OF LOCAL INTEREST Masons Meeting. 'There will be a regular communication of St. John's ?Lodge No. 4, A. r . & A. M., jvionaay evening t ou ciwiv. High Temperatures .The government thermo meters registered a fraction mnre than yy as Uie maxi mum temperature. Today Observer Peebles predicted the mercury to rise to 100, the 99 mark being passed at 1 o clock. : , ; Blood Poison From Cut. Lyman Ormond. of Or mondsville. suffered the cut ting of a large artery in his arm Friday evening when a Coca-cola bottle exploded in his hands. He lost a great : -deal of blood. Today a re port states that he has blood poison. He is well-known here and has relatives in the city. Soldier Son Dies. : Mr. Stephen H. Daven port, a weil-known farmer of ; the county, received a telegram from Fort Sheri dan, III, today, informing liim of the death in the post .hospital of his son, Benja nnin F. Davenport, an enlist ed man of the army; The message did not enlighten the father as to the cause of death or give any particu lars. The . remains will be brought here at the governr! - -V Ss r a '.' 1 CHUDCH SERVICES . -, Where ' 8trangera and Others May Worship tn Kinaton Tala Sunday. ' , , REQUEST. - ;' Pastors and the local church publi city committees are requested to fur nigh copy for their regular Sunday church notices not later than Friday S p. m. for Saturday's issue, The Free . Press ia glad to give auch notices but they cannot be conveniently handled .at the rush, hours on Saturday, when , full attention must be devoted to "live i news items." Queen .Street Methodist church. '.Sundy school at 9:30, preaching at 11 o'clock and at 8:15 by the pastor. Hoys' meeting at 3:30. At 5 p, m, service for the julior congregation -with meeting of Knights of Evelah folowlng. , Christ Episcopal church. -Sunday school at 4 o'c'ocV, Sfirvi-i and sar- tmon and the holy rite of conflrma. lion at 8:15 o'clock, by the Rt Rev. Homer, D. D, bishop, of Asheville. ! First Baptist church. Meetings in high school auditorium. Sunday . chool at 30 a. mH church services I at 10 80, to close at 10:C3 a. m. . Christian church. Bihle school 10 $aum. Lord's Supper and congrega tional meeting "H a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:40 p. m. No preaching . service at night. .-, First Church f Chriat, Scientist Service at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10. Wednesday evening to:.t.n.on.a! . mwstingat 8, Sundayevening services discontinued during July and August, Jteadlng-room in church edifice open i aauy rrom 2 until 5 p. m. Atkinson r Memorial Presbyterian -church. Sunday school begins at :45 a. - m. Preaching 8:15. Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:15 p, m. . - fT-1 ..... . . wniversausi cnurcn. Service at 8 p. IB, . Mary's Episcopal church, Sunday school, g.so. Morning pray jr, sermon and the holy rite' of con. ilrmation at It by - Rt. Rev. J. M. Horner, P. D' bhhop of Asheville. No evening service, and St. Mary's. ... A - J-J ' parishioners are asicea to worsnifl u Jhrlut church, East Klnston, at 8:15. Caswell Street Methodist church. Sunday school, 9:20. Preaching by the pastor a 11 and 8:15. . . 5 or 8 doses of 666 will break any case of Fever or Chills. Price, 25 Bta..1; '-;. :.:v. (Adv.) A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To all knowing sufferes of rheumatism, 5 I .as mmsmhU Af that it- n ftt Bfirif V ice, lumbago, backache, pains in the '2 kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write w her for a home treatment which has re- B pesteuir curep au oi weee uwuira. ouo eels it iter duty to send it to aif suiter.' era FREE. You cure yourself at home as thousands will testily no change of, climate being necctssary. This simple, discovery banishes tirio acid from the blood, loosens the stiffens joints, puri ne! the blood, and britrhteus the eyes, I giving elasticity and tone to whole system. If the above Interests you, for rooi aaaress. airs. , onmmers, ou 1, Notre Dame, lad, Welding We are now rin a position to do all kind of welding. If you have any broken BANISTER OXFORDS To Go At Dail & Taylor The lien's Store gears, pullies, or any thing that heeds weld ing, see or phone us. KIIISTOH GARAGE, Inc. WashHoiise I Skirts Made of Tan Rep, Tan Linen, Black and White Check. & " ' Worth More- ' ; ' dur Price 83c. Cape Coats , $7,50 O.N. T.Cotton 6 for 25c. Ciias.A WATERS The T'eohone Store Phone He. J The Latest andTJewest ape aft Can be Seen In S. Window J. M. SfEPHENSOH THE LADIES STORE. ;ILIAlI5AW(SE-5Li V This ; Sale Affords You the Opportun ity to Purchase Goods Here at a Great Saving. Tahe Advantage. ; -:- Barrett & Hartsfield Haa Your Child Worms. Most children do, A coated, fur. red tongue; strong breath; Stomach pains! Circles under the eyes; Pale Sallow Complexion; Nervous, Fretful; -Grinding of Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; Peculiar Dreams any one of these indicate Child baa Worms. Get a bo of Kicks poo Worm Killer at once. J it kills the Worms the cause of your hiUa condition. Ia Laxative and aids :Natur to expel the Worms. Sup. plied in candy form. Easy for phil--dren to take. 25c at your druggist tan at om mi,f tu . Im am Uomri. J L" -'lr:i," " "xsm &VI?5J& rnV!C J.CBEVEY. a. w. rt.tx)!. . N-h.. TnJLi K - TO' COWSTON C. E. HARADEN'S Bis Vaudeville Show Under Canvass, WeeliofJiily27 The C. F. Haradcn and lames Adams Shows Combined will open a week's engagement in Kinjton on the above date. The two shows have been combined this season and the i theatre loving public will know that in the com ing of this large aggregation that there is a treat in store for -the lovers of clean vaudeville. The company can ies 28 people. . "5 " -'-L A "'" ' -' :'- -ft,1' Admission to All 10c. Reserved Seats 10c. LocatioU of Show Grounds Webb Lot, on Blount Street. Why You Should Buy Your Films From W. M. COBLE First Because they are the best. Second. Because , they are always fresh. Third y Because he will develop all films free that are bought from him and , print them at same price here-to-fore charged. Give Coble a Trial on Your Next Order. DR. T, H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 6. McLeweaa St Near Residence. OR. R. A. WHITAKER ir: Physician and Surfieon X New Building comer , Blount street and Locust Alley, opposite Hooker, Churchill ft Co. Thonea: Office: 303 Residence: 153 LfJHG DISEASE "ftlfter four fa oc; f.ualiy had died of consumption I .was ukea wi:h a frightful cough and lung trouble, but my life was saved and I gained W pouiwU through using DR. KING'S NEW IDISCOVERY W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. AIL OXFORDS Now on Hand WU1 be Sold , -At" r i-. REDUCED PRICES 1 Zeigler and Harrisburg for 1 II I t r. women, waikin and ,, educa tor for children. The "Snow" a "Hy Klass" Oxford for men. Those desiring a 5 pair ; for late summer of early fall wear, will do well to see them. r THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. Phone 34 SUTTON Prep. N. J. Koase, Edward 1L Land, Eonston, N. C Ooldsboro, N. C ROUSE & LAND . Attorneys-at-Lw I Hston. N. C. oniCIS; Coldsboro, N. C. Idder- I ton BuUdlng. ca. o. l wiLxca Cm ttir J. E. Knti 4 Ci tiara, - Guaranteed Window Shades priced frbm50c to $1.00 are carried in stock in white, ecru, light and dark green. Special sizes can be furnished within four days after order is taken. We are also prepared to Re-tire Baby Vehicles at nominal prices, and guarantee the satisfaction of every job. Oettinger's Furniture Store III I V I mm I I rLJn Florence Told All the Neighbors '. "You come in sod sae my Florence oil cook stov work just once and you won't be happy until you have one. ' "You can have a slaw, simmering fire on on. burner at the same tin:, you have quick, hot fire on another and the othw one regulated exactly to any work you want dona. Just set the levers as you want them and you can go away for two hours and find all the burners at exactly th. wine heat when you come back. That's because the oil supply is automatic and there are no wicks, . "It's so simple, to clean, ao conveni ent, so cool, that I don't know what I should do without it : "Mr husband baa tested the FLOR ENCE with other stoves and he says it produces a wonderful amount of heat ' for tho oil consumed and that it costs only about two cents an hour to run four burners." -,j ;-j ; "Tk Tmrmimt Pilnt 4 Oil S!eHlun" FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves "Look for the LW : In th Florence you have-at last the r, reliable oil Move. Safety and sint piicity andecooomy. They altogether. Com In and see tbeee wonderful cook stovM. Tbey carry the manufacturer's ' guarantee in KMiboe, to our owa. 1 " - II E IIOSEIEY HDW. CO. THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors. Stair Work,jriiles. Mouldings5 and Interior Finish; Mantels, Columns, Balusters, Porch Rail, Screen Doors and Win dows. Store Fronts and Office Fixtures a Specialty Oft. GEO., L K0RXEGAY StKHJieJiai ia Diseases of Wo mea auttt Childrea. ? " OflA hours 18 ta 12 OBct 0S; ICS E. Caswell street Subscribe to the Free Press. IRA U. HARDY, U. 0. ' Physician and Surjjeoa 102 W. CasweU St. . 'Phone 479. - Pkcsideace 309 West Lenoir St. Thone 507. AT CfIMMDDJO N We Qter to The Ladies and Children. : : V.-.- -... . - .. ... .v-'.v. v''V; l V.-'' ?'iX'' i-'.'' '!,'; 1:'? .J'''- S.XX'-,, Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 49 J. T. Skinner & Son "We Snve to Please" - : Z. V. M0SELEY, VL D. : v Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoix Drug iDo Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m, ? Ph'oneai V S to B p. m ) Office, 471 8 to I p. sm, EeaideBce, r-H J DR. F. FITTS : " Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins., & Realty Co.. ,-. Office Hours: .9-12. .2-6 ' .! Nights and Sundays by ; . Appointment.' Examination Free Phone '80 July Clearance Sale Now On This week ' Ve Reduce Tho Following: Brocftport Slippers, . In Gun r.Tetal, Patent Leather end White. GO Price to CIo is