meal hours by H. C. Bailey fn rooms up stairs on (jueen street. No. 21454 K)K 8ALE.-A NEW 5 ROOM DWEL- llng hi mss and lot in the growing town of Dovr. Rant of the house will pay 20 preent Interest or Investment. Apply to wto. a, wiison, uover, et. u. BAMBOO G( ODS AT RACKET STORE Special prices. Mnste cabinets, book eases, taoM. taboretres. corner brackets, bang ing paper racks and easele. Pridgen's tJiocK, opposit titisins Having Bank.. Ordinary coogh remedies ara dangerous to give babies, Anways Croup 8yrnp is made for children coughs and eronp and colds and wll certainly cure them. Ask to see testimonial 25 cts at J. E. Hood. Your Breakfast-Table Will be well supplied If you trade at the Up-to-Date Grocery. My Stock of t ble delicacies is com lete, at d , I invite your inspection of same Breakfast Chocolate, Breakfast Buckwheat, "Force," and in fact every' thing that is to be, found in a strictly first class city gro cery Is found at my place. Call or 'phone, and goods will be quickly delivered. W. D. LaRoque, Jr. Up-to.Date Gkocbs, KISSTON. .C NOTICE! The undersigned, under cora- mission of the board of directors, invite proposals for lease , or sale of the property, including good will of The Free Press, of The Kinston Publishing Company. All propositions must be in the hands of the committee on or be fore the hour, of to o'clock a. pi., of December 15th, 1902, and pro posals for lease may be for the term either of '4, 12, 24 or 36 months. Each proposal for lease must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, and each : proposition to purchase by certified check for One Thousand Dollars, as a guaranty of good faith, to be ; surrendered upon rejection of proposition, or in the instance of an accepted pro posal or proposition, upon the due execution of the contract of lease or sale according to thg terms and conditions of acceptance. T- All proposals or propositions will be subject to inspection by this committee, and will be referable with or without recommendation to the board of directors of The Kinston Publishing Cpmpany. , ; The right to reject any and all bids, propositions or proposals is reserved. - . ' Kinston, N. C, Dec. 6th, 1902. . J. F, TAYLOR, C. F. HARVEY, K.J. ROUSE. Conmrittee. JfijkrCiasi Cl0ihtr from JVaJ to 00$ On iPrfo Only You Heed Hof Think. Li - t ; Come here and wewillthlnlcfor you, suggest and show oua great many t h I n gs suitable for Christmas Presents for boys, young men , and old men a well They are here in endless va riety. $ Quinerii, Jfinsion, ty, C, 102 S. Queen S. , Phone 7, ARTHUR HARRCLL, . MNt. W. t. PA R ROTT, Ph. G. , M. D PHYSICIAN AMI 8URGEOM, : KnteTON, N. C. Offiob Houbs: 0 to' 10 a. m. o v p. m. Telephone calls: Hones 24. Office 78' I)R8 F. A. &R. A. WHITAKEB PBYSICIANS AND SURQEOKsi : KINSTON, K. C - Offloa oa Qbm Mraat, two doon aoata el I. e Graingar'a. . . . . f Onaartha ethw nay ba feud at iba oSca am 9 a. at, tela, m, ........ . .-:J..... TJ10, Central JJarlcet - We have opened a new market, No 104 Queen St., NEXT TO S. A. QUINERLY'S. And will sell FRESH MEATS of all descriptions. Our market will be run in" an up- to-date manner. Everything about it will be fresh and dean. Prompt and careful service will be given to all orders. We solicit a trial. ' Dressed Poultry will be made a specialty. Free delivery to all parts of the city. Phone No. 182. HOLTOM & KENNEDY. SUDDEN CHANGES O 5 O of temyerature have killed . people, and that's why youf stove ,is im portant. ' . ft Cole's 0MCIJ1L Hot Blast Stoves Keep the temperature even The house is always the same, aay ana nisni. inis is De- cause they burn all the fuel and radiate all the teat - The Fire is Never Out. ; fi r "i?r- rv 111 i-m I 't v J mm I ) . . - . , mm . Two items to be sold this week at a sacrifice. No. i. 56 inch Broadcloth, 1 Shades in stock are Garnet, ; Green, Brown, Tan, Navy, Mode and Reseda. Price "all season $ 1.50, for this sale :VV-' -V, ' $1.19 Per Yd. No. 2. Corduroy (for Waists or Suits) in Tan, Rose, Light; Blue, Cream, Brown and Black. Good value at our regular price of $1, for this sale 69c Per Yd. I is less, than a month best to away. lis choose your GIFTS EARLY. You can secure the pick of the store, and you can have the en graving done before the : rush starts; .' " 4 " ' ' Any article desired not ; in stock will be ordared 1",: 0 I'HB IEWELEP IT'S A FACT! WHAT? You ran get a Thhfii nniicn .1 UU I II UIIUUII hood's Drug store that will not Shed, if it does you get a cew odo FBEE OP CHARGE. J. E. HOOD. Bargains In Books, FOR! ChrislmasPresents. Ifr8. Herman's Poems, 08c. Treasures of the Bible, 98c. Our New Possessions, 98c. Life of Admiral Dewey, 98c. Hero Tales, 98c. . Fighting in Africa, 98c, . KINSTON COIN ND BOOK EXCHAI1GE,; V fie. 223, Qaaaa Straat, " Children's Rcofcr Jac!:ots COST AT 1 n .::nson a a a w . w w a Jq Also a beantif J line of FURS and LADIES'. WAIST FLAN NELS. Our Line of Millinery Stock is complete in every detail. J. r:.S7EPII xxxxxxxxxxxxx M ?t ) .'. to TihW it ill BigSton?, $ H M M M M H M w M & s s . M M e H M M ' M V M . M s H 8 -8 ' ri P f The 8 Great 5'Fnr Safe H is on in full blast and we're J making the "fur fly." W .n.l..i . r Jl 11 M iX VICIIU1I1C KCUULIOll 01 .25 off I is offered on all Furs in the Store and you yet have the chance to choose from several, of the choicest pieces. Too, much warm weather, and too H manv Furs is the onlv reason.- all . . 1 M Tne stocfc is new every JJ piece bought this season 5 1 w 5 jejrjoiuiN, in. xxxxxxxxxxxxx U7II0 cam-: SAID Dies? T in V t A-1 t Ji's Useless I to hide the fact that - we'ie mighty anxious I for your Candy Trade. - We Want ? t all Customers we can get and wil i i guarantee each individual " at-1 tention and satiefaction, botn as' . A Cargo all kinds - It t Jhresh l o-day. J Temple - Harstun's f Drug Ston ' BRICK . BLOCK 1 Agents for Hawkes' Glasses. FUE1S! 'FOE58! ' ..FBDSli Not the cheap Trashy . .s. - kind but good ones at prices that are within the reach of all. 7 i ) n an vl ) if Jh l Vv4 V 4 M i M M 1 JN M M M M N M

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