Fes Daily Free Press. ritottabed ! A rternooo (Mead Sunday) at Klnatoa. North Carolina. 1HJ FTtEE PRESS CO., Publishers lliriC. T. IDWARDS.. Editor ANOTHER BIO. at the Poatoffiea m Mcond ciatf matter, NATIONAL TICKET. For President, ALTON II. I'ARKEi;, of NeW York For Vice-Prehident, HENItY G. DAVIS, of W. Virginia. For Rep. id CoDsrrefesioDal District, CLAUDE K ITCH IN, of Halifax. OUR STATE TICKET. RON. For Governor: ROUT. B. GLF.NN, of Forsyth. For Lieutenant Governor: FRANCIS D. WINSTON, of Bertie. For Secretary of State: J. BRYAN GRIMES, of 1'itt. For State Treasurer: B. R. LACY, of Wake. For State Auditor: BENJAMIN F. DIXON, of Cleveland For Attorney General: ROBERT D. GILMER, of Haywood. For Superintendent of Pub. Instruct'n. J. Y. JOYNER, of Guilford. For Conmiiss'r of Labor and Printing: H. B. VARNER, of Davidson. For Commissioner of Agriculture: 8AM 'L L. PATTERSON, of Caldwell. For Corporation Commissioner: SAMUEL L. ROGERS, of Macon. For Associate Justices supreme court: GEO. H. BROWN, Jr., of Beaufort: W. A. HOKE, of Lincoln. For Presidential Electors: F. 8. SPRUILL, of Franklin, W. A. SELF, of Catawba. Now just watch them fall over each other ia their efforts to fet the "'Old Mullet." For years she has been plodding alone, growing in itiipor tacce with the prowth of the country in weath. President Brywn during his administration has spent much money in ettintr her into good shape: and while the end has cot been fully a'.tiintd yet-not by any means, the road has been made as (rood as the circumstances of its treasury would wurraut. Only yesterday we were Informed that another bid has been filed wivh tbe governor and we may be sure that, as time elapsi the road will find a plenty of woald-be iebees or pur chasers. Whatever disposition is made of the road it should not be forjrotten that tbe present administration under the leadership of President Bryan deserves a vreat dual of credit for the present exce.lent eonciilion or mis piece or property. CANADIAN RECIPROCITY. Old 1;a!:. oli l:i:i:!. .. not i:i::'.;. iticitiou ! tl:;::i Of in ¬ !::: the true o.J i.i;:ic".i:.:i i:jn.'itt4 ilr.-.r- i:Io:it;.i cy.i.:; The truo ' poc!, Is lien liens he'!,.; ;i iictcr ntl.iT tlon. 'I'ljcn- ure old t:;;i:u.i of ever;, state and t'.;it' and sei, sj'.ys luJi-r TiiiTiH yeruft I-VtvU-r. creatures wlio revel !;i fi:.. :i:id hutten Um: de::Kl. ii'jUc in the n;;i ri)vc.t of narrow ruts. I v.'c not Jil! k:: v uian-ic.i wo:i:en x.'A'.i l;:re families vi;j arc. ir.vcrtliclcs.s, old maids to the hack hone, just i.h we l;i,oiv adorable elderly spinsters who have the minds of girls and the hearts of HMthers? An. I di we uot also know numbers of the (so culled) stronger sex whose ahsorptlon in trifles and avidity for old n:::iiis o!' ;!u' LOY OF THE REGIMENT. r ... With Ufa Drln Breath B Aakeal Garibaldi Fat- m Cofltii. Who Eiwo Ferrettl entered netlvdr Into the Italian war of lcdepea.lenee he vrna Just seventeen. He left Parma secretly, dtmrtinr, as It were, bis fa ther, mother nnd family to fight for his hero. Garibaldi. Ue walked over the Apennines- without a penny In bis pock et au;i. arriving nair dead ot Onou, concealed himself on one of the tdiips bound for Sicily. When at tils destina tion ue emerged ana gained the nick- i name of the -boy of the regiment." From that time for nouie mouths he fought until the day for rest came lie n siiot in the head and carried to the hospital In n dnngeroua coujitiou. Bverythlng possible wuo done for b'irx hut it was evident that he was tnu hied, and at liist it came out tht lie could not die happy because h bad never seen his hero. "I Tiave fought everywhere and sought always," h;'ex claimed, "hut I have never succeeded m .H'.ng nini. liow can I die never having caught a glimpao of tainiV" Another preoccupation was that he feared he might be burled without coffin. Morning, noon and night his cry was, "Let me have a cof3n.'" The very day he died, by a fortunate linr.ee. Garibaldi nrrifed at the hos pital. Having heard Ferretti's 8ory he stooped and tpoke to him. The suck hoy's expressive face lighted up and he exclaimed: "Now I can die happy Oh. general, let me have a coffin i" i TRAGIC IN ITS BREVITY. !j) proclaim thein purest water? Before 1P6T we bad a sensible reelp roclty arrangement with Canada. Bu when the "infant industries" began to ery for succor ail reciprocity and ra tional trade arrangements had to give way. Since that time the infants have be come the most colossal giants in the world, and their political represnta Uvea, (he Republican party, feeds them on the same stuff that ibey cried for when in the nursey. Reasonable recip rooity schedules have been wiped out and the tariff wall made higher and higher. H today Canada were permitted to enter her products into the United States on a free basis tbe beef trust, tbs leather trust, the paper trust a iu other trusts would be killed outright. The beef trust corners the cattle supply and snaps its fingers at the public, Then the consumtxers of meat and the manufacturers of leather baye to pay the cost. The paper trust is enabled to lire because the wood pulp avail able in the United States is controlled by the trust magnets, nn i the public pays for the trust's privileges. And so on down through the catagory. These Canadian products could be let in to supplement our supply at home. They would not hurt our home producers, but they would hurt the trusts' business. SOMEWHAT STRENUOUS. Teodore doesa't have a monopoly on the strenuous life. At least the following story from tbe New York Times would indicate as much. Tbe story goes: Judge Parker today reoalved a letter from bis school teacher in Counland, recalling an incident of his boyhood, la those days the future judge had to ear a suit of clothes thai was built for hirn to grow into, a painful experience which other young sons of parent wlta limited means have had to under go. Tbe length ot the clothes and the shortness of the boy occasionally ex cited jeers from boys whose pirouu had more money, and one boy in par tioular who was bigger than young Alton was fond of picking on him. On the day which the school teacher recalls, the large boy's jeers were particularly aggravating and Alton proceeded to resent them in the vigor ous Qd ffective fashion which small boys use lor settling disputes. The , schoolmaster came along at the mo ment when the other boy was down Willi several kind friends wiping bis nose for him, while Alton was trium phantly resuming his dispised coat. Scandalized at this exhibition of youthful ferocity, the teacher struck terror into Alton's soul by telling him be was going to call the constable and send bim to jail. Younif Parker spent a miserable quarter of an hour until the teacher had both boy up before the class, Instituted an inquiry, and learned the facts of tbe case. Then . be repri manded the other boy severely and dismltaed Alton with a benignant warning. -, - Champ Clark says that it will be a landslide for Parker and Davis. This Is lbs way Mr, Cisrk figures It out. States sure to go DemnoraUc: The solid soutn, 151; New York, 39; New Jersey,, 11 Maryland, 8: We. ViTinli, 7; tone:iout, 7; Delewarr, 3; Indiana. 15; Colorado, 6; Montana. Tnw Art) T6ur dehi!a1V"iiites f r A TtU "ne of Robes and Burial wh'rb bf.tn id-s will Bub and fr m Supplies kept in Stock. . when Mr. Clark thinks Parktr 1 ud " uai4 wmrwnetv mHivnCT A Man to Do, lee. "Look at K.iker. cut o:i a day like this without an iii.ibivlla. Is lie crazy .' 1 :n airria n u. Let s tiurry oa I don't wart to mei't him." "Why not?" "He may recognize this umbrella It's his." Anions Them. Clara Do you know, Maud, Mr, SmitherB paid me a great compliment last night? "No. What did he say?" "Ho said I was among the prettiest girls at the party." "Yes, I noticed you were among them." nil "I hT bfn nin Cfrnt for Tntnmnl. with w uivu 1 ve ueen umieie,! ror over iwoty year, ami I can aay that I'unrtli have given mo nuira relief than any other reinnly I liave ever tried. 1 aiiftil crtatniy reeontmeiifl thent to air rieuus aa te.i. ail mey are repreaented." Tboi. Olllard, Elfin, 111. JpfffVh Best For fjf jtlr The Dowels j N'er tslfkeu, keii rlihpo. 10c, J!5c. 6flc. Never in hnlte. 1'h I'dinin tialtlft. sittitt.ii f (iusuuiittmi to euro or yuur mouej Lck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 507 AKKUAL SALE, TEN imUON BOXES Photographs and Life Size Portraits We have one of the best fitted up Gal- eri.'S in the State, nnd (ire ivuv piepar.d to do nil kind of worif. Won't say "1 would like to have a gord 1 if pize tor- trait, hut have not a good pK-t'ire to get it from." Come and hav one ninde. I'atronies lion e industry. A;! we nok i a trial; if not sti ted it wiil cost you nothing. W. M. COBLE & SON KINSTON, N. C. Whtn You Visit the Worlds' Fair Stop at THE INSIDE INN You will thus resit-e tulit inside the ground and cave all tirenonie journeys to and fro 2.2S7 tielr(K)tus, with and without hath and a dmingrtoom seating i,5(IO tieople KxtraordinarvriroTeetiop ftrai''tt fire nneiee led cum ne, tiieriui erviw Ktes 1 50 to So o't Cumne n lau: S3 to 7 Atmrieau nian. wlik-h itic'ndes dilv admis-ion in lKth ease-. f or reservations and full detai s. ad. drem THE INSIDE INN WoM Fair G rounds. St. Louis. --; V UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICIKE, tDICHE-BETISTlTT-HUWCT Modem Laboratcrie la ckart of ipecialiita. -Quit Syitaw. tVipariaa-Cmica. . , . BedjidaUachiBf law cwa HoapitaL ' yr1tiledn,formtini.WTteTHt PBOCTOlt. Ttie Story of the Duel Between Han llton nnd Burr. The story of the Hamilton-Burr duel Is tragic In its brevity. The little party of live the principals, their seconds and the surgeon was ou the ground not long after sunrise. The prelimi naries were soon arranged. As i'en dletori, Hamilton's second, gave him his pistol, he asked, "Will you have the hairspring Bet?" "Not tills time," was the significant reply, and then the men faced each other. According to the best authorities up on a disputed subject. Burr flred at the word. At the report, Hamilton started forward with a convulsive movement, reeied, involuntarily discharging his pistol Into the foliage above him, and fell headlong. Burr, with on expres sion of pain upon his face, sprang to ward him, but Van Ness, his second, seised hlin by the arm and hurried him down the bank and Into their boat. Hamilton, being lifted up, revived Tor a moment and gasped, "lhis is e mortal wound, doctor!" Relapsing again Into unconsciousness he was again revived by the fresh air of the river. "Pendleton knows," he said, trying to turn toward his friends, "that I did not intend to Are at him." At 2 the afternoon following he had breathed his last. Stag Paint For houses, i barns, sheds 2 and fences. mm i pi MsaaS)SMSM tMBHW Stag Paint For bright ening things up around the house. PAI1MT f Looks brighter, lasts longer and covers more surface than any other painty That's why we- sell it o o o o o o o o o o i o 0 o o o o o o o o o SummerSpeciaities Refrigerators, -Water Coolers, Hammocks Go-Carts, Baby Carriages, Porch Chairs A ull and complete line of Fiihiiture and Novelties. :' All in bargain prices. Your patronage solicited and 6ati6f action guaranteed Hargett&Hartsfield Kft North Queen Street Qrsiwrer's New Building - Kiasrcs, N. 0 OOOOOOOOOOtJOOOOOOOOOOOOOeO'l'O O TTUS-J A f eA.A. OF THE Citizens Savings Bank, OF KlNSTON, N. C. At close of business June 30, 1904. Monster Bowl of Pnnch. In 1004 Admiral Edward Russell, communder of tbe English Mediterra nean fleet, entertained 0,000 people in a large garden In Alicante, where he served the largest bowl of punch ever brewed. It contained twenty gallons of lime Juice, four hogsheads of brandy. oae pipe of Malaga wine, twenty-five hundred lemons, thirteen hundred weight of fine white Bugar, three pack ages of toasted biscuits, fifty-one pounds of grated nutmegs and eight hogsheads of water. The whole was prevented from dilu tion in case of rain by a large canopy, which spread over a marble fountain bowl which held the punch. The punch was served by a boy, who rowed about the basin of the fountain in a boat built, for the purpose aud refilled the empty cups. Two Scotch Storlea. A Scotch schoolmaster in Banffshire years ago bad strong views ou the sub ject of dress. In the day when crino line was the rage a girl came to school with a very extensive one, which much exceeded the space between the desk and the form on which she had to sit. The teacher, seeing this, said to her, "Gang awa' home and tak off thse girds (hoops) and come back to the school as God made ye. Another rough and ready dominie was examining his boys in a catechism and asked if -God bad a beglnnlug. 'No," scid the boy. -Will he have an end r "Yes, he replied. This was followed instantly by a buffet on the side of the bead. "Will he hove en end noor "No," said the boy, aiid the master was satisfied. . RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $173,401.75 Overdrafts. 2,346.06 Bonds 1,000.00 Banking House and Fixtures 8,954.59 Due from Banks 63,757.42 Cash I7, 774.78 267,234 60 g LJAiUJUlTliiS. o Capital Stock $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits . . . . , 15,711.82 g Dividends Unpaid 4,000.00 g Deposits . . . 193,479.16 5 Cashier's Checks 188. so Due Banks t.8n.o3 N. J. BOUSE, Kinston, N. C. B. V. CANADY, Kinston,N. C. L HARVEY. Kinston. N. C. J. B. BOD, Kinston, N. C. I). OET1INMEK, Kinston, N. C v 267,234.60 DIRECTORS. W. L. KENNEDY, Falling Creek. JESSE JACKSON, Kinston, N. C. J. W. GRAINGER, Kinston, N. C. J. F. TAYLOR, Kinston, N. C. D. F. W OOTEN, Kinston, N. C. N. J. OFFICERS. ROUSE. President, Kinston, N. C. B. W. CANADY, Vice-President, Kinston, N. C. CflAS. F. HARVEY, Cashier, Kinston, N. GEO. B. WEBB,. - Undertaker and Embalmer : KIN'S TON,- N. C. . lector, j mi. Ttiotw? i1m r: ' WiDcornlr.1 TgV1 Mrrrrmw. iuo.lv3; Uib, 3; JLlii-LilSiUJtlLU.J tZl : Illioo. In a5, U. UaLsA rCdoeys aad Bladder El-M Tennraton's u3Icrrtet Brown. I have a question to asX" "an nounced the literary man. "You know Tennyson's line: - ; "Tbe charm of married brows, r , Well,' tlid he mean by that ' the crowning charm of married women, or did he refer to the charm of eyebrows that meet in -the middle? " In the Arabian Nights there sre many pas sages to wbico such eyebrows re spoken of as a great charm, inceed. but In the west out beauty" doctors give explicit : directions , to preveut ; Bucb growths. AYhat did Tennyt-a mean, anyhow 7 Philadelphia Tress. j . ' a oot it. ' " . ' ; Teacher ViDle. give me a sentenca In which the term hook and eye is used. Willie Me an pa went flshinV' i Ta told me f bait me hook aa I did, Baltimore American. A BevelnttosC - Wif e 1 haven't a gown fit to wear, Husband Jove! That's the reason' none f the servjints will stay here. New York Times. , v'; . " : It costs wore to live than formerly, but then people lire longer, so it is sbout e-en. Monigoraery Advertiser. - 1 Ft. Phrstetans M done thet , oro Jm ms. of Ollloa, 8. C who had one of the moot terrlbt ce of RHEUMATISM oa " IT CURCD HCLLC3S CBIPPLt. , Mr. WI!ktvf!tatliitbtnrM(llmtlcr,4e4Aa(aitl8, 1901: - ' ' Mrktavara 4rawa back mil nr Itubc4 mr kipa. I w aa kellta a a baby tar trl U mmih. Th ajaaelaa of mr arma an lefa war kar mni ahrivcled a. I attriitukmrxmtom. Wat ttcatas f (ix iiBetent rkfrictana 1 McColl.DiJlM aa Minfr., but ntmt o I ba coal a1 m anr jooi. ntliOc. J. P. Eoifif. of Dilles, toM r Mtrfrwi KHEUMACIDS. I twfaa tetaka h. an 4 before ibaSnt koctla wat uae I k'na.1 to (M bcttrr. I t 51 bcai.'ea ni araa camplctclr care." , .. , ., . Ui. i. P. Siag cvafitau Mr. Wilaaa' atateaKM ia mrr anulw. tacs TB1V SOTTLt at NT ON APPLICaTIOn TO CMICAL.CO.. faOltTeS8. ALTIMOBT, ID a m - . ,hii I rSaTT CHCI O0-KXOH Industrial Education A. & M. COLLEGE, RALEIGH, - N. C. Agriculture, Engineering." civil , Electrical Mechanical, and Mining), Industrial Chemistry, Textile Industry. 520 Students, 35 Instructors, v j X uition $ 20 a year, Board $8 a month, 120 Scholarships. Address I President Winston, J J , RALEIGH, N. C. . Why Are Our Customers Satisfied Because we supply them with v the most Up-to-date Millinery at most reasonable prices. Hats and Trimmings to suit the most fastidious. N. L. BRUT0N & BR0. KLNSTON. N. a I New Crop i X X X Turnip seed, Ruta Bagas, etc., just re ceived; cabbage and other seeds for plant ing this season at Dunn's Drug Store Phone 147. . ;: . f r f 1 f f ' ' Shirt -Waist Sets Collars and . Neck Laces in all the latest and prettiest styles at MISS MEACHAM & CO. 44 ; 1 he North Carolina 1 State Normal and Industrial College 1 p ; .COURSES : - J Litersxy, Ccrxmercifil, Clsssical, Dcrr.estic Science, Ecicntifc, Manual Traia- It j -. irg. Pedagogical and Music. . , fi 2 Fire cocms ! adiegto LipIotDas. idTaiMedcoTjrten leading to Drones, u fi Well quirpd rrattioe sod Obertation frehool. Faculty rnmbers 50. j Praid, lanndry, tuition, aod li-es for Be of text boots, etc., J1G0 a year. 3 For DOD-rfsidents of the State tl8. ThirUtDth antuaJ sesniou begriDs g H Septemter 29, ll'O. To tecure board in the dormitories all free-tu tion y t applicatioiis should ?do made before Jcly 15tb. forrestondenre inTited g n from tbese desirira; competent teachers anS steBcgrapLers. For cataJo- H I gw and otler infoimation address i : - , : i 1 CHARLES D. McIVER, President, fi - ! ' ' GREENSBORO. N. O. it Just What You Want at the time you want it" Which means perfect t,atradry " wor in one day's time. Our special.ty:, Don't wait! Send yours down or phoneri2a and -our wagon will call. Nuf Ced , Kinston Steam Laundry. - - rhons 122. mm t m. mt m m - - rrinung 01 Aieru No matter' how small the job It receives the atten tion that re Belt in work ot ji high order of merit. Consult about Printing airy thing little or big.... Free Press Co. . pPILES ! : "PILES! PILES t Dr. 1733 P'Pfln r"tf TJ fS ' Ideal!? located near Asbrrine. MILITARY. I-Tifh?y conrtr! ." OBicera and Avr Imptctors. Refovlna Iue !la i- n imt vmc ;,,x',r,.o 1 f I ?0 per bait um. COl,. K. b:n;'.kam. i.h- i f. 1. m. t t trrKaros' Indian Pl'e Ointrjn.nt arm mr b:;vi. Mffcduijr. r;ctate1 acd Itching Plipn. II aiorla tbe Vurcors. ai.kya ih iu-bing at or", !20t-03 I J'Dis' lnti an Pile CUilnjtM i prpiared or f. r IPiie Ld lu-Liiie of ttoe prirate j.rt ami rm ... iEKeifeo. Every box te guaranteed. S.-r i-Triru. ' F -'.. ftn-i tr its,, for t--o and n i r t W1U.1MP MTU CO.. Pror.. Clevt.scl. a o.t jr Ita-Dle-MarstcE trtvt Co