THE DAILY FREE PRESS LENOIR LINES UP. The County Executive Committee PbbLUed Eery Afternoon Ece,t Sund., the call of Chairman Cowper, met in me iouri nouse iuanuay morning KIRSTON FREE PRESS CO., INC. Subscription Rates: Week. Month (Parabla in Advanca) 10c. 3 Months, 35c. 12 Month. H. Calt Braxton, Editor and Manager . ... . v. . kj .L .-l;. a aaerod-rlaaa ananar uirtUr ad of Cancma ol I i J. IB79. and went on record a favoring State wide legalized primary for all elective offices and for all parties. The V I committee also endorsed the cor.sutu "Itinnal o mp n itnifn t and t'.if Chairm. gtated that he would have three Ihou- snnd copies of the amendments dis tributed to the voters of the county The committee, also very appropriate ly, drafted resolutions, as printed in The Free Press Monday, expressing UNITED PRESS REPORTS gvmoathy for President Wilson n his hour of bereavement In its attitude toward these impor tant issues that are before the peo ple just now, the committee lined up with modern thought and plan and its action will, The Free Press believes, be highly endorsed by the electorate of the County, TtTe Free Press has pointed out be Old Sol has returned to Kinston af- fore the fallacy of the argument of ter an absence of several days and his I some of the representatives at the last ... friends will be greeted with his warn. State convention, in which they took ajniles. I (he position that a state wide legalized primary would throw their counties All business is not at a stand still in nto columns ouier than Democratic. this country, the average scissors ann This paper has taken the position that paste user has about all he wants to if the people are given a fair and im- ar grace over. I partial chance to express themselves at the polls and the majuruy of them Smile and keep plugging, remember-1 stand for principles other than those ine that conditions are much bettei enunciated by the Democratic party, than they might be, even if they an. that it is just and right that the not as encouraging as you would like county in question be put in the col for them to be. I umns of the party, whose primaries are in accord with the majority of the The soldier lads will be putting in voters of that county and no Democra their appearance in a few days now lean consistently combat tnat theory f tJephone AN Departments 75 Tswaday Evening,. .August 11, 1914. Have you sent in your subscription ? I Now is a mighty good time to get your money's worth. and will tell us aljl about the "terrible trials" of camp liltT When there is no enemy advancing. King George is a brave man, he has ordered the release of all the mili tant suffragettes, who are doing time Let other counties fall in line ano North Carolina will take her stand with the other progressive states of the Union and it will be no longer a matter of surprise and adverse er:t cism that this State is behind the procession in matters of such vital im- Danville and Greensboro, it might find something interesting" to -write about. To the Point as We See Him. ; .;.V (Ledger-Dispatch.) With all the abandon of Napoleon the German Emperor has thrown down the gauntlei to Europe while all the vorld wonders. Germany is prepared to fight the entire world in defense of her honor, he told the Reichstag, and with an utter disregard of treaties, in ternational law of Hague conventions, he draws the sword against practical ly the whole of Europe. He declares war against Belgium n order to justify his violation of tfte neutrality of that country, and invades Luxemburg in open disregard of every onventionality. Well may th eworld wonder at his reckless audacity, and well may Eur ope shudder at the devastating power of the "war lord" :'n armour clad, but it is impossible to see how Germany can escape the awful consequences of such bewildering rashness. No cne questions the loyalty of "my armies" nor the unusual ab'lity of the Emperor and his army and navy offi cials, but marshaled against him 01. land and sea, and ia the air above, is a host that seems irristible. LUNG DISEASE "After four ia any family had died of ccEStimption I was taten trim a frightful cough and lung trouble, but in? life was saved anal gained 87 r"nas wrouatn using DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY I TV. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. PRICE 80e tnf It OOSY a'.l PRtlGCIST9. III mental fabric. for wrecking palaces, art gallerie J Portanee to the Present day govern and the like. It is to be hoped these offenders will show their eligibility for cltisenship by turning their attention to the common enemy and not taking advantage of the belligerency of theii country. WHAT OTHERS SAY Well as long as the "war bug" re- maains on the other side of the ocean there is not much necessity for strenu ous action over here but if this pest shows a liking for water and tendency Our Viewed as Expressed Awhile Ago. (Raleigh Times.) The Richmond Times-Dispatch well ."ays that the democratic party can spare the sugar barons of Louisiana, eported to have joined the progres- t .ve party. Louisiana democrats have eemed to be republican any how, anC I- 1. 1 I I . . t . tocome to this side let theAirricultura! P"iy mey oeiong in mat party. n-.--.-4 . U7... -.i v.. ul "ere 18 Project oi a Dig ae wuf i w j wiii vvfsa aatiu v ji in providing some "knock out drops" nd sprinkle him before he gets a landing. - The declarations of war are daily occurrences now. They are made with very Utile ceremony or warning ex cept a dispatch immediately preceding advising that some little country, that the world itt large has forgotten about, has, been mobilizing for. the pat few (lays ana is now rtaay to get into state of war with anybody who tries to impose upon it. As expected the imposter has put in his appearance in the war zone and i making an effort to get benefit from the relief fund and measures provideu by this country for its citir.ens abroad. Reports indicate that agents of whito uluvers arc frequenting the depots in Europe and posing as representatives of traveler's aid societies with a view to victimizing young women not prop erly chaperoned. The ileul is always on the job to take advantage of mis fortune and ensnare ivi!c'. marid for Louisiana sugar, regardless it the tariff, and th:s will give the protectionists a chance to crawfish. Keeping up With Movies. (Wilmington Star.) 'Sweet Suzanne" now comes a!onn to eaten our rancy. but just at this time we are still loyal in our devotioi. to "Lucile Love. At tne same time. Marguerite" can count on us to keep ight on the trail of the gangsters wii kidnapped her and are holding her for tansoni. We don't care anything about "What Happened to Jones" but wt can't help being personally concerned in what happens toany of our hero ines. The city authorities haven't yet suc ceeded in entirely clarifying the water ttupply from the rwtnt contamination caused by the release of stale watei into the mains of the city. iio.H' in rhartre of the water department arc doine all they can to give the people god wholesome water and to thai and the mains, will be flushed avrain to day. A sample of the water has beei. sent to th State Laboratory for ex animation but the report has not been received. The State Board of Health mended the City authorities upon promptness in handling the mat ter, The citirens of Kinston shouia continue to boil the water they drink until assured by the authorities tha it Is) safe to use !t without boiling and have confidence in the sincerity of th com theh- Pro German Advice. (Charlotte Observer.) The United German-American ai- ntnee raises its voice for calmness in judgment on the people, and history- may vindicate itn claim that the En.- pe:or was not responsible for the war, to the extent that conditions 'arising left him no alternative The Germans have a warm place in the heart of thv American people, and a manifestation of sympathy, along with itte suppres sion of crticism, would the better be come our people at this time. Lets Have His Reasons. (Greensboro News.) If Chairman Travis, of the state corporation commission, is so sur that the adoption of the taxation amendment would be a terrible blund er, he should at least come out into open and tell the people of the state why," insists the Mount Olive Tri bune. 'Give us a reason for the faith that is in you, Mr. Travis. The reforma tion of our system of taxation, which s to be accomplished through the pro posed amendment to the constitution, is of tremendous impuortance. Mr. Travis has no moral right, therefore, to throw the weight of his influence, by reasons of his position, against tins great reform without going into the merits of the proposition, as Mr. Wil liams of Buncombe, chairman of the finance committee of the last general assembly, who is support'ng th amendent, has so ably done through the medium of the press." It would be a terrible blunder if any thing should come between Chairman Travis and the $500 a year he draws as ex-ofhcio chairman of the state tax commission, which is, in the humble but useful vernacular, a cinch. SEVERE PUNISHMENT Of Mrs. Cfoppell, of Fire Yean Standing, ReGeyed By Carduj. FURNITURE FOB - THE ENTIRE, - . ' )) house from the kitchen to the roof. Quality goods from the master makers of furniture where artists study de sign and reputation counts heavy. Spend a While in Our Big Store-It's a Treat Ml. Airy. N. C Mrs. Sarah M. Chan-, pell of this town, says: "1 suffered tot live years wun womanly troubles, ?iso 6 stomach troubles, and my punishment , was more than any one could tell. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me any good. I read one day about Cardui, the wo man's tonic, and 1 decidsd to try it. I had not taken but about six bottles until I was almost cured. It did me more ood than all the other medicines 1 had ied, put together. My friends began asking me why I looked so well, and 1 told tnem about Cardui. Several are now taking it" Do you. lady reader, suffer from am of the ailments due to womanly trouble, such ps headache, backache, sideache, I sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired ; feeling? If so. let us urge you to give Cardttl a ! trial. We feel confident it will help you, ! just as it has a million other women in the past half century. Begin taking Cardui' to-day. You won't regret it. All druggists. Writ, u: Chattanooga Mtdictaa Co.. Ladies' AdTisory Cept.. Chattanooga, Term., tor iMi lmtrwtitni on your cast and S4-paa book, "How Traatmtnt lor Woman." in plain wrapper. He 1 & jfwszotyvc- EAST CAROLINA 1 EACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North ' Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September 22, 1914. For catalogue and other information address, ROBERT H. WRIGHT. President Greenville. - - - North Carolina THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors. Stair Work, Grilles, Mouldings and Interior Finish; Mantels, Columns; Balusters, Porch Rail, Screen Doors and Win dows. Store Fronts and Office Fixtures a Specialty The Modern Method of Finishing Walls If you are building or redecorating your home you should have this interesting book It is free for the asking and tells all about the advantages of PEE GEE FLATECOATT THE SANITARY, DURABLE FLAT OIL FINISH The beautifully illustrated book, "The Modern Method Of Finishing Walls," contains practical suggestions for the artistic decoration of walls and ceilings. It shows reproductions of a number of rooms finished effectively with Pee Gee Flatkoatt, and gives other valuable information and many harmonious color combinations. Ask us for this book or write direct to PEASLEE-GAULBERT CO. IN COR fOII AT tO IRA M. HARDY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 102 TV. Caswell St. 'Phone 479. ResWt'nce 30!) West Lenoir St. 'Phone 507. , Wonder if Observer Has Copy. (Cliai'lotte Observer.) There b.n teen some conversations U'tueen the authontiesof the e'ty ol Greensboro arul the Southern Kailwaj Company relative to improving: the lines through that c'ty,by underjrradea end ttmnels.the plans of course involv ing the expenditure of a considerable amount of money by the railroad. The Greensboro Record rather brashly sug t'et to the railroad company that 'misrht change its muin line to run through what i known aa the finish. 'ng mil! property to the north oi Greensboro, where abundant room cai. be had for both freight and passenger depots, thence around tha city to :t present lines at Pomona." The Record might not have meant this seriousi) but Greensboro ;s likely to wake up some day and find that this is just what the Southern is coin to do. If Th Ri-foi J onii-.l C4 hr1,l ftf Ota lit, if! thonUes, o are waking every el- print of the Southern ahowinir detail frt to do their doty ia the matter, of Its track' imptovement between LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY MANUFACTURERS OF PEC GEE FLATKOATT PEE GEE FLATKOATT Ia now extensively used instead of old- fashioned wall paper and other antiquated and unsanitary material. Pee Gee Flatkoatt is a very durable hygienic interior decorative oil paint that imparts a velvety-like effect The delicate and harmonious tints do not fade, and are both restful and pleasing to the eye. Aside from its artistic beauty, Pee Gee Flatkoatt is the most economic wall-finish on the market It is very durable, and should it become soiled it can easily and quickly be restored to its original beauty and clearness by sponging with water and soan. Pee Gee Flatkoatt saves the expense and incon- I vience of frequent repapering or redecorating I and assures the fullest measure of satisfaction. I II. I MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. - - 'KtKKiKKtUt 5aaa5a!ali5 III DR. R. A. WHITAKER Physician and Surgeon New Building ' corner Blount street and Locust Alley, opposite Hooker, Churchill & Co. Office: 303 'Phones : Residence: 152 DR. DAN W.PARROTT ' DENTIST, Crown and' Bridge Work a Specialty. . OfficeoverCot. Milloffice DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston ns, A Realty Co. . Office Hours: .9-12. .2-6 , wNights and Sundays by , Appointment. ' . s Examination Free Phone 80 The National Bank of Kinston iSREAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods; and this bank has kept pace with them. While conservative in the interest oT SAFETJ our equipment and buSyjG? methods are modern, do business together to our mutual advantage, . ;j Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus. : $90,000.00 "THE 01DST AND STRONGEST BANK 111 THE COUNTY.'' -If IP liffliii j in