The Daily Free Press. 1 L, 3. MEWBORNE, BimNts ManautK,, -i C. W. FOHLAW. Cirv Ebitoh. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: )UrOi M'm-k, by Carrier, . . lOn One Month, . . 11 .',o Tbrw Woijtli. .... ai.oo Twelve Minth, tHAH Fwoa'y Evkmni;, Jan. '2, 190.1. - w AilvertiaeuHiute. J. W. Gkainukr For Sal". L. II Varkkii & T. C. VoTKN.-SV of Laud. Fifteen Imlsn of cotton were sold on tbs Kinntou market jeetorday. There will bn a dance In tin opera boos tonight. Dancing will commence at 9:80 sharp. There will be preaching in the Kaet KtDston Methodist ehapel Hon day after noon at 3 o'clock by Prof. Rhodes. The stock broker's firm of J. E. Latham A Co. doped Its doors at this place yesterday, and -will not continue badness here. Mr. K. O. Moore, of Moore A Parrott, left last night for northern cities to pur chase a t apply of tin and iron for their Increasing business. Telephone subscribers will add to their : ists the following, new subscribers: E. .JrBecton, residence, 208; Miss 8ueCobb. 171; Klnston Coin and Book Exchange, '382.' '; ;; . it a business meeting, of the Christian t Endeavor Society last ntgbt Mr, Cland - Ballard was elected secretary and trsas crsr. , Mis Mwy K,ilpatrick Is the presl--: dent. . . . ' Mr. V. A- Rouotree returned this morn ing from Morshead City with six wild docks. Be has been bunting, bat we are unable to state whether or not he bagged the game. ; Many men engaged In the tobacco In iustry In Klnston who have been spend lag the bolldaystlsewbere bare returned. Others art coming back on every train Bow. The tobacco market will re open on Monday, January 5tb. Cards are out anuoncing the marriage of Miss Male Maroeline Orrell.of this city, to Mr. James Herbert Benton, Jr., of Ral Igfi,1 to take place at the home of Mrs. J. A. Orrwll on Caswell street, Wednes day evening, Jan. 7th., 1903. , The Farmers Life association will hold Its annual meetng In Klnston on Tues day, January 13th. Many farmer from the neighboring counties an expected to be hers on that day. . This order now bat nearly seven hundred members. " Mr. H. W. McKInne celebrated h's If. , tleth anniversary yesterday with a birth day dinner to which a few friend were Invited. Mr. D. E. McKlane, of Prince ton, and Mrs. B. B. Parker, of Newbern, brother and sister of Mr. Mo Klnne, were also present. . . , Frank Davidson, comedian, and bis well known oompany, will appear in Loftln's opera houe, Jan. 14th, In "The Folks Up Willow Creek." This attrac ' tlons being an elaborate equipment of spe cial sooner and other details necKsary to a perfect produotion. . The Klnston CVn and Book Exchange will move Into.ths store just vac ated by . Myers & Mldyette, jind owned by Mr. J. A. i McDanlel, The report has gotten' out that Mr. licDntel would erect a large brick, building from the Chadwlck boose tp to mayor's office, bat Mr. Me- . Daniel says be has no Intention of doing anything within the next few months. A pretty Christmas tree filled with presents was In the Methodist Chapel In East Klnston Tuesday evening for the members of that Sunday schooL This Banday school now baa one bund red and twenty member carolled,- and has an average attendance of seventy -five. : Many a Buaday sow the Chapel la so . crowded that there Is hardly any com f ortable room. - ::r,v'-:' ; ; Mr. J. 8. OoodUur who has bean visit ing his brother, Mr. J. S. Gooding, at fFoodingtoa township, left tills morning, re taming to WUlachoachee, 6a. Mr. Gooding let .this county for Georgia bout eight years ago, - and baa gotten himself la comfortable circumstances la bis ne w home. He has not struck a gold mine or anything tike that as soma folks say they bave when they return home. Be raises the long fibre cotton e ailed sea Island cotton. Last year be received 18 cnU a pound for his crop. The year previous to this he got 3 IK cents. The Woodmen of the World gave a upper last night to Its members, the oc casion being the annual Installation of officers. There was no installation exer cises though on account of the non-attendance of aome of the officers-elect, sick sees being the cause of their absence. The sapper was given at Mr. J. T. Skinner's c&'t and though It did not exactly reach tlis d'gnlty of a banquet, was enjoyed by taose participating. This order has -own rapidly In Klnston daring the past j-ir and now numbers a good member t' " The district conclave will be held ! 1 1: ' ton tn Larch. The district Is eom- let North Carolina, Virginia and 1. 's Crocp Pyrop Is p!esDt to ' - cou 1 , e jIJ atidcronp. ' r f f r)fd D" ia f.r t. Don't t' i t ' f - c PURELY PUHoOJNAL Judge O. H. A lieu njwot today lu (liabtro. i Mr. J. H. Mewborne left this morning for Concord. Mr. J. Frank Webh returned yesterday from (liwnvile. Mien Sadie Howard left this morning for (irfeiwhoro. Mr. Jasper Harper returned yesterday from ir.ti vlll. Mr. N. J. Khun returned tbi iiKirulug from La(i-ange. Mr. Harvey Hines returned yesterday from Goldnboro. Sheriff Lin Taylor, of Jones county, is In the city today. Mr. Elliott Smith returned yesterday from Scotland Neck. MIh Inet Wooten returned yesterday from spending Christmas at Warsaw. Mr. B. W. Hatcher, of Greensboro, is visiting his wife at the home of Dr. H. D. Harper, Sr. Prof. L. C. Brogden returned yesterday from spending Christmas at his old home in Goldnboro. Miss Abble, who has b en yield ing Mrs. G. E. Summerlln, returned this morning to Mt. Olive. Mrs. J. N. Bryant, who has been vett ing at Mr. 80. H. Herring's, left this morning for Greensboro. Miss Ida Edwards, of Hookerton, left this morning, returning to the State Normal and Industrial College. Mr. D, E. McKlnne, wbo has been visit ing his brother, Mr. H. W. McKlnne, re turned this morning to Princeton. Miss Mamie Hines returned yesterday from Greenvflle, accompanied home by Misses Bessie Patrick and Ada Wooten who will visit her for a few days. Death of Mrs. Z. V. Harrington. Ntwbera Journal id. Mrs. Z; V. Brrlngton died at her home at J3 Metcalf street early yesterday morning after five weeks sickness from typhoid fever. Although desperately 111 most of the time it was hoped that with the superior medical skill and nursing she received that she would recover. Her suffering from the beginning of her sick ness was Intense but she bore all brave ly. Lulu Maud Taylor was born 19 years ago In Uarlowe and had lived there until her marriage to Mr. Harrington abont three years ago. The friends of Mr. Bar rington extend their sinoerest sympathy in his great bereavement. The remains were taken to Newport last night and this morning they will be taken to Harlowe.for Interment In the Methodist church yard. VA t- Accompanying the remains were the parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Taylor, and brother and sister, uncle, cousins and friends. AJollvPaAy. Mrs. Wtlheimlna Shearer gave a de lightful entertainment to a few Invited friends yesterday evening at her home on East street, next to Mr. John F. Wooten's. It would be hard to find an adjective . that would exactly describe the affair, and so with both theexpreseive and suggestive meaning of the word we shall simply call the party a "jolly party." From the hours of -8 to 11 every conceivable device was used to make the entertainment delightful. Strings, seem- inglv half a mile long, were Industriously followed out, apples were bobbed for, a tall was pinned to. the mole. The mule was drawn by Mr. T. J. Kemnlti evlth one leg slightly bent, as If It were going to' kick. Toe whole evening was very pleasantly enjoyed. Those present were as follows: Miss Effie Isler and Mr. T. J. Ksmultt; MUe Fannie Moseley and Mr. BobsrtTnnrtall; Mlse Kathleen KUpatrfck and '. 8. B. Bright; Messrs. L. O. Moseley, T. T. Moeeley and Mr. S. C Ottssa. . Die!. Mr. Laby Edwards,ejed 15 eare,son of Ifr. id lfra.Z. Edwards,dtsd of typhoid (btsf this morning the home of his ptsrentev la Tenos township. The re mains will be barfed tomorrow morn ing at 10 o'clock at his home. Stockholders Meeting 1 A tnsetlntr of the stockholders of Cltt- sen'e HiTlngs Bank will be held at it Banking Honss in Klnston oa Wednes day, Jan. 14tb, 1903, at S p. m. : C. F. HARVEY. Cashier. January 1, 1903. notice r AH persons owing my Uncle, Dr. J. M. Parrott, are requested to come forward and settle at once. I will be at office every day, between hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. , Respectfully, - Albert D. Parrott, Jr. FOR SALE I The wooden buildings on the Stevenson lot, cor. . Queen and Gordon streets, consisting of dwell ing, 2 market houses and store. Purchaser can secure bargains as they must te rzoved ct c-. rwfwooow-rooo-j-O'irooo j Special Notices 6 o 0000000000000 I, KIM! ICRS A.M Hodil'e Drug Stir day bucks at FOR REMr-SIX VjU'i (iordon strs i. UOOV1 riUl'SE OS C M JoitftAN B LDWIN APPI.K.MWN HE HOUGH I' for .'to rente p' pTk t W H. S-irt-n'M. CHKis s Fun r r. k ks, pound cakee rtnd Hnnorlf .1 i.i Sinrk Mew. born's. SEE THE NICE I..'Y FKNii E It Tl pies now going st 4V pr i-rk at W, H. fluttnnV WANTED TO lot or vont lot. Bright ftrwt. IUY trill A HmL'SFVAND on B, 110 W. Add Iron Mineral (Nature own Iteni edy.) TkMi'LB-MABRTON DhimiCo. Agents. fw I LL RIvO PEN mTmTS&UUOL on Monday, January 5tb. MlMH ( OUA FlEl.llH. BAILEY HOl'-iE REGULAR AND traneclent boaroVr eoji.'lted. Mrs. H C. Hailev No. 1 1 1 king St. FOR REN I FORTY OR FIFTY acres of pas'ure laud, well fenced, and twenty acres of farming land. J. G Cox FOR NEXT TEN DAYS. WILL PJlY 8 cte. for Turkeys. 11 A Kit Y & DAWWJH, institute. N. C SEW BUPt'Ll Of' WAKBANTT1 . Prees office. JUST RECEIVED A NICE LINE OF Xraas cards and new novels. Kimston C)ix & Bo k Exciunor, Thos. 8. Grady, Mgr. 223 South Queen St. A . : Dray Load of-. Ledgers, Day Books arid Journals for S 1903 AT TEMPLEMARSTON erreTeTeXeTeOeTerin Begin the New 4 by opening ail Citizens Savings Bank If you have no savings account let us fit you out Even though ... i you begin in a small way, so that you add to the account regularly , the result will astonish you. ' . ' ' There are a doen months in which deposits may be planted. There are two seasons of harvest (January and July) when interest may be garnered. Plant your seed with thisabank, C. P. HARVEY, Cashier. DO YOU APPRECIATE A REDUCTION? To clear out the. remainder of our stock of Suits and Overcoats we offer them for a short time at a real sacrifice to us and a tremendous bargain to the purchasers. : ; Suits that were 22.50, now $18.50. Suits that were 17.50, 18.00' and 18.50, now 15. - riuits that were $16.50, now 14.00, v r Suits that were $ 15.00, now $ 13.50. These goods are of the best, consisting of Serges, Black and Blue Unfinished Worsted and Fancy Suitings and all are made by the. very best tailors in the country. A. m;:3Tc;:, 102 S. Q"?sn Street, KINaTUN CO!! a NO, BOOK EXCHAflGE, H9. 223, Queen Street, T. 5. GRADY, Mg'r. - Hearts Courageous $1.50. Tlte Battle of The Slumas, 82. If I were a King, $1.50. Rook Haven, $1.50. The Virginian $1.50. The Eternal City, $2.50, and many others. The Rhodes Military Institute and Business College will open the second term M 3N0AY, JANUARY 5th, 1903. Faculty of Seven Teachers, mid enroll iDfiit of one hundred and fifty students. Apply for information to W. II RHODES, Superintendent. Hotice ! Commissioners' Sale of Land By virtue of a jadgemeat of the Superior Court of Lcaiir county, nortn lanuuu, ODtamea in m cauu entitled D. Oettingcr, A. t'ettinger and S. Oett nger, tradtof ai Oettinger Bros. vs. C. F. Dunn al the November term, 190a: ' We the undenigneqV a the Commioaionenofaaid Court appointed m Mid cause, will tell 10 the highest .bidder on the 2nd day of February, 1003, this being the first Monday in February, . 1903, the following described lands: r irat lot A lot of land in the town of Kinston, Lenoir county,. North Carolina, adjoining the land of John f. A ooten and others and bounded as fol lews Beginoing at the intersection of the Atlantic and North Carolina Kailroad and Bright Street and running nonhwardly with said Pailroad to John F. Wooten's line, thence wettwardly with said John F Wooten's line to the track of The Kinston and Scotland Neck branch of ihe Weldon and Wilming ton Kai'road, thence Bright street, thence cast with Bright stieet to the beginning, being the land conveiedby Matilda Brown to said Charles F. Dunn on the 35th day of April 1890- All of the above described tract except the right of way granted to Wilmington A Weldon Railroad and the parcel of land conveyed to John D. Miller, by deed of March 39th, 1900. Second lot One certain lot conveyed by Amos tones, Jr , to the said C. K. Dunn by the deed of May 7th, 1900, adjoining the lands of S H. Loftin and others, and bounded as fo lowtu Beginning at the Lucy Chapman, northwest corner on Heritage street and runni g so feet north to S H Loftin's lot, then east t said Loftin'a line, then south with said Dunn's line jo feet with said Chap man's line to the beginning. Third lot One certain lot conveyed to C F. Dunn by Wiley Lowery and wife Winnie Lowery by deed of Februa-y 8th, 1897, adloining the land of Henry Britt, Nancy J. .Speight and others, and bounded as follows-, vizi Beginning at the southwest corner of Henry Brat's lot, on Shine street running north wi h tad Henry Britt't line 104 feet to a stake in Wiley 1 Lowery'. lioe then west with said Lowary's line f 35 feet to a stake, then south with said lowery's aiitt nanuy j. apeigns-s line 105 icet w saiu omuv Street 35 feet to the begiani g -This 31st day ol December, fool. t R. VARSAR, ' - T. C. WOOTEN, V ' Commissioner Year Aright account with n rfi ss W s. J n. c. w s J a A late purchase enables us to offer Exceptionally good values in and Pants at 25c and SOc each, Ledgers and Day Books To Suit Everyone f . AT HOO D ' S Drujf Store. Start the New Year with a good time piece. , There is nothing like punctuality, and you can't have it unless your watch or clock keeps cor. rect time." Buy a new one or have the old one j repaired. There's some satisfaction in knowing the correct time of day. D EiMWI A R K , , ths jeweler. SUDDEN CHANGES of temyerature have killed people, and that's why Tour stove is im portant. 1 Cole's . ORIGIIU Dot A Blast c f .1 StOYC Keep the temperature even The house 3 always the eame, day and night. Thi3 is Ve causa they "burn all "the fuel and radiata all the heat. Ths Fire is Never Out. in." i. . , . 1 . I . I S j I taaies Rbbed Vests 'It Pas't Troth at the ligbtotet . . H H Out The H H , H M Blankets a and 1 Comforts M H ', M We offer our entire re-ST mainirig stock of Blankets S g and Comforts 3 H j At Very Low Prices in order to close them out. H 'F j r UK Rplpr.t, frnm nnrl rmi can g at 2 r 4 supply your needs your . h lower 9 before. prices than ever ft H H t I 2 KINSTON. N. S xxxxxxxxxxxxx W. T. PARROT t, Ph. O , M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, :, b KlMBTON, N. C. OrricK Houbs: 9 to 10 a. m. and S- to 9 p. m. Teleplions eaUs: Uonss 24, Ufflos 70 , The Central Market We have opened a new market, No. 104 Queen St., NEXT TO S. A. QUINERLY'S, And will sell FRESH MEATS of v all descriptions. Our market will be run in an up- ' to-date manner, ?; Every thine about it will be fresh and clean.. Prompt and careful service will be given to all orderi. '' We solicit a trial." .Dressed Poultry will be made. a Free delivery-to all parts of the dty. Phone No. 182. i . HOLTOM L KEr:.'JEDY. 7 .: A Happy and y . Prosperous New Year J to You, M M M M H M M M s M M a H M M M 8 s M M H H Closing

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