ily F v ..J I y THE WEATHER U For N. C. Umtt!d tools hi ud It Sal. probably local' thupder- M ahowtra, ahiftinc vumU. 4 .;. S YOUR HOME PAPER Da Press ? PUBLISHED EiiEftY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDRY. VOL.XVI.-NO.205. - g '. KINSTON,1 N. C., MONDAY, AUGUST lb 1914 PRICE TWO CENTS M AND LUXEMBURG MADE. GREAT BATTLE TO FORCE PASSAGETHRQUGH BEL ABOUT TO W PLACL TEST OF ALLIED STRENGTH TO BE Germans 4ry to drown Ijrench by amifiing river but fail account of low water. Mon- blockade spies. Acknowledgement of mediation proposals but no indication of acceptance. Austria taking defensive with Servia the aggressor, rrench capture uerman aeroplane lactory with nearly completed machines. - Further, evidence of North Sea naval engagement GERMAN EMPERIOR TAKES COMMAND OF ARMYflN BELOI IN MIGHTY EFFORT TO AfilRENGH BORDERS CRUSH ENEMIES A REAL TEST OF THE CONTESTING FORCES TO BE MADE. ! MONTENEGRO AND AUSTRIA BATTLE ON LAND & SEA German Troops Kill Entire Population of Village as Re venge for Firing on Them. . . British Warships Bloc kade Ti Sing Tan Harbor and Cruisers Pursue Escaping German Boats. (By the United Press.) Paris, August 10. The Kaiser is reported to be at Aix La-Chappelie, prepared to take supreme command of the ' German army in trying to force passage through Belgium and Luxemburg. This means a real test of the strength of the allies is at 'hand. The crack Persian infantry, which has been held in reserve, will used. Announced the Germans damming the Seille river in at tempt to check the French advance at Metz. TWoila rf flio hnmhnrrJmpnf nf Antivari. Montenegro. JS.btlll3 V Wl'V wviaivv. ------ - j - by Austrian warships, indicate the fortifications were pnmnlpfplv levelled bv the severe fire from the ships. The Montenegrin troons continue their victorious marc Bosnia, capturing a number of cities en rout FRENCH CAPTURE h into AEROPLANE FAC- GERMAF TORY. Paris, August 10. In the capture of Muihausen the French came into possession of an aeroplane factory wiVJi manv machines nearing completion. These will be con fiscated, The German attempt to dam the' Seille River and flood the valleys in order to check the French has fail ed account of the low water. GERMANS MASSACRE WHjOLE VILLAGE Loon, August 10. The Star c&rrespondent reports 4hat the German troons killed every inhabitant of the vil lage of Soil-on because the non combatants fire don Ger man detachment. The Prince of Wales has joined his regiment. LIEGE GARRISON FALLING BACK TOJOINFRENCH Brussels, Aug. 10. Forts at Liege still hold Germans i cneck and the laater are not pressing tneir arcacK. The Belgians dsmamited the outer citadel to prevent its uuuzauon Dy tne Germans. The German force is expected to besiege the forts. The fain force has moved south. The war office savs T Jpo-p orarrison has strategic reasons for now falling back near,. where the French army is in iorce. . BRITISH WARSHIPS RT.OflK ADE TI SING TAIL Shanghai, August 10. British warships are reported to have established a blockade of Ti Sing Tau Harbor and bottledr up most : of the German's Chinese fleet. Othe uruisn erasers are x pursuit of those German ooais wmtu escaped.. . ' 1 ' " . ..; s- . ADMIRALTY CONFIRMED SINKING OF GERMAN , ' SUBMARINE - . ; London, August 10. The Admiralty has confirmed the -binning oi tne lierman submarine U Fifteen, and tne iaci vamt me mam cnusn fleet was attacKea is consiueicu proof that a battle was had in the North Sea. AUSTRIANS AWAIT SERVIANS London. Aueust 10 It ia fivtilv cf itpf1 that the Austnans intend to stop their offensive operations against oervia and entrench thpm?pivpfl npnr frontipr to await Servian advance. t.-.'-. --.-.-.-'.---.,'. 5I0TENEGR0 CAPTURES SCUTARI. a nme.Au 10- Montenegro has violated the New state f Albania and taken the city of Scutari. Advices declare iorce recaptured the city which was taken from Monte negro at the close of the last .Balkan war by the powers :wno tppk it After fighting, but lost it before the war ended. f THE AWAR'WSD. 0F GERMANY' r gi A I t fey il iil . flit .. - ja- W ' f .... .'. FRENCH ARMY 1 lflLLlUULI171tnU NEAR SVVARBURG EELIEVED BIG ENGAGEMENT IN PROGRESS. NEUTRALITY VIOLATED German Patrols Enter Swiz Terri tory. Austriana Coming to Ger mans aid at'Istein, (By the United Press.) Paris, August 10. Tile war offlce announces. at. the. region, around Eifel, Belgium, has been taken from the Germa nadvance guard, hich haa occupied it. The German advance guard cavalry patrols are reported to be violating Switzerland's neutrality. The Fourteenth Austrian army corps of thirty thousand men undei command of Grand Duke Tuscany, ar rived at Basel Switzerand, on its way to reinforce the Germans at Itstein. It is believed that a big engagement between French and German is open ing in Lorraine below Swarbuiv Heavy cannodading is reported in tne direction Alontingy. The French losses in tlie capture 01 Altkireh was one hur.dr.-d. FRENCH SI 1 1 ESSES CONFIRMED 1'aris. Ausr. 10. The copture of Coi- mar by the French is confirmed.. I he war office announced that Frencn trocps niv.- ho'.d the cities of Ferde), Mclheusten and Alt kit en.. The who.e line in front of these cities is con stantly attacked by Germans. The Gt-rm.'jr cna!ry supported by infantry, has driven the French out o! Loi:guyop. ENDORSEMENT OF STATE WIDE PRIMARY GIVEN COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMIT- TEE GOES ON RECORD RESOLUTIONS FOR PREST Constitutional Amendments also Con sidered and Approved at Meeting Tcday in the Court House The Lenoir County Democratic Ex- ..i!. -i .... . .. ci.ui.ivo vuniimuee met mis morning at the Court House and the Buncombe County resolutions relative to a state wide primary and also to the consti tutional amendments were approved. The Democratic Executive Commit tee of Buncombe County met in July and passed a resolution that "propos ed progressive legislation seeking to remedy certain evils in the existing economic andpolitical conditions of North Carolina should become law.' And in consequence of this position the committee went on record as ap r mving- i va'o'vkie primary law, pro viding for the nomination of all of-fk-srs state, congressional, count an:) townsh'p in every county in v:iu .-tate of North Carolina on a uniform date't applying to all political parties, and safe guarded Iy "proper penai legislation prohibiting corrupt practice-." In add'tion to this the com mittee went on recoid as endorsing nd commending "the proposed amend- LIEGE DEFENDERS HOLDING THE FOR) Th Orman EmDeror uson whose shoulders the responsibility for European war seems to rest. It is reported that he has taken personal command of his troops in the held to force passage though Belgium and Luxemburg. The Montenegrin forces directed their attack against the Austrian lines at Trebinije. A Montenegri" gunboat has bombarded the Cattarro fortifications with slight damage. BULLETINS DENIAL THAT ESSEX CAPTURED WILHELM. (By thi United Press.) ..Columbus, Ohio, Aug- 10. Ohio is I lann'ng to turn its women orisoners into dairymaids..- This is the plan an nounced by the state board of admini stration In connection with jh? new re formatory for Women hear Maryaville. It Is expected that the new buildines Montreal,. August. 10. Naval iu-j there will be ready for occupancy be- thorities here deny the report that trie British Cruiser Essex captured the North German Lloyd liner Kron Pruu Wilhelm. ALL SUFFRAGETTES TO BE BL- ' LEASED. London, August -0. King George today ordered the release of all suffra gettes, who are aerrins; term In pri son for practicing militant tactics. .. Unless your store looks attractive on the outside, how do yon expect to get the trade of the new families of the particular class who like good stores? '; - "' ; ; -. fore the first of next year.. .The re fonnatory is said to be one of the most modern institutions of its kind for women in tbo world. Sunday Bulletins Indicate Celebration Fall of Liet;e lure. Gem: in 'rema- WTRA-STATE RATES NOT TO TAKE EFFECT AT ONCE Governor Gives railroads fttil August 29 to put Justice At Kates t . " Into Operation.- y ; (By the United Press'.) -v Raleigh, Aug'. 10. The governor has extended the time for the Justice Act intra-state. rates to gd into effect, untH August 20. - . . The Free Press received and posteil the following bulletins at its office and in the windows of the Marston ana Houd drug stores, Sunday afternoon giving the war news for the uay. Brussels, August 0. King Albert today received the troop3 which are leaving the city to join the main army, The forts will continue the defense without aid cf troops. .. Semi-omcially fctuted that the Kaiser telegiaphed Belgium note threatening "terrible reprisals" if re sistance continued. London, August 9. Refugees today said reason of failure of the German trcops to reduce Liege, was lack oi food. Said soldiers starved. Ex change telegraphs that Germans ha6 evacuated Luxemberg. Paris, Augustfl Foreign office an nounced today receipt of advices that Switzerland was in a state of seige. It is reported that the Swiss army ha been quietly mobilizing for three days to prevent German attack. " .. " London, August 9. French - em bassy officially announced that French had reoccupied Goland, , Africa, which was awarded to Germany recently ! SUBSCRIBE TO TUB FEES FUES; mer.ts to the constitution of the statt of North Carolina" to the "thought ful consideration of nil good citens, espe;'aliy emphasizing the need ot immediate change in our antiquated system of revenue and taxation." The Buncombe county resolutions were laid before the meeting of tne Lenoir county committee by Chairman Cowper who explained them and gavo his view:? on the subject. He declar ed that while tiie State convention haa endorsed a state wide primary cover ing state and congressional offices as yet no acy,on had been taken as far an county and township offices were con cerned. But in the case of these law ter he asserted that a uniform state wide primary would be of very muc valuel In addition to this he dwelt on the importance of the adoption of the con- r-titutiona'. amendments, especially that I one dealing with a system of revenuo and taxation. Representative E. R. Wooten was' present and responded to a request to give expression to his views on the subject. THhis he did, dwelling e& r ecially on the constitutional amend ments, which were whipped into final shape by a commission of which he was a member. ' - Hon. George turner moved that tn Lenoir Count y Committee go on re cord as approving what the Buncomou county committee had done. At trio same time he suggested that in eastj of the adoption of the statewide pri mary idea, applicable to all office-, there should be some provision in the case of the nomination of county com missioners to provide for a proper re presntatiori throughout' the county. To'this end 4 s-; - -osted thi distribut ing of- thecou- ' ' tha.t a comm.a- (C--'-- o i 4) '