the Daily im Fkess. A4vartlla IUt Appllcatioa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; Ktailjr On Week, fcjr Carrier, . omMwDi, : f , , ' Tfarw Mootii, : . . ' .., . TwhIt Mmllii, , . , . , as 1.00 4.00 C. W. FORUW,. cm Intro, ro Advertisements to bt (ho fed mstiAQrng yesterday. Ir f o'clock, day of fubttctio Thubsat EvEOTK0,.;iN0T. WJ903 Klnsfoo Lodge K, of P. meet at 7:30 tonight. ' Work in the second degree. 'Mr. Errol Dixon bat recovered from hie reoent illness to as to be able to ' attend to business again. The board of trustees of the Klniton graded achoola will meet In Canady'i ball Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock The cold ware forecasted for this . section struck this city last night and the temperature reached 20 degrees this morning, f Mr. JT. 8. Martin, a tobacco buyer on this market, who came here from Winston, hi quite ill at the home of Mr. J. JJ. Temple, where he is staying Mr: Street haa removed the Lenoir Cafe frosa Us recent site on Queen street to the Rl ver View Hotel where he is always ready io serve the publio in first class style. 1 Some Onei with no ulterior mo tire it is presumed, tied the bell rope at the aourt house into a hangman's noose. In view of the act that , there are two murder trials in court this week it was considered suggestive bjaoine JLuby Harnett was working on . a , store building belonging to Dr. , M. Parrott, . at Falling Creek, Tuesday evening, whenjthe stage gate, way and he fell to the ground. In fallfngr' he Struck some braces ana broke two ribs. J Mr. W, H. Dall, Jr.', and Miss Mary Blow were married la Greenville 'yes- ' terday and passed through . this city lsst night on their way to northern cities oa a bridal tour.' Several front KI iston witnessed the marriage, which Is said to have been very pretty one, ' Mr. Robert Norfleet, . Of the firm of JJipfert, Soales & Co.,' large tobacco manufacturers of Winston-Salem, has been here for several days ' on the breaks and left large orders with the Randolph Meade Company for leaf tobacco. Mr; Norfleet's firm does a yery largw u&lness in manufactured tobaoob. ' v I s 1 Cards are out announcing the ap proachiDg marriage of Mr. A'T.Us ' sell and Miss Corlone Chadwick, to take place at the home of the bride's parent's, Mr. and Mrs, W S. Chad wick, In Beaufort,, Dec. 2nd. Mr. Us sell Is originally from this county and is now oashller pf the , Bank of More head City., 1 .' , And They Smacked. , Persons In the lower part of the . eourt house yesterday., evening were attracted by the sound as of an explo sion and hastened to the sheriff's of fice from whldh place the sound ema nated. There it was found the cause at the noise was the resounding smack of a duskf couple who- had Just been united in the holy estate of matrimony by Justice J. G. Cox. - j At the conclusion of the nuptials the justice suggest to the dark hued Lothario that he salute the bride.' To the suggestion the sensitive nerves of the Hps of, the dusky bride responded in a very creditable and proper pucker and the bridegroom gently folded her in his arms and the resounding smacks of the vehement osculations were heard to the front of the , building and at tracted othera to the scene. ' ' . There were three Georges witnesses, , George Parrott, Geo. Suggs, two white men, and George Curtis, colored. Fol lowing the action of the bridegroom Curtis planted one on the ruby Hps of the bride but the other two Georges hung back. , , 4 - -, , The happy couple were named War ren Edwards and Annie Coward, 44 and 37 years old respectively, and they looked well-to-do and highly respect able colored folk, , ' SEVEN SPRINGS HOTEL To be Sold. Papers Hava Been Made Out and Deal Only Lacks Acceptance w Bf Purchasers. ..'-.. The papers conveying the Seven Springs property have been made out, signed and placed in escrow and only lacks the action of the purchasers in accepting and depositing amount to complete the deal. . . The actual purchasers known in the deal are Messrs. Gibson and Hum phrey, of Goldsboro, but it is said there is a stock company or syndicate back of it and tbe property will be Improve i, and it has been intimated that a trolley line may soon put this famous watering place In close touch 1 11 V a world by quick transit to the 1V1 particulars of the deal werenot ! - J rir is the purchase price to ' i ( t y. i.t if the t.: -,3 cf V i 1 t''fl f "ch'i-; "i t' e !''.' i : ' v i'.l l-j I ' ? PERSONAL MENTION. fTVifor lasvlnv town or If bar Mend ixitm iie noutr tbM iiOm lor u mudi lot our menou Mrs. J. W. White returned to Dover thU morning; , ,' MUa iJzxia Jonei returned to Dover yesterday afternoon, v ' Mr. W. E. Street went to Newbern t yewerday afternoon. ; . t .; Mr. W. Lu Holderby returned from .. Mr. O. IS Ward, of Newbern, Is attending court here today. Mr.' E. P.; Wooten returned from Wilson yesterday afternoon. , ?tMr?it Hiram Bell returned ' this morning from Richmond, Va. Mrs. Shade Wooten returned to her home at LaG range this morning. Mrs. H. D. Harper, Jr., has returned from a visit to her home at Coneto. .: Mr. R. L. Harding returned to his home in Scotland Neck this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lane, of Fort Barnwell, are visiting relatires in the city today; ' ..:;" :x, , ' V : Mrs. C. C. Hardy went to Goldsbo ro yesterday to spend several . weeks visiting friends. . ' i, v Mrs. J. H. Mewborn returned yes- terdsy afternoon from a visit to her parents in Concord. m t ' , Messrs. George Palmer and C. J. Pittman went to Goldsboro last night i to attend the Pythian fair. ' Mr. U. A. Underwood went to Golds boro last night to attend the Pythian fair In progress in that city. .' Mr. and Mrs.; Thomas Harvey went to Greenville to witness the Dail-Blow marriage and returned last night Miss Annie Agnes Lackey, the mis sionary lecturer, left last night .for other points to lecture, accompanied by Miss Mary Kilpatrick, of this city. Messrs; J. T. Midyett and JI Par rott went to Grifton this morning where they will spend the day in search of the feathery tribe. - : Messrs. Walker and Yullle, promi nent officials of the American Tobacco Company, after spending several days on the Einston market, left last night for other points. THE LAND DEAL. Practicability of the 8cheme Ques. tioned by One of Our Citizens. Mb. EoiTob, I see a good deal said about selling the State public land to a New Jersey syndicate and the cheap inducement offered is for colonization purposes. Doubtless the promoters I of the scheme are honest but their I Idea Is not practical. ' Our board of education, or those inl authority to sell, would make a seri ous mistake to be misled, in my - opln-l ion, by such a proposition.' If I un derstand it our publio lands are mostly I iwamp add forest, containing much I valuable - timber and especially hard wood which has recently become very valuable and were it not for those val uable ' timbers you would ' nave no pocosln.f Immigration does not seek homes where bears and wild oats dwell. One of the tnany reasons that our col onisation schemes' have been a failure if that we offer: to the home seeker I only such land as we do not want our-1 selves and he thus becomes discour aged, losing; his money, and finally returns home with a broken spirit and empty purse. And his description ofl the country left behind is calculated to discourage others who might come to our State. Spectator, CAPUDIWE . M 1 nfwf AIM lickntat and dJIXLlO TTln Hum, dn. hLL lbhinlii0 rii. Bun SMtMbnlarliw , Ko.So4 WeUtlU. ,v (UVI.) .. ,. "SPECIAL NOTICES. Viatt RlTer View Cafa tonight ' Norfolk Oysters at River View Cafe. ' Quail on Toast at River View Cafe. 5 Rooms for East street. rent. Apply 202 south Tobacco Sales Books at a bargain. f REJS ITiESS CO. Prettiest Dining Parlors in State at River View Hotel. Type writer Pa pkr, all grades for school and business purposes at Free fBESS oraoe. Chattel Mortgages, Lien Bonds Warrantee ana Mortgage ueeds, on good paper and nicely printed, at The t ree tress otnev. Strayed One dark bay horse mule from lot in Kinston. Anyone taking! him up please return to W. D. La- Roque's stables. J. II. Taylor. The November issue of the "Purple Folder" of the Atlantic Coast Line contains an accurate map of the state of Florida in a.lduion to the map of the system, which adds to the ai'.rao tiveoess of this fuhh r. wanthd i rust worm v laoy or rnn- t'oroan to manage busin i n V is cuc?vsndai1;oinirgtf,rri:orvf ri -15 of "",;, d t niirrial stani;-. i : ' C'.h salary er.l e y, ': v jy i.r-i f i ! ! t.t - v j i g ! ,- : TO OUR LINE OF Korred Shape" Shoes - w hsvs 4M line tf ' little Gents' and',1 1 Youth's Sizes 13 to 2 v and 21-: (o5 All of which we absolutely guarantee, Come iu and kt us liow you the line. J,. BROOKS & CO. -u T cocxpcococooo You Don't Have ,to Die to Win ' t "Life insurance is good for V . your family. Health insur- . . . ance is good for both you and your family. You collect health insurance by living. , You have to die before Lie . insurance can be coUectedV If you knew your health was 1 threatened you'd insure it if you could.'' : j : t t . t ; You do not know when your health may give way. Take out a policy in The Pacific ; Mutual now, t ( i t : r ? QUV WEBB Manager Aooldent anHealth Depart ment tor Nortb Carolina, : Hood B'ldV, In connection .with our Tinning and Plumbing businras ,we have opened a shop for repairing Guns, Pistols, Locks, and all kinds of Light Machinery. If yon hve any tiling in this line out of. repair and lying around useless, come and talk to ns about it.' We can fix it.' All work guaranteed. - Moore & Parrott 'si . " ',, Corner Gordon and Herritage 8ts, iWitwuiiiiUHiiHitmtii! r 3U Id 4t 1 V 44 t m sv x RepairShop and Oilier Scasooolilp Gpot! ; : 1 Dried Fruits ; ; - Faimaceotis Goods Seeded Raisins ; Carrants biictwheat in packa'gesV "t- London Layer Raisins , ' ' " ' Buckwheat in bulk Citron , 4 "- i Oat Meal in packages v Lemon Peel OrangA Peel Oat Meal in bulk ' Peaches Apples Figs Grits in packages 1 Grits in bulk" " fsfinpfi Ffffifc" Samp in cans Samp in bulk VrfUlUUl UlUl Grape Nuts Rice Flake Cherries Peaches . Pears . Cream of Wheat ; Apricots '. Apples Royal Health Fodd Finapple Sliced m , Pineapple Grated . . VirU tc ': Pineapple Chunks : 1 lCIxlCO 1111 Sweet Cucumber Green Fruits ; f rSouTITl;,r - . ; Have full line Bottle Pickles, Apples - Oranges Pears Mustard, Catsup, Horse Rad. Malaga Grapes . t jsh M ustard, Tabasco Sauce, Bananas Piueapples r Worcestershi re ; Sauce, Royal . .. . Salad Dressing, Durkee's ' . , Candies ' ' Sa,ad dressing. Ill I I have the best stock of pack- Tlfffc age and loose Candies" in llUtS Kinston; - Examine my stock Assorted Nuts Brazil Nuts before buying. Shelled Pecans f t Shelled Almonds . Cakes and Crackers WaInuts A,monds I have a full line of Cakes and Crakers. ST.llQi Permits Try Fruit Cakes e and in rackn.?es. Preserves J dlics J Cranberries 1 )' TRY REFUCLIC 11 MAR I JfyA - Class CloiAior mm J Stats' JtientsAor Jrom Jfcooel to JZooi Ono Prc Onfy J& WE WANT YOU - all to come in and h take a loot at our Suits, Overcoats, White arid Fancy Vests Shoes, Hats; Eta . Our 4 line "in every -Department is com plete and ourspecial' desire each is to please' customer S.;Jtl Quinerltj, . Jfinston, 7f C -. ARTHUR HARRCLU MK HO A sptendiri wTil forfgll-SQ : $25.00 Wheel for $20.00 $35.00 Wheel for $30.00 " Full1 line of V " BICYCLE SUNDRIES SEWING UA CHINES Good One for $5.00-1 ' $40.00 Machine for $20.00 , x Come to see me,.' ; I am going jto, , ' ' . - make prices . to suit the times. J. A. McDANIEL. . tf4-Jl6 f . QtTBXN STREET. I (3 -4 Ml a 1 5 f f x t I f , .1..,, . I l0ettinrer'5 THANKSGJVING 0 FFERI NG ... . i Table, Damasks " t : ' : t A well appointed dining room : is an essential ieature of the day, Let us assist,-in . making yours tempting. ELABORATE .DESIGNS ' IN CLOTH . mih' . NAPKINS TO MATCir ALL THE ; BETTER QUALITIES Prices 25c to $1.50 per Yard Napkins to $4 per Dozen S V ,f : The ladies can get anything L they want in an up-to-date ; . - Hat trimmed in the most v , artistic style at very low prfces. Weareverybusyfcut . 1 fillingali orders promptly. The Erskine Co. ' . - PBIDGEN BLOCK ' - ' A piece of Cut Glass or Fancy China for your dining -liable on Thanks X giving. ' There is no better time than now to.come.jn and make your selection. PEN MARK, Change of Location We call the ; attention of our mnimna nrtrl iha. mi Win. in trio removal of our entire line of FURNITURE, RUGS, . 1IATTLNGS,. PICTURES, ETC., : to J. W. Graino-Rr's mpw anrl . . o ( handsome -building on Queen street, where we will be clad to I have you call and let us serve you. ..v .Yours to please, White Furniture Co. Tenney's Chocolate Yettes tAND Salted Peanuts I mi UZJItZtXSZtZXXXXIZi2 m M 7 1 25c Stockings 5! M for 15c Pair i S That's exactly what you get "when you buy , The Gladiator ; , School Hose. ;. Double Knee;' Double Sole and Extra Heavy all around, Guaranteed Fast Black, and just the stocking for this kind of weather. Sizes 7 to 10 " 15c Pair; 5 r M H M X4X4X4TXXX4X4X4X4X4Z47 M ISS ; ADALAIDE SMITH, Offers Professional Services to ths public. Reeidinw at' Dr. A. R. Miller's. S. Oiieen street, Kinston. Phone 114. The OWLlDRUQ 8TORB Are Your Lunga 7 .Worth Twenty-five Cents? , , Why . do you cough and hack, feel "ail broken up" amonar ; vout friends and probably loe needed rent at niprht when a dose of FIWE TAB CO Lull UALSAM will tnve.vou immediate relief and a bottle , probably cure you completely? We get trtimoniala almost daily to the vaiue oi tins remedy. . lour money back is aon tsuit. - ' y WILL H UNXISR; JIZ Special Sale iDRESS GOODS This Week 5 1-inch Snow Flake Suiting in green and black 90c 51-inch Broad Cloth, extra quality . 51, CO 51-inch Extra Heavy Shark Kkin Cloth 51.25 ir VfTaitir'v3. 27-inch dotted end fl.jn Ilohair r- Ok - w nmmm ry 5 C 1 ! V V 'h s . i j : - W9 r? ) 'm ' M ' M '. g M H M 8-. M s M , S- - i

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