Catarrh is Often ! KINSTuffS CHURCHES tfelp Seated f E3 rrrrsr-rr-r-rsrsirt : tjv.'.WiW'jSk I - " 5 1 CENT A WORD EACH JN SERTJfON MINIMUM 15 CENTS , For Sale-Oliver Typewriter. See .8-8 6t clly For Rent Good unices and rooms and toomL Whifaker Euilaing. SeeJD. V. ljx. on & Sons: 7-3ld tf For Ren 6 room bath. Apply JOG 8-8 dly tf. , apartment 'witri W. Caswell Si. Fine Mutton and "Lamb at Stricklin's market. 8-7 dly First Class Tailoring, pressing and cleaning. Call Carolina Pressing Club, Phone 528. 7-30, tf. Wanted to Buy Man's second-hana bicycle. Address AX, cere Free Press. s-" 3 'y Colored Man or Woman under 50 'wanted. No experience needed. $J00400 month. Write quick. Box A 409, Cincinnati, Ohio. 8-8 dly M. Pearson has opened a brand netV store with a brand new stock of gucjjs in Tuckahoe, tvo door.-? south of the Bakery. Clothing, ?hii, hats, etc., cf the best quality to be sold at the lowest pr.i::. Jail and see. ST 2r. d'y and sw i!. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer f rom bleedi.nff, itching, blind orpr truding Piles send me our address, and will tell you how to cjre yourself at home by, the new ab orpiion treatment; and vil also send some of this horr.e treatment free for trial, with references .from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no mcney, but (ell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers. Box P.Notre Dame Ind THE LIFE WORK OF A NOTED CHEMIST. Polk Miller's Word as Well as His Skill Back of His Valuable Remedy The reaV'tion from deadlju-drugs destroys the healthy tissues -of the body and leaves the system suscepti ble to other diseases. ' "" This means that you must be con stantly takink medicine to temporari ly build up what another has torn down. It is nosmall thing tohave the finish ed product of this noted chemist within easy reach and; at but little cost. v Polk Miller's Liver-' Pills can' be I'.iocaied at your druggists' or at the country stores for 10c a box. They ate safe and effective and not only '-me sick headache, bilousnet-s, etc., hut if taken occasionally serve us a general tonic, keep the system invigorated and prevent such troubles as sick headaches, biliousness, piles-, appendicitis, fistula' and other trou bles which come from a disordered liver. Don't poison your system with cal omel or weaken it with salts or strin gent liquids. (Send for a free sample or buy a box lro:n your druggist or general store now and let nature's own rem edy restore you to normal health. Examine carefully the coupon you, will find in each box worth 2 l-2c': Polk Miller Drug Company, Inc., Richmond, Va. The North Carolina CcSlefee of Agri culture and Mechanic Arts. This State Industrial ColUe&. fers strong courses in Agriculture, r "u,lu,r- suK-waismgr, dairying, ' r;o,uiiry. Vetennary Medicine; in Ckuy. A larc-e number cf VII- P wtnnil W.J .... . . i ..-1 t'.-s. i-n. yitsiaisijtH u uu iucL-uuntcai ,n- rived yesteraay anu v.u-j - . rSV? yeiDS;3 WiU bC W. Anst I The annual m Cotton Mahafactntaiff.r-aad.irf management of both e.r-.. ; - ..mrmA. p..i.uiai itruiuj four year courses in Agriculture and in Ma ekine Shop -Work. j Faculty plfl tofen ; 738 students J5 buildings - ex Uent'equipment and laboratories for each' department. On July 9th County Superbtendents. eond-jct en Uanoq examiaatioas. at aeh eoonty wot. For ostaJojjin vrn!e ' ; J - W4t Rn!e:j.-b, K. C. t Catarrh' Cannot Be' C'ire3 ' - Vi?c.a r-vi,iTu;s. mrw tirta r.." . J 3 ::r ... ... . . ' - vnn n wt rliTtffiMltD.;;A-iUrS. t.rv'.ay. citn uU &.: ?. '7iTr''y cr'-'a t! b'.ood sod mam,-' ' i aTir If 9&ti . . '" riujtrrg. snips iir-rt m tf.., nenp in Tnuiu uiitv ats u. . iWt imtnaaaij: fLr .' ,J .v. hj, told iter nothing 'And PERSONAL Mr. OVA Ballou, of Wilscn, is in Xnctcn tcday. Mr. E. E. Hardee, of Greene county waff a visitor j hthe cTty yesterday, y Miss Tfmberiake, of Kateigh, is trie guest of Miss Agnes Quyierly, in the c;ty." : . .. Miss Vera Lynch, of Winchester, Va. is visiting Miss Charlotte Parrott in this city. " "- " - ' " " Dr. B. W. Spilman returned from Ridgecrest this morning for a few days stay in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Webb, of Mo bile, Ala., are the guests of Mr s. Lil lian Perry for several, weeks. Mrs. J. W. Carey and baby, of Estill, S. C, is th guest of her mother, Mrs. Lillian Perry for several days. Miss Louise Turrentine, of Norfolk, Va., Is visiting in the home of Uncujc, Mr. V. Lee Turrentine on Cas well St. .;' " Mrs. E. M. Pace, of Wilson, who hs, been visiting her daugnter, Mrs. Jeftn? G. Cox, of this city, returned to her heme this morning. Miss Celia Maxwell and Miss-Julia-King passed through the city Friday afternoon en route from Greenville to the former's home near Pink Hill, where Miss King will visit for a few days. t Miss Eessie Rouse, of Raleigh, ana Mrs. W. G. Wilson, of" Wilson Mills, who have been visiting their brother, Mr. N. J. Rouse, in th's city, accom panied by Mrs. Wilson's little sou, Charles, left this morning for Le Grange to visit anothe:- brother, Mr. T. R. Reuse. From there they will re turn to their respective homes. Visiting guests at the different ho tels in the city today are: Mr.' G. H. Crawford, Jr., Philadel phia, Pa. Mrs. G. C. Seymour, Bethel.. Mr. J. D. K. Richmond) Eoxboro. T. L. Skinner, Norfolk, Va.' A. W. Dee, Covington, ii.y. L. W. Cherry, New York. W. H. Winsley, Philadelphia. A, M. Rosinger, Monroe. 0. W. Gregory, New York. F. A. Kindall, Johns, K. C. D. T. Shelton, Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Fernando Brown, Bethel, N. C. Mrs. T. H. Barnhill, Bethel, N. C. Social at Grainger Station. Miss Mattie McArthur entertained a party of friends most pleasantly at her home at Grainger Station Thurs day night. The guests assembled at 8:30 o'clock an dremained until 11:2'j Messrs. Fred Haddocd, M. L. Sullivan, Leon Stanley and S. D. Wells lent the:r - musical talents to the occasion to the delight of those gathered. After the musical pro gram, the party repaired to the to bacco barn where chicken, ice cream watermelon and other refreshments were enjoyed. Those present includ ed Mrs. Dora Faulkner, Miss Louise Faulkner, Miss Bessie Faulkner, Miss Gertrude Stewart, Miss Rachel Mer cer, Messrs Guy Faulkner, Jimmie McArthur, Ray Jones, Fred Everett, George Mercer( Climie Mercer, Eu gene Hamilton, Walter Sparrow and Charles Davi3. Vrightsville each, Aug. 8. In cammoii with other parts cf the coun try Wrights'ille Beach is today crcer- ! ging from a week cf ra ny vssa r K a ntiotha)1 anil Tr.P itttf JVs.L n . . i ther is again beirg enjoyed tne visitors and rtfidin-- a :n :a:y ..i..ors ar ! unusually large August ciowds at tru? resort and aie making preparations accordingly. V ? The dances at Lumina continue to W one of the features of resort h:e: Hun--; a-Az, v-.ait Ka -nnvilion every night Special dance are -arrang-d for near ly every evening at which prizes ara given. ' ; '-;---- . jEeceat NortJu Carolina arrfvals m- ' ' r. u riide D j:,F. Thompson, Goldsbcro, Blade E. Besmanj Gdldsbcro; Mifs Marie Parson, a-hsjj 3. 3- Moore, Farm.villei.Mrs. Denraric, H.UIS, mm- oiji ... - a w J. Tate: cf Wilson. V In describes goods ; to thiT c ,.i Mdcr-does Programs for the Day's Worship, Where Members, Friends and Vis- itors in the City are Welcome. , BAPTIST. . First .Baptist chuich, Services lA Graded School Auditorium . Sunday school at :30 a. m. Preaching morn ing and evening by the pastor.' ' Morn ing subject: i"A Searching Inquiry.' Evening Subject: "The Crucified Life." Caswell Street Mission Sunday school 3:15 p. m. Caswell Mills Mission Sunda school 3:15 p. m' Everybody cordially ;rw:ted to at tend all the services. Services at Falling Creek Church. Rev. C. W. Blanchard will preach at the Kennedy Home, near Falling Creek, Sunday afternoon at 4:30. CHRISTIAN Gordon Street Christian church. 10 to 12 a. m. Unified Program ot Bible School and preaching. De partments ar.4 classes for all age's. The pastor will discuss -HaliAgl Thrs will be the 6th discourse' in'' series upon Prayer. i 7 40 Young Peoples meetin 8:12 Praise service. Th pastor will ;.ve an address upon Joseph. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Service at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10. Wednesday evening, testynqnal meeting At . Sunday c-.emitft act vices discontinued during July and August. Reading room in church edi fice open daily from 2 until 5 p. m. EPISCOPAL. Christ Episcopal church. Sunday school at 4 o'clock. St. Mary's Episcopal church. sun aay scnooi, d:c!U. Morning prayer, sermon and holy communion at 11. Evening prayer and sermon at 8:15. ' METHODIST. Queen Street Methodist church. Sunday school at 9:30, preaching at 11 o'clock and at 8.15 by the pastor. Caswell Street M. E. church. rreaenmg services at 11 a. m. and 8:15 in the evening, by the pastor, Rev. J. M. Wright. Sunday school aV9:3o a. m., Geo. F. Breitz, Superintendent. .-You fire" cordially; invited to fcteii the services. PRESBYTERIAN Atkinson Memorial Presbyterian church. Sunday school 9:45. No: jpreaching service. The pastor is at Lfc Grange. . , . UNIVERSAUST.Jglc, cnurc,n. service at 8:15 p. r.. Sunday school at 10.,; OLD FELLOWS OF '61-65 FALLING OUT OF LINE Tarborc ar.d Windsor are Hosts to the Annual Re-unions. Tarboro, Aug. 6. The Lew's-Wyatt-Dowd Camp Confederate cf Edgecombe county met here for tne.'r annual reunion ' and barbecue and a thorough good time wa5 enjoy?a D'y all those who attended. Therewerc only thirty-seven veterans out of -an enrollment of seventy-seven in this county to answer the roll-calj. Capt. E. D. Foxhall and J. A. Davis were reelected comander and adjufan for the ccnf'ng year. Five deaths of veterans were Tepcrted at this meet ing. One of the most important incidents cf the meet ng was the introduction of a resolution by Mr. Jesse , Brave, which wts la'er unanimously aJopted to the effect tha' '.hi c.v.-. go on ti- sj !e?mttt federate veteran!!, and that they ask the North Carolina Senaiors and Ke- taka erato, ' Veteran Association was held here ; yesterday. The rain blocked sdrae people, but a very large crowd vrire in attendance. The meeting was tilcen sp ;by exercises of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy, Francis V."it ,ton tyrd ""Ciiapter. ' Hoo. Hnry A. Itondon, of Pittsbpro, delivered, a rnagniilcent : address. It was replete with live history and ui - .a4oal manifestation cf the bravery and . . .... Iniio . vaKnr'bf oaf veterans. ilaj. London ma-J many strorg: f rien .5 while heix. Hjidieaxvwaaikqaai cf any c li vered before, our paopl j ' Th& fellows who make the spectac- clarlxhesrfc the tratfield don't do ji07 stahdig, still waiting for; a y meir way ; reppje wno go ai- generally get what they Merchants Joifrr.aK JTi,v Local Congestion. - .May -In. dic&te Much Internal Inflaihmation, Just because cat-arrh affects the ncse and throat, icw iiocple rtaliie how deep Mated it nmy be until It creeps Into the bronchial tubes aud settles donn Into tho lungs. The way to treat ca.r.rrh 13 to reeopulie the fact tfcat It Is la tiic H!vd. And there Is enly one bljcd, p-.:rlfler that ean tx- solely used. It Is S. S. S., the most powerful, tic most searching, the most walmilatlvc blood r-a,(dy Luown toar, for It tn net a mineral, bit a Timetable remedy. The medlciual coai;Kaects of 8. S. S. are relatively Just as e:-ca;ial to tveiibalanced bealtn as ilio n:itr.uvc properties cf the grains, meats, E-sara crd fats of foods. Any local Irritating inuence la the blood Is rejected by t-ie tissue cells and eliminated by reason of the stimulating Influence of 6. 8. S. You will noon realize its wenderful In fluence by the absence of htadacbe, de cided clearinir of the air tmemccK. a steadily Unproved nual -condition, and a sense of IxMllly reller tnat proves now conpletely aturrh often Infests the entire system. You will Ud ft. R H, on sale at all drug stores. It Is a remarkable remedy fnr any and all blood affections, sueli as er-erus, rasb, lupus, tetter, psoriasis, bolls, and all other diseased coujifioon of the blood. For spc t:I . advice en tnv blood disease write Jtwlleel lept.. Tie Jiwlft Specltle Co.. .132 Swift Hldir., Atlanta, tia. Carefully avoid any and aU suhctltutes for B. 8. S. There Is nothing Jut aa good." - ' FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS By Being Constantly Snppu'erJ With Thcdford's Blade-Draught, McDuff, Va. "I suffered for several years," says MVs. J. B. Whittaker, of Uiis place, "with sick headache, and stomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend fold me to try Thedford's Black-Draucht, which I did, and 1 found it to be the best ianiuy medi cine for young and old. I keen Black-Draucht on hand all the time now, and when my children feel a little bad, they ask me for a dose, and it noes mem more gooa uiao any nieioune they ever tried. We never have a lone spell of sick ness fn our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught is purely irecetable. and has been touna to recu- tate weak stomachs, aid digestion, re lieve indigestion, colic, wina, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similai symptoms. It has been in constant use for more than 70 years, and has benefited more than a million people. Your drupgist sells and recommends Black-Draught. Price only 25c. Oet a Backage to-day. N.C123 ALL WRONG The Mistake fs Made by Many Kins- ton Citizen. Look for the cause of backache. To he cured you mutt know the cause. If it's weak kidneys You must set th( kidneys working right. A resident of this vicinity shows you how. R. A. Henderson, I jG George St., New Bern, N. C, Bays: "I suffered from a dull pain across my loins nd lameness in my hack. I also had inbnnnnution of the Madder and the passages of the kidney secretions pained me. Doan's Kidney Pills re moved the lameness mid pain and im proved my condition in every way. 1 willingly confirm my former endorse ment of Doun's Kidney Pills I have been free from backache and kidney complain since I took this remedy." Price, 50c, at all dealers. Don't 17oun'N Kidnev Pills the same !h".t Mr. Henderson had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. (adv) LUNG DISEASE I "AfterTour in our family had died of consumption I wag taken with but my life was saved and I gained 67 pounds tarougn usJagf DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY i Y. R. Patterson, Wellmgton, Ter. P"?ICe BOe sirt tl 00 IT i t DRUGGISTS. I 'mililiiWTWiMlnsllBassaafagBi '?-.-t 'i , --!-( -' .' ltn ti vntt CMarr n xtm sertwo em cratirrj Una ail iiUks iUkhuw put tosstner. and until lw aul k years was uppund to b. lonir&ble. Fvt a crtat It any yar doctam pmaousnd It -isual dwwse slid xcscrilxd -tcti n-mrdwa. a&d t mwunrrjalint to cure with fcical tratumtt, imouseed n lncunoia. rauu lus proves CMarrS la be a fmtltutioaal ror. as 1 tberelora nquires eoostlttitiooal snninwas Hull's ( atATTto rmi manufaruind hy f. J. Cbraey j, co Toledo. Onfav tas only it!tntlonal ture oa die msi-ket. (t is tukea kitrrnjiiy to 4um tna ir drops to a iRunxionf Jl. It arts 'Ktly oa th blood Vid maeam malantc ot th. syslem, I her ofler oo tundrrj doHars fur auy rasa U Jails to can. Scud pe elrtulars sod temiKKWibOs. - . - Adtri: '. I. CUiiXtY CO- Toledo. ObltV '- ! tar nrttazaaa, if. - -. t'..i . Xtf juU s-i'is 1st sui;jlii . - KINSTON LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO., Inc. as IWe Write Insurance Df all Kinds' aflBMaVHHHBBB BDBBOaSHflBSSflESdBMBSaiSSSSBSSSSIS TRY A FADELESS FOR HOT WEATHER COOKING It Saves- , , FUEL, FOOD, and TIME. It gives you better Food better Health More Happiness. Let us shbw you one. For Sale by B.W. Caiia(ly ISon Kinston, - - - N. O. FIRST SHPIMENT Of 500 Pounds TURNIP. RUT A BAGA, RAPE AND GERMAN C LOVER Just Received. MarstoiVs FOUNDED 1838 TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. A Southern Colleoe of liberal aiU with an established national refutation for high i. . i.- j I.- I I (..-J stoncaras, noDie traaitions, ana progiririvcpuin-ieB. u insc cimunimiii n possible its first-class equipment arc largrftVuity of well tasiit'dnjD( 4rrflrylcr teachers. Student fees low., inexpensive rooms in WlViiupiplt3sed hygienic dormitories. ' Ck'7w Classical and scientihc ccuiscs leading to tne Dacneior oggroy V"g' ywse in all departments. Schools of Engineering, Education" and Law -V '7 . '? ' For catalogue and illuatrattd booklet, address, ' "r-- R. L. FLOWERS, .... - - Secretary te4ie Corporation EAST CAROLINA T E AC H ERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers for the publi schools of I?rt Carolina. Every energy fr!irec1e(rto"tWs6w free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September 22, For catalogue and other inlormalw? ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President v AManuilU ' Nnrfh Carnlina INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD ' LOANS NEGOTIATEED Now Occupying Nw Office one poor East of The Post '; : - '' - . : Office. Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Phone l82 : r - - v J COOKER Drug Store. CHARTERED IN 18G3 C. Oettmger. 3lgr.