The Daily Free Press. AdfwtUla Ku oa AppliMtfoa. SUBSCRfPTION RATES) IHUItOm W'Mk, by Carrier, . 10 Oh Month, . . . . . . 8fto TbrM Month, . . . . S)1.0O Twelve Mont . . . - . I.(M U J. MEWBORNE... o. w. roRuw MANAOIIt. ..Crrr Eorro. Tuesday Evening, May 20, 1003 U. B. Mooke Notice! w AdvortiMmeata. AND J. C. WAdNER. Boys' and Children's Mr. H. E. .Moseley received a cheek yesterday from the Fraternal Mystic fclrcle In payment of the insurance on hi wife's life. Elder L. II. Hardy, a Primitive Ban- tlst minister will preach in the Chris tian church inKinxton, on Wednesday night, May 27th at Ho clock. Leave care and troubles at home, , take a liifht heart and a full basket and enjoy one day of genuine pleasure on the excursion to Wilmington. Mr. Claud Chamberlain sees Mr. - Hay's corn tassel and (roes him a -; cucumber better, from his garden. He - has a lot of cucumbers in his garden. The Farmers' Life association will , meet In the court house in this place Thursday, May 28th at 11 a. ui. Tbe meeting will be an important one and each council is urged to send delegates. Mrs. Kennedy's music class will give a public recital at the opera house Thursday evening. The doors will open at 8 o'clock and the music will begin at 8:30. A large program will be rendered. Admission 15 cents. Dr. L. L. Nash, of Rocky Mount, came yesterday afternoon and preached in the Methodist church last night. Dr. Nash is a strong preacher and 'delivered a powerful sermon last niirht on "Knowing Christ Better." The sermon made a deep Impression on his hearers. He win assist iiev , . H. Davis this week in the protracted service at the Methodist cnurcn. Mr. J, P. Taylor received Saturday the first of the yarn made at the Ones terfleld mills, near Petersburg, Va. The quality of the yarn was ail right ' and will be kept up to the standard set by tne Kinston cotton mui, tue man agement of which will supervise the manufactory at Petersburg, ine dnck kiln on the property bought by the company is in operation now, also The orphans will be here Friday - night, May 29, and give a concert. Whenever the orphans come to Kins- ton to give their concert the public is assured of a good entertainment and this year will be no exception. The concert will be under the auspices of the local Masonic lodges and the pro ceeds will go to the Oxford Orphan asylum and they should nave a lull house. Mr. V. A. Itountree returned this morning from Morehead City, suffer in? right much from a sprained ankle which he sustained while ; alighting from a boat on the sound a few days ago. Mr. Rountree with a company of KInstoa young men was out sailing at Morehead last Sunday and in alight in; from the boat his ankle was sprained, causing him a great deal of pain and inconvenience, as he hat to use crutches. . fe, ;, ' Masters Ross Bailey and Sam Chad wick have constructed an "automo bile" that is certainly wonderful for boys of their youthful years to build i AS THEY COMc AND GO. These Were 8een at the Train, Qom ; Ing and Going;. Mrs. Ada Hunter went to LaOrange this morning. Mr. Claude Gray went to Trenton this morning. Mr. Ht W. Isler weut to Goldsboro this morning. Mr. J. F. Taylor went to Petersburg, v s., last ntgnt. Mr. S. H. Abbott went to, Peter bur. Va., yesterday. Mr. L. W. Dawson went to Beaufort yesterday afternoon. Rev. C. W. Blaachard left for his home at Cary last night. Prof. O. A. Grhnsley came this morning from Greentboro. Miss Lida Barrus went to Pollocks ville yesterday afternoon, to visit. Misses Bertha and Blanche West, of Dover, spent yesterday in Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. A. . Wooten re turned from Seveu .Springs yesterday. Rev. C. W. Howard and daughter, Miss Anna, went to Ay den tnls morn ing. Mrs. J. F. Keener, of Asheville, oame yesterday to visit her father, Mr. J. Y. Barber. Miss Leo a Jarman, of Jacksonville, who has been visiting Mrs. J. Hiram Bell, returned hotue yesterday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Rouse and Mas ter Robert, Mrs. J. F. Taylor and Mr. Sol and Miss Edith Oettlnger left this morning for Petersburg, Va., to spend a day or two. ADAM'S SCHOOL HOUSE ITEMS. May 25, 1903. Huckleberries are ready for pick ing in this section. Mr. A. J. Scott has ripe apples in his orchard. They are the "Yellow May." Messrs. T. A. Marshburn and Llovd Scott are visiting friends uear Jacksonville. Rev. Sara Sumrell preached at Adam's School House Saturday night and at Kichlands. Mr. J. A. Huffman is very busy in his shop. He is flue workman, but he will go to see the girls on Sunday. The bears are killing many hogs in this community, but Mr. shack Cava naugh Is hunting them with bear dogs Prof. Guy Waters, of Richlands High School, made a business trip to Wilmington Saturday. He is a tine young man and a good teacher. His pupils will display the results of his teaching May 28-29. Come and be with us. Your correspondent is a bee' raiser and as swarming time Is about over he can visit his neighbors now and also go to Kinston and see Mr. J. iu, Hood's new drug store, where so much nne medicine will be sold by Mr Stough, who is a 3ne man. It Doe sn't Matter how many coat-vest-and-trousers suits you may have this season, you . really can't do without what is popularly called an "Outing Suit"; that is if you want to be really comfortably this ' Summer.- "JSe Pri ncetorv Out ing Outing Suits, 'V-..-' , f i - ': .'. - .. . ;.. J t one of which we herewith illustrate are ; made from fabrics specially designed for this purpose. These . fabrics are extremely light weight, but so woven as to give excellent service, while admitting enough air to make them the coolest of Summer garments. The patterns of. these' fabrics are this season very beautiful and we are show ing a large variety of styles from which you can choose an Outing Suit that will be becoming as well as satisfactory in other respects. S. A. QUINERLY ILES! PILES! PILES! Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind. Uieedinir. Ulcerated and Itehinu Piles. It absorb the tumors, allay the Itching at once, act a a poultice. Kivex instant relief. Dr. WU ltam' Indian Pile Ointment U prepared only tot Piles and Itehlnir of the private parts and notb invelxe. Every box tairuaranteed. Soldbydrutf gUts. sent by mall- for &M3 and l.u) per box. WILLIAMS MTU CO.. Prop. Cleveland. O. sold by Temple-Marston urux Co. Summer Normal Beginning June 22nd and continuing tlx weelct a Summer Normal School will be con ducted at Dover for Craven county teachers, under the auspices of State Normal graduates. Write to ... PROP. 1. L HARGRAVE, Dover, N. C. Oetti Hirer's It is not always PRACTICAL ECONOMY to buy the cheap est priced goods. We offer a line of . ' LOOK OUT! Commencing Monday, May 25th, we will run a Special Cut-Rate Sale for One Week. Come early and secure BARGAINS. Kinston Corn and Book Exchange, THOS. S. GRADY, Mg'r. v 118 S. Quaes St. ' KINSTON, N. C K. Z. WHITB. K. B. HABOETT. 8HINE ITEMS. May 25, 1903. White Furniture Co. ; MOW. NORTH ST. Just around the corner from LaRoque's Store It is not an electric "auto," but 1 pro pelled by a crank device that can be worked up to considerable speed. The "machine" has a box buggy body with a seat tor one and has 3 wheels. These young boys have displayed re markable mechanical genius before in making things of this kind. Chief of police Simmons has a cu : riosity in the way of fowls. It is nei ther guinea chicken, nor peafowl, yet ' it is both, and resembles both, and be ing the property - of the preserver of the peace, has taken its cue readily and acts as regulator of the morals of the fowl kingdom in Mr. Simmons fowl yard. A few days ago two small chickens became engaged la an "af fray" in the yard, when Mr.' Guinea Peafowl deliberately walked up and caught one of the belligerents by the top of his head and carried him to a distant part of the yard, thereby stop ping ine row. jnow Air. juaurange Sen tinel, win you be goodr . , IN YOUTHFUL SOCIETY. The Little Folks Have a Good Time With Their Playmates. ; The young folks of this city had charge of the social realm yesterday ana, 01 course naa a aeugntiui time. Little Miss Mary Spencer Johnson, five-year old daughter of Mr. and Jan. o, t. jonnson, entertained a dozen and a half of her little friends and playmates at her home on Inde pendent street yesterday afternoon from 4:30 to 630. .v-ro Games of amusement suitable to their age were played and refresh ments were served them, and all had a mienty gooa time, We have had several days of very Vtr Firm. New Furniture Mr. L. Chase went to Warsaw last and Lowest Prices. Monday, on business. Mr. Oberry Olnn and Miss Venie Butts attended church at Bethel Sun day. Mr. D. F. Smith, who has been on the sick list for two weeks is slowly improving, we are glad to note. The much needed rain visited us Fri day, Saturday and Sunday nights, List Town Property I will be at the court house on and after June ist, 1903, for 20 days for the purpose of receiving lists of the taxable, property and polls of the town of Kinston. Boys' and Children's Clothing: to fit all sizes,' unsurpassed for superiority of f J, Fit and Workmanship and representing the best val ues procurable. Blouse and Norfolk Suits or the smaller and single and double breasted Suits for the arger boys. . ' J9" Furnishings of all kinds sent on approval. XtXUXX2XXXXXXX H . It Pay to Trada mt tbti filgftoi. H m , h : M We close evenings at 7 o'clock, M 2 Daturdaya excepted. sSpecial I This ; Week 2 M M H M M H H M M H M H M H M M M M M M M M M 5 M M H M M ' M M M For, all this'week w; ,wffl offer ! ; ,1,000 Yards Fine Dimities M 8- 8. M ' M M in Polka Dots with white, m navy blue and red grounds, usual 10c qual ity, for 7c Yard M H M . An unusual bargain and only made so on account i of the large quantity on ft hand. M 0-The Word Contest for the Doll ends Tune ft get in your" S words this week. g M 1st Please Very respectfully, L. J. MEWB0RNE, Clerk It will be to your Interest to call and examine our stock and prioes. Don t Tall to nee our Baoy jumpers, uaoy Wnlkers. Reolininir Chairs, they are solid com. tort; Baby Carriages. Go-Carts, Bedside Tables, indispensable (or tbe siek. We bIno earry In stock Mattinas. Run. Quilt Laoe Curtains, Curtain Goods, Clocks, Trunks, You abould bare one or our Kltcnen cam nets, a necessity to any housekeeper. Cash or Installment, we solicit your pat- Crops will soon look promising. Mr. J. B. Jones, left last Saturday for New Orleans. He will be absent about a month to visit relatives We are blessed with two Sunday scnoois now, one at Jerusalem at a. to., ana tne other at f t. Kun, at J p. m. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Blzzell went to Snow Hill yesterday afternoon to con suit Dr. Patrick about their sick baby. Mr. William Gurnranus and dauirh ter, Miss Mollie, and Mrs. J. F. Butts Kinston Buildinc 'and Loan Ass n Ant I fist, TneartftT in - rlnlrlahnpn. I , t . ronave and promise prompt and (aitbful ser vice and lowest living prices. A new line of Heautuui tnotures ana Mirrors lust open today. Call and see tbetn. Prices will surprise you they are so cheap. -. EVERY MAN Woman or Child tn Kinston Who works for wanes or (or a salary should be a stockholder in tbe spen shoe last Tuesday in Goldsboro. I ppingf. Mr. Lehman Smith, who has been attending the Wlnterville High School, is at home for vacation, to the pleas ure or ms many young mends. STBABANE ITEMS. " May 25, 1903. Mr. Clvde Whitefield snent Sundav in ninsion. Messrs. Claud Jones and Warren Barwick spent Fridaynight in Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Turner, of Bunk. lesberry, visited at Mr. J. T. Sutton's sunaay. Miss Lola Rouse is spendinar this week with Miss Florence Sutton, at Bucklesberry. Mr. Aldridee and Miss Lillie Brvan. of Institute, spent Saturday night at mr. v. j. uavis . ' B-V . I . . wur neitrnoornooa was visited rv & heavv wind and hail storm Saturday and Sunday nights. Mr. Bland Worlev and sister. Mixa Bessie, of Pink Hill, visited at Mr. W. L. Hardy's Saturday night : vf Messrs. Oscar Hardy, Jasper New man ana ueorge uarwtcn returned It is the best medium of investment (or small savings that bas ever been devised. : You Take No Risk wben vou trust your money to such men as com pose Its Board of Director. Here they are: - ' H. E. Moseley. Plato Collins. P. C. Dunn, J. F. Taylor. J. T. Midyette. L. J. Mew borne. J. J. Rogers, ft C. Strong. E. B. Mars ton. T. H. Faulkner, Lovit Hinea. 1. A. McDaniel $1.00 a Week ill pay np HoaOB of stock. , T. H. FAULKNER, Sec'y aud Treas. R,X, STRONG, Pres. NOTICE I We will not deliver ice on dundays hereafter. s Our Sun day hours will be from 7:30 to io:so a. m. ( 4 Thanking, the public for past favors, we are N. B, MOORE. J. C. WAGNER. Racket Store News --New- KINSTON, n. a; in White Milan, Braids and Burnt Straw in latest shapes, just re ceived. ' : : : ERSKINE CO. I Prldgen Block. 138. We close at 7 p. m., exoept Saturdays. I For June . Weddings. Call and see our stock of articles suitable for presentation gifts. Mantel Ornaments, . ' Fancy Qocks, Cut Glass, Silverware f The Fountain Pen contest closes May 3 1st. I DENMARK,! U4 J A TO AiAA ..We carry a nice line" of. jv Teas, Coffee, Cocoa, Chocolate, Etc. SPRING MILLINERY ": 1 LATEST STYLES LOW PRICES - N.L.BRUT0N&BR0. kinSton, n. c v ' . i. A. HAHVBT. ' , B. W.CHAD WICK i W. C. SWIFT. Try our fresh ice-cold Butter. We hare it fresh every week. Cream Cheese on ice. We invite you to see our Haryey-Ciiadiick.Co. fresh line of nice ,Candies. Beautiful Turned Work, Columns, Balusters,' Kinston Bakery CoJ Newels, Etc. 'Come and see them.' " PRICES RIGHT. PARASOLS pittWvWS from Fayetteviire Saturday morning, pretty little presents from ber guests. Misses Mary Hodges, Carrie Hardy, miss JtnJA pahrott tFirpT.t. and JeonleBarwlck, of Kinston visited Miss Julia Bizzell Parrott, thirteen year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Parrott gare a birthday party at tier nome on King street last evening, from 7:30 to 10:00, to which were in vited about 20 of her young friends. A pleasant two or more hours were spent by the young folks In pursuit of pleasure, which all found la abund dance. . -. ' - , The guests gave the hostess a num ber of nice birthday presents, some of which were useful ana valuable. After the round of romp and pleas ure, refreshments were served, which all enjoyed very much. The party broke up about ten o'clock and all Tvent away happy. if you are tired, thirsty and your ; ai is too full of work drink one or Pepsi-Colas and, you will be re--s J and feel like a new man. It is ious. 5 cts. at all fountains. ( 1 papers for sale at this office; 20c r Luiidred. at Mr. J. P. Hardy'a Saturdav niriit. Mr. and Mrs. Wren, of near SAven Springs, spent Saturdav ntaht at Mr. , W. Rouse's. They returned home Sundav vnincr uwimmnliu) K uu. - ' W w JT m0 Laura Rouse., v..: iV-, -C' r i r2 1 1 in p:cti -tvt y Immsdlatsly Curtdb ihs Uss of t Hick's Capudine lOc, 2 Sc mmi 30c mt drug tor. SPECIAL NOTICES. Florida Tomatoes at Mark Mew born's. Rooms fob Rent. Apply to Mrs. Lillian Perry. For Sale CHAP-One refrigerator. ; Mark Mewborn. GODF TICKETS ARE WORTH? MONEY. - We rive Four. Free, f Drinks for 100 tickets, j and you run a chance of I getting the $5.00 Watch FREE. Z The New French Drink 5 5 - ' s S AT f 1 TET.IPLE-r.lARSTOn S DRUGCO. s Specials in Men's Summer Underwear : J: Ctanging time right now We have just received a new line of r . e B. B. : Top Shirts. Call crly and get your pick. Yours to please, We have a nice line , of Ladies' and Chil dren's Fancy Parasols in , the latest styles , and colors, - prices . . ranging from ,19c to -,$4.58. : : : J. M. STEPHENSON. ; ' The Ladies' Store. . Opposite Mayor's Office. - - - LaceStripe ose Great Bargains IN Ladies', . Misses' and Children's FOR Thirty. Dayi $20i00 WHEELS FOX $15,00 ethers for $17.50, $23.C0, $22.50 $25, $35 zzi $45 All Colors BIGVmJES can suit you in a v TRY ME led n it i . I i . 'km V II J. 114. s. iv: 10) ;0UTII QUEEN ST. Phone Jl