he-Daily 1T M'lUiD '.'PresSo' PUBUSHEDS eVERWHFT6RNOON EXCEPT; SUNDRY' ,",v:, ' " "V,.:' ;.ir . KINSTON, NCC fHURSDA APRIL 16, 1914 PRICE TWO CENTi? HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST AT HOME AND, ABROAD ... FATHERED FROM flL SOURCES Brief Chronicle of the Day's Events In Ail the Nations of the Earth i JCeep Readers Abreast of the Times., ' Union, S. C., April 16. Eight hun dred persons were thrown out of em T,iAvmPnt here today by a strike of the weavers at . the Buffalo Cotton Mills. near here. The weavers allege a reduction in wages. Officials of the mills deny that there has been any reduction. : Washington, D. C, April 15. A temporary injunction granted by Judge Veeder in the United States district court of New York, restrain ing the E. W. Bliss Company from revealing to other nations the con struciion of the Bliss-Company tor bv the : United States , " -1 . . Navy, has been rendered .permanent, Portsmouth, Ohio; April 15. Re fusing to sign, a blanket bond for their appearance before the grand jury to which they had been held on charges of violating the mayor's proclamation againkt cojiigjregfiting in the local shoe factory district, men ai.d women striking shoe work ers, late today were sent to jail. A bi crowd cheered them as the cell doors ciosed behind them. Washington, D. Cl, April 15. Sug. gestious of the amount of traffic which way be' expected r te -pass throug.i the Panama canal are con tained in figures made publio today bv the department vf ". commerce, which fchow that in 1913 two small isthmian railways carried across the narrow strip of continent $130,500, 000' worth of merchandise, brought by vessels from the Uaited States for trans-shipment.; Of this trade two thirds moved westward. . Louise Courthouse, Va.,' April 15 Determined posses are assisting Sheriff A. L. Walsh and Deputy R. E. Tn?e, of this county;' in their search for two murderous incendiar ies who cut the telephone wires at Greene Spring depot shortly after midnight, and then robbed and set fire to the general merchandise store -of W. K. Dunkum, and shot and kill ed V. J. Hall, as he hastened to the scene. The store and contents were valued at about $7,500. v . New York, April 15. District At torney Whitman is determined to bring former Police Lieutenant Beck er to trial for a second time at an early date on the charge of having instigated -the murder " of Herman Rosenthal, for the actual killing of whom the four gunmen . paid the death penalty on Monday morning. Joseph A. Shay, who became Beck r'a attorney after his conviction and who prepared the. appeal upon which he gained a new trial, yesterday noti fied the Becker family of his retire ment trom the case. ' . r Primary to Select Ayden Postmaster Ayden, April leEvcry patrojr of me; local postoffiee and the rural route8; having' their "starting poinj; at the offieev wilt be allowed: to vote in 'h K primary on Saturday when," "by v CongresemSn T&nall's : wish, the' next posimastrof Ayden will be selected; CONGRESS IS BEHIH Will Back Him Even to' War The . Atlantic Fleet is En Route to Mex- t i . .... . . . ico Waters Intervention a Pro bability. . . t Washington,.' April 1? Congress stands behind the administration al most to a man in the aggressive poli cy to demand reparation for indi gnitics th Huerta government has offered, ln senate and ouse today the opinion was general that the President would be backed even to actual ' warfare, :: . Therct aic. those in Mexico who be lieve the least move of the'UiAed Statcs-toward Mexico will mean ac tual intervention; that this govern ment will blockade ports on both coasts; that the Rio Grande border forces will be augmented by power of the reinforcements and a vigorous campaign begun to force an end to Huerta and to establish a Mexican government which would comnymil recognition by the United States. Norfolk, Va., April 15. Bound to Mexico to force Huerta to salute the TAYLOR ILMEO BT FkEEI-EEI "J !K Nomination for. ,.Colector Sent Senate to Take Charce May I. No ; ; rv...nk t....i.ii. um' lint WiUUst. Washbgton, D C, AprilW.-)-The Piesidebt sent to the senate this afternoon the nomination 'of J Col Walker Taylor to be collect o' cot customs at v Wilmington .'to;, Bucced B. F. Keifb, the Republican incum bent, who has resigned. ;-Mr. Keithb resignation does not take effect un til .May 1st. vv,"?;, Democrf.tio nominations are being held up by Republicans becads some fbe Democratic senators rej fuse to confirm Judge Terrell, a net gro Republican, whom , Presideiijt Wilson gave a re-nomination n's municipal judge, of the District Columbia. Republican Senators ii sist tln.t ome disposition shall made of Terrell's nomination before another Dtmocrat can get by the f-enate. This may cause considerable delay, liut it is not now thought that it will ?at long enough to delay the change of officials at Wilmington on or i ue reiue- 1. ' 'reasury Mo- Stars and Stripes nine American the dale designated for the retire- warshiis steamed out of Hampton ment of Collector Keith Roads at noon today. Tonight they i Secretary of the " Trea are 64 miles below Cane llenrv iii a Adoo wanted M. F. II. Gouverneur dense fog, and with a northeast named to succeed Keith. He- told storm approaching. The ships are Senator Simmons and other supporfc the battleships Arkansas, New c-rs of Colonel Taylor that he would Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, like to Lave Gouverneur apointed be dispatch boat Yankton, the col-' cause of his personal friendship for lier. Lebanon 'and the naval tugs Pa-1 him. But when told that Colondl tuxent, Sonoma and Patapsco. Every Taylor must be named, the Secret one of them carry a full supply of tary linally consented to withdraw ammunition and provisions enough his objection to Taylor. t f to last tlnee months. The tugs are equipped with three-inch rapid fir ing gui.s and carry a number of rifles pistols ano small arm ammunition. . Until the weifther -clears the fleet will maintain a speed of ten knots an hour.. After That they are expect ed to average 15 knots. They expect to ,reai;h Mexico in six and a half days. London, April 15. Most of the London morning papers commenting on the Mexican situation sympathize with President W7ilson in the Mexi can tangle while at the same time conteudinjr that difficulties were HAS NEW ANAESTHETIC London Physician Declares JUrethane Is Less Harmful Than fiber ""London, April 15.-Interesting ex perimi'.its with a new ' anaesthetic have ben conducted at "the Cam bridge laboratory. The ..substance.' which"is called urethape, in a combination of ureia and alcohol. It is administered hy podermieal'y and drowsiness soon becomes a very deep unconsciousness and insensibility to. pain is complete. Tlior.. u lwrfuft. KPAiiritv when it is largely brought about by his idcalis-1 in j)ny 01,erntion:. The- advant tic policy. 1 )g,e ciainied for the' new anaesthetic Much -curiosity is expressed over that hcart faiiure neVer occurs the intentions of the United States, j when u is roperiy used w nie a ma Tampa, Fla., April 15. With two ()f ie deathg frora t.hloroform wounded sailors on board, the Ger-; . hnrt fR:inre. .. Whe' the man tank steamer Osage from Tampi'. breathill!? ,.topS ag jt frequentfy does, during the administration of an unln.led anaesthetic, it can usually co uut in quarantine here today Stray bullets fired i the fighting be tween the Mexican Federals and re- 8tarled ngain by artificial respirn. bels at Tampico struck the sailors on the ship. Washington, April 15. A nayal demonstration on the Pacific coast of Moxico has been ordered. The Navy Department so announced late today. CONFER WITH PRESIDENT SIM''. I y '.'Spring Laxative and Blood Cleanser i. . Pu oa the-accumuiatea Jirafe anc ."poison of thevWbter'nibn'tns: I Ycleana your stomach,' liver and Jdd-J V nys ,of, all imptirities;,'t Tatr Dr.1 lung's New Lif: Pills; hotting betUi; , or purrryuig-the blood. V Mild, non , Sripmg't ttxative. 'Xure constipi: v; 8you feet fine. Take'no 5c.'t your Druggist ' j - m mm a. uin k ia.i m nil I n ii Carta. "(adv) Senators Newlands and Robinson Talk With Wilson on Anti-trust Legislation. Washington, April 15. Senator Newlands. chairman, and Senator Robinson, of the inter-state com merce committee, conferred with President Wilson today relative to the anti-trust legislative programme. It was announced after the confer ence that they as members of a sub committee would submit to: the full committee soon their draft ' of an anti-trust bilL When the committee would report it to the senate was; not announced definitely. Senator New. lands slid Tie thought the bill might be Tealywiinur i'Veek or ten days, cbuli'not W igrte upoi for two or : vThai"tne senaie" committee will not take the omnibus bill prepared in the house a" a basis for its measure was apparent however, and there is still fiiucn doubt whether ; an ''agreement between7 the houses can "be ; reached as1 to' a definite course to be pursued with reFpct to the proposed trust legislation, "" ' - J tion, provided always that the heart is still beating. The" assurance, there fore, tbat'iir cases of an overdose of this anaesthetic the breathing would-be affected 1 before the heart will be of immense comfort to sur geons and anaesthetists. Another advantage ,is that . the choking sensation experienced with ether and chloroform is not present Moreover, ufter urethane there is no sickness and thus the conger of stitches giving way and . ligatures slipping oft during retohing is avoid ed. ; A dUadvaatage is th experi menters have not yet been able to reduce the period of insensibility be low six hours. All the operations up to the present have been made on animals. .. . .;,- fta.:;.. 5 t:,'r I M i" WellKiiown Woman Dead. Snow: HUT, " April -16. Mrs: Julia Aim Smith, imaged 87, a well-known resideti of Ingrains townshp is dead. Her nTOllh":Was perfect except for the cancer which caused her death. Mrs.'Smith' waV born in Johnston tV&fy1 SSnVW'tl mother of a former Greene .coHntjlegsla toir;tThirtyv great-grandchillren' are apiong the surviving relatives. ' ,VpUi-'' , 1 Seven Candidates for Sheriff. Greenville, April t16.W. S. Moye, j. attrtfiwaJte; B Hyman, E. E. Dudley, C.-E. Fleming; Jos. McLaw hom acd IL B. Smitb are Aspirants for" the-office of sheriff of Pitt county. All have announced.'"' The' House JudWay Committee Lis ; .tens-to Friends of Hobson BUI Who ' ' Urje Its Favorable Report to Con- Wasliington, April 13,Prohibition advocates today presented to the house judiciary , ; eommittee argu ments hi Mipport of a ; constitutional amendment to enforce prohibition throughout the United States. , They urged tue committee to report to the house the resolution tf Representa tive ilobson, of Alabama, providing for the submission to the statos for ratification of a constitutional amondmeni directed against the sale sale or manufacture for sale of all alcoholic liquors for beverage "pur poses, ,. For the . hours men and women representing states all over the East presented their arguments and told of the progress of the prohibition fight. Tomorrow they., w-ill eppeur before the'tsub-committee of the sen ate judiciary committee in charge of the prohibition resolutions. Led (y Representative Hobson, the prohibitionists argued that they sim ply were appealing for an opportun ity to present to the people of the country, through the ' state legisla tures, a definite, referendum on the liquor question. They -.declared that without reference to the merits of the question the problem had grown to such proportions that it justified such fiction. .With 55 per cent of the people of the country living iu pro hibition territory they asserted, the time h;id coine for the submission of the question in n broad national basis. . - -I, . REDUCE PASSENGER RATES Alt Inter-StaU. Roads Must Readjust Fares by Order of Commerce Com mission. y , Washington, April l.V-Readjust ment of passenger rates on ull inter state railroads in'tho United States, in conformity with tho long and short haul provision of the law, jmder or ders of the niter-state commerce commissioi., will ,become effective May 1- t. The new tariffs filed by the roads with the commission indicate n material fare reduction particular ly from important"3i terminals and rate-basing jwints : to intermediate points. ft Officials of the commissio-, after an analysis of the tij.lis estimate that 4'35 per cent, of the change in f arvjj ; will . be reductions," and five per ceat. increases. Jn such ad vftneess are made, , the increases are where traffic to intermediate points is so reat as to effect periously the revenues of the roads. INVESTIGATION IS COMPLETED Federal Grand Judy Makes Report on . Custom Frauds at Philadelphia fpori.T:;' : - " Philadelphia, April 15. An in vestigation Sy.a Federal grand jury of customs frauds was . completed here today when the jury; made a report to the United States District Court recommending that Ithe gov ment proceed to recover the duty losses buffered because of the. alleged irregularities in the importation , of personal goods. ' . ';. rC.;- The report of the jury stated tha't "the investigation has concerned im portations made by , 'Wanamakers' during period of upwards of 13 years, both, in general 'merchandise cases and in so-called .sample cases - ForHoojcerton Postmas v Hookertony April , 16." Con, ess man Claud Kitchk) has informe other Aspirant. in letter, that ' Palmer will be recommended fo local; poitraastership. . . an . P. the City ISall Delivery at Greenvi: Greenville, April 16. The master Sere has been notified city carrier service will be. instil on June 22. j.l .. .-. i ' .Ii PMETIUG IS AT M END ; ft.. ,ir,. v v v Mexican President's Suggestion That Matter, be Arbitrated Draws Em phatic Reply From Wilson Strong for Delay. Jr i Washington, D. C. April 15 It was iearned ' tonight that Gen. Huerta, .when apprised by . Charge O'Shaugnessy of the proposed dem onstration of the Atlantic fleet ar gued that the episode growing out of thMirrest of American blue jackets at Tampico was a fit subject for ar bitration at The Hague and that he would appoint a commissioiv,, to in vestigate the incipient. -v k ' President Wilson in an emphatic rep'y through Charge O'Shaugnessy s understood to have told Gen, Huer ta that the time for delay and eva sion bad passed and that the Ameri can government would temporize no longer. Administration officials hold that insults to the flag nnd questions' of National honor are not subjects of arbitration. The position of the administration as the President explained it to mem bers of the senate and house com mittees on foreign affairs, "and as it was substantially reviewed in the notes sent to all foreign governments, Is described in a statement given out during the day, which was prepared by high administration officials. The statement follows: . "Discussions in official circles in Washington of tho present Mexican situation the following points have been vtry much dwelt upon: , , "It has been pointed out that in considering the present somewhat delicate situation in Mexico, the un pleasant incident at Tampico must not lie thought of alone "Immediately after the incident at Tampiea, an orderly from one of the shipH'of the United States in the bar bor at Vera Cruz, who had been sent ashore to the postoffiee fpr the ship's mail nrd who was in ui-iform and who had the official mail bag on his back, whs arrested "4 put into jail by the local authorities. ' "Most serious of all, the officials in charge of the- telegraph office at Mexico City presumed to withhold an official dispatch of the government of the United States to its embassy at Mexico City until it should have been sent to the censor and his per mission received to deliver 'it. i "Th(se repeated offenses against the rights and dignity of tho United States, offenses, not duplicated with regard to the representatives of other governments have necessarily made the impression thajfc the government of the United States was sigled out for manifestations of ill will and contempt." . SHIP LINE FOR SALE Lowest Price Set For Fleet of 62 Vessels And Plant $45,000,000. London. April lo. Surely never before has an offer of such magni tude been known as the offer for sale by tender of the fleet, plant nnd ef fects of the Brazilion Lloyd. ; . The company has gone through many vicissitudes. . Although chiefly concerned with the costal trade of Brazil and services on the Amazon and ita tributaries, the Brazilian Lfoyd endeavored to maintain . sail ings to New York, but these .were Eoon abandoned. , The company ;was then taken over by a combination of banks, which tried to reorganise its finances, bnt ultimately f,he govern ment had to step in. . r ' ; Several attempts have been wade" to induce British shipowners to buy an interest, in the enterprise, and it is now for sale, to the highest bidder, although the saccessful .tender taust pot be less than, $45,000,000, paabe in cash.- '' Altogether there,, are' J2 vessels, m addition to tugs, lighters, machint ry, docks and workshops.. ,' . Itj is, however, provided that the fleet must remain underthe Brazilian lag .and that the mails must be caji ried free, but. in return. pt$rchasers will ..be given, a preference, for the transport intheir , own . steamships f emigrants. ..,-'.... II OLD IHSlillE : HEWS FR0U UURPHY TO UAH- ' y TE0 AND BETWEEN; : r TAR BEEL HAPPEKiriGS QFA DAT Uany North Carolina .Items Con densed In Brief Paragraphs for Benefit of Busy People Good and ; Bad News from all Over Stati. Raleigh, April 15. -The corpora ' tion commission announced today, effective at once, the appointment of William G. Wonible, of Raleigh, &30 rate expert for' the commission, a position for which provision, was - t made, by the special sessiou of . the , :.j last legislature. . . Mt. Olive, Aprit 15 N'ewa has been received here that William, the. ' , 11-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mra. J.v , , , O. Loftin, prominent farmer folks i . residing five mileg southeast of- 1'iere , , in Duplin county, was attackel by a , vicious cow at his home Sunday af- " . ternoon, and seriously, if not fatally injured. ' . Wilmington, April 15. The cx ports from the port of Wilmingtoiv for tho quarter ending March 31 were more than triple what they were ' , for the' same quarter last 3'fur. In , 1913 the exports for tire first quarter of tbVyear amounted t $1,12081) and thiH year or the coVesponding period the exports amounted to 3,-, 463.139. . , Fuyetteville, April 15. Authori ties arc trying to locute ; relatives ; of H. rlonack, said to linve come: either from Norfolk,' Va., or Syrav ruse, N. Y.f who die here iii a' hos-. pital, following a' fall withV horse." The young mun was working as ' . ? trainer of race horses at the Cape ; Fear fair grounds, and a horse he was riding fell on him a week bj. Grove Park Inn., Ashore,' April -35. Mrs.' William J. Bryan, wife of . the Heeietary off Mate Mr. and Mrs. , William J. Hryan, Jr., and their two .. -chifdreii arrived -in Asheville this morning, and 'guests at tho Inn. The Bryans will rcmaiu here several days and in tho event there' should be ft clearing of "the skies in the Mexican situation secretary &ryan may, join his family here, and with them prp- ceed to-Miami Mt." Airy, April 15. Yesterday at the Southern depot in this city there wa au unusual occurrence in which . one corpse was mistaken for another and required the opening of the cas- . ket to solve1 the mystery. When the', noon tram arrived' about 100 negroes bad congregated at the depot to re ceive the remains of Joe Banner, a , former negro' resident of this place who had died elsewhere. A casket ' was placed upon the platform, but the sertiflcate bore the name of Net- tie Gwyn, and it was supposed that there was an error, as to the name, , as no such corpse was expected. The railroad and negroes were puz zled alike nnd it was decided to open ' the casket which revealed the re- ; mains of a beautiful young lady in- , . stead of the expected negro. . Upon investigation, it was found that Miss Gwyn's parents lived in the-moua tains and had not heard of her death' in Winston-Salem j where she Vwaa employfd. Her body was afterward -'S carried to the mountains fpr burial.'!:' Clears Complexion Removes .SVin , . Blemishes., ;': 5" Why go through life embarrassed anoT disfigured; rith pimples ierup jions; blackheads, red rough- ekin,; or suffering thes tortures of ezema, itch, tetter; salt , rheum. , Just ask your drnggis.for . Dr. Hobson's. Eczema, OintmenU ; Follow the sim ple suggestions n4 yonr. skin, wor ries! are over. Mild, eoothing, effeo tive. Excellent for babies and deli cate, tender skin. , Stops chapping. . Always1 helps. Relief or money back. 50e. at your drugsit. . .. (adv) V -I I 1 r el i,