... J .lililw PRESS. r PUBLISHED EVERY HFTERNOON EXCEPT SUWDRY' ,. Ii 1 i. VOU XVi-NO 122 illOUESIlSIOli KINSTON. N. 0. MONDAY. MAY 4, 1914 HUERTA THINKS IT WILL SAVE HIM FBpM REBELS IILIOTIJEGBVEO for OSBR KE'Vi'ili KDT RESIGII Colorado?" Legislature Meets Strike Legislation and' Will Pro- 41 . i -t , ... ... bably Take Action Against Am nions, Whose Friends Do Not Fear. (Special to THE FREE PRESS.) Denver, Col., May 4. To pay the price for the. seven-months strike in southern Colorado, the state legUla ture today met in special session response to the call of Governor And ftefugee$ Conte to Leave CapiUI Thsauah Efforts Of Brazil's Minls-lmon. Although the principal pur ' ter-Howard Threatens to She U-.wn: funds w , . I to meet the cost of maintaining state Town of Guaymas fSoecial to THE FREE PRESS.) Vera Cruz, May 4. Uuerta ;s ae- troops in the field , and pass laws suggested by the ; strike, ; these , will prolfllbly be overshadowed at the out set, by a plan to impeach the gov ernor. ' . It seems certain that such a re nrmination ' to' draw the ' American forces into Mexico City to save him J solution will' be' introduced' , in lb from the rebels was responsible tori house, but friends of ' the exeutiv a demand made Saturday for' the are 8Ure it will fa iL surrender of the waterworks outside . $10,000 Fire at New Bern. (Special to THE FREE PRESS.) New Bern, May 4. Fire, of un known origin, early , this morning gutted a two-story brick building oc cupied by a ready-to-wear garment company. The loss was $10,000 on the stock, with , $5,000 ' insurance. of Vera Crus, which demand was followed by an exchange of shots .between federal troops and United States 'marines. ' Renewed reports today reached here that General v8 is TvreDarimr to attack the imerican troops here r- with 2,000 Ben. iniS-IS Turvuer uiuicawuu ui the 'step decided upon, by Huerta. The I The building loss was several thous dictator has "not yet selected a sue-1 ands, partly covered by insurance. eessor to Foreign Minister Rojas, I he walls are still standing.- The and it was learned today that Rojas I flre was m the center of the business resigned' because Archbishop Moral district, but fine water pressure and failed in his effort to persuade Huer-1 good work by "the firemen prevented t to abdicate. . .. . . ; : I its. spread. The early stories were More Refugees Homeward Bound. I greatly exaggerated. Mexico City, - May 4. Another trackl train with over 400 American EXPECTING TO BE ATTACKED ' refueees will leave here today for Puerto Mexico. There the. refugees I qenerai runston asu f or uraers. will be met .by ships furnished byl Over. Ten Thousand v, Mexican Admiral Badger. Arrangements' for Tr00Dj r Erecttoa" Breastworks ... .. ... t ... 1 ',..'. i , . , v.'....,. toe tram were maae oy me jpraziuan i ,-. atW':.TPnblished"et)OTt9that Huerta's health is breaking and that I 'Washington, L, w May a. ms leu on the veree of a nervous col-1 patches : from v Brigadier Uenera laose are untrue. On the contrary,! runston On we situation at era 1 ia active and alert as ever, and I lUruz: were the sunject or a long con ia closest, touch with all govern-1 iercncfl at tne war department to dent affairs. He takes his usual an-1 night between Secretary Garrison tomobile rides, makes- the usual! and ' Major-General Wotherspoon visits to the cafes,"' and outwardly I Chief of Staff of the army. rives the imoresion of bebe far from I 7 It was said General t unston haa worried.' There has been no hint here Tasked for instructions, in view of the that he contemplates resigning. .Offl-J hostile attitude of the Mexican army cials are reticent as to the progress I near tne cty. , being made in mediation plans. Rebel I en. inousanfl : MOXCans near. eluef8 Barbosa and' Cabando in the Earlier m the day the General had state5 of Puebla have surrendered to reported that the Americaa outposts the government with about 400 men. at .Vera Cruz were beng watched by They will probably be pressed into Mexicans and there were more than service witi the fWflJ nrmv I ten thousand Mexcan troops en- lj President to Attend Services. camped in the vicimty. These dis I Washington? Mav 4. If rublic patches were summed by Secretarj- .business will nermit the president Garrison, in this statement:,, wgo to Brook vn Mondav to ner- 1 am IU PS "-a3 va ul3 sonaUy honor the American dead now Patch from Gen. Funbton regarding en route from VW Tmst' on the ie incident at the pumping plant. Montana; Secretary Daniels today He says the officer in command of conferred with him on the ceremonies Mexican troops was major to be observed in navine respect to ta of the Engineer Corps' ot the the dead heroes. The plan under Mexican army, tie reiersrto tne ioci consideration i. th f nnlthat little dependable news about official proclamation fixing Monday J conditions in the interior is coming a flay pi sorrow throughout the n oecause no more muga .ponntry, when all fiaes von nnhlic P"v coming into vera ruz. n is re .... r - - -m Ouildines will h hxf m.oj , , I ported to him that Ueneral iiiaas nas. Mexicans to Fort Bllst ' I about four thousand men at boledad. El Paso. Tpx" 'Af.-m- i nnA'a iland there are an unknown number teaw milihiXt nMi r. aaa r I not lr.rfre watehin? our lines. , He tederal solders with their wives and I understands that the Mexicans have children toddy be?an entraining tnr 5,000 troops at Jalapa, and about Tort Wingate, N. M., at Fort Bliss. 1500 at Palma, where they are I ; tXOflUS From Uanzanillo , :' v I throwing up defenses.n He says there On board U. fiu 8. Clevnlnnl ff are. many wild rumors afloat which anzanillo, by wireless to San- T;.-1 a not worthy of credence o, CoLAmericans and other for. I "Some provision sellers came into gners are leaving Manzanillo byl the city today from the North. The hundreds in fear of violence. Part of I citv fe quiet. - A Mexican officer who was' in Vera Cruz in civil clothes was directed to leave." we city is alrcndv hnrm-A Howard,' Threatens Bombardment, n uiego, May 4, Guaymas --papers declare .that Adnaral J01.' commanding the " Pacific . mten da to notify the authorities - ai port that he will bombard r" lown t the expiration of 48 noon unless Americans are accorded treatment Pointed Parahsi , mother gives. a child iere isn v . ,. to ooasters and Jrs. ;- nesst. Irregular, painful bladder weak ness disappear when the kidney are strong and healthfully active, Take Foley Kidney Pills for that burning, scalding sensation-irregular, painful action-heavy, sore feeline and .blad der distress'. ' Ton will like .their tonici restorative effect-the ireljef from I pain quick good results. Con tain" no' "haifcifui drugs. Try them, J. PBIOB TWO CE273: HAPPENINGS OF, INTEREST AT HOME AND ABROAD : GATHERED rHOLlfil SOURCES Brief Chronicle of th Dav's Event In AH the Nations of the Eahi , to . Keep Readers Abreast of jthi . Tlmei v J - !",'""" "Ik " . y. li Oklahoma ' City, Okla.', ' May , $.-2 More than 3,000 ministers and lay?. men ere expected , to attend - the Quadrennial Conference of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, South,' which will convene here Wednesday. The conference will adjourd May 28. .Washington, May 3. Showers the first half of the week over most i the country from the Mississippi to the Atlantic, with temperatures above seasonal1 average, and showers and thunder storms in the "far. wept the last part of, the week were forecast by the weather bureau tonight. Boston,. Mass., May 3.- Woman suffragists here to the number of ,9," 000 marched today through crowded streets. It was the greatest-parade of women in the history 'pf New England. The route was lined iy spectators estimated e number 200, 000. The paraders : were received ,tiy GovernoB Walsh.'1 ' '; : ' . Kansas City, Mo.i May 3. A.;' J. Martin, former United States mar shal for the western district of Mis' souri, has been indicted by a federal grand . jury here, charged with ,,em- FRQGRESSiriFLJJS FOfl PE.CE Carrania Will Not Agree to Armistice Between Himself and . Huerta f Delegates .Not Chosen Negotia tions, r , , , . Washington, D. C, , May 3. The mediation plans of the South Amerl edn envoys who are1 tryiny to straighten . out the troubled ; affairs of Mexico,' went -steadilf orwnrd to day, end while there' were' no formal Kessions the mediators conferred during the afternoon ond evening on what had bee done- and the next Mep in their procedure.! . . j Vnited States, .the Huerta government and General Carranla are expected to Iname their delegates as requesed bjr the mediator last night within the next day or two. The delegates for the United States have not-yet been selected. ' ' -When the delegates of the three parties arrii-et it is expected the mediators will be ready to take up the, crucial issues between the Unit ed States and Huerta, at least, and if possible, between Huerta and Car ranza. Whether a plan of .'adjust ment can be worked out is still an Open question, even jn the. minds of the mediators. ' - - .- It became definitely established to day that - General Carranza would not' agree to the request of the media tors' that' he suspend military opera tions jigainst Huerta pending . the ID 1111 ii I STATE KEWS FROM MURPHY TO MAN , TE0 AND BETWEEN rJi keel k.'ffei:i::gs af a oai Many North Carolina Itemr! Con densed In : Crlef Paragraphs ' for ' Benefit of Busy People Good aiU :' Dad News from all Over State. . FayettevillerN. C.,May2. -A deaf mute,, a colored ' woman, , was : run down today, by a Raleigh,' Charlotte & Southern Railroad train and had a, leg broken 'and head badly cut, but not injured fatally. .Greensboro, May 3. Judge Lane in superior court this afternoon, sen tenced Paul Conwelt, who was yes terday convicted of murder in the first degree,, to be electrocuted on June 12. Notice of appeal to the supreme, courts .was given by ., his rouotteu . . ' . New Bern, May 3. R E. Snow- den, road engineer of Craven county, h engaged in preparing a map of the county which, when completed, will . bo one of the most i accurate his section. Cra nia ds ever ma , ven county y (??'.. -or more mediation proceedings and the envoys in length aj Af have been advised of this decision. J that it would coat,. CJose associates or Carranza who and dollars to have 'hn have now arrived here soy that no ; made, however,, the. one no-. mediation' between them and, Huerta ; made by Mr. Snowden will cost the is possible .and that any move on the county nothing. i part elude IjUEEII STREET REIMLCIOSES, Forty-One Candidates Admitted ta Membership and the Church Itself .Greatly Revived Special Observe . ance for "Mothers' Day.". After twenty-two days "of con : tinued services the revival ! meeting' at Queen Street Methodist church came to a close Sunday night. The ' meeting has thus far resulted So the' addition of forty-one, names to the church roll and the pastor and offi cials of the church are greatly grati . fled with the uplifting effect wrought upon the church membership itself. ! .The preaching for the' entire series was done by the pastor of the church, Rev. H. A, Humble, and the results shown go to prove the marked -effectiveness of his efforts, v , Mr. Humble was assisted by Prof. Price singer who did efficient work in leading the music for the neriei of meetings. . Th morning servico on Sunday ; was an impressive one. , The pastor did, not preach a sermon, as usual, . . but devoted the hour, to , a, reception , of candidates for church membership . and administering the rite of baptism, after' which the large ' congregation present "partook of the Lord's sup per. rext Sunday was anounced atf "Mothers' Day" and the pastor ' wishes to make-the morning service a special one for the mothers of the city. Efforts wilt be made to have , as-many of them as' possiMm, presi c rtort wan 1 i I' i ; of the three mediators to in-j AshevUle,'May 3.-.ThaVplans'for e in timx progress a., srheme the- erection ' of a quarter' of1 a mil- quarter' hoarUmpnf in cnnnpitinn wl'hha ;J.ffr the. geueral.adjustment" f MeX--' linn annifnriunr fnfVa tat position of $2,040 received from the aafiur will be regarded as, be- ment f tubercular .patients ,oa .the sale, or contraband j whiskey jna." w..? Ui uC wuis.. southern-slope, t -Mount, fleasant vineyar whilfi he held officefederal Aside, irom the personnel or the, i,flv. h(l .hanfloned wnn announced . . . I . . . . . . V : . . -- officials say Martin admitted deposit- aeicgateKtrom the-three parties- to' Iast night, following a conference ing the money to his own accourit in- ine controversy, tne mediators nave among. Dr. "William L. Dunn, ,Dr. stead f to the credit of the treasury ive a0 informal. consideration as Charles L, Minor and Dr. P. R. department, but that he made full 10 wnneif " mayDecome aesiraoie Moa!ef the promoters of the project, restitution. - f? w ome neulral P5nt outswe, and representatives of . the local Atlanta, Ga., May.-Two negroes I of WaaWngton to carry forward-their ( board 0f, trade and ' the Greater were arrested by the police here to 'day on suspicion of having been connected with the shooting and kill ing uf Harry Wolfe, a local grocery merchant, last night. An unknown negotiations wfin tne tnree parties Western North Carolina'Assoniation. - North, Wilkesboro. May 3. The wouia to xorestau tne xeeimg on . .. v. i . .. . . it . Hutchmson-Higgins feud was reopen u :r ed this morning with a.shock, when that their sessions - at the seat of , .. ,. " , ' , . .1 irovrnmnt. her micrKt. tend in . n . . . r ..... . - - - store -last, " . . .-. . . .. i this shot and seriously wounded Mrs. and demanded that the mer- " . ""TT. . iSila Higgins, wife of the man who negro entered . Wolfe's night chant, i who was alone, surrender his money. When Wolfe objected and made a move as though he was going to draw a revolver, the negro produced a revolver and shot th storekeeper. ' ' '? Geary, Okla., May '3.- Three per on are reported niUsing and three are marooned in tree tops or tne South Canadian river near Bridge port four miles south of here, as the result of floods which swept away the $125,000 ook Island steel bridge there late today. Several, hundred persons have been compelled to abandon their homes and : the . low lands for miles around, 'here are flooded. Much damage has been done to growing crops. A wall of water fifteen feet deep swept the valley a rly today and was increased this fternoon by a second rise of three feet. - United .States,- the desire - being .to is charged with the murder of Chas. make their deliberation ''vtaohed rf l- b ' tt- ,.,., ... . trutchinson, a few months ago. Hig- and independent i" uuihible. Thi- i . .... . . - , . . ,. u i , i- ... ' gins is still at large, having immedi- 1,1 . i- ... .. . , iiieijf : uiapieurea .aiier imicninson -. ".'-s -. . , S ' , . 4 j was shot; . Excitement in that seo- .iuiui, m v.unuua oe eieciea as n,.. . .. .. - .. , - ... i t tion of the county some six miles place of meeting. Havana will not be .. , ; , . , , - . , . . . . . north ol here is running high and fur- I, UVi7VU 11 w ff v f 1. 1 f ,W W uig nis, tllQ 1 llii Will Matty Manage Cardinals?; (Special to THE FREE PRESS.) St. Louis, May 4. According to story printed in a local newspaper, "Christy" Mathewson will succeed Miller Iluggins as manager of the Cardinals about the middle of June. The information, it ia announced, came from a person close to Hug- gins. , - - Dull ; Feeling-Swollen Hands and Feet, Due to Kidey Trouble Jv Tour kidneys need help when your hands and feejt thicken, awell up and you- f'eel dull and ; sjuggishv. Take Foleyj Kidne. Pills. They are tonic, stimulating .and, ; strengthening . fnd restore your kidneja iff healthy nor mal action, -j .Try Jthenjt, J. E, JJood & Co.'. . .V! -ft I and the? number of Mexican refugees there, while Canada being a British province i under British influence. A BUSY WEEK FOR CONGRESS Canal Exemption Repeal Naval Ap propriation,' 'With Two Battleship Program, Will Cause Spirited De , bate. , - . Washington, D. C, May 3. The war spirit is slumbering in congress ad tinless there are unloosed for de velopments south of the Rio Grande during the present week both senate and house will turn attention, to sub jects less spectacular than talk of invasion and predictions of Ameri can conquest. . v . Navy Talk- to 'Be Heard. The senate promises to be busy during the week with debate on the bill to repeal the tolls exemption elausa of the Panama Canal act. The house is expected to dispose of the naval appropriation bill, provide in it for two battleships as the adminis tration has requested, pass the di plomatic and consular bill and possi bly reach the anti-trust bill. ' The "Big?! and "Little1? ' nary men ' will have! their inning tomorrow and re- ferenpes' to thel' Mexican situation may ileni point to' the remarks.' - The tcZs debater In th se'nate pro bably wZI eallXforth- more oratorJ- cr jn and lee line for the sen-1 ther developments are expected any moment.. i Mount Olive, May 3. Two hun dred and fifty chicks with one lien in the sight to be seen at the home of Mr. J. L. Brock, of Faison, N. C. The first hen to set this tipriiig was placed with her young brood in a Jimall enclosure; then all chicks sub sequently hatched by other hens werei I .1 :.. A.t . . . ... .1 i. ii. . r jnui'eu in uie same enoioaure wnn ine first brood, their mothers being shut up for a few days to wean them from their brood, the same hen, .being kept with' the chicks all the time. It is sai,i that the idea has worked re markably well. . V, J , HOME Opening Ball at Morehead. Morehead City, May 4 The open ing ball at the Atlantic Hotel will be given on June 20, it was announced today. " A Stubborn Cough (s Wearing and ' ' Isky. ' ' Letting a stubborn cough . "hang on" in the spring is risny. Foley's Honey & Tar Compound , heals raw inflamed, surface in' the throat and bronehial tubes makes sore, weak spot sound and whole slops stub born, tearingcoughs. Refuse substi tutes, J. E. Heod & 'Co. . (adv) at is divided oq the .question, of re peal, and most senators have decided view on the subject. ,S.' S. AT KENu. H First Session Last Sunday Mornln9. , : FcrnuJ Opening toi b Held Saoiuw-- Buildings Kow fSear Completions ' t Last" Sunday morning " the first public service at the Kennedy Tlome took place when Mr. Hartwell Scar- , boro, the , superintendent, organized a Sunday schdol at that place.' Mr. J. A. McDaniel, of this city, went out ahd took with him Mr O. V. Cow per, "who made the newly organized , : school an excelent talk. There were sfverai visitors from Kinston. The ; ' school was located in one of the " newly finitehe' buildings "'' nd . ia composed . of children, . men and women gathered from the ' neigh- -. borhood. : The enrollment waa ; something like fifty and the superin- ' tendent is delighted with the pros-, pects. It is the purpose' of the management to have a formal open ing of the home within 'the next ' sixty or ninety days. .; The young Sunday school will then be an es tablished, institution and the incom ing boys and girls will naturally find 0) place in the organization.-,' . , . Two of the contemplated buildings the Lenoir county building and the Biggs building are about complete and the beauty, of the location make ' the home a very attractive place. For Home time .now it has been the . mecca of excursionists from Kinston and the surrounding country who de- sire to spend a few hours in pleasant . ' recreation and as the plans are de- , veloped the attractiveness will be en- ; hanced. -I ' Mil P V'h 1.1 . t 4 I 'I- 1 n . Militant Destroys Fine Painting. , (Special to THE FREE PRESS.) London, May 4. A. militant suf fragette today threw a hammer at'. Sargent'a portrait of Henry James in . the Royal Academy, breaking the V glass and taring the canvass. Over- powered by attendants', she vas ar' : rested. ' Suffragettes are' active . itt Ulster again, and have burned the grandstand of the Belfast Tennini Club. ' ' i . it Feel Dull and Sluggish? Start Ycur - Uver to Working! ' : I - It beats all how quick Foley Cth- v 1 artic Tablets liven your liver over- ' come' constipation make you' feel lively and active again.1 J. h2 Me- Knight, Ft.. Worth, Texas; eays'My I . disagreeable symptom i. wer entirely'- "1' removed, by 'the thdrotigh'cleansiri Foley CathartiOj Tablets give' -cie.'' ; ' " ' They're a wonder. ' J. E. Hood & Co.

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