rrrV DailyJree Ieess J: ' H THE WEATHER Fir N. C. Un'(lld tonichl and ' U '- probably local ihundsr. Ofc-'" H (howar; chitons wind. is .. tc -t Um HOME PAPER 2 PUBlilSHED ElfERY iTSFTERNOON PCEPT:CSUNDRY KINSTON, NC TUESDAY, AUGUST 11 1914 :1J.J VOL. XVTI.NO. 206. PRICE TWO CENTS AIMO AUSTRIA SEEMS i I WE FORCED TOIVI iPl llllltHAUS m ' mi -V ... 'af M '1-" B D HE CTATF (IF WAR BETWEEN EMGLflMD ELGIflNS ITICIt" FRENCH The relative positions of the scene of famous Waterloo engagement from captured onicers indicate ceigian resistance was wnony unexpected The Famous French artillery corps getting in action. Belgians claim only small part of German army in city of Liege and balance trying to break down forts. AMBASSADOR ASKED TO EXPLAIN PRESENCE OF AUSTRIAN TROOPS NEAR FRENCH FRONTIER LINES SATISFACTORY . EXPLANATION NOT EXPECTED TO BE FORTH COMING. ENGLAND ON VERGE OF The British Ambassador May Have Been Instructed to Ask for His Passports. Italy After Albania. Ser via and Montenegro Routing Austrians. (By the United Press.) AUSTRIAN AMBASSADOR ASKED TO EXPLAIN London, August 11. The Austrian Ambassador has been asked to explain the presence of Austrian troops near the French frontier. No reply yet and satisfactory an swer not expected. It is thought that the British Ambas sador to Vienna will be instructed to ask for his passports. Can't learn whether Vienna demanded explanation of a British warship shelling an Austrian boat. ! FRANCE AT WAR WITH AUSTRIA. London, August. 11. The French embassy declared that it has been shown positively that an Austrian army corps advanced into Germany close to French Frontier and that such action was hostile to French interests and left France no choice but to declare war. The Admiralty announced acceptance of Cannada's of- ler to turnisn two submarines lor use o nine ra-mc coast. ITALY WANTS ALBANIA. London, August 11. Special dispatches from Durazzo state that Italy is casting covetous eyes on Albania and seizure of the country is expected. Conditions there are desperate. Italian and French troops preserve orde. It is expected that the French troops will be withdrawn and should Italy attempt the seizure of Albania war would most likely follow. The Germans are reported to be entrenching along Aisne Eiver. ; The Russian army has begun invasion of Austria along the Styr River toward Lembllrg. FRENCH FORCED FROM MULHAUSEN rtu-is, August 11. The war office announced that the French troops .have been forced to evacuate Mulhausen, Alsace. Further i announcement that army operating against Neu Brisaehe-but driven back by overwhelming German army. It' is believed that a general battle is in progress. SERVIA AND MONTENEGRO SUCCESSFUL. Nish, August -11. The! war office announced that the V combined Servian and Montenegrin armies are rapidly pushing through Bosnia and th& Bosnians are reported ris ; jng in behalf ;6f the invaders, who have defeated Austrian -troops wherever metl; . . - WRAISMSELLSBO&Sf ;R&lei4L(gtil0i.Tnl Ra&& City.Cbi&issioo today sod to the se curity TroriNfo.-'iiof Spartanbars, i. ; the $75,000 bonds: fof iUiUona." Water plant extension. The bid was an t oase your claim for a living on thl exploded theory that the world we you one.- The wcrld owes you thinjr but what yon can pay for b Someway. - - j.' Ji..t BREAKING WITH AUSTRIA CLAYTON MAN INJURED R iBY FALL IN RALEIGH 'y JRaleigh, August 10. Dr. Nathan Warren, of Claj-tonl while walking c. jxchange Street today was attacked Ifcjr vertigo ad -ffU t- the .Wewa'k. I causing quhe"an ugly "wound in his J Lead, ft was"' necessary to resiovk I biin to Ra2. hospital, where his eor.ui jtion is not. regarded - w isecessanv ' dangerous. There was no fracture. I ::. : : .. ... contending forces hasn't changed and great battle near RIVERS RUN RED WITH LIFE BLOOD I OF SLAUGHTERED WATERS AROUND LIEGE STAIN ED FOR MILES. GERMAN BRIDGE DOWN Reinforcements -Coming to Assistance of Brave Belgians. Famous French Artillery on the March. (By the United Press.) Brussels, August 11. Heavy de tachments of French artillery passed here today on its way to the front The rivers in the vicinity of- Liee are stained with blood for miles. The Garrison at Liege l.as made brilliant sorties attacking German commands operating apart from the mtuo arwy and has inflicted severe losses.. .The German tontoonbriageover the Meuse River at Herstal has been destroyed and the Germans will have to build a new one under heavy fire. The Germans have placed heavy seige guns in. front., of !ie.?e.. .The. office .an nounces that 8.000 German troops have been captured end are being luiii as prisoners c! war. The allied army has moved north from Narrur to reinforce troops ai- readv at the front. The B?!gia!. French army is opt ra ting against : c ! German army of the Meuse. Lcndon, August 11. The Belgiar legation denies that entire Gerriia-: arrr.y is occupying the City of ties;, saying that only a few Germans art in '.he city nr.d the rest ere still engag ed in unsuccessful attempt to reduce the fortifications. GERMAN'S PUSHING TO WATER LOO. ..Brussels, August 1!. It is consid ered certain that the German army is moving toward Waterloo for the main army invasion. This information is obtained frcm copies of war plans tak en from captured Uhlan officers, i'.te plans also indicate the Germans ex pected no opposition from Belgiur.-. According to th eplans made public at the war oflice, the Germans intend ed to occupy Brussels on August and Lile on August 5. RENEWED ATTACK ON" LIEGE London, August 11. Noon dis patches indicate that the Germans are making a desperate effort to sil ence the Liege forts and the defendrs are gallantly holding out. BULLETINS (Byitfce United Press.) RTTSSIAV AnvWCE CHECKED Vienna, August 11. The wit office f announces that the Russian advance on Austria has been begun without success."- Russian forces ropeateu:y repulsed all along tne L.ie. SIX CAR U)ADS GERMAN PRIS . OKERS. SL Petersburg.' August 11. It is; announced that vsix carloads of Ger man prisonres oT War are "en rout through VHna. Destination unknown. LUSITAXL1 STILL SAFE. New York, August 1L The Cunard is looked for. UNITE DSTATES BRITISH EMBASSY TAKING E- ERY PRECAUTION. BRYAN WONT TALK Steps Taken to Safeguard Gold Laden Relief Ships Tennessee and North Carolina on Arrival. (By the United Press.) Washington, August 11. Prof. Thomas Preston of Princeton and wife, who was formerly Mrs. Grover Cleve land, are reported safe at St. Moritz. Information concerning the mining bf the North Sea and English channe. has been given Secretary . Bryai. throush the British Embassy. .The Secreatry declined to discuss the infor mation but it is understood that the warning was given toxsave Amreican ships, particularly the gold laden ships Tennessee and North Carolina. Line omee putmsnea a came num u,c Lusitania saying the big ship had , passed Fastr.et and was proceeding to I Liverpool. ITALIAN LINER HELD UP. New York, August 11. The Italian Liner Italan is reported to have been hold ud last night off Nantucket anc ordered by the British cruiser Esse.-, to raise her flags. SKIRMISHING ON FRONTIER CONTINUOUS. . .Taris. August 11. Fighting is prac tically continuous along the frontier. The French armv is moving nori ward through, Alsace-Lorraine. Tmi losses on bath sides are admittedly heavy. GERMAN CAVALRY DIVISION DURING iA 4a Mfe mm hip t This splendid body of horsemen t of the German infantry has been a die by experts ea obsolete. . Plans of Germans taken PRESIDENT ON , WATCH ALONE WITH BODY KEPT NIGHT VIGIL IN FUNERAL CAR. ' BELLS TOLLED EN ROUTE People at Every Station Manifest In terest and Heart Felt Sympathy and Bring Flowers. Seneca, S. C, August 11. Great crowds with bared heads met the Wil son funeral train at, every station along the route. The , church bells were tolled as the train went through, President Wilson kept the death watch in the funeral car until 1 o'clock, the secret service men took the vigil until daybreak and then Mrs Sayre took up the watch at the side cl the casket. The President is standing the ordeal as well as could be expect ed. nrcrrriT rm DDCCIDrMT Rtarttl TUR iREJlllllIl 1 SHOWN ALL ALONG LINE Durham, August 11. The various : cities an dtowns along the Southern 1 Railway, through which the special train hearing the body of Mrs. Wilson ! ar.d the funeral escort, passed showed I respect for the dead and sympathy, for the mourners. Although the train dii! not pass thver.gh Durham, General Julian S. Carr ordered ali imlustiie,s for ten minutes yesterday afternoq'n of which he i the head to close down nnci lie sent out requests to other busi ness firms to do likewise. expected to play an Important part appointment to military tacticians and OPENING OF , THE KINSTON TOBACCO MARKET DEFERRED UNTIL SEPTEMBER FIRST. WILSON MEETING DECIDES The Various Tobacco Boards Conferr ed and AgrJjrjiat the Outlook for Better Condrtttns is Good. Representatives of the Toba Board of Trade for Kinston, Wilson, Rocky Mount and Greenville, met Wilson Monday and decided to defer the opening of the market until Sep tember the first. Following ia a statement issued jointly by the repre sentatives of the various markets: "At a meeting held in Wilson on Aug. 10, 1914, representatives from th Rocky Mount, Greenville, Kinston ana Wilson tobacco Boards of Trade ic was decided that owing to the unsettl ed condition existing in the country caused by the war now going on in the European countries and the inability of being able to export tcnacco at zms time it was unanimously decided to defer ths opening of the tobacco salen on the above mentioned ma::ets unui Sept. 1st. At this time we hope con ditions will have cleared up sufficient ly to enable the farmraa to gat better prices for their tobacco. It was fm ther pugge3ted that each board of trade through their warehousemen no tify the farmers of our action and to caution them not to grade their tobac co too early, as tobacco graded at this tine cf ypnr while the weather is warm will lie apt to damage or reuuert if handled in soft weather. The to bacco being late this year we feel thar (Continued on page 4.) MANEUVERS in the present war. The generalship the foramtioas hare been pronounced . " 1 -v e S?' ..