4' 1 1 1 ! We Offer For a Disease Germ Liquozone Can't Kill. tt-tu Gemr Diseases. ',T- :P These are tbeknov gertn ,dir L ''uua A I)- Vint nurtiMiu At do J.' for ttes troubles Is to lwlpATature overeoaie ne genua., aau nuvu re suit are indirect? and uncertain. Liquosone kills'the g-rms, wber ever they are, and the result are inevitab'e. , fly destroying r the cause of the trouble, 'it invariably ends the disease, and forever. Asthnia' -kidney Troubles Anemia .. fLaGrippe Abscess - 'V Liver Troubles Bronchitis Leucorrhea Malaria, Blood Poison Billipusness Neuralgia Pneumonia Bright' s Disease Pleurisy Coughs Colds Piles Consutnpton 4 Quinsy ' Choleralnfantum Cattarrh uneumausm Cancer ' Running Sores Dysentery Skin Disease i . Diarrhea -, Sore Throat ' , Dandruff i Scrofula .1 .Dropsy . .. Syphilis ; XvCZCulil , ouiv nucuui i iTonsilitis Fevers-all kinds- J 'Tumors Gonorrhea ; 1 'Ulcers I Gallstones Gout varicocele Influenza i Women's Disease Weak Eyes Impure Blood ' All diseases that begin with fever all inflammation all catarrh-fall contagious diseases all the re sults of impure or poisonous blood; - In nervous debility Liquozore acts as a vitaliwr, accomplishing what no drug can do. ,50c Bottle Free. t never tried it," please send us this T coupon. We will theamaff JTOU an J, -U order;pBJ;Kr.iooa vo, w: I -! kA.U ' 1 mm. will VhtSV M lull B1SU UUVK, MM, 1V " rR ' your druggist ourselvestor it, This , , is our use gift, made to convince you: to show, you what Mquozone i is, and what it can do. la justice -, , to yourself, pieaae actxpH is wjuuj, for it places you under no obliga tion whatever. ' Liquosone cwts 50c. and f 1 . y ; T CUT OUT THIS COUPON ' for this offer mmy not appear again. Pill thA ii anitM ana nuui lb w tue jmuiu Cteone Co., '450-460 -Wabash Ave., CU1- cago, t My name is. My disease is K Glvs full address write plainly. , Stnd this to Liquid Oxen Co.. Chicago) V lit, ; . . . . .-- ' tAtiy phyMelnn or hospital Too t X ,.At. T I mni.init will h trliullv ftiinnHiaH 7 T fora tea. , , - , i j. E. IIOOD & GO. f j Agents. ;; ; Kinstcn, N. C;' J 1' uur surpassing aoaa . "The Soda stater drawn at our Fountaitt' surpasses i in ; absolute purity, in i perfect , cleanliness,, in -dainty; appetizing, service,' in per fection of flavors. sWe go the limit ... in making every drink as nearly -perfect as it is possible to make. We spare neither expense, time or trouble. We are making a specialty -on our ice cream, soda No charge if it don't suit yourMaste. - - WILL HUNTER, Jr H. O. Hyutt, At. D. 328 N. Queen Street. GENERAL OFFICE PRACTICE .Always in oinc Tlimslny, Friday and ., .... . .-i5;ltur.liiy. ... our .A, . . - - 9 , ...A " ; GENERAL NBWS ITEMS tatters of Interest t Condensed Into Brief Paragraphs. ; , , I LITTLE ABOUT IUMER0US THUGS The Pith of the World's News Thai Might Interest Our Readers. An 'Jtem Hr and' iflmriii'','ti:,, rt- . ... .... . ........ ' .s ' j . . t. . . . jj .. fi-fc. to end tbe-deadlock on tba guberna torial nbinlDdtloD the Republican state convention adjourned today until 2 p. m. May 31. Norfolk, Va., Maj 20. The Norfolk and Southern Railroad was fined 1300 today for violating the "Jim crow" law by allowing negroes to ride in the same oar with whites. According to The, Church EoonomUt the church members in the United States number 29,000,000, or 36 per cent of the entire population, an in crease of 29 percent since 1800. Neir York, May 19. A Herald dis patch from Valparaiso, Chili,. fays that eighteen new cases of bubonic plague have been reported In .Antof gasta, in the last two days, five proved fatal. Fifty-seven of the plague patients are now in the lazaretto., vA-V Washington, May 19. China JaasJ been Informed that the Washington government claims the right to dis patch warships, not only" to those Chinese ports declared by treaty to be open to the world, but also upon the inland waters of China "Wherever Americans may be and where by treaty with China, they are authorized to en gage in business or reside for the pur pose of spreading the gospel. ' v New York, May. W. -The Virginia- Carolina Chemfcal Company, " by a vote of 97,370 shares of the preferred stock and 223,230 shares of the common stock, against 952 shares of the prefer red and 475 Of the common,' has voted to Increase the preferred stock of the company by $8,000,000, Of this amount J,OQ0X will hi JssjiejUtnce,..Mot of U will be used to pay the loan made td tin company last August v by ; Now York, bankers. The other; 12,000,000 will remain in the treasury for future use.'.",:'' .; ' i ' ' & Richmond, Vs., May 10. Tonight, the one-nundred ana twenty-urtn iief beds Her death was due rto con anniversary of the Mecklenburg; IJe-' gestion of the lungs. The body ! will claratioa of Independence,;' the first be brought to this city on the 10:12 protest against British tyranny, voiced Uram tomorrow morning and the inter by the American colonists, the North ment will follow immediately, at the Carolina Society or Richmond met here in the Masonic Temple,5 and seat ed around the banquet board applaud ed with enthusiasm glowing addresses by Col. Alfred M. Waddell, Hon. Dsn Hugh McLean, Dr. W W.' Moore, Dr. Fouahee, Governor Montague of vir- ginian, Major A. S. Lanier and others. h 11 4 11 - auiTififtw BDftM l P enftn t,rn ' . ... . .., . .. Leading Klnston Druggists Urge You to Try Hyomef.f he Guaranteed Cure for Catarrh. : ' , , " Anv reader of This Pbek Press who.1 suffers witn catarrn or wno, is sumect to catarrhal coa la invitea to J. Hood's store for a complete Hyomel outfit on approval - So confident are they thai Hyomel will : cure , the worst and most oeep-seatea case oi catarrh that they will furnish a full month's treatment of Hyomel on trial. ,. y While tt would be unreasonable to expect a chronic case of catairh, which has been crowing worse for sears. could beeured within a month; yet they feel sure that the tntrty day's treat ment will convince the user, that Hyo mel Is Infallible in driving catarrhal poison fronrfhe system. .There; is no dangerous stomach d ragging when Sromel lapsed,,,! Simply breathe its he alio r balsams tbrouch the neat in haler thai comes With every dihfii, And the germ-killing and health-giving air will penetrato to the most remote ell in the air passages of the bead, throat and lungs, and drive catarrhal poison from the system.: Nothing else will so quickly cure a cold in the bead or atop an ordinary cough. - Sinrers and publlcspeakers will and Hyomel invaluable. It strengthens the oice and gives it a rich, clear tone. Catarrhal deafness Is cured when Hyo mel and the special Hyomel balm are The complete outfit costs 6nl v one dollar, and if, after utlng, you caa av that It did not belp you J . E. Hood & Co. will return your money. 1 , Ooroil ITI Mother of Kh-umtim. "My mother has been a sufferer for manv rears with rheumatism." nays W. H. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At times she was unable e move at all, while at all times walking'; was pain ful. .I presented her with a bottle of Chamiw-rlainN Pain BsIti and af;er a ft-w a indication st decided It w!i th most won Jarful paia 'reliever had vpr tried, in fact, h U never wi;ti fu it r.tw and i at all lin-s able to "i!k. An frv.isiitiiHl applicatinn -f Hun !UIn kr' aav the ii !, f iruifflv trebled wlUi.' l-'or J.E, ilca JrCo. AFTER THE TOBACCO TRUST? Attorney General Knox Asked to Bring Suit Against British-American To bacco Company.. Washlntrton, May 19.-A,ttQraey General Knox is being pressed to In stitute proceedings against the tobac co trust and he has decided to take indirect preliminary steps in the mat ter and his subordinates have been directed to report at to wbejtherr.pr oeedll", ahall laaugupatei; for violation of the' law pertainlpg-to . Jn-ter-ttate commerce and the restraint of trade. , ' l i - The complainants to Mr. Knox' tn the ease are members of the house -of I representatives from districts In Ten nessee, Kentucky, North Carolina and other states growing tobacco. These gentlemen represent (he tobacco plant ers who claim that the trust, otherwise the British-American Tobacco. Com pany, limited, is pursuing Its business to their detriment in defiance of the supreme court in the railroad merger oase. They bare appealed to tne at torneygeneral to act and judging from a letter received today from Mr. Knox their -efforts are not without some degree of success. Represent tires Qaines of Tennessee this Doom ing was fn receipt of ha fallowing' let; ter from the attQirney, general: i J'SlTy; replying to your letter of Ma 10tb,r!;jala16tTa' to British-AmerJoaa Tobacco .Company, limited, rl , hate referred wun jts enclosures to air, Abraham. Tillman, United Statei attorney for the lddie district of Tennessee with direction to receive any evidence you may possess or that may be submitted by yo .or ptheti tending to show a violation of .the federal law relative to: restrains J PO inter-state or - foreign commerce 1 and with further direction to report such evidence to me with his opinion ai 1o it efficiency to - establish . a violation of the law. 1 - 'V'"' ,. VYours respectfully,,' KNOX.' Mrs. J, S. Wooten Dead, tiam hi rMwfrAd In th itv tndsv L,f tnrtJl)ath; at her -home-In;- Ddier,. at 6 o'clock this morning, of Mrs: J S. Wooten; who formerly lived here and was well known In this section. Mrs; Wooten "had been In delicate health for a year or more' and for the past few weeks had been confined to cemetery. Mrs. ' Wooten Was Miss Lillian Gard ner, of near Grlfton and was, married to Mr. James S. WOoten only a few years ago, and ' leaves and infant child. '. She was a most estimable and lovable character and numbered her t riends asher acquaintances. ' Several sisters and a brother all of whom are well known 1 here; - survive her. She was a young woman of beautiful Christian character. , " Verdict set Aside. Mr. N. J. House received, a 'phone message from New'tern this afternoon stating that Judge Allen had set aside the verdict of the jufv' In tbe case of Mrs Parker vs. the Atlantio I Coast Line Kaflrbtid ".. which ' gay ! 10 Mrs. Parker $5,000 damages against toe rail road for Injury received In., jumping from a trestle on the company's track to avoid being run over by a log train. The Free Press published a short synopsis of tbe trial, ' which was .had last ' week in"NewbernVA!;rN X? Rouse; xf fthis" clty; and 'MiC? Cvltti Galon of the Newbern b&r,- represen ted the rallrbsd:"-1?i j.-' SCi i' 'i-":ti rt'i,1" .gujui'i. ii-i . Pr Sunday School Clasi Social. Ii: ' 'ilr.'il. Cond Sunday school class, of the Metodist Sunday school, comiossed of young ladies, gave -a social last evening In the basement of tbe Methodist church, from 8 to 11, to which were invited a number of young gentlemen and youn? ladies "who do not belong to the class.T(;.Htf;:V',i-'SV-; Tlie party of young people enjoyed a delightful evening; of amusements and refresbmen is were served. There were nearly 50 to enjoy tbe occasion. ' f f t'-i i ' Aa Open tttesW ? ' . " Xrf, From tbe Chapid, S. C. News: Ear ly in the spring my, wife and I were takm with diarrhoea and so severe were the pains that we called a physi cian who prescribed for us, but this mulicin failed to give any relief. A , frl-nd b-had a bottle of' Chamber iat-i's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Horned v on harjd srav ,ench of us a jd(-e and a ut once felt the e'Tects, I j jr-euretl a bttlfl and before using the intir CiuVjiit!4 r were entirely cured, i It ' a wiidcful remedy and should ! fiund la every hou-hol.i. U, C H divr. ' Th's iiuedy is fur si'.e by J. E. ilooi Co. JAPANESE RETREAT Hnhldly Bat la Good Order Before Larger Basslan Forces 'I.IWJIM I llll ll THE RUSSIANS IRS YERT JUBILMT No Pitched Battle, but Constant Clash es Occurred In Which There Was .Heavy Loss of Life on Both Sides on the heels of the news of disasters to the Japanese Beet the general staff to day received official advloes of the de feat of the Japanese force which was marching northward from Fet.g Wang Cheng for the purpose of executing a flank movement on Mukden. . Since General Kurokl sent his col umn northward to gain the road lead ing directly west of Mukden, General Kuropatkin has kept tt under the clos est surveillance, awaiting the moment when it should be so distant from the main Japanese army as to prevent Its early reinforcement. Observing this plan the Russians withdrew apd the Japanese not finding a strong force of the enemy before them, continued to advance. . n' tWhen the time for action came Gen era! Kuropatkin let General Rennen- kampff loose from 4 leash 'General Rennenkampff had under his command pnljr a few regiments, but they were the flower of the Cossack ' cavalry. , On Ma 18 h fell upon the enemy, whose number has not yet been revealed, with such, vigor as to compel the Japanese retirement 12 miles toward the base, near enough, it la presumed, to have received reinforcements' from General KurokL who Immediately must have been relieved of an awkward predica ment. The operation la described by the general staff as just such a move as . it expected i General Kuropatkin would make, and , for, which General Rennenkampff was fitted and chosen. The casualties sustained by the oppos ing ..forces have not yet been . an nounced. f ' bica May laApeLla.! the. Daily News ffom Toklo says: Port Ar thur ls.tbtbe taken by storm the mo ment proper preparations have' been completed. Siege guns have yet to be placed in position and the land forces appointed for the assault will have to be strengthened. Tbe unexpected los of two fine vessels has emphasized the Insecurity of sea power and the au thorities feel that no chances must be taken that would encourage Russia to send out the Baltic fleet counting ; on finding a harbor ,'of refuge In Port Arthur. " It is realized that the storming of the fortress will , inevitably cost many lives, but it is said that the waters where the Japanese ships are forced to maneuver are becoming so danger, ous- because of ...floating, mines ..that heroic measures, are imperative, Un der tbe circumstances if is thought that life will be economized by storm ing the stronghold ahd 'eliminating It nd the adjacent waters from the area of actual conflict -t.y ' f 5Jew Chw.ang,ay,0.The reports of the Japanesejretreat to Feng Wang Cheng are bfftels;e6oflnne6te'! (Thf Japanese numbering 20,000 men came upon 32,000 Russians In a strong position on Monday, sixty miles west of Feng1 Wang Cheng. .It being un wise to risk battle the' Japanese re treated tn good order and with great rapidity. t, .;'. . '-' ' An unofocial Russian authority says a pitched battle was not fought, but rumor,, says , ther wis considerable loss on both sides, during the clashes, with theCossacks harrassing the ranks of tbe Japanese; -This potltlon. -pr wajaiitte J tajsjaxecWlpgfi rBcoanals - , nnu f . .. -1 1.. X t . I rejoined.' . ' ji.V,V- i - This news apparently accounts for the withdrawal to an unknown desti nation of warships and transports from Tower Hill tea miles' north of Kal Chou, LiaoTung peninisula and of renewed defensive activity at New Chwang. No news has been received here from Port Arthur. , : One of the greatest blessings a mod est man can wish for is a good, relia ble set of bowels. ; H you are not hap py possessor of - such : an outfit you can greatly improve the eflicieocy of thore you cave by the judicious use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. lltey sre pleasnnt to take ami a?reeabla in effect. For sale by ; ; Bear tl h tm lxL FOR SHOVING THE "QUEER Man Arrested in Greensboro Said to be of Gang Whose Headpuarters are In Goldsboro snd Kinston. Greensboro, N. C, May 10.--Ano-ther crop of one dollar bills raised to ten was planted here Wednesday and lsst night. This makes the third time in the. past tbVee months that some counterfeit has been turned loose here. Police this afternoon errested F. J. lUgc, Jr., of Durham, who came here from boldsboro,! where he has a faml lyMwc? week ttgo, and bat been sell f ng ajedicln."v At the trial Hsge was positively identified by two- witnesses as one who passed bogus bills on them. Hsge bitterly denied any trans actions whatever with witnesses. Fall ing to give a tCOO bond for appear ance at court, he was placed in jail. Tbe police think he is one of four, operating together, having headquar ters at Kinston and Goldsboro. Two suspects left on the noon train for Danville, Va., and have probably been arrested from Information gained since Hage was arretted. Another of the supposed confederates, is being looked for in the city. "The arrest may prove imrortant. Government secret service detectives have been Ineffectually trying to run down utterers of this dangerous coun terfeit for several months.".; These raised bills have been systematically circulated in many parts of Virginia and North Carolina An Inqlury by a representative of The Fbsk Press discovered no know ledge of any band of counterfeiters Operating ri this section, nor has there been anything to excite suspicion of the police along that line, except an Incident which occurred here some time last winter an account of which was given In thee columns at the time. Out readers will recall that tome time during the winter a negro boy went In to the 01 drug store one night for change for a tlO bill and it was dis covered by some one in tbe store that the bill was one raised front a tl bill The boy was made to point but the white man he claimed sent him in for .she change and tbr -ttanwaa cat bat got away and left and has not been seen here since. FaEB Press. AT THEjJHURCHES. Services will be held in the follow ing churches tomorrow, to which every body is invited: Mtulonary Baptist Church. Preaching morning and evening by the pastor, Sunday school at 0:30 a. m Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. ' B. Y. P. U. Sunday at 4 p. m ..' Methodist Church. ' Seryices morning.: and' evening by the pastor.. , 4 Sunday school at 9:30 a. m , Epworth'League at 4 p. m. Sunday. ' Christian Church. ' Services morning and evening by the pastor.- . Sunday school at 9:30 a, m. . "Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m. - f Episcopal Church.' . No morning service. s Evening sery ice at B o'clock by tbe rector. Sunday school at 9:30 4. m. Preabrteriasi Charch. Preaching morning and evening by the pastor. Sunday school at 3 p. m. . ' Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. ; " ' Pre WW Baptist Ckuk.J -Sunday school at 9K)0 a. m. vi 'fi;l ' Prayer meeting Wednesday nlghi ' ' Tint Church pf ChrlM, Sclentirt. ; jRoom 3, 103 JE.. Qordon St Services atH a.i. and $ p. m. Snbjiet 'Anclemt and Modern Nec- feWendHo. Sunday school at 9:15 a- tn.' : ,; : ; nM"' ' Good Spirit. .-. ' ' GOod spirits don't all eome from Keutucky." Their main source is the liver and all the main spirits ever made in the Clue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred. o one ill effect It produces. You can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver must be n fine condition if you would be buoy ant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of step, vigorous and successful in your pursuits. ' You caa put your liver in fine condition by using Green's August Flower the greatest of all medicines tor the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or in digestion. It has been -a favorite household remedv for over thirty-five years. August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus in sure jou a liberal supply of 'Vood soirit." Trial siie '2iz regular bot tle, 75a. For sale by J. R. Hood & Co. Bears ' f -f- M l: f-ha BiSl . it NORTH STATE K?S Clipped and Cnllod From Our Icrti Carolina Exctaugis. ' ODD 110 IITERSSTIS6 HAPPEIUGS Gossip Gathered from Murphy T Manteo of Importance) to Our Tar Heel Readers,'. " VThe Southern employes at Spenct r 7 were naid off Thursdav and It la aatd the pay roll aggregated 1125,000. H. Blume, a Jew, was convicted in four cases in Durham, this week, for Belling liquor and fined $100 and costs. anmounting in all to $177.50. , - r At Washington the jury found a true : bill against John Reid and . Jamea Moore for murdering John Rue some time ago and tbe trial is in progress. : The State only asks a verdict of second degree murder. fa ' Charles J. Harris, of Dlllsboro, the nominee of the Republicans for gover- -nor, is known as the "Kaolin King.' ; He Is the largest producer of that ma- '-" terial, used In making ohlna, in the -United States. , , a There were two wrecks on the North . Carolina Railway division of the ; Southern, Thursday la which 25 "care were destroyed or damaged but no lost of life, i One occurred at Auburn ' and ' the othe r near Burlington. - t A petition has been filed In , Spencer ' against the town's collecting the taxes J mm ImmlmA tafrA.M T. , -1 , . - mm iiw 4i, ;ur, it iB cia,imeu iuas : the rata In In imnSIrk wltti (K. ' State law governing rates. )' During a storm at 'Washington, Thursday, lightning struok James Boyd and James Sawyer, killing Boyd and knocking Sawyer senseless across the log train track and the train back ea across bis leg mangling it so that ' had yO be amputated. " ' Frank Ward It in JaU In MocksvUIw in default of $500 bond, charged ; with the abduction of Mrs. O. H. Graham. some time ago: The two'.ran away - ana were located in Iowa and arrested . and brought back to the State. Mrs. Graham left a good home to elope with ' wara. . t , . , ,"'; -Thursday Attorney General Gilm. and Solictor Armstead Jones filed, as required by Judge Browii, bill of v particulars In in the ease ' airalnat mt S SI m m, . iuuu uu iTOue ior conspiracy. The ' Diu renearses the facts on which thA State will rely to prove its case. thM being those discussed in the hearing oaiore Justice Clark. Raleigh cor. Charlotte Ohservne- Gerald McCarthy is makfnir terestlng experiments here in sericul ture that is the culture of silk worms and their product He has man v thon. ' . sands of worms in soeeial rnnmi ah third floor of the agricultural building. ana tnese are now about half grown. They are fed unon.thA ! n a. frult-beaHng fmulberryi There are, several kinds and various experiments are made: " Professor McCarthv la striving ver earnestly to promote silk culture in this State and his efforts In this line-merit , success. Ha la trWA that people in Various parts of North Carolina are taking hold of this ''mat. ter. -??:4 V:, ur-y ' :y- 'y . Money for the Bonds. A telegram was received this - morn ing by .the t banks of Kinston fronx Chloago, suting that the city of Kins-' ton bonds for publio improvements had reached .that city and the draft for $100,000 on the national bank "of Chi cago was faenored bv tha monsv Wny forwarcfrd tn K nliuut r th mmAit- t -th eityjorltci lffiJwDOrtw ' wireu lac coDiractors tne . intelligence and according to the terms of contracts - active operations will .begin and tha city Improvements within 10 or 15 days. ( ' 'v . Thooplns Couh, " ' "In the Knrlntr nf 19(11 n Mht1 had whoopinir cough, J says Mrs. D. ftnni Ala ' F n m. Chamberlsin'a Cough Remedy with the moht satisfactory results. -. I think this is tbe best remedy I have ever seen for whooping' cough." This remedy erity and frequency of the coughing kuib unu , counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by J. E Hood & Co s ( ' ; . t - : ror Iafitata" sxd Children, -tsasxo of C4!cZZ7cZtAC

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