Ml: I I 1 r a InteFestind j Features 4) icme i By Gmi Thoma Palme. M. D. .-Imagination as a Cause and i ' w Cure of Diieaiel vHTSICIANS JiaW to far.recog nlted the tttirt which Imagina- JA t. tloa ptoya ! n etiological . , 'y (actor . among patlenta that the bare given to, dUgeagea; dr (magi native origin' distinct natne. iBaag Ine4 or. fancied dlmae la known aa hypochondriasis, and there kre doubt- lesa- many conditions treated aa real which .ahonld come under this claaa. Hypochondriasis mutt not be confused - with malingering, which la a purely voluntary feigning of disease, for In the , former there . . s certainly a tery realNuseaae element which" forces the . belief in the malady upon the patient If the condition complained of la not genuine, there Is certainly functional disease of the brain. ,..., There has always been a great deal of humor in the, anecdotes of medical students reading over their first jtetta on medicine and developing the symp toms of the diseases of , which tbey read. This Is not the Invention of the -wit, but Is experienced by many s. sen- Dr. Glbler. (Prominent follower of the Pasteur metn- i- od of inoculation , tor rabies. slble young man. This tendency is the means by which patent medicine vend ers hook their prey. They Issue "fam ily doctor books" outlining the symp toms of serious diseases. "Do yon suf fer from a sense of. weariness?", tbey - ask.. "PeV'jrojl awaken ; with an un pleasant s taste in your mouth T . Do , your feet and hands go to sleep? Are your eyes eve puffy In the morning? of Med : Have you been guilty of any moral In discretions in past years?" Tea, yes!' the victim cries. Then he reads, "If so, the course lies toward the madhouse, an early death, diseased mind! Tour only salvation lies In Quackem's Quak er Quassia: price. S3; sent in sealed wrapper." - It may seem trite to Introduce this In stance in detail, but it Is one of the most striking examples of the effect of imagination. " The one who reads the advertisement realizes that be has had these symptoms (every living man has), and he concludes that be has that disease. He is entirely convinced of it and buys a bottle of the patent medi . cine. Seeing as months go by that the results are not so black as predicted, be does not lose faith in the patent medicine almanac, but acquires great faith In the nostrum and writes a testi monial, with aU sincerity, telling of his wonderful cure. That this Is not exaggerated ' more than " one "honest patent medicine maker can testify. It Is well known among physicians that a clean wound made by the sur geon's knife does mot canse pain last lng after the operation. This is shown from the fact that many patients ren dered unconscious by accidents" which make amputations necessary are uncon scious fthe fact that "tne operation baa taken place after regaining' con1 sclousnesa. However,' as soon as they realize what has happened they often complain of, Intense pain. Here Is where Imagination has the upper hand. ' The use of a hypodermic Injection of plain water under the pretext of Its being morphine will often" cause im mediate relief. Here Is an example of a case In which Imagination cores. Just where real disease begins und imagination ends is a very difficult matter to determine and one which calls into play all St the tact and In genuity of the pbyslcian, for a hint at imagination as the foundation of the parents aliment is alwaji resented. There are casr-s, how ever, known as cLrouic invaliJism. beUming with some real disease of a chronic feature. At last a cure may le truct. i, Lut Uie patient Las LfCf?ve an luv; a:;l cc:li:u. s to f x I u ;; 1 ty ! ry trace c! vi. Kef..-' i 1 5 ''s a i 'have long been crippled being carried to a man like Dowle.., He, laying on his hand, orders the' patient to arUe nd walk, with the result of Immediate cure. These are the ones who have at one time been really crippled and have recovered, but have gone through Jllfe Imagining that they wero still help less. It Is the faith In the alleged pow er of the charlatan wblcb prompts the effort which discloses the fact that !'.over Isregajjed, . . ; Imagl'natluu as a cure of disease has ueceiisarlly ieen "considered lu tl way In another chapter, but Imagination la used outside the ranks of the fakirs. It Is a potent element In the treatment of regular physlcfans. It Is the power of Imagination which produces results with those Inert medicinal prepara tions known as placebos. A successful country doctor .told Hie. that he bad three kinds of placebo tablets, pink, white and blue, all simply, biude of sugar of mUk and utterly Inert He had' been giving a patient the white tablets until Ihe; patient complained that the medicine given was not strong enough.. Expressing his disapproval of such powerful drugs, the physician produced a bioe pill and gave It with a great deal of cereony. The result was Immediate and gratifying In the extreme, although, as I have said, the white and blue tablets' were equally lnrt ' , -1 - I f There are a great many cases com ing under the doctor's care In which be would prefer to give no medicine at all, either because there Is no dlseaap justifying it or because the disease is self limiting and tends to spontaneous cure. It is a fact generally recognized that In most cases drugs must be given to act , upon ' the Imagination of the patient and for this purpose It makes practically no difference what It Is so long as it does no barm. 1 Some time ago In a surgical clinic I saw a demonstration of the power of Imagination which was Interesting. A woman had been placed upon the table preparatory to an operation with out anaesthesia. The " operator in structed her to compose herself; "It will be over In a moment" he said. With this lie drew bis finger nail over the location for Incision. The woman uttered a scream and was fairly con vulsed with pain. She could not be convinced ' that the Incision had not been made until she was permitted to see the spot She bad suffered all the pain of the operation when nothing had been done to cause the slightest dis comfort This same patient had ap plied for operation to have a . needle removed from' her thigh, ln( which It had been accidentally ' lodged some weeks before and which, she claimed, caused ' her' great inconvenience. A slight akin incision was made by the operator and immediately sewed' up, The needle was not found, and yet the recovery wns completa ' Sq It may be seen that there Is a great deal In the Idea of mind over coming matter. It la evidenced 'every day in general practice. - The physician who has the entire confidence of the patient is always able to accomplish more than the man in whom the pa tlent does not have so much faith, and the great specialist who is credited with the accomplishment of wonders Is capable of doiug as much by the mental Impression be! makes upon the patient as by his drugs. 1 The real indications, for the use of electricity are exceedingly small. The real cures which can be accomplished by It are few. and yet In those cases In which Imagination is an element there is nothing so potent. The very fact that there is always a degree of mystery about the workings of electric ity, the fact that we have never learned exactly what It Is, adds to Its curative power when acting upon the mind. It may be safely said that all of those conditions which can be caused by emotions or abnormal mental ac tion by pleasures sorrow, worry or surprise may also be caused by the action of the Imagination, and influ ences which will act upon and produce these same emotions are the best means of cure. ". Upon good authority we bear of some great surprise or Joy opening the Method of Inoculation For Rabies. eyes or toe Luna, or some einrm or fear giving s'rei to cr!; r - '1 i:")bs, to great emotiou eiiOIn? ana,; .irt-ntly hopeless disease. J C;in It be tlmt such emotions fcav 1 I Pasteur's J ;--J tbe las'n lirain ceUs Into ac V craln. or im:.--t we ficcei t St os the j t ? 1( : f 1 t . f i;: :i ( r ! Thoroughly eradicates t&C excess l XJrii end Lactic Acid, from the tystcm, sum the kidneys iate healthy action, cures constipation and indigestion. THIS OONK. D not be discouraged if otherVmedies have failed. RHEUMACIDE has saade its reputation by curing alleged incurable cases. Does not injure the organs of digestion. ' v """", ." tw-i't J.i' -i f,''--'''1-' v '.'i'v Oouwsoao, H. C Aug. S. 1Mb. 0ntlmen fcm d i ?wrt sso I be(a to haw setatios, and also a ehrooio ease, of muulur ih- uniaM-m. At time I oouid not -rk at all mr busloeas bains bacgava mUsr on Souwarn VL K.). For daai.d wH lii at a nine I uuuld not work. Mr auffcrlna wax Immim. Phvalolana tK-attxl ma, wt hoat pnrmaavBt raliaf, however. Tried a number of a i niaod mnedlea without pormanani benefit. Finally I tried "RhiumaOWS ! - t did the work, and I have badez eelient health for three year. I oaa eb : ully say that all rhaumaUos ahonld nMMBauranAOwa." for it Is by far tha t remedy. , , f .... Price JJ1.00 prepaid epre, or from your Druggist. Bobbltt Chemical Co., - - , - Baltimore, ild U.S.A. J. B. HOOD DRUOQIST KINSTON, N.- Or VOSSi MAY r f A Society Jell of IISS MAY MARKELL of London, Ontario, Canada, is a beauti ful girl who knows what suffering is and Wine of Cardi'i has brought her back to health. She is one of the social favorites of her home and her recovery to health has permitted , her to enjoy the company of her' many friends instead of 1 vinir -on a bed of sickness and suffering. For the health she now enjoys she gives credit to Wine of Carioi. She writes: I have bund Vine of CardoJ an aoe! bnt remedy for female trouble. I luifered for three years with terrible bearing-down palni at" the nvsnstrual period. ; I could hardly stand on. my feet and was never real welL Vine of Cardul was the only , medicine thai Icould depend on to dome any good, as I tried several with oo sue cess. ,, Vine of Cardul cured me and I have now enjoyed perfect health for two years, and give yod all the credit for I know you deserve hV, a young girl Wine "of Cardui is the best remedy to guide her through womanhood by starting the menstrual ! kfiM May HarkMLt. 0 TOJE of C AR.Dj1 ' 8j$. - RTOPE, MARBLE AND ' AND A6ET9 FOB IBONlVKNCING. ' r Main Ottca and Klactric Power Ptaat: ; ', Branch Office aad Plaati aiavcosr, ox. HINES BROS. LUMBER COnPANY, Mills located at Junction of A. & KINSTON, We manufacture rooga aad drasMd KJUi-Dned boflding sarpeaef, toctadinf Molding. Molded Caaiagt and Baaa, Hand Rail, Stair Rail, Etc aake Lathi, Shingiaa, Tobacco Sticks and Bed Slats, aad Cabbage Bosee.' We are always injthe starxei for pajrCashat ouufcet prions. IfvaawisH to bay ot asU e (Ob'eder our word orapneiona tha oil J. E. LATHAM 2t CO., New Bern, Kinston, Goldsboro. Members IJElIYORKCOTTOaEJICinGE. btoclis, Cotton, Grain, direct 7irc3 from How York and Chicago, j In3t&ntanG0ii3' Quotations. All transactions! made circct on the Inforniat idn ch c crtully or Uail. PAY, . TOV.'il TAX .1 j, before January lt, and Save the Costs! V7 e have 11 c cc i ved a l.ire z rtnent cf to tell CI Ii: A P. IV.' . Cc r: : VOU ARC WILL Or MARKELL, London, Canada, - flow in a healthy .and nat ural manner, ' Menstruation started right is very easy to keep regular through the years of mature womanhood. Then the "change of life" need not be feared. Thus Wine of Cardui is woman's best 'relief from youth to old age. A million women have secured blessed relief from their sufferings by tak ing this treatment. It relieves men strual troubles in an incredibly short time. Jn a simple case of deranged menses Wine of uaraui never fails. To relieve disordered menses is to remove the cause of other female troubles. Any physician will tell you that to remsve the cause of a disease renders the cure easy, in fact seldom fails to complete the cure. If you would have the same relief which Miss Markell secured try Wine of CarduL You can take it with out an examination and without any publicity whatever. You can take it in the privacy of your home and secure just as much benefit as if a doctor had prescribed it for yon. "Thousands of wo men are feeling the vigor of returning 1 lil a a 1 . tIT a"l s , , w oeaixn Dy taxing n ine or uaraui: . A, million-suffering women .... nave touna renez in - Wine of Cardui.- - , i -: , i , - Incorporaud 190a WHITT &, CO. GRANITE MON UMENTS . hockt moust, n. c Slaujrhter Brothers. Selltna Aareata for Klnatoa. - N. C. and A. C. L. Railroads, : N. C. Km Laiaber c arara daacripdon eoauaonly aaed rot and get ant material for Tobacco Hogihaada, Mu Lambcr, Logs ad Standing Timber, for which see asand get oar piic We tr to deal aonatt ,.,:'. and Provisions. Private EHOHANGE. Market given by Thone, "W ire , , Bdll's Shops Ne. 310 E. Blount St, KINSTON M.C NeAV Farm Carts for salecheap for cash. , Itepairi rig of all kinds from a Jewsharp to a log cart done with neatness and dispatch. , - Respectfully " JAO. II. CELL PHONg rIOi ... ror ... CInistm-3 Holiday i Call Dunn's Drug rstrictlv first .ore I Jt Uaya. W. KUmmmm Jk Ta ' Attobkkts-At-Uaw. OfSce in Court House Buildlnjf Kolica la hmbT fina ihat aeolicatiaa riH be auoe 10 tea Umral Aawaihly, or Mwth Carotin, I at the imiqi el 1903. rorehangea ia the Charter otl iMinMiuioa, n.k. nyowweitheltoatdetAWeraMn. Dec iftth. laoe. ... .. ' U&U. B. WKHR, Mayor, , L. J. httwaoahh. Clerk." I)BS Fa A. &R. A. WHITAKBB ' PHYSICIANS AID 8URQEON8. TTflrie tm fleiaa nm - at t. Va Oiainmr'a. . uaeortheaeaarauiy he loead at aha aaa ba If Yon Want a Pamo RoDoirod or a new one put down, or Awning put up, or a Sign painted call on me at BELL' 8 SHOPS, two blocks east of A. & K, C depot. JULIUS BELL. Phone No. 115. ' 1 1 ? With Ilew. Typs and Machinery,' large variety ana stock of , Papers and corn. petent workmen.. THE FREE PRESS is prepared to do all of your Job Printing i in j neat and artistic, styie. , WArjTED. I Yon to write us for prices on Fire- proof Safes, Burglar Proof Safes Time Locks, Vault Doors, Deposit Boxes, " etc. . We will saveJIyoB money, . ' ' O. B. Barnes Safe Co., Box 22. Oreensboro, N. C I Your Tabces. Your Taxes are due and It will be better to settle up'; quick. Respectfully, DAL Fe WOOTEN. Sheriff MMtMMtttM WE SELL COOKING and HRATIMP, ? a, m a-t a. m. m 1 Vl T STO VES i Cheaper thaii anj2 one f else in town. - r n lL . . i xawwiii, wu.ieiin uu i Pay Plumbing work done on fjfinish, and the dreasineae, whlx. , ahort notice. It will dv' t ' . ' ; trial.--., . :you to giye us a triaL i I I I l. 1 4ee Everything r a! A. At . a .1 aw uxai me appeute caua lor in, tne way of seasonable j HPT-hleo. HelicacieQ at our place. '. A stock of -pr---v - . . . , , i -' I - d.AJ.V- ; 0---.--.. .1 rocerle ; that is comclete in everv detail. Call or 'phone!" '" tlbuits from $20.U0 up. lor an j thing you .want to eat and it will be quickly delivered, for "PROMPTNESS" 15 GUr? MOTTO. uP!::f:3r::::;ryfr:::!j, v; . , r (C(WB)OC4r,ui.J , , .... , JtlaSTOir BUSl.Ni.aS COLLI Traia nl tor Cot!rre at f t' Urn eed attractive ha' une Site -.. 4 tm beauty. Health ttmil . m . t t , aeiaat teactien. 'lail iiri t yeer, 6o, 890, 9ie. Luenuy auuue par f , , la as to iaiae. hiiaieeai Saae a haa . , rau laiaa bacbaj Sap, aa. toea. ' Aadreaa WTh. SUOCCJ. '. taLsa. : Bsanv C. Slaw 'ISLER & SHAW, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, , Kinston , N, C. , . eVactke ia the eaeaaaa nf Laai ! niHH.J Nid Oealew. , AUe in w Huher coer a, . Loaoa aeeetiaiad aaa right memi. . " CAPU.DINe S Sick Headache, i Nervousness, and t -Feverlslinec3, si .o Effeet On tha Ht- ; - Sold by alt Osusststs). X; 0C-4-OHrO-fOH-040-fOfO-KHI TUCKER- OOPS, . ,WILMINCTON, C, , The place to buy your Cemetarr i Work at Bottom Prices in Forelra and Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering; and -Finish,,, the -t Erst, Latest Designs., ; ,.',,, . All work, delivered. ALEX FIELDS, Agent in Lenor County WAGONS. A LARGE LOT OF AUOPRU MGOHS. f - the best made, for sale, A bargain. , Cash or good paper- s ' ( . FIELDS & DECTOn, Gordon Street, Klnatoa, If. C. NORFOLK OYSTERS Received daily and served in any style AT ' - " J. T. SKINNER'S, 'Phone 149. KINSTON, N. C. .0764.00 Is the actual euaranteed cash valna Bar ia twenty years of mi Twentv-Parment Ufa Prim. age 35. rate $3 So. ry virtu. 01 its gnaranuea aadiooas, this eoaj tract .hows aa average amount of insurance in force - of $1.17500. Altaoach on the ranlar hmtMut farm, it s by iu own guarantees fully paid np m suctean yeara. Its loan ralu-s are as liberal as they are accessible and in addition to them we guarantee special cask -values. Our Ordinary Life Policy, at regular rates, is by its own guarantees paid np in thirty years. Our Three-Way Special AtiDoity Option k diaU ferent and patter than anything hereto tore o'-td. THE PACIFIC KUTOAL LIFE AKCE CCPAKT,' J. J. frOOERS, Oen. Art. . THOMAS U. WILUNuHAn, 8a pt af Acta. I a a-sj ea . lJcrcnanl lajioring Reroenized style has mach to do with a Bias's adTaocemerit. e make thedothes that will uk8i a maa anywhere. The quality of maurkl, perfection of cut 'aaJ 0!Vr.UlIOTed PPrel h?9- trf r- tures upon which we.baaca, claia; thin PS in Stlltlnc. and rrnmm'nirt I rousers from 56 up. s; j. VMLLS, r..ERCHA..T TAILCX Your Breaktast Table Up - to - Date Grocery, ,s . y otocKot table delicacies m s . s comrJete. and I invite , " your inspection of sao Breakfast ChoWlat your ln'pectionofsame e, .r? ..T;. ..j s "e ' aiac. a Liu in l rr pwrv. thing tbat to be f -nl ia a strictly first class city gro cery is fond at r:y r! ---. : Call or 'rv ar I.; ; win be q-' " '7 C ' 5 Pure' Powd er'cd .-, etc. .D.L