.V- 1 "i ' ' " tf .1-' The Daily Free Press. ISiUahdlTnrAitomooa (sont Sunday) at i t, Kiiukm. North Carolina. TfB FREE PRESS CO., Publishers. OJUTML T. IOWARDS.. at PostoMos m sscoaslclu nutttar. GOV. AYCOCK TO THE FRONT. and uiu intensify Mid perpetuate We can make It the cluef factor in southern politics, and In the action of the south In national politics for an other feneration. It ii worth while? It it not infinitely better to co-operate in all possible ways with the policy of justice to we negroes aarancea oy Governor A yeock limited and par Mai tuatioe. wsmif sir. bat within its Bmto limit real Justice If that poliey suc ceeds we snail nave . tne negroe grad ually educated, adranced in industry and in prosperity, and assured of their rirhts anart from political control, un the other hand, we shall have the in telligent, fair minded, loyal whites of tk annth fi mm in mf t In atata and na- Last Friday night GoyeroorAycock loni politic without reference to race feeling. The Judgment or true Datriotiim ana ox common tense teems to ut very p ain. Truly, Got. Aycoek it making name for himself, and be it rapidly being recognised at one of our bright est national luminaries. GIFT OF FRENCHMEN. ( Waahlaartaa WkUk Is ta B Plaaaa la th Retlaaal Capital. The bunt of Washington by the sculptor Darld d'Anaers which some ef the Fremh admirers of the United tates are to place in the capltol at Washington has been finished and baa eroked the highest praise from art critics who bare seen it The bronze bust, wblch hat been for warded to tbe French ambassador at Washington, waa cast by Uohwlller and will be mounted on a pedestal cut form the marble quarries of Berrlng Nlcoli at Carrara. Charles Dupont. tbe talented artist In metal, made tbe bronze plate In the style of Louis XVI., which Is to be placed on tbe front of tbe pedestal. This graceful compliment to a sister republic was conceived and executed was one of the speakers at the annual eUnner of the North Carolina Society off Baltimore, Simply to say that our governor wat there and made a speech la enough to justify tbi assertion that ' the Tar Heels In Baltimore enjoyed an Intellectual feast. But eomethlng further can be aald than this. . On this occasion Gorernor Ayoock rare the North Carolina solution of the rac problem, and h'.s utterances will command respect all orer the na tlon, such attention and respect as would be enjoyed by few other south rn men. Our governor's solution of 1 the nepro problem it the North Caro lina tolution of it It is sane through and through, and is really the only so lution of the problem, ' There are va poring! that come up , from unimpor tant quarters, the hallucinations of . visionary imaginations formulating aure-to-oure solutions of the question, but tbe gorernor't is the only sane " solution. i In hit characteristic manner the gov ' amor said:' , I am prond of my State, North Car olina, because there we nare solved : tha negro problem which recently seems to hare given you tome trouble. We hare taken him out of politics and have thereby secured good government under any party, and laid foundations for the future development of both ra ce, we nave lecuned peace and ren lered prosperity a certainty. I am in dined to give to you our tolution of this problem. First; as far at possible, under the , fifteenth amendment to disfranchise him, after that let him alone; quit wri ting aoout mm; quit talking about mm; quit making him the ; white man's bur ten; quit coddling him, let him learn that no man of bis race ever got any thing worth the having that he did not tumsell earn: that character la the out come of sacrifice and is the result of . toll; that whatever hi. fortune may be the present nas in it for llim nothing that la not the, product of industry, thrift, obedience to law and upright ness; that he cannot, : by reason of councilor league accomplish anything, that he can do much by work; that vi olence may gratify: his passions, but it cannot . accomplish Kit ambition; that he may , eat rarely 6f the cooking r equality, but tie win aiwayr find, when he does that there It death in the pot, there It Unending separation of the races, they cannot intermingle. The white man determined that no black shall eroaa the line. Tbe negro con atitutea one-third of the population of anyuute. ueu my personal mend; a a lawyer I have often defended and protected him. i Bufc tLere flows in my veins the blood'of a dominant race. I fay if manifest, destiny leads to. the aeisure of Panama, It certainly a little .likewise leads to the dominance of the Caucasian. When the negro recogni ses this fact we shall have peace and jrood will between the ; races, but I , would not have the white people forget their duty to the negro, we mutt seek the truth and pursue it. t We owe an obligation to the 'man in black;' we brought him here. He served, us well; lie it patient and teachable; we owe lilm gratitude, above all we owe him t jusuov At inwnu i am tnu ants of French officers who fought in nl$n The scheme V,.' Away fiUt-fc la t;., " The year l"Jil I far iiurfc. but' It A. interesting -to think -fb.rt t be unit!'.')' Ings of the t-oiiiltm wur utornt were u6l yet so ugnMKiy vvu then but tti.tt the aportanien of renusylvattitt could turn their attention to a more system atlc organisation of their fox bunihfj. forces and then established the first bant club In tbe country tbe Gloute ter Bounds. Xot that tbla waa tt be ginning of tbe sport in Pennsylvania that eminently borne . loving country for fox buntlug had held a blgh plaet In the pastimes of tbe people many year before. It waa rather tbe erj denee that tbe sport had become so lot portant that It needed systems Using so that districts might be thoroughly bunted In tarn and contentions, rivalry and clashing dates be avoided.- .J All tbe early fox bunting clubs had their origin in tbe pre-existing owner ship ef a greater or less number ef bounds by private owners,, Every cod sldersble landowner in the south kepi them, and good dogs they were, not alwsyt orthodox, according to the standard of the Bel voir and tbe Quora ef today, bat nevertheless bounds de rived from tbe beet English and Gu ropean stock and continued by Judl clous selection of those who showed the Instincts by conformation suitable to tbe country In which they were called uion to worlf, Washington may be quoted as one of "the southerners' who kept bounds and bunted them top- Lafayette, moreover, aeut him 'frottj France a splendid pack of French fox hounds, with qualities which still fur tber beled to complete tbe most per fect aniui:il for American fox bunting. the American hound. From tbe forma tlou of tbe Glouces ter Fox Hound club In 17G6 until to day clubs, have played the most im portant part in preserving the sport and regulating its practice. Not all cluba of equal importance, it is trufc. but all of the same spirit Illustrated Sporting News. ! f mm rcOLCHICINE L SALICYLATE : TrochetV Colchicine" Salicylate " Gns&les A standard and infallible cur for RHEUMATISM and GOUT. endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America.- Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve in nqmas ot 10c stomacu wttnout causing irritation 01 disagreeable symptoms. , Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by oruggiBia. i iurc ana rci 1110 genuine. - WUXUHS VUru. OO., CXTKlwSJIJS, OHIO Sold for TEMPLB-MARSTON DRUG CO. ; . T. COX, Pres. J. W4QKAINOEB, Tie Fret. It. C. 8TR05, Caskr The Bank of Kinoton : . Capital, Surpltig and profit 9ier ' . Seventy Thousand Dollars Total .Unquestionable Assets orer . Three Hundred Thousand Dollars SoliciU Business from llerchants. Faimers and IodiTi'drifll Printing of Merit f 1 No matter how small he Job it receives the atten tion that results in work of a high order of merit. Consult about Printing anythingUttle or big-....M Free Press Co. WHY NOT TAKE A TRIP .THIS WINTER THROUGH 1VIEW YORK Oar wambikoVo. D'aROKBS S08T by a small group of old friends ef America, some of whom are descend- sue negro aiair cnanoe. - s- The white man in the south can nev er attain to his fullest growth;untU be gives full justice to the negro., . These utterances will be weighed in nany dlffereat acaleVvT Some blind fa atlcs will condemn it as unfair to the ' ajegro. But they don't understand the ssegro, and neyer will. Other who are v Mafarolled by prejudice will condemn he utterances at containing too much , tepognition of the negro.- But the gov ajraor's position will be reoognlxed as the only tenable one in the and.' ii; Xa a column i editorial one of the great metropollUa dallte, tb ' New I Tork Times, commends the govern- . or, concluding a follows: 3 fc , la our judgment tbe ' immediate and' . ultimate future of the south and of the" aational interests centered in the south depends on wnetber that section shall be led by men like governor Gov. Ay ock or ry narrow and t greed v deroa jrogu. s of tbe type that have kept the aouth 'olid" and iuiie populism pos sible there. If the imi ih is to under take a crusade to punish the polioy Xbm North . Cf imlloa- O"htitut!oa 'an., thers like it How aiUiitedln 11 so lib era states by a' miufiioii of repot-n-lation, the Aycocka vill m down and ut and demagoirtiea ill come into vower andvfa.v thnre for a long tiuie. We do not tee how any other repti' iran follow such a course. What gu4 would that do to the neerof W hat la- .ilte harm would it do to then . 10 u.- oiuh, or to the whole nation? " The race feeling, the race prvjulie. if you will, exists among the k' bo.yof the southern whites. We of l; north cannot root tt out If we f !J. We can, if we shall aiciDe, ue,'y j;, j unish the people who entertain it, bad the warm., approval of many high officials of the French goverhment. In cluding tbe ministers ef foreign affairs Ind of the departmeats ef the army and the navy. .-. taak KlUlasr Cats of Cairo. A native woman living in old Cairo was entering her house when, to ber great terror, she perceived a snake of formidable dimensions, which bad tak en possession of tbe hearth during the woman's absence. The woman fled, leaving tbe door open. , Her cat then appeared on tbe scene, entered, saw the cobra, put up Its back and tall spat and otherwise manifested Its hostility and in turn, went out. . A few minute afterward it returned in company with second cat. After a similar exhibi tion both went out and returned w;ih a third, and similarly wear away, re, turning Onally with a fourth. Con sidering that sufficient foree had been recruited to kill the suuke, the four at nee, fell oa the . reptiie. awl after a short but heroe strusgle the hitter wa.i literally tont to pieces.-Egyptian (la sette. , ' f It la the Slaaaard taed la all Waathrr Baraaa Stattoa When we read a report from any of the luu regular weather bureau std tlons throughout our land bringing the information that a rainstorm, ' a tor nado or some other meteorological phe notuenou began at a certain hour we need -not suppose tliat tbe hour men tloued refers to the time at" tbe. place where the observation was made. The! hour given la the exact New York time, for every clock at the regular weather bureau stations alt over the land is set to the teveoty-nftbi' meridian, or east ern "standard time, ; which la exactly five hours behind Greenwich time. ; Only tbl standard of time ia us4d la the text of the Monthly Weather Review, and all . weather bureau ob servers are required to record observi- tions by It. The reason for this is that the best scientific deductions from the weather reports 'must be based upon the conditions of tbe atmosphere exist ing simultaneously In different (parts of the country.' . xt - It would be very ludicrous if all the nunareus or report sent asiiy nsa to be changed at the central' office in Washington from local- to eastern time, and so all tbe regular observers are re quired ii use. the New York, of eastern time, in making their reports. There are many volunteer observers and newspaper correspondents who in reporting weather phenomena use oth er standards of time. If tbe weather bureau has occasion, to .use their re ports the time Is often , corrected to aKree with the eastern standard or tbe local standard, Is ' mentioned, Detroit Free Pres. - TJiIs l)eautiful State aod islan 1 have been rieasy reacn by me splendirt service of FLORIDA to CUBA brought witb.i the' ATLANTIC ( OAST LINE, the creat thorough fare io the stronics Winter Tourists Tickets are now on sale to all points in Plorida. and 10 navana. . r or rates, Bcneauies maps, sleeping car and Steamship accommodations write to 7 '. . ' W. J. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, ' ki,7 . . , Wilmineton, N. C. . VWhat to Say in Spanish, and Uow .'to ,Say It" .sent to any address upon receipt 01 a two cent stamp. - (. T.PAR;ROTTkPn.;G.;- M..J D., PHYSICIAN AND StJEGKON. Offlasopp.Pesteffloe, . .KoJaves. N.C. Orrna Boobw . 0 to 10 a. m. aid 5U 4 p. m. Sundays by appomBMBt. .'. PILES 1 PILES I " PILES f WUllatM Indtaa puo Ointmaat w!U cure BUa. Bloedinr. Uloersted sad ltohiaf Wea. II soaorfea Uka tumors. aUava Maa Uohiag stonoa, . sots a a poalUoe. siva Insunt reSaf. Dr.WU Ummm' ladiaa ointaieat ervn4 on) far riles sad ltohtas of tbe prirktaparw and aola-, mselae, Kver7toxlsuaraatac. 14hrftnMt CT.'fvK'KJ'l mau 'for 6o aa ti.MBcrbax. WIUJAMS Wt CO. I'm. Osvaiand..at 8oi4 by Teplo-Maroa Prus l. . . IF rOO 'WANT Pump-Repaired or a new one put down,1 or" Awn- Jngs put .lip,, on Sign painted call on me at BELVS SHOPS, ".tw blocks east of A. & N. C. depot.:, JULIUS ' BELLI - SAY ! SAY ! r 5 AY I; , .... When in need of Groceries . give us a trial.. We will convince you that we sell " " the right goods .. at the right prices'. PhohtV.fi ' ' -. -!r. '; ''-' !-'.;.:". t'' V Va Leon B; Sutton,: GROCER . Headquarters ;Fdr Hats Hats heaper ikan , , . before and' qaJly . , as ntw and taslr. N. L. BRUTON & BRO. Jlrnl About to r "rmt From Savara Biliaas Ata . "I bad a severe t Mt llle EJ fcP'l 1 yy n I cot be! J of 'K-rlsm's L; '...::. I tv a c r, r " 1 f ' r - 'ous attack and . i about to burst a free samr'a of h and Liver cr t e'n a,, r f t Ma a r I -v ::..'. avel KeTa"". " ' OpokTea;- ny mlstnt. Is a prima donna and S horrible creature.? She treats me tike the dirt b 'm ath her feet. !.nt T revenue myelf, by oiK-plns tbe 'rawing room window wben sue la not it borne and by bowling wltb all my might, so tbat tbe neighbors may think her voice to eraeked. Flleponrie flat ter. 7 . - . . ' ' ' . Bta Qaaatloa ,MI want to ssk one more qnesHon.' said little Frank as be was betnt; put to bed. - ' i. ' t 1 'WelL acquleered tbe fired woman. f SVhea tbe holes come In stockings, wbst becomes of the piece of stoektnsr that was there before the bole comet" IU Qnlclu '-t a r tnufa s.ouli be lost vVea a ' ! t " rr s of c-fup.CI".a;n- -Waaaeav. Waa Draaa Uk Maa.' Tourists in tbe Austrian Tyrol and the. remoter regions of tbe Swiss Alp of ten come across' strange peculiarities of dress, especially among the female In those out -of tbe wsy places, In the' little village pf Cbauipery, : whicD nes tles almost ttnder the frowning.. Denjt do Midi, tlie women dress like men and may often be seen lnthe neldsT Naf nrally they are objectsof innch lute eat to tourists, but the -women -do not stww to be st all uncomfortably con w lons ef the peculiarity of their garb. The peasants of Cbamnery are a sim ple, kindly folk, and doubtless find tuft aore dress more act-ommodaUng to thr hard work they bare to do. - Paar Caaaitloaa. , A!k pupa toalgbt? miggeate the geu tie girl to her adorer.. 'IIe is In sucb good humor .because he got the bettei ef aomt man in a business tranaarfloa today." - : . . .. ;. Tbe adorer shakes bis head doubt fully. . . "I believe I'd better not,'" he'sljtii. "I am the matt he got tbe better of and be would be sure to say tbat he couldn't let bla dauchtr marry a man HO U nam-feaful." -J );!;. e, -,, . ' iil7 K"' : ITIie IS earof-L903- Nerly,.Qao.e.; I X ' . v 'j ,nat iave you accomplishedtSt int , -' " earnings r -.tlzre you made anj w;-m .u -t,- u;proYis.inns,for Toivr family .J;nl h 4J rt? i having an-Eastern 'Life Policr . iu vase ui v uur ueparmr X -InJestigatc bur 20th' Century "20 1 t4i'? tn , ... i MM WASHINGTON, N. 0. tUT- JTTl GbAeRAI AGENT Telia llwnr. - . "And aren't you married yetf " No. "Well, well! I thomclit you were en gaged to a ee.rtain young lady in Uer mantownr ' f "No: 1 was engaged to an nucertair young lady, and that's why I'm not married." - Exclia nge. '.tnTliiS.,. . ' " Lavsee-My wife Isn't exactly r.n an srchlnt. but she annoyed me tliisi uioru" tag with one of ber Incendiary i,iec'l;(" Jenks Ton don't say ho? . . uiyeee in. !ie s.-vlJ. -Henry, pet this rolnnte and nc.ke the Cre." ri; :''; Lia LexVer. ' ro it,witjii;hk; l'KOPER PAINT- 1 The-5 I ' It If t ' I eW VVaJl r, 7- IS THE BEST .' s Always the' c-beapest, because oce gallon nmies two. ? See D. V. I 'iaou's bouse, just painted. It required only i: for left'. two coats. 11x9 painter ertiinatcd j , We kr cp a full stock cn Land. v. . KDWT0N. N. C. Christmas is at Hand I i in 4: and Holiday Goods will .soon he in 'demand,. 1 You can nad no better assort xuenof High Grade- Gra- ... wuics auu vuuicgiioncucai ' than at the Store of - J 7 W. D.LaRoqueiJiv TfP-tO-DATB CROCER.' Phonx 67. ' KlNSTOK, K.'C h- -i " V - r i - Ar ! A SPECIAL RUN I FANCY TABLES i Rocking Chairs $ -0N- -AND- l aew lot fast sseelTt'd. , W ,Vill X euit you ? anything desired., for Z, fiirniahina' vnnr knniu. a.11 anil exassme our ok. , . QUINN &niLLER i rnvr -. T.k,e. 1 ' . t ! i J J. t 1 ' ivl - We linvs t ' ' ' r - f f wcrlc. ' It's .11 tl'lc:.t f ' "if. : T t t!.cre are Fnie j 5tlit : "-.'t Lave the at.ttr.t7a t' ;t i; 1 I cm i;rs. V,c .7 t t' t j :t- f u - t ' - ' - ' - 7 J r f, ' i i ! ' t rive a 8 s soon