Tub Daily Free Press. AS THEY COME AHO GO. A4wtttMt Jt v AspUoaUoa. L. i. MEWBORNE.. U, W. rORLAW. , Mahaoir. .CiTT lorroM. Tuesday Evening...... April 21, 1903 St w Aaartia tat. BANK OF KIN8TON. Statement. , KOBMEOAT. Hrrlburjf Slippers. Citizens Savinos Bank, Statement ' M-hone subscribers will please add tn tholr lists No. 273. VV. T. Field & Co.. store, and No. 203, the Elk's , lodge rooms. ,' The Odd Fellows will run their annual excursion to Seven Springs Thursday on the steamer uoiosooro. "A delightful time is anticipated by - all. . . , As rood a baseball team as Golds boro ean iret will be down here tomor ' row to plar the Kinston team. Game will be called at 4 o'clock, p. m. Go out and "root" for the boys. ' Mr. Chas. S. Andrews, who received such nainfu) injuries yesterday by be- ' inn kicked by a horse on the side of his head, is somewhat oeiier touay. Mr. Andrew was partially deaf be- fore the accident but could hear bet . . ter with one ear than he could with the r 1 other. The eood ear was the one In- . "jured yesterday, causlug almost total deafness. "The Masonic entertainment which was scheduled for Thursday night has been postponed till Friday night, the ' 24th inst., on account of the Odd Fel ' lows' picnic to Seven Springs, Thurs day. - The entertainment will be an event to amusement lovers and the Sroceeds will go to the local lodge of lasoas,' a worthy cause. Go and take . your families, Reserved seats for sale at Hood's drug store, on "Wednesday...,; -. c; ;,:. ' A remarkable thing occurred yester day in the primary for the nomination of aldermen. A certain young man on ' ,hU way to the pqll stopped at a mer chant's place to ask the merchant to t join him in going to vote. They both live in the same ward and were unde- : elded as to who to vote for alder roan, and threw up a penny to decide the matter for them. Head for one roan and tail for the other. Tail came ' jJUD and the men voted-Jor Uie j:arwi date which it represented, and the re- markable part of it is that the candi date voted for by these two men was elected by two majority. ARB A ITEMS. April 20, 1903 .. Mr, Joe Grant and sister, Miss Lula, -visited here Saturday and Sunday ' Mr. and Mrs, Abe Walstoa, of Cas- 10rla,spent Saturday and Sunday here, Rev. W. F. Galloway is still oW ducting bis tent meetings this week here. . Mr John Goff and daughter, Miss Heppy, of near Bull Head, spent last night here. ' , Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Sutton spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and, friends here. ' Our Quarterly meeting was well ' at tended. There were targe crowds both Saturday ana Sunday. , . ',' s. j Misses Effle and Bessie Dawson and brother, of, nean Fairfield, visited here - Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ruth Mitchell, accompanied by Mr. Johtt Shackel ford, of Farm vIHe, -spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. - Mr. Levi Pate spent Saturday and Sunday with his father, Mr. G. B. Pate, and returned to school Sunday evening, 4 . t, , , .... Messrs. John R. Hill and WyattHill made a business trip to Kinston Fri day night " and returned . Saturday morning. . CLOSS ITEMS. . April 20, 1903. Mr. Henry White is out again, we are giaa to sen. ' Mr. Seth West and daughter, Miss Mabel, of Dover, spent Sunday at Mr. ueorge west's. Miss Minnie Ilalford, of Goldsboro, and Mr. E. Whitley, of Lane's Chapel, spent aunaay at Mr: vv, js., west's. The health of our community Is 'good." This morning the farmers are out with all their force setting Tobacco plants. Ret." Mansfield preached at Bethany yesterday. He. is a tireless worker, we predict good revivals on Dover Two gentlemen from'1 Kinston have been down prospecting about our bridge across Neuse river. It will be a great beneflt to Kinston and to us.' W. Ckiss West has launched out in the mercantile business, making two stores in ! our community. He also has set out over 200 fruit trees besides walnut in bis orchard. Makes a fine appearance on Kinston road. These Were 8sen at the Train, ' Com ing and Going. Mrs. E. E. Rouse returned las night irom urinon. , ! . Mr. George Dall came yesterday xrom JNewoern. Mrs. Levi Dawson returned last night from Norfolk. Rev. J. W. Alford left this morning for his home at Kenly. Rev. J. H. Griffith, Jr., went to Beau fort yesterday afternoon. Mr. D. W. Patrick returned to New- bern yesterday afternoon. ' Mr. John Fields, of nesr LaG range, spent a few hours la Kinston this morning. Miss Agnes Foy, of Newbern, who has been visiting friends in Kinston for several days, returned home this morning. Messrs. John F. Mewborn, G. P. Fleming and and L. H. Anderson left yesterday for Jacksonville, N. CV, for a weeks' finning trip. ADAM3 SCHOOL HOUSE ITEMS. April 20, 1903 Messrs. J. B. and Forney Huffman are about through setting out tobacco plants. Mr. I. A. Scott and wife are spend ing some time visiting friends In Rlchlands, among whom is Mr. J. H. Aman. We had a white frost the other morning, and some ice. It injured to bacco plants very much both in bed and patch. Mr. T. A. Marshburn expects to go to Kinston this week with about 2.0(H) pounds of fine bacon. Mr. Marshburn is a good farmer and a good man too. Prof. Walter Thompson lectured Saturday nlcht. Anril 18th. on the subject of education at Adams School House. His speech was highly appro Mr.. Scott Brown, of this county, has an 18-months-old son who is a wonder. He can drive nails with a hammer as well as any man can. . He. has never been known to mash his fingers. On the 14th inst. we had a tornado to pass through our neighborhood. It did much damage, blowing down trees demolishing fences and gardens and injuring houses. It unroofed Mr. E, L. Marshburn's corn barn. SPECIAL NOTICES, City Dairy for pure milk. ....-' , " For Sale Pure Jersey milk. Apply t 111 E. King street. Old papers for sale at this office; 20c per hundred. 400 bushels polished peanuts just re ceived at Kinston Peanut Co. , . To the Ladies. One shipment of Queen Quality Oxfords came - Satur day, and tbey are beautiful.- Call in and see them. Uespectruiiy. 8. H. LOPTW.' Vest Pocket Dictionaries Morocco Bound Indexed ! Price 25 cents. Kinston Coin and Book Exchange, . THOS. S. QRAOY, Mf'r. II8S. QuaanSt KINSTON, N. C JftyA - Ciatt CioiMior . mmd Stmts' JmrmisAor from Jfoaet to jtooi Our Flannel and Serge 'Suits :.'V , ' , ".. ' . -' ...... . ; ' . . . -" - are a spcaai leature ot our Clothing Department, and a look will convince you that they have no equal, as to price and quality, any place else in town. nomy IS NOT WEALTH but is tle sourceof wsai'h if you will rightly invest your savings. Littt e sums like zoc a week, sue a I week, 4c. . will teep up 100 or 200 worth of stot k in the HOLLY BRANCH ITEMS. ! 'r, April tlC We are having nice weather now. - Mrs. W. H. Ormond is visiting her parents. Mr. Odell White visited Mr. A. S. Powell, Sunday afternoon. Messrs. John White and Bryant Criin visited Mr. B. F, Ormond, Sun cay, ' .' I Mr. B, F. Ormond began setting out acco last weeit ana wiu nntsa this - ,k. , !'srs. W. T. King, Henry King U-'.iss Gladys visited at Ft. Barn 1, Sunday. ,-,. -A trrlble hall storm visited our 'Jiorhood last Wednesday after a, but not much damage was done. I . a nd Mrs. B. F. Ormond and sis i f'amie, attended church at n'"!l Sunday, being guests of U li.-1'K-Us. ' The Inevitable Jssue. Atlanta Constitution. The Brooklyn Eagle remarks by way of warning that the Republicans "will find themselves put on the aggressive or defensive, both this year and next year, on tariff questions, and they will do well to choose which role betimes. The issue," the Eagle declares, "will not be postponed. , It will , not be si lenced. We do hot' presume that inv Republican statesman expects to avoid the tari II issue. '. - . The Republicans have chosen their role, and it is the defensive one. The last vestige of honest , resentment to ward that Dart of the tariff which "nro tects," nothing but the trusts in their fleecing of the consuming publio has oeen wneeaiea or orowoeaten into si lence, so far 4s administration influ ences ls ooncerned, and hej. surrender is to oe comDieie. 11 not unoonamonai. To use a popular modernism, the ad ministration itself , has' enjoined the "Iowa idea" to "go way back and sit down.'.' Secretary Shaw, himself from Iowa, echoes , the "stand oat" dictum when he tells th$ Hawkeye malcontents dictatorially that revision is out of the question, adding with s flagrant dis regard for the truth of political his tory: "There, has never been an at tempt to amend a protective tariff law that has not been met by the well-nigh nnlvAraal ilmnif ; ti lot "It alnna Secretary Root is soundinur the same keynote on the stumo. As for Presi dent Roosevelt, from the time ' he un derwent that surgical operation in the last Congress, he has undergone ex periences calculated to make nim sing low on tariff changes and reciprocity. Lo, whatja docile lambkin the stren uous lion of reform has become! Bishop Satterlee on Oivorce. Washington, April ,19. VTh Jews are preserving the homes and f amllv better than we Christians are doing. I do not know how to account for this, but I do know it to be a fact.'! Bishop aaweriee, or ine episcopal church, made this declaration in a sermon to night in which the main subject was divorce. ,. ,"Men, '., said the ,.blshop, "are losing respect for the home and caring less for the family this unit of our civilization. On the shoulders of the husbands and fathers of the land." ha continued, "rests the responsibility ior me low estate to which the family nas lauen in uus country. This fos tered and encouraged the greatest curse oi tne age, divorce, and the loose manner in which the sacred vows were being kept. "The great evil the moBt frightful danger of our age la divorce and the breaking down of the family Institu tion," said the bishop. "If It is not stopped women of this country and of our race wilt be degraded within , fifty years." Ohio Convention. Kinston Building and Loan Ass'ri Every tockkolder Bbares equally in the profits, wcording to his stock. It is strK tly tntitiml 'ftnd you will get more profit thaii any btnik will pay". Let's put you on ourlist. T. II. FAULKNER, ' . Sec'v and Treas K. C. STRONG, Pres. , uj careioi seiectioa, we are enabled to offer at the h extremely low " ' ' , price of - . , T ( ... 10c per Yard 1 an assortment of jpat r terns in Dress Lawus containing some of -,'the most beautiful designs. -, , This line abounds in good values and con tains a number of styles identical with higher priced goods. ZTZZXZZTX-rZZZZZZ H , M e ft Para tn Tnul mi thm Kiir Stnim' a v : ,-! ,"! ' ... .... . .-. r, i- Special Sale . s Lace Curtains We offer all tliis weeK S H M M M M s -.8 5 M i M L9SS (TllTO;. Half Value 11 Ui 111 f 111UU W 2 X wi6Wvaa our entire stock of odds M arid ends in Lace ,Cur g tains in one and two pair g lots at prices v ' V it f Hi a pair. js slightly The coming of spring brings new suits, new hats and t Novelties in Jewelry I for spring wear. We have Just gotten in a lot of ' . . Shirt Wilst Sets, . Belt Phs,Hat Pins, Uce Pins, . WrlstBags and a lot of other pretty and attractive ( DEN MARK, f TffiS JBWELBR. HThe Ultra&ac". . - ... . . . ' j.. :, , : " cJl rjf Qiitnertt, Jfnston, 9f, C sJV.:. !Po7t . ' ARTHUR HAHMCLL. MNa(. : Z9 - Rvpd This Carefully J A arain e have" added to' our larmt stocjc or nunnery some oi tne latest and I mos conect effects. You will be pleased with the ttyles and assortment and more t an pleased with the tric-s. W e arf delight d that the public is realizing i tin sunrising display o! our Millinery, ; 1 which is not surpassed n Kinst n Our i Northe-n Trimmer is irivinsr urTrimmed I Hats a'cliarm and elearance that s pleas-1 l' g tne people, which we appreciate and we are making every effort to please in styie ana price ERSKINE CO. M m condition except once in a H while g soiled from use in display g fAs rar (chance to g m secure a' Great Bargain. XXXXZXXI'Z4X2ZXZ'!'X PrldseD Block. 138. To, Patrons of time to buy your Clothfn?, Kinston Steam Laundry t Goods,, because I bought f ' '"'x' . 1 ., i-r'. , SEFORI OF. THE'. Citizens Savings Bank, KINSTON, N. C, at the close of business on April 9, 1903. ' . BESOtTBCES. Loans and Discounts.......... Now is your BhoesLind Dry Goods,, because I bought 'too much. I haven't room enough in 1 toy store for them. I bttuirht out a manufacturer 'of the be6t,cTffthi"fr-aU kinds, sis and ct.vles. 1 oatf-Ht a child 8 yt-ars old up to a man 100 vtlars old, and- will not refuse anV reasodable'offer. - ? 1 'offte to see me before 'von aro elae- , . ... . - wa re,' ana i wiu convince you. . P. PEARSON 21? S. QussnSL CHEAP JOHN STORE. -.f 92.806 79 Overdrafts... $02.24 Bonds 1 .000.00 Furniture and Fixtures...,.... 1.884.99 1 Real Estate , - 8.500 00 Due from Banks................... 79,642.06 Cah on hand................... 22,613 22 Cash Items. ,...... a Mat aasaa . v 84 47 , "M -. ' ' 1201.233.67 Z--LL EE PORT OF vBahk of ; Kinston at close of business April 9, 1903. ' notwixnstanaing the. purung oi our' plant we will continue to call on onr customers lor their Laundry Work and wilhave the same done elsewhere uotil we can get new machinery and start our piant again. ,"..,- ( , , Hoping tor acontmuance of patronage, we are , ' . ' Very respectfully, V1CIC BROS. Reduction ' 'FOROBIWtEKOSIT BESOCBCES. Loans and DiteouoM......... Uverdrarrs, secured Overdrafts, unsecured.......... St ocks and Bonds.. Ban.lnir House Forolture and FIzmres, Cash on hand and in banks... baa a m marriage 'l oo Oreat a l.i.k. rr-fdy for bowel com '1 ai ays be kept at hand, t o rrtat for anyone to ir' Colic, Cholera il'-' iever fails and ' v i r i pleasant to ! y J. i;. UouJ. . Columbus. O.. Aoril 18.--It ws-deoL ded recently by the Republican lead ers that their state convention should be held June 9 and 10. Everybody was sausuea except one. woman, and she appears to hold the whip hand. She Is Miss Ruth Hanna. daughter oi me senator, tier marriage to Jo seph McCormick is scheduled for June iu, and the nepublicans of the state will be asked to postpone the state con vention for a week so as not to inter fere with the wedding. There is. a disposition to hold the convention earlier than the first date fixed on, and the indications are that it will be held June 2 and 3, or May 23 and 28. The chamber of commerce, of Glas gow enthasiastically passed a resolu tion favoring a treaty of peace between Great Britain and France. SICK HEADACHE Curtd lnmt i'i'.a'ji Cured by the Its cf n:z::z- cafudiiic 10c, a.'cn.i Sict Pro.-,.!---, - v V ;' ',, liabilities. , , Capital Stock ...,... f 23,000.00 Undivided rroflts... .... 7,840.34 Deposits subject to check...... 154,144.13 Demand Certificates of De; v posit 12.827.72 Due to Banks 1,288.58 Cashiers Checks outstanding, ,1.13a VO r.vi..t ; . i vnuiw 1201,233.6 7 Undivided Profits, less Ex I, CHAS. Jr. HARVEY, Cashier of Citi zens Savings Bank, of Kinston. do sol emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. F. Habvey, Cashier. - 1227.049 64 1,033.44 1,114 57 ,2,100.00 8,007.88 - 1,999 90 68.870 36 LIABILITIES.? T)v3 nSS?8 a swae aa ' Dividends, unpaid......i....W.v. Uepoaits subjKt to hcs..... Due to Banks Cashiers Checks outstanding 1305,175.29 $ 50,000 00 19,890.81 80.00 222.844.31 .11.743 88 . 1,164.2ft 50 pieces yar4 wide Seoisland Percale, former price 120.' re aucea to iqc. Ginghams, former price I2c. reauced to 10c. J loc Ginghams, reduced to 8c. 25c Madras reduced to 18c. , ' No goods charged at these prices. xt wiu pay you to 1001c over our stock before buying. YOUR KOISEY IS SECURE when put, into our keeping.. Our vaults are- I modern . constructioo-flre and burglar t proof: also insured ao-ainat burglary,1 . Careful attention is given to the ao. counts of all depositors. :. i ' Business is conducted on Bt safe baaia . and all investments are. thoroughly in vestigated before being recommended by the management AH financial matters which concerns the welfare of our clients i are promptly and skillfully" handled. im iUKK OFKINSTOJI invites deposits irom individiiRl. flrma and institutions, , North Carolina, Lenoir County: Sworn to ana subscribed oefore me this 17th day of April, 1903. . . ( J. J. Bizzell, Notary Public . Correct Attest: . - B.W. CABAhr. 1 L. BLavbt. : Directors. v D. Oettmock, I I I " , ' . $305,175.29 I, R. C. 8trong, Ca-hfer of The Bank of 1 Kinston, do solemnly swear that the I above is 1 fw statement of thecondi-l tioo of said oank to best of mv knowl edge and belief. - v .. ' lu u. htbono, UMhler. : State of North Carolina. Count v of I Lenoir: Swora to and snbscrlbed before me this 20th day of April, 1903. E. j. BECTON,JNott.ry Foblic. Correct Attest: E. F. Cox, 1 J. W. Gbainokb, Dlrrtora. J. E. Hood, J . , aMa STEPHENSON , Opposite Mayor's Office. Headquarters for Millinery. & Hill Mstall IN invite you to visit their . a - . . . and examine their line of store K C0C CI.GAIiS A Nice Cosy Home, A Good Cook, and a good Cigar, and a man has attained his highest dream of com- - 1 fort. You have the home, you can buy alsook and we can furnish you with the Cigar. . Our "Yellow Stone Park" Cigar is the best this city has to cHer. If you can find a better one we wcu.I Lke to see it. DiX'oIj 3 r s New Spring Ties I am now prepared to fill all orders for Bicycles. I handle the Celebrated EAGLE WHEEL, known north and south as a Great Racer," Roadster and general good service wheel, and the PIERCE WHEEL, which stands without a rival in the cycling world. A good line of other wheels also in Also a line of stock, sv.ch as tUe lVLlt JOHN SON, HARVARD ani YALE. King Dodo, the latest novelty, stylish and I dressy. - Oxfords and Sandals Are Here Ladies, Mioses : and Children LIE. ' nence 1 the P.. fully r ly 1 " U I ZXEJJZY, --!, 1. j r'l t' 1 1 E. E. Shirts that cannot be. surra::od $U5to$L75 - - $1.25 - - $U5 an exT'c- r' , , .alitv.