1CENT AT WORD Tfl SPECIAL NOTICES I FINK Ml'JTON AT STHICKU'S market. 24 voil KEkT-HOUSE, 214 PEYTON .nir i Jj T. Whitfield. ' 25 yQ HUAINK juArkCt. AT STRICKLCTK 24 HOUSES TO RENT J. F. Wpoten. -APPLY MRS. 29 COUNTRY HAMS, SHOULDERS and sides at Stricklin's market. 2.4 WHEN YOU WANT ANY HEAVY hauling done, call 'phone 120, Q. F. Simmons' Stables. 27 THE FINEST STALL-FED BEEF in Kinston at Stricklin's market, opposite courthouse. 24 WANTED YOUNG MAN AS salesman on Saturdays only, in- dustrious fellow wanted. Apply at once. New York Clothing Co. 24 TYPEWRITERS ! TYPEWRITERS All makes. Terms easy. New or Rebuilt $25 to $100. See Gainer Nipn & Advertising Co. 20 FOR NICE HORSES AND RIGS or automobiles, call Geo. T. Sulli van's Liver-, 'Phone 235. Boarding horses solicited. May 22 t . FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH one 40 horse Nngle boiler, one 30 horse Tolbott engine. Ncusc Mantel Co. 25 WE HAVE AN EXPERT PIANO tuner and repairer. All work guaranteed. 'Phone 470-J, Household Furnishing Company. tf WANTED TRAVELER; AGE 27 to 50. Experience unnecessary. Salary, commission and expense al lowance to right man. J. E. Mc Brady. Chicago, 111. , 25 I In the mrld of l TlTAlf . W nil r m im ' Cards reuding as follows have, been sent ont: "Mr. and Mri. Silverstein ""ilr: and Mjs. Gross' i request the honor of your presence at the marriage ceremony of their children Fay Silverstein j . to Alex. I. Gross on Thursday evening, May fourteenth nineteen hundred and fourteen at seven o'clock ' at Hopkinstn Mansion 426-28 Hopkinson Av.( Cor. E. X, Y. Aveiue, Brooklyn, Xew York. Bride's residence :J(H5 Chester St., Brooklyn.'' Mr. Gross i8 a member of the New York Clothing Coiapany and a pro gressive young business man of Kin ston. The bride-to-be is attractive and has a large circle of friends in Brooklyn. They will be at home here on May 25. A FishomoMle. J. A. Stewart, F. B. Johnson, Geo L. Peterson, paymaster ol the stat" militi:i, W. II. Herring and Theo. Patrick, Jr., Snn-pson men, crossed a run in Goshen svamp in an automo bile .ind made an unusual fish catch. Johnson caught sight of the flirt of a silvery tail and sturted overboard after it. However, the fish swum in front of the moving machine and was run (i It weighed G 1-2 pounds. The story is vouched for. MERE MAN. FEED, LIVERY AND EXCHANGE stables. Feed well and everything up-to-date. Good accommodations. r. W. Perry, successor to J. R. Wa ters, South Queen street. tf COMFORTABLY FU R N I S II E D rooms in small private family at moderate prices. Home comforts, centruliy located. Mrs. B. F. Griffin 315 East Washington street, Kinston In. C. 28 Mr. I. M. Tnll is in New Hem on on business. Ma.or F. I. Sutt rn is visitint: in Greensboro. Mr. J. M. P. Joyncr. of New Bern was here yesterday. Mr. Leroy llardv. of Institute township, spent the :iy here. Mr. C. M. Beasley returned from Charlotte an, Wilmington last night inj-federal force inside the breast-flmfoderts, is the latter' crossed tf HOW HIS FATHER WAS KILLED TO THE PUBLIC! I HAVE JUST installed in my Pressing Hub complete machine and hat block -weai nana, rwuons and oows, car ried u stock, for cleaning ladies and gents hats. All work guaranteed. Korrect Pressing Club, C. W. Ilaniil ion, prop. 'Phone 37-J. ' tf Notice. 1 iu" puolie is hebebv warned not to contribute to any person solicit s money lor the Free Will Baptist ciurch, until said solicitor ha snovvn tneir certificate bearing the pastor's and officers' names. 25 STARR HICKS ENJOY YOUR MEALS Take Mi-o-na A Simple, Harmless Remedy for Indigestion or Upse Stomach. Let us tell you how to enjoy your meals Bo that even the heartiest din ner will set well on your stomach with uo disagreeable after-effects. mere is no need of taking dis- "Krceume medicines; instead, eat what you like and use Mi-o-na Tab lets. They are not only a digestive nnd ant-acid giving prompt and ef- lective relief but a specific for disor dered stomachs. Do not, endure indi gestion another day. Mi-o-na surely ana sutelx strengthens thdigestive VP11 an increases the flow of gas trie juices so that the stomach can care for the food as nature intended. ", It is needles to have a bad stom- ch ,r buffer after-oating misery. irom i. K. Hood & Co., a 50 cent x of Mi-o-na today lake two or iWree tablets atjthe first sign of dis jtresis. , Mi-o-na is. at -all times a de ?ndabl9 stomnrb m. (adr pSSSBSSESSS i OR. DAN. W. PARR0TT, : DENTIST,. Crwn and Bridge Work a : Specialty. :' Office over I'oatofEce. (Continued from page !) ern. North Carolina and a part eastern Virginia, inud( his' celebrated movement on BcrniudM Hundred. where lie was 'hottleil ni' by the. Confederates. Plymouth. X. ".. some little time previously, with tin federal garrison of over, )!,(00 nun, was captured and occupied by the Confederates, and the Confederate ram Albemarle, an ironclad which had been built on the Roanoke river, Sailed down the latter into Albemarle sound and destroyed sever ii United States gunboats, sinking dismay and ( onst .Ti.ation into the federal navy, which patrolle, the sound of North Carolina, and cjiumii; Washinetcn. X. ('.. to he hastily evacuated by her federal military and naval forces, which were ordered to New l' r.i t reinforce that point. "Th: town of Washington v:is on fire while the evacuation was taking place, and citizen; men, women and tihiUrcn homeless, were -unnin? distractedly through the streets. The Confederate forces from Tranter's creek were harassing the outskirts of the town to the northward, and the federals were leaving on trans- .. . . , t ports from the watcrtront, guarded bv the gunboats. Desultory musketry firing, on both sides, as going on in the westward and northward parts of the town. The federal transports received every one who came aboard f them, including whites and ne- arroes. and were crowded to meir walking-beams- .- '-. "Convoyed by the gunboats, the transports reached IMew Bern the second day or jaight afterward. The Confederates, a day or two there after, mode a 'demonstration at Bachelor' creek, 10 or 12 miles to the west and north of New Brn, captured, it, and -drove the interven Children' Diseases Very Prevalent Whooping-.' 4Mugh is about every where, Measles and scarlet fever al most as bn&Z Vo Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for inflamed throats anL.. coughing. Mr.'. I. C flosller,. Grand JsLmd, Ncbr. says. My three children had severe at tacks of whoojurig cough, and a very few does of Foley' Honey and Tar Jtrre rcat reliatr L E. Hood & Co. wftrks at ew Bern, and ali seized I he railroad nnd sevtrul of the bttti poKt-tRtions between New Bern and Morthefid City, completely 'boMlin? up' tchipirurily the federal forces in New Tirn. Th(. main object of the Confederate force in investing tho place, was to gather supplies for the army of northern Virginia, - from Beaufort, Hyde and ' contiguous counties. When they had y accom plished this, they moved on to the sent of war in Virginia, leaving u small garrison o ftroopa at Trant. er's creek. While inVetting ' New Bern, the Confederates' blew up the United States gunboat J'irderwriter, in which 118 men'weiy killed. This occurred about !i o'clock one night, when I was lying within about 500 yard- of the scene of the catas trophe. 1 "B was probably nearly a month after the evneuation of Washington, OT.iru to th(. reported distress ex istent there that ii flng-of-tmee boat, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel McChcsney. com-mandii!-; the second Regiment of North ('andir.a Volunteers (Union), with several ..f bis uides. anil about : soldier-, with two howitzers, wks ordeied to Washington. Its mission was to take any citizens who wished to r linn there ;,nd to bring lvi k others who desired to get away fro:n there, .Mid also to sec if the people of W.ishington needed ajiy assistance which the federals could furnish, with the approval of the Confederate force i t Tranter's creek. Among tne citizenry on board this steamer w.-re Mr. Daniels, father of the present secretary of the navy; Mr. A. II. Rich: Howard Wiswall. Sr., with al' of whom I was personally well ac quainted, besides a number of other people not personally known to me. "The flag-of-tnu'e boat arrived in Washington .just before sundown, tied up to the dock, nnd the com n.::nd.int -.;nd leading eiti;:cns ubuard i r I', rr.-d with the officials and other. of t"U st-iting the objects ol their v-it. Kveiythiivf wc.-l .al;Ur cntly ainie;'.tic, so the boat dropped down the I'amlico river, opposite Hill's Point, and anchored for th.' night, with the understanding that we wen to come up early nest morn ing and have the final conference with otlicials and principal' citizens of the town. "We steamed up the river as .soon as the sun was up. It was a bright and beautiful morning, and hreak fast was to be served as soon as wc reached the wharf. The soldiers were jdlinsr around on the lower deck, with .uiins stacked and unloaded no one dreaming of anything but a pleasant, peaceful reception. But one ihuiL'. it is said, was forgotten in thv hurry of departure up the river from Hill's Point that morn ing. The lia.L'-of-truee, by some over sight, had not been hoisted, or, at least, was invisible. ") i the upper deck of the steamer. on i'..- si(je-nenriti'' the wnari, were Vlonci McChcsney and his aides; Mr. A. H. Rich: Howard Wiswall, Sr.. and several others, besides my sclf. We were all standing well Iwi w.ird on the right side of the boat, (the icarest to the wharf) a little to the rear of the nilot house. Mr. Daniels was in the pilot house with the ir.lot. I think, as wc left Hill's Point he went in there to get a bet ter view of the approach to the town. "All at once, when as the boat touched the wharf, before the haw sers hr.d been attached to the piles, a musketrv fire opened through I Main street and went out Market' street toward Tranter's crc.'k. , ! "The tl:ig-of-truce boat then -.tier- cd directly for New Hern, where wc arrived in dne time without delay. Captain Gray, commanding the 'Georgia Tigers' at Tranter's Creek, had been informed by a certain young lady ol the town of Washington on the night before, of our coming back the next morning. He secreted his men in the brick warehouse before dawn tho next morning and intend ed to capture the steamer and its passengers, military und civil, -without firing a shot, but one of. his troopers, becoming nervous and ex cited, prematurely-discharged, his piece, and a general fusiladu, us a matter of course, followed. It wan! u mot unfortunate event, and e- i pecially for Mr. Daniels, who was just entering ion tho prime of life a quiet. high-toned, courteous gentleman, esteemed by all who knew him. Had he been permitted to live his allotted time, he would have dt served well bth of his st ite and of the nation." OR. I to t. RGriNiGAY SpeeiHlcxt iu I iHti4 of Wo mm and Children. Office 105 Cisweli street. Office tiiurs 10 to 12. Offtca Phone 118. 0 0 L. WILSOI Dentist Oftea tvtr J. Hart k C Start. G. G. M00RE Attomey-at-Law Library Buildings KINSTON, - - N. C. loop-holep in the brick ware-house opposite the landing. It was more like one general volley than a sue cession of shots. Mr. Daniels was instantly killed in the pUoi-house; Coloflel McCiesney was seriously wounded, nnd several others on the upper deck, slightly injured. ( On the lower deck, several people were biro reported killed and wounded. The boat was. turned around and headed dowu the riVer as quickly, qs possi ble. As she got well out into the river, a. little above Castle Island, the federal soldiers aboarij . loaded their gun and prepared temporary breastworks of bedding, etc., on the exposed Bide of the boat. I think, a few musket ehotg were fired at the Q ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwaya bean tne Signature of Many Ameridans in Mexico C ty. Washington, April The stat.' department has been advised that between 800 and 1.000 American citi zens remain in Mexico City. These, the department said, would be able to protect American from any mob violence, but would not be able to stand off troops. ROY BURNEY Contractor and Builder Estimates furnished on all kinds of Wood and Brick Work, Hard wood Wark A Specialty. 'Phone 2CS1, Kinston. N. C. :-: :-: :-: Give Comfort to Stout Persons A good wholesome catharthic that has a stimulating effect on the stomach, liver and bowels is Foley Cathartic Tablets. Thoroughly clean ing in action, they keep you regular with no griping and no unpleasant after effects. They remove that gassy distended feeling so uncom fortable io stout persons. ,1. E. Hood & Co. (adv) IRA M. HARDY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Temporary office :i doors in rear of the National Bank. 'Pbonc 479. Residence IW0 West Lenoir St. 'Phono 507. OK T. H. FAULKRE Oentlst OAc: VM 8. MoLeneaa BU, Nr Rflidwie. In our new "Eaay-Opening-Box." No trouble. Nomuaa. N. TheF.F.DauxyCo,Ltd. , Buffalo, N.Y. Hamilton, omr. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD, LOANS NEGOTIATED. Now Occupying" New Office one Door Et of "the Post Oilier Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. hone 218 - C. Oettinger, Mg r SETTING EGGS. t From Black Minorca a larg chicken that lays largo white egg nnd tii'ver sit $1 per settilTgr L. 0. M0SELEY. You want it and we have it. Telephone for it and you will get it Couries Candy Kitchen The CandyShop and Fruit Store PHONE 59. 122 N. Queen Street. WE CAN POINT WITH PRIDE to everything we make in the lino of mill work. Fret, panel and grill work, partitions, hiimls, doors and. sash, each and all of the very best material, and" made tip by ' the very best artisans that we 'eau . employ. y6uV work, and to show you justt what we can do. NEUSE MANTEL COMPAY. TAN RUSSIA CALF i FOR MEN I THESE ARE SELZ SHOES TO you this means the very best service. It means the shoes are made in such a way and of such high standard that the name Selz can be placed on them. Where you see that name you get the quality, satisfactory ' weio a and the comfort that goes with well made shoes. ts - 1 - V. : 5 We sen them at $5.00 instead of seven. . , 1 You can find a splendid variety of Selz oxfords here in all leathers, ranging in prices from $3.00 up. 1 4-,. JOHN D. POPLIN'S Selz "Royal Blue" Store

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