SPECIAL SALE All Udiet Md CMclien'i Ha& t HHrice. No Old Stock, til New AD ReaHy-to-WeW at Cost, REAL BARGAINS $6 Crepe icte Chine (fJ 1Q Waists,: $3.00 Voile Waists $2.00 $ 1 .25 Voile Waists JSC. ' Lo of Fncy Pl RiW Co.; ): Chamberlain & Braxton : Caswell Building . 1CENT A WORD d SPECIAL NOTICES I WANTEDA f WHITE ' - WAsnER for work' at ' once.'-' Apply Free SEE J. B. LEONARD F. CASWELL hotel for the' best line of pianos aiad player pianos. 6-10 d & sw tf. FOR RENT CTREE HOUSES ON ' Grainger, North : and i..Tryon Sts. H. C. Edwards. . ' y 6-11 tf FOR RENT OFFICE ON TV GOR don St.; formerly" occupied by Dr. Ira M. nardy. Apply to J..F. Tay lor, ' 6-29 d tf. GASOLINE At 17' l&CVEBl GAL. I ' in any quantity. Call at The Ford Garage for service and quality - .6-26 d tf. : ' ' ' ' ' ' : HORSE SHOEING HORSES SHOD in the most improved method. - In rear of Mitchell Bros.' stables. ':. 6-17 ft sw to 7-17 , , , s V FEED, LIVERY, AND EXCHANGE stabk-e; Feed well and everything up-to-date. Good accommodations, G. W. Perry, successor to J. kR. 'Wa ters, South Queen street ' r tf ?nra PERSONAL Jliss Elizabeth Copelond is visiting in Wilson. ! "',-.; i . , ,. , . O Mr. Jennings , Crawford, of,, La Grange, wa a. Kinston visitor today ' Miss" Enilyn Midyfette, of Oriental, is visiting Miss Ruth Simmons in the " f Miss ' Mamie "Kuth . Tunstall, of UreenviJJe, ja ; the guest of friends here. '.''v-'?,':V,' . '. ,: - ' Mrs. Mamie Fitzgerald , went to Wilson this morning, w here she wil spend several days, Mr T. 22 PIANOS TO BE 'SOLD AT RE uduced : priee in ten days. Will make terms to suit customer. House hold Furnishing Co.', Forrest Smith Gen. Manner: 1 ' 6-26 lOtd FOR SALE GOOD PAYING BUS! ness on Queen street. Small in vestment. . RentsI low, Owner Grants to leave townr""Addre83 ; Box 363, Kinston, N. C ' - . 7-1, ltd LOST AT CHAUTAUQUA LAST night Cameo pin. Reward if re turnej to this office or to Mrs. R. F, tiiii. , it 7.1 d WOMENSELL GUARANTEED hosiery to friends and neighbors; 70. per cent, prrofit; make $10 daily. Experience unnecessary. Interna tional Mills,. Wes Philadelphia, Box 40-'9, - 6-29 to 7-7 r : : 7 iXJST BLUE' SERGE COAT AT Ford Garage, with . initials J, E. B. on inside pocket. Reward is return ed to John E.; Hays Building. or '.no tify Mr. ,W. R. Wyatt, Box 401 :'"'K SpECIA NOTICE. " ; rfGo on the automobile excursion to Seven' Springa tte 4th of Julyj $2.50 round trip.. . Cars leaving C. & Du nree's Livery at 6 ,K)0, 9 :00 nd : 12 a. m., returning leaving Seven Springs -0, 9:00 and 12 P, M., ? : ' C. J. DUPREE, tivery. Phone 84. v 7-1 3t"d KINSTON & CAROLINA 'LUMBER CO. R. R. ' ;Tlme Table Ko.?4. -! Effective March; 22;, 1914, k:00 a. m. 1 1 Daily except Sunday. ' Ko, l , STATIONS No. 2 p0 Lt, - Kinston,. i i.t.9H0 ?J0 Lv. 'Jackson ' V 'Arl' 8.50 31:20 AO ,io ,4':$0 i Lv. AlbrjttonV 5 ' Ar. 8 :40 L J , il feparro ws I f At. 8 . 0 Lynchburg?! Ar.. 8K)5 Ai. z : rintJIiU -zJlaTZ 8 :00 -! W1L HAYES, Ctesc. 1 tiperintetident. - R. A. rONTTCUTT, - . Cerintendent. y G. Brtnghton, of Norfolk spent Wednesday here and returned home that night. j.Miss.. Annie, Montgomery left this morning for' Greensboro, where she will visit her mother, Mrs. L Montgomery, who is in a hospital there ' ' ' "' ' " 1 ' vi'H' '-" ' 'Vs. 1 v f :Fi LETTER ' FROM A.: W. McLEAN . ' ' (Contiued from page 1) the close districts and Democratic Senators from the close states. In a number of the close states and dis tricts in the north and west thi work is . imperative, if we are to maintain our prestige in the Con gressional elections this fall. ' : rresiaeni uson is in xau sym pathy with the efforts of the" com mittee, and is very anxious thai an unusual effort, be made at this tim& to keep the vdters informed as to what the party is doing. The pre sent ' administration is peculiarly identified with the people' of North Carolina. , The president has shown his friendship for us by appoutong a larjre number of North Carolinians to the most important places in con nection .with hi?'i&i)n7tration. f Our Senators and Representatives in Congress are taking a more active part than those from any other state in the great work, ; the Democratic party is doing and, in .: every way North Carolinians' are more intimate-1 lv associated with the present ad ministration than with any in the his torv of : the eoverninent since its foundation. I am exceedingly anxious that the party in our state should do its part to support an administration so closely identified with our own peo ple.. , - To properly carry on this impor tant work throughout the whole coun try, a considerable amount of money mustecessarily be raised. The only proper method or raising jt is taJJ on loyal Democrats of the rank and file for voluntary contributions. . While I have communicated direct fy with j; large nymber' of Democrats in the State; Vet I realize that it is impossible f dr me to write directly to all, and I have concluded to address this; letter through the Democratic Press in order -that the Democrats may have an opportunity to make a contribution. . Checks may to made payable to Rolla Wells, Treasurer of the ! Democratic National Cammittee, or to" myself, and forwarded to me, at Lumberton, N. C. Thankinsr von in anticipation of your help and. co-opexationl. in ibis matter, I am, Yours truly, " A W. McLEAN. . r: -. v- JL good book is an excellent niind tonic. , " - Beauty is nature's temporary gift to .the fair sex. i,"- ' ' - The' North Carolina College of Agri - I culture arid Mechanic Arts. This State,'. Industrial College of- :ers strong courses in Agriculture. Iorticulture, Stockrafeing Dairying, Poultry, Veterinai-y Medicine ; m L i vil,. Electrical, "and' echjinical "En. tfirieering; in Chemistry Dyeing; in i Cotton ManoiaetarBft' Agricnlturak ieahnnr eft courses m AgriniitJire ana. in iua chinfe Shop 'Work'-Facufty ''i$t' inen': 738 stutfents; 25 buildings; e'x-U ejlent equipment -and JboraterJes for each departmentOn July Jl t? onntynpnoateiidents- conduct .en.t tranc piaminations at each coranty feeat '"ForeatalogijeWrfti I -; "" " "" ";: ' VTest Raleigh, N. C. R. H. Rountree & Co , t ' New York. I New York, June 20. -The Jurist im i portant development of the week has j been the totally unexpected cmbara assment of th largest dry goods merchants in the country. The II, B, Claflin Company paper has J.always been considered a Gilt Edge commer cial collateral. The financial dis trict received the news onvThuri day with more of a shock than ha been experienced in some time.' . Th amount . involved estimated . between $30,000,000 anJL$40,000,000, repre senta' the largest mercantile jpmbar assment in the history of the coun try. ;v;V:; V,.V: " I Tbe causes leading up t? the pre sent difficulty have not' been fully explained by; those in a position to peak with' authority.Tha one reason assigned , was ' the j change tbnt has taken place in the.' retail goods een ter of New York City, which has not only necessitated an ..enormous out lay of capital for the, -purchase "of real estate, and the erection of build ings,'buf has left onrflieHhands' of those compelled to bhift to other lo cation 4 extensive property in the old district. It is easy to see how this upheaval has worked to the disad vantage tof these stores catering tto the New York trade. It is 'still too early' to estimate the effects of the week's developments ' in this parti' cuiar, as me ramincations are very complicated and far reaching. The cotton market received th news :.with more . equanimity ', than might have been expected. This was due to the fact that prices have al ready declined about 70 pointf., to the fact that a serious derner in July August exists in Iiverpool, which tends to hold New York prices, and to the recent weather conditions in the South. k , ' After ten days or two weeks very favorable weather, high temperatures suddenly - appeared throughout the cotton belt, leading to more or less nervousness on the part of various market interests. While , high torn peratures wu undoubtedly tlo more s?ood t&an harm.' ove'r ihe extensive area recently benefited by ftinpl mips, there i neVtvthelep a consid erable portion of iennese, Arktm sas- and .North (Jurolinn' where hinh temperatures will cause -.deteriorai Hon, The plant has therefore reach ed another interesting stage in its de? velopraents. ..The outlook will be im proved or impaired with the , settle ments oj; the question of moisture in jne nextien aays or iwo wccks. ju other words, the market will continue under the influence' of weather condi tions. If unfavorable, higher prices if favorable, lower prices may be ex pected.;. - ''. . . V' i . ;. Without some raain in the section: above mentioned apprehension is s- - - likely to increase., Texas and Okla homa have imporved decidedly and it is now generally expected that the forthcoming Bureau will show an inn provement of from three toJ four points. . s ? .? . ' i. Indians Celebrate With Whites at 1 Fort Collins. : ? f Fort Collins, July 2. Fort Collins is celebrating ; her fiftieth birthday today. . It isn't the exact anniverj sary for the town was founded in May of 1864. But at that time of the year, the dry farmers and the amb feeders are ttoo.busyto take the necessary lay-off for a celebra tion. So it was decided to set the date for July 2. Today, tomorrow, and Saturday, Fort .Collins, will toe thronged with thousands of visitors from all over the Rocky' Mountain territory. , ' Today when the main events of the celebration tao .pla there will be a big paradelof pioneers.r A few of the founders if the towp will survive, and they wifl ride in the parade, dressed in garments like those they wore when they first set up their sod ntiejs and ; .started - to break tht prairie sod. : Ox teams, drawing ean-vas-irobf ed pirie soliooners, ykl tie thd'ebnveyaoces for the pioneeyi and their . .f amilies.'-. Indians : will ake part in th jiaradf, Every day of ii.ftbxcfiiiri$. ;b3 wrist sporHi Prfonna n c w ''by si-US'' west tho will be part 'pi "the jr ogCa, 'and Ihert 1 will be contestspni tftiJl oers, ia .tiding backing horses, roping teei!-k ilffi.'ptberfeat of the range. Cof pony jr2Ccs,'3rtth.'jlicn."and;xCan; jockys, will be hell every ' Never Jusr a phyi'i,n i praise undertakers iPhtov,'.tBj p-.tz.::.t. MARKETS TODAY'S QUOTATIONS PRODUCE. Reported by the kinston Peanut Ce , Wholesale Prices. Pork'...J....-...i...tl24 Bacon sidj. .........1......15 Bacon, ham, ..;.'.'i-i.;.i.il;,20 Bacon, shoulders iJ-.lS Lard '.ir.. .:..14 Corn bushel a.LLI.OO Potatoes, sweet V -.-l.,80 Eggs .-.,-20 Couttiy butter'; vii Hides, ' dry ! 1.,-.1.-1...C..12' -Hides, green ...i-.J-.i-1.10 Ut us, lb, ...0 1-3 Broilers, lb. 22 1 Roosters, apiece .......... ....35 ..20 i, ULricw ....... Guineas, "apiece "i-T.: Geese, apiece .40 to 50 Fired First Shot at Gettysburg. ; El Paso, Te,, July si Col. James y. Pender, r who as i ehief of ordi nance, under General Longjtreet, fir ed the first gun at the Battle of Gettysburg, is dead hee,; Colonel Pender built the first rajlroud across tho'AndeH. -- CHICHESTER SPILLS W . THE IHAMONI IIBAMil a- Wt?' kr " ft A Villa U Hr4 xt ruMte !;. wkd mik Blu Riukw. V ! the. But t THF V ynkMnsB.8ft.AlwMKtilA.ia SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERVMERE HOW TO BEAUTIFY THE HAIR A Simple and Inexpensive Home Method. If your hair is not pretty ; if it is losing its color, too dry, matted, fall ing out, or if the scalp. itches and burns, you can overcome all of these conditions by using Parisian Sage, which supplies every hair need. It soaks right into the hair roots, stim ulating them and furnishing the nour ishment that is needed for the hair to grow not only long and heavy, but fluffy," soft, luutrious and glor iotitdy radiant. . ' You can act a bottle of this inex pensive, u'ct delightful 'and helpful hair tonic from J. E. IIood'& Co., or atny.drug store. 'Improvement be gins with' the very first application. Besides stopping the scalp irritation it removes every bit of dandruff The use of this unequuled hair 'tonic will surely give your hair new life and beauty. Adv. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by. the State for the Wo men of North Carolina; j Five regu- ar Courses leading to degrees. Spe cial Courses for teachers, Free tui. tion to those who agree. to become teachersin the State. Fall .Session begins September; 16th, 1914, For catalogue and other information, ad dress . . ' , JULIUS I. F0UST, President, Greensboro, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. . its ; : ' ittA ; i ANelable PrrjarjllonrorAs sirailaiinStoRjcdaralRrtuia llngiltfSioaadisariiJwilsif PfomotcsDiflestlonfirfifi ncss and Rntomalns ncMur Opiunvlorpluae norMuoaL JUJatm Anivfttt Rcmedv forCortsRp tton . Sour Stomadi.DUuTttoci YonraJCtoir.TilsKmsJcvniw ncssandLOSSOrsiJLR . litSimlli Sienarartaf ux Centaur Compass; NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of I A n ifsk? mm is w mm irameeduiMtoril jx.A Copy f Wrapper. Ill Use For Over Thirty Years IllliL I'll. . c INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD;. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Now Occupying New Office one Door East of The Post Office Kinston Insurance & Realty . Co. Phone 218 ... C Oettintrer. Me Reduced Rates ; --Via--. , ; v. ; Norfolk Southern R. -v - 'Account" 4th July Celebration . Consult Ticket Agents. H. S. Leard, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Premier Carrier of the South. Low round trip summer tourist tick- , ets now on sale to -THE LAND OF THE SKY." Asheville, Way nesville,' Henderson- ville, Tojaway, Brevard, Hot V Springs. '. : ! And all other Western North Caro- ; lina Points. Spetd your vacation in the cool mountains of Western North. Caro- ina. - - Week-end and Sunday excursion round trip tickets on sale to More head City, Beaufort, Wrightsville, Wilmington, and rarions other spm mer resorts. ' - J , For illustrated, booklet, which will be of great assistance in planning our jsummer trip, 'and complete de tailed information, ask your agent, or communicate, with- - 1 v 'J.O.JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent. : Raleigh, N. C .PR. DAM. W. PARHaTT, 't. i DENTIST, -CrJwn xnd CriS;8 Werk a C.T;.e over Col Oflee, . f TC rue All Kinds o Insurance At The Lowest Rates I And represent a large number of the Oldest and Strongest Companies--all ( claims paid promptly. Call to sep'ns , j at our new office, one door south sf , Canady's Hardware Store. ' ' . Kinston Loan & Real Estate Co. HUSBAND EIESCUE3) DESPAIRING Xm After Four Years cf Discounting Conditions, lira. CcHock Gave -: , Up b Despair. Haslaai . ' - Came to Rescce. Catron, Kyw la an . Interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettle Bullock writes as follcrwa: "l suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this tune, I could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at sIL At tLr.es, l would hare severe pains la my left side. ; ' ' The doctor was called la, and his treat ment relieved me fcr a while, but I was sooa confined to my bed apln. After tuit, ncthtog s:exed to ia ne any Dod. I had gotten so weak I could not stand,. ; and I gave up In despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardul, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it.' From tbe very first " dose' 1 could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its ' tiring me, and am doing all my work." H you are an run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardul, the woman's tonic It has helped more than t million women, ia its C3 years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. . Your druggist tzs sold Cardul for years. He knows whzi ' it wa do. Ask him.- lie wi3 rcccr: mend It. egin taking Cardul todcy. WVJfs ter Ctttit RW'dn. Co.. I - ' Adviry L)v.s ChattrKxi. Tenn., ftf t I yit(nj"fimj.n yourcas.n1i6-p.-e book, ' Tcuuual Im .'cm." test ui rla.a j ..

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