PUBLISHED EiZERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. VOL. VI.-NO. 275. KINSTON, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1904 PRICE TWO CENTS, GENERAL MEWS ITEMS Matters of Interest Condensed Into Brief Paragrapns. 1 LITTLE ABOUT HUMERODS THINGS No fhe Pith of the World'! Newt That Mlrht I nearest Our Readers. An o Item Here and There. Washington. Feb. 15. The state de partment has received and has accept' ed the resignation of W. I. Buchanan, the American minister to Panama, successor has been appointed. New York. Feb. 18. A Times dls- patoh from Mosoow says that the revo lutionary party is vigorously at work in ROstoff . Pandlmonlum reigns and af fairs in the Caucasus are very unsatis factory. The government is appre hensive of the extension of disorders. The Kentucky house of representa- States free of duty. The abuse of the order is assigned as the reason for revocation. The Russian government has in' formed the state department that owing to its inability to make what it regards as a suitable display of Russian products at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, it has aban doned the idea of making an exhibit. The Interstate commerce commis sion anounees that as a result of its Investigation of the feasibility of re quiring railroads to publish their tariffs for the movement of export and import traffic the same as domestic traffic, it has decided to leave the mat ter in abeyance for a time. Macedonia, Feb. 18. The Albanians who were besieging Shemshi Pasha with 2.500 Turkish troops and three guns have been routed, losing 800 men killed and wounded. The Turkish losses are said to be heavy. Five ad dltional battalions of troops have been ordered to Verisovich. Newport, R. I., Feb. 18. Rear Ad mlral Chadwlck, on special duty at today re- WILL SHE RISE AGAIN? Believed In Greensboro That a Strong Effort To Rebuild Will Be Hade. ORIGIH OF FIRE IS STILL A MISTER tives. by party vote, passed the bill prohibiting co-education of the races the naval war college nere, in fcnv ndnciitional institution In that eel ved telegraphic orders from the st.t. Th hill affects Berea colleffe. navy department at Washington to where both white and colored pupils take command of the European squad- are taught together. ron, relieving Rear Amiral Cotton. w..),!., wk i Th nMnt He will proceed at once to uioraitar, vesterdav issued an executive order revoking those of President McKinley rHt trnm nfftaflra of the arm v Charleston. S. C. Feb. 18. Xhe "v IS .. " v I ..a and thA Aivii AfltA.hliAhtnAn.i I citizens of Aiken, tms state, in mass In Porto Rrloo, Cuba, the Philippines, meeting today resolved to build and ruins, already for a roof, and unhurt. .... .t ' . I A .!. . U- I Tkn AthAH tit in A a n Viand B.r Slim. etc., to be admitted into tne umteai set asiae wj p.. v w u- --- - , T 'Whitney Fark,' in commemoration oi cient to wipe out we noanng inueu-" ABtMmud fellow-citizen. W. C. ledness. Miss Nannie Lee Smith, aeo- .,..... - I -1 1 I I i I I T I" " j Trr.t deceased." and to erect retary, through whose extraordinary 1 therein a proper emblem or monumentof efforts the property, valued at 125.000 where his flagship, the Brooklyn will meet him. Faculty Lost Heavily In Attempting to Rescue Students and Save Thai Effects. Neira nd Observer. Greensboro. N. C, Feb. 19th. The last one of the students of the Greens- boro Female College, which was bum ed yesterday left for home today, with the exception of a few who will remain here some days visiting friends and relatives. Whatever may be the im pression outside as to the fire "termln atlntr the historv of the college," that belief is not at all entertained here. When the board of trustees of the two conferences and the Alumnae Associa tion meet next Tuesday, there will undoubtedly be presented to them co gent reasons and practical arguments whloh will culminate in immediate steps towards re-habilltatingthe prop erty and continuing the college on its career of usefulness. While the Institution is penniless it ia free from debt, or will be when thai insurance money is realized A valu-4 able asset towards rebuilding, is the thick walls of brick which mark the J TwoThings We All Need Now J A Barrel of Nice f I Lion asking the people be patient Z fS. the German regiment guards, of lor ax AND Mil leeds Powdered ani 2,000 Packages Fresh Whitney's memory suitably inscribed. Resolutions of regret were unanimous ly adopted. London. Feb. 19. Little far eastern news appears In the press this morn ing with the exception of official dis i patches, and the comment made on the official dispatch of Viceroy Alexieff i and others are remarkable mostly tor what they leave unsaid. These reports attract far less attention than does, the was saved last year ana purcaaseu from the private stockholders, received pledges enough to pay for the property and the first notes have been cancelled. The origin of the fire is still a mys tery, and many believe it was incen diary. It is said that when one of the faculty went in the part of the building on fire, a back door waa found open, which is always kept shut. ' Extraordinary precautions had been until th armv Is read v to strike blows I wer .v. Ym Alrrnitv anA mfirhfc rtf I USed. Russia. The threats in this document are commented upon by the British press in tones of considerable irony. A RakeonV forbidden and no lamps were No beaters at ftll were used, heat coming by steam from the boilers located in a different section from where the fire started. Especially has the vigilance been observed since the mysterious breaking out of fire in the college two weeks ago. Very great sympathy is felt for the members of the faculty, and for the president, who besides being out of employment lost nearly all t of their effects in trying to save that of the students. There is a movement now AHUGE RUISSAN ARMY Will Be Assembled In Manchuria Within a Day or So. , HARBIN TO BE BASE OF OPERATIONS English Factories Working Night and Day to Prepare for What May Occur Reported Letterof Emperor William, Paris, Feb. 19. A representative of the Matin, who has reached the center of the Russian military concentration at Harbin, after great hardships due to the trans-Siberian railway trains' being crowded with thousands of sol diers, in a dispatch dated from Harbin yesterday, confirms the announcement that that place will be the main base of the Russian land operations. Thus far the base has succeeded in-main taining its communication with Port Arthur. The concentration of troops, the correspondent says, proceeds sys tematically, and provision has been made for the speedy arrival of 120,000 men from the divisions of Moscow, Kleff and Varsovie. Before twelve days shall have elapsed the Russians wjll have disposed of an army of 400,000 men through Manchuria. London, Feb. 19. The government has ordered sixty new battleships, equipped with new twelve-inch wire wound guns, and arms and ammuni tion. The factories are working night and day. It is reported that not only France, but also Spain and Italy, are actively preparing for emergencies. It is believed that Italy fears Austria's Mntentions on the Adriatic. St. Petersburg, Feb. 19. It is re- Eported that two regiments of Russian pioneers and one regiment of railway troops were drowned on Lake Baikal today in an attempt to cross the lake in a terrible snow storm, which has been raging for a week. The soldiers are forced to endure unimaginable hardships. - EMPERIOK TO THE CZAR. Paris, Feb, 19. The Figaro pub- IN THE SOCIAL REALM. Miss Eunice Chadwlck Entertains Friday Evening Club. Storm Party at the Misses Swift's. Friday Evening Club. Miss Eunice Chadwlck entertained the Friday Evening Club at her home on Queen street last night, and despite the very inclement weather nearly every one . to whom invitations had been sent was present and from 8:30 to 12enjoyedaneveningof great pleasure, The Chadwlck House was handsome- ly decorated for the occasion, the color scheme being purple and white, inter spersed with potted plants and ever greens. The guests amused themsel ves with various games and a special fea ture was a spirited guessing contest for a nice prize. The prize was so ably contended for that six ties result ed and the final verdict was reached by casting lots, and Miss Rosa Spain was the winner a two-pound box of Lowney's fine chocolates. Mr. Carl Harper, who couldn't guess nohow, captured the booby, a nice little 5 cent bottle of cologne. NORTH STATE NEWS " 1 -' 1 - 1 A !.' ...J1 !!;'(. Clipped and Colled From Our Korik Carolina Excnanits. ODD AID INTERESTING HAPPENINGS Gossip Gathered from Murphy Ta Manteo of Importance to Our Tir Heel Readers. Forty-six real estate dealers from all parts of the State met in Greens boro this week and organized an. association. Judge Moore Friday, at Wilson. ruled that sureties on Lawrence Mor gan's bond must pay the full amount of the same 16,000. A man named Steph stabbed Police man Buokner at Asheville, Thursday night, because the officer was remon strating with him about his work as carriage driver, Steph being employed Dy Buokner. Steph plunged the knife Into Buckner five tlmna&nr) tha mm, a At 10:30 the guests were ushered Into I wm probaVly prove fatal. Dr. J. V. Jay at Asheville Friday, pleaded guilty to murder in the second degree for the killing of his children. Judge Long ordered that Judgment be suspended pending ' the execution of the former sentence. Jay will now be taken to the State peniten tiary at Raleigh, where he will serve his sentenced years. Raleigh Cor. Charlotte Observer; the dining room where an elaborate menu had been prepared. Here the color scheme was carried out and a bank of ferns and other potted plants adorned the center of the table, pro ducing a pleasing effect. Skillful feminine hands arranged the rjchly laden table and decorations and they were perfect. After discussing the menu the guests returned to the pleasures of the par- which the czar is an honorary colonel, was received by the czar Monday and delivered a confidential letter from Emperor William, written in the em peror's own hand. It is considered significant, and indicating the desire of the Germans to side with Russia in case of further complications. The possibility of war with England is openly discussed In official circles at ' St. Petersburg. i fraKce nkctlral. Pari. Poh 1Q THa IPrannh trnvar on foot for some form of practice ap-i ment today issued a neutrality procla preciatlve by citizens of the city. mation similar to that of the other i powers. - ; ' AS WAS FIRST REPORTED. t . London, Feb. 19. It is now reported that It was not Boyarin, but the bat- The K14-If s all right dis oncet mis ter, bat dia Is a private slide" If youse ; Jntend to. use it regMar. youse got ter pay me! New York Evening Journal. A charter is granted the Lumberton Cotton Oil Company, capital stock 9100,000, to manufacture oil, fertilizers, f aia Awwatta ft-A am Iaa nlant ataam lann. dry and grist mills; C. C. Norment J""? BW whh,,WMn blo and others being the stockholders. "'-"T" - 1 1 j ' n": .I". i uviiorni v uat. unu Biruuft uj 9 uuuv The -King's Daughters, oft Durham, at was first reported. Ihave started a move towards the, whipped too soon, erection of a home for; aged and in s. peter,burir. Feb. 19. The Rus. firm women. Garden Seeds ? All Just Received t Youll not be 1 disappointed in results 11 you t f buy from & NEW STORE. I ! 1 1 I i' f H' Bi' Sharp Retort. . Bessie bon't you think, dear, you'd better) attend to your own business? Lizzie It isn't necessary, dear. . Yon attend, to it. so tborougfaly, you know. "Boston Trqnscriot Our Doable HelTea. In a form of experiencv which Is al most as comrnon u ordinary dreamluj see that the semlsomnolent self possesses a faculty not always given k-.luv n.Hk sen. vvMiimim wnu ui- . J. .. .u- J. own waking elf. for Instance, my half mim "'"" asleep self U almost a personality of ""V" - gennis. ue can create visions that the sian government has informed the foreign powers that the first attack on Port Arthur was made one hour be fore Minister Kurino declared the diplomatic relations of Japan and Russia broken off. That statement lors. and it was with reluctance that .. were received and placed they noted the hour for departure. in u- ormstory a cup and saucer The following guests were present: I U8ed bJ Gove-or Richard Caswell. Mr. Henrv Henderson with Miss Clara I Th8 Came from Mrs. Eleanor Kerny Oetttnger, Mr. R. E. Tunstall with rr m raoeDrwga Hall, Kdgecombe Miss Vivian Bizzell, Mr. Henry Miller with Miss Lillie Mae Cummings, Mr. Eugene Jordan with MissRosa Spain, Mr. German Laws with Miss Jessie Bryan, Mr. Carl Harper with Miss Clara Thornton, Mr. Walter Lynch with Miss Bessie Parrott, Mr. J. M. Robinson with Miss Aleta Smith, of Suffolk, Va., Mr. Fred Sutton with Miss Martha Allen, Mr. John Bailey with, Miss Garnet Thornttm Mr. - Av wood Bizzell with Miss Irsna Cum mings, Mr. J. T. Palmer with Miss Anna Pittman, Mr. Jesse Ball with Miss Jennie Rayner and Mr. Frank Hawks with Miss Kate Chadwick. Staggs; Messrs. J. M. Rickardson, Bernard Crocker, Leon B. Sutton and Will Hunter, Jr. A Storm Party. The young people, friends of Misses Bruce and Mabel Swift, arranged a storm party for them, to take place last evening but owing to the inclem ency of the weather all did not attend. A tew gatnerea. tnougn, and passed a delightful evening. county, as loans. In a few days other relics will come from Mr. William Kerny Carr, of Washington, D. C, illustrative of the Revolutionary period. Raleigh Cor. Wilmington Messenger: A sensation was caused here today by news of the burning of the Greens boro Female College. The fire broke out in the kitchen. A letter from a' d. - , ... . .... im v.- stuueni to a .young taay , cere stated . that fire broke out in the kitchen a few days ago and that the suspicion of incendiarism was so strong that students kept their trunks - ready for instant removal and extra watch man were put on duty to look after the building. It was further stated In, the letter that the loss by the first' fire' was something like 8400. AT THE CHURCHES. How Nlnr Selected an Heir. As like affV-ta like, so it is with mi sers, and gold will go where gold la. This Is strife) agly illustrated by the act of a celebrated Greek, one Dlcboeue Dlchaems, n descendant of the Byzan tine eniperot i. This man. by the exer cise of extreme niggardliness, managed to amass thtt sum of $50,000. an im mense fortn ae in those days. Then came the question to whom should be leave It Ota day a distant relative sent him u letter written upon a square inen or pane-. This was sufficient In the ctness of things the parsimonious corivsponden' became the miser's heir How He Won It. Good son It was Lawyer Townsmnu that won my lawsuit for me. Simply Why. 1 thought he was on the oppos ing side. Good son He was. Tit-Bita. waking self can remember- bat cannot originate and cannot trace to any mem ory of waking Impressions. These ap parently trivial things thus point to a existence of almost wholly submerged potentialities in a mind so everyday. commonplace and, so to speak, super ficial as mine. GRIFTON ITEMS. Wte of Words. Miss Withers When Harold klssea me he told me that he loved me. The Friend-what a waste of words 1 Town Topics. . ' 1 ' , s February 19, 1904. ' Mr. LepnO. Cox and Miss Mollie Simpson, both of Grlfton, were mar ried last night at the home of Mr. R. E. Pittman. Only a few friends were pre sent. We wish them a happy voyage across the sea of life. Mr. C J. Tucker spent' today in Kinston. - ' Mr. W. G. Garrii will . soon have We hope nobody i they do on the stage- Democrat ever , courted as -Washington (la.) , I'l'l- .. Millionaire's Poo Stomacb. The worn-out stomach of the over- fed millionaire is often paraded In the public prints as a-horrible example of me evils aiteouani on me pusseasiuo ui. u ,.. j .j. , of great wealth. But millionaires are bU 8ho moved lt P10 fo work not the only ones who are afflicted with The water is high enough for all bad atomachs.. The proportion is far k.u tn nd on t thi. n!aM fr Messrs. A. R. Holton and W. C, Impatience and pride have destroyed these people, and they suffer far worse Edwards, of Ridge j Springs, were in taore aouls than wickedness. MazzinL ? tortures than the millionaire, unless town today. . they avail tnemseives or stanaara - j . i, , I t II! . , . . Chamberlain's fltomaeh and Liwr Tablet.. cine nae wreen a August riower. remedy for ail stomach troubles for 'over thirty-five years. August Flower rouses the torpid liver, thus creating appetite and insuring perfect digestion. It tones and vitalizes the entire sys tem and makes life worth living, no matter what your station. Trial bot ties, 25c; regular size, 75c At J. E. Hood & Co.'s, druggists.- Unequal for Constipation. Mr. A. K. Kane, a prominent drug gist Of Baxter Springs, Kansas, says: "unamoenain's stomacn and L4ver Tablets are, in my judgement, the most superior preparation of anything In use today for constipation. They are sure in action and with no tendency to nauseate or gripe. For sale by J. E Hood & Co., druggist. o -a. a n o xi. x .a. . Bear- tfc. . ' "? ! Ui VM V". O v. i 1: C- x. 1 XiJ. 2L Perfect Confidence. , Where there used to be a feeling of uneasiness and worry in the household when a child . showed symptons of croup, there is now prefect confidence. This is owing to the uniform success of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the treatment of that disease. Mrs. M.I. liitsford, of Poolesville, Md., in speaking of her experience in the use tif thnt remedy sayst-havee, world of confidence in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I have used it with per fect success. My child ..Garland is ubj"t to severe attacks of croup and It always give him prompt relief.' For sale by J.E.Hood & Co., duggists. ' fn.eee.Mirr. Cholly A rellow told me today that I didn't know enough to go in when It rained. Mlv Sharp And what did yon say? Cholly - I assubed him lt was quite unnecessarj. tfoncber know, becanse I nevah go out when it rains. Philadel phia Ledger. an; Taraln Awar Wrath. "I don't : believe yon love me more,' pouted she. I couldn't" replied be. . After thinking It over she smiled and told him she could make the same old Areas do another season. Houston Post Conld Wot Gnarantee Taeaa. "Have you ahy eggs?" inquired the customer. ea. ir.- saia me waiter. i can bring you some eggs, but I want yon to rememDer tnat tms is a ten cent lunch counter." Chicago Tribune. - - Another Case of Rheumatism Cured by . Chamberlain's Pain Balm. . The efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the relief of rheumatism is being demonstrated dally. Parker Triplet. f Grtersbv. Va.. sava that I Chamberlain's Pain Balm gave him permanent relief from rheumatism in then back when everything else failed, and hewould not be without it. Forsale by J. E. Hood Ar Co.v druggisc - Services will be held in the follow ing churches tomorrow, to which every body is invited: Methodlet Church. Mernthg and evening service by the pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Epworth League at 4 p. m. Sunday. Missionary Baptist Church. Services morning and evening by the pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. B. Y. P. V. Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Episcopal Church. Services morning and evening by the rector. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Chlldren'shalf hourservice4o'clock. Lenten services Tuesdays, 4 p. m; Wednesdays, 7 a. m; Fridays, 4 p.' m. Christian Church. . Services morning and evening the pastor. Christian Endeavor at fi p. m. Bible School at 9:30 a. m. Presbyterian Church. Services morning and evening the pastor. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Free Will Baptist Church. Services morning and evening by the pastor. Sunday school at 3 p. m. ' Prayer meeting Wednesday night First Church of Christ, Scientist. Room 3, 103 E. Gordon St. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Subject: ."Jesus Christ." Testimonial meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Reading room open from 3 to 3 p. m., laily except Sunday. The public is cordially invited. - - i East Kinston M. E, Chapel. Sunday school at 9:15 a. m. by by 4traatB 0 , Whatl Are They t Chamberlain's' Stomach and Liver Tablets'. A ik-w reii.ed.. U r . ttomach troubles, - biliousness, and constipa tion, and a good one. Price 25 cents For sale by J. E. Hood & Co., drug- tst . ' , i 0

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