OF LOCAL INTEREST W.C T. U. Worker to Meat A meeting" of the minister and tee .member of the W. C. T. U. of Kinston, w called for Tuesday morning at ten o'clock at the homo of Mrs. H. Cj Hyatt. SYBIL HYATT, Recording Secretary f Lyman Ormotid Improving. The many friends of Mr. Lyman Or mand, of Ormomhville will be glad U hear that ho is improving very rapid- , Ijr from the cut he got several day. ago by a coco-cola bottle exploding in .. his hand. Young Ormand is still in bed and has some fever, but the doc tor says his condition is greatly Un proved, and expects he will be able to bo out in a few days. AFFRAY ON QUEEN STREET, ' This morning an altercation too place on Queen street between Mr. C. A. Jeffries and Mr. J. E. Hudson. The affray grew put of some trouble be tween the children of the two families. After several blows had been dealt the combatants were parted and later j were summoned to appear before the mayor. , .-A X ' ffl ," Trouble at Falling Creek. - On Saturday night lat Frank be Graffdnreld and a man by the name of Wiggins engaged in' an affray at 'their home at Falling Creek. The out come was that DeGrtffenried came oft with his throat badly cut. The " wound was dressed on Sunday by Dr. John A. Pollock, of thjs city; and while S it at first seemd to be of a serious na , ture the wounded man is now getting along nicely. I , v Mains to be Again Flushed. Superintendent John E. Weyher. cr " the water department states that the city mains will again be flushed Tues day morninsr. There, are rinetv-sixl hydrants in the system and they wibl II be opjnod for the purpose, Tho Superintendent thinks that very littie .if any of the objectionable odor re mains in the ppes and that with tns flushing on Tuesday the last vestige will be gone. Mr. Weyher stated that he had re ceived a letter from the State boar! of health commending the action taken as wise. II . expects in a day or bo to receive t hestat chemists analysis of the list sample of water sent. The city atandpipe is screened so i that no foreign substances can get In to it The resevoir Jftto which the water from the wells accumulates is not now screened. Out the alderme? havo taken steps to perm:nenty acrsen it with a cap of steel framework an- galvanized iron covering. This wi protect it from the stress of all kinus of storm and guarantee the exclusion of any objectionable matter whatever. To do so will cost from ?S00 to $l,00u The resevoir has been repeatedly )w"4 A cut, and never has any fore ign matter becrn found. COIXSEGSO CITIZEN PASSES AWAY IN BALT, Mr, Ilcnry Weil, Director in Various Kinston Enterpriiu-g and Well and Favorably Known is Dead. Goldaboro,' 'Aug. 'IP. Sir. Henr ' Well, scn;or member of the flrrc cf K. Weil and Brothers, died Sunday nurr. intr in John Hopkins hospital, where he went two. months ago for treatment for a sudden itlnws, which attacked him while attending his daughter a grr.duaVng exercises in Massachusetts, Mr. Weil was fiS years old and va one of Goldsboro's most ptominit ci tizens. Ho was long identirted with the best interests of hia home city a well as having large interests else where in the State. Mr. Well was well and favorably known ni Kinston, where he was linun cially interested in n.any. of Kinstcn's enterprises. He was a director in tho Kinston Cotton Mill Co., The Le noir Oil and Ice Co., and The Chester m a aa I r ncia nianuiactur.ng v.o., na was a frequent visitor to the city. H had a large circle of close personal friends in this locality, who moron his loss. Mr. Weil is survived by his wife and two sons and two daughters. MEMBERS OF FEDERAL RESERVEBOARDSWORNIN Washington, August 10. The meui hers of Federal Reserve Bank Boaro, . who aro Mr. C. S. Hamlin, of Boston, Governor, Mr. Frederick A. Delano, of Chicago, Vice-Governor, Mr. W, J G. Harding, of Birmingham, Mr. Paul M. Warburg, of New York, Mr. Adolph C Miller of San Francisco, Secretary JMcAooo of tho Treasury and Comn. trailer of Currency John Skelton Wii liama, tho last . two being tx-officio members, were today sworn in and the board Is now complete ana ready for work. ' r : ;". STATEWIDE PRIMARY EN'DORS- : V " i-." ED. (Continued from page I)) wiener ji'ght ccsr.e from tuch The committee" also authorized Chairman Cowpef to draft resolution of sympathy for President Wilson iu h'.i bereavement, by the loss of wife and forward same to the vvhiu house. To more fully Inform Lenoir county voters of the purport of the constita twr.al amendments, Mr. Cowper stated that he would distribute three thou sand pamphlets giving the text o; each one proposed, " In add'tion to the committee several representative Democrat were pre sent at the meeting. The following is a copy of the rejolutions of sympata adopted: x J Kinston, N. (X, Aug. 10. 1914 At a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of Leno'r county held in tae court house in Kinston on Monda, August 10, 1914, the following reso lutions were unanimously adopted by rising vote:' EE IT RESOLVED that in thia hour of sorrow caused by the great perscnal lo3g sustained ty Presideni Woodrow Wilson, and especially com Ing as it does at a time when the ci ties and responsibilities of his ofcea press heavily and with unusual strain upon him, we express our profound ana sincere sympathy w:th him, our un qualified approval of his course in tne ?t, and out greetings and "God Speed" to him in the tuture. ' BE IT RESOLVED thet a copy pi thes resolutions be forwarded to the President's Private Secretary, with the quest that they be handed to the president or that he be made ac quainted with the contents of same. G. V. COWPER," H. F. LAWS, Chairman Secretary. DRUNKEN BRAWL ENDS IN DEATH OF MAN " w- ar,Mt round unconscmus in New Bern streets, Early Satur day Morning. New Bern, Aug. 10. E. W. Sar landt, who lives a few miles out from this city was found early this morning near the tracks of the street railwa. company, by a motormcn in an un conscious condition and died without regaining consciousness. It is thought that the man. came to his de h in a drunken brawl in wh.cn he and - three . companions engaged. Alexander Curtiss is detained by the police pending an investigation. Clys Canady and S'd Sautier are the otier two, who are alleged to have btenVii. the party and the polio are on tee lookout for them. MOVING PICTURE WILL . ILLUSTRATE LECTURE TONIGHT AT COURT HOUSE A free lecture will ba given at the crurt t- r cr. thft subject 'or fvC: d and street Improvement, bj ClnHei E. Foots, a G?cd Reads ar.cl Paving special:t, of Nsiv "York city. Hi iectiirt will begin at, 3 o'clock. Three ree's cf moving pictures wlii be shewn in illustrating the lecture. Theae poitray the Asphalt Lnke ; the Ulsiui of Trinidad in tha British West Indies, nnd in Vei-v-zuein, cn the ma'nlarsd of Sorth America, and tile netheds I'.v which the meter al is mn. I ed ivA handed. They also suov:-; various methods of . ccnstiuetlng and! mnintnT.ing pavements, as the work I i actiinlly performed in those locali-! tis which have made the most care- ful stuoy of econcrr..c -sireat construe-; tir-n. There is no subject that comes clos er to the hearts and pockats f the peo ple than -proper and economical meth ods o fstr'eet construction. The court house should be filled with taxpayers and their families who desire informa- ton along these ines. The lecture and pictures are purely educational in their churactre, and are entertaining as well. SIMPLE SERVICE MARKS LAST RITES TO MRS WILSON No Funeral Music or Eulogy. .Pres. byterian Ritual Read by Prince. ' ton Pastor. - - . (By the United Presi) Washington, Aug. 10. The Rev. Sylvester W. Beach, of Princeton, for mer pastor of the Wilsons, road the simple Presbyterian ritual at the fun eral of Mrs. Wilson today. .The oc casion was marked by no funeral ma. sic or oulogy, - - , . Prof. Stockton i Axson, Mrs. Wilson' brother, who has been in the far west, arrived this morning. Both branches of Congress adjourn ed today and all departments of the government are closed. , SUBSCRIBE TO HIE FREE PRESS Start an Account With Us We Will Help You Save. Thompson Glove Corsets High, Low, Medium f Bust SOc to $2.00 Brassiers 25 and 50c 0, N. T. Cotton 6 for 25c. Chas. A Waters thm Tlohone Store Pkon No. S) New Lot of Buster Brown Hosiery For Men, Women and Children Tango or Shirtwaist Cords in all Colors All Oxfords at Re- duced Prices. THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. Phone 34 SUTTON Prop.j N. J. Roase. Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C.,. . Goldshoro, X.C. ROUSE & LAND ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW' Offices: Kinston, N. C Goldsboro, N. C. Edgcrton Building. Dr. O. L. WILSON Dentist Office over J. E. Hood & Co's Store. . Cheaper Than a Good Horse and WHAT? "TIIS C AXOn." Only, $423.00 Delivered. See Our Dementi n mi ) i . . i . -re irtt r. "STC"I G'"'PT The! Latest arid Newest Can be Seen In S. Window J. M. STEPHENSON THE LADIES STORE. IF. WE CAN'T SUPPLY YOUWITHTTHERUG YOU WANT IT ISN'T MADE. : : : Oettinger's Furniture Store "Patron Ize, Home Indnstry' JOB PRINTING We are hquipped to Handle lout Orders (or High Grade Job Printing. f Order Crfullr al - Promptly EictJ We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS. 1 WEDDING INVITATIONS. CARDS FOR ALL FURFOSES, . CIRCULARS. LARGE AND SMALL. ENVELOPES, '- POSTERS. We hv Connection with Engraver nd Blank Book Maker which en - able u to Promptly Handle jOrder (or Engraving and all kind, of Blank Book Making.'-. Kinston Free Press Co. Iscetfjejfitei Publiiheri aoflJol) Printers Anything In Printing OR. GEO. KORNEGAY Spoeioliat ia rMnun of " ma ui Childxea. ' '. om kours 10 U 12. C2c C Sea ICS C. Caswell strut Ftoi III 5 or 6 doses of 666 will break any oof ox n ew or cum, price, 25 u - " 1111 - '"r'rz Special Offerings In gummer jGoioas. All Oxrords, Colored Lawns, Mil. linery, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Men's Clothing KEDUUKD raiCES Barrett & 1 V Florence Told All the Neighbors You come in and see my Florence oil cook Move work iust onceand you won't be happy until you have one. ; , You can have a slow, simmering fire On one burner at the same time you have a quick, hot fire on another end the other one regulated exactly to any work you want done. Just set the levers as you want them and you can go away for two hours and find all the burner at exactly the same heat when you come back. That's because the oU supply is automatic and there are no wicks. v ' "It's so Simple, so clean, so conveni ent, so cool, that I don't know what I should do without it "My husband has tested the ftj5R- . EMCE with other stoves and he says it produce a wonderful amount of beat for the oil consumed and that it coats only about two cents an hour to run fourWnerty?; -!., . "TV rente fWaf Is OMSftBimry" FLORENCE OilCook Stoves Ijook for the LfreV Iatrtforeiyouhave-ilaar-tha at, reliable oil Wove. Safety and im-pudty-and economy. They to together. Come to and aw thes wonderful cook stoves. They carry the roannfuilum'a wants ia addition to our own, IL E IIOSELEYiIIDW. CO. v f I S- i. V J 1! wilt be offered at ,(.'.: S Hartsf ield AT. SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J. T. Skinner & Son "We Strive to Pleue" OR. T. H. FAULKNER ' DENTIST Offlco 130 S. McLewean Si Near Residence. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Sur.son Office next to Lenoir Drn Co. G!7!ce hours: 9 to 11 a. m. Phones: S to 8 p. m Office, 471 to 9 p. wl Besidence, 7L July Clearance Sale Now On This week IVc Reduce The Following: Unusual Values in UICE FLOIIIIClI $1.2Tend $l.SO QUALITY - 90c ilmmi ISP5" IB H 1 itu w?ts : ' (Adv.) SUBSCRIBE TO TEE FREE TRESS