Daily, Free TTJTTT7 PUBLISHED EMERY KFTERNOON EXCEPT1 SUNDRY, 1 i " . f .if - i , VOL. VrfNO. 283. KINSTON, N. 0 MONDAY,' MABOH 2, 1903 PRICE TWO CENTS. M eV'4 c -I h ( M M' M M H Vi H TflE HUMBERT .TBIAL J ., . ! ,1,. '1- OOUBT AS TO THE OUTCOME OF THE PROSECUTION. , Greateat wlftdlxCltalUd FraaeV Fer ' $100,000,000 Her Rle m4rmn.-,4:M;Jh . Mme. Humbert, bead and front of the fnoit marvelous swindle yer de . Vised, Is f galaaubject of discussion 10 Paris 1y treasem of , the frtal of her self and family. For twenty years the - Bnmberts fooled the French courts, -ndvtberar,ppso jfrhft think, they may yet escape punisumeni. - ; ; M tie, I Thews i.vj -genejsajly , ; gift credit for being the brains of the Hum bert family. She It waa ' who " derlsed and carried out the fraud. It is said that n.tweD.ty.yea.r abe 4 parted, paper to the face -veine- of fl40,000(QQ0 and that her present actual Indebtedness Is Mot Jess than fl&OO&OOfclAb? capital- (ted" a ' dream and from the proceeds lived at the rate of $600,000 a year fF nearly a quarter of j century, fc Mil. Tberese -d'Aurignac was born n a farm .new Tnvlpui ,-Pvawy,,flf ty yrars ago. She was hot exactly a peas-' ht but ber social position was little, above that condition. In 1878 she mar ried Frederick Humbert ' son of. Gus- tave Humbert-4, rrbq subsequently 'be came a member 'of the French senate and a minister of Justice in De Frey- liThe position of , the elder Humbert gave the family standing itf Pacla, and soon stories becan to be beard of an immense fortune to be inherited' by Mme. Humbert from an old relative of - 1he D'Atirignacs. This story seems not ; to have-peeir accepted by tbeParisianS. - and thea-came the story f ithe,graw- fordtpIIHenav- &:i;iM?s3! ; ' f According to thW story, there died at - Klce 'ftt".lKn arleH ajBrteasr-nanWi t Robert Henry Crawford, who JeftJJlie: rese Humbert bis entire fortune of ' 120,000,000 in recognition of the fact that some years before shebed-earedl - bis life. The fortune was said to be lu ' French bonds. But somethlughad then to be done to raise money on the.aiytu -leal legacy. . . . . - : Thereupon Mme.f Humbert Jntro , duced to tbe game another will and a . r - - L. klMB TEZBES ffCUBKRT. couple of nephews of the dead Ameri can. The will Is still in tbe courts, but the nephews areraoBreatN Ara-matter ; of fact there wasHb0 'snth person ai Robert Henry Crawford, and the neph ews were also inventions. - This second will was .produced by . one 8 ta nepkewa.'WhO1 gavff-ttt aj Ha- vrt lawyer" powerto' act as hl attor ney. Tbls lawyer never saw his client ; but be received over 8,000 tetters from him as well as large fees. Mme. Hum- pert undoubtedly managed this corre spondence. ..' Then began a series of suits to deter mine tbe ownership of tbe bonds. . The 120,000,000 worth of bonds comprising the estate was by agreement placed In A dose of Anwav'a Croun SvmD given at first signs of croup will chang-e that horrified expression on baby's face to a smile. It acts instantly, is barm- less and is made for baby's coughs, colds and croup. 2oc at J. E. Hood's. Zl Z. i 21 Z I Z S Aniyci i'liis 7c:!i M Ml M Th-t vn Ccr,-U-. M M a safe, in the Humbert mansion and sealed,1 J t was not to be opened until all the parties to the contest were pre eqt and. 6na agreement was reached. ur course wun sucn security, urn Husaberfs -credit was good' fbralmost ny anMnt and'the swindle' wa- i run swing. or sixteen years tnis cou tinued. one kind of litigation or notb er bejng employed to keep the case uu' settled. Various efforts were made to recover, large loans from - the; Hum bertSj bt these were nearly always un successful. Then the cry of fraud wa raised.' and 'tbe bubble was pricked. The" Humberts ' fled and evert 81X6810(11 to Madrid. The ,8$fd was opened. It contained r nothing, of course. Now ems tbe last chanter.- tbe trial .But even tbls may come to naught Politics may stand In the way of their punubment. M. Humbert was at one time deputy, and Mme. Humbert re ceived at ber home some of the nost eminent Of French statesmen .Premier Waldeck-Itousseau, however; does not seem to have been on their visiting list He denounced them at a trial against itheni an J897 in which lie appeared as: counsel for the plaintiffs. - During bis three years of power, bdweVerj -be took oo active step against them, and this fact" bas been commented on by tbe ParUUaa $ewjpapers;f :rw Only a few weeks ago It was openly 0harged;in be refiobjcbwnber of 'dep nties that the Humberts were being .protected by the authorities a,nd that theyf woulf pepvn be;-contlcte Some of the creditors, seeing ; that nothing will be realised, will doubtless remain flwut rfltser; than' proclaim themselves dupes. Others, bowever, .are, eager for "itevenge and -Wilt push the-cate, Mme. Humbert it la believed., bas plenty of, money to secure the best legal talent and will fight to tbe bitter end. A.yonog womari living tn a suburb?, n village turned ber graceful talent for dancing to account by rrying.oo 4bev instrucuon or tne young folks in the netgbWrtioed- ia-tha t ' art.- ' At tb be ginning of the term ber class was at tended by an awkward, overgrown girl .who was foucb in need of such culture. Shefwas e daughter of a local under. taker! , After two lesson she discon tinued att?nd3oce, and one of her ac fiualntancea asked her-wbyh.lmd given up her JessoneT ,;. -f. "Wen,",aid ahe, -"MJsi Blank never patronjaes my father, and so I won't patronize her -school" Philadelphia In buying gems always beg, buy or borrow a microscope and examine tbe stone carefully through the telltale lenttFlawa Invisible to the' nailed eye which depreciate or entirely destroy the value of tbe gem will be easily rec ognized. It U really, throwing money away to invest Jn costly stones , without this examination, as many jewel lovers have found to their cost Oood House keeping. . . ; Do you believe, there la anything prophetic in dreams?" "Believe ltl I know it, - Only the other night I dreamed that I was at a church; fair ttnd awoke to find that my wife had been through my pockets and taken my last sou." Baltimore News. Pcrmtaalea. JFodd Mother My .son, did not your father forbid you learning to smoke T Toung America No. ma. When I asked him if I might smoke, be said. "Not muchr , IMatast BctatlTM. 1 have only the most distant rela- Svea." "Has the family died outr; "Not They have all become rich." A. Remarkable Caae. One of the most iemirl aile cases of .a cold, deep-seated on tha lucga. caus ing pneumonia, ls'inat oi Mrs. uer trude E. Fenner, Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She says: "Tbe cou ?hing and " straining - so weakened me that I nm down in-welgrht from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Coujh Cure. Four bottles of thlswonderful remedy cured me entirely of" the cou ?b, strengthened my lun?s and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." J. E. Hood. Our Hew Serial: fc . a A . J a I J VIll I DR. JOHN A. POLLOCK Discusses Coroners and Insnrce In m Senate. ATA DIIIEB II THE CAPITAL CITY. The Interests-of the People Carefully! guarded.: , The ( Senator la a Worthy Representative of the Peopled ' The senator from Lenoir Is 3 taking an active interest in an jegisiauve matters coming- before the assembly at Ralei?h. While ; nushin the' in terests of Kinston and Lenoir county he does not forget 'the good 'of the State ,as -: a -' whole, The senator - is always at bis coat of dutv. actlvelv participating in the proceedings of the chamber of which he is a member. When the Insurance bill was before the senate,' Senator Pollock said: Mr: ' president : I aarree heartilv with thfr senator from Chowan, and I think this bill would be oppressive to the people. : 4 p ;" ' v I ucu questions as this should be left to municipalities, and town oraclais, in every well appointed town hare the neeaea ana necessay laws relating -to fire and insurance.; I am at onoe.ln ' - . f T oppositfOn to pas kny law -s that ,will have a citizen arrested for ' a rnisde- meanor oy insurance companies' and have it placed in superior courts. These -fire territorIe84,! these several laws to have inspectors to oversee and hale our people up to courts meets with disapprobation at myiands and I shall vote against it, and hope the bill will be defeated. I have, no patience with State paternalism. " ' : 1 : When ' the' senate was 'considering the subject of coroners, the senator said i-f- !.-, ? -r it ,, Mb. PRESHENT,'hThis -bill intro- Buncombe, I cannot believe hay been arefully, considered -hy nun. i ami loath ..tUQkVtiha would jrUltngly set at naught and largely make' nUga- toryrmewisdpm and -experience of joint session to consider the matter of men whostt ;life.-orlf, whos'ambitic-n, tsite , appropriation to? the i 'public is to betjer the ebnditionoftte. human school, having befpre it two Mlls,,one race, and even after deathi to, , place by Sehktor WhiSv tnothef Re'pre aiwnd'intement op disinterment the sentative Smith. -jStata superintendent This law, will practically set ashu the BoirKunivD uuo-; w vtiiiucu ,-dji,!.ciio-i wishe's of the jNorth'Carplina ..Mc r ... st , . . - li, society, this law. will be;' ah' et;n- wedge to cripple 'the :u8el'ulness , of country physicians; lJ do hope, sir, the' ireotleman' will withdraw "bill. I mOstfi respectfully ask him to "leave these mstters with physicians, men who aw .anxious tD tbrowf aaieguards around every living being, and after death to have his remains onlbandled ty . those .ompeien -,an y lawruiiy s, ,;um aatnausij i ivfr . , i.L a ZAi r-'. At a dlneout given by Judge Clark, of Raleigh to a few of; his-fHends, 1 Febraaryi;28tb, '- f. imHmong the fruerts were: - Col. Henderson, ' Judge Graham and Senator Pollock, i of Lenoir, -vf- Y:'; '' Judge (fcuark not oniy sranKB along side Aei first ,,iurista Jn . the .TJnitea States hut he is also a charming, en tertainer, and amiably . reflects tbe chivalrio hospitality k of , ante-bellum days. - Yes.. all tbe -other women In the KKit.k...A - t. k n l.l cbaracter 'You don't.say! Why Is that?' Bhe never gossips at aU." Philadel phia Press. , i ' WJ1 t . . " , s71m Ovtteok. JVbaf a the outlook for a newspaper ,to this townr' , . i .. ' f inest in jthe world. Editors up in iatree,,,an.sees.. over. the. whole, coun- try r-Alanta, Constitution, - 4 M4ra. Ji:4aaatla.- -. eha.wlth a g-eometr(i,ector. !aa trap th radius. vector :. jAadcka riv th aun's diameter la- feet; ' !. f- r.i.han.attaJys tas.-arum,' ; 1 i -- ClaaaUy tb coptio earura, '.,,. !' But she anaot,U.a cabbatfrora ,s - X'1Er'ii ckleate News. j :Kew!Boarder-4yhe Jat that making isuch a noise because he can't: find his ;neckueTht j- us Hivft Landlady Oby tSat is iths gentlemap iWho-;dresses so quietly Philadelphia i Cures Caeer end illood loloii. i .- If you have blood boUou producing iruplions, -pimples, ulcers, swollen glands, bumps and - risings, burning, ftshing skin, copper-colored spots : r rash on tbe 6kin, . mucous patches in mouth or throat, ' failin? hair, bone pains, old rheumatistn or foul catarrh,' tuk Botanic LJlood lialm (B. B. B.) It kills the poison in the blood; soon all soes, eruptions1 heal, hard swell ings -subside, aches and pains stop and a perfict- cure is made of the worst cases of Blood Poison. , , - For cancer, ti'mors, swellings, eat- In j sorts, vsly ulceus, persistent pim ples of ail kinds, take B. B. B. It dostroys te career poion m the blood, keuls cancer of til k'nJs, cures the - worst - Immors or suppurating cun d )v D. I). 1.;. a'-- r sllf!,? fal i;. B. ( f I'lT" ijf it i5;i-n;s. s the 3 , iUl GENERAL ASSEOBLY I A Short Digest . of the Doings of Oar Lawmakers. THE REYEHDE BILL II THE SENATE. Trustees of University of North Caro lina Choaen, in Joint Session. Bond Issue in the jHoute Monday. 8tardar. Februtr 98. Bills were introduced in the senate To incorporate Denton in Edgecombe; to create a stock law in parts of Pitt county ; to incorporate the Southport wonneasiern rauway. The revenue bill was made a SDeoial order for Monday' at noon. The bill was passed v authorizing s Wilson to issue Donds. Bill passed authorizing Williamston to .establish a graded scnooi. t ' THE HOUSE. "V ' Bills ' introduced in the house as follows: 1 i ,- - ? -.:..".; To secure the taking of agricultural statistics; to provide for circulating libraries for publio schools: to tax dealers in coca-cola; to prevent hunt ing In Wayne without landlords, con sent; ) td ' provide ' for registration of I i vv viu?mo iifi j I trade marks arid labels Bills passed as follows: To prevent overcharges In freisrht and demurrage, and delay In handling To regulate the sale. Inspection and branding' of all Cotton seed meal, with a tax upon u pi zu cents per ton, The senate and house met in 'joint session and elected , trustees for .the. University. ' .Representative Gulon savs that the proposed bond Issue is too small and will leave the State with a deficit of aiin nnn in th ernor and others think the issue should h ftinn nnn knA artvi nnn wnM I nbtto 'too thtmh.' -T,.- -' . h The cnmmtt nn HnAaHnn iKM .invnor nmnipwl & hill whih cented kaT aifbatittJte W the was ao- these ' bills'. It appropriates lOO.OOOtor be ppor- v . . - - tioneii percap'. and 4100.000 to be given to bring the school term to four months. Where schpols rr ceive money from' a special tax.' this amount will not' be countad in ' the esti mats of the amount raised in the country.. . . . mere was also a aiscussion before isjTOmtBlttvse'pttibe bill by Repre sentative Newland to establish atoach apb' rPDininrr anrrr i rrw tntrnh AMtHtind la nortnwestcrn north Carolina, in- .i,,HinnoMwBii w., k vVT T"y" " a S jt-lttlefjelCs jMt of 80O Trusts. ; Washington. D. C Feb. 28. It will be difficult for the Republicans to run away from the trust issue in future, or it deny, as aid senator Manna in 1WX that there are any trusts. One of their leading songre48nenf Hon. Chis. E, LiUletield, of Maine,, whom the admin istration last year svtocd to present the only .Simon-pure anti-trust .bill in congress,' baa seltlcd this discuss'on in his party. MortiBed, perhaps -be Udliaa Vila K.1T wwa a BlAt.nk.f1,.lM..I. which controlled his party', h resolved to i hit (them ,and their .agents in con gress a back-handed swipe which would make them gasp for breath. He got together and published in the Con gressional Rc lord a "list of trusts "t not corporations slmnlr. hut reil trusts w!hich: fills more than six pages of tbe Congressional Rocord. He says Of this list Ibat-it "contains the grand total of nearly 800 trusts, with -a total Capitalization of nearly fourteen . bil lions. These totals are fully S3 per cent. . larger , than those . of. any other list hflherto-'pobiished.'t - Thl9 list butsVin the anade ,any list publkbejd t by ihe LDem.ocrats,( oias-y , almanac br'yearboo'k, .It must make senator tianna s -narr curi 10 see" inrs list put into tbe Record by a great Ile ! publican. .Had the list Included rail roads practically -ail -or- w-ticer are now merged so that they 4o nott com pete wiui eacn ouer, about c 11,000,- 000,000) more rot eatdul "would hav t been dded making a . total of 125,. 000,000,000 of capital-in trusts -add monopolies. . - ';",''. ';. ': 1 As tne total wealth of this country ,a mwutm fuv)Vjv,uw.vw cuiu h a,wub two-thirds of All 4 in -real estate and I. oa rwvt rwt .-w-,.a..- improvements, and farm animals, t im plements and pi-oducts,' it is "viderit that the trusts have nearly completed Ihelr.woikV, so far' as the , manufactur ing and the natural monopoly indus Jnies are concerned. Hereafter they must turn to the farms'; the water and the air, if the trusts wish "new worlds to conquer." . ,,.'. We now understand why tbe cost of living is coii?g up and is greater than eer befoie at this sewson of the year -accoixiing to Dunn s "Ibdes nuuo- lr" of commodity prices for February 1. The trusts are gradually pi'tting o.t the pressure and ft vio vis all we v ill stand. Tbev have t;ie power , aid '-uld screw prices np. biylier bot tltey li-efer to pstx red cuuiouly and jodi- ously. G've tbem time sod i.iev will -fiuee.e tbe last dollar out of us and isve i's mo)l-":7rd so heavily Wiat OJr cr, ad su Pi) ;f they sub.n't asmreLlv ruicly es we cV) will Ip bope 1), d and cointIVd to pay in1'1 t!vi., wlsich witl own all - ; It -'o- t' i- sir 'j,- ( ( If. Worship Aaoasr Many Pco.1p. i Figures of the moon as religions em blems can be traced to a very tUgli an tiquity. The ancient Egyptians had two moon gods Khons or Kbonsu and Tel or Thoth. The latter wore the moon on his head,' either aa a full moon or as a crescent, The: dlvlna honors paid to the cat on the banks of the Nile were probably due to its sup posed connection with the inoon, as shown by tbe changeable pupil of the feline eyes. In Greece both Phoebus and Phoebe were moon gods, and by lsis the Greeks understood the same planet ; The Eomans had many gods. With them Luna was tbe moon, the daughter of Hyperion and sister of the sun. According to Llvy, the temple of Luna stood: on thf Avertlne.V:W,:'?Kf ' 'The ancient Goths, Germans and Finns' were all moon worshipers, Uhd In ancient Britain the .moon, occupied a high position in the celestial hier archy of the Druids.' who were always represented - as .bearing -crescents ' In their , Jhanda. If is possible, too. that Andraste, 'the goddess to whonTBoadf eea appealed with outstretched hands. Hi - Jlekina rl4a 1m Old Days. -1 In a romantic and picturesque old hall in Derbyshire, England, is ope of iuobo curious TOura ui ufgoav uuiee wlilch carry'tbe' mind back'to'th baB- its and . cuatoms of iOPP great-great-lanVathers A ' : handenff strange uung to oe nzea to me screen oTIhe banQuefiiig hall of a baronial mansion, but one is there.-. When the banquet had advanced; "toward ts nlthY' if ny gentleman among' the guests-refused to drink -the full quan tity that was deemed the proper thing at hat,tlmtf he ,wai merrily carried t the oak sqreen and placed with bis a,ruj uyrataeu uu aciureu auu wa,ou m that fpbBttion y ,jhw Iron rlhg!4 Hli sleeve, then wide open, offered a tempt-i lag' receptacle tot fpe ine-'whlcli-1h had' rofus to 'drink,' and the contents of, the goblet,: wth,a maen-'mttttPaii the roisterers thought t, were poured "dowri-the nalucky victim's1 arm', knd -woe be to.hlm ifhe did not take 4he; joke in the spirit in which It was giv en. Philadelphia Telegraph; - ; i:, ' .i,'.M A.. . ;.t i, t .v, , ' tm rihia t Stall. C 5 Hi' , The pains(of being a dlrnltary In an ancient country with a : tradition of splendor la. illustrated by, this. anecdote, from Indlau It Is related that. the. vice roy's eye 1 lighted 7one' day ' ttpoh adls1f at Which he gazed .for a moment with Incredulity, What la thisnvhe de mahded kt last "'A tienibling 'retains 'gasped that It Wak rice pudding. J 0 less a persSnige thah the ylceiloy's coW sort, had .ordered, the, humble pudding which eminent statesmen may be' "seen eamg at their clubs with undlsgulsod enjoyment any day of the parliamen tary session." But the viceroy frowned. "Take-It away,M he iald... "Never let .me see such a, thing again." This. Is how the orient differs from ;the Occi dent 'Bice pudding might have ruined the .dignity; of the vice . regal .table in native opinion. . , T-, t v vr ;,..,. V.- . t K i.l ifn'? ".'Xl 'i ' -V-- . , :, , . : f , ;kJaa-Tnuiartmtka Methods. A The cheapest, method, of, transpofta- pon in me woriq's, max ,jDy voinese Junks, that .are dra'cged up and' down their winding- rivers ,' by ; strings of drweatingf ! menv who ar paid only . 8 cents a day for thejr ,worki4and bare to pay theif board out- of -that small -sum, Next in cheapness to, trausportatiori by junk is transportation by Camel team; This i method ' Is ' -used In diatrlbutlng coal- Great numbers i of J Mongolian camels, led by a string through their pierced noses and tied one to tbe other. each: carrying two baks'f. coal airung cacros,their backs between- the ,humps jire to. be seen, winding their way. from tbiTcOkl mine td the lafgerlrlrlel Id notthern"5 3h!na' arid" covering ': with their orwlnging - .steps j about - twenty miles a day. rr, Trw.iwrer.',st'"S'T' .. rPrlsoner;" said xbe Judge, "you.ar ednvlcted of bigamy.'of having married twJ wives. Have you Tsfly ; plea r for paercy before' the. sentence of the, court is imposed on youT. " " ' J. V "nreg. Jtras'3.,aid the prisoner. "Give me-as big ,a sentence In jail as yoa can." f , '.,',;; j i ' . i i vrirant te keep out pt the clotcheof those two drives ns long aS' I can, and a long jail sentence' will be true mercy." -Baltimore Herald. ' , , j - - r ';; ' - ?"-;An t laaealvaale Place. f I , Weary Wraggles Heyl 'Too- won't git nothln decent in dere. Dem people la vegetarians. '.';. - - i. i: Hungry Hank Is dat right? - Weary Wraggles Teh." an dey got a dog w"at ain't Philadelphia Press. Letter to N. J. Bona - '! . Kinston, IT. C.""' ''' Dear Sir: The late rrjsident. of the Crot on F.i ver B ank, at Ere wstors, N. Y. ,' built tbe flneit house in all that region, in lJt'l, and pa'nted it with lead - and oil at a cost of tlOO the house cost t:;i,hH. - In 1 '.!! -e rears he rppa'nted it i . 'j I1 vt ? at a t'"t cf j V In 1 7 NORTH STATE HEWS -j-' 'W' : i-. ..'..',. ' ...... .., , M 1; : CUpped and Colled From Osr Kortk CaroilnaExcnanges.. , i t- ODD AID IITEKESTIHG HAPPEKIXG1 Gossip Gathered- from Manteo of Importance ." ' Heel Readers. - Murphy lo to Our Tar Fayeteville Observer: On Wednes day night, at a negro festival near 81kes' sawmill, 71st, Tom Harrington and Robert Gilmore. two rneirroes. wbo got a little dru nicer man some ot the merrymakers, oecame involved In a quarrel and aoon began shooting at eacn otner. isacn was struct several . , . , ... r . . . . ... a umes. unu uuui are iiiaio oe laiaiiT wounded, v In addition to : nistol wuuuus anniujiiuu was uouiy cut. , ' , AshevllleFeb;a 2S:"i-Will Watson. was shot and instantly killed last night t Tipton," a ;. mountain Milage in Cherokee county Dick Birtchfleld UU IIVJJJ1 , UIBUU tUU UQ IUWULUj. . Watson was shot Just' over- the heart and died almost instantly'. Both Birtchfleld' and ; .Nelson made their escape and haye not been captured. It is said .that the shooting was the out come of a remark made by Watson concerning Birtchfteld's sister";' 4 ; .'. W! iTfcA SWa a lit son of .William Oglesby, colored, who Uvea on r. y Frank. E. Alexander's place, about five miles from Charlotte, was shot and instantly killed- yester day "afternoon ' by J ohtf Walker,' a negro Wboy, ' 17 years old. . - Walker was brous-ht to Charlotte this morninsr 'ant) preliminary hearing was, held oerone quire d. tt; -union, mm facts ai brought 'out at the" hearing, pro ve beyond a doubt that the ; killing: was accidental , , , . v Raleigh ,Pp8t:, Newa , has reached the city of a horrible accident which, occurred ai Holly' Springs'" Thursday. .., A negro boy by the name of Leander Boone, who- was'employed as ' feeder n.t t.hft u mill of the Hoilv Snrinca Land Improvenjeni company was the victim In "the accident which proved fatal. While attending to his" diitiea' ne jumpea upoo.uiv. Kriig,: . iuv ms r bafanee and, was precipltat id into the Sawi Hisj left leg and right arm were ' 'sawed off and his body horribly muti lated. He died In' a - few hours. He was 14 years old, """- " ' r-. Greensborot Feb. 28. -John Archer, John Way and Clint Breedlove, white ' prisoners In' jail bere'inadeT an as- ' sault on the Jailer at 10 o'clock this tnofning'.'the' -flrsf'twd ' escaplng' 'but were soon captured. 'Thd?.all was -bejng swept by Breedlove, and when - jauer.iyiay openea tne aoor tor irasn to be awept out Breedlove threwMown his. broom and grabbed the ; jailer. Way and Archer joined sforces and f:ot the jailer's pistol and keys. Leav- ; ng him and Breedlove to fight it out they, made their escape;' Thejaller soon pad ureediove msaoiea and tne alarm of ' the escape 1 beng' v gfven Archer waa caueht by a policeman ' One block away, and Way by another officer In less time than a quarter' of ' ad hour 1 ' 11 "- Washington correspondence Raleigh . Ppst: Citizens of Wilson are making . an effort to prevent -the appointment of Dr. B. T., Person as postmaster , at that v place. t Communications have been received at tbe. postofflce, depart ment from persons in Wilson . assert ing that Dr, Person Is a man of violent temper and uoHtlsd for the position to which he aspires. Not only are these charges on record, but the statement that Dr. Person, 1$ not a bona , fide resident of , Wilson lias also, been put in Bvldoncfl hv eittznnn of the cnmmiinl. ty.i.Ex-Senator Buttleru iwho"'sis ' sponsor for Dr,' Person's candidacy, has taken up his cause. " He discussed , the charges with Postmaster General " Payne ndj agreed to write to citizens of Wilson for the purpose of securing ' testimony with reference td the charges tha( Dk Person is a non-resident, and this Is the Information upon which the poatoffloe department expects to act " . ft Clinton,; iFeb; iJ7.-Fudge Peebles, . who closed a two wek!s term of Samp son court today, .created '. a .sensation in tbe last .hour of Jhe terra by sen tencing a juror, to jail for thirty days. S. Si. Odom, party tq a. land .sut, j in vited two of the jury .trying his. case, E..S. Herring, and. 4. , B. Matthews, to go home and spend li ,! night with him. !'"' Herring went, ' Lut ' Matthews declined. ;i The Jury brought in a ver dict contrary to the instruction of the judge, who promptly set Jt aside and dismissed the jury ' and : sentenced ; Odom and Herring to jail for thirty days. v Matthews was fined twenty dollars for s conversing, with Odom pending tbe trial of the case. An ap- peal was made to Judge Peebles to re-" duce the penalty of Herring to a fine, but he positively refused to do . so. Herring is a farmer, a member of one of the most prominent families in the countv. It is said that he accepted Odom's hospitality without realizing tbe impropriety, and his confinment in jail is considered a harsh penalty. Public sentiment here does notendorse it, and it is the subject of much, ad verse criticism. What' In a atnef Everything is in tbe name wl-fn it comer to Witch Hazel alve. 1.. C. DeWilt & Co., of ft vy --, c'.-'ov-