ftiAAAl Aiit iilAAAAAHAiAA lihrotifiii Woods and Pastures IT AIBIE; SUAKPC , t i XIX Takin Cre of IA Seeds. 8 the end, the culmination, of Z-A all the effort! of tUe season is L 1 ' preparing the aeeda 'to take root and grow in some chosen home, the aeeda must be fitted for not only what they hare to endure in all the changes of temperature and ex posure, but must be so prepared that these severe variations will harm them aa little- u possible and will indeed be bf benefit to the embryo wrapred with in the covering. Moreover, the seeds must be sown In as favorable a spot as the mother plant can contrive to have them reach. ' . . To accomplish this we have seen how the witch haiel cradles hers In the pod through the first winter of Immaturity and forcibly expels them at the begin ning; of the second, so thai they may lie under the dead leaves and sink Into the softening soil until they, too, are In a condition to take root .The violet also employs the same device, bnt that Common Dandelion. ' Is only one way of expelling the seeds from their resting places. There la a . great variety of methods employed by : different families. ',, - For instance, there is our common dandelion, which affords a striking and familiar example of a favorite method. Why does It have that light, airy puff ball? Pick one up and blow it, as the children do, to see what time It Is. Wbool The light particles float away, and we can see that each has at one end a fnzx ptar which carrie it along. A thin, gray filament or stem attaches the fuzs star to a brown seed at the other end. This Is the way the dande - lion floats its seeds when ripe away-on . the breeze by means of the down, so that each time we. blow one we are helping It to sow Its crop for the next year. When the little pieces do , not whiff away readily, it is because they - are not sufficiently jnatured and loos ened from their holdings. ' The same plan is used by many In the composite and other families. The wild lettuce, the hawkweed and the asters have variations of it ..which, however, are not quite so delicately and perfectly planned as that of the , dandelion. " - The thistles and the milkweed fancj that style also. These are the light bits of down caught on the hedges and lingering weed stalks In the late fall and early winter which the children call "willy wisps" and catch and blow into the air, saying, "Go, willy wisp, and bring me a quarter!" If they sink, the quarter is .not, to be forthcoming; and if they are carried for a distance the quarter may come soon. These are the puffs attached to the seeds of the.thisUe or the milkweed, as the case may be. The down of the thistle Is much the finer and lighter of the two as it sifts out from between the disintegrating prickly, scales of the pod. The pod cf the milkweed splits up the entire length, showing the seeds arranged along a central part Piece ty piece they work out and Cy away. In December, when they may be seen to advantage still going through this proce 3, tLe pods have caught a beauti ful kkade of silvery gray from the frost cf the new winter. Ct'ier plants ;cnd upon birds foi tie (Iuiluuon. To teirrt them the j!art3 rp tie f 't ia" Juicy ber ries or larrr-r frr' j. V.'tea tie ber ries c"3 d:i colored cr l.ick f.-n ;rance, ticy rrraJ out an ad-U'w :.l a-ivcr- t t ! i tie 5' i" -r?, s- it '1 1 , t l. Tl 2 f.ve ! f ? tt .". '. i : i ; rf 1- f r t ' '-! ... l 1 . - , the frosts have destroyed the plants, until the bared seeds finally find a place In the ground. On the contrary. others have such sweet Juices that .man Ja very willing to adopt them and be responsible for their propaga tion. Such are the strawberry, rasp berry and blackberry, which are so frequently found in their wild state tn the woods and fields. It Is a great Item for all berries and pods to hang on through the winter. for the birds that do not go south, lacking other food, will gladly peck at them and carry them away, so the da- aired end is sure to be accomplished.. There are plants which have no un usual fashion of caring for their prog eny. They .quietly' mature and while, the season is still warm drop ,to the ground. In autumn the catnip seems sometimes to , have .turned its, dried calyxes downward ; that the , seeds! might drop but more easily. . The red- bud and honey locust have dry, long action of the elements. The sticker and lurs lay hold of the clothes' or hair of passing animals and force them to become unwelcome sowers of the mil, , t , . . , The Jewelweed, which grows so plen tifully along the rippling brooks, has a most Ingenious method. " It puts its t puts ita ursts .it a 1ng broad- nple of Its by It sis- tper of the . 1 1 i seeds in a capsule, which bursts , touch and sends them scattering cast A more familiar example way of exploding is afforded ter, the balsam, or lady's slipper gardens. On account of this peculiari ty the Jewelweed Is called the touch- me-not vVv-'Kiv., ' ''"j.'i'-"'' f, ' The wild geranium, or- crane's bill. with .hairy leaves iajnd,.8tetrtsf whose pretty,;, purplish pink, round flower, over an inch In diameter, blooms In May, has -another plan adapted to Its own needs. Its five seeds, at first snug ly tucked in a bed In the flower, later split away and apart' hang to the top .of the stile and bound off. The green water arum has the most peculiar way of them alL This plant is found only In exceedingly ..damp places. " Its principal beauty is Its large, finely shaped and stately leaves, much like those of its near relative, the calla lily. ' Its fruit Is a bunch of green berries. In th fall the stem bearing them bends over and down-. ward and by means of a sheaf at the top bores a hole in the wet mud and literally plants Its own seeds. ? , The cattail X brought In from the arwamp in the late summer and placed in the vase in the house, bursts and showers the room with feathery bits. It is merely trying to sow Its seeds and should have been standing out of doors. The bjts did jwt all contain seeds, ' Some1 them were the useless parts which had long . ago - fulfilled their mission. - ... . The balls of the plane tree, or syca more, do likewise. f They cling to the branches dJirl9S the, winter, ,but when they are fully prepared burst quietly and send the haired seeds out to plant themselves. The outs, appeal to the appetites of I different small animals as will as boya The red hip of the wild rose is an ea- pecial dainty which the field mice love and carry to their ' underground win-1 1v hnloa .' Tha oak ftnd chMtnnt ti(ed I no assistance. Independent and strong as the oak is. It leaves nothing un done. - The embryo within the shell is well protected, with plenty of food around it, both for it to feed upon and to keep it warm. It is also well guarded by a shell and is fitted to withstand the rigors of winter. The damDness of the rains and snows sof tens the en veloping 'shells so that they can easily be pierced by the growing germs of life within. The ash and the maple trees fit their seed keys with sails so that a windy day will clatter them down and cause them to dance gayly on the dead grass. , . j . I xiic (uiiB un tuuis suu I seed in the cupboard of the cone. Each scale is a little . cupboard, and only when the" seeds -are ready will the scales separate and allow the two seeds within to escape and seek the ground ; Each seed is armed with ,.a small, thin sail to help it away,, Thus we see that all creatures of na ture work together. The plant ad vertises first for the insects to help it Sycamore Calls. cn and rroUuce seed or fruit and .Jien, " in, ror tiro, Deast or men to sow tneiii. Tte 1: 's come f!ad:y to the rcast tc. : 1 to t--:: ' t V. r:.i. fo do the !rw3, lc-.s-ts end nit-n, fcr tie pa!at?s t 8'1 are f . - Vful to : v ! ' .-: !y f'-r- :'.!ve, find we ere t y tte tl t"' '"." ' As f - 1 S t 8Tt f a f r t':e v '.: I it V.. 3 i it f..-i- t ; c'-.-t.: : 1 "1 -rf 1 a t - 1 1 . r - ivff ..- The rreat rheumatic .remedy hot only cures very form of rheumatism; but makes radical cures of . , V Contagious Blood Poison Scrofula. Soros. BoilSe Catarrh. and all diseases arising . from Impurities In the blood, endorsed by physicians and prominent people every where after thorough trial. . DOCS MOT INJURE THE DIGESTIVE O ROANS. Ganr.lrnmn s T taka f OtirMRBRP!aOIDaV pa of any benefit to rou ' Tours truly. , W. H. All Druggists, Ji.oo; or Bobbltt Chemical Co., r - m J- HOOD DRUGGIST KIN8TON, N. O. ." V" I " I I ja7 m r Mrs. Laura S. Webb, Vfct-Preakknt of Women's Democratic Quhs of Northern Ohio. HERE ARE MANY sickly women be tween the ages of 45 and 65, but there are very few invalids over 55 and 60 years of age.; The change of life coming to a woman near her forty fourth year, either makes her an invalid or eivea : her a new lease, on life .Those who meet this change in ill health sel dom live ten' years afterward, while a woman who lays aside ' the , active duties of womanhood in health sel dom fails to live on in happiness, years after she has passed .60. This is truly a critical time. ; ' krs., Laufa S. Webb, of Toledo, Ohio, recognizes the change of life its a dangerous period and she also has faith in Wine of Cardui. She writes , ". -" . v . .( "As had; always been troubled more or lest at the menstrual period, I dreaded If Y n nt .:.?.;. v. v . Pump Repaired or a new one put down: or A wninsa pQt nJ a SI pftInted m1j on mt r - ,a rrrncs T V- t S bUOl 3, two DlOCU east Of A. & KL depot. s JULlU HELL. Phone No. 115. ' A NOTICE! North Carolina 1 Intha Superior Court Lanoir County ( Before Plato CoUun, Clerk. I.J. Howard , i . - vs. : t Order of Sale.- John D. Jarman, Goardian ) t ol iwrtna jaimaa ana Bertha larman. By rirtna of a decree of the tnperlorccurt renderae on the aoth Uy ot Uecember, looa, In the above entitled caue, the aodersigiied ai commuuoner to the court yHl on the tath day of January, 1903: at the court hoiue door in Kintton. sell to the hiirheed bounded aa follows, vi Adjoii.ing the lands of Jo"o H.Taylor, Anthony Davis, John I. Oavia and others in Pink Hill to-uihip, Le: aoir Couoty and known as the "Leary Place, and a part of the Anthony Lvi'Sr land. . I Time nth day of January, 1933 ; Plsce court nouse.. lenn can. - H. F. SHAW, Commissioner of the court. aaAaaaaaaaAaAaaAaaaaaaaaaj ef tf f vvv f f wf fvfvftfvvvffi ljuul:l n o. tf A big shipment just receiv ed with ., ". . . . . Leather, ' , Willow - and - -Cans . Bottoms. Make your home more pleasant and attractive. We will help you. I QWilfl e QIMiEIJ, i i KINBTON, K. , 'PHONE No. 132, ' 107 Eizt Gortlon -St. II: r Coo : & 1 a Ti: I. . ' SaJa.ii'r?' Itn. Xioura 8. !TWa. RAtaion. H. C. lekure la baarlng teetfraony to tha curative properties Tw i bottle cured my eon of a bad caaa. It tola will l In advertising your meritorious remadjr, jou oaa uaa lb BAND, Staword Stat Blind Institution. prepaid ea receipt of price. ' ' J v Baltimore, fid, . f 3 the change of life which was fast approaching. Vhile vis iting with a friend I noticed that she 'was taking your Tine of Cardui, and the was to enthusiastic about it that I decided to try a bottle. I ex perienced some relief the first month, to I kept on taking it for thtec months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax. I do not dread it now, as I am sure that your Tine of Cardui will be of great benefit at this time." - Wine of "Cardui is the remedy to re-Jnforce a woman against the shook that comes with the change of life. It re-establishes healthy functions after years of suffering. In doing this it has saved thousands of suf ferers just in time. Do not wait until suffering is upon you. ' Thor ough preparations should be made ia advance. . Begin the Wine of Cardui treatment today. million suffering women re louna reiiet in , Wine of Cardui. Everything that the appetite calls for , iti theway. of j seasonable Talle . . ; -.at our place. A stock o ' 1 ", ia "" ' 1 t . j. that is completeineyei7 detail .Call or phone , ' for anything you want to '; eat and it will be 'quickly " delivered, for 'PROAPTNESSM is our Motto. FRErJCH & SUGG Christmas Is Hero! Fireworks of all Kinds Fire Crackers, Giant Crackers, Roman Candles, Sky Rockets, Tor pedoes, etc. Be on hand and let's celebtate. UAItilET MEATS. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, etc. ; A variety of Christmas Dain ties. Prompt delivery. Phone us your order. Special attention given Country customers and ; highest cash prices paid for country produce, such as Fat Cattle, Turkeys, Chich ens, Eggs, Hides, Tallow, Field reas, etc. Come to see us. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Yeurs truly, HOOKER, i .b J.si- 1I2 cf Tcv.n Lctf:r Frll.;:?. Tw firtDi of an order mad by tbe Snnenr Court. of inotr Connrv, on l day of 1 'wemnr, 1 ' ; v iViiV Ld T WO"! "d J h. ;1 i c r i r to if.- h .-vt t? cm it Cvi rf ,'tr, in Kni ., oi ! 1 , l inn: C r T. t.. NOTICBl Notice is Kerah givea that aciplicauoa arill be aurta to the GciMial Ausnbly, of )-nh Carolias. at the session ot ioa), for th-ng in th Char. er of the I ova of Kmsion, K. C. . It v order ot the Board of Aldtrawo. . ' Dec 6tb, loot. CEO. B. WEHB. Mayor, ' U J. U tW BURNS. Ckrk. - 1)BS Jf. -A.AR.A". WHITAKE - FHISICIANS AKD BUBQCOSS, , kimston,h:c "' Oska) aa Qaaaa meat, tw aoat strata at J, 0raasgavs, ' One or the ether star ha foaaa at lA a Boa tr a. as. ta a. as. Uith lira Typa , end Machinery, larg Tariety end stock of Papers and com petent workmen, THEJFREE PRESS is prepared to do all of yom Job Printing in neat and artistic Btyle. ' . WANTED You to Write ns for prices on Fire proof Safes, Burglar Proof Safes Time Locks, Vault Doors, Deposit Boxes, etc. We will save fy6u moneypi;;j O. B. Barnes Safe Co., " . V Box 22, Oraensboro, N. C Pay Yourjfaxeis, Yoiir Taxes are due and it will be better to settle up quick. Respectfully. DAL F. WOOTEN, Sheriff COOKING.: and f HEATING STOVES t Cheaper than any ne t else in town, - . : ; Roofing Guttering'and : ; ; Plumbing work done on ' ; t short notice. r It will pay I you to give us a trial. . J100KE & PAltHOTT. IVopld's . Best FIoup BSEAD IS TEE STAiT CF LITE and judgment should be used in baying the flour to make the bread. What is more pleasant to life than wholesome biscuit ? t costs no more than inferior flour. Goes farther ia cooking because it requires less lard. It is the most economical and you know von ave the test can be .made from elected i:ich!an Wheat. Ask c-r green fcr Ann Arbor and ax- 3 utEt;trte. ::vr. n y e askel guar an. ZD To Cive SATISFACTION ' IHfccdcs Military nstitjrtj, , (COOUCAT.JlU. ) .. " K1S8TOX BIT9!NEH ( )M.K(J K. Tnuas Wei fa Coll re of r -.. life Ww large aad sttrsctiva buiiumg , .bi'e hi vraMmd It baauiy. Health cooduioaa asctUnt ant caiev patent teacnets. lotal carrrat evprases see the rear, too. $oa, $io. Literary uiiikhi pv aB, Mm t N omsei, aaa sa Sj.yx Mew, j to ' r:: fell ras leaiaa Sens. aa. fooa. ' ' PAY -s- YOUR "TOim.TflJf before Ja tiuary I ct, 1903, and Save the CostsI - ''it'A' 4i'lp4040004l f CAPUJDIfSIE 1 CURES I Sick Headache, . I Nervousness, and -t Feverlshriess. No Btft On th at. . V ' Sold by all DimoalatSf :-' o04obo404o44K)''H4t TUCKER BROS, . WILMINGTON, N. O. . The place to buy your Cemetery Work at Bottom Prices in Foreign and Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best, Latest Designs. , " '''""'.. i All work delivered.' ' Alex fields, : ; A gent in Lenox Con nty WAGONS. A LARGE LOT-OF AUBURf I'Mnntis. the best made, fqr. eale, , A bargain,;,; Cash 95' god paper. , . . ,',''' . FIELDS "fL BCJOri Gordon Street, Klnaion. N. C -.' ' NORFOLK OYSTER Received daily and ; ; served in any style v : '4 ''at' " , J. T. SKINNER'S, Phone 149. ?KmSTON;N. C. C764.00 Is the actual guaranteed cash ralue per ikcasaM In tarent years of our Twenty-Payment Lite Pclacy, ag 33. u $30 60. . By virtue ol ita guaranteed' additions, this aaa tract shows aa arerage amount of insurance ia fore of $1,17500. Although oa th. regnlar tweaty-psy form, it ia by iu own guarantees fully paid ap ui sixteen year. Its loan t.Iu.s are as ljbaral as they are accessible and in addition to them wa guarantee special, cask Values. -..-! Our Ordinary Life Policy, at regular rates, Is by its own guarantees paid up m thirty years. Our Three-Wsy Special Annuity Option1 ia dif. Cerent and better than anything heretolore oflerta. THE PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE IKSDK- AKCE COIPAHT. J. J, ROQFRS. Oen. Agt. THOMAS L. WILUNQHAn, Sap. ad Agfa. Pcrchant Tailoring Recognized style has much to do with a miu's advaxcement. We make the clothes that will take a man anywhere. The quality of matt rial, perfection of cut and finish, and the dressiness, whlc only tailored apparel has, are fea tures upon which we base a claim for your patronage. The newes things in suitings and trouserings Suits from $20.00 up. Trousers from $6 up. S. J. WALLS, r.:zi:c!iA:iT tailc. YOUR HONEY u! '!! KCATT Jt, JS SiUCJJ uVlLs a, invested. " Burglars can annoy you ; bad oans may cripple you ; speculation may ruin j'ou. tug dan:: op r:r: cTCN is safe because it i ; r conservative t.:. ! 5. .1. " money where yr:i can f t and without (! r cf !. r-'T C U C: ITcCOY, " . 1:1.: "TON N. r. e r re