. ....... -. -r j" ' 1P.REE:MES PUBLISHED HFTRNOON EXCEPT, SUNDAY,' OL.VI.-NO. 205; K3NSTON, N, C, jlONDAYj NOVEMBER 30,' 1003 PRICE TWO CENTO. v. aw mm .1 liil GE11ERAL11EWSITEUS Hatters ; of Interest Condensed Into Brief Pararap!is.' ", ;. ' 1 LITTLE ABOUT IUKEROUS THUGS f"he Pith' of the World's Newt That 1 Might Interest Our ' Reader. An 4, Hem Here and There. , , ,' r :.. President ; Roosevelt not Only ex pects to break the rule of the non-suo-eession of accidental presidents, but also hopes to abolish this rule for " good, and all and to pick for vice-pres Identtheman who will be presidents . . 1908,'v The man he has in his eye ;. William H. Taft, of Ohio. This -A the latest report from Washington. - L Washington, Nov, .Representa tive Gibson has Introduced a bill for ' the purchase and establishment of national forest preserve in the Appala chlan moimtalns, embracing viiot less i than 5,000,000 acres in the states of . West Virginia, Virginia, North Caro- , line. South Carolina, Tennessee, Geor gia and Alabama, to be known as the National Appalachian Park.,. ' . Tiffany, Ohio. Nov. 27. The family . of Frank Miller, consisting of Iveper- - sons, husband, wife and throe children were exterminated' today through the : fatal ' forgetfulnest of the wife, who last night mixed a quantity of strlcb nine with corn meal for the purpose of poisoning rats which had greatly annoyed the family. The poisoned meal was mixed with other meal today and used in preparing breakfast.- - , - Norfolk, Va.; Nov. 28.Havlng just finished an eloquent ' discourse upon the goodness of God In the Baptist 'church '. of Potecasl, N. C, Jesse , Parker, a wealthy Carolinian, fell to .. the floor and expired In afewmoments, The tragedy broke up a largely attended meeting of people held to give thanksgiving for the gdod crops, of the fall. Mr Parker, was seventy-six years of age and it is thought he was overcome by emotion. f Richmond, Nov.,' '28. Mayor Ross, of Newport Newt, today telegraphed '.Walteii Scott,' manager of the Virginia football team asking if he would be willing to meet Carolina Saturday of next week at Norfolk, the proceeds to go towards purchasing stock in the Jamestown Exposition Company. Soott ' -at once wired his acquiescence, and all members of the team were ordered to come back , to the training table as soon as the willingness of Carolina for a second battle could be learned. Washington, Nov. 28. Mr. Bunau Varilla, the 'minister from Panama called at the state department, today and had conference with Acting Sec retary tomis, concerning? financial questions ' connected with the canal problem, i It appears ; that -the ; junta has determined to reserve all of the $10,00a000 to be paid to Panama by the United States after the treaty is ratified, for purposes of public Im provements. A dispatch from Panama Uaid that the junta positively, would not give Colombia any of the money, and that it wanted : $2,000,000 n cash and $3,000,000 In a form to Invest. 0A07OIIXA. Bsari th : :' $ 1 "8 KM Vdu Ka? AlW't Bar; SIIIPLY EHIATIIZ IT. A Few Minutes Use of Hyomet Four Times a Day Cures Catarrh. ' The pleasantest, most convenient and the only scientific method for the treatment and cure of catarrh is Hyo mel. Simply put twenty drops of Ily omei in the inhaler that comes with every package and then breathe it for a few minutes four times a day. It 6'-C'!i3 remarkable that so simple a way of treating1 catarrh will effect a cure, I -ut the most iir;--ortant discov eries of sulci ee have always been tie t. By I ! . . y i" Ilyomr i ( f air V .f t tin; t' 1 i 13 ti r, s way ,T S V.: 1 1 1 - DON'T FORGfLT THEM. ' Tfc Vmvtr Cull and tha Bread ' Bttr Letter. Do not forget your, party call and your bread and butter letters, says the Boston Advertiser." Tffey are In their way Just as Important Us the party and the visit themselves uud mean much tu your hostess. ' , v ,'r , L- 'Five weeks ago. said a woman to me the other day,. "I gave an evening affair to which fifty ..guests; were : la vlted. -Out of these only pue has paid me a party call. ; Of course I know tha It Is not indlfferenctf or Ingratltnde that has caused the omission, but I cannot help feeling Jt a little,. The bread nd butter letter, too, la not a mere functory matter, but , real deuiAud with which we should comply.? Every hostess Is In terested in , the welfare of Jthe gncst who has lately been sojourning under her roof and whom she has Just speed ed with good will oh her; way.. SIJi? vrishes to know. If the guest has arrived home safe and well, and not to comply with such wish shows one lacking In rommottwurtesy;Xef 18 mistake which excellent people ' often . make. Few people forget to call upon a bridft bat how many mnembcr the call due the bride's parents as the persons who extended the Invitation to the wedding? Yet one4 is as binding as the, other, ex cept .of course in cases where : the bride's new home la at a great distance from that of her girlhood. - "h v - , i,fiSJ A" VsBMt XiMkcr. '"' .. "I In the door of the norf b porch of Dur ham cathedral Is a .very ancient" aud grotesque mask of bronze. the empty eye sockets of which are thought to have been either filled with crystal eye balls or to have ' had a lamp burning behind them. , ' " jl This cathedral was In medlseval days a famous sanctuary where any culprit charged with crime could find Inviola ble shelter,, kindly entertainment for thirty-seven days and: then if, still un justified or unpardoned safe escort to the coast and passage -oversea. The only payment demanded was a full con fession and a solemn oath never to re turn to England. From a chamber over the north porch a monk watched continually to give im mediate entrance to any fugitive, aud as soon as this knocker on the door was grasped the rights of sahotunry were insured,'; The chamber was destroyed about a hundred years ago. but the fa mous Norman knocker still hangs in Its place. Pearson's Weekly, -"i. ,- ' Tke Ts He of Today. The young men of today are too fin ickytoo much given to self analysis, too self pampering. -Their shoes and neckties cost more each year than did the. entire- wardrobe of , their grand fathers. They feel a sense of degrada tion in email beginnings and plodding. and they wait for success ready made to come to them. There is not. a young man in the country who would imitate Ben Franklin and march through the streets munching a loaf of bread while looking for employment. He dares not. indeed, because society has become also finicky, and he would be arrested as a tramp. The young man of today wants capital, j He cannot be president of a bank or judge of a court Ue first week he Is from school, and tie feels like the famous Eli i'ussley, that he has "no ebnuee,"-Pbi!fldelphIa Inquirer. Odd TkUsi The origin of the seutiment, '01d wood to burn, old wine , to drink, old xriends to trust, old authors to read," is somewhat obscured. , Baooii found that Alonso of Aragon was wont to say in commendation of age that age ap peared to be best in these four things. John Webster (1G38) went further In declaring, "Old wine wbolesomest, old pippins toothsomest," and that "old wood burns brightest, old linen washes whitest" Goldsmith in "She Stoops to Conquer" says, "Old friends, old times, old manners, old books. , old wine." There are many variant quotations., Made tUe t aunon Halls Fit. . The first, battlu of the war of 1S12 was fought at Sacket's Harbor, July 9, IS1X and consisted of an nttm'k made upon the village. The inhabitants had but one guu of sufficient size aud strength to inflict damage, a G2 pound er, far which they had no This dilHeulty was overcome 1 v the patriot- sin of tlw bout'wives. iviio tore up carpets from the floors ami with strips wound the Saiiill tails tu fit the can non. ...-. ondprf ; t iwi.: Th It .' .1 l' :.t no-ej vi i.n-nt f.f the 1 ! t: ' l!"ft'il- 1. t;ik- !i..... !'y I r ; ii: A MARVEL OF THE MAILS, Great Dlataara That Lattara Tvavat - :.') v" at S'uall Bxpraaa. v - - If a man Should start, from ,New. lork and travel northward to Alaska then down the coast to California and take ship to Manila and follow the lines of travel to Hongkong,; to Singapore, to tlanton.' to Tokyo, to Vladivostok, to St., I'etersburg. to Vienna," to Lon don. to Sonth Africa and finally (to J South America, touching on the way at several Pacific and south Atlantic Islands and tbe:)ce back to his starting point, he could, travel a distance sever al times greater than the circumference Of the globe. If he ordered tils mau forwardiMl to hlua and left correct ad dresses behind at each place the letters would dutifully follow him and finally be delivered to him In New York a few days after his own arrival there. ;av All that he would have to pay extra for this remarkable Journey of bis mall would be ulollar or two in tolls, which would represent, the" charges foe for warding exacted by some of the coun tries through which It passed. There are to the post, office, department at Washington the 'envelope ; of abetter which traveled in this way '150.000 miles and another 'which tame safely through a . trip of 125.000 Mlles.-Bt. Nlcholaa. " i t", t ? S I; a Cava af Kidaiaalaar.'"' V ' The pretty baby had fallen asleep In her perambulator la front of her fa ther's house on a fashionable street. The nurse was ftowhere to be Been. . A httmlly dressed man. dad 1n black. looked at all the windows and saw that the blinds were drawn. , Ifc was the afternoon hour, when wealthy New York likes to drive. In the park. Ah! ' he exclaimed as he crept stealthily toward the sleeping child, "If 1 cau onlr'catch her . before she wakes so pretty, so peaceful! I know hetr father will be only too glad to pay my price: 4 In two seconds he stood before the1 baby carriage, drew a black box from beneath his coat and suapped a rubber bulb directly In the baby's face. Then be put the black box beneath his coaf and walked away with smile of m preme satisfaction. - ' ' "Gee!" he exclaimed. "Such luck: -Dadtly.rwjU py $3 for a dozen of .thos' photographs; sure thing!" New York Times. - . ' , OUf Cram well. Newbutg pripry.. claims the distinc tion of sheltering the rc-mnins of Oliver Cromwell' Aftetthe protector'r death on his lucky day, Sept. 8, his body was embalmed and, after lying in state for. some time, was. Interred with regal pomo in Westminster abbey. After the restoration .his body, along with those of Ireton and Bradshaw. was ex burned and banged on the gibbet; at Tyburn, " The heads. so'the story goes, were struck off and placed on the , top of Westminster hall, while the bodies "were burled beneath the gallows. On the other hand, It la said that another body was substituted for that of Crom well and that the protector was buried secretly on the Hambledon hills. At all events, at the top of Newburg pri ory there is a narrow room. One end of which is occupied by a "mass of stone work built into the wall. Here, It is said, 'the remains of Oliver Cromwell rest 3. " " The Lead Peactl. The name lead pencil is a misnomer made correct "By custom. The so called leads of a pencil are in reality a mix ture of graphite and clay, Graphite 19 a word derived from, the Greek, mean ing "to write," It is a native mineral carbon of black color and brilliant men tallic luster. To the touch It feels smooth, somewhat like soapstone, and it breaks in a Very flaky'manner under a very light blow " It Is se soft It will leave a trace on paper. It Is sometimes called plumbago and has still another name black lead from 1 which. Of course, We get the name lead pencil. Graphite is found 'in the , oldest rock formations, and deposits"' are - to be found in various 'parts of the world, the most famous .being '"those at 'Altai, In Siiierin. and at Tleonderoga. N. Y hi this country. "V r -: 1'he Pnttiiaa'a Knock, . The British posi.U wrvhre may e ' nrer tlinn thr- Aiiierirnn. but it has is humors. The story is told that iQ one of the-remotest d' Sid re w bid! ii , n t , i ' i , lil? and prkiiniv," 'v: leng lKMn ;i su) ' ' wox!eu lei-. I n I i ri . r ill. is of Oxford- 'iiie hiacccssf :'es there has ibIit with a '''s delivery uoy c.-irt. Hut of letters he drove a ' t:e found it tV ". ! to ft v.p ai 1 down. i'ii; ;n to take with f;.;i of i.irre stones, e ! y one with sti-.-iuv of I. is m'v "is us I. That was t!;e to it has l .., u 1 i.i:ii a ti l hu k( Theso ho l,ur!rd aim at t!. ! ,l-!i'!l -1- ! l.r r i 1 . PROPOSITION TO LEASE. Atlantic Railway Company Organize ' and 8ubmit Proposition to Governor to Lease A. & N, C. ' Charlotte Observer, . At Goldsboro today, the Atlantlo Hallway Company's stockholders' met and organized,! eleotlng" Walter W. Mills, of Raleigh, president, and Her bert u- Finlavson, of Goldsboro, ;.' retary. The following are elected di rectors, only six" being allowed under the charter obtained from the State Thos. :Ai Green, of , Newbernj ; Lovlt Uines, of Klnston; Kathan O' Berry and George A. Norwood, of Golda boro; W. IV. KfUlt nd ohn A. Mills, of Raleigh.. Tbia .Afternoon Walter W. Mills, John A. Mills and Mr. Fin layson, aocompanled by Attorneya W. T. Dortoh, of Goldsboro, nd T; B. Womaok, of Raleigh, called on Gov ernor Aycock nd submitted ; the ' fol lowing proposition for the lease of the Atlantic ; "North Carolina Rail- waf'i V4. f h "At a meeting of stockholders of the Atlantic Railway Company, at Golds boro, this day, it was unanimously re solved to submit to . the Governor a proposition to lease the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, and at i meeting of directors It was unani mously resolved that this proposition t 'lould be-In the following terms! - The Atlantic Rftilway Company will pay 1 1 annual rental of 3 per cent, upon e capital stock of the Atlantic & orth Carolina Railroad Company for 1 1 years; 3 per cent, for 20 years; 4 r cent, for the remaining 1 years, e Atlantlo & North Carolina Rail ad Company alone to be responsible r, and to pay interest upon, its pra ,t bonded Indebtedness and the At tic Railway Company to pay taxes J assessments. ; On each proposition Atlantlo Railway Company agrees deposit with your excellency, bonds ivalent to the annual rental, the .Is to be deposited . In advance h year, ; and to be approved ,.r .e-icellvncy, .or.- successor i in ofiice , "The Atlantlo Railway Company, at a part of consideration of the lease, will guarantee to build a railroad, at least 50 miles In length, running in a westwardly direction from Goldsboro, within five years- from the date of leaBP, and as security for the ;falthful performance of this portion of the agreement will deposit a bond. In such penal sum. and with such sureties, as will be deemed sufflclenjj by our excel- a ." aa ii il . T- . 1 . : - 'rf-i ' lency . :, xne : ah anno iauway ajow pany will assume payment of allt the present floating indebtedness; of the Atlantlc,& North; Carolina Railroad Company, and will agree to pay a reasonable sum for tho malntalnanoe Of the organization of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company." The Governor stated that he wouTd give Immediately attention to the pro; position. - '1 v , 1 l. ' , ' 11 ' I' 'L' ".",'.";f".;V ''f6f-'-. K - Notice Newborn, N. C, Nov. 10, 1903. In pursuance of a resolution of ,the stock holders of the Atlantlo & North Carolina Railroad Company adopted at a meeting held September 24th 1903, a meeting will be held at ; Newborn N, , Thursday the 10th day ol Decem ber 1903 at 12 o'clock. - 'v?-'p--;v ?;r. James A. Bkyan, President. J i M. Manly, Seo?y and Treas. i o j Cares Blood, Skim Troable. Cancer. Blood l'oitton Greatest Blood Parifier Free. , If vour blood is impure, thin, dis ease, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eat io? sores, scrofula, . eczema, itcninsr, risings, and lumps, scabby, pimply kin, bone pains, catarrn, rheumatism or blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B, Ii. u. ) according to directions, , Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop, the blood is made pure and rich, leaving the skin free from every eruption, and civm? tnei rich glow of perfect health to the skin. At the same time, B. B. B. improves tlie d;(jestion, curesdyspepsla, strength ens weak kidneys. Just the medicine or ntd people, a It g-lves them new. i porous- blond. lJroxits, 1 per In . e bott'e, with directioii for home ern e. t5Hii;p' frfe and prepaid ' by wrhlrar Biooa Buim Co., Atlanta Ga. l)'-ci sl e trouble and Bpial free med j ' t) advice siso sent in sea'ed letter. '. Ii. 15. is especially advised for ! -ori'j. d?en-8eated cas-s of impure 1. o l j.nJ fk.n oiseaf, and cures after h If; ? f.l'.N. : HELEN KAY BUTLER And Her Ladies' Military Brass Band A Successful Career. . The. phenomenal career' of Miss Helen May Butler - and her company of . artists under the management of Mr. J. Leslie Spahn, hat been a great source bf delight to her many admir ers throughout the country. The band has, been given an ovation in every city visited and the enthusiasm created hat been a splendid testimonial to the popularity of Miss Butler and her ooirps bf musicians. ; A v: ' V Miss Butler hit earned her laurels throughout the x entire , country and every music loving person of KinBton will be aura to be at this grand eoter- ment on Tuesday. next;:2 iJtl At the merit Of this beautiful organ ization, the press comments are inv mense and , we give herewith an echo of a late press report:. ;;;.:v' v4,Tbe concert given by Helen May Butler't Ladies' Military Band in the Empire theatre last night was one of the most pleasing musical events en joyed In town this season. Though the patronage was not large, the audi ence showed that it had ' appreciation and enthusiasm for one twice its size. ! 'The performance wat admirable throughout:, The young! women put a lot of tnap and fire into their efforts and reached: results that" were nothing If not pleasing. The ensembled music wat caplttlly handled, while the tolot were exceedingly good. . . . "3118 Butler't band hat been nearly over the country and "everywhere has been received with tplrlt. She cer tainly hat organised a corps of play ers wnote Cleverness is remaricaoie and who can give a concert far supe rior to those of soma bands composed of men. Miss Butler it easily the Sousa of her sex." Providence, R. I., Telegram, Octobers, 1903. Tasca and His Eand. A small' but select audience beard TascVs Royal .Artillery Tand at Taf ia's pL,or'; WuAturu4y$vt!i. and were delighted. It it to be deplored thai a . larger number did not attend the perform anoe, for as was intimated in these columns prior to the arrival of Tasca, It was a musical treat seldom offered in a place of the population of Kinston. The concert of the players In; thelp respopse to the matchless directing of the leader showed the artist in the io dividual of the company and when the band favored the audience with a pop ular air the house evidenced their ap preciation with feryent applause. In some classical numbers the mu sic was grand beyond description, the different sections of the band swelling Into a climax of thundering accord that swept the listeners off their feet. ,IIe Was Honest. . Friday while Mr. J. K. iiali was buying cotton in Trenton be wat ap proached by a colored man who asked him if he remembered buying abale of cotton' from him, (th darky,) two yean ago. Mr Ball, to humor the old dar ky, told him yes, and to hit utter at- tdhlsbment the colored man, whose name was John Godwin, and lives In Jones county, pulled out a $10 bill and handing It to Mr. Ball told him that he had paid him $10 too much for the bale purchased two years ago. Mr. Sail's friends succeeded In bringing bim to after a long while. ) - . The honest old darky said the money had done him a "shocking heap o' good" this summer. The act of the old darky was a highly commendable one, but not likely to be emulated very freely In these days. , v."' ' 111 1 11 ' To Deliver an Address. We have secured the services of Bon. James B. Dudley, president of the A. & M. College, of Greensboro, N. O.i to deliver the annual address on Jan. 1st, 1!KH. He will speak on industrial and educational lines and other topics which will be beneficial to our future welfare. .. ''. " .. ' . !"' John L. Bokdes, President. - , 4 ' Johx W..C. Smith, Sec A Good Name. From personal experieoc I testify that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are iir,e';'!al'e4 as a liver pill. Tbey are rightly named because they give !.-,' "L' h and energy and do their work wi. i ea-e.-'A. T." Kaston, Uoerne, Tex. t' ' t a:I i ar.t S " r.--. t f. . c :((. le are usinsf in pre ference to ey are so pieas-ri-v cure bilious- ny little pi: r. bH'ause t ' r:'vial. T 1 livr. j a u n ""' 1 tv .1 . .-. sick head Tley do not e ;i iOe 8nd :. l'i t 1 & Co HOM STATE ilEm ! Clipped ind ; Called From Onr Korli . . Carolina Eicei. ' , ODD AID HTERESTIK HAPPEIIKG3 Ootslp Gathered from Murphy To Manteo of Importance te Our Tar Heel Readers. , . A hospital is to be erected by the v sisters of charity at Greensboro at a' cost of about rtf.OOO. and will . begin building about the first of next year. 'i One of the big tanks of the Standard Oil Company sprang a leak Friday , and thousands Of gallons of oil flowed ' into the Cape Fear. The river was guarded for fear of catching fire. , Louitburg Timet: Mr. J. W. Fuller,' who lives about two miles from town, killed hit big hog last Saturday and brought him to town to weigh him. .-; He tipped the scales at 635 pounds, -dressed. ' ,' , , "" - A meeting of, cotton manufacturers of the south has been called to assem ble In Charlotte December 8, to formu late an agreement for the curtailment of cotton products? , The conference wat "called by the committee of North Carolina manufacturert and all mill twoAra.lnteratted.' yy;:. , Charlotte Observer: "Every year," laid fa ': Charlotte business man, "2,600,000 goes out of tbia State at payment on life insurance, policies. , , We get in return only about tGOO.000 - ' annually Question: Why can't we organize our own insurance companies and keep the money at home?'' ' While Charles Abernathy and Miss Irene Thomasson, of Mecklenburg county, were returning from a party , ; Friday night, Abernathy put his run to his head and remarking to the lady ' that he was going to kill himself. p-'Ied the tripper and a bullet wett craliiiig." "through" lts brain, klllli. him instantly." No cause is known for the suicide. Charlotte. Nov. 28,-Capt. S. B. Alexander, of this county, ' ex-con gressman,;, today in a communication to the county executlv e committee, gave, notice of his - intention to stand for election to the corporation com mission. ' Capt. Alexander t was re quested to become a candidate by the committee, that body stating Its belief that this section should be represented on the commission. v . 1 Laurlnburg, Nov. '28. Last night about 13 o'clock, at the Richmond cot ton mill, ' this county, Will Parrlsh was accidentally shot andrtniedl)y a - gun in hia handstand the hands of Daniel TJeatoV Parrlsh and Deaton ; are both white and from near. Jackson Springs, Moore county. Parrfsb was 1 drunk, ; It was while ;Deaton was try- Ing to take his gunjrbm him' and thus prevent him doing any harm, that the accident occurred. Both men are of good character, Parrlsh being wild only when drank. ; , s,' f II. E. Orphanage Gets $1,000. Mr. Geo. M. Lindsay of Snow Hill Makes $ 1 ,000 ponation in the Con ference.1 N ' " '"'' Goldsboro, N. ' C., Nov. 28. The fourth day's session of the North Cat4 ollna conference was marked by, a special incident: the donation of one thousand dollars, to . the Methodist Orphanage at Raleigh by Mr. Geo. M, Lindsay, a resident of Snow Hill and a member of the Greene county bar. The donation came as a surprise to the conference -and was: presented through the Rev, J. W,. Jenkins, the -superintendent of the orphanage. This gift was made to Mr. Jenkins in the chamber of Mr. Lindsay at the Hotel Eennon last night. - The instrument conveying the donation prescribes the manner in which the money shall be used. ''"' A Scteatlflc Diaoowry . . -Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the stomach that which It Is unable to do for Itself, even when but slightly dis ordered or overloaded. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure supplies the natural juices of dipestioo and does the work of the stomach, relaxing the nervous tension, while the iD flamed muscles of that or ?an are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol Djsiepsia Cure digests whU ynxx est and enables the stomach sr.d d.r1--tive organs to transform all too 1 i.ito rich, red Mood. P-'IJ by J. Iio-..d