7 ' ' 7 The Fl P RESS PUBLISHED EMERY HE?TERNOON EXCEPT SUNDRY. VOL. VI NO. 3 01. KINSTON, N. O, THURSDAY MAEOH 31, 1004. PRICE TWO CENTS, A GENERAL NEWS ITEHS Matters of Interest Condense! Into' Brief Paragrapns. I LITTLE ABOUT HDMEEODS THUGS l"he Pith of the World't News That ' Might In Merest Our Readers. An Item Here and There. Burton Norville Harrison, a lawyer of New York, and' husband of Mrs. Burton Harrison, tbe authoress, and father of Congressman Harrison, of New York city, died in Washington, D. C, last night, aged 65. New York. March 29. The story of an alleged plot to assassinate Presi dent Rooseelt, which upon investtga-1 tion proved to be entirely without foundation, was made public today by Police Commissioner McAdoo. Elijah W. Campbell, division supsr intendent of the Texas and Pacific railroad, was accidentally killed la the railroad yards at Marshal, Texas, being caught between tro movingcars and crushed to death. Of the twenty-four delegates to the New York Democratic state conven tion chosen at the .Erie county pri maries yesterday, twenty-one are in structed to vote for Judge Alton B presidential the notmna- Parker for tion. Rome, March 29. The "Agenzia Libera" reports that a portion of the Russian Vladivostok squadron, the location of which has long been in doubt, has arrived at Nikolaievak, fciDeria, at the mouth of the Amur river, 700 miles north of Vladivostok. Little Rock, Ark., March 29. Six persons were killed, two fatally Injur ed and twenty seriously injured in a tornado which, devastated Gainesville, Ark., Saturday, Fifty houses were destroyed and a number of horsed and cattle were 'ka-the'.path6t the storm was half a mile wide by five miles long. Washington, March 28. Reprosen- n i rrvjs r easing. Carmval preparations are now very nearly completed, and the entire affair promises to be a grand success A great amount of labor and hust ling is attached to the promotion of a successful carnival, and. the gentle men in charge at Kinston have not been id!?. , The affair has been advertised la all the surrounding counties, and rain is the only thing that will prevent this city from being, crowded- ail next week. The merchants have'showh their ap proval of the affair by taking hold and aiding it in every manner possible, their ads will be found in the souv nir program that is being issued for the occasion; they will also make some special preparation for decorating their business places and be represen ted in the floral parade. The popular voting contest opened today, by which some young lady will be elected as Queen of the Military Carnival. Voting precincts have been established at the drug stores of Hun ter, Woodleys.Temple-Marston, Har risons and Denmark's jewelry store, where any one may obtain ballots at five cents each and write thereon the lady's name for whom they desire to vote and deposit in the ballot boxes at the above named places; a daily count will be made of the ballots cast and results announced in the columns of The Free Press every evening. The entire Carnival Company is ex pected to arrive in this city Saturday and will be very busy Monday mak ing ready for the opening, as every thing will open in full Monday even ing at 7:30 p. m., as this company have a record of always being ready to entertain on time. A host of high class attractions and amusement devices w.ili serve to enter tain and amuse every one. Bad tem per will not be known all week; all will be in good spirits. Miss A. Goodtime will be in the city all the week. In fact the lady has good aatured people announcing the arri val by passing out her personal cards in advance. Have a card. The by-word during next week will COMFORT ITEMS. March 30, KOk . The farmers are making good use Of the pretty days we are having of late. Miss Mary Gill, cf Raleigh, letlsi ting her sister, Mrs. S." Busbee, this week. . v i Mr. Manly Hatoh, who wen to Ar kansas with his father about for years ago, has returned to his former home at Comfort. - f it .' Mr. Ike Kboncq and Mrs. JL. Har dy visited at Hon. F. D. Koonce's Saturday and Sunday. ? i . 1 The public school taught by Miss Annie Rhodes, closed last Friday. There was quite a disturbanceamong the colored race yesterday. A young cegrogirl, Mary Morgan, ran away with a negro man named Nelson Davis Monday night with the intention of getting married that night, but the one that was to bring the license dl3 not come, so the man took her to his brother's house, near by, until loom ing. The parents of the girl were very niurh upset about her, and last 'iilght they found the girl and took her home. Although the colored man fought for all he .was worth, he had to: give up his girl. Guess there will pe no wedding soon. C Mr. James Leary Cox and little niece visited at Mr. C. week. CONSPIRACY CHARGED Wake Const Grand Jury Finds Trne Bill Against Finch and HcBee BILL OF INDICTMENT IN FOUR COUNTS and Miss Sallie Eula, ofTrenton, A. RhodesH.last Motion Will be Made Today to Set Date for Trial, Which will Probably Be During This Term. News and Observer. 31st. The jury of the Wake county supe rior court yesterday returned a true bill for conspiracy against K. S. Finch and V. E. McBoe, who contriv ed to have the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad thrown into the hands of a receiver by Judge Thomas R. Purnell, of the federal court here, and to have V. E. McBee appointed receiver. The State, supported by a majority of the private stockholders of the road, appealed to Judge Chas. H. Simonton, of the United States circuit court of appeals, to have the order appointing a receiver vacated. While this appeal was pending, the State brought a charge of conspiracy agalnst.McBee and Finch, and Chief Justice Walter Clark issued bench warrants for them. They were tried ueiore juage uiarK, ana eacn was bound over to court under a $2,000 To Cotton Growers. The undersigned has received a note from the editor of a drug trade jour nal asking if any cotton root bark Is to be obtained In this State. The present wholesale price of cotton root bark in New York is from 15 to 20cts per pound. ii is very strange tnat cotton grow ers with idle hands during the winter months will permit this most valuable part of the crop to waste in the fields and remain as an encumbrance to the succeeding crop. It is likely that in most cotton sec tlons the roots now in the field are still salable and a very good thing can be made out of them while waiting for the soil to dry. Those who wish to gather the root bark should first send to the undersigned a sample of one pound of fresh root bark in order to have its quality tsstd. For all the good bark offei-ed,the undersigned will agree to find a sale. As the present high price mav not continue long those who wish to sell should act promptly. Samples may be sent bv mail at eight cents per pound for postage. Garland McCarthy, N. C. Dep. Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C bond. When the case was reached bv The school at Brady Branch, taught Judge Simonton in the federal court, by Mr. I. B. Koonce, will close Friday with an entertainment text Call For Cong. Convention. At a meeting of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee of the second con. gressional district held in WilsonN. C, on the 29th day of March, 1901, a convention to be composed of dele gates from the various counties of ihc second congressional district of North Carolina was called to meet fn the day of June", 1904, at the hour of three tative Glllett, of California, has pre pared and sumbitted for the minorltv - i - I .MWUgUAUg J a. Mnnpt nominal th. McnlnttAn I .t . . . r - mviuiiuu auuui- i rnis section. WMpr mil Ian ah at, trnnr, m,A 1 i ... ... I . " ' to a luajuiijr Vi me committee on self. And when the old savins in o made effective, "see yourself as others see you" in the meantime havea laugh at your friend's expense. Fun and a plenty of it will be found under this tent, and fail to pay it a visit you will regret It. In fact all attractions that will be presented are new to this sec tion, and are all guaranteed to beeHrst o'clock p. m. for the purpose of nomi nating a candidate for congress and a candidate for presidential elector; and be "have you laughed," and will re-! for tho PurPse of selecting .delegate ferto the attraction known as the P tM nalloai convention and trans- "Laughing Parlor" absolutely new in i actlD sucn business as may pro- the judiciary , to impeach Judge awayne, of the northern district of Florida, for high misdemeanors Every ground urged by the committee for impeachment is attacked in this re port. Washington, March 29. The secre tary of the Interior today sent to the perly come before the convention. Tbe county executive committees of he vacated the order and discharged the receiver, Judge Purnell concurring with him aft?r he had learned the evi ldence adduced in the trial before Chief Justice Clark. Now the grand jury returns a "true bill," the bill of indictment, drawn by Solicitor Armistead Jones. The bill was brought Into court yesterday just before the adjournment for dinner, by Foreman's. W. Brewer, of the grand jury-v; . ,: . , - , .amo wu vi iatucmieo is in lour counts for conspiracy to injure and Impoverish the'property of the road, and to injure, embarrass and obstruct the president and officers of the road; conspiracy to fraudulently deprive the president and board of directors of their offices and the property of the company; conspiracy to have a re ceiver appoiniea xor tne road, in or- Mr. W. G. Lang Dead. Vr. u . G. Lang, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Farmville. Pitt county, died this morning at 4 o'clock, at his home in Farmville. He fell on the sleet some time ago and broke his leg, but recovered from it and was getting along very well when an at tack of acute indigestion threwbim into bed again and death resulted tod ay. Mr. Lang was one of the wealthiest and most prominent citizens of his section. He was the father of Mrs vv. E. Mewborn and Mrs. J. F. Joy rier, of this city; Mr. W. M. Lang, of Farmville; -Mr. Jim Lang, of Green ville, and Mrs. Frank Joyner, of i Va. The f uneraHrtll-taka "tflacr 'at4 the family burying ground at Corinth church, near Farmville. the various counties of the district Ider that they might reap the benefits will call county conventions prior to thereof, and finally conspiracy to force the 21st of June for the purpose of a lease of the railroad. naming delegates to said congressron- : The case will come up today on a ai convention in accordance with the motion to set a date for the trial. It plan of organization of the Democratic will be impossible to reach it this W. T. KENNEDY SENTENCED. noun. a communication m response class in every respect. The carnival to Senator Overman's resolution di- (company challenges any one to find reeling the secretary to furnish to the one feature la the entire exhibition oenaw a copy oi tne order Issued by that would not be approved by the ura oepariment enlarging the pension best people In the city. Their motto act of June 27, 1900, and amendments,' is good, clean amusement for the as to tne disabilities of applicants for masses. Wild men, dancing girls, eat pensions, and report what amount the 'em-alive and this sort of exhibitions oraer win increase the pensions an- will be consnicuous bv their ahAn t . -1 party. . This 29th da?bf March, 1904. , J. W. Grainger, Chairman. L. V. Morrill, Sec'y. PRELIMINARY HEARING. Dually. MONTH'S TBIAL FREE. Jlreathe Hyomef Three or Four Times ; Daily and Be Cured of Catarrh. ..;? T . 7 rr a l. i noon x w., one or ue most rcuuie business nrms in ttlnston have aeen many instances of the remarkable power oi xiyomei k cure catarrhal troubles and othr disorders of the rcsHrKry organs, j this class of shows have been retired i back to the woods with the Jones Car nival Company. Get ready for the big show all next Week " vr ' .. f :.. - ." v.,'r .-J .,-. ' The Surgeon's Daring Skill. New York World. . " Early la this month a surgeon stood Witnesses Examined Concerning the Murder of Jonah lewborn. The preliminary hearing and Inves ligation of the case against Robert Thompson, t charged with " shooting Jonah Mewborn on the night of the 28th Inst, was begun last evening be fore Justice W. F. Dibble and at 11 o'clock last night was continued till today; when it was taken up again, Quite a number of witnesses are to be examined In the case. '.The evidence with the beating heart of a live man hfllrt in hl h&tlrf. R tnnlr atr 4toh Results in this them so much confided . ur' " m that they will give a month's trial u, piace "a - "yea 0IU V the positive understanding th.t tr leration was one of a series of surcical the end of that time a cure Is not ef- operations of the last two or three fected or enongh relief gained to war rant continued use of tbe treatment ior wnui longer, tne money will be uyomei is tne only treatment for oirrn tnat nas ever been sold under a "no cure, no pay" plan, and the urn j una w .ere a montn's trial treat ment is free unles It cures. -.. Kyomel Is not a pill or liquid. Just wbich restore Its beating, that"" P"ons who ", nu oene- V' W1" seen irom the.OMt day's use. years through which the heart has ceased to be the one part of the body sacred from the daring knife and nee-1 die. ". , And now there Is news of the heart massage. The vital organ ia exposed and subjected to gentle manipulations So life re- have seemed to die. - , . is entirely circumstantial, but It la said a strong chain Is forming against Thompson. ; It la known that feeling irtatAd hatnan tha twn mil atmim. stances directly connected wlthvthe J? 0 Welerk la the office of guilty man- i week,because two capital cases are set, one for today and one for tomor row. So, if it is reached at all this term, it will be next week. Messrs. Argo & Shaffer, and F. H. Busbee have already been retained bv the defendants. Solicitor Armistead Jones was inter viewed yesterday concerning the time of the trial of Finch and McBee on the four counts in the bill of indict ment. Doyou.thlBk the trial will take place at this term?" he was asked. I think so," was the reply. "I see no reason now why the case can not be reached." Yes, I think It can be reached at this term." j ' Both Captain Finch" and Captain McBee are In the city, and both are under a t2,000 bond. The bondsmen of Captain McBee are Messrs. M. T. Leach and J. R. Chamberlain while captain finch's bondsman Is Mr. W. NORTH STATE HEWS r ''r,V-; '; Clipped and Called From Oar lortt Carolina Exchanges. ODD AID IJTERESTIIG HAPPEIHGS To 1 8 Months on the County Roads. No Appeal be taken. Judge Ferguson passed sentence on "VV. T. Kennedy late yesterday evening for assaulting Ed Hughes with a dead ly weapon, sentencing Kennedy to the county roads for a term of 18 months. Notice of appeal was given, but it was a A 1 . .1 - ... a learnea toaay tnat mere will be no appeal taken. Commencement at Littleton. The comencement exercises of Little ton Female Colege will begin on Sun day May the 22d, with a sermon be fore the faculty and students of the college, by Rev. G. F. Smith, presid- ing elder of the Warrenton district On Wednesday, the 25th, Dr. C. W. r j . . , , . ... . .. xyra, or Atlanta, win preacn tne an nual sermon In the college Chanel. The : commencement nririraaa aril! Va delivered on Thursday, the 26th, by I Mating Of Dem. Ex. Com. Called isev. a. u. smart, u. u., of Norfolk, I oe uemocrauc mecutlve Commlt Va. , In place of the annual address 1 19 ' Lenoir county will meet at the on missions before the Y. W. C A., I ari bouse on Saturday, April 2nd, there will be, this year a series of o'clock p. m. All members of the three addresses on missions. ' These I committee are specially requested to be will be delivered by Bishop A. W. j present Time of calling the county Wilson, of Baltimore, Md on the I convention and other Important mat evenings or April 12th, 13th and Mr o be discussed. 14th. Gossip Gathered from Murphy T. Manteo of Importance to Our Ta Heel Readers. A wholesale hat'eompany has been organized at Charlotte with f 100,000 capital. The trouble In Republican ranks In. the eighth congressional district may result In two conventions today la Greensboro. Fire at Bfltmoie, Vanderbllt's es tate in western North Carolina. Tues day morning, destroyed 810,000 to 112, 000 worth of property. Twelve freight cars went through a bridge on the Durham and Northern Railroad, near Henderson, Tuesday. None of tho crew were hurt. The Salvation Army, which for some years has not been in the State, has established a post at Charlotte and will establish one in Greensboro. The smallpox situation is so serious in Durham and Durham county that the board of aldermen of the city has ordered compulsory vaccination of everybody. It is a certainty that Wallace will be confirmed postmaster of Wilming ton. The charges made against him by Gore, an unsuccessful aspirant, are considered spits work and are not re garded seriously. The dead body found In the river near Elizabeth City, at first thought to be that of a white lad, has turned out to be tbe body of a negro man. ' Holes had been eaten In the body by fl shea ' and it was a gruesome sight 1 - . ' The Schooner William Churchill. Capt. Byrnes, loaded with lumber at r i t . . . countered a heavy gale, which shifted ; the cargo ane part of the deck load was lost. The vessel put into Cape Lookout cove Tuesday and it Is leak ing badly. It will have to be towed to its destination and has wired for. assistance. The crew are all safe. A mortgage by the Raleigh and Pamlico Sound Railroad Company to the Knickerbocker Trust Company, of ew york, for $1,320,000 was recordej in the office of the Wake register of deeds Tuesday. Of the amount, 145,000 is to be advanced to the railroad com pany when five miles of road is com pleted and ironed, 950,000 for each ad dltlonal five miles until fifty miles Is completed: then $55,000 every five miles for the remainder of the distance to Washington. A force of convicts is working on the first five miles of . road from Raleigh to the Neuse river. J. W. Grainger, Chairman Com. xnompson uvea in tnie city at one time and was a helper to brick ma- sons. CRIMINAL DOCKET FINISHED. Proper Treatment of Pneomonlft. Pneumonia Is too dismroui . hi. ease for anv one to attamnt tn Arwtn uiuueir, aimougn ne may bave the proper remedies at band. A physician noma always oe called. It should And the.Clvi. Docket Taken Op By o f -. , r I . J - w wiu vj ouP, iWr vwun. ovri ui vorces i irom an attack of tbe grip, and that urantsa. I or giving vnamberlaln's Couirh Rnm. The criminal docket for this term of edy threatened attack of pneumonia uo wiraea ii . UI" wTt "e neajth-glv-l "10 iurvws oi sur- tne superior cours was completed yes- ij-q used b nhwn. in thZTri.Z SaSWtS?! upon therday and Solicitor Duffy left on the pneuffoffwl" " wiiaia ween mere nas oeen afternoon tram lor ms borne In ons-lu'M- ur. wj, amlth. of Sanders. low county. The civil docket was Smith, of SinHpn Ala., who Is also a druggist, says of i tne miracie oi spacing nerves. An In- The civil docket was taken uo lust H-Za :z a rr ::L.y,"m,limiu " XlnedfSeol" -Pymei be terrupted telegraphic circuit of the ' before adjournment for dinner yester- t& tor,thTpaaU."Tto Kemember that if Hrompl rinot h l ujcuju, ju mm a. w8wro:ay mna curing u aay sererai ai- vo vi pueumoni aa nT aiwajs WA . a. ' I nlAn I in. let MatAMayf a I a.A j . KUIWQ inn DRBI T011 ICS " I a T L " . wuxu mm- tarrhal germs and system. The complete outfit poisons from costs .but tne I annnnnnut at a Tkl1aAlnk: I 1 . -1 the miracle of splicing nerves. ' An In curs vou after a month's trial J jg; I union line U restored to service by Hood & Co., will refund your jnonevl 010 piecing of two wires. The world and the treatment win k .1 .-,1 1 - free. ubuummjiuiv cav, auu IU. UWHVI WlhQ it. x Xio one point iuriner ior science to go is a pleasant queen will You certainly will have time at carnival ball, the -antertaln, April gth. -r If your lady friend Is not elected Queen of carnival It's your fault, so hustle up. - to demonstrate life Itself. If 'troubled "with weak digestion. belching or sour stomach, use Cham berlain's btomach and Liver Tablets and you will get onick relief. For sale at J. E. Hood & Co. 'a drug store. vorces granted and , decrees signed. No civil causes of special Interest to the general public have come before the court yet and there are no very Im-i portant ones to come up. E- Hood tt Co.'s drug store. Ballots will be counted every day and the results be published In these columns. . '- A Tavortte' "Remedy for iBablee. ,; Its pleasant taste and prompt cures h a ve made Cb amberlain's Cou sh Rem- edy a favorila with the toothers of small cniiJren. it quickly cures tnelr coughs sni colds and prevents any dTT cf f'-nmonia or other serious c - 3. It not only cures croup, t ' t ?a soon as tbe croupy r 1 r-vr-t f-s avck. ; J. I', r "1 Ci.'s to CASTORIA" n:C:J n::a ::;::;: r::;:i t' s si saaiat Cnatom It Uil Thin. At Chingford, in Essex, England, an nara is neia Dy a very curious condi Mam TTTI- : . . uvu. t uuTOr u passes into new hands the owner, with Ida wife, man servant ana nuudservant, . comes , on noraeback to tne oarsonam end nara LAWYERS BOYCOTT JUDGE, Robeson Bar Continues Civil Docket Rather Than Have Judge Peebles Hear It.' Lumberton. March 30. Th nnha. um nomage oy wowing three blasts I son bar, at a meeting called to fix the upuu a uuru. n carries a na' u on servant nsa ! . .. t..j . . hound in a sHn. both f- th t " "Ui"rwuiw' unanimously de- rector tor nil h " VI ZZ'. 0Iln o et tbe calendar and upon a horn. He carries a hawk unon ImTana- tK. k 11 isly de- rector for that day. He receive. r"" cienuar ana agreed chicken for the hawk, a peck of oats conunuo aocket. This action for his horse and a loaf of bread for I WM taken y reason of reports re- his greyhound. After dinner tbe owner 1 061764 from other counties In which blows three more blasts and then. I this judge baa held court of bis dia. wiui ms party, withdraws from the j courtesy to counsel, unfairness and iw.iurj. Inartlalltv. a notahlA lnet..nM ti... the Haywood ease. Lawvera hnr Have you sent In your entries for the I unwillinff to annear hAfom htm in a-. 1are.ua u aoi 00 so ai once, ana 1 capacity, it u iikeiv that th Ufa u-e a success. no expense. : term win also be continued unless an exchange of Judges la ordered. laoammatory Kheantatlaai Cared. William Shaffer, a hralram&n ntl Uennlson. ObiO. was confined tn him wnamjr.Harrey.KIaafc-a. X.C. bed for several weeks with lnflamma-1 str: The late president oi tho tary rnenmatism. "I used manv mm. I roion xuver liana, at Brewatora. N - - -i aV lllni . ' . I V V..Ila a.1 M i a . . eaies," ne says. J) in ally l sent to I DUUl 'nB unesi nonse 10 all tbat re- Mccaw's drusr store for a bottle of I don, in ISO, and oalnted it with lead. Chamberlain's Pain Balm, at wbich I nd-oil at a cost of $400 the house time 1 was unable to use hand or foot, (cost iji.uuu. and In one week's time was able to . ro I la 187 three years lie reoainted it so worat as nannv as a clam." For 1 wisa uevoe at a cost 01 ajoa, in 1837 sale at J. . liood & Co.'s drusr atora. I ten paint was In rood condition. .. . . I r j j .11 . 1 lewi-iwuu, ii laree years, ue- vg .a years. Trt 4 fill L m e ' , - Yours truly P. YT. Tvc.&, Co.. ! Tort. P. C D. C: - '7 I 1 r "