'f m 3L TIIE DAILY FREE PRESS THE FREE PEESS CO., Publishers. IDULNIEL T. EDWARDS Editor. CL W. FORLAW Managing Editor.! Entered at Postofflee at Kinstotn, N. ' C, as second-class mail matter. ance niensures wt. uu'iin measures thut really amount to something. The present compulsory attendance In in thin t-tate in jut about as weak am wutcr. It will never reach and remedy the eurse of popular ignor ance. We conduct our affaire in both state and church too much a though these organizations were inntituted Kesolntions or ltespect, caras on . . . . f . . . Thanks, Obituary Notices, etc., will U aharged for at one cent per word. and woraeni wherea in a very Pro' nounced phase of the subject the adult in the leant important element i entering the problem of government NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. social uplift. An the twig i No. 15 ...... Lv. 5.30 A. M. bent no in the tree inclined. And No. 8 Lv. 7:45 A. M.J the church and government and other No. 7 Lv. 18:28 A. M.lforn)S Q or?anjzefj society do their Ho. 10 i,v :u v. n. , . - t. .... . .. ,. , - luuijr ay wic i-unu ill iiim carurr yeuia ' i.. , j .L . ... y r 11'IAP Ml " louno mai eomparuiivciy .v ..... - I ATLATIC COAST LINE R. R. I little xpceial effort w ill have to be Wo, 68 .... Lv. ...... 7:10 A. M.J expended for the :tke of the way . 73 ------ Ar. ...... i'.0 r. M. I ward adult. I'rojx-r care jiivcn to Wo. 72 Lv 4 !; I childhood and chiMhood'H interests Ho. G Ar. 7:40 f.Al. .... , . , KINSTON CAROLINA R. R. " """"" h,mt r. tv 4-00 P Ml"1"' ""t 11 Wl" Pr('uy jeyiM'n tne Ma. 2 Ar. 8:55 A. M. Iload as well us very iiiateriullv uc MOVEMENT OF TRAINS. CAROLINA R. R. Ko. 333 Lv 4:30 P. M. Ho. 332 Ar. 7:35 A. M. Wednesday Evening. .April 8, 1914. CHAUTAUQUA WEEK. eelerate our progress as a race. Villa doesn't like u Spaniard any now. b w hki lit, rtiinni '.ii1 nt.tr 11:1:1 miiim'if mim a mill pi huh mm im i 'f '':-MM 5 ' ti! Minn Hi THE NEXT POSTMASTER Don't forget the June 'lmutiuiiia lt'M not a bit too early to begin to plan for it. We ought to take steps to give it the widest publicity. The Name of W. D. LaRoque Sent to Senate by the President. The president Tuesday nominated Mr. Wultor Dunn LalJoque, business man and former mayor,' to be post master of Kinston. His name will go -uauiauo,na AHKociaiio n oirennsyi-ibefore the senate committee in n Vania in goinj; to put forth Hpecinllduy or two probably and the noini effort- to advertise the event; but nation will be confirmed by the sen- we must not rest with that. In order to get the bent result from the or ate next week. Mr. LaKomic is the selection of Congressman Claude Kitehin and was mioikW1 bv neri- camou we kuouicI give it the widest atorial influence. II,. will urobablv publicity posfiiblc. take office about June 1, the tenure 5VTe would (suggest that business; f the incumbent expiring May 151 tnen und olhera advertise it on every letter Hent out between now and June 24th and that we use all other moth ods of publicity that may be availa We, We lire going to hav,. a big time in Kinstoii during chnutanqua week and we want everybody know it. That occasion could well Frank A. Moseley was nominated tor the lxistniastei'slnp at Snow Hill. Foley Kidney Pills Successful for Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. Positive in action for backache, j()weak back, rheumatics, kidney and bladder troubles. P. J. Dovd, Ode. Texas, writes: "After taking1 two bottles of Foley Kidney Pills, my h made a home-coming week, too i ... i. ii .. . . i inuM. in cnautauqua a big rheumatism and kidney trouble are ""'' h well as u pleasant time!! completely gone." Safe and effec tive. J. E. Hood & Co.. (ndv) NEGLECTED CHILDREN. FEEBLE OLD PEOPLE. 1. 1 i i . i . t ..c..ee mat triree-jourths of Are To(J H()w to Rega,n Slren3lh Tuue comes jrom neglected clnl- an(j yor Iron 1,..!..., 1K.... II 111.... I ..,, ri,., Millie..- tit T 11. illlt'Il 111 1 I , . . . hi I As one grows old the waste of tin aw charge to the Wake county grand system beeoines more rapid than re jury the other day, as told in the I pair, the organs net more sluwlv and New- an.l Observer. And one of thel'e'iS effectively than in youth, the eir lc Cash Certificate in Every Package Tils certificate If giTea mm u a teiaporaryoiicr; ! yod ret Bort. taaa yocr nkkePs worth ia Reyaa Cigarettes Uemielret.. m You Can Get Your Money Back If You Don't Find They Are made from the finest tobacco grown in America. How does that strike you? If we weren't mighty sure that Reynos are the finest domestic nickel cigarette sold over the counter, we wouldn't make you the offer we do. ( L FTbarettes arc mr.de from the kind of tobacco that make? the aging and blending "of tobacco gives you in friends and l:eeps them. A long while ago Reyno Cigarettes a smoke of rare mildness and we selected this tobacco and it is now a ripe excellent flavor. OnlygenuineimportedFrench old age. Our 39 years of "knowing how" in paper used in making Reynos. Try them today. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. 1 imfTHlir'filliir'i J il&Zflt 19921 iSbilf ii iiliHiati - 3? KMTIk- OR. R. A. WHITAKER Physician and Surgeon New Huilding corner Blount street and Locust Alley, opposite Hooker, Churchill & Co. Office: 303 'Phones : Residence: 152 first easew that was called after his houor had linUhed hi charge wn State vh. William and lluherl Pierce. harped with assaulting their fa iner. the defendants ere hot h hays, the older heiujr M und th ft younjjer 17. The report jjoes iu: "Judse Allen aske.l the elder if lit' could read end he sui.l he couldn't f4l . . ... ine younp'r had iilit ability to .tumble over the printed pnj;e. Who ia preiident of the United Stale I i tit JutiRe alien aketl the seventeen- year-old boy, and he didn't know the senior Mini Wilson. And who is governor of North Carolina 1 Judgf Allen uked the elder, who was forc ed to pass. The jurist asked the younjrer then, an,i he said 'Tuft.' Unt ine folks did n t lausjh much. It was too tragic." And indeed it was typical of one f the tragedies of our day: Neglect - 4 childhood and youth. These youth ta.t.t ..I..., ' im .. mv iiu inMiiuifu ineir oio lather were the product of neglect not alone in the home but of neglect by HOeiety orKnnirej as state or as "hurehe or other bodies whose only hVflkdM fit, kInM ,1. .1 , mui( in im- eievnilOII Oil Pi the human creature. The prpMuniItf(1 and answers given madd it clear that the tfe had negleetetl !them in the matter of education. It Li the state's business to provide it children it: i no.t valuable, asset not only with the means of obtaining ftn education, but it shoidd, by pom- ulatioji is pour, the blood thin and digestion weak. Vino!, our delicious eo,l liver mid iron (ottic without oil i the ideal streugthener and body -builder for old folks, for it contain tlie very elements needed to rebuld wnting tissues and replace weakness with strength'. Viuol also foitilies the sy torn ngainst colds and 1 1 1 u prevent pneumonia. -Mrs. Mary Jvey, of Coliiiiibu-, Ga, say : ''If people only knew the good iaol does old people, '1 mil sure you woul.l be unable to supply the niand. I never tok anything before that did me so much good ns Vinol. It is the finest tonic and strength creator I ever used in mv life." If Vinol fails to build up. the feeble, old jieople, and ereate strength we will return your money. J. E. Mood & Co., Druggists, Kinston; N. (adv) 8S T. H. FAULKK Bsntlsi OlBci: 120 S. McLewean St Near Residence. P. S. Our Saxo Salve stops itch ing and begins healing at onee. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA 6. G. MOORE Attomey-at-Law Library Building si . KINSTON, N. C. I f4 h N 1, x 1 (7)1 y a; ! The Diebold Best, Safest and Cheapest Safe to Buy. Fire and Burglar ; Proof. Any Size Easy Terms. See Corny G. Tyndall Agent. KINSTON, N. C. Hot Chocolate Ice Cream Cold Drinks Lowney's Candy J. T. Skinner & Son "We Strive to PIW a a a 'Nt tsgs 1 i nwnnwnawmniii "''lltPPni.iw...Mn ,w . ' jIllHEiSIilMLeillilSlOllil II I We have tried to build a banking institu tion safe and worthy of y our patronage. You, by yourconfidence and liberal patronage, have made thi? Bank the premier banking institu tion of this section. A cordial invitation is ii extended to all to avail themselves of its excellent facilities. oiticirs N. J. ROUSE, Pres. DR. H. TULL. Vice Presidcrit. D.F.WOOTEN, Cashier, J. J. BIZZELL, Ass't Cashier, T. W. HEATH. Teller. DIRECTORS. W. L. Kennedy David Oettinger H. Tull J. H. Canady L. C. Moseley J. F. Parrott C. Felix Harvey H. E. Moseley F. Taylor H. H. McCoy 5. H. Isler N. J. Rouse INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS: REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD, IMiUry attendance inea.ares, P Now Occupying New Office one Door East of Tie Post Office iwmsion insurance & Kealty Ca that the tak the tonieii'ihus pro- h'ed. Ani by eommlsory attend- Phone 218 The Mat ionaS Basik; ;of 'ECSristoii THE OLDEuMmSeSPB Hreat PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods, and. this banK has kepi pace with (hem. hi!e conservative in the interest of SAFETY, our . equipment and business methods are modern. Let us da business together to our mutual advantage. 1 Cpitslv 0100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 1) II; I BU!I ;III HIE COUNTY i! . ; ' v " C OetUnirer,. Ng