THE DAILY-FREE PRESS PLUhed Every Afternoon Except Sunday wxsTOM nzt press co; isc. 0. Catt Braxton, Editor and Manager t'RITEQ - PRESS - REPORTS Telephone Ail Departmentt 75 t " : Subscription Rates: Wask. 10c. J Monthi Momk 35c t . 12 Months. Saturday Evening . .....July li, W14. Quit your knocking and obaenre how brightly ihlnea the silvery lin ing. ' ... ' . .J - o A -aIk through Lenoir county's court houi uggeU that a Httla cleaning wouldn't be V grain.' The haila are in a very umightly condi- tion. ' : ' - . v '; ' o The drinking fountain, newly In stalled at Gordon and Queen, has been "rejuvenated" and, both aidei are giving forth nature'a , moat re frebhing fluid.. ' The Lenoir county v Bar Aesocla tion has endorsed .Judge Clark for the vacancy In the United States Su preme Court The Judge will fcer- tainly have plenty of home folks to endorse for him, whether he Is in the running or not. o Mrs. Carman was Indicted for , manslaughter in the1 first degree. If the evidence placed the responsibility for the death of the -Bailey woman ' on her, it is hard to understand how any but an indictment for murder in the first degree was found. , Old man Iluerta thinks his succes sor, we cant remember his name at this writ'ng,. was a little premature in inviting Carranza ". to partake of his hospitality but then the newsman naturally didn't want to take any chances on a surprise party. ' , era.' Such instances will, no doubt," b VomparativeJy few. 1 2, " ; ', ! ' . o ' '". . Hatrta is' gen- of ' ' The evacuation erally 'regarded ? s' a victory fur President Wilson .watchful waiting poiicy.N -The ;-En'gtfh aiid French Jress-,takhis' vieir hil all con sider the dang'c of forther hostili 'S -1BIEB .IIIIU51IIIES. liiB;i-iiBitti!;'c." f If Xinston sella 44.000,WOM;iJidj pf tobacco,'- i the authcritiei cn ;the tie' not ye passed. 'Thf. UrataaUon 'p predict, ,thif all will see the of Huerta'is, certainly what was to ;iuBieBt period here in the city's his be desired' and the first declaration nory. Every indication points to an of .the new president; Carbajal, that Increase over the production, in 1913, there shall be no armed resistance to and experts put the increase at 2,- the -entry of ' the fore'es'into Mexico' City, tends to indi cate that an era of peace is in sight. The disposition of the various petty chiefs is the moBti serious' aspect of the whole matter. Their personal ambitions overshadow their , patriot ism, if 'n fact they are possessed of that trait, ntl : unless the rewards are forthcoming to suit them, smaller factions are more than apt to crop out and prolong the peaceful settle ment and organization of a stable government. " ; ' WHAT OTHERS SAY Very Calamitous Indeed. ( States ville Sentinel.) Calamity Itemi The Wilson ad ministration finished , its first fiscal year $33,084,452.07 to the good. ' Calamity Item No. 2. The Kan sas wheat crop exceeded all previous records by 60,000,000 bushels. Liquor Must Get Out of Way. (News & Observer.) . "Liquor fight , on in Iowa." Fact is that there is hardly a place any where in the -United States where there is not a fight of nome sort be ing made on liquor. Old John Ban leycorn is being attacked from every direction and has not a ghost of a chance of ultimato victory. Announcement 2s 1 made that the general repair shops of the Norfolk Southern, which have been located at ... Biscoe, will be removed to Raleigh and enlarged. ' This is rather inter- sting and when taken In connection with the rumor, that has been abroad ' for, ' some days!"' that .the Norfolk Southern was to e acquired by onrj of the larger railroad systems, fur ther developments may be looked for. . ' A few days ago The Free Press call ed attention to an ordinance, adopted , by the Elizabeth City council, bar 1 ring carnivals, and further suggest- .' ,: ing that Kinston would do well to f- low the example, This suggestion might have left, the impression tha . Xlnston had no law at present r ..; rulating these shows but as a mat ter of fact there is a city ordinance prohibiting any peiformance within a thousand feet of a residence or church. This means in effect that they are barred from the city foir there is no available plot within the city limits, where they could show . ' and conform to the law.'" The; Free Press is very glad to call attention to this iact and claim priority for Kinston and Us Council ' over Eliza beth City in the matter of eucb kg- islatioa. - . . - The FtN rrs?calsuti$llV the request, ' appearing at the head oClts Saturday hurch notice colyr-in, in, which the poitors are requested to furnish their weekly notices Friday afternoon, and & expresses its appre ciation to those ' pastors, . who have complied. This request is made b-j 'tause by H complianc the pasters J caii ifisist in giving full publicity to , their services and at tfie same tiaft t not make it necessary for these PtsmSj to be handled at the . rush Wurs cn . Saturday. The Free Tress dees not want to leave the impression among tha pastors .that it will arbitrarily turn dawn epy fanushed later than Friday afternoon and in cases of em- ergency," where teSuftday" .program is changed ;cr va.mot powibly U '. mat-'e c? in' time t- famish tha notice as reM-". ' evcry ' c-7;rt ru is ta' accommodate' the late com- We Have no Fears. (Durham Sun.) Mrs. O. II. P. Belmont startles the despised male persons of this coun try by saying that the time is ap proaching when it will not be toler ated in them to refer to a married woman as so-and-so's wife. In that golden age mere man will be referred to as so-and-so's husband. '' " ' haa ama ASA A AAA AAt consUtutionalists .vw.vw pucnus. apoui . it,vv,v,vw -were Handled nere last season. n& some of the factories, together Vith the erectioniof a hjgfnew facj Jf""-Hlftfc V. W Willi A.MUW VVMI- Bany is evidence of the confidence T i . .1 A. A I wim wmcn uie;Dig mieresia regara he growing crop. ; 4. . .. - If 14,000,000 pounds are marketed here ,- during the coming fall and winter, -and prices ., range about as those of the past two seasons, the planters and tobacconists of kinston and Xenoir county wilh be enriched by abouti $2,500,000. , - ( Small markets in-a number of the Mirr undinjT - tnwnt are - expr fsl t. get an increase n their share of the banner crop now requiring the at tention of the fanners in the section LaGrange is building another ware house. ' But ; Kinston 's market is now so large that tha Inroads of the little markets on the territory's pro duction is an insignificant matter.; Around 125,000 feet of floor space are embraced in the four sales ware housesthe Atlantic, at Heritage Washington streets; the Central, at 200 North Heritage; the Eagle,' at 200 East Lenoir,, and Knott's : nt 112-110 East 1 Washington street. This floor space is surpassed by only three other markets in the state, pro-bally. The co-ODrativs methods cf the Tobacco Board of Trada and the in dividual tobacconists was,, one of the bigest influences, in the , upbuilding of one of tha country's Igre1 mar kets here, and tha same square deal ing methods of Kinston with the far mere is instrumental in tha market's growing greater yearly. . I. . ' u The buying here this year, will be large. All the, krgtranufaclwrfrs will have their men herf early in -August, and competition is expected to b sharp. ;, - ,: ', ' ., The special .adaptability of the soils of this section to the production of bright tobaccos has long been re cognized, and the sow immense out put of the weed is known the world over as of , the . nest . quality. : -The industry had its principal impetus in 1896, when it had been, proven that an experimental market. would make good. In 1895 Kinston had sold 600,000 pounds. In theyear follow ing barns sprung up as if by magic throughout Lenoir Duplin, Jones, Onslow and Greene counties, and in the second season the. farmers of the five counties marketed 3,000,000 pounds of the golden stuff here. . The third year saw very , little ' increase, but in the fourth year the sales were incresed to 5,000,000 end the third warehouse was in operation. The brights of this part of the state are unapproached by any other type of tobacco in color, texture or arcma. From every point of view they are the finest, in the world for pipe-smoking, cigarettes and long cut chewing. The demand for it is greater than the supply, and exports are immense. i Villi 'lit M Must be Getting Thirsty. (Scotland Neck Commonwealth.) ; One thing is certain, and that is If the present commissioners haven'e enough courage . and common sense to go - ahead and amend the Blue Laws, there is such a thing as call ing a special election and , boosting them out of office and elect men who will use a little discretion in saying "what is, and, what aint."'s ' Somewhat of Exagerated Ego (Falrbrother's Everything) President Wilson has congratula tel Colonel Osborn. on the gQod work he has done since he ook charge of the revenue,, department $t Wash ington. Inasmuch as we lust week congratulated the Colonel and print ed his picture, it appears that the president wanted tobe with the big crowd that la singing the praises of Colonel Bill . ; Rural Landscape Betterment ' ( Progressive Farmer.) Old Dr. Knapp referred once to neglected country graveyards "that looked as if they did not believe . in the resurrection." We commend to all our readers the following sugges tion from the Chester News: : "It you live near a rural graveyard that is neglected dont rest a moment after laying crops by till you have gotten the neighbors and frienda to gether and put it in nice shape. This can be done and should be done.". Helping Kidneys By Clearing Blood A Function Greatly Assitterj By a Well-Known Remedy. Stmt rmdmi win b Intwutti to more irij unuvniAsn wny aalyii of urine in liuiMiriaor. in the u f H. . t,tl puru.T io niooo, -us sctinn is itlmulant to the myrlaJ of flne blood vessel tbat iimko up tbe oomtructive ttsRtica of th kklney. AU th blood from ail over the body mt paw fhrou(tli the kldny. They act ai tptor an asayrgv An according to what they allow to pass cat la the urine, both ai to quantity and !inat-rlala, the health of the kldnera and Ux quality of the Mood la dttermined. The catalytic energy! forced by . 8. 8. 1 ihowa ta'taef urine. It la alao demonstrated In the klnJ And aa the bloid contlnuea to sweep through the. kliiupja the domlnatlna nature of 8. a. S., acting aa It does through aU tho nvtuuee ot Biiminatlon, , ahowa aiuarked decrease of disease manlfestatlona As 'm- oBsirHieu oy urine analrsu. Thla SsslRt- ance ia a great relief to the kidneys. Tho body waates are more erenly distributed to un i-iuuurun.; tneir elimination is atlin tuatea ; tiy the tonic action aSorded the liver, lungs, skin and kidneys. Tbua, in cases of rheumatism, cystitis, chronic sore Toroar. nutauiew ox voice, bronchitis, asth ma and the myriad of other reflex Indira, tlons of weak kidney action. Srst nurlfr your blood with 8. 8. R so it will enable tbe tissues to rebuild tha rellulap ntnnt-th and regain the normal health. r o. k. . is prepared, py The swirt Fpeclflc Co.. R2T Bwlff Hlilff.. Atlanta, n, . .nil If you fiaT any aeep-aeated or obstinate blood trouble, write to their MdlcL Ik-nt . v fie tree adrke, ,j OR. DAN. W. PARR0TT, DENTIST, ' Crown ind Bridge Work a Specialty. .- Office over Cotton ilill Office : Subject to acceptance or rejection cf any and all bids made the City of Kinston, North Carolina, offers its bonds for sale in the sum of of One hundred Thousand dollars, in denomi jations of One thousand dollars, bearing Interest at 5 per cent, semi-annually. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned and opened by the City Council on Friday, July 21, at 8 p. m. Bonds running thirty years, j W. B. COLEMAN, Clerk City of Kinston, N. C. 7-9 to 24 d ME'TKE RIGHT TQ BURfoTHE DEALER i ir TUUii rUHNIIUHt bUtb WliUNIi. . & Furniture purchasing: is an important trans-" action. .. It.usualfy. involves" the expenditure 0f a air sum of money. V It always involves your comfort and satisfaction. The furniture sold in this store is not made "simply to seh''--it is made f:r servics and it must It is also made to please. Notwithstanding: the above statement you win find nothing: in this store that does not repre-i crnt TTiirr.nnomv.-tnir5 ecbnomv'deo-nris Ain I quality" we prefer to sell furniture of quality. We are determined to sell you furniture, to sell the sort which will not cause you to com plain and eompel us to explain.- lj- Furniture Of Quality- -For Kinston v People They Deterre It Quinn & Milljer ; "Furniture of Quality" , " Kinston, -:- . - -N. C mi 1- JAS. F. PARROTT, AGENT Northwestern Life Insurance Company. ACCIDENT INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE All Written in Strong, Reliable and Liberal Companies EAST CAROLINA 1 EaCHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September 22, 1914. - . For catalogue and other information address, ' ROBERT H. WRIGHT. President Greenville. - - - North Carolina FOUNDED 1838 CHARTERED IN 1859 TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. A Southern College of liberal arts with an established national reputation for high standards, noble traditions, and progressive policies. Its large endowment fund mafia poasible ita firat-daas equipment and large faculty of well trained and carefully chosen teachers. . Student fees low. Comfortable, inexpensive rooms in carefully supervised hygienic dormitories. . - - , Claaaical and scientific courses leading to the bachelor's degree. Craduits course in all departments. Schools of Engineering, Education and Law. - ; " For catalogue and illustrated booklet, address R. L. FLOWERS. Secretary to the Corporation. KINSTON & CAROLINA R. R. , LUMBER CO. THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets Manufacturer fj Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors, Stair Work, Grilles, Mouldings and Interior : Finish; Mantels Colcans, Balusters, Porch Rail, Screen Doors on! Win dov,s. Store Fronts end Office Fiitures a Specialty Time Table No. 4. ' H :' " Effective March 22, 1914, k:00 a. n. Daily except Sunday. Z; No. 1 V STATIONS P.M.. V 3:00 Lt X JiO. 7 L M. 0 .0 Eicston 3:10 Lt. Jackson 3:20 Lv. AIbritton'8 350 Lt. . 'Sparroirs A 4 0 Xf. "Lynchbgrg .:30rAr." Pink Hill , fcK HAYES, .'. i , aJ.f General SuerinteiaeEt,' -B. A. HONETCUTT, i -Superintenderit 0 Ar. . 8 Ar. 8r4t J Ax. 8:2P Ar. SM Lt. 80 t- DR. GEO. t KCRKEGAY -'. BpecisL'it jc IMns?? oi Wq- ' men tal CliUdrea, ?' , OfRee hours 19 to 12. uti Q?xe IC5 E. Caswell llreit t ; . Phsna IIS. 1 IRA U. HARSY, M. D. -; Physician acd Surgeon , ' 1C2 W. Caswell. St. ; ' ' 'Phone 479.', . ' KerfJnSOa West L coir St. '.. - Thone 5C7. - - 1 ESTIMATES! EVERY FIGURE GUARANTEED! ' 4 Illustration of $2, ... Policy at Age 35 Premium firstll Years, $20.11 Preminn after 11 Xears, $56.22. Model ii , tdof Cash or Loan Paid Up Extended J -Lr. . . s- Xear..; i alua y Jlnsarance ' Insurance "Vw: Months -YeatB1 '. " ' 'J2 $46 " $98 " 2 0 ,lt . H - r 90 -- M4- 3-- , g ' y - M--. 146 292 5 , '8 '-'-'Hh-- " 214 ".' , 418 - ' lf 9- ' , . : ..1 15 A . - 296 ' 570 ' lOjf 0 . . ' ? 836 ' ' ? 6S2 t io!' ' '1 , . - 376 . 692 . . -ill ; 0 - ' ' ' t " 8.. . ?S4 11 , 5- ,t- - - .,460 f.i2 11 ! " 9. -. I &C- &C.' I, " .' , ; ' r ' t - I , The rate lot ito first ELEV EN YEARS iaexactly ONE-HALF the xhole L'fe rate of standard companies (participating) and for the remainder of life is exactly what those same companies Vould charge from the beginning. A saving of 50 per cent during first 1 1 years, and of 30 per cent of their rates at age 46-the attained age when the! I years expire " i WeDelieveThe , - - - - : r.lODEL PROTECTION POLICY (Non-Participating) ' .. " - Constructed by Mr. Miles M. Dawson, of New York, for The ; UORTH STATE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Cornea nearer meeting the requirements of the average insurer between the ages of 25 and 45 ' - - , s than any policy yet offered to the scuUw ; , AM IDEAL BUSINESS MAN'S VOUCt-T. If Intcrestsd drop a Postal Card to tho Heme Office at Kinston,4 M. C.