i CENT A WORD 4 wu illjul SJNGS OF DIXIE IN CAPITAL In the World of $ Its L. M " " .J .SPECIALISMS I IP rfbU WANT TO RIDE CALL ON ' n j nnnree. livery, 'phone 84. 18 WOMAN if MCE HORSES AND. PUOGIES FOR hire at C. J. Dupree, uvery, 'phone fli '" " i'?':'ir'". 18 LOST; BICYCLE, RACYCLE. FINI) r will be rewarded. Hugh Cum JX)R SALE OR RENT- FIVE ROOM morning cottage on East Gordon street. . H Waller. 18 J WJ a . . W aim. raome A. Moore, is Kpendins the day in Uoldxboro. Mi Susie Canady, who wan at I home for the Easter holiday, return ed to rollcge at Winston-Salem this VO'A SA: Y. CHEAlP-UORSli KVC- gy and cart and six shoats. Y.'A. Abbott. 304 E. Gordon. , . 15 -Mra. W. F. Phillips, of Winston SiSjem, come yesterday to spend seT. eral weeks with her paranta, Mr. and Miss Irma Tupp an,j her room FOR RENT HOUSE ON CORNER mate l Trinity College, Miss Rose Heritage 6treet and Grainger ave.jLeww, of Alabama, who KjH'nt the C. W. Howard. .. ., la I tauter tioiidays with Miss Topp's "". I parents here. reti:rnel to Dnrli.im fn. Fl)R SALJS ONE UUUSE ASD WJXI day. on tasweu street. ; Aire. J. - w. Wade, 409 N.. Independent street. 18 MERE MAN. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIKE BY THE I Mr.'.. W. L. Holderby left hour, day or week at C. J. Dupree, I mornin,; for Marion, S. C. livery, 'phone 84. . . this 18 LOST -CLOTH WALLET WITH eight iT ten dollars in silver. Re turn to J. T. Johnson or Free Press flfficP. ' ' . ' " 15 ' Sheriff A. W. Taylor and Regi.-ter of Deed Onrl Pridcen spent today in LaGrnnpe. Mr. W. H. Worth, a former state treasurer, has returned to Greens boro after a visit with friends here. Mr. Worth is n former resident of Kinston, and wag on his tirst visit WE HAVE AN EXPERT PIANO tuner and repairer. All work! here in 10 yean euaranteed. 'Phone 470-J, Household Fnrnishinfr Company. tf TOOK PARIS GREEN FEED, LIVERY AND EXCHANGE Aged Man of. Lumberton Critical stable s. Feed well and everything up-to-date. Good accommodations. G. W. Perry, successor to J. R. Wa fers South Oueen street. . tf - - COMFORTABLY FURNISHED rooms in small privute family at moderate prices. Home comforts, eentrahy located. Mrs. B. F. Griffin,! 31.') East Washington street, Kinston, X. C. 2B FOR SALE-OUR BUSINESS HAV ing outgrown our capital we will sell as much as $8,000 worth of stock in our company, which is well established and doing a fine business Condition. Lumberton, N. C, April l.". As a result of taking a quantity of paris green i'1oiit b' o'clock this evening, II. Mr-K. McMillan is critically ill. There stems to be no doubt of sui cidal intent. He was removed to tin. hospital, where at 11 o'clock he was resting quietly, though the attend ing physician cannot yet say what the results will be. 1 r r nil mt. juciuiJian is atiout u. vears old. To Electrify Milwaukee Road.x Deer Lodge, Mont., Thursday, 1) of over i(lV,00Cpef '-'fiontfir-" W win I Work" im to be - commenced tomor- sell in lots from $100 upward not to I row on the important project of sub- exceed $8,000. We will guarantee 10 Istitutinqr electricity for steam as lh per cent, dividend -pn investment. If I motive power on the transeontinent- you mean business. write us at oneejal Imes ot the Milwaukee Railroad if not do not write. Winston Grain I The Jina between Deer Lodge and Co.. Winston. N. C. IRllbree forks has been selected as the first unit for electrification. It is GLORIOUS HAIR. expected that the work will be com pleted ;n readiness for the running of .electric trains between, the two points by the end of this year. The plans call for the erection of five electric sub-statjons to provide the extra power needed on the steep mountain grades. ' ; Giris end women of all ages want to be beautiful , and attractive. But unsightly, thin and lifeless hair des troys half the beauty -, of a pretty face. " If your hair is losing its natural ciil. it- foil;., .. j. .u ..i .1.., f i f a iff u Florida for Good Roads, full of dandruff, too dry. or if the I - calp itches and bums do not.' he Gainesville, Fla., Opril, 15. J alarmed, use Parisian Saire. Rub it Plnns for a network of good road well into the scaln. ' It will co rirhtl covering every county of Florida to the hair roots, nourish; them, and e to considered at the conven stimulate the hair to erow Ion? and "on 01 tne "tate oa roaas a8SO beautiful. It removes dandruff with eiation whi('h niet here toda-v Ur 8 one application, stops itcbing scalp, two (la-vs' ssiou. Another effort falling hair and makes the head feel wiI1 be n,ade at the next session of fine. I the leIature to .secure the passage Parisian Saee sunnlies ".'th- linir of liUV providing for a state liigh- with what is needed to make it soft, W ';'"iffin- fluffy, thick and clorionsl radiant. It Is 6ld in 50 cent hortW bv J E. You can't tell a man anything if Hood & Co. and at all drug counters. he knows il a11- Look for the trade mark "The Girl with the Auburn, Hair.'' Accept no dther. . , (adv) Soalhtrn Society Holds Banque! Address by Daniels Secretary o State Eulogized Wilson In Respond Irg to Toast" . ; i' Winmngton, April 1.. Dixie' sons and daughters sang praises of her rapid commercial dtvelopmeht and expanding influence in national affairs at the third annual banquet tonight of the Southern Society of Washington. Kw'retarieH Bryan and Danydi fut aside for the hour their responsibilities to attend, and other notable diners included Maurice Egao Minister to, Denmark,. many of the sc)utbsrn congVeKsional lelegaion end southerners ju Washington offi rial lif. -..". The eene enlivenel by th frequn. sbging of Dixi melodiesl An old-time nero quartette led in song that found unanimous response, A Aortli Carolinian, 1 Secretary D.miel spoke for the womu'nliood b the south, referring' to the changing s cues that have made women figure in modern economic life. Secretary Bryan, responding to the toast, "Grand Sons of the South'' declared that when history was writ te Fiesidtnt dson,' ; the, latest Presid'Mit the south had fciveu the nation, world stand out as illustra tive of a courage not surpassed by nnv wiirrnu1. Govcmor Stuart, of Virginia, who was to have been one of the honor guests, was prevented trom attend ing by the illnes of a kinsman. Dr. Clarence L Owens, tuanagim direct.ir of the Southern Commercial Confirss in his introduction of the toastmustcr. Claude N. Bennett president of the society, spoke of the south's growing influence in Nation al affairs. Senator Gore, of Okla- lnmia, told of the part that men nd women of Dixie had taken in the up- buildiiijr of the nation.. Oth-rs at the s()caker-.' table in cluded Hear Admiral Peary, Minister Chnniunro, of Nicaragua, and Hilary Herbert, tormcr secretary of the navy. NOTICE. On and after April 24 we will not take on or put off passengers at Creeches. After that date passengr ers will please go to Glenfleld to board trains. This April 10th, 1914. Approved : WM. HAYES, General Superintendent, R. A. HONEYCUTT, Superintendent. NOTICE. For sale at my residence in Neust township, on Saturday April ,25th, some household and kitchen furniture one horse and cart, one spring wag on, farming tools, corn, fodder and sehucks. WM. ELMOORE, R. F. D. No. 4, Kinston, N. C. 22 $11.60 TO JACKSONVILLE, FLA OSCAR STRAUS FAVORS REPEAL Former Secretary of Commerce Be fore Committee. : ? j ; WasSmgton, April 15.-()sear. S. Straus, Secretary of Commerce and Labor, in the Roosevelt cabinet, ad vocated repealing the. Panama tolls eMnption today before the senate . canals committee. The committee Jhett .idjonrned because there was nq ? other witness to be heard. t - Mr. Straus declared the exemption clause should be repealed regardless i ut me umiuue vi urvn nruaiu ana ; added that there should be no quib bling ever the , construction of a treaty on which the. brightest mem' bers of. the senate and house,' and the most prominent international law yers, ara divided, , v. A i i "Are we now to cast aside all our high purposes for two million doU lars annually he aked. "Are we to sacrifice our, telf-respect for the opinions of mankind for a miserable mess of pottage Mr. Straus declared former Pres ident ftKisevelt believed the exemp tion u coastwise shipping did not violata the Hay-Pnuncefotc treaty but th night thc question should be submitted to arbitration. ' ' ii i wi m i mijiih i mini nrmmimmm n i;.H ' - "'iV 0k!a. Doctor Weds Dover Girl. loer. April Miss U.tio ; GriMi'i, :i pcpular d -uifihter of a lead-. iiv; I)r, KINSTON & CAROLINA R. R. LUMBER CO. ' Time Table No. 4. ' Effective March 22, 1914 kK)0 a; Daily except .Sunday. m. No. 1 P.M. 3. -00 Lv. 3:10 Lv. 3:20 Lv. 3SQ Lv. 4:30 Lv. 4J0.Ar. STATIONS s Iviuston ' Jackson Albrittons ; ... Sparrows' Lynchburg .p'inkJIili::: - No. 2 , r. A-k Ar. 0:10 Ar.v 8.50 . Ar. 8:10 Ar..8:20 Ar. 8:03 Lv.. ,8:00 J "- WM. HAYES, General Superintendent. B. A. HONEYCUTT, , : " Superintendent. ? COEDS & LaGRIPPE Strengthens Weak iff Tired Women "I was under a great strain nurs ing a relative through three months' sickness.", writes Mrs. J. C. an De Sande. of Kirkland. III., and "Elec trie Bitters kept me from breaking down. I will never be without it." Do you feel tired and worn outt No ap petite and food won't digest It isn't the spring weather. You need Elec trie Bitters. Start a month's treat ment today; nothing better for stom ach, liver and kidneys.' The great spring tonic. Relief or money back. 50c. and $1.00, at your druggist. ;K;-r.. '--.IV . -. '(adv) 8tt f Oliln. ntr rt T)lf flat for.nll. u4 tbt id Hn will Pr Conntr. - Fraak I. Chrtirv fr-iki oib that h I mnkx rrtnw of tUf flrmi.f K. J. rift nt-y Ic .. oo in builiHn In llw l'lt ot TI1. t'oqiitr nil oqntr will th. ana. f niNORlO lWlU.HS f M and rery of rjjirrh ibtt Miinot be cured kjr tba. iw v( uu liuitb tun-. ': " FHANK J. C1ICXET. , Kwnrs to fwnr mr ind nrtrrfhrd In mr mm, tbia etk Uy t A. n., ImL a. W. olJf AdOJf. 5 or O doses OOO will breal ! 'n.n-.rr..l V-l t. 't.t'ZSmni ny case of Chills & Fever. Cold! m 5- SSZJK "cuer man Calomel and doea noi : om by m Dn.co. t. ftoe or gicken. Price 25c Iuu' "ur ,or Confederate Veterans Reunion. Tickets on sale May 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th, good returning to reach destination prior to mid-night May I 15th. 1914. Extension may be obtained by de-1 posit of ticket with special agent, 21 East Forsythe St, Jacksonville, Fla.,1 not later than May 15th, 1914, upon payment of fee of 50c. Stopovers allowed in both direc tions. Side-trios from Jacksonville atl very low rates to all Florida, Geor gia and Alabama points, by apply ing Atlantic Coast Line ticket office, 138 West Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla. Tickets on sale May 0th to 10th, in clusive, limited to June 2nd, 1914. A splendid chance to visit Florida at unusually low rates. - For any information, addfess ' D. J. WARD, Agent. t , . W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager, ' ' Wilmington, N. C. f T. C. WHITE, ' General Passenger Agent, ' ." Wilmington, N, C. LUfiG DISEASE "After rour m ove lamuy naa aiea of consumption i was UKen wun a frightful cough and lung trouble but my life waa tared and I gaine 87 pounds through using DR. KING'S A I W.B. ratterson, Wellingl fl PBICe 50e II 00 LL family here, became the bride of I. (i. Marshall, of Fountain, Okla.. i, young physician, at a quiet morning weeding in the bride's home. A little iea ruing is all right when properS added to. , ? AVgolabkftrpjrtfOTfrAs similaturg ttr FoodantlRcut ling Uie Sioosdu anLOows i Promotes Ditjcsftbnfitftfi- ness and Rntrontaliw ndatr ot Narcotic. - . AncrieriReimdv forComfbt tton , Sour StDnach.DlatTtwa WorrasfowulsionsJEverisa- ncss andLoss of Sleep. lUtSimita Signatntof Tur Centaur Compass; NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria ; Always Bears Signati Guaranteed under the Ifo Exact Copy of Wrppr. the (t In ftp 'P8.8 jf For. Over Thirty Years will . vmi atmatva . tin ve n. ii iii I - 111! v I -L.... - I Mill k r PL f -V:.Nr;dil . 1 X:' II ! ' I i..J ittllliRV 1 " IHi iii, - ' " : IIP I W 11 ill 1 ' ' I III I I I I: ' I ItX IU 1W I I I I I !' Ill Ii I ilia T'l-n II I Ell 'ill! - shl III I I I I '!' ivw 'I III 111! I Li III .fi!;f!i ill!fl H ill trSliilliiS : teilS'rS ! !l lj II IJ I INifW. ii'ialiitfiiliillfl .... . . , The most beautiful footwear ever shown -and look at the prices OU have never had such beautiful styles in low shoes offered for selec tion as are shown here this spring. Guided by the advice of experts, the selec Uon we offer comes from the choice of eleven hundred models. You remember how the baby-doll .shoes delighted the women last fall, and how diffi cult it was to get them? ; We predict, before the season advances much farther, the models we've selected from the guiding hand of fashion will be hard to obtain in full range of sizes. Indications point right now to a short-' age in these stylish models and we urge you to come here now before the stock becomes broken. . . , . ., Look at these prices and then the shoes and you will readily understand why they're going quickly. 0 John D. Poplin s Selz "Royal Blue' Store i 'iii i i i; M ii i 1 1 im-- i!j !ii I ill ii'! Hill ! 1 1 I ! I ii 1 Mki B BW ! 'mill ii iii ! i 1 i M;$ l-65 to' 12.09. ! Mis?r. r:4' CIMrcn'i jVWuiier : "i i ' i Mil !!!'P I'll:!' Vm 'k!.j,l;:!tl,i Iii j 'hi I - $ 1