The Daily Free Press. ' : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . Itollr Om Week, by Carrier, . . 10 One Month, 85c Thr Mon tli.. . .j . . tJ.OO Tnrlvo MoiKh. SJI.OO Artirlii4t It n Aili''l'n. L. J. MBWBORNB Manaosr. C W. FORLAW. ....l.....Crrr Rditoa. THrmoyv Kvkninu, .....Feb. ,r, liwi.'l. AHv-rtU"iiiHiii0. Shaw. For k1p. - ' OETTINi ; Kit. Sj.K'iul. QtflNN &. MlU.KK. ;t jn thW Puih. Kmsrav nox. MmwUod Piques, Templk-Makston vhvo Co.-L ..awn Grass StH'ds. KlNSTON (.'OIN AVD IJOOK KxC'HANOK. "Cut it Out." There will bo a uuwtiutf of t. John's Lodn, No. 4, A. F. Bad A. M., to night in which there 1 work in the third dejf rue. . Mr. Arthur L. Butt will exhibit bible and tempersure - painting at Shady Grove church February 12, 13, and 14 atniht. Mr. O. E. Bummerlin went to Clin ton thin mrtrninjf in response to a tele gram stating that his daughter, Mrs Holland who left here a few days aeo WHO ttln Ditilanlv'vaiiv 111 Mr. Ike Schultz, who lived in Kins ton several years a2o.butwho has beeff JivJngTnOasfonja recently fcaiae yesterday ifwrnoon.toaocept posi tion m M qrOMier, jur, AftftSoMilW The Lenoir Oil and Ice factory is cettlne a lot of cotton seed, from varl vBs THjiutis tip and down' Neuse ytrer Th steamboat brintf tfnm-to Klrwton lor.the company on nearly every trip Mr.; Lemuel Moore, whp lived In Vance towpsblp, died yestwday morn ing at his, home. He was about 43 years old., and leaves a tanuiy, tie .was a brother of Mr. N. II, Moore, ,pf this place, , , - There was a swell wedding in high colored life last night at the Mission ary Baptist i sburoli j on south East street." Haywood Best and Daisy Cot ton were the contracting parties.- we are Informed that the presents were numerous from both white and Colored The trial of Eli Moore fori shooting i Henry Arnold which was to halve been yesterday, was continued until aatur- flay ftftTP""", gat nthnr. jritnayaaa The warrant, which, was sworn out against Moore .befufhf Arnold died, was for assaultfbut 'will be amended to murder. 1 O I A small fire occurred at the Gay Lumber Co's. mill this morning about loao p'clock,th dry Mkim, catching aVf ficdm a starkfrora a stnbto Itack. Tfta.flrwis fijeofrered fceM-eUjk had by the employes "of The mill with the an, apparatus or tne company. . CHenfy'Tueker, colored,wa9 found last night b Policeman, Taylor, on . lounttrtf wrapped; jne Vj8e nf sweet deen slumber, occasioned bv thoexoessdve Use f "oldf tforhi 'f He was usinr mwtlr-earUi'lor 'Ms bed ' and the broad canopy of the, sky for Henry to tlie clty'sTodging rooms and lArr htm f hurui lmni Tft u t CafctalnlnJlli ftArpei? liiotlthe , Kinston Kifles, has commenced a Bch61.for.non-commissioned officers r f fk rinnmnnv. in whlVi tKov nm to bo . taugh-tkettes-Hnd evervthing . . . .. .... . n I pertaipyiff, jo ,tue, miytary , trv. Jtiey meet once' a Week and ' spend a lew flouxs iniius scxiooju wnicn j.x fiected to make ech?noa-(i(mifai88ioned pfflcer 4oaiHentto jCoinnjanii ihe i pany shoHld thf nnfePssttJT arise, palssioae ifHcys , btiluf killedH or rounde4ifl,sflckiuaiijier,as ta kccpiheui from flutm-'1 ms sehnwl wrtiH newed Interest on the part of the non commissioned officers. MOVING l'KOtU.K. Wfira Awn At the Tnln. rnmln. r - - . - ana uoins;. a k Mrs. L. J. Moore and Master phfl left this morning for a visit at Mt. pltve;- .... . : i . Dr, D. T. Edwards returned yester JSay afternoon from New York. He was accompanied by his wife. Mr J L. A. Duffy, of Greensboro, rho has been"spending some time with f)r, R. W. Wooten, at his home near JCinston, returned home this morning. BVRMED TO DEATH, Two ChiMrea Set Fire ta House, With ,..'. ratal Reaulta. . Two colored children, aged 3, and 5 S-ears, met an awful death on Mr. w right 8. Uszell's place about 13 tallies from Kinston, in this county, his morning. - The mother, Maggie Cray, m tenant on Mr. UzfFlTP placer locked her two children in h& houe ind went to Mr. Uzzell's house, a uarter or a mile distantMusft wfatM4 u he was away the two chlldren.were y the two cj ith, in the h burned to death, in the housp, whlth aras burned to the ground. It is thousrht that the children set 5 re to the house In some way, as it aras found to have originated on the Inside of the building. : ; : Some men who were plowing near he hon discovered Jhn firg aud WJ -iedo tHe ulace buTWh?h the v aniveilll jne ;en,";zjiVer3ttKeiy9wcocaw arith theeitt kes no fsoimd iissueil ockted from tne house antnnrmerf? not icnowf t II o itrrFVi'tJ'-ffie T ulTtTEgTljurir rult To extinguish the flames on the house. The frantic mother soon arrived but hen she got to the place it was too late as the building was completely rapped in flames and the efforts of he men to put it out proved rutne The flames spread and destroyed ,. 'her building that was near. The amount of the loss to Mr. : Uszell as not learnd. A Mother's Ttecommemlatioa. I have used Chamberlain's Cough medy for a number of years and ! e no hesitancy in saying that it is b t r medy for co'.v'.cn'ds and I l.av -..r""' 1 i i ' 'i nily.-' . r v . .I- r ,. i i ntl- , r i- . a: r , ; TO TpT K vyj H)Mw., , For W'alrr 'ork, 'veri( and Othttr linbrovuiol, I Iwnitf in C'bartpr. ! At the rj,mJar metUiig f tbe ;board til' tderinH 1at4git-tiiameadme4its lo the chartrr of Mutton, as prepared bv tiie commute aiHKXnttxl by the chamber ol commerce, were sulnnitted to the boani. The opnunittee's bill providod for 1 i ' . ...ii AUU l... oonuit iioi exceeuiuir 10 uv vowd for at the regular town election in May To'put In a system of wat?r works, sewerag, electric light and street imprvemenU. The bill pro vidm lor a board of thre uiwiilwi's tu be' known a a board of public works, to be elected by tlie board of aldermen for tvrmsof two, four and 4x years. The bowd of public works is to hare suiervi'sioii and control of all rwitlic rorks of the town, such as putting in the syttteins of waterworks, seweragey electric ltght and street fmprovementw and to have control of these systems after they are established. ' The board of aldennen heard the amendments read, and no Changed the bill as to place the construction of the systems of waterworks and sewer age, and other Improvements in the hands of the board of aldermen, thus doing away with the board of public works, as proposed by the committee from the Chamljei of Commerce. We understand that the Chamber of Commerce's committee will report to that bony Monday nignt, and the question of having a board of public works to take' charge of the money derived from the sale of the bonds should they be Toted,t or to let the board of aldermen control the public works of the town win be .discussed. The other changes Ift the charter!.'! are: That the words "not exceeding' In Value one hundred thousandj($100,000) dollars, " being the words in section 4, lines 10 and 11, page 457, be stricken out. -: " ! That the words "annually, M it being the third word from the beginning of section 5. be . stricken out, and the word "biennially" be inserted in lieu thereof. And the words "each year, beintf thoflrt two words ia (line 2, wction ft ' be stricken out. ' That the wordsy "not exceeding brie hundred and twenty dollars," they being the 18th to 24th words inclusive, in section ol, article 2, be stricken out and the words "shall be 31d0" : pe Inserted in lieu thereof.. ... . . , That the words, ;'who shall respec tively hold their offices during the oiiicial term of the ma vor and alder men." being words 47 to oi inclusive in section 2H, be striokea out and in lieu thereof the words "at the pleasure of the ooard or aldermen." Anew registration-of the -Qualified voters facia April lt to U5ih,uliK)3, is provided for. The board of aldermen and the Chamber of Commerce- will - probably agree upon a bill relative to a bond issue and the management .ithe funds raised thereby and thenthe bill will be publishedin full. We are grad to " publish the follow- infl- letter fixm LaGrancre and call especial attenttott-tb-" the business opening suggested: Ma?Ebn6H: AHow 'tne' to make a request.thrpugh your Taiuaoie paper. We very much desire that some I young man t witli ?: energy , , and push come to LaGrange and open up a first class "market.' fl Times ari9 getting pretty tough here, and tougher times are yet to cdtnV' Some 'weeks ago, I heard my housekeeper say one Satur day that there was-not" a )iece7of beef. fresh meat of ariyTdnd, chickens nor etfior4towa.atLaGrange, mnvk knnA IrAAno iiimh fnAiik vnnnl .One man here JceeRs spmfe ,f reh peat nd ' beef occasionally, but no one and keeps a maj-ket . worthy of the plac. Ther4l nt stof Sin twn where y6u cn buy a hiekei txceplf one that s kept feyja cgal mitnana thickens &fe sc;arce than hen' tejBtWtbere. f, - We ought?, to bastes a market that wul sopiflv our hjeoplnoif only beef afld Aivaiit iUHitii, . lint .iMmMiumui 9caaMi chickens and eggs. I am sure some of our merchants )r property owners will make an effort to fix up a place of business if the right sort of man will come here. We ao not want anv oia "scruD," out we will patronize the right sort of thing. Yours, AntUaloon League and the Watts liijl. Mr. J. J. Rogers, president of the Anti-Saloon League savs that t$e Watts bill as published is not satis factory at all. He says that the 6fl0 signers of tietitkm hfwried do ,s um. v,A Jili to tne conuiiioni toatriBey aesire to remedv inthiscomrnunifi. HekincerelvMS hones that vocasojMtempentnge bill, orallow it to side track the LoC don bill. i , w Mm Meeting, A mass meeting of the friends of t$e tamperance legislation now pending before the legislature of North Caftv lhnTmN!Trther temperance leglsQl tk)nfor thejown of Kinston, will he heialt the court house tomorrow (Fri day) reninglat7:30 o'clock p. m. J i Let all come! Many Citizens Illicit liiaUUeriee In N. C. In the report of the commissioners f Internal revenue, which was published a few days ago are found some inter esting figures as to the blockade whiskey business in North Carolina? From July 1st, lswl, to July isfc, 02. there were 2t0 illicit dlstillerlws MO. them were2tU) Hlinlt Hst.illrha destroyed by the revenue officers Si North Carolina. There were 23,94!) gai- Ions of Spirits reported for seizure, vt ed by the department at 934,057.51. There were only 38 arrests made at tbe stills when seized, iuignty-three regn tered distilleries were reported f jjr some irregularities or non-compliance with the law. ' ' In Georgia there were 389 Illicit dis tilleries destroyed and 459 arrests i ; . ' - r The town of Oxford held a primafv on the dispensary question and votwd for it 142 to 24. There are white voters in the town. only lo CAPUDINE i r-n r-; t La Grip ; . ii-'W H;'-,:!hes, Etc. SPECIALJJOTICES, For Rent. One furnished , room. Apply to Mrs. Nora O. Taylor, r A lot of Vent Pocket Receipt Books, 5 cents each at The Free Press oflice. Wantm WO-4d to cut cord wood. Moselej' Urisk & Shingle Co. For H AiKyvaiuhv lot, suitable or building dJUpg"6n. Locatibn nd prioamade kBOHUOn uniihcatibn L. Ii:Vrser. AuXmMAE thiiiieWated Mediira lua Scientific Palmtsti'lateof Norfolk. lr now located in Kmstoa. ' fehe reajds iXo frpm cradle to grave with absolil correctness, v Gives-harneand deserl Ion of future husband or wife wit late of marriage, Sh gives valuable dylc.tin lave, courtship, law suits divorces. Absent friends, speculatibr p.nd alj affairs of life. Drunkjnnsand bther 7il hiablts perunently fcuped by .thisi fifed lady. All in troublc'of any kind are specially invited to caa tart be aeon at JNo 404 Worth Heritaj treer. t: , r .;r . FOR SALE I ! ,4,-- i. :.- , t i. f Farm 4 ! Sciwt, t - mUl 'from Greenville UrnclMf. ml fin woadluid. Sw ch. t Abo nc M'oom fcwu and lot -in Ayden;!lot i;6o it, ': Prica i fjjo cuL Apply to Shaw, tp E. Blount St , Kin too, Ni C FOR RB1NT I I desire to rent to desjrab'e party my pnrt oi tne J. x. ASKew plantation m ance township. Apply to MRS. SARAH ASKEW, Kinston. N; C, H r 111- IV A II 1 f UUI II VUI Cut this advertise ment out and let it remind yon, of ..ike .-1. fact that . - St. Valentine's Day will Soon be here, and that we have a com- jpletesf61ckof 'Comic" ; ejnjpsTatQrif'e from 1 to 20 cents. Kinston Coin and Book Exchange i . s i nvA a. ukaui, mj r:-- ,(8 5.iiMaSt, r, r ;j KINTN,;N,C TTTTTTT weMn&'&fts PnAj in OurTarge sefecGorw of Su- OurTarge ver, Cut Glass, Jewelry, Ornamental J-anipS-Clocks and SyifngSflveV Novelties offer exceptional opportu , , nities spleaing -Wediiig,,, M-jom ofM-ity mi appropriateness. IfeSLowest prices for tns best. 3HTOJWiJiJi U tN 1V1 AKK, TH"jEWEtElts $ I - - A A A AAA A J JA. HABVKV. ,,;,E' W. OHAOTTfrK. Co. trft " ni- J ni aStlr 000, BpflS, UOlUtlinS, "'IMU'j ili i.Uu.i . iia'i.,ArI.(jj i ij.ju.i. Raliictprc Finishing Material. f jL'1 tift'JttiHI-h !, n ve oeen too tell 'you anything, before,' b.ntwiTl Bjr Bwnijf yri speak, of some specialties soon. Thefact .is we pave been lupnlhg ever jiinc yve i .-. :: vfe pa uuuir Lav iiwroouai supervimou oi gi. fc nt'' J1'':' ;...i't'. ,;..;:.,.,C'i.'r v'i,ti:K nfif vtf a Lawn 'ft.i CiaT' GardenvEeas Onion allkinjdspji Garden.Seed-j c5 t-'J; 'S'J in; dil.: I : 'J7 x. Haryey 5 S m iET.IPLE-IIARSTON drug co: ' , Jtrmm Jftad ' to &oi in Custom . ;:. Announcement; . ; The choicest collection of Ijripbrted arid ; : X)6rriestic Woolens for the forthcoming spring and Slimmer season have arrived and now await your inspection. Our facilities for exclusive custom tailoring are uneqaled. We hope to have the honor of a visit from you at your earliest-- con venience. c jf. Quinerivj Jftnston, 9?. C. t02S. Queen St. !Phon7. jP'HTHWH MASRtUU ' Business - You can feuilding; gives busi jaess any better tonic than good ' '""''y printed matter. "Let JWW" tetteV HeadeT 5U1 ' Heads, ptcbe models of neat nesv and Kobd; fste.i We'll see F'ttiat thenars if ,we 4pthe printing THE FRBE.RESS CO. ! jlAAsllAAAllaVAAllAiiAAAiilAJiiA'liiLl TfTTT 'fTTTTTTTTTfTf TT"" Getjn'tfidPush v. for tlie're jls no push easier tliaudn of , ourejV line of, . - . Vv t "i " Carriages, fifst- in. f ' See our,- GcvCarti.' that go entirely on;' r: their ovns jnents .,. v" . n... sf- ; K J. - " 3 iQUlNN &niLtgRH $" 1 ' " til BIJLTiyiORe it JKt WheatHearts rr1! tt ... ,n-i .. '"'i Bcientifieallr- prepaN"-1' i;j!- ; inti Kf i H' .jt.if ni'i h d.'retaining'wnlf the" " ' Hii- utitrfttiveP "reMeiits. t! ut,7' ji.t kk. jatf 'i fei.j!, apbeti-zintf;easilf th,11 nested alid fiftftritiOrfS' - VlC"- U JI Ui KlVtai. 'ilOH! A Satisfying bupper. hf!"?if r riw OUICKLY iPREPAREI: OAM. I4M8K (i'jU.'W Btf'iM? Uiltl OTfcl . 4I"W Hi' Tll' lid Bl'l-iTi ttdttti tiv (T-lttlf fcftl Marfe-lYigw.t'cjira. X-i'i.'-'l .'H;.ti 5',il.-V? tt-3 i T.J(1 ! FIRE nor FLOOD ! hJ.f. vifJ;Ut tU If vtii-ift tKi.'.. jt-i j;v "rt-ill'nOt'-rtti'rfv divh a. .iC'LAhii'ji, j. . t; tii T' I' m flf rti .5 "; if1"-1 .it.- ryQui liave iav.tiri.iwQf -,,- pift-bn"';?)y"''tt nVe";Jt ah Aviu u(j:.youri'Tvorjis-.'i; to leakasheap as l iners. " W' ako rirake the bestQbaccpilue ,, ' tLr.t can. lo ma le for' th o. mo::.c: an wvhere. ; f.:i -OH t .vx.t'v: ,i!t: f"t l rJUa.t rr I'll- V Madras a' . ' 1i"if v i:y-. in heat figured and, striped dp sighs, good val ue for 15 cents. ' 'J."V. THEr BEST a tank offer Til tUn A ' a depositor is ab IrllNu solute safety for his money, and , toe certainty,, that he can' get it quickly - when he wanlslt."1 " , '-: '' THE BANK OP KlNSTON offers bo'th. .jt'js .aUestey(the fact that ; since organization it has made orr- tv6 "thousafidr loans amounting to nearly one and'jihal million vdolkra, without: jingle dblldr'a loss thereott.1 " This should cbinmend to a.wh have money to v deposibi as an n absolutely: ; safe praofrfot their fundsl,itp il- ilmiCf f. ItC V.' f i-:. v.- h( : w:'( Save your health by 'having the tightest, f astes;t.$n4 Best feunning Macume w.the'iVorld..i.'' .-i !:. tiu 'ftRespectftriry,lf ,V4 k'l'i'f-n"!: ''1- -i ..'ti !';"' i 3t tAv iVIcDxiici. Ne. 112 S. Oueeti 5t SODDEt! CHANGES of temperature have -killed ' people, and'ihat'sf Vrhy rydur Stove'; 1s1 ,'im- porianji,, tuj.'i hM t-.if tn. a s.t t UU10. D ".'lf'l''ijW ' ,13't lii .Blast' jllU ' i iIjd Knr, Jll.'J" . I li i i . '"HH 1JH' Keen"' th Mempcf attire 7 even The house is' always the isame, - "c .-vi: day land-night; '..This:: t e caxs. they Tjum all. ilie,;fi;el cTil'radutaail lL. . Fird 13 Ket'r Out.1'". 7. : "L ' f 1 I i i. :-.;; :i.';i- " ; v . ; ' 'i '." i . ' mr a i"u l -(. , i f .V. 1,1 1.1 ' 1 'r CT,fiB . t,"! T .-,-'; f j!-; Villi li " vf., ' ' V-.r - i miir n .... '.'it. ' !"( i (-' -r , if yv vVf 'Jt'ivt;! -'' ! t 'f Ii'iL". N . - 1, H g MERCERIZED g PIQUES 19c Yard: M t' 'u;, j.'i; :utr . n i: M h. lo .uven't things: up a i-'i , g little we offer .vfivepieces: S MercerteedRque-bratid S g new goods, justmloaay;, tor iyc xara, gjthe Rvalue;:, of ;;;chj,:fe; g easily; - 25c '. yard if .not 5 M I.; r Also for a few days we s I m will sell ; Ready-Made 1 i58 Sheets '.i.l f i'l'V 1 - i fit.- fiiielr and aBteadyfor; J M use"at '-'the-' unusual low": h g price Of r; ,! .i "ii" g j 49c Each. 2 what you need at once.v 1 H -v J&-ASK FOR COUPONS. J'.'.. ';. , '!' !.' ' -. i v M s PlatJ- Mr am ifif SIM KINSTON; N. O., !. viutv". ;!' WHOLESALE ONLY 4f J !' ' Till, We -jw.'s .'i IVj -i.ii Ji A 'jlillTL U.4 Vti $ucce?sfMlly;: 4!S i.-j"ii I Jii" Y"f K. ,i Ji" 5H !Wi" eompQte ' i with': i li v m a"j!iij- Other fV' . T . 1 4 i.lU.V: ' i'Vi . ill j 7 t'.'i Mi ,'f . "hH 1. 1'"5 fll.f 1 Re hable Houses !,;. ..iMil,..2.Ji MiS.--iit.tVt.-VMi: -.' "v .si.j, i- 'rity., iff J".; s3 i Quality,.' l-i, i-ll .' b" il ' fMf'.i.' J t. J 1S41 4 t t"Hl !l J apd, price.:;, i i :tc ( I . '.106-108 GORDON ST. i ' Ei -Y-"ivM-ii-'i Phone 6. ,-.; mi KINSTON, N. C JtWil I v l.;rv m.'uij' VTQmI 'm. 1 "J i( jwjfc'T tSi'! r b 1; tiur t.--i.c f'l.'fV 1i (J'.-1 ; -sc. Lin' w- '. 114 - il... 'Ill t.. Ill" rfl.!;''!,! 1! i ,H( VhlL" it tut j-xifjran; inn niii v 17 'nutnti, Dur;('riew;:" Mil !' tjf' .i,i!5. 'J."-i 'i'il t-' i Embroideries: $r ancl:L,acesi; Di'j. 7. J: i 1 fi 1 I., I.- i- 5i. i W JustRepeiYed,!;:;! rt.lHl .KI!H. ) iiiirfiwj'wtjli 1 iKtnm.r vAVffai i: uirn,-jiti-.'iji Vi'i'w;jrtijiii' sj.r.i'iftlii it': Open. i''u'j tii:l7 ''i.i, s.i.1': t t- ? iiur .-i;i w.t- Mmont X,., I. t l. 1 UCT HHIIt Mill 111 uiuiuiin .... .... , .... t . . . . ii' 3f t-I .'ill Your Inspection I.i. fi.' -t.::-.:i1fiu.i t f i vi -y v.. It-- , m m m "W SUUREUr&WOY BeaMiful M M S

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