The j JUL 11 JA 1 1 sr Gf REE FrESSo n n r 1L if PUBl-llbiEyERY HFTEROON lXCRT SUNDAY. KINSTON. f. O, MONDAY OCTOBER 24, 1004 TOIi VILr-NO. 166 PRICE TWO CENTO. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS liiMi oi iQicrcot Condeasad Into . Brief Paragraplis. . 1 limE ABOUT RDUERODS IHIICS Te ith of ths World' New That Might n:resi Our' Readers. An item Here and Thero . ' ' ' . Honolulu, Oct. 22. Governor Car ter has Melted the resignations of High. Sheriff A. M. Brown and hli deputy C. P. Chlllansworth, on ac nnnntof the dlssatislactlon orer the non-enforcement of the "liquor and arnhllnir laws. William Henry has "been appointed High Sheriff. Detec ting and captains are resigning. Santiago. Chile. Oct. 22 A definite treaty of peace between Chile and Bolivia was slimed yesterday. The German emperor was appointed arbi ter in the cake of difficulty.' Bolivia renounces all rights to the port on the Pacific, and Chile guarantees the Construction of a railroad between La fate, Bolivia, and the Chilean port of Africa. Edinburg, Oct. 22. By a majority of 3 to 1 tho court of sessions here today ordered that the judgment of the house of lords August 1, placing in the hands of the 24 Free church ministers who opposed the union of the Free church of Scotland with the United Presbyterian church4he whole of tne property of the Free church, valued at about 155,000,000, be applied tmme-' d iately. Fall River, Mass, Oct. 22. The stol idity Qf the striking mill operatives here, at the end of the thirteenth week f Idleness, is without parallel In the history of textile strikes in this coun try. Actual suffering has reached the stage where the best efforts of chari table pocletles are not sufficif nt t pre ' vent want. Bishop Strong and the Jew Ish rabbi in this district have boih called for .relief,.,: V '" -wTWJlri t&fAimo'st aH the ; mn cnanengea .oj , kujci iuuuou, Morgan's deputies at thepoitii,g places since . the registration- began some 7,000 or more Out 6f bis list of 250,000 Bwore in their names, and very tew nt Mi-meted uDondolna so. Of those arrested most were discharged. Now, Mr. Morgan announces that there will be a lot of arrests of registered men for perjury. ' Albany, Oct. 22. In reply to inqui ries regarding the right of a general to register and vote, Attorney-General Cunneen has isuued this opinion: "Un less It appears by some unequivocal act, independent of his attendance at the institution of learning, that he has abandoned any other - legal residence he ma have and has elected to tuke - up his residence in the election dis trict where the seminary is located, he will not be deemed to have gaintd a legal residence in such election dis- "trick. Charleston, W. Va.i Oct. 22. An ovation was tendered W J. Bryan here tonight. Many people -came on x-cial trains from all parts of the Kantwha and - adjoining counties, making one of tbe I ardent political meetings ever held In this city.' Col onel Bryan was escorted to the speak er's stand by the 'Corn well Club, . an organization of 000 young men array ed In white uniforms. He spoke for nearly two hours and in the course of hla address touched nearly every issue , of the national campaign -Colonel Bryan left tonight fur Wheel lng. " Jtter IVxIann & Co. . Kinston. N. C. . Dear Sirs: We know what the paints are sll msdeof, sou know; we bare 1 to. In Wilson, N. Ci tlere are two dealers. One of 'em thinks he can't sell paint for more than 91 a gallon; the other won't have such stuff in hi store sells Devoe lead and-zinc, of caurse. -: ' - ; - - . . .- The tl paint is adulterated "6 perct. t Devoe is all lead and zinc and linseed Aoil, withas little good drjer ss possi ble. A gallon Devoe has in it a little more paint than four gallons of tbe other. A gallon Devoe will! cover as much as four of the other, who wants 'jo pay wages for painting four gallons for one? How much is Devoe lead-and-zinc worth in that town? . Yours truly, 4 F. W. D3VOE& Co., New Yo-k. ' P. S. B. W. Canady & Soa sells -our paint r Tbe Firemen's Square Dance Oct. 28. FIR -HEN'S SQUARE " DA Will be a Social tvent Unique in Char acter Yet Extremely lntcrestirand Full of Fun. .i-2ti?A The Firemen's Square, Danoe,which is to be given In the A tlaotio warehouse In this city Friday night, Oct. 28th; for the benefit of ths klnston Fire Compa ny No. 1, will b one of.' the roost unique entertainments, vet One pi the mostiinterestlngand fun-provoking af fairs that has ever been held lo ' the etttr. .".-;- r '.'-' "The program which Is bring arranged by Mis Sybil Hyatt and a large nutn ber oi lady assistants Is a long list of exceedingly Interesting? feature, chief of which, of course, is the old fash ioned square dance which is to bedone in a dozen different sets to the music of a splendid string band that , alone cost the management $0. This feat ure alone is sufficient to "attract people from all over' the country , and one can picture in one's mind the no a dozen different sets, going at on tfme, to the ringing "calling figures of as many skilled stentorian voice, the dancers made up ,of the the poor, the fat, the lean, the young and the old and all imbued, 'with .the one Idea of frolie". and free from't'b'e restraint of formiUtyv ?, 4 i'fi Between each set is to be cake wallp ing by experienced young, ladies end gentlpnren, and a great dealof fun JrOu oe iouoa in inis leaiure, 'AJiO tnfre will be a department of clog dancing which will be very interesting and amusing. At the Square Dance the Oely opportunity to see the beautiful JlOwep show which has pleased so' many d fl ring the last few years' and w ml but for the Square Dance Frida nisrht. It Is said the chrysanthemums this year are more beautiful than ev er, and they will be on exhibition Fri day night, f; -v Then wilt bo no charge except f6 admission, dancing, checking bats and fflf refreshments; of Which1 there1 Jl b vrv thine thai (s tilce: AVI Jfiire ' men of botfi oompanies will bd cueeta of bono? aild the xfCeptiofl'cnmmitteijJ win be composed of those who have suffered from fires during the last nine years. "The event is to be a olllfica lion Tor tne nremen and to arouse an interest in the welfsre ; Of the nohle laddies who protect our horn,eK Mrs. Arlce Hunter and Mrs.' Abe Of ttinger will have charge' oi the' re- freshment department. Mrs. ' A. ' X Loftin, Mrs. M. H. Carr, Mrs. F. T Harper, Mrs. J. T. Heath; Mrs. Horace West, Mrs. Bettio Bray, Uss. Emmie Pollock, Miss Mae OaUlnger, Miss Sybil Hyatt and a number ' Of others will assist in the various departments and Mr. Sol Dixon' will be' general floor manager. - , t t f ' The program as outlined ,by the managera promises a very unique andf exceedingly interesting and amusing entertainment and their efforts w)U n doubt be rewarded with liberal patron age or a generous public- f Hmertrbr the dat is October 2SA, at night, in the Atlantic warehouse. MESSAGE TO FRATERNAL ORDERS." Interesting; : News From Cincinnati With Local Confirmation in KInston. The thousands of members of frater nal b dies in this Stata will be in er estedin the following message from John' Ibeobald. a prominent Forepter wno uvea at 11.11 xorK street juiucipn- ati. ' - -rtrv; y .--t'ii'f'W.,, Mo. Theobald believe inIirinir nn to the mottoof hisorgantzatfon, "Fra ternal Love and Charity" apJ believes that he can do mora charitable act than to tell his experience : In regain lar health after years of nuffring. ' ; Mr, Theobald writes, "For five years I suffered with stomach 'troubles, hiv ing all the distress and misery that af flicts flysncptles." I could not eniov eating, thinking of the suffering tost would follow. , My food did notdlgest. and although I took all kinds of med icines, I found notifing to help mo un til I used Mi o na, Thanks to this re markable remedy. I am now ' cured man and believe that it made a perma nent ana complete cure." -;; ? J. E. Hood & Co.. are local ac-wita forMi-o-na, nature's cure fordrspop sia. It is in the form of small tablets and sells at GO eents a box. The rem edy has made so many and such re markable cures amonest their custo mers, confirming Mr. Theobald's stste ment, that they will give their person al guarantee with every box they sell to refund tbe money if it does not cure. to not suffer lontrer. Here Is a fenre that costs you nothing, -unless U re stores health. J. K. Hood I Co. take all the risk and you do not have to pay a penny unless tou feel that von have received much more than your money's worth. ., . would not have fhU.ym BLUFF AND BLUSTER That is What tho Republicans are Guilty s of, Say H. T. Papers. FAKE ELECTION BETS TURNED IH Experience .Teaches That Little Re liance Can be Put in the Early Bets. 1 New York. October 22. An Impar tial review of political events of the last week leads In the conclusion that while the presidential dontest is close, the trend of the sentiment is with the Democracy, and the outlook favors the election of Parker and Davis more strongly than has been the case at any previous stage of the campaign. At two very Important points the Dem ocratic lines have been materially strenghened, namely in New York and Indiana, and It is by no means certain that they have been weakened any where. The Republican managers will deny tbe truth of these statements for upon their part it is evidently a studied policy to represent Damocratio prospects as hopeless In every state save those' in the south, which are always Democratic, while at the same time boasting of the irresistible strength of their own ticket almost everywhere exceptjn the south,; Thij is part and parcejoi the plan of bluff, and bras which wae adopted by the administration at the very, outset of the campaign; and which the Republi can, managers have been instructed to adhere to until the day of election. ; The Republicans point to the betting; n Wall Street and to the boom la the rke M cerwato Indications of tomicg victory for their party, but history teaches us that these are slen der reeds upon which to-lean. In 1802 the stock market was bullish preced ing the election, and on the 0th of No vember, threo da) s before election. Thomas H.' Carter, the "Chairman "tf the Republican national committee, Issued a statement which was sent but by the- Associ'ated'PreM.'Trr'wblteh'-iie congratulated the country upon- ltsithenselrfs, Mr Vootn opened the evident decision to stand by the grand discussion and spoke for about forty , old Republican party and to rebuke minutes, tfe&iius' lre?iy ih:Ms'reo-j once more? 'the enemies of the Ameri-1 ord In th legislature of 1895,' the fu can progress and prosperity." In the sion leiihMure of which he was one,' conclusion of his brief congratulatory and after diseasing ther issues for adfiress, Chairman Carter called at-awhile atwkel the Watts liw as a tention to the "remairkable buoyancy" blow aimed at local self-government, of the cereals andf stocks ifto which' His argument whs. that chfly put he remarked, 'it is plainly due. forth by th Reoubllwirs and its fal to the absolute certainty of a coming Jaey was quljkly and easil hon y triumph for the Republican party and its wise policies." Three days later tneuy 01 nv iwa .ousiwiiu, u0, five boroughs-now constituting the munictnalltvl nave Cleveland 109.000 plurality, tbe state of few York gave j him nearly KO.OOO, and he swept the Country, carrying the J'SolId South," New York, New - Jersey, Connecticut, Illinqlr, Wisconsin and Indiana, nd getting electorial votes in half a dozad other states,' including Illinois, Mich igan, California and Ohio, The Wall Street betting had favored Harrison throughout the campaign, and the odds were on Harrison until the closing week of the contest, when they veered tt Cleveland. On the eo of tho elec tion professional betting was even on the .general result, bat Republican politicians continued to bluster and to 'claim everything." , The Now York . Evening Post and the New York World . have made careful investigation within tho last, few days and each of them reports that it is impossible to verify the large ."volume of betting alleged to have taken place in the Wall Street district, with heavy odds on Roosevelt The Post asserts that no more than 120,000 . has actually been wagered on the result of this election, while the World puts tbe figures at "not to exceed $25,000.". If one' Is to credit the announcements made "on tbe curb" from day to day, several hundred thousand dollars have been bet on Roosevelt at odds of from 10 to 5 to 10 to 3. Both the Post and the World state that most of tho alleged betting at the odds is fictitious; neither the parties nor the money are in evi dence.-,''. ".:;, '"- .'". "' : -Z- S. M. Whiteside, Aurora Suffered many years with indigestion, consti pation, and Stomach trouble. - Hoili s!er' Rocky Mountain Tea cured me completely. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. E. Hood & Co. DEMOCRACY SCORES !o First Joint Debate In ite County 1 Saturday at LaGrange. A FIELD DAT FOR THE DEMOCRACY : v. Mr. George Turner Meets Mr. C. S. Wpoten on the Stump and Scores a Victory Mr. Plato Collins' Speech. Saturday was a field day for De mocracy at LsGrantre, the coca-inn belsg the regular meeting of tl.o i-oim- ty fundidates, and with the other W - cldents connected with the meeting it is Certain the cause was materially strengthened. .. It was rumored about that there was going to be a joint debate between Mc. George Turner, the Democratic candidate for the legislature, and Mr. CvS., -Wooten, Republican candidate for the same office, and about 40 went up on tbe train from this city to see the fun. There was a large crowd gathered In ourthrlving si or town and the speakers were listened to with an Interested crowd of suffragists who were serious in wanting to hear the Is sues with which they have to do dis OUssod from both standpoints. The result of the debato was not o $en U question and those Republi cans who went there to. laugh and Cheer at the flying feathers as they wereplucked from Cant. Turner by his Opponent didn't get a single chance to litugh because the faathers showed aVouderfnl tenacity and refused to be plucked. I Besides being a credit to Mr. Turn er's ability to more than take care qf of himself in a joint debate with hli opponent it also shows how ahsolutelv ii ton&Hle is the position of tho Repub licans in this campaign, lxcau-e n' abler exponent is in the count than Mr. Wooten and his utter ioahility to cope with his opponent is an emphasis to the statement that the Republic na Jiavo no grounds to stand n - in ther ftrAsoot position,; TOfi tfttrcWTmthwiPhadnflbUBbe'a MC, Turner when he arose to make his .reply. I v--,... ..wnw ... y in about aithnur's sp-echi 1 wl.lci l fe completely answered verv r ufnt of Mr. Woote 1 to the entire satisfac tion of alt Democrats and itr telling effect on (hose who hid b?u misled by listening t the misrepresentations of the Republicans concerning the Democratic party's position on certain state issues, rne wattt low was shown in its true colors, asd the many things charged against it were shown to hase been born und existed only inthewitnds of those who expected to make capital for themselves by ml representing Us purport. , (.apt. Turner was congratulated on all hands at the conclusion of his speech. 'After Mr. Turner, had finished the crowd, which Lad noticed Mr. Piatt Collins, of this city among them clamored for a speech and he respond ed ly making a half hour's' extempo raneous speech which was ' trein aud In which ho drove home some truihs with, telling effect.' f; Bis exposition of the schome of the RepubJuanx to win Votes for themse! ve4 by appealing to the country ,p-opl and stirring them up againsltbe Dem era tic- party ' by charing the Watt' law with taking away tiieis liberties wA Conclusive and convincing and his words were a complete refutation of the charge.. He took a bold and -.. - Odu of Mnf. II.' A. Tisdale, of Summerton, S C. suffered for twenty years with tite piles. SpecialiHts were employed and many remedies used, but reliff sod. perma nent good was found oolv in the use of DevVitt's With Hax-I Salve. This is only one ot the many, rany cures that bavo baeo effected Oj this WioouVr- lul reined v. - In buying VVitcli Ilzel Salre it it only necessary to see tout you eet the crenulce DaVVntV, made by K. C DeWitt Si Co. In . Chicago, nnd a cure is certain. DeWitt's Witcri Hazel Salve cures ail kinds of. pile, cuts, burns, bruises eczems, teller. riog-wopoi. skia disease, vie. Sold agirrestiive stand, and tbe way In wh'oh he Numalned his position and justified the Democratic party'! actions during 1 1 cloiog administration evoked con-' a! Uribl4 applause. n stated In the beginning of the ar ticle it was a Held day for Democracy and in. in v 1 tht-rs who wern misled bv n mUrepres-nt.tlonsmadetothemby Re uMicans and were contemplating casting loose from their old party were checked, having their eyes open ed and the niistcWa e I from them by the lucid and direct statement of the party's position touching tho ques tions, and the Democratic majority of old Moselfv Hall as increased by a laiye nuu.ber. SERVANTS IN NEW YORK. ?tir IrMpltlKrnee Ofllrra Thrn;li Wiilrk TUry OMala Bltaattoaa. TIk" iatcll.'jencr oiUce. u.f dl.ttlu ynislic;! fro:j vinpluyuieut bureaus. Is one which furnishes household help ex clusively. Hueii ortlt-ps are of great iiuuilier and variety. New York bns moi-o ttuiu ."00 such ntllces aud other titii-it proportionately, while tuuny oth ers coniliiiK- this with other kinds of tfuiployuu-ut. They range frOm well fHrnlBlu'd. adequately equipped houses vt huHk of roums in desirable localities down ti a single room iu a tenement which is the kitchen, dlhiug room, par lor and office by day. and by night the Bleeping qunrters not only of the fam ily, but of any unplaced girls, it is not unusual lu such rooms to find at night from live to ton people. The office With browuHtone front fretiueutly does less bmiiuettrt than the snloou or under ground offices.' The former secures its employees by attractive odvertlse iifiits, keeps records, gives receipts-. The lutter have runners with pockets full of cards, who'accost girls on the etreets, Bteal their pocketbooks, until they nsrw f go to the address fur itlstied und tight with each other over girls thoy clultn to have discovered un til the police Interfere to save the girls' clothiug. AH srnden of honesty nre found, front the offices which refuse fees, knowing they cannot furnish em ployees, :ta those which make no at tempts' whatever and laugh Insolently Viheu the return of fees U demanded. Francis A: Kellur In Atlantic. '"KMMAtJS ASLEEP. " . V.. . .; ' v''-i :: '.;; t'be Youttir Bud the Asred Shonlil Sl . Uo WaktaMl KeedlcMly. : That a boby ont"? sound asleo; must on no -niut bi awakened is oue of I bo cnKt Jron jaws of physicians and nurses. Hut few -people ever stop to cousUHt tliut tho (tame rule balds good with the young of every other animal. Hardly., auy . one,-., even tho professed lover of doinesUc pets, feels the slight est compunction about snatching up a puppy curled Iu a tempting furry tall, mi:l n sleeping kitten is even more the butt far this species of rude imposition. Rlecp i8 rtS(irUed as a luxury for a llt- m0 uiavthlnff of this kind, whose mis- sfon in life la to amuse and divert So nobody makes any bones of waklpg it up either roughly or by a series of fur tive cure, acrv and tho sleepy iplte of ten, trlcs'lu vain f5r tbe rest that is so essential t3 its comfort and health. . Particularly la this the case where there are small children in tho family. I. is nil very well to want to have a puppy t bring up with baby, but the puppy uounlly gets the worst of the bargain. - Animals mature eo much more rapidly than the young of the h man race ihJt by the time the baby is n lad of tori the puppy that grew up with him is an elderly dog. A dog of twelve 13 venerable, while a boy of twelve. is?ta the .heyday of baLsterous animal apirite and a love of tcaeiug. Aged animals, liko very young animals, slipuid bo allowed their Uttle snoozes und' forty wiuks without risk of inter ruption. . .. ' V Tho Firemen's Square Dance Oct, 28. ft ' PUl I'leasur. you ever took DeWlttN Little ' E&rtN itiaer for Piloitines8 or con-1 itipat oo you knowwhtt pill pleasure Is - The fumoun little piliw cle;ine th IjveC nml rid the s.tem of ah bil without producing unn.W;ioi effnew. They do not irrine. sicken- r aeaken. Hut pl-asantly iriv tune and sirei irth t th tissues and ot-irsn of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Sold by J. E. Hood & Ck , , . The Firemen's Squnre Danct Oct. 28 tZXiXXZti'XXT-t-XT ft vr""-C-rvs : "-; "'"'.-r 5? 10 ine iiinsion r ree;.rress: M T M H A M M A H M- A Pf M M K I . (Jriiilenton: oti ate authorized to enroll my uau6 on the - Lenoir. (.Vunty 1'aikcr GH-nn iDemo- 11 at ic- C'JtiU- : - Name. . , . L::... f .:JZi2Zl,..vl, o. Ati.irV-.-..... NORTH STATE HEWS Clipped and Called from Our lorQ Carolina Ecliasiss. ODD ARD IHTERESTIX6 HAPPEIIICS Gossip Gathered from Murphj To Manteo of Importance to Our Tar Heel Reader. Ti N. C. University foot ball team gave the Norfolk college team a terri-4 hie "rubhing t Grteasboro Saturday. Score. 41 to 0. Burglars entered the stores of irer chmts lo Fremont Saturday morning be fore day and carried off a large quantity of goods. Though the prices of hard or weav ing yarns has been advanced three cents a pound since the conference of the spinners some time ago large sales are reported among the spinners of the. State. Three negroes worked a game la Raleigh Saturday night with varying; success. They would approach a maa and ask change for a IS bill. Aa sob as the change was produced, they would grab and run. . The colored state fa'r will be held in Raleigh this week. The most Inter estlog feature of the fair will be the rases, of which there will be horse,, bicycle and foot contests. Many of th Raleigh merchants are donating valu able urlzes. ' ;; Two candidates on the "Citlien ticket" wsnderel around Holly Springs Friday, Intending to enlighten tbe populace as regards voting. They went out in the woods after collecting a large crowd of three men, tfeclded the piece s unapprectstlwe, and left without speaking. , To of the m st prominent farmer ' who live near Rocky Mount,' General W R.Cox and Mr. T. M. : Davenport, hid their gin bouses and a great amount of cotton,, burped Saturday nUht, tbe for, loosing a out tl ',000 an t ttw latter C3,WH). The tiw is sup ' posed ?to ,ri-a.Ttr'DMgiuat! ittmr par. -i ' The Weldon fair begin today, and excurtion rates, will be put on for the benefit of those wishing to see the ' 'Pike" races, and other - attractions. Mr. W. B. Parkham, of Henderson, is chief marshal,' and' the toclal side of the week wilt Ite well looked after by him and bis corps of able ; assistants. Public Speakinsr. The Democratlocandldatea for bouse of representatives, . sheriff and other county offices will speak to the people of Lenoir upon tbe issues of the cam paign at the following times and pla ces. Other Democratic speakers have oeen invited and will join in the can vass. la Southwest township, at Kelly'a Mill, on Tuesday, Oct. 25. In Woodlngtqn township, at Wood ington school house, on Wednesday, Oct. 26. ; , ; In Pink Hill township, on Thursday, Oct. 27. ; In Trent township, at Tull's Mill, on Friday, Oct. 28. In Kinston, Saturday, Oct. 29. . In Neuso townnhip, at Parrott'a s -hool boutte, Tuesday. Nov. 1st. r In Falling Creek township,1' at Fall ing Creek station, Wednesday, Nov. 2d. Hon. Claude Kltchin, representative in congress from this district, and Democratic candidate for re-election, will addrt-ss the people at KInston on the above ramed dates. , ' Hours of speaking 11 a. m. Let the people attend and hear the issues discussed. I . , J. W. Graixgeb, Ch'm'n. E M. Land, Sec'y. Where are you irniog, ray pretty maid? To the drug store, sir, said she, ' You see my complexion is getting bad, 7 I need soma Rock Mountain Tea. . . J. E. Hood &. Co. XXXXXXZvXXXXXX . "' f- ' ;j''Jr H M M H M . H , M M , H ' M M Kinston, N. C 1 $ -CASTOR S'A- lor IxSaxii ar.d CHLItcjs. Bean tho V"7 ' y. " Cr, of 6r. 5gk& by J. r Hood & Co. T . '-..:- O k. D 3? O ST. Cirf Cm A 1 V:i Vn I: if ti-xr- t z r-x-xi

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