1 t I, A n t ' i - . p.. i ' i f 10 The Daily Free Press. Published Every Alt moon (except Sunday) at Kinston. North Carolina. i I i 1.1m. THE FRKE PRESS CO., Publishers DAHIKL T. EDWARDS Editoh Yntered at ths Potto'fic as second clt&j matter HOG AND HOMINY. The Kinston Fiikk Pkkss applaud the farmers of OrmondsTtlle, Greene -fount r. for laying their plans to make enough cotton to d'-rray all their ex jnses, so that their tobusco crop will h clear money, and suggests that it wevild rv letter for them to raise a i?tfl"lfoCT of supplies. The improved price of farm product hould cauae every farmer to get uon the safest basis of agriculture. Meat, rf?s, poultry, truck- these are all brfnarioir better prlts even than col- Ura at the prevailing hijfh prices. The only true policy for farmers is to raise all their supplies so the v "can live at home and board at the same place." and then to raise as much cotton and other money crops as they can. The outlook is that cotton will bring food prices next year. As to tobacco, it all depends upon the tobacco trust. It will never pay decent prices until the far mers brintf them dangerously near a tobacco famine. "Hog and hominy" fanners are the most prosperous, year in and year out. They can live in spite of tobacco trusts and low cotton. They can also best take advantage of the increase in pri ces, for they are generally free from the mortgage, the boll -weevil, the to bacco worm and the other enemies of agriculture.- News and bserver. It cannot be impress'! upon farmers too forcibly that cotton and especially tobacco are largely speculative crops. Sometimes the farmer "strikes it rich. " and frequently he does not. As the News and Observer suggests "hog and hominy" Is the safe basis, while the otner products are legitimate side is sues. TO PUBLISH PAPERS. Mr. W. J. Bryan announces that during the week of the National I)em ocratic Convention he will publish in St. Ixuis a daily edition of his paper, the Commoner. It is also reported that Mr. Wra, It. Hearst will some time prior to the convention found, 'publish and consecrate to the service of his 'boom" a dally newspaper in the same city. It Is evident that the doctrines of th new Democracy will not lack for organ 8 of publicity and dissemination An the convention citv. Whether Judge Parker, J 11 dire Oray, ex-Secretary Ol ney, and Senator Gorman will pub lish newspapers in St. Louis during the convention in support each of his own candl lacy against all others has not yet transpired. X. V. Times. Senator Morgan baa introduced a bill providing for the annexation of P.nama to the United States. The v ' bill appropriates IO.OdO,000 as com pensation t Panama for its cession, 'fhen it plaoes l.".,O K),(X)0 at the dispo sal of the president for the compensa tion of Colombia for her loss. It aiso appropriates $10,000,000 for the pur chase of the property of the new Pan ama eanal company from Colombia. Senator Hanna is distinctly worried because of the suspicion with which he is held in administration circles. Par ticularly is he irritated over the panic caused by the fact that he did not issue the call for the national conrention as con as they expected. He issued the call in plenty time, but because be did not issue it immediately, the adminis tration leaders feared that he Intended aorae kind of treachery, . f , ' r, V We sUMulnde.bteJjo Dr. T. N. Ive'y, ,f"y'un eate, for apy of rol aieinoaiai rienuoooK ior iwh. it is a valuable work, containing much infor mation pertaining to Methodism within and without the State. The book may be had for twenty-five eenta. Hon. Henry T. King of Greenville, baa converted King's Weekly into King's Dollar Dally. We hope him suoness, but we are free to confess that we don't see how he does it. Now look out for a time, in Char lotte. The anti-salooo league of that city has limbered up for action, and it is proposed to, banish the saloon,. Coaaratalattuna. Mr. John H. Cullom, editor of th Carland, Texas Newa, has writu-n a letter of congratulation to the minu faeturers ot Chamberlain's Uu 1 Itemedy as follows: "Sixteen ver ago when our first child was a b ha was aabjeot to croup spel's a.06 would be rery uneasy about lain. We began, using Chamberlain's Cuu-n Itemed j io 1887, and Undine it aucti a reliable remedy for colds a-idctxup, w hare nTer been without it in the house since that time. We have fire children and hare given it to mil of sen with good results. One good fea ture of this remedy is that it' Is not disagreeable to take and our babies really like it. Another Is that It is j.ol dangerous, and there is no risk troca glring an overdose. I congratu late vou upon the success of your rem a!." For sale by J, E. Hood Jt Co. fmniU' int i? Il m fan im Binff iaian 'FlGHTiWG BOB" EVANS. Ceataaandrr l tk I aitaul Htalra Meet la Aalatlr Warr. Hear Admiral ifoMey I. Kvnti. nuii niamler of tlie A merit mi Meet In Aslut ir waters. lio "ill lie our man on the spot in Jise of war In I lie far east. Is one ol' i lie most distiiii:uislieI ofuVers u!' tile n:i vv. Knlilri I Mlliiclisoii i; Vll lis. w ho M oll t tie III. Kliuini- - I'llillliK Moll'" ilurillK the period of siralued relations with Chile io lH'Jl while in ' oiuniand of the York town. Is ;i native of Virginia, was graduated from the Naval academy In 18WJ and rearlieil the gradtof lieuten ant liefore l lie rlose of the civil war. Id which he took pin t. iMiriug the war with Spain lie minimi inh-I the Iowa and was a i onspl, noils figure in the naval hattd- nfl SantiHK" lie reached the gruile of rear iiilinii'iil in l!N)l. 'righling Moli" wits ouce in Ik to ken for a minister, rirciiriliiig to a story told by a southern l il-.x ir.; n in ilie Saturday Kveiiin' I'osl. II si i nis the clmrch in a -1 1 ; t in -ulllhi'lll UiU II uas expccliliK a famous rcialist. mid the niinisler went to the ii.mk in ni'- I lilm. "The evangelist li:id missed the train," siii'l the minister. "Inn I -mw a suiootli shnve'l mull wenriiiL.- .1 liork coat 11111I sllK hill 11111I ;it nin e colli Milled he w;is the 111:111 I soiiL'ht I helped him into j my liiiL'A iimrk'il Ilia vtoi'lil br:n hench. Wi nn suc h do ml oil ' l e :i v home re- I fell inlilideiit Ins ,sit in. int to the mourners' re. t ha I he had expe cted ifnl results struck me as peculiar, hut i said nothing. If he had for a moment drawn upon Ids famous HEAK APMIHiL IKIIILI V V. EVANS. virile vocahiilary I slmuld have real ized that I was enlertiiiiiinK siiiuethin more than an auel una wnren. "Arrived at the pitraoiuige. I intro ducetl lilm to our friends tlitye as one who liad lecn instrumental in sending many souls to heaven. 'Under I'rovidenee.' said he. 'I have assisted tn a liumlile way in translat ing ninny spirits to other tieids of ac tivity, hut until now I have believed that some may have cone to a wanner locality than our brother mentions. ' "Now I knew I had made a mistake and asked him his name. " 'Why.' said lie. -l thought you knew me. My name Is I'viins of the Tnited States liavy." "ltoli Kvans "I'ililinu Hob" ICvans':' I exclaimed. "That's what my friends call me,' he replied. "Well, we pave him a reception and pressed him to address our meeting, but he declined. " A CHARMING BODICE. Smart rn Shirt HalM With Cape Collar anal lrr lain. Nothing In the world of clothes has hern fotluil for the last few years to take the plii'-e in nint of utility and tsruce of the arate waist. At I lie iM'Kimiiii!: of each season we hear that this nuui'urliilile guriueut ig ilonnied t pa-is ,trun ttojitiiac fat)y. So much Tor pretWJtim. FactsisiNfaki J(ontipmy.ml Judging from the fr5tract!ve,IcsS offfieTTew Waist models. Jhey seem M WWakiagi R new lease of life. The charming wnist IllustratetPtS 'of deep. dull. blue Skikii silk. The large ' " a KIW UPKIKO OHlitT WAtST. rape collar, tmilieivd (:otk'and deep ruffs are of aolid Ttirkfsb embro!derj tn varl4 xhndea nf.duli. bine touing rrom bluish wLlte to thfr .deepest shade. The taltw down tic fm are flnished with dark bine euk tet attached to lighter blue "Illi 1wite! t-oMK .- Altogether It i a el.nrw'ng little bod kw. flrwy rttniifb r,r ordinary occa sion and yer wi h n t r of Its owi j raffirlently t itle to It ad an air of ituin i wee te any ie'ntne. I Humor and Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITH (i.p)i. :jM. t.y Duncan M. Smith. THE SONCS OF YESTERDAY. TVhi r th ftonpn of yetMay? J t t 1 1 t know n'r rare I h -i thai Ihry hnv K'inf away Aril lor (Jiemnv' ji jnm-whre. I wouldn't it ih- i'- ' ry Or nay .tt H v i.gh To 1 h in- . for I Khun wh'fi l v tutti ftiuugh. Jjr you rtrrnribr hiw of old ,rn r t . - Willi r. c ol e ;,. ! witr-bitf f.iih. "Take back your Kohl?" Or ponjilty his rhilr Wa "fiuhfUy nlgtit Ua my deltffht," " A i.d uu were never ipured "Where Is my WHiuM-lug boy tonlghtr A though you knew or cared. Nor wan that all or even half. For you muld ;iiw.i het On "Annip Hoony" hiiI Piith ctiHrT A " I lnw :t n I for'-t "Sweet violt-tH." "I fir-amed I dwelt In niiir))!!1 h.illn" llkt-wim-: "Jnt hrt-iik hf iit HK" until ii felt Ukc-tr uklr.K int i-in 'h Wti. rt (H 1,1 1 enlv an m h. v the poes 1 mi I le I . t " llif . si. f yrrOerilay i fl a way 1 1 . al ! at all e r.all P" 1 K s N. r a I t!y .'f l!i. Ml I lie 11 .1 l.v, i,ri ibl- voii eiiht Or Tliein troni tlnir will earned sleep. A Certain Remedy. "Here is ;i in. in who advertises to cure poverty for 11 dollar. I wonder If It would he wise to Invest." "Keep your lllllliey. and I will give you a recipe for nothing. Marry a rich widow." Desirable Trouble. If wn I in is enlv trouble Anil rare a ml less of sleep. Tin n I ni etit hunting trouble; i'leioe pile it CM r. ..I deep. Not With His Consent. "I wouldn't marry the best man on ea rth." "No. my dear; I am inclined to think you wouldn't unless be was chloro formed." No Time For It. Let item's .Irliulu to Inirk and bite; That feriii of sperl Is cheap. 60 they .bui 1 kc p it up at night J list Wilt II I want to Hleep. j A Limitless Supply. "Where do you suppose Abel did get his wife?" "Patronized a matrimonial bureau, probably. They alwayx have it supply far greater titan the demand." Ood bless the man who first invented Bleep, But it's ten bail the fellow didn't die a-borning Or didn't eroiik before he learned to or-fi Who first :nvri.l-l rising In the mn ru ing. PERT PARAGRAPHS. Doubtless tlm author of "Beautiful Suov".4i;kI a w inter home in south'; California If he could afford it. Keiilly accomplished thieves do not bother with hot stoves now. 1 hey car ry off a jcrip full of live wires. A fool mn' puss us a v ise iikiii hy keeping his moutn shut, hut lie wouldn't Ire a fool if he knew enough to do that. Horse tuent may suit some people, but most men would say "neigh" to U. v It Is generally found that something prasjtai1vldlinti(jpr when the fire'Oenu comes' around aili--mg- for preof. - - - r vw? 1 Although it is Impossible to turn back the wheels of time, you can forget to wind your watch. The boy who goes fishing In a pond without permission does not catch n whale, hut he may catch a whaling. No one but the manager of the glasv trust knows the full rulue of the botqj clerk's diamonds. . It Is a smart man wbo knows bis own New Year's resolution by this It Is considered proper for a girl to propote iu h up year, but first she must get within shouting distance of a man. Oener.ill.v the man who Is slave to a rlgar would not thank any one to come around to break his chaius.v - " Anttqun fnrnltnre Is very fine If a man doesn't happen to hare only that kind and can ufford no other! nfiE: It Is hard to (ft a middle aged gen tleman In a nltig bat to enter Into the, spirit of suowballing If be is the target. r WTfen" lln' fln WtfSou rnns Tit. It Is; ( Confound the Other Fellow. spirit lea Kirl who does not wisb were a loy. .. . .v.-': . .- AS OLD THE That blood poison existed among been proven beyond question. It has thousands of years, and is as old as the PYRAMIDS AN "blighting curse has been handed down from nation to nation and from individual to individual till it has spread to all parts of the world. Contagious blood poison, as it is called in modern times, begins with a small sore or ulcer through which the virus enters the. blood. This Is followed by inflam mation and swelling of the glands of the groins, a red eruption breaks out on the body, sores appear in the month and the throat becomes ulcerated, and as the disease takes a deeper hold and the blood becomes more thoroughly infected, the hair and eyebrows drop out, the skin is spotted with copper-colored splotches, the bones and muscles ache, and it seems to the victim of this monster scourge there is not a sound spot in th whole body. The horror of this awful disease can never be told. The one who con tracts it suffers in body and mind, and if the poison is not eradicated transmits the taint to his children, and Contagious Blood Poison thus becomes responsible for many of the iii of childhood Skin Eruptions, Catarrhal Troubles, Sore Eyes, Scalp Disease, White Swelling, Scrofula il ot iters just as bad. S. S. S., the teat vegetable blood purifier and tunic, has long been recognized as a radical and safe cure for Contagious Hlood Poison. It counteracts the deadly virus and cleanses and puri fies the diseased blood, and under its Ionic effects the general health 1m- proves and soon all signs of blood poison are gone. The strong mineral are so often prescribed for the disease, you have blood poison write for our special book, describing the different stages and giving all the symptoms, with directions for treating one's self at home. Our physicians will furnish any formation or advice wanted free of charge. rwr swift rCOLCHICINE SALICYLATE Sold by TEMPLE-MARSTON DRUG CO. K K. tOX, 1'reH .1. W.IGRAINGER. The Bank of Kinston Capital, Surplus and profits over Seventy Thousand Dollars Total Unquestionable Assets Over ? Three Hundred Thousand Dollars Solicits Business frnrn Merchants, Fairaersand Individual WI1V NOT TAKE A TRIP THIS WINTER THHOUGI FLORIDA , to CUBA This beautiful State. and island easy reach by the splendid 1 OAST LTNE, the great thoroughfare to the tropics. Winter Tourists Tickets are now on i to Havana. For rates, schedules, maps, sleeping car. and steamship accommodations write to I W. J. CRAIG, G,eaeral Passenger Agent, iV'-i - Wilmington, -N (.'. -w. n-ov .'4 jafao .-.', j; m ki! rur tfs ,-,v I ediablool b-w--.- ! .)o.k! dai-t 'fWhat toi. Say , in Spanishf , ajdil aaaresa upcn receipt or a two IHHmrillllHWHtf I Beautify Your Hoitfe U"'- DO. IT WITH THE PROPER PAINT, iThe Stag: -Brand IS THE Always the cheapest, because one gallon males two. See D. V. Dixon's house, just painted. It required only 12 GALLONS for two coat. . The painter estimated 25 gaUousr-13 left. We keep a full stock on hand. ; See ut. 2 Uh ':;itrnfr ''l AS the ancients has been traced back Pyramids. This HAS ALL THB Dear Bira: SYMPTOXS. As a rsult of aaerUns blood disorder my blood bocama poiaonad and I anf farad aavaraly with Rhaumatiam and Other symptoms not accessary to mem- ties. A friend of mine told me that he had been cured of my trouble by 8. 8. 8., and upon his recommendation I began its use. After using; it for soma time my blood waa thoroughly oleanved of all poison and made pure and (trong again- Iwiah also to apeak of its t.'.mo prop, ertiea. While purging- my blood 0 impuritifa, it built up n.y rto.eral health, improved my appeiit . gave me increased strength, and I felt better in every way. Iam a great believer in C. 9. B., and with pleasure commend it to til 1 a, need of a blood medicine. Yours jrery trulv. ROBERT M. Z W:iTZIO. 638 Walnut St., Lebanon, 1'a. a remedies. Mercury and Potash, which dry up the sores, skin eruptions tiid '"i"r ,fTFV4yoVtT"l all external signs, but leave ti.e stninacl: and digestion ruined and the system in such condition that the disease usually returns in worse form than ever. . S. S. S. is guaranteed a purely vegeta ble remedy. $1 ,000 is offered for proof that it contains a single mineral ingredient. If SPFCirm nn. ATtMHTA. GA. Trochet's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe ana America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve in liquids ol tc sfomach without causing irritation or disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold. by druggists. Be' sure and et the genuine. WILM1MS tll. 0.. tl.KVEiaJD, OBIO. Sole Prep Vice Frea. R C. OTROXG, Caah'r have been brought within service of the ATLANTIC sale to all points in Florida and ; H6Wi! to Sat ' It" seat tw any cent stamp. ; BEST QlU. li. WJJiB, Undertaker and Embalmer ; kinston, n. c. r - A full line of Robes and Burial Supplies kept in Stock. PILES I PILES PILES r Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind. Bleed in. Ulcerated and Itcnins Pile. It ebaorbe the turners, alia j the ttebiaf at one ecu as a poultice, five instant relief. Or. Wil liams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared onlj tor Pile and Itealnr of the private part sad ute tnselse. Every boa la guaranteed. Solasfdru Slsts. sent ay maU tor toe asd II.M oer bok WILLIAMS MTU iXX.Proi.. Cleveland, Sold by Temple-ManitOB Draw Ce. ' ' H. W. SIMPSON Architect KINSTON & NEWBERN, N. Notices left at the office of J. W. Grainger will receive prompt attention. Now is the Time I w ill close out my stock of Dry Goods within the next few days. The goods Must be Sold to make room foralarge stock of Groceries. My stock of Groceries is already large but I want to make it larger. Call and see for yourself. G. H. Bursell, 403 N. HERITAGE ST. PHONE 176 Printing of Merit $ No matter bovr email he job it receives ftie atten-. tjon that results in work ... of a high order of meriti!.Yi Consult about Printing anything little or big .. Free Press Co. I I Feathers, Pillows and Bolsters. These are very com-. fortafcle to have this cold weather. A new supply now in stock. For anj thing in the Furniture Jfine be sure to callon us he fore buying, we will save you some money in prices. Yourpatroh age solicited and ap precited. Cash ' or installment. : : , : White Furniture Co, S07 North Queen Street ' Grainger's New Bulldinjr . Kinston. N. C-. The Holidays HAVE GONE But I still have a large stock of goods on hand. 7 ' ;ma;warihhV;w 'J)eti of Groceries5 iriay -be -had at roy stor.e'at ' Reasonable-Prices.... Quality Guaranteed. ? henry french' ' PHONB32 f N. QUEEfJ STV . KINSTON, H.ffc ' EmBraicjf ' the" Opportunity -rj 5 lis! to liar your roof orerhaul 4 now, trill' aTe you lota of txppnse and diaeonifit,. later on ' A very small hole 'ill -lot in . a whole lot of water and should be re paired before the water con es jitthieia-'. son wet weather mus heexpected n4 b. wie man will hare his house weather tight before it -eta in ' We are experts . at such work, and can ilnd and fix vj leak no matter how small. Belter let ns kxik at yonr roof. - Bd- do. what is. neoearj now. It will be anoney fa your - pocket. :.- t . , , . , . . , (- .,!; Moored Parrots KS' 0N. N. 0. 1 2