-- ly. Free Press VvV ', PUBLISHED EiZERY; HFTERNOON ".EXCEPT SUNDRY TOUVIL-NO. 112. KINSTON. N. C MONDAY AUGUST 22. 1004. price two ciatfra : IT TTTTT oillc A' GENERAL NEWS ITEHS Kitten of Interest Messed Into 1 - Brief ParagrapliC I LITTLE ABOUT IUIERODS THUGS Tha Pith of the World' New Tht Might Interest Our Readers, An Item Her end There.. . Birmingham, Ala., . 20. A negro i who murdered the town marshal of Cordova tonight was taken from 111 bv a mob and beaten and shot to death. The mob then went .after brother of the nncrro. The brother made tnreats. tie will probably be lynched for talking ; foolishly. v 'O' T.n.KVnir a iio-ii t 2n Five build ings, entailing a toss of about I40 000 were destroyed by fire today. The buildings burned were the factory of the Lynchburg Box company : a large warehouse occupied by the Kyte To bacco company, two retail grocery stores and a frame residence. Atlanta. Ga.. Aug. 20. As a result of nearly two months work by the se cret service department, four men were arrested here last night and to day charted with making and uttering counterfeit ten dollar bills of the "Bui. falo' oattern: the plates from .which the bills were printed were surrender ed and about $30,000 of toe bills were recovered. I: 8elma, Ala., Aug. 20. Judge Par tridge today refused ball ; to . Special Constables Ransom, Stanfil and Cher- rv. Edward Ben. a. negro, : enargeq 'with murder was taken from these offi cers and met his death at the hands of a mob. The three men are now in 'jail, charged with murder In the first rinm-AA Th v .lWft that netrroes took ,,- - r. " -y. Bell from their custody. Cripple Creek, Col., August 20. In tense excitement prevails here and bloodshed Is expected before the night Is over, A mob Is in control of the town and wholesale deportations were beenn this evening. Already a dozen ' prominent men not la "sympathy, with the citizens' movement nave oeen run out. The armed men on horseback are now making a round up to gather more men to drive from the county. St. Paul. Minn.. Aug 20, five are reported to be dead, two score injured and Bronerty damaged to the extent of two million dollars by a fierce tor nado which swooped down on the city shortly after 9 p. m'V The Tivoll thea tre was demolished, the Empire' thea tre razed, the high bridge an Immense steel structure crossing the Mississippi tally destroyed and 200 buildings are more or less damaged. FAIREST KIKD OF OFFER. -If Mi-o-na Does Not Cure Dyspepsia, : Get Your Money Back at J. E. Hood , &Co.' - You run no risk ; whatever in purchasing- Ml-o-na, nature's cure' for . dyspepia. . - - v Take it for a month (a 60o box eon tains two weeks' treatment) and If it does not'hetp you, bring back the emp- ' ty boxes to J. E. Hood & Co., and they will return your money In accor dano e with the following guarantee: guarantee; H - J. E. Hood &JCo. guarantee io refund the money paid for Mi-o-na on return of the empty box, .' if the purchaser tells us that it has failed to cure dyspepsia or . stomach troubles. This guaran-v tee covers two 60a boxes, or a -month's treatment. (Signed) J. E. Hood & Co, This is the best time in the whole year to cure dyspepsia. The outdoor life, the lighter diet, the lessened work and worry, all help the cure. One box of MI;0-na now will Jo , more good than a longer treatment at - other sea sons. It is not an ordinary medicine, but nature's remedy that cures and restores perfect and lasting health. - The strongest evidence that can be -offered for the merits of Mi-o-na and its curative virtues Is the guarantee -under which it is sold by J. E. Hood &Co. They stand ready at all times to refund the price to any one who has found that it has not done all that is claimed for it. , -. .;"-,-,'-- ,- PtjWitt 1 the Nn. "When you go to buy Witch Hazel Salve look for the name DeWITT on every box.. The pure, unadulterated Witch Hazel is used in making De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, which is 'the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema and pile. The popularity of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, due, to Its many cures, has caused nurwous worthless caun- forfeits to- be rlv-f-d on te market. The genuine brj rim K. C. D- . i:tCo.,C.:. -o. t :)i by J. E Hood & Co, Strike Situation in Chicago. ..Chicago, Aug. 29. "J see no peace in sight except on condition that the packer surrender and on uncondltlonl terms. When people see the report of last night's meeting of the Chicago Federation of Labor they will be as tounded. We have a trump card to play and It has been drawn from the So said President Donnelly, - of the Butchers Association, today while he was directing his assistants to go to other cities. - He is also preparing to go to East St. Louis.; He declared the action of Mayor Harrison In ousting the strike breakers from housing rooms in packing plants mean quicker suc cess to the strikers. Not since the strike begun has Donnelly seemed so hopeful. He criticises the action of the teamsters in sending a committee into the yards to make an- Investiga tion yesterday.. "I don't see what the teamsters ex pected to do," he said. "If they don't like this strike let them go back to work." On the subject of the action of the Federation of Labor Donnelly was silent. He simply declared? the re port will prove a sensation. "Thp National election Is coming on,", said Donnelly, "and the labor vote is too powerful to be ignored. I shall go to Kansas City and from .there to Indi anapolis. I expect to make several speeches while away." 'v .-... Teachers' Institute. The second week of the Institute was begun this morning at nine o'clock. Prof. Coon opened the morning ses sion in the white graded school build ing by reading and commenting on a few verses from the 6th chapter of Matthew. Prof Coon i Is - peculiarly happy in the comments on- scripture passages which he reads every day. The professor then gave a lecture on the teaching of the sound method, cor dially condemning the word method of teaching reading. He said that "a tree is known by Its fruits" and called for tha fruits of the word method, r ; . At ten o'clock Dr.' Lewis lectured cn the cultivation of he imagination as an aid in the prosecution of many stu diets. Ha was followed by Professor Brogden in his usual clear ' and ele gant presentation of the subject of lan guage, in which he it an expert. - Prof. Coon then lectured on arithmetic . The afternoon session was taken up with talks on the methods of teaching geography and history by Profi Coon; language by Prof. Brogden,' and phy slology and hygiene, by-Dr., Lewis. v J For Sheriff We see that though Sheriff Vfooten will not himself . seek the' nomination for sheriff, his friends haje presented and: will press his name , before . the Democratic primaries. Sept. 3, 190. We are of 4t O voter of Trent town ship, : Everybody.oonoedes that be has made an efficient and ' honest officer, Why then, should ? we ; change? The people desire and demand capable offi cials. Why swap off horie that has good qualities, pulls well to the wagon. cart, plow or buggy? A large body of the people of Trent 'township,; as well a other sections of the county, feel thatite should be nominated. Let us rally to hi support. -' . -" Several Voters.:": Primaries Held From 9 to 6. The hour named for. holding the Democratic primaries on Sept. 3, 1904, ks previously announced in The Fees Press' columns, - was incorrect, s the hours being from 9 ft. m. to 6 p. . m., instead of from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m , as announced-'- j . ; ' ,f . l J " M : 'W': 'xM, E. M. Land, Sec. and Treas. Dem. Ex, Com..: Music Class : V ;, : Miss Bessie Sutton will begin a class in music, September first, at her home on Queen St. 1 She will be glad to have those who desire to take lessons call to see her. ' 'V ' : A Sweet Breath. ' ' : Is a never failing -sign of a healthy stomach. When the breath is' bad the stomach is out of or der. There is no remedy in the world equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for curing- indiges tion, dyspepsia and all stomach dis orders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Plains, Ky., writes: "I have been a dyspeptic for years; tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse By true use of Kodol ' I bejran to im prove at once, and after taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight health and strength and can eat what ever I want." Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by J. E. Hood & Co. Esnti - - - Get Out to The Primaries, The most sanguine Republican rain bow chaser in North Carolina, it he has any regard whatever for his repu tation for-telling the truth, will con cede the Tact that the Democratic nom inees in Lenoir county this year will be elected. This being the case the chief Interest to Democratic -voters of the county lies In the primaries to be held for selecting the candidate for the various offices; as the men thus se lected will surely occupy those offices. Now in view of this fact it behooves every Democrat to attend the primar ies and there register his will by voting for the man of his choice to represent him In the administration of the coun ty's, and his, affairs. There will b no county convention as heretofore held and every voter in the county will be a delegate, so to speak, to name the nominees, which, ; as stated before, will be' the officers. " - ; The party Is peculiarly fortunate in having such a splendid array of talent from which to select the candidates, and there is no chance for a mistake. But men wiU'thav their, preferences and at the primaries Is the place to express them.. All good Democrats will; of course, strive to have bis choice nominated,' but falling In this, will support the nominee, and to avoid having to vote for one other than one' choice one should go to the pri maries and aid in nominating that ChoiCe. ; , ' There are over 2,000 Democrats in the county and every one, where pos sible, should attend the primaries. They will be held In the various voting precincts Saturday, Sep. 3t from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. . , ' .--:A Of Unusual Merit. The citizen of Klnston will have tb opportunity to attend an entertainment of more than usual merit on Thursday evening - of this week when Miss Georgie Whltaker and Mrs. ' Phoebe King, sisters, and natives of Golds- boro, who have scored quite a success In the- theatrical profession under the stage names Georgie Hart and Phoebe Crane, will appear at the opera house, assisted by a talented company. ,i.-r Last session Miss Hart was leading lady with the "Are you ft Mason Co.' which' made a tour across theontfnent and Miss Crane was leading lady with "Telephone Girl," a musical comedy of national reputation. These ladies are at home for their summer vacation and consented to give entertainments In a few cities in this 'section f of - the State before returning to'New York. They have recently appeared th Golds borb and Wilson and were greeted by large and enthusiastic audiences,, and their work was loudly praised by the press of those cities. ' ' ! The , programme ' - will consist . of dramatic . Sketches, r vocal -. selections from the latest operas, clog and fancy, dancing, etc.- '-' . 'f : ", , Class of 1900. Miss Phebe Shaw gave a delightful evening to the class of 1900 of the Klnston graded school at her home on Liberty, Hill, .Friday. ' This clas- is the first that' graduated at our graded schools. Duripg the time they were in school and since graduation, there has been a peculiarly' pleasant" spirit, of friendship surrounding the members of this class.' V1 ' ' " : ' ' . The members thoroughly enjoyed this pleasant teunlon gotten up by Miss Shaw. The members of the class are Misses Phebe Shaw, Alice Tull, Beatrice Rayner, Delia. Hyatt, Gladys Mitchell, Vallle ; Blanch ard, Floyd Woo ten, Ralph Harper, Guy; Moore, George Hodge and Oscar LaRoque. A few of these were -unavoidably ab sent," but their place was filled by the teacher who is very dear to this class, Prof. L. C- Brogden. M!MS'M Much Sunday Travel. There was much Sunday travel from the local station yesterday, the A. & N. C. alone furnishing transportation! for upwards of 300, besides a large number going over the, Atlantic Coast Line from here., ' ' ;; '.' .. To the seashore, theA. & N. C. office sold oyer 120 tickets and for a negro camp meeting at Falling Creek ticket to the number of 103 were sold. This besides the regular traffic on the mall train.-' V ,, .'' "..;.; J. C.Young. Providence Holllster's Rock; Mountain Tea cured me of in digestion and constipation.' Gained twenty-five pounds in six months. Am entirely well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. E. Hood&Co. - " tiatars cf CEASELESS ATTACKS From ill Points of Yantagc Japanese . J 1 Ire Stormiog Port Irtbar. TEE CZAR SEHDS COIGR&TOLATIOHS Praises Troops, Sailbrsapd Inhabitants of Port Arthur. Rains Stopping and Cooler Weather. S. Petersburg, Sundey, Aug. 21. TJfOt-elgn telegrams announcing that tb final assault upon Port Arthur is projected for today have further stim ulated in all circles the Interest, which has been unflaglng for weeks past, concerning the fato of the fortress. : The authorities continue to express confidence in the ability of the garri son to withstand the assault, but they say that should the fortress be carried it will be at a cost unequalled in the history of the sieges. The determined nature of the Jap anese attacks upon, what is considered an impregnable ' position is- without precedent in military ftonals, JN'o European power ever ventured to show such disregard Of the lives of its sol diers. True, the allies at Sevastopol lost 12,000 men in the: final assault, but the Japanese have made repeated attacks upon Port Arthur with eqga.1 losses. ,v ; .? '" :, Military experts admit that the Jap anese have pursued the best plan, since repeated assault are bound to exhaust the resistance ' of '"garrison proportionally more quickly than , the ame amount of energy spread over a longer period. t; : "The empror has telegraphed to Lit uft. Gen. Btoessel, In command of tho mllljary forces at Poet Arthar s iouows: "I direct you to congratulate in my name and on behalf of the whole of Russia, the troops, sailors and inhab itants of Port Arthur, on the success es gained in the 'fighting of July 20, 27 and 28. I am' full convinced of the ir absolute readiness to uphold' the glo.-y pf, our arms by their unbounded watery, i w.armiy inann an heroic deeds which entailed such heavy sacrifices, - and may He protect the fortress of Port Arthur from the at tacks of the ehemy." Che-foo, Aug 21. -Continued reports from Japanese sources in regard to the latest attack upon Port Arthur were received here last night, and are all to the effect that the assault upon the Russian fortress was1' la 'progress for the greater part of the day yester day (Saturday).: From the most ac curate reports obtainable It is certsin that the Japanese are "conducting, the attack with a fierceness and thorough near that can be Interpreted only in the light of a de termination this time to accomplish the fall of the Russian stronghold. 1 v, . The assault, on the forts- is being made from practically aw me vantage imlle from LaGrange. v Howard is a points captured by the Japanese man of very low order of intelligence orces thtoughout lhetecent ifiKhfingaDdtheglrl is Considered almost an before the fortress. AU three' branch es of the Japanese siege army are re ported to have been In"' Action' "almost constantly throughout the day.- .-. The various reports are agreed that the Japanese disregard of, human life?.,,' ..... t. ,. lflK.u.. "rZ rT , J ""74" ,rr I T WU1" " . !T - r..:JrrS rrrv: :rio? r ,7 . V ... T. 7 oe we pe.vs. o war nu. xar xor the Japanese, but It is apparent that thl. 1. hardly being considered by, the Japesemmander.; ' termlned that the siege of Port Arthur . . . . . . Seaboard stocks. His answer was: and cost of the achievement in human - ,,T , ,, ... , . . , , . - , : . .. I "1 don t know." . life i. not being coneiderea. -hu. Mr,RTMWcllned to mke Llao-Yang, Aug. 20. The rain are any fur0ier tatement regarding the topping and the weather la cool,, but transaction, it ; is - understood that the road are In such a condition that Messrs. Ryan, Blatr and Cooiidee now no encounter of importance is expect- owa about 825,000.000 of the Seaboard ed for a considerable time. The fight-' itockf fcnd thal includ ing of the last two day ha been Urn- jg c Sidney Shepard, own 115,000, Ited to Hght kirmlshes between out- m m0re, making about $10,000,000 posU. A troop of Cossacka last night. oatof a total capital stock 62,0O0,00O. occupied Tanziapoudza, ' a village a U Ul " couple of miles southeast of An-Ptng, . and kil or captured ven-Japan-. ba . ' : lth omitMt hah nlnln In thA A Perfect Painless 1111 Is the one that will cleanse the system, set the liver to action, remove the bile, clear the complexion, cure headachu and leave a good taste la the mouth. :iLi famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and, effectually are DeWitt's LUtle Early Risers. Bob Moore, of Lafayette, Ind., says; "All other p lis i hsve ui gripe and sick en, wlu!e DeWitt's Lltti'e Eriy, lixr are simply terftct."1 Sold ry J.-E. Hood & Co. SHOOTING AT CAMP MEETING Two White Men Shot and Negro Cut in Row at Negro Camp Meeting at Falling Creek. A row between Mr. W. H. Ham, of Falling Creek, and a negro at ft negro camp meeting at Falling Creek, Sun day, resulted in Ram's being shot through the hand. Mr. J. H. Hornerre- ceivjng a bullet in the head and the nogto being pretty badly cut As well as could be learned from the miav conflicting reports the circum stances are as follows: Thrt camp meeting was near Mr. Ham' home and he furnished a negro to sell drinks and about 2 o'clock In the afternoon got Into a dispute with him over the proceeds. Ham began cutting and the negro, or some negro, besran shooting. Mrs. Ham ran out of the house to persuade her husband to come in' and and Mr. Hornet seeing her caught1 hold of her to lead her into the house, and while on the way into the house received a stray bullet in the bead. The bullet knocked him down. It entered just back of the right ear and ranged around the aide of his, head, lodging at the temple, He came over to the city and had bis wound dressed Sunday afternoon. uam was snot in toe band and was not seriously hurt. The negro, who is said to be from LaGrange, escaped. He is said to have been badly out. Reports have it that "moonshine whiskey and hard cider were at the bottom of the trouble. The camp meet ing broke up with the row and the colored people left the ground for the depot about a mile away. FOR CRIMINAL ASSAULT Caswell Howard Lodged in Jal) on This Serious Charge. Denies all. Charged with the roost serious orime known to the laws of this State, with the possibility of the ignomimious death on the gallows Caswell Howard, a white man about 45 years of age, who was lodged in jail bere Saturday evening, talked calmly to the reporter, from hi . cell-.toiUy.,, nf .the. charge D nD Iftof It ln v and ulan iaA a VtB"h riir a1 m andunequivocally having" perpetrated the atrocious crime. The charge against Howard is, that of criminal assault on the person of an 18-year-old white girl, of poor men tal capacity, near LaGrange last Tuesday at her home while her parents were away from home at work. The girl testified to Howard's Identity and guilt before the justice at. LaGrange Saturday, when the warrant was taken out for him. He was bound over un der S300 bond in default of which he was committed to jail here to await the term of September court. " ' Howard denies the charge, and say it was trumped up against him by the parents of the girl, who he says, hate him. The Tamil ies Howard is mar ried and has one child, live within a half mile of each other and about a idiot. Ryan Controls Seaboard. . v New York, Aug. 20.Tbomes F. T? t n aif s tuA s tKa A saAflts tA Praoa A Company, and T. Jefferson Cool idge, Jr., the Seaboard Air Line stock W y Messrs. .William. wat, amounting toi4o,ooo .hare. and that these gentlemen will fnm . otilfMon, v urCQS,e wouW bav, on Hamb,e. ton-Ober Committee of Baltimore, whIJn m for the d f orld. 33 cents, Tea or Tablets. : J. i E. Hood & Co. C ASTOR J A Tor Infants ax.d Cliidrea. . . mete Signature of -J7 NORTH STATE NETSS Clipped and Called From Onr lortb Carolls Excoasjss. ODD MD IHTERESTHG EiPPEIUGS Gossip Gathered from Murphy To Manteo of Importance to Our Tar Heel Reader. Three of the bodie of the drowned miners in the Barringer mine at Gold Hill, have been recovered. Mr. C. J. Hauff, a Chicago travel ing man, was knocked senseless with a club while driving along the road! near Ashevllle and robbed of 50. The Republican of Durham county Saturday nominated B. L. Duke for the legislature. He Is a brother of the president of the American Tobacco Company. The grand iurv of Kfnoklanhnov county, has recommended the establish ment of a reformatory for youthful criminals and it is probable that It will be built. - The Merchants Association, of Ashe vllle, have set down on fake advertis ing schemes and will take hold of no more schemes that do not originate among themselves . . Mrs. Craig, mother of Hon. Locke Craig, was badly Injured by falling down steps at a friend's bouse, whom she was visiting In Chapel Hill. She is 7 years and is expected to recover. W. P. Owen.fruarD? the eons-tat camp in Mecklenburg county, ha been indicted by the grand jury for man slaughter for killlna- b convict who was attempting to escape. ;s The con vict was nerving ,ourM. months . for laroeny.l Rev. Chas. B, Paul, a Baptist minis ter, died last Thursday morning at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rsvmond LtPstil at DAvl.. C..rtart county, N. C., of malarial "fever and lung trouble. He leaves a wife and one child. ' Democratfo State Ch airman Simmons has appointed 'the following" as' the " advisory comniittee'to the' campaign, the State committee'! having created this - committee; . Lee S. v Overman, Locke Craig, L. Banks Holt, . W.' U' Everett, P. M. Pearsalf.' 1 ' - Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels was killed at King' Mountain bv a Southern train," while she anij her husband were walking the track ahead of the engine. ; She became dazed from fright when the train approached and didn't jump, though the train-was only running 8 ! miles an hour." , '. ' .... ... ;fv A . .... ..- , ., Guy Hawn, of Hickory, who was to have married Miss Ida White, of that ' place but left town at the date, set for the wedding, , was , arrested in St Louis Saturday on v the charge ' of breach of promise and brought back for trial. He was one of the striking ' butcher in St Louis. 11 ; County Treasurer. MS. Editor :. I write to endorse the letter of Mr. D. C. Murcblson in re- . gard to the candidacy of Mr. ' Joseph Klnsey, It seems to be a suitabl thing for hi old f pulpll , to org hi nomination and election because they know his influence fotf good in . Lenoir ', oounty. - Many boys j and . girls owe him for the success they have attained.! He has given the best pf his -life to the development of good citizenship.;!; Not-r only do hi old pupil wish to reward i him, but hi old comrade wh6. fought with him under the Confederate flag desire to see him elected to the only . ' office he hs ever asked for. It would be a graceful thing 'for the ' younger candidates to retire in favor of the old soldier and teacher. When such men apply for office we should honor them. -Yours truly, ' A. J. Sutton. ; - For Rent or Sale. Two tracts of land belonging to J.. M. Lasslter,. in Lenoir county, near LaGrange, situated two miles south of LaGrange on the road from La Grange to Seven Springs, containing two hundred and seventy-three acre. One other tract north of the road that leaves Academy branch to the mill. then with the road to where Mrs. L. A. Joyner'a line crosses the road, then with her line to LaGrange road, thence down said road to Academy branch to the beginning, containing "thirty even acres, situated in a rich section. blessed with schools and churches. - Apply to . . . w f - Stephen W Isleb, Atty, -Miller Building. - Kinston, N. C. : SMTStb y Ul lua 1-3 H3V tZZJ. Kgaatai

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