"I ;!.,' t ' ' ly I ,1 ? HI 4 ffiKSf lOo 3 o'clock "i nu-cU:ijr f.r men only vi!I lw hold, ami every man in the city . ui;rel to attend. The pastor W : will ; iiretrh on yNVrerlhele, the ir 'iT. Hid llpjiit Iw'riin tit (iff)' Oua week A' One month, 3okl . - .Ihree Vuontii -T. $1,001 .' , J. juoiliun '......,,... I . ., .. II I I., I I ., I llg "V'mUg OITKICI' Will W lll'lll 8. The iutor will im-uch. The 4.00 I '.II- .1 . V. nee will mrcci uie music Saturday Evening .'.April 18, If 14. Jlv ' 1 m choir will i ouiprise 20 or 30 voices. Notice to Juniors. Xfi.miu.m nf Itif. .Ti It '. A f nr eonliniic tnrouirli 'jnurMV. mei . ,. . lrequled to, assemble at 2. j. m. Sunday to attend the funeral of the late Jui Luae. 'HORACE PUPttEE, Secretary. it : -I Jffrl? V , .'"el. ' ; " '''fowl " Ui,l" 1 1 1 ftlKf mm i Met 'Hi1 frr f5 'Hi i' Mi '?:fai r : 1 f 1' - i'l i. ('ommMceraeut xerrieM .Hre on at tire colored McDiiniil Nonuul and Indutiinl M'hool, Lineolu City, and will intit'ittiji) has h.idO HaM-eifuf ies- , won. ! -' ' Twelve hundred fet of new four- ineh wnter mains on several HtreetM in East KinHtoa were -Friday after noiii' towled with 123 poundi pres sure. ' Three hydrant were installed ; with the pipe. .""!; ' . m , ';" A vtetm pipe line w being: laid .lit the' uhtiol for the feeble-minded by a GnrfdHbvro conatrwrtion company, and other finihhinff work in going on ' in preparing the institution for the oeninff ii.. Hummer. ' Th ftiMic aehool at Ikep Run will done ou1 Friday, April 24. A picnic will beAgiven on the whool ground - at nanh,-County SuKrintendent Kin ney -Km I ' another orator not yet Helecte.f will make addrcse. Ther? wilb ba- miM-tinif of tho Attention, Masons. All merabera of St. John's Lodife Ko. 4, A. F. and A. M., are requeu ed to meet in the lode room tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock, for the purpone if attending the funeral of Br. .e Lane. JAS. D. GRADY, Woishipful Master. Pointed Paragraphs. (,'aU and candidates love to roont on the fence. A homely girl can say that pretty thing are uaelcsn, and mean it. Then. i no demand , for gold m . . - Seo Our vi. window g ir ii i4 m ai a i inr . . And , . ,, WALKOVER OXFORDS Then Look to the Left and see the Crowing Feature- AN EASTER BONNET Dail & Taylor the lien's Store , , -a. . , . . i brick, vet tiiev uiway nna a mar guuraiiUSr ol the June chiiutuciqual . The moining after i.- an occiwinn in the bftlrj. of F. 1. button. Esq., Mondny iifternoon at 4 to elect of flceraf 'H'here are .r.'l o( the guaran tors nm every oiw ii aked to he present Rev, Howard Alliood, of Ik'I liaVir, who is expected to assist in SI. Mary's parish here thi Miminer, hH ncdiAed, the rector, Re'. Jno. If. (irillitfi, thnt he Will not arrive in Kinst'in until Sunday evciiing. was scheduled to eonduel two scrvi cen at,, St, Mary's Sunday, hut will preac'i riiily af night, wlien the ser vice il begin ut H o'clock. Mr. ninny ir man would be glad to divr iiieiiiber. Strengthens Weak and Tired Women "1 waw under a great strain nurs ing a relative through three months' sickness' wgrites Mrs. J. ('. Van De Sande, nf.Kirklund, III., and "Elec- lfc'r'c ISitters kejit me from breaking down. I will never be without it. Do you feel tired and worn outf No ap petite and fowl won't digest It isn' the spring weather. You need Elec trie Hitters. Start a month's treat itch, liver and kidnevs. The great spring tonic. Relief or money hack ."). and $1.01), at your druggist. (ndv) r Afhn.ft.Ml in Vilnius ffititu.iiikiili ruin .. , '"' . , ii I mcnt today; nothing better for t-tom ister whos iwretiend ehurgei, include I . .. .... . St. Thmtin', thp oldest church in the stte, at Hath. In ,i baseball game at 'Athletic park Friday afternoon between of Kiiirtttv tnNe Bfrn ilgh; schools, the Iocal won, 11 to 7. Kin hjon -r.w credited vlh 13 liit.-i and eight error, and New ttcrn with I eifiht !iits and hi. errors. Fleming for the loj!') struck out five and jMe8or-j ley fur New lUm famed nine. Each For Treasurer. I hereby announce my candidacy for the odice of treasurer of Lenoir county, subject to the' will of the Democratic voters of Lenoir county ns exiin ssetlit the primary on May II. L. PATE. ' Mil -tm 4 permitted one man to walk. Fleming I ' and Mo born each aeeured three liitH hita. 4. TUia inoriuug the New Jlern t"uft went to the Kinstoti teftJn to Pikevillc. - I lee, lumbagoa, backache, pains in the A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL ITst 1I ..r... rv ,.11, A , . 1 u . itwniuii i.uiiuh:d vi 1 iiauiJinwnui. UiMllsnoiTl, ana I whetlier ItiUHRiilnr nroflhB Ininta xint. I pet tea I r curep all of these tortures. She of 4 w'8 " 'ier uty to ed It to alf sutler I cr FREE. You cure yourself at home B Of Mr. Joaepli Une, asred '.VI, died t"n,T-i!Ig? ,? SV to .... . I Irltrnniltcin. VII1IC11 UM TC' m 111 noine on jvnst swei , eariy this morning. JIf wa vvtdiui ..nKiii, x quwiiw, surviving are a thousands will testifv-no chun widow an thw-e children. Mr. Lnnel climate being ntwcesnary. This simple win' t iLillrlfrhtiv r,!.l II.. U.M discovery baniHhwi urio acid from the T . . 1 mood, loosens the stiflens joints, puri- i i niBwuiti j nin.cniujf. 1 ues mo diooo, aoa origniens. tne eyes, Ho w well-known in the city and I s'TiDK elasticity and tone to the whoic ,.,. I. .... . , I system. If the aliove interest you. for . JNtemMl hv nil Ins iiiiiiiiiiit mf.au I " ' ' ." ' F . ,. . ,,hu uuuress. ,mis. w, snrameis, Uos i lie iinierai, conducicu ,y uev. . J'. , oire ime, lna, .Smith, pastor of the (Christian church, will be held Sunday after- HEAD STUFFED UP? noon -t 3 o'clock, wfth interment in Mtplewood cemetery. x Hyomei Gives Instant Relief . The pKitnro .offering at the Dixie If suffering from a cold or catarrh thcair. tonight eomprism'thrt)i; sub- ciiiwiii dull' headaches or 'an idling jeeM. "Tho" Divided House" is a and burning sensation in the nostrils, Kolas njinedy. "Slim and the Dy- purely :ry Hyomei. It given quick,' namn.rs H a burlcsqu wih the eft wive ind pi'iniaent relief or mon Nestor trademark. "The Animated ey refunded b.v J. E. Iloo,) & Co. It ekty depicts recent evenU in goes nght to the spot you feel bet many parts of the world. In vaude- ter in five- minutes. villc, Kitter and Vteia do a singing, No . ...ndabout method of stomach ilaneiii and talkmg sketch. The dosing with Hyomei vou breathe it lady in the aet very aptly gets off This health-giving medication eoes Shirt Yaists Crepe de chine and Wash Silks. Plain White Stripes. Klmo na Sleeve. : : $2.19 Each. O. N. T. Cotton 6 for 25c. H ft W Sheathlyne Brassieres At THE LADIES STORE. ft S V- J&y'&- A.;v: r;-: Make Life's Wallr Easy. All Colors Many New Shapes Ouy The Crossett and Get the Best, - Chas. A Waiess The Toleahone Store Phone No. 89 B9& 'ifffftftif WlfM H'ti Tumi EE Pictures: THE DIVIDED HOUSE Sol. i coined v, with a well-known star. SLIM AND THE DYNAMITERS A roll'cking burlesque comedy, Nestor. THE ANIMATED WEEKLY News of the world in pictures. Something new till the time. HITTER AND WEIS in i novelty sinaing. talkiny and dancing comedy sketch. Last half of next week: A BIG MUSICAL C0MEDW OFFERING 10 ptople in nil good shows. ADMISSION 10 AND 15 CENTS I 0 n -a'J jul n oi r " jp : ill BR. T. H. FAULKNER ' , F;:"NV Ne.rEeaid.nc. I 111 V . , fiPrh- " I I v, y vtniii. iMIIi t0g$ Y V Shadow Laces, All Widths one to her male co-conspirator oine thing !'ke thia: "I wish you were many wiles away from me". She ahould Jiave shown la-tter judgment lit th(f leginning. V Wtli the shad season uiurt than half frtitie, flshtnncn f the upper Ncuae "ait eomplaining that the eateh i laen only about 50 per rent.1 of' that of last year, despite the -fact that recent hauls in the river ,iave betn cnonuou. Con- . Iinue4 vddnesa of the water w be lievelt by some to have kept the fiah frhm coming upstream,: but Oth rerar inclined to the belief that - batrK-jons iit the way of neta at 'downriver point s has rut oft the aup ldy,:S r.uple ofyear ago patrol boat' opened up pasnagei for the khad Neu: fiver, t; .,-? Rovivil aorvicea; which have been ftiing on in Qneen Street Methodist church for week will eontinue all aeit wok, and the regular services there. I imorrow will be incorporated n u ene. A sermon will be reaebM by the' pastor t,!ltp'- eloct Special tAusi'bjr the choir wUl b directed by. Prof; I. N. Price, amp'. erangeliat o ChaUatftoa. lie wiil render one or two aoloa. At directly to the inflamed membrane, all irritation and congestion ia quickly ltlieved, the delicate tissues healed :ind vitalized. Hyoniii should be in every house hold. Druggists everywhere sell it. Ask for the complete outfit $ sir.e. (adv) Welding MsW vve are now in a position to do all kind of welding. If you have any broken gears, pullyes,or any thing that needs weld ing, see or phone us. IOTC.1 0, Inc. Camisole Laces, Embroidered Crepe. Rice Cloth, In White. THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON rJtooe34 Proo. Babies live in a world of their own Their 'Dreams are pleasant ones. Every Mother and Father can bring Baby's Dreams to a Happy Realization By providing a Bloch Carriage for (Baby. D LOCH Carriages are Superior in Quality, Style and ,U Workmanship to; all ohters. Baby is safest, most com fortable and restful in a Bloch. That is why 90 per cent, of particular mothers insist on a Bloch Carriage. The Name BLOCH on a Carriage Means Comfort for Baby. Get a BLOCH and Make Baby Happy. Oettinger's Furniture Store INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, ! KLAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD, LOANS NEGOTIATED. Now Occupying" New Office one Door Eajt of The Post Office Kinstort Insurance & Realty Co. Phone 218 "' r n.; . m- Somg slender effzcts THAT PRESENT GRACE TO ONES FOOT WITH the tsmvXeelr so MUCH If VOGUE .1 - w mm The above style Colonial eads all others for style and beauty. s We have, them in all widths from A to E and n all good leathers, such as Patent Leather, Gun Metal, Mat Kid, Ivory KidM White Nu Buck; Prices, $3, $3,50 $4, and $5 a pair. We also liave the largest assortment of buckets in the state to sell or exchange. , ohn 6. Cox Shoe Store "The Best by Test'' Phone 234-J V , . LISTEN! The Old Reliable Korrect Press ing Club" can do your cleaning and pressing better than any othar concern. Whyt Because we hare two steam pressing machines and best skilled workmen" in the city. Work called for and delivered. Satisfaction guaranteed, n: n: (CORRECT RRESSIKG. CLUB ? C W. HAMILTON, Prop. - Tbont 37-J. Mi ml Chisels are . forged from the highest quality of Cru- cible Tool RtPPl in oil, full mirror polished, hand sharpened ? and whetted on an oil stone-iready for nse. A cheap tool is a bad investment The ' COM &m Brand is an absolute guarantee of quality and our mu'KXTtn Chisels" are in wj nP o tue jot jam Standard. H. Ea Moseley Hardivar Co. Brockport Shoes and Slipper For Ladies Price $3.00 "KSedw -v i - i G.E. iloiiogaifl

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