.'-,;yvj5 Jri-. A HIE DAttYFREE PRESS XI1ST0N FREE PRESS CO, INC. Subscription Rates: (FttsbW in Advance) 10c 3 Month, Month 35c. Week, 3. 1679. piTED - PRESS - REPORTS fiSepboni All An a fnr whitA ful Ann frt rnlmwl A' PllW.d Everji Afte ES fTf'r''riToU. of furniture, I" ". 1 except that. a mattress , U thrown on the floor, when an unfortunate is hlc over niht, constituted the jail. In cold weather it is cruel to put a per- 12 u k u 80n int0 the ,ockuf 'r ere is 1 provision for. keeping tnem warm ana in hot weather it must be like coon Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager ling a fellow to put him :n the little box I to roast under the su.'a direct rays l a. v:. kltii raJiM I great deal of attention in many place now. In many states prison commis sioners are had, whose duty it is to Departments 75 1 nee that proper sanitary jails are pro vided and these officials bave the right Monday Evening-,. . . .August 10, 1914. . un ... . - th rf r ' ' ers transferred to another city o? For the past ten days or more Kin- county, if needs be, pending the eret inn hni 1wm.ii regular summer re- tion of suitable buildings. there ?s no sum. Th tmnralur has been "?t reason why lawbreakers should bt Ughtful" and the stay at homes hav treated as other than human being: it on the 8'linhore and mountain re- Unfortunate or jnaHcious or both, sorters. Ithougft-they be, tney snouid not oe o- I forced to occupy foul, unsanitary, fui- For "arising to the occasion" th. njturelesB coops. Wilson administration nas nna no Cant some arrangement be made no equal. It is alarming to contem- buil(i at an eariy datt, jan m0(iern plate what, the consequences of th L, jtg appointments, conforming to the Mexican situation and the European humane idea now prevailing in the War would have been to this country' I handling of criminals. bad it not been for the wisdom of President Wilson and bis advisers at these critical periods. r ti WHAT OTHERS SAY When you feel that all is dark and gloomy just cast a reflecting glance Europewsrd and consider what misery, 'k J .1 I. knl... uorrur aim ucovjruvii i nun unn Scattered broad cast. The homes I saying that blood t-r," s thick k- than wa- Where Grandsons Fell Out. (Wilmington Star.) King George of Great Britain and Emperor William of Germany are grandot!S of Queen Victoria. They are flrst cousins, and yet the country .that are torn up by the ravages of af eucl i endeavoring to conquer the War and the funerals at the front other. Thsi shows that our posterity twithaut even the presence of loved c"nt be counted on t0 verifv the oia ones to pay a last earthly tribute tu 'the departed. Then be thankful that ou are tin American at nome. Airships Larger Than Naval Fleets ti -- ' 0 I (Wilmington Dispatch.) The Kalelgn ews ana uoserver is- Tner1 Bre neary 2,000 airships en aued today its annual Educational edl-1 gaged in the present European war, Won, setting forth very interestingly larger than the combined navies of th- .1 U., , I n HI I llllk IIUUVIIO J. Mv IIUIUUCIl W. ,v11 likely b! gwelled by the aJdition of Deing mane m me otaie. u is a inQW Drivatey vWned aeroplanes, which source of gratification to all friends oi are apt to be .commandered by the dif education that North Carolina is giv- ferent countries. The airships, even Jngmore attention' to these matter though. H has not reached i its full !!'mndth aerminfed eflfort i bfin w w cupa.y, ,enwy - Iirmnir t.n nrnvc fit hur vullio n thn war ; i mato to bring the State from its lowly pecWly fof obgervation purp08W. Place among us sisters 'n mauers eau-1 Newg dispatches have also told of the cational to one in which it' can t (aircraft being used as, means oi at- truTy said that our boys and glm.. " 'tere,ti"f tcn tne maneuvers oi tne airsnips in ii's, war, as a mattec for future benefit NORFOLK -SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule mEffect Jan. 11, '14 N. B. -The following schedule figures published aa information only and are not guaranteed. TRAIN LEAVES KINSTON East Bound. 11:16 p. m. Daily "Night Express' Pullman Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. . 7:45 a. m. Daily for Washington and Norfolk connects for all points North and West Parlor Car ser vice between Washington Norfolk. West Bound. 5:30 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:28 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7:3$ p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. - .For complete information or reser vation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kin- ston, N. C. HfS. LEARD, General Pass. Agt Norfolk, Va. DOVER AND SOUTH RAILROAD BOUND Schedule of Trains Carrying Passen gers. Effective Sunday, February 8, 19J4 South Bound Trains. kl fc STATIONS .v. cr Was it in Eastern N. C or in S (tMiiberry Reporter.) Mr. Sulliviui Booe, of Walkertown ho bought tobacco n the Stokes mar. ict at Wainu tCove lust fall, who will buy there again this fall, and who is .t present buying tobacco in Eastern North Carolina, spent Sum'.ny at Pied i'groung men and young Wutr.tn, are ei '"joying all tbe advantages that it Is possible for a state to furnish them. GERMANY SURPRISED BUT NOi DEFEATED. Austria's flat refusal to come to Uertnany . aul on the sea una her declaration of non-combalancy vith England is perhaps the worst mont Springs, returning to Fairmont blow that the Kaiser has felt. IKobeson county, Monday. Mr. Boot Germany, even with, the help of t:i, stated thut tobacco is selling down 117'.... .u An.trUn now hn. vrv littl rhnn I "u umn evci . , I befor e known "in the history of tobacco of success on the high seas. The andihat iti8 the opinion of tobacco men combined strength of Englisd anri that the farmers are iroinir to hit it rigni iuis iinie. .nr. uooe saia mat grades which last fall sold at 10 to 12 are now bringing 18 to 20, and wrappers that brought 40 cents last full are now bringing 50 and upwards French ships will no doubt overwhelm her and without Austria it will pro bably b the Kaiser'.- plan to avoul a seatconflict as long as possible. The "success of the Belgian defense at Liege must not be taken as in indi cation that the Kaiser is whipped or that he 's ready to give up the tighi. Comparatively (speaking a very insi nicant part of the German army ha been in 'conflict nnd the stubborn uc fense of the Belgiuns was evidently not anticipated. The dpniches t;iat the German troops were not supplied with sufficient food, if true, would lend to the theory that no preparation had been made for a siige of the Belgian strongholds because no resitnaiu-e of any consequence was looked for. N doubt the checking of the German ad vance guard by the Belgians ha given to the enemies of the Ka'ser oppot tunities for preparation that nothing else would, and this insistence is des tined to play an important part in the ultimate result of the war. It is now reported that France and England an rushing soldiers to the assistance or the Belgian and the great titanie ei fort of the invaders wilt probably be staged on Belgian soil within a very short tpaes ( time. U '. lf"i ONE OF KINSTOVS JCEEDS. . There is perhaps no greater neeC confronting this 'e'ty at present than an adequate city jail or lockup.' At present the city has provided only a coop, a place unfit-fir -tho incarcera tion rf tnl-ir.!', to'rsy'-ncthir.s cf t-ji The Steamship Holdup. (Charlotte News.) Secretary Garrison was quoted yes terday as expressing chagrin at the action of American steamship compa nies which are desired to bring home tranded Americans. Mr. Garrison tated that formerly these vessels were obtainable at $i00 per day, but that due to the demand for these relief .-hips, the prices had bwn doubled. Mr. Garrison declared that he did not Impose to allow these greedy compa iv to "siphon funds out of the Ameri an treasury. The steamship company otlii'ial who would take advantage of a situation like thut now existing to put g-id in his Docket is very much the same type rs the !on shark who fai te'.is on lite misi'or.une of his neighbors. Lv Dover Lv Foys Lv Taylors Lv Phillips i Lv Wimsatt Lv Comfort Lv Petersburg Ax Richlands 7 P. M. 4:45 5:00 5:04 5:13 553 5:42 6:00 6:05 5 A. M 4.45 5:02 5:Qfl 5J7 5:28 5:49 6:10 6.15 Chndxen: Cry FOR' FLETCHER'S i CASfF O R I A r OR. ,F. FITTS :J: Osteopaibic Physician , Over Kington Ins.,' & Realty Co. . Office Houri .9-12. .2-6 ' Nights and Sundays by Appointment. Examination' Free Phone 80 ;- Littleton College -1 A well-eublihd. we!l-njippd, nd vty pfoiperoui Khoolfor irl nd younc woman. Fll term beini September 16, 1914. Fot catalorue, kddrau J. M. HODES, Lit letoa, N. C. CHICHESTER SPILLS L4lral Ak yr Irrtei'it f r 4 hlkfclraltlniMd lirm I'oxet sealed vriLh hum Kiitca. Tk m ktaer. Iluv mf vanp ShrmwfimU Atk fVCI!M in -TEB ft DIAMOND l;aAM FILL, fr t& jtun ktowiuEeit, Safcet, Atwtyi Kc!iil SOLD BY ORl'QGISTS EVERYWHERE Mil 1 1 Mil l . Have you noticed thatWeare not talking' so much aboutpiice in these advertisements? It is QUALITY you vant iri'Furni ture. The price is secondaryyou want furniture that will wear and wear wellyou buy for a long tunecannot change furniture every new moon. We charge you what the f urnitun. costs us plus a reasonable profit " Everv man: JAman it.ij . m . J - w Ma uvav UUJU the deal is satisfied with that policy. North Bound Trains STATIONS 6 8 A. M. A M At Dover 7 :55 7.55 Ar Foys 7:38 7:40 Ar Taylors 7:34 76 Ar Phillipa 7:23 727 Ar Wimsatt 7:12 7:18 Ar Comfort 6:51 7:90 Ar Petersburg 6:30 6:4(1 Lv Richlands' 625 6:35 Trains run daily except Sunday. N. S. RICHARDSON, Traffic Manager. D. W. RICHARDSON, General Manager. KINSTON & CAROLINA LUMBER CO. R. R THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors, Stair Work, Grilles, Mouldings and Interior Finish; Mantels, Columns, Balusters, Porch Rail, in' Screen Doors and Win dows. Store Fronts and Office Fixtures a Specialty - If hj been to iniv. urRMnzuim iviiutary. Alon -WUL 9 Men or Boy, J t.r.(-r writ H-Olnt rihte. deluled from .Z .... a N.lltor( Dollar Motel d V. S. dovpnm.! v W. rWhy? Lake toVswIm! ' -v. M f IRA M. HARDY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 102 W. Caswell St. 'Phone 479. Residence 300 West Lenoir St. 'Phone 507. rXTQUR WEEKLY LIMERICK Prominent inservice, is General Hardware, bxcelled bv none, tor hardware t ad tear. hardvarej WITH 6TO TERS HERE, r When you appear, Time Table No. 4. Effective March ,22, 1914, k:00 a. m. Daily except Sunday. No. 1 P. M. 3:00 Lv. 3:10 Lv. 3:20 Lv. 3:50 Lv. 4:20 Lv. 4:30 Ar. STATIONS Kinston Jackson Albritton's Sparrows Lynchburg Pink Hill WM. HAYES, General Superintendent. R. A. HONEYCUTT, Superintendent. No. 2 A. M. Ar. 9:K Ar. 8.50 Ar. 8:40 Ar. 8:20 Ar. 8:05 Lv. 8:00 DR. R. A. WHITAKER Physician and Surgeon New Building corner Blount street and Locust Alley, opposite Hooker, Churchill & Co, Office: 303. Residence: 152 Thones: He'll salnte yon, try to suit yon, and treat yon all fair. Our Line of General Hardware CONSISTS OF Heavy, Shelf and Builders' HARDWARE Range,. Heater,. Oil' and Gio!ine Stove,, Kitchen Utenil, Anti-Rut Tin, Granite and Enamel Ware, Washing Machine. Tubs, Wringers and Boilers, Churns, Ice Boxes, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezer, and a -host of items too numerous to enumerate. When you want Hardware, reaenbtr there is sot a HarsVart want we caa't supply. D. V. DIXON C& SON III BBOL EaV fcWt,i.S lsaiNsii.U.L.sl.ih.sJ.aC - fJJ.-l AN Meal Christian Home School. Preparatory and Colleaiate courses. Art Fhd rv 1 'Al"5-,JLrkkDbl,i,f,I,n-' steam heat- 'Electric lights. Excellent hJn w Gymnaslam.. Park like campus. Concerts, lectures, tennis, basket ball. Write for our catalog before selecting the college for your daughter. GEORGE J. RAMSEY, M. A., LL. D, President. Raleigh, N. C )OVEU AND SOUTH ROUND RAIL ROAD. To the pu!l:c: Regular afternoon train will be held at Dover. Sunday Aufunt 2nd, Sunday August l(Uh and Sunday Au jrusU30th, 1914, until arrival of Nor. folfc Southei n af ternocn train from Morehecd City, and the following round trip, rates rate to Dover are authorized :J . From R'chlanda ............ From Petersburg; ........... r rom comfort Z0c From Wimfatt . . 60c From Phillip ?0c Tickets good only cn data ef sale.' ,' .; N. S. KICHAKDSOX . s ' . Traffic Manager. Dover, N. C, July 29, ml 7j The North Carolina College of Agri culture and Mechanic Arts. TIih State Industrial Collejre of fers strong courses in Ajfriculture, Horticulture, Stock-raising, Dairying, Poultry,, Veterinary Medicine; in Ci vil, Deotric'al, and Mechanical En. tnneerinf; in Chemistry and Dyeing: in Cotton Manufncturiinr, and in Agricultural teaching-, j.Four yenr courses in Ajrrictilture tind in Ma cniuc Shop Work. Fatuity of 01 aw; 738 students; 25 fctiildings; es ccllent equipment and laboratories for each department., On July 9tli County S'ieriutendeiita conduct en trance examinations at eaci county eat. For catalogue write . V ? E- B- OWEN, Registrar, - v'; Went Baleish, X. C CASTOR I A For Infants tnd CbJUres In Use Fcr Over 20 Yesra Ahraji beara tne . Sisnatur of . ) SUBSCEIEE TO THE FREE PRES Tobacco Flues That Fit Get them now to avoid the rush. Tin, Slate and Galvanized Roofing, Metal Shingles and Gutters of all kinds. Call and see our stock which has the quality with it. If you want anything for the roof we haveiit. Come, Phone or write us. : SCOTT & WALLER Phone No. 189 Kinston, N. C The National Bank of Winston WT I Ist lBl .1 1 U 'J I U UK .Dl -fit - IMii ...fl.a. a m -I . aiti . -rJ, 4k IMrrfCJUPI lltt HI l i'SfgKi :kmi'l REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods, and ihif : bank has kept pace with r them. ; Z z -7'-:; While conservative in the interest or SAFETY, our Arfflmn Ani anil - k II f in A f f fl; I; 1 - lUUIUIMUll aiiU UU9IIIC uu uujino iuu cuter iu uui j- mutual advantage. . . Capita!. x: $100,000.00 ' Surplus, j- j $90,000.00 ''THE : OLDEST AND ; STRQXGEST JBftliK IIITIIECPUIITY.'' I

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