DAILY REE FRESSo HE PUBLISHEDjEERY HRTCRNOOr EXCEPT SUNDRY, TOtfc VIL NO. 165. 1 BINSTON, N. O, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1004 PRICE TWO CENTS. i i i i i i t We Offer $1,000 J For a Disease Germ 1 Llnuozone Can't Kill. 1 -m 7 Germ-Diseases. ' These aw the known germ jdi- i eao. ' All hdt raeuicine can ao r.it thnui troubles is, to help Nature nvpivnms the eerma.and mica; re- J. gulfs ore in irect and uncertain Liuuosone kills the f? raw, wher ever thej arc, and the results are f nevltab e. By destroying the nl the trouble. It invariably JL ends the disease, and forever. Afitbma. Kidney Troubles 1 Anemia LaGnppe 1 Abscess wver l roubles Bronchitis Leucorrnea Malaria Blood Poison Billiousness Neuralgia Pneumonia Bright's Disease Pleurisy 'Coughs coias Piles Consumpton Quinsy Choleralnfantum Cattarrh Rheumatism Cancer Running Sores Dysentery Skin Disease Diarrhea . Sore Throat Dandruff Scrofula TirnfKv SvphiHs 1 Dvsoepsia StomachTroubles A Eczema sau Kneum . Erysipelas Tuberculosis Tonsilitto Fevers all kiuds Tumors Gonorrhea ( Ulcers : Gallstones Gout; Varicocele Influerm Women's Disease Weak Eyes Impure Blood . . All dl"ea" that tertn wit n feT'r -H-all .ftiflainmation all catarrh all contagious diseae-rall there, suit- of impnreor poisonous Wood. In nervous debility Liqnozone acts as a vitalis-r, accomplishing what no drug can do. 50c Bottle Free. If yon need Uqus no, and have isourfrae i i i i i i ' ' never i ried it, pl-a send ns this , , managers of the Louisiana Purchase , .. coupon ?'We will tbnm..a yon hbs -exposition. , -H-V:''t Toardruirgi-toUflvenfor itThia j court f sessions at LSncester, today IT1I i. UtlfcUrj W awaaaww ' t S v w-wlf-plettiw accept It today, fE.Zioq church, a negro -whose mini?: T for it places you nnder no obbga- tion whatever. Liquozoue costs 50c. and X CUT OUT THIS COUPON " J. for this offer mar not appear ata. F9I the blank, and maU It to the UouM Ozone Co.. 45IM0O Wabash Ave.. Vir oago. , . My.name is. My dis-as is...... K Give full adresswrlte pUlnw Sand this to Liquid Ozaae Co.. Chkr III. s A Anv pbynfalsn or hospital ant rat ufW Uquozone wm be Eiwii iraa tora teHL . . :;j.E.ili)0DuVC0. t Agents. Kinston, N. C. f "w . .... . - - - 4.i I I I I I I I 1 - i I ' 1 - -1 - i i ,, '?N JUST RECEIVED A fresh stock of the fol lowing flower fictds: Single Hyadntlis, colors dark red, rose, white and bice, ' 5c each Single Hized Tulips, price2 for 5c Double " - ' 44 3 "10c Grandi Kardssas 44 2 4i 5c Chinese Lilies " 5c each WILL HUNTER. Jr ThonelH. Someting New. Chesterfield Ginger Ale- and Ches terfield Lithia Water Corbonated, The best )-oa ever drank, on sale at Vni Iiuntcr,s &,Qu:nr!ey GENERAL NEWS ITEMS Katters of Intcrost; Condensed Brief Paragraphs., Into 1 LITTLE ABOUT ROUffERODS THINGS The Pith of the World's Newt Thai Might Interest Our Readers. Ari "tern Her and There. '.v.1-' Indianapolis, Ind., Oct" 20 The pooulist campaign In Marlon county) as opened tonight, by Thomas f Wtson, of Georgia, the People's party o inornate ior president, who spoae j a mass meetinir, Shipping agents at Newport Newe have received Information from New Yorkthat the barge Keonebeo, carrying two of the five submarine boats build tng there, has been sighted a consider able distance at sea off New Yprk. Fire at Willis Point, Texas, last nightdestroyed the national bank build ing and three other establishments, en tailing a loss of 130,000. Insurance, partial.. Fire atOakwood, Texas, yes terday destroyed several business houses, causing a loss estimated at $50,000. The amount of insurance - Is not known. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 20.-"Tae Democrats in Indian seems to be ready to vote now," said William 3. Bryan, when he concluded bis tour of Indiana) at New Albany tonight. The closing day of the tour through Indiana was regarded by Mr. Bryan and his patt) as the most successful In all, in respfect to the siee and enthusiasm of the aud ience. "J V'W Dames of America did honor , 'at the' world' fair today to jtheltj-nationa( president. Mrs. "H. A. , Claiborne, oY Rloumond, Va, The arrangements IdV eluded a meeting and luncheon at the ! Missouri building, a reception at tbM 11.111UU1B (jainiuu, iuuuicu VJ itojj tlon tendered by the -board of - lady flfHtiiiririAfi la rtaftttPAf. tntha rnprrwirv ' tit try dates back 50 years and who preach- ed when a slave. Te inotion was made by the oldest member of the an caster bar and tributes, wf re paid by other members and by;' Judge; Watts; presiding. ifi .Vi,. i Lake Mohonk, N. Yv;L:2d.Tla) morning session of the Mohonk Indian Conference was devoted to the cbnsld11 eration of problems in the Pbillipicesy Dr. Fred W. Atkinson, of the Brook lyn Polytechnic Institute, who organ H a. a ' a t S ixea tne American purito .school sys tem in id the Fhiliplnes; W. Leon Pep perm an, 6( the bureau- of insular a( fairs, and M. G. Brumbaugh, "first commissioner of education - In Porto Rico, were among the speakers. - PERILS OF, LAND AND SEA. Captain Willnef's Remarkable Escape 1 Shows What to do In Tim of Trouble. . " .' . For many years, Ciaptaln ' Willnef. says the Tiroes of Gloucester, Mass., was one of the best known - seameu 1 in the Gloucester fleet. ' Tie - sea and I its dangers had ap terror for-him, but the catarrhal troubles with ich tie suffered tor ttrteen yeaia mad him - i ... . i . . urenu tne oignis at- fea, iof i) nau io waiK tne raom noor, :oeing un able to lie down andsleen on air- count of the constant catarrhal, drop ping, v-. ,. A-, v ' 'v:. Captain willnef went to two differ ent hospitals for treatment;1 but -could get no lasting benefit. He. constantly raised yellow and ' green phlegm and his trouble became so unbearable and nauseating that he was ashamed to a& out In company. When despairing of ever getting reuer, mi wire purchased a Hyomei outfit for hltr, and trying it before going to bed, he enjoyed the first whole night's sleep for ten years;. Captain Willnef says "I have used less than two bottles of Ilyoniei and have been cured by the. remedy;. My friends ask me what is responsible for my improvement, and I tell them Hy omei, which has riven me full and! complete recovery." ,v --;, . ; Uaptaia Willnef's experience shows our readers what to do in time of catarrhal trouble, useHyomet. This remaraaDie treatment kills the rerms of catarrh and makes lasting and per manent cures. J. E. Hood & Co.. sell Hyomei under their person al . cu a rs n- tee to refund the money if it does not give quick relief. v. The Firemen's Square Dance Oct, ' 23. L00DS PASSING AWAY. Maachurian Skies Clearinr and Mil! lillltarv onerations In Manchuria are a waltlnir the drying of the roads and plains, rendered Impassable for atUlery and even for Infantry by the VMsnt heavy rsins. Meanwhile 4he correspondents at the front have only desultory cannonading and nnlmport - skirmishes to record. The report that the railway station at Shskhe had pon retaken by the Russians and that railway traffic between that place and JlluKden would te restored at once wnt Arrnnnnnt thn nln.iv) atill hninnr In the band, of the Japanese. The Rus- f'aa government is hastening is hastening the dis- patch of troops to the far east to con stitute the second Mancburian army, t Mukden, Oct. 21. The Russians at Shakbe station on Thursday opened an artillery fire upon Shakhe station; where there seemed to be a Japanese outpost watching the Russian move ments. The guns were then trained upon the village of Laoatung, a little e st of the station. The Japanese re plied languidly. V, The weather today is fine and sunny, with a cold, biting wind. There was a severe frost last night. - Mukden, Oct. 20. Towards evening yesterday the fog lifted and some of the Russian guns at various points Opened fire against the Japanese de fenses, but they did not respond either from scarcity of ammunition ortb de - lire not to reveal the location Of, their DAbMSrieM. X OH WRMLUHr kdu UIH CUDU11 A l Wl ..I J1 t . l lion of the mad. have made eatensi ve fenerations impossible, but the roads me how drying hard which forecsst P ' - . - events in me near future. Tne war"" " ' Correspondents in thofieid are kept in RPhllcsn voter who was unable to dark, and it is difficult to sav whent and how this dreadful slaughter will ' ' v .1 ukdenOct.21.-Everyjnan of 200 .o-t. k r.,,tu nrenelaff who on Tuodv nloht .-T 7 - " onnoltered the Jananesa left .nuth. f ' ' - - '-neetedlvneAnnd iv l " . .fl-T" ..,v- Japanese force With j apaoese lorce Witn machine guns was woinded and everj horse, .except Captain TburgenlefFV, Was the bullets from the Japanese machine guns. Sourgenieff, though mortally wounde i, carried off one man behind his saddle, while others managed to creep back to camp. But, as already cabled,. not one man was killed on the fild. There is the greatest fear on the part of tbe Rusiian woutd d of falling into the hands of tbe Japanese, the Russians being convinced that they torture their prisoners COMPLETING TOBACCO MERGER. ConsoliJation to be Known- as the American Tobacco Company. Capi tal of $100,000,000. v Trenton, N. J., Oct. 29.rPape.rs were filed with the secretary of State today providing for the carrying out of the plan of merges of the American Tobse co company,' tne Consolidated To bacco Company and the Continental Tobacco Company. - The consolidated companies are t be known as the American Tobacco Company, with an authorized capital of $180,000,000, of which $80,000,000 Is preferred stock with 6 per cnt. cumulative dividends, and $100,000,030 common Btock. The papers filed give the names ' of the locludin? J. B. Duke, president; . W H. McAlister, secretary, . and M- W, Hicks, treasurer. The term of merger , .... i . i . . in respect to tne aosorpvion oi inese companies are those agreed upon and published some time, ago, "and which have been the subject of litigation. The Firemen's Sqnare Dance Oct. 28, ' .- .A Jadleion Inqatrj-. A well-knOwn travel log man wbo visits the drug trade tavs he bat often heard druggists inquire of customers wno asked for a cougn medicine wheth er it was wanted for a child thev al mnat (nwnwlahlv fsVtAmtnAnrl Phamka lain', fimxrh RmBHr .- Th. m.um tn. I this is that thev know there is no dan- ! per from It and to at it alwavs cares There is not tbe least danger in giving it, and for coughs, colds and croup it is unsurpassed, ror sale by J. K. Hood St Co. - - ' ' " Sick headache Is caused by a disor dered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stom ach and, Llv-r Tablets. For sale by j. t uooa a wo. - i Iglenn vin kinston I ' , i- ii ' irfM.iiiMiimi i i., .. Tie Conrt House' Was Packed to Heir the Great Orator. BIG AUDIENCE HELD SPELLBOUND l AsThey Listen to the Eloquent Speak et$ He Sets Forth the Issues of n the Campaign. i The court bouse last niht. was hear Hun. crowded to the door to Hobert U. Glenn speak on the iau- Q!Vj"a DOW mon ie PPr North V1?11" IOP "io13- w rear of I4i9 Court house was filled with stand ing men, and a large number falling to obtain entrance turned away from he building. J. The audience that greeted the sfeak- er when he arrived was full of enthus iasm: and when the candidate en'.erel the court room he was greeted with hearty applause. Mr. Glenn was flttlnglj introduced tn few words by Mr. J. W. Orainger; and for nearly two hours he claimed the closest attention of his bearers. He was worn and weary when he began bis address: but under the in spiration of his subject and the au dience, that ''tired feellnp" seenvd to vanish,' and the orator was hi nself again. HrA considerable part of the audience b4 eard th8 Pkcr at Woodlogton 3. 4 inusaay. inifwneiiea n,e ap- W or nrer tt same doctrine" J1?1"1 State Issues rorwi, oo uienn oniy 1 VnAwi hAay In t ra (ham Ami 1 Ks ieo ne error ol n"-way, aiier neanrg I r s a t i a. i i i . wlonn Dla oops case. The Issues were discussed in a clear Mlcal appealing to the intelli- gence tn io luwr. mere ws r.u ."mud-aUpglog." nopettyfault findin, l"La 1 I !al lw a VV P'uin' argurauu I fe.-M r.lonn Toft hia TTt.tr)lnr 4r, CroeviHe where he will speak today , The Visible ao4 InvUlblc; , -TUrt wlfet' Indian 'Dhlidonhv has nCTer'fioT(rrVti't!iat iily word uin'n;Uura!." The rpaiiiflHtd saya.'.rWhai r in the vusjblo :.wi also Id the invlslbii', and xvimt U in Hraiim'i world Is also li-rt." The ifltiinntv. til helt tinriciiible.is as ri-al to tht AaI- atic mind h rict and in the ttliftRflva'S Glta Ar.itnih h 'actually, pcrniittcd to behold the e-mlKKllcd Infinite. lnd"id- itis rather this prrsent existence which India regards as the illusion, the jiui.va. To ace the suit's We impt wait for blhtatid to live we imW die,- Nor Is It unintert-itins to note In lliiwlon -b:- tics how these lurgw tmd happy wrenl ties of orientnl view have' softened jnr soniBcatlor.s of death Sir Kdwjti Ar nold. "lou sec," fid the yM'r iv. u. 'v!;r was explaining the. inluiV w -f, the at- tafk is carried on' the wiuie as i;i ac tual warfare, except thr.t rhe tiisik- are only technicaL Now. jtuppowo that I :at couimaudin a ln-i-jad.- m:d ) should be ch'irgexl by a reyimeiit of tbl'.etlealy,- :Techidcaliy?" uh!-1 the youiiK wo man..;.;, '. ; '' "Certainly. A.nd suij.f;e they llml upon nB" . fTochidcolly?" rrponteil the young1 woman. , "Yes, yes. And I should, be encour aging my men te make a last stand" jj,TeehnicaIIyV" Of -ours-. And I should get., in range of the euemy'e "tiro and should be shot through the fcni'n" Oh," ; Intrrrnpted the fair damsel. t tow t,hftt would have to lw twh nkoll.r tVktrViUilfimore Aiueriean. Soma SeaMaable A4r lea. It may be a niece of sunerttuous ad vice to urge people at - this season of the year t lay in a supply of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. . It is almost sure to be needed before winter is over. and much more prompt and satisfac tory results are obtained when taken as soon as a cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the sys tem, which can only be done by keep- g the remedv at band. Tnls remedy so altogether widely known ana good that no one should hesitate about buying it in preference to anv other. It is for sale by J. E. Hood & Co. , You cannot get rid of yellow skin. pimples, luster less eyes, bad breath with paint and nowder. Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea, cures from within. 05 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. E. Hood A Co. - : : ; The "life line" is out. extending the "glad hand" of life, hope, and happi- eess. Reaches around tbe elobe. 'Tis Hollister's Rockr MoucUin Tea. BILL OF PARTICULARS. Judge Parker Addresses a Big Dele gation. Ksopus, Oct. 21. Judge Parker to day addressed a delegation from Bud son county on the subject of admin istrative extravagance, answering the speech made by Secretary Taft In which the secretary called upon the Democrats to give a bill of particulars in connection with the charge that the economy in government affairs had bn, forgotten in the years the Republicans have been in control of ntitinfinl a flairs. Judge Parker quoted a few totals from the official reports which he as serted proved the extravagance. The bill of particulars will be given, he said, when a Democratic administra tion gets a chance at the books. From midnight Until afternoon to day the rain fell in torrents. TO WATCH THE POLLS. Candidate Davis Will Have Men On The Alert to Detect Fraud.' Parkersburg, Va , Oct. 20. Henry G. Davis, Democratic candidate for vice-president, will welcome William J. Bryan to West Virginia tomorrow. Mr. Bryan will speak here during the afternoon, and Mr. Davis, rho has just completed a. canvass of his own state, will attend the meeting. It Is the present intention of JMr. Davis to accompany the Newbraskan to Hun tington and Charleston, but his fatigue from bis strenuous trip of the past ten days may make it necessary to alter plans tomorrow. Mr. Bryan speaks here at 3 o'clock, at Huntington In the evening and at Charleston Saturday night. Democratic state leaders conferred with Mr. Davis today relative to state election machinery. It was decided to organize vigilant committees to watch the polls io certain parts of the slate A FAV0RATE PRESCRIPTION. The New Simmons'. Regulator Made by 8enafor Simmons. Newton, N. C , oct- 31. The follow Inn prpscriBtioa was, found on tbe streets weapesaay morning auer aer ator Simmons spoke here. . ' , It purports to have been written by a young physician here who is a Re publican. Bnt whether lie wrote it or tqt la a qawrtfrifti. It Is a foi lows "Senator Simtpons speech. Newton, N. C, Oct. 18, 1904. .1. Roosevelt. 2.; Tariff. ', :t. States Issues Amendment, Watts' Law, Education. ; Sig. Poisonous to Radicals. Shake well before using. W. It EVEBHABT, M. D." This ii the new Simmons Liver Reg ulator. ' Panama Pleasel. Panama, Oct. 21. General satisfac tion Is expressed in government circles here toda y at the decision of President Roosevelt to send Secretary Taft in , . ... . ji ister of Panama at Washington, and Nelson Cromwell, counsel for the Pan ama Canal Company, to the isthmus for tbe purpose of definitely settling Th Good Old tvay. tho pending questions and the extent' A severe oo)d or attack of la grippe of the jurisdiction of the United is like a fire, the sooner you combat it States, questions that for months past the better your chaocea are to over- have been the: source of unp'esstt .' hJtKt-: . ,, . . .r. . , are willing to do the necessary work feell ig between the Lnited States and required to give a good old-fashioned Panama. - It is iha tenertl opinion reliable treatment such as would be that these matiers should be effectually ''administered by their grandmother, settled immedistely. ., backed b, Boschee's Cerman Syrup. , " " . .. connection with tho home treatment How to 'oro Corn. au Itonlona. ; j of colds end Is still in greater house- : First, soak the -corn or bunion In ' hold favor than any known remedy, warm water to soften It; then pare it But even without tbe application of down as closely as ; possible without j the old-fashioned aids German Syrup- drawing blood and apply Chamber-1 will cure a severe cold in quick time, lafos Pain Balm twice daily, rubbing It will cure colds in children or grown rigorously for five minutes at each people, it relieves the congested or applicatiooh A -corn plaster .should gans, allays the irritation, and effeo be Worn a few days to protect it from lively stops tbe couifh. Any child will . the shoe. As a general liniment for take it. it Is invaluable in a house- : sprains, lruises, lameness and rheu roatism, Pain Balm Is noequalcd. For sale by J. E. Hood A Co ( Tbe Firemen' Square Dance Oct. 28. ZZ4ZXZZrZZZwXZZZ4ZZZ4XZZX4XZZvZ S To Thetkinston Free Press: - a H : M M ; : GtWtjen:-Yoii are authorized to ouroll my came on lh Lnoir .County Parker-Glenn 'Demo-' cratic ClmbJ: . NORTH STATE HEWS Clipped and Called Prom Our lord Carolina Eicnangss. ODD AND INTERESTING HAPPENINGS Gossip Gathered from Murph To Manteo of Importance to Ow Tar Heel Readers Most of the IUIeigh fair attractions ha ve been booked for the Mecklenburg; fair to be held io Charlotte. Johnnie Patrldge, aged 14 years, died from theeffecta of excessive cigar ette smoking tn Goldsboro Friday. The Wood Grocery Co., of Selma, was chartered Friday with a capital of $20,000. D. D. Deboam is the principal Incorporator. A well known negro of Goldsboro, Columbus Jeter, was bound over to : court on a bond of $100 because - he got excited and threatened to kilt hla father-in-law and the whole family. He used a pistol to make more forcible his remarks. A rumor was was started in Raleigh Friday that these were over 90 ease of diphtheria, in Goldsboro; and tbe vial rs from Goldsboro were not allowed to go into the resident part of the city, but were confloed to fair grounds and streets, so the story ran. Thomas Heldrlth, a mechanic at work on tbe A. C. L. trestle at Wades boro, died Thursday from the shock of being thrown about twenty feet by a jack slipping. Bis injuries were by no means serious, but the mental strain was too mach for the man. A man supposed to be William Home, of Snow Hill, was found beaten.' and bleeding la a stall at the fair " grounds hi Raleigh Friday. On ac count of cuts about his face he waa unable to talk Intelligibly, and it could not be learned whether his con dition was due to accident or foul play. -'..,.'' f John h. Casper, of Winston, and J. F. Smithies, of Davie county, who are interested in the Casper Company, a , targe whiskey enncera operating la Winston, were JIn'ed S25a;'and "?W spectiyely for using the mail for llhgal purposes." 'Ii an ipgenuously worded advertisement they" agreed to send a pint of whiskey for a certain sum, but the wording gave the im pression tn it it W4 a quart. ' Dr. J. A, McKel way, former editor , of the Charlotte News, has Instructed bis attorneys to bring suit against Um Charlotte Observer for libel if ample -apology is not made for an article alleged to be damaging, which appear ed in its columns recently. The arti cle in question was written by one of tbe Observer's correspondents and stated tht serious charges had been prefeire I against Dr. McKelway in the Mecklenburg Presbytery. Editor Caldwell, of the Observer, refuses to make any retractions. Chattel Mortgages, Lien Bond warrantee and Morteare Deeds, on ' good paper and nicely printed, at The Kress otnor ... hold of children. 25c: regular- slse, J. E. Hood ACo. ' Trial sise bottle, 75c : For sale by The Firemen's Square DaneeOct. 28. Kinston, N. C. M M H CASTOR! A .ror Irfotts ar.d CMLirca. ' ' Tt3 KbJ Ycate AIjfsE::t 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.- J. K. Hood & CO. - . i ,--v.;. K M H Kame. Bears He f-'i 't KV Start it. A ir-a V;a fvt Ca-i Bearj t!ie 2nat3ro ef BoarttU la fvifO TCI H3flAhW EKpl R 0. Ad lr-pa. ' - '' ''..