a, .:' ,- , Interesting t Features J (Medicine;: By Ce Thomas PiJanwr. ML D. V.-What a Glance Tells a 'X. :-H Doctor. f1;.-'.- - Jn HE laity has - always labored i if t under 4be Impression" Stltat .'. therapeutics, tb. application x' of agencies to cure, disease, is the greatest study of the physician. To be sure, tt 1 In this .brsocb, of the art that the medical man Is of the most practical use to the public, and yet the cure, of disease bo regards as one of the least attractive and , one of the Jeast scientific of the many branches. V To the well trained medical man the fathoming of the processes of Nature 8lr James Young Simpson. (One of the first users of chloroform as . aa swesthetic. and the detection of the cause and the nature of disease , are tbe Interesting : and Important considerations. ' Tbe ' . means of cure are matters of record ' - and matters of precept, while In each case the diagnosis Is a fresh problem capable Of solution only by the appli cation of knowledge, keen observation and correct reasoning. The textbook may tell him what to do for any given disease, but he must determine the ex istence of that disease by the exercise . of bis own powers. . ' , ' There may be "born" diagnosticians to whom tbe secrets of Mature are dls closed through some peculiar inherent quality, but usually the power of di agnosia comes to. him who cultivates ' - the faculties common to all Intelligent men. , , ,,-.' , The physician with a glance at your tongue tells you that your digestive tract Is disordered, not because he sees It through your open mouth ans" throat nor yet because he can de 1 tect the "barnacles upon your liver" through the thickness of your waist- , coat. lie has learned his lesson from precept and experience. , It Is not always the most rapid diag- ; nostlcian who Is best, but "snap" diag- nosis Is an attractive thing to the pa- : tient. and he likes to tell of the powers of the physician wsflo reaches a diagno sis in nre seconas without asking a question. Such a diagnosis Is often : proved false by more deliberate exam lnatlon, and yet a glance may tell the well trained ..doctor,: as "much as he ' could' learn in an hour by word of mouth; : .. J v, ',,' ; The pufflness which we often notice below the ; eye Immediately suggests disease of the heart or kidneys, and the man who comes up a i short flight of stairs puffing and, blowing and at the same time has this pufflness under . the eyes Is put down as a heart disease case on the first glance of the doctor also the man who. has' the puffy eye and whose skin gives off the character istlc odor easily detected by the nhysi , clan is at once put down as a Sufferer from faulty kidneys. ' J In districts in which malaria la com mon a glance at the yellow skin of the emaciated face of the patient, estab- X' . - v y ' Dr. VSi:,:am A. Hammond. l no won t ime us surpoon pnral of th Unit. J . '.at.-8 army. J : t a dta gnosis of ci.i jt :;, la a n-J r. "ow ..:te ttV.e c : -" r-- I vi ' -1 . ; . , 1 1': Ucs ia a iiiOt larla, w t"e t'. t;. - ( t t'. a I '-ft t' 1 i t Mom face la puffy, whose eyes are watery and whose nose la running can be. adjudged, even In the Absence of eruption, aa ;.a Tlctltn of jneasle, es pecially W'here the disease Is prevalent and the season favorable, while the marked sore throat and general red ness of the akin will cause a diagnosis of scarlet ferer at first slcht S I The patient- who Ilea fn one fide. V breathing laborious., "with a Aright red spot oi"ltUer -cheek, U under sus picion of p leumonla, a diagnosis verl- aed , If Jbe doctor has. eea .the blood sUmedV: sputum In th vessel ; at toe bedslde. ' The- patient who while-very til must be bolstered up by manyplllows that be may breathe with freedom is suf fcring from some heart trouble. It jf V 8 we see that the doctor has innny ,well marked signs which make dit-gno sis at a glance in many cases very easy matter and a knowledge of Which deprives the art of ranch that other wisi would seem almost superhuman Aside from the diagnosis of actual dlse.ise, there is much that a single look can teach tbe doctor of the social status, manner of life and habits of htm who solicits professional aid, and these things all go to aid in proper diagnosis and proper trratment, The soft white, hands of the fat and well groomed man,' together with his high color on slight exertion, tell of a sedentary life, with liberal diet, so often productive, of poor elimination and consequent rheumatism, gout and kidney troubles, while 'the," unsteady band, flushed face and shabby or care less attire of the alcoholic bespeak a liability to nervous disorder, to kidney disease and pneumonia, The facial grimaces and quick, rea sonless movements of a child tell of a highly organized nervous constitution which may give way under strain to St Vitus dance, epilepsy or a kindred nervous disease. The stained fingers betray . the constant cigarette smoker and' tbe tobacco laden breath him who smokes too much. ' The tanned face, the calloused hand and wrinkles are Indicative of hard labor and battles with the elements. It Is these things, coupled with tbe story of the patient or of his friends Sir Frederick Treves. (Who performed tha operation on Kins Edward. which go to make tbe diagnosis. 'A few striking symptoms simultaneously discovered by the quick sight of the doctor will at once Justify the diagno sis. : ' It is the power of the physician to observe minute detail, to put two and two together and to learn a lesson from each symptom which makes the ding nosticlan. : There - is no special gift which makes one capable of the deter ml nation of the character of disease. Diagnosis Is the natural faculty of nun wno nas a comprenensive glance and a logical mind, together with am ple knowledge of medical facta It is' the one respect In which the physician may exhibit the skill which makes him greater than his fellows, and It is but natural that it is the standard bv wtucn a man's place in the profession Is measured. Copyright. 1901 by Lewis D. Sampson. The Army Baby's PerIL . ' The following story is told of an in cident that occurred when the f ult blown rank of the army doctor was still a novelty. The wife of Captain de Smythe, whose baby was in the throes of teething, wrote to the garri son doctor as follows: Dear Dr. PhilCTave I ehould be slad If you couia come round and ee my iaby uu afternoon, aa the Door darling la ha v. a Ing- a f,-ool deal of trouble with his teeth. lours very truly. AXOEUNA DE SMYTHE. P. S. Fleas truiz your lancet She received in reply the foliowln: letter: Colonel I'h'.'prave presents his cofnj.'i- mf-n-.s to Airs. !e fcmytha an.l bees to In- rm htr that he canriot regar.i any com- on a-1 trcss.j to lr. 1 hi. fur hiiii8if. rrae as .j i tie L ' ? of I a c ) -'ii . i r 1 f it J mm OUR HIGHWAYS." Oaael Ewii ladlrate lraajra -wise -- aa Narrow Tires. , Jbe subject .of ,xhI roads Js aa alt American subject, but it is one wblc!j should be of uiost interest to those sect tlons whicu have lven It the least at tention." Katurojly the best built and fh bqst maJntalued 'roads are W Us iWkjts where there are many people, and niucb- stone. '' Hot good toads do not come always because, the region they traverse Is populous. A region some times becomes populous because there are good roads. Then, again, trier are aiau iwub iu if.. Kium f.i if. fa- In districts where the roads ought to be goods Good roads in a neighborhood indicate, progress. , They result . from progress, and .they promote progress. They are both cause and effect , Well kept - highways constitute a theme which has engaged the attention of many more persons In the last decade than in any previous one. - - Improved highways have promoted the extension of rural free delivery, and this delivery has aided In the de- , A BAP TO !BOSrfcBITT. - velopment of better toads, says the Washington Star. The buggy was o benefit to highways. A road good enough ' for mounted horsemen v and horsewomen, as so many of our prede cessors traveled, was not good er.ougl. for a buggy. .When the" bicycle, im proved the roadways! A highway good enough for a - buggy was not good enough for a bicycle, and thousands of wheelmen rolling through the country did campaign work for the betterment of roads. They told the country folk, and Insisted on it, too, that their road were not as good as some others. This was missionary work, because It Is a phenomenon of country life that a man always thinks the road be lives on it very good or at least not so bad as some others. As the bicycle helped along the good cause, bo will the automobile or the traction carriage. Automobillsts want - - --iini -1 i i 1 1 HINES BROS. LUMBER COHPANY, Mills located at Junction of A. ; , kinston; We aanafsetara rough and dnsMd KJla-tMed bnOding paiputn bdndisg Moldiogt, afoldad Casiogs sad Baa. Hand Ratb, Stair RaiU. JCtc W msk laths, Shlagtas, Tobacco Stick and Bad Slats) sad get oat mstarul for Tobaccorlogshsad, Mwtl sad Cabbage Rons. We era slwsyt h the etsrkM for Lamber, Ugt andStsadiag Timber, for which w pay Cash et awket.Brimv It with tobeyoissll e.di our word aorspneioa tha gold ; . J. E. LATHAM S CO., New Bern, Kinston, Goldsboro. Members NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. Rt.nr.lrP. Cntt n Trftin . direct wr ea irfm iN a Instant aneoua Q ntan made direct on th Information cheetuUy or wan. If You Want The It . . This raean3 an Srcreiue in heaticg power and a decrease in coi sun ption of fLeL It i3 a j erfoct Hoc r warmer, distributing beat through all part3;ot the fuel required by any thor V 4 5 2 ! I m ore 1 5 Pcrf cct Eco n o my 1 1 lSrrry farmer should help a little nalnff Itmml tired m-heela. ' Thtno whwhl not only do not rut the roads, but help t,o maintain them. 'A hroad tired wheel ought to bear s mora ' weight without strain than one with a narrow tire. There la no more .friction In the use of a broad tire on a smooth road than In the use of a narrow tire on a rough one, A committee of automobjllsta: re- J porting recently on ew Tbrk roada, i "It la 'worse than; uselewi ' to create expensive and valuable highways only to have them cut to pieces by -tbe use Of narrow tires, aa now used for the hauling of heavyr loads In this state. When you have got a good thing; It costs money, and yon must take care of it and change your methods to mala tain lt Wide tires are of the greatest value In preserving ordinnry dirt roada." A:n4vW ir& HIGHWAY ACROSS COUNTRY The Maradamlara Jlaad From Jfi . York tm Calrag-o.- The movement for tbe building of a macadamized highway from New York to Chicago Is certainly deserving of success, says the Cleveland Leader. Anything that Is designed to Improve the country roads of any part of thf Lnlted States ought to be encouraged. for the greatest obstacle In the way of the successful development of tbe ag ricultural regiona of tbe country today Is the difficulty experienced In travel ing over the highways in certain sea sons of the year. ? V . 'j he movement for good roads was given considerable impetus ' several years ago, when n great army of wheel riders began to clamor for improve ments lu the highways, and much was accomplished lu various sections of tho country through the efforts of thr wheelmen's organization. The era?.; for bicycle riding has Rbated, however and one force In the good roads move ment bos been lost ; The men back of the Now or:CW cago highway project are, of ci.ui'Sf Interested ! In . automobile, cltht r t manufacturers or , uwrs of horseless vehicles, and they cannot be said, to b: free from an Interested motive. Thai should make no difference, lunvever. The contemplated ImproventtMit .wonli? be of great benefit to tlw eoimtVy, niv?; If ways and means can be pro fdc'1 the' project should be carried t!.r'r.irh. This country ought some day to have as good country ron ds n h ii re ) o : 1 found in France, fJcnnavy and othci European countries in which the lniikl ing of highways has Ireen cirrlcd ou sclentlflca 11 y for xcrrs. & $T. C. and A. r. L. Railroads, : is. c. Pfn Laaber ai evtry doeripiior cosubobJ m1 fot steataad gatear pikes Ws try to deal sonar ti. Priaioc "Dr.?., v a viiuwua, y ,o w t , x oris, ana Chicago ns. . ' A 1 tjransac'inn EXCHANGE. -Market given by ?hone. Win Best Heater Buy "bfciULtlORE" . A Scllnioro pocccccos the Good ; Reaturea of a Down Draft, Hot Blast, Ba Heat ing AIR TIGHT HEATER. ad rccm, ithor.t-ha'f the Etovo. Try cno'.'' 3" ' V luuigasbioq is vilvo csusea Dyover Ml At 1 . A eaung. ab eminent autnority say the harm done thus exceeds that from the excessive ate of alcohoL . at all the good food you want but don't over load the atomach. weak stomach may refuse to digest what yon eat. Tbea you need a good digeatant like Kodol, which digeste your food with out the stomach's aid. This rest and tbe wholesome tonics Kodol contains noon restore health. Dieting unneces sary. Kodol quickly relieves the feel ing ox ruinesa and bloating from which some people suffer after meala. ADSoioteiy cures indigestion. . - Ke&l Nature's Testa FrraaradoBlybvCO. DsWmao&.Oaleaee. XimIL ftoHMooatalasaii lUass thswo. sis. A..loriii, W.AMwcaau, 1T. OFTIN, MITCHELL & TARSER, Attos s bts- At-La w . ' Kimston, N. C. Office in Court House Ball d Ing: It Von Want a. Pamp Repaired r a new one pot down, or Awning? put tip nr a Sikrn painted fall on m at ttBLL'P SHOPS, t Ncb' east 'f A. fk N, C.'dettt.. Phone No. 115 r Bell's Shops No. )to S. Blount St, ' KINSTON N. C. New Farm Cartsjforjsalecheap for cash. .- Bepairi rig of all kinds from a Jewsharp ,to a log cart - done V'W'itli neatness anddispatch. ,; . " aaepcetfsOy JAS. H. DELL. PHONKNOiif. WANTED Yoa to write oa ftr price oa Fire proof Safes, Burglar Proof 1 Safes Time Locks, Vault Doors,' Deposit Boxes, etc. ' We will BareJIyot! money. O. B. Barnes Safe Co.; ' , Bo 22. Oreeaubore, N. C PIIOXE No.-132, 107 East . Oordon St. , Heating and Cook: StoTfls Repaired. , Pomps Driven, Pipe : and Repairs. Tii, Slate and r Iron Mt ofers.- Does your root need Daintini? r I can save you money. ' U1U.1. r na water weating T - a. A .... 1 . '- Ve . ' ''ere' . s flUmDinC. '1 OhAIVn K I1M and RtnvA Pipe, Cornice, Skylights, Finial Ventilators and Ridge Roll. XdmiDis rator Nouce. 'Tbe andenitaea having qnalineda Aaaimistra 1 or of the wtate of Heary Graea, deceaMd, all per. tor of the estate of Heary Green, deceased, all per. ens tiering claimi against said aetata are hereby ate are 'hereby adauoatratoi on nr artiea io itonake prompt nounca loexniut tn. ui to the adi or before the lth dav of Na,.W notice will b e Dlad ia bar of racanrw ncuieo to ssia estate are expected! to aiake oromDt Kinstea, K. C. Noveatber nth. loot. . .. w. a. ui-rrnFM AdaUoutrator of Hury Ureaa. dee'd asi avf Notice. Vorth Carolina f . - ' UnowCoaaty " Saperwr fart. ; Lacy Keavee TS. VIUMMM. ka hl.Cik. . Rearr Roaves I . i- : Heary Rcstm. tha dafeadaat ia na I action w h-reby required to auke hai apaearace ia the Superior Court, to be held aa Kia.tca. Lenoa- eaty, norta Carolina, oa the M Ucaday ia March , -"hw , uiee mpiaiaf et uu Coan iri O.U . 6n da, vUkTurm r-LATO Calliaa . Cbik Sapeiiar Ceart Administrator's ; Motice. The aadersix-ned havin. ou)it.il a. A I '',,ou afaioft ute4ate are ee'r- by aoiinnl I tOMhibitihesaiae trtb adaunatrator 00 or be-J will be plead m bar of ncoverr. Partin iafi.h I loaid wai are cpcted to nake prompt payanat. I auHn, a. v., ueceouer, 91b 195s. I Adiainatratoref Peck Savth. dee'd I Sal3 Cf TCV.'.T Lctfr P-riMF-n afcia bl lb.,,1 LUlvD ..riilU". Br entae of as order made by the Suneri rr Court, of Uaoir County, ca the it. day of Demhtr 190a. in a apeci.,1 p'ceedinj for th. aale of la d. for par'ition eruiti.d ' l.ra if Luchwurth ad-f E i-trhwotiiw Mxtfnrnfl ta Guyeala hill, Ijtj.arfe i- ui,-r ,- ,d . I oii-r for .... to tbe h,eht b -r o n, at the e-xi-t rouse dr. 10 K, m it.oul.in si iik ui da ctl I.. . . f ig oertied parcel of aJ. . . , HISS fcJftf?!?-????. ." HTe,;a - e n trie wn of K tim. Cuuniy t.t ..r anri town t i. anmf lit lut of r. C. I nd O'ans. inj bounded at MS ai - u.; . oft corner of i. C. oot-n'. . . ie-f Caswell street. o fe fr.,-, r ui I -i.- ...,., .,4 Cafwe!'. alre-i . - f n n, i--t. te-ce ra-i -1 - i - is, to caoweU s ret, 1: e Vi r 5 ul I tt'r-t . fet to tl e be, n- i . s d f ol I'- , KnrsToir business colleok. .' Tnlai rU for Colkf m Bwini iif. K Urg ud Mtracti bulling . 6it npr .Urf i Htutf, Hakk conditio wcwlMit. Likt tat tmcbi.'r totmi carnal wmpvtum Jot I , tbo, to, (io. LaarmqrAwtwa pm w . U a to tio. iiinni , Svoa (.fa- k , 3r?nt aTWol Sept laVo-f" " iW. XtLwm. . Elm Ihsr XMtstm &, siiaw; rv; ATTORN E YS-AT-LAW . KlKSTON, N. C. Pmctic ia cuaniic t 1 aair, Vim. , J maud Oaalo. Aha la pmfmm aa Hikr ra. agka aMnrad. MgatiMta U4 KCAPU.DI NE 2 CURES " t 5kk Headache. Nervousness, and $ Feverishness. t flo Bffett On thm Ht T ; Sold by mil Daugsiaaa, o 004004o-f04o4404f0-f04HI TUCKER BROS. WILMINGTON, N. 0. 1 The place to bwy your Cemetery Work at Bottom Prices in Foreign and Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best. Latest Designs. , All work delivered. . ALEX FIELDS. A gent in Lenor County . WAGONS. " X LARGE LOT OF AUOURFJ WAGONS. the best made, for sale, ( , A bargain, i Cash or good ' paper. ', , FIELDS & DECTOtl, Gordon Street, Ktasioa. X. C. - NORTOLK , OYSTERS Receive J daily ant , served in any style J. T. SKINNER'S. Phone 149. KINSTON. N. C. $764.00 b tbe actual uaraBte.l cash valaa ear 'k in twenty yean of oar Tmnrf-PayiMnt Life Ccacy, ag 35. raw $36 60. .; .....-.r'.. . . B virtus 01 ua faarantsad additions, thw tarn tract hon as arcrag. amount of inraranca ui force of $t,i75 00. Altaough 00 the regular twenty-pair form, it la by lu own guaranteaa fully paid op ia tixteta years. It loan Tslu.a are a liberal a they are a-r narla, and io add'ttoB to them we (usraatee special case valuea .. : ,. . , , .'.' Our Ordinary Lif. Poller, at re f 111 AT vai-M. L kerf . Its (Hartk raanfavM n.mlA nn f. , ' ' as vvaaw mh in uiuii vamra. Our 1 .uieres-rraiy OLresciai j "1 VI t . :. T a ' . MJ t? . :. 1 a ' "-v . 1 ftm- and bcttw iuQ Anrtiw bei.taiar otw. TUP OIHPir HTniT Tiro mnt tuu tavuiu autuau sum Utauu" AKCE COIflHI, ROOERS, Qen. Aft. THOMAS L. WILUNaHAfU Ssipt. el Agea, Merchant Tailorihh 'IS '' t4 i" '"':'-' r'.-'': . ' ."! - - u J ' ' -'I,'1" , - . ' i " -c , (f Re ognized style has rnajh ; Ao ? With '!& ;'bik s adTax cement ... . -' '. . .. . . ' We make the clothes that will uti a. man anywhere. The qnalitj I - matt rial . perfection of : cut. and Gaish. and the dressiness, whis. only tailored apparel has. are fca t tires upon whist we base a clalaa' lor your patronage. The newest' things in suitings and trouserings - Suits from $20.00 up. UUU3 II Hit ayU U e S. J. WALLS KEnnifAMT TAILOR. VH.U Zfc!3 TCW.l PlC"irV f'T . 1 ,kr'' J alwe lat Mr. W. L. Kennedy property on t proport 210,212.: Q0"1 et"Mt, lot Nob. 210, 212, 14, 218 aud 220 bulldhiRS and good t'm rdr All or a portion m.y be bought on rpaaoriab a terms. 2nd To fine bnildln lotson corner of LMlwaln and Cr'-ht itreet. , 3rd. Two etorT dw::ir? wilh e' :.,. roonse on llcllwain itrt. ind (rurn. Err!Vrt loc" n. 4tb. J'1eroom dwtnf ca I V.VU fnlK? fd ho:. C Z TOiU i - o five tr! f- ft 1- , -r .r,-- - i r (tl t' 1 jr. r t -,. IV r f . , fit 1( "f'.-: ... : I 1 - 4