1 '4 r Junston TsUUU ARX1TI sKO UUTB. , a a. v f. v... au toNsi Bora only; 4.33 p. m. West, 10.13 a. m., - 28 a.m., 7.87 p. m. ' " f :i ' A. C. L., nrtk) 7.80 tv. sxttb, 4.45 TIM Mill. om, 1. C L., north, 7 a. tn; A.A.N. a 2tV st, and 9.40 m. m, WMt;4.00p. m. stt, 6.30 WMt. Opsn lrum wsst 9.85 . rvtrom mm 10.20; . m., 8.15 p. m., ,om wttt; 7.45 p. m. from (Hi J imnsron IRfnetoscope -Mm & Moving f Pictures of , Dilly Event Street Happening 0 ' Thers was no serWcsj held at tbe Free Will Baptist church jestsrdaj on accooDt of tbs sickness of h pastor, Rev. J. W. AUurd. Th librarian of the Christian Sunday school asks that all book that have been taken from the library be returned next Sunday. . Cot. N. B. Whitfield waa at Capt. W. ; W. Carraway'a home, la Vance to wnshtp, ' rvstorday. He says the captain wai bet ter then. '-:-" There will be a meeting of the board of directors of the Klnston Publishing com. pany Wed need ay evening at 7:45 o'clock t Dr. OLD. Harper's office. Mr. Uobert Hodges, of sear Falling Creek, bat purchased part of tbe lot of JMr. Jeeee Loftln'e facing . McLewean atreet, and ) preparing to build a six joom, two-story boose, i;' &:?'J. Spot cotton fa Klnston today 8 cent. The aalea war- light on the Klnston market today though nearly five hundred baWe wh'ch were eold Friday and Bator day, were brought in. ' Hum Helen Kennedy's muelc elatf will tare dosing exercises Friday night from 7 to 9 o'clock. Only parent of the pupil a J afow Invited friend of tbe pupil will be entertained, . . , Rev. W. E. Brown returned Saturday from attending the Uethodlet conference .; at Wilmington, He will stay here until boot January lit and then leave for hi : new field at Pantego. Mr. Farrow GaaUns, of Uravencouoty , and Mia Nannie 8. Pate will be married at tbe home of the bride' parent, Mr, ' and Mr. Zack Pate, Wedneeday evening at 8 o'clock and will make tbl place their home. , Mr. J. E. Hardy pasaed through Klns- ' gton thla morning on hla way to Dover, Mr. Hardy enlisted In the United Bute army alx month ago and la now home on a twenty day tarlough to spend the holiday, Zilphla Elll,agood old colored woman, called by those who knew her, "Aunt Zllphla," died last week, and waa burled BaturJay. She waa just sixty-two year. She was considered by ali who knew her to bs one of the best colored women in Klnston. ' . Mr. A. Marka purchased tbe three brick tore of tbe Chaa. Dana property and iu getting possession of the bank was forced to obtain possession by breaking Into the building, or. have the sheriff do ao. He now has possession of the three etore. The Klnston graded schools will close next Friday forth Christmas holidays and open again Monday, Jan. 5, 1003. Interesting Christmas exercises are being Arranged la tbe primary grades for Frl day afternoon. A general Invitation to the public, though, cannot be given as there la not enough room at the school Toe next attraction at the opera house will be the Little Mary Crelghtoo Vaude ville company v which will occupy the boards Wednesday night," Dec. 17th. Thla attraction is said to be replete with Interesting feature and especially is the part Interpreted by little Mary Cretghton aald to be good. :';.::-A . ,vj , CoL John 8. Cunningham, president of tbe Tobacco Growers Association , of North Caroline, has called a meeting of tbe tobacco growers, warehousemen and all independent dealers in tobacco to take place at Rooky Mount, Friday, Dec 19. for tbe purpose of discussing plan's for toe growers' protection. . This Is a very Important meeting and should be largely attended by those cencerned from thla section.' ' ' ' ' I Rhodes' Military Instltnte will close Fif day for the holidays and npa iu doors again January 5. 1003. Four workmen are engaged in finishing up the bnlldlpg on tbe Inside now. The rooms bave not yet been plastered, but they have wt been celled overhead and wiJl be finished up as soon as possible.' The buIldiDg b conv?n!tnt!y arranged Inelde and has i' "'xt:y halls both for the young t:.n eni jo (!i!Vs. One hundred and are ln enrolled tL!s s- Wav bv fDau protallj Continued t Story of Xocal vont$ ii, Her.A. E. , JuJtrait prtKbd iti- Uit. well .sermon jto his, roogregalon at, th Methodist . cburcbT jeeterday,. and , will a few idsysfpr bis new charge Bmlthfleld. Mr. Coitran' preached, a strong sermon yesieraaywnjcn was ysry favorably eomentea npqn tj bit .near er. : He baa pumber of strong frlendx In this place who wflf regret his depar tore. ,.(... v;.,.4 ., .- , , t, n Mr. Frank Howard, of Pink Hill town sh(p, this county, brought a load of cot ton to Klnston today and sold It, taking ft to the A. AN. C depot to be weighed wniie waiting lor It to oe weighed bale of cotton, which waa being moved by Mr. Warren Kilpatrick, fell on blni and broke bis leg. Mr. Howard bad his back turned toward tbe Dale of cotton that waa falling on him and didn't know it until it was too late, wben it knocked him down, causing the fracture. He wa taken to Dr. F. A. Wbltaker, wbo ren dered the neefsnary medical aid. Mr. Howard suffered a great deal of pain, but no blame attaches to auy one as it was purely an accident. . PURELY PERSONAL. Mr. W. 0. Wooten went to Wlbon this morning. Rev. F. H. T. Horsfleld returned to Goldsboro this morning. Miss Sadie Harrison left this morning for Baltimore, Md. Rev. J. H. Griffith Jr., returned this morning from Goldsboro. Mr. J. R. Ball spent the day In Craven county. Miss Georgia Oxley, of New Bern, spent Saturday in Klnston with Miss Hattis Saunders. Capt J. C. Nelms, of Suffolk, Va., came Saturday and will bs in Klnston for sev eral months Mr. Derwood Dawson, of New York city, came Saturday to spend the boll- dajs with his parents. Mr. W. J. Slaughter, of Goldsboro. cams Saturday afternoon to spend a few days here. f . Mrs. Charley Bagley and Mis Irene Joynar, of Waahlngnon, N. C. cams yet terday to visit at Mr. 8. R. Dunn's near Klnston. &KV 'f ;( :: ; -'-'r;. ; Mr. Jie. Dawson, who has been at tending Rhodes' Military Institute wsnt to hi horns in Craven county, this morn' ing on account of sickness. Mies Anna Pearce and Misses Anna and L tte Banff, who have been vtalting at Mr. Henry Dunn's, left Saturday for New Bern. They are Just returning from trip to Greenville, Ala. Mlssea Carrie and Myrtle King, of Leaks ville, and Lacy Roberteon, of Chap el Hill, who bave been attending a house party given by Mies Clara Wooten, left this morning for their respective homes Notice ot Sale. By virtu of dvcra ' of Supiior tnoir county, entered and made in th of Atlantic National Maalt, of Wilmington, N againit th Gay Lamber Company, wa tht under s aned commiuionera will tell lor caah. at i o'clock. nooa, on the aoth day of December, tgoa, tbe follow. in property, to-wti in railroad tron compoaing and forminc and th laatthre rariea of it railroad ltudin Lenoir coanty. North Carolina, and ranni if from a point on Neus River, about f-a mile ubo Kiniton, N. C , toward Pink Hill, N. C. in aid coanty, being the last three milea of road built by aaid Cay Lumber Company, consul ing of about iso ton of T rail, alio all other rails laid on aid railroad or tram way line the loth day of June, JUeceotMr istn, taor L : 1.. V. MORRILL, ? T. C WOOTEN, ; -: . Commlaaioncn of Court YOUR MONEY only when it is safely IS' SAFE. invested,' . i Burglars can annoy you;". bad) loans may cripple you : speculation may ruin you. THE BANK OF KINSTON ; . r i . is saie uccuuse n is governea on a ' A i j . .' . conservative oasis. . n noias your money where you can get it quickly, and without danger of loss. ' " TEN TONS of fire and burglar proof safes are at your command. It costs you nothing, may saveyou much. Little Iary CreigbtoD, ; assisted by a strong com- ' pany of ' . HODivnnsis - - will appear at the ' OPERA MOUSE, Wednesday JJIht, Decem ber 17th, in a program of up-to-date special ties in Songs, Dances and other popular attractions, ' OPERA HOUSE Wednesday SI -lit, Decem ber nth. SPECIAL NOTICES the wonr s wAins tmissn mi 14si o Ckarve lees taast lOe. To tett Vor Sata, Help "Wwrt Work Waato. Articles tor Xx tktsf. teat, t eeBje war, e. FOR 8 ALE OR BENT. ONE EIGHT room bouse on Blonnt street. Apply to H. E MostXY, Klnston, N.C 12-15 J8t 3 1, w, . . ;; . FOB NEXT TEN 8 cts. for Turkeys. DAYS WILL PAT Hardt t DlWSON, Institute, N. C. FOR RENT. ONE rLAT CONTAIN Ing 9 good room, suitable for 8 or families. Over Dr. Woodley's Drugs rs. Apply to, J. C. Niuc. TO LET TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. A. R. Miller, WE ARE GOING TO P0BL1SH THE Booklet, monthly. It will give short re view of tbe new books, and will be dellv erert fwe on receipt of postal card re qutstlriflr ir. KiUHton Loin A tiook j.xcnang Tho. 8. Grady, marr. Ai1dl Iron Mineral (Natures own R-m edv l TKMPLK-MABBTOSt Dbpo Co, Agents. WBABGALVS IN BOOKS: CHARLES Dickens, set of ISvolonies, 115; Wash ington Irving, set of 10 volume,, f 10; John Ruskln, set ot 18 volumes, fid; Waverly Novels, f 7.50 to fis per set: Tbackery's works complete, 115; Padded Leather fopts,' si.au per volume; con fettl, 5 e-nts per hog. tret it at Kinston Loin uoi k 1-xch noe, Thos. 8. Grady .Mgr. No. 223 South Queen St. A NICE. MARE SEVEN YEARS OLD and buggy and harness (or sale at once. She has good qnalirfes, good tongh Ani mal. For Information see A. R. Miller. She weighs 000 pounds and easy to keep. See . Rtv. W. E. Brown. NEW SUPPLY OF WARRANTY deeds, mortgage deeda, lien bonds aud chattle mortgage blanka at tbe Free Press office..', ' " - " . ' LOST.-ONE I SMALL LEATHER satchel, out of a Standard Sewing Ma chine wagon. Suitable reward for re turn of same. J. A. McDanlel. ONE POUND PACKAGE OK LION coffee with arame 10c., at Jaa. F. Parrott FOR RENT-FOBTT OR FIFTY acres of pasture land, wait fenced, and twenty acres or farming land. J. u. vox FOR SALE-ONE BUGGY AND BAR ness and eight jear old bar mare. Fine buggy horre cheap for caah. , , X I 1 A fall ' . ' - w. ra MJAnVf 103 Kins; St BAILEY HOUSE REGULAR ANQ tranaclent boarders solicited. Mrs. H. a Bailey No. HlKtng St. WANTED AT ONCE A COMPETENT Job Printer. Must coma well recom mended. . , KlNBTON PtJBL, Co. MEALS SERVED CONVENIENTLY at meal hours by B. C Bailey In rooms up stairs on Queen etreet..No. . Oporlrie "a nice soothing and heal ing preparation forI3 Chapped Hands, Roughness of the Skin, etc. Prices 25 cents, Trial 'bot . ties 10 cents. Put up by Henry Dunn. S Children's Reefer , Jackets -.rl;. .... .. v , COST J. : U, Stephenson's, Also a beautiful; lmex)f FURS and iADJESVWAISTFCA2v- Our Line of Miilinery Stock is complete in every detail. - J. m.STEPHENSON Your Breakfast labie 4 Will be well applied if yon trs.de ai the : Up-to-Date Grocery. hly Stock of table delicacies - - is com; lete, and t invite your inspection of same , B ertkfast Chocolate. Breakfast Buckwheat, "Frceyand ia fact every thing that Is to bt found in ' a strictly first class city gro eery is found at my place. Call or 'phone, and goodi will be quickly delivered. V. D.LaRcque,Jr. Jtiffk -Cia CMMli mndSimti' mrmisMtr On, ffWc Ontj X. Tbe Woven Label Trade Mark which purchaaen will find sewn on every garment, guarantees to tbe wearer an article of superiority. v Insist on this protection and be assured of having the very best. "Wright's Health Underwear promotes and maintains good health. . ,. , cf. J. Quineriys JCinston, 9J. C, 102 S. Quen Si. AHTHUm HARRCLL, M v SUDDEN CHANGES O of temyerature have killed people, and that'swhvl.vour store is im portant. " IT ' iee th temperature even The house is always the same, day and night. This is be cause they burn all the fuel and radiate all the heat. TH Fire is Never Out. , II. E.M0SELEY, GENERAL HARDWARE, - , :. , . Collins'. Old Stand, , , t . f v Klnston, N. C IT'S A FACT! e ; WHAT?: Yon en get a TOOTHBRUSH '. ' AT , HOOD'S Drug Store tint wilinot Shed, if it does you pet a new ooe FREE OF CHARGE. J. E. HOOD. P.iY YOUR 70 w I. ia. I 'i e - t - f . '- ' saiiijSiSBniiassieS T '? :.-A Suit Case, ... i d Grip or t '.(- ,di fciTi (, I'r.fiii , "i,.i!'v T A Cole's ORIGIIil Hot Blast Stoves before 1C03, Certs! Jain nary let. and 5a vc ti: If You Are J-sr thinking of taking a trip during tht Lloiidays, you may need M; . . I B'i -"iiiffi Trunk, We are nrennrPfl in Rnn- ply any demands in this r line at lowest fprices. . Lilher -of the above mentioned articles; would make an acceptable as well as useful Christmas Present. err. Don't Wait? 2 . until the eleventh hour 1 . to make your purchase for . Christmas. Make your selections now. ' Watches. Clocks, , Ornamental Lamps and Figures, Cut Glass, . 1 1 Sterling 511 ver Novelties. ; Come" and see, if you don't intend purchasing, 'it's "worth the trouble or coming to see our . , " stock. - DENMARK, ' t THE JEWELER. Bargains In Books, FOR ' Christmas Presents. Mrs. Herman's Poems, 98c. i Treasures'of the Bible, 98c. , Our New Possessiofls,'.;98c. Life of Admiral Dewey, 98c. Hero Tales,; 9Sc'a l ' Fighting In Africa, 9Sc. k KINSTON COIM AND BOOK EXCHANGE, fla. 223, Quacn Stract, lOur 5 Art ! Gallery! i - t VVHI be free to Visitors 5 ! : X this afternoon and every day until all X the goods are sold. letter ir.ake C C I --. TT AIT your x we y.-IIL niark" "sold." t " - i. y . 1 - . ..i.lUit d:.ugco. ;; Jt r.ra to TrudMt ibt Big Ston. I Before thelginsjr is the time to , do your 1 s Christmas I 5hoppingS S . ......... .t S and there's no better J place than here to supply g m jour wants. . The store is litera teeming -with . 7 amousana and one useful S 5 and appropriate articles S for 5 Christmas M ' - 'ekv,-..;, :',:v-- ,...,. ,,,,, sPresents A look will show you M better than we , could tell 5 you here. t I H a JtxMNOXUiN, JN. U., M W. T.; PAHROTT, Ph. C, M. D . f PHTSlCfAN AND SURG EOM, i . KnteTOM, U. C. OrrMJE HoTrita: 8 to 10 a. m. ' o9p. m. Tfl'enhons fU: Hnsa 24, Offlcs 78. The Central Clarket" , We have opened a new market, NEXT TO S. A. QUINERLY'S, . And will ell' FRESH MEATS of all descriptions. , -? Our market will be run in an up-to-date manner, i Everything about it will be fresh and clean. Prompt and careful serviqe will be given to all orders. We solicit a trial. - Dressed Poultry will be made a specialty. . , " . , . Free delivery to all parts of , the city. Phone No. 182. ; HOUOM & KENNEDY. FURS! FURS! Not' the cheap Trashy, kind but good ones at prices that are within the reach of all. M H : M s H M . I ft ' M "7 r r t' i-s wi:i ITS. - Up-to-Datt Crocrr, k.1. 'Ti : OPULAR, PRICES. i' f.c i i f