WANT ADS ? i TEXT A WORD EACft IN- W SEBTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS For Sale Oliter " Typewriter. See p. T. Edwards. 8-8 6t dly One Furnished room for Bent Apply 2i2 East Peyton Avenue. 8-10 5td For Sale 1 Milch Cow. Apply F. L. Hooker, 506 Pollock St 8-10 6t For Rent Good Offices and rooms, Whitaker Building. See D. V. Dix on & Sons. " : 7-314 tf. For Rent 4 unfurnished -rooms with electric lights and water. Dr. R. A. Whitaker. . 8-11 dly tf First Class Tailoring, pressing and cleaning. Call Carolina Pressing Club, Pbone 528. ' 7-30, tf. Lost On streets of Kinston, purse containing J6.55. Finc?er please re turn this office. 8-11 2t dly Wanted Good farm, well located, price must be reasonable, address box 176, Kinston, N. C 8-10 2t aw sw It awk dly. Bring your pictures to C. F. Smith at Hargett's old stand, and have them framed at a very low price. C. F. Smith. 8-11 3t dly. Wanted To grade your tobacco prices reasonable, strictly good work, place at foot of Parrott's bridge, known as Smith's Stables. For further particulars see John W. Smith. 8-11 4 w sw 3t dly 2 wks. M. Pearson has opened a brand new sore with a brand new stock of pi .x'.s in Tuckahoe. two doors south of the Bakery. Clothing1, ?!nes, hats, etc., of the best quality to be sold at the lowest prii:a. J "all and see. ST 2n i!'y and sw tf. ITCHING IRRITATION Worst Form of Skin Trouble Quickly Relieved by Inexpensive Treat ment. When you suffer any skin trouble even though the itching seems un bearable, do not think that it is ne cessary to use some disgusting, greasy ointment. Try Hokara, a pure and simple cream, that is guar anteed to contain no grease or acids and which is so cleanly that it does not soil the linen. Its power to instantly relieve any irritation of the skin and make it soft, white and beautiful is almost miraculous. Not only do minor skin troubles like p:mples, blackheads, acne, bar ber's itch, etc., quickly disappear, but the worst ulcers or cases of salt rheum or eczema are cleansed and healed by this wonderful skin food. In order that any one may try Ho kara at small expense, J. E. Hood & Co., Druggists are selling a liberal sized jar at 25c, and in addition guar antee to refund the money if the treatment does not do all that is claimed for it. v : THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar Courses leading to degrees. Spe cial Courses for teachers. Free tui tion to those' who agree to become toaehersin the State. Fall Session besins September 16th, 1914. For catalogue and other information, ad dress . JULIUS I. FCUST, President, Greensbore, N. C. VACATION EXCLUSION TO EAS TERN RESORTS AND CITIES Via the ATLANTIC COAST LINE The standard Railroad of the South at the following low - M p j-iirvs; From Kinston to Atlantic City, New v -L J ............ Baltimore, Md. ......... " " Washington, D. C. t:.i . $12.00 11.00 9.00 S.orf;foy$ 6.00 ttBVa. .v.... .v.N coo , . - u grains on ; Tuesday, August 18. C. A - Limited returning to reach original starting point by or before midnight of Wednesday, September 2, 1914. ' For schedule, routes, stop-over pri- uuiy m u. J. ward. TinU- t Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, or W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, i ass. Traf. Mgr. Gen. Pass Agu y- ' : ';. Wilmington, N. C. SOCIAL And PERSONAL Rev. J. M. Wright returned to his home in Goldsboro this morning. Dr. C. B. Woodley has returned from his fishing trip at Cape Look-out. Mr. J. W. King, of Greensooro, is the guest of Rev. C. W. Howard at the Oaks, for several days. Pr Lunsford Abbott has reiurnca from attending the Osteopathy Con vention at Philadelphia, which conven ed there all last week. Mr. Chas. E. Foote, of New Yh, who gave the good roads lecture last night, left this morning on his way to other towns to lecture. .Rev. L. P. Howard, of Durham, has joined Mrs. Howard and two little daughters, who have been in the city visiting Mrs. Howard's parent's, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodson for the past week. Hon. W. C. Douglass and Party Here. Hen. W. C. Douglass and party, of Raleigh, spent Monday night in the cit yand left this morning in an au tomobile for Beaufort wr.ere they will recreate at the seaside. In the party are Mrs. W. C. Douglass anu caugn- ters, Miss Marguerite Douglass, Mr. T. A. Richards and child, and sons Messrs. J. C. and Clyde A. Douglass. While in the city the partj ;rere the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hays and Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. B. Doug lass, Mrs. Hays and Mr. W. B. Doug lass being daughter and son of Mr. W. C. Douglass. The party is now touring eastern North Carolina, having jus; completed an extensive automobile trip througj, the western part of the state. Mr. Clyde A. Douglats will be on-, of the youngest men in the next leg islature. He is Raleigh's representa tive and is distinguished as going ;n without opposition, being acceptable to all factions in Raleigh. A Birthday Party. Friday afternoon Master Thomas Holliday Grainger entertained a num ber of his young friends at a birth day party given at his home on North Queen street. It was the occasion of the celebration of his eighth anniver sary which was observed in a deligh; ful manner by the young pepole at tending. partial list of those present foi low Masters Clarence Jeffrcss, Manuel Farley, Geo. Parrott Rosemono, Charles Rouse, Person Nicholson, K by Turrentir.e, Kleber Denmark, Bu rell Temple.Jlobert Rasberry, Roland Hood, "Buster' Copeland, Dec. Mifc chell, Mitchell Wooten, Emmett Wool en, James Braxton and Dr. Tom Par rott. Litte Misses Grace Wooten, Doris Cummings, Dorothy Sugg, Atie laide Randolph, Elvira Hudson, Jui:a Hunter Parham, Elizabeth Cowaro.,' Lisabeth Coward, Nancy Coward, Louise LaRoque, Mary Hardy, Tusca Smith, Irene Bizzell, Winnifrfd Fish er. HEAD OF SERVIAN ARMY General Putnik, commander-in-chief cf the Servian army. 111 f'SV He is Leading the Victorious cros Against Austria. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, m mrtrurr rtl nrrlr iatnr the secw "t trtf lad complete ly deraoa - the wto ys ui am entering It through the mueom s jr'j s- irtirM ihould never fe uteU excrr. r"'s''I Mora from reputable phuh-uuis. u U." : ' win do H ten fold to to yoa raa p.' y Cl" rrre from hrrn. Hali' CitVTfc Cure. br F. J. Cfceoey Co.; TrMeIo. O- eosf:' - w my. and to taken kteriul.y. krtins d.ri ' tv b.oud nd muroy rur!cf ot tV 7-'.-f. buvta Hills Cm tsrrti Curff tt mire r -1 , '.J rfmln. It h Tafcva lot-mspf rd n-id. i b F. J. ttr .-T,i"J n . , "i" HZli i IU.'J pit tit CiiCM"' THE STATE BANKERS TO MEET IN RALEIGH Wilmington, August 10. President Thos. E.' Cooper, 'of-iho-North Caro lina Bankers' Association, has called a meeting of representatives of tsv leading National Banks in the State, to be held at the Yarborough Hotel, Raleigh, tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, for the puprose of organizing the Nation arCurrency Asociation of North Carolina, which 8 to be organiz ed under the Aldrich-Vreeland Act oi Congress, passed in May, 1908. Under this act all National banks, members of the association, have the privilege of issuing circulation cur rency of an amount equal to 125 pe cent of their capital and unimpaired surplus. While every National bank of the state is eligible to membership in the associtaion, it may be organized witu a minimum of 10 National banks with a minimum capital and unimpaired surplus of $5,000,000. There are 72 National bansk in North Carolina, with a total capital and surplus cf something over $11, 250,000. Therefore, the Nation! banks of North Carolina, provideo. they all become members of the organ ization, would have the privilege oi issuing currency to the amount oi over $14,030,000. ' DOVER AND SOUTH RAILROAD BOUND Schedule of Trains Carrying Passen gers. Effective Sunday, February 8, 1914. South Bound Trains. STATIONS 7 5 P. M. A. M. Lv Dover 4:45 4-45 Lv Foys 5:00 5:02 Lv Taylors 5:04 5:06 Lv Phillips 5:13 5:17 Lv Wimsatt 5:22 5:28 Lv Comfort 5:42 5:49 Lv Petersburg 6:00 6:10 ArEicblanJs 6:05 6.15 North Bound Trains STATIONS 6 8 A. M. A M, Ar Dover 7:55 7.55 Ar Foys 7:38 7:40 Ar Taylors 7:34 7:36 Ar Phillips 7:23 7:27 Ar Wimsatt 7:12 7:18 Ar Comfort 6:51 7:00 Ar Petersburg 6:30 6:40 Lv RiehDds 6.25 6:35 Train- nui daily except Sunday. N. S. RICHARDSON, Traffic Manager. D. W. RICHARDSON, Hctiejul Manager. KINSTON & CAROLINA R. R. LUMBER CO. Time Tabla No. 4. Effective March 22, 1914, k:00 a. m. ' Daily except Sunday. No. 1 P. M. 3:00 Lv. 3:10 Lv. 3:20 Lv. 3.50 Lv. 4:20 Lv. 4:30 Ar. STATIONS No. 2 A. M. Ar. 9:10 Ar. 8,50 Ar. 8:40 Ar. 8:20 Ar. 8:05 Lv. 8 :00 Kinston Jackson Albritton's Sparrows Lyni-bbnrg Pink Hill WM. HAYES, General Superintendent. R. A. HONEYCUTT, Superintendent. )OVER AND SOUTH BOUND RAIL ROAD. To the public: Regular afteimv-n train wJ be held at Dover Sunday A us-'"'- -'Mi, Sunday August loth and Sunday Au gust 30th. 1914. until arrival of Nor folk Southern afternoon tram from Morehead City, and the following round trip rates rates to Dover are authorized: From Rrchlands 75c From Petersburg T5c From Comfort "Oc From WitYiBatt 50c From Phillips 50c Tfcketa good only on date of sale. N. S. RICHARDSON". Traffic Manager. Dover, N. C, July 29. 1914. Beware cf Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury roerrory will n-nrelr rte;riT tti f tmefl ftcd eoai. Itcl.e derat: ti.e nbaA stem wbca mirrint it tLrnu-h ti;c luuiiiu v,vl;u-. Sacb rtk lf U.a:d trvi f bf t-s. d e.cvt :i in-m tip tit.na t r m ri'putub tb)it iii. Hie daroi;e tber WiU da li ten toltl tu tke eifd Jt'U rn x ibly derive tr.ai Ibixi. JK.'i ' ctnrra Car. n.inufcturej by i J. CUUr? it Co.. O., cvctiins ro Eitrnry, 3 1 U t4ii-n iu!eriiiiil, ii'lirf HthV.j a:-a tht u'. rd Jml wji as tJr imix of ti: Tteai. ' It lM,Tlnr Hiii'f Caturrb fare br r jet ct ti peuulae, It l rakta IntnuKj- tr.i ,!! '.i ?, Uii-i Ohk, I J F. J. tktary t'o. Tiito-.a!: int, RiM br rraclrt"; rr:-. TV. p? tKt!. ; Tike Ki'j v-ii: iU t-r ec2HjitieB. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule inEffect Jan. 1 1, '14 N. B. The following schedule figures published aa information only and are not guaranteed. TRAIN LEAVES KINSTON East Bound. 11:16 p. m. DailywNight Express Pullman Sleeping Car New Bern to Norfolk. 7:45 a. m. Daily for Washington and Norfolk connects for all points North and West Parlor Car ser vice between Washington Norfolk. West Bound. 5:30 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:28 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7:36 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. For complete information or reser vation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kin ston, N. C. H. S. LEARD, General Pass. Agt Norfolk, Va. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South i N. B.. The following schedule figures are published only as infor mation and are not guaranteed. Train No. 21. Leaves Goldsboro 6:45 a. m., for RaleiQh. Durham. Greensboro, Asheville and Waynes ville. Through, train, to Asheville, handles chair car to Waynesville. Makes connections at Greensboro foj all points north and east, and ai Asheville with Carolina Special foi Cincinnati, Chicago and all western points. Train No. 129. Leaves Goldsboro 2:05 p. rh., for Raleigh and Durham,, and Greensboro. Ilaud-les throngb Pullman sleeping car from Paleigh tc Atlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 a. m.. making connection for New Orleans, Texas, California and all western points, also connects at Greensboro witb through trains for all northern and eastern points. Train No. 131. Leaves Goldsboro 5:05 p. m., for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Makes direct connect tion ut Greensboro with solid Pull man sleeping car, train for Wash York and all eastern and northern points. Connects also at Greens ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New biuo with through tourist sleeping car for Los Angeles and San Frau cisco. Train No. III. Leaves Goldsboro 10:45 p. m., for Raleigh, Qurham and Green.'bcro. Handles Pullman sleep ing car Raleigh to Winston-Salem. Maker) connection at Greensboro with through train for Atlanta and New Orleans, also makes connection for Asheville, Chattanooga, St Louis. Memphis, Birmingham and all western points. fl. F. CARY, Gen. Pas'g. Agt., Wimngton, D. C S. II. IIARDWICK. P. T. Mgr., Washington, D. C. O. F. YORK, T. P. A. Raleigb, N. C E. II. COAPMAN, Catarrh Cannot Be CureJ f!h I.CCAI. I1'I ICATIOSf an they rami if react tljt '';it of T tie ".t"iM'. (:it:irrti in a tlrt'J ur rtur.t tutioiul flfnu. hii .a ftrder lo cure It you niutt Vikh biuriui reni'-i!1, h.iII'm laiarrli Cure to Ufcrn i. terii.iiiv. a. is i lv n: u '.he I Hu d and nuicoiif urlactf'. It i.i's v:tT:i;:h .'i.re ta iil a quatk uiftll Clll". I' I'TfC' Dtii J tiv .itu- of tl.e lHt pliVi-.' In ihw i.c-'rv :or - n i a ir ;i rv'u!ar DresiTlidKii. It comiittsid of Hie rxt tclili-s khowu. a-iutdneA with the hejt hlciod p'jrlrt. r. avtinc directly on tti ttueoiif Burficce. T?e ri. rfert e.itiiblliathn r.f tlw, wo l.irif-die'.ts Is nhat priwlucf- such Konderful rei tbU u. cur is cat.irrrt. f-rsi ir trsitmcDiai. ;ri. F. 1 C HENr.V A CO . Props , Tod li SNd t Iruwl5ti. price ''V. VUc Util'r funiiii lor consi'rwan The North Carolina College of Agri culture and Mechanic Arts. This State Indutriiil College of fers strong courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock-rai.-ing, Dairying, Poultry, Veterinary Medicine : in Ci vil, Electrical, and Mechanical En. gineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing: in Cotton 'Manufacturing, and in Agricultural teaching, Four year courses in Agrit-ulture and in Ma chine Shop Work. Faculty of Cl men; 738 students; 21 buildings; ex cellent equipment nnd laboratorioi? for each department. On July 9tb County Superintendents conduct en trance examinations at each county seat. For catalogue write r t , -:l '-V E. B. OWEN, Registrar, Wer,t Kaleigh, N. C. pjjjjj llllll iM'fe v- I 'riir.i:ii i ' 7 jL( ollni. -I pru L'Kif. ANcgetablcrVrparallonror stailatingiiK-roodafldRii'Lia ling Hie Sionaclis mulBus of Promotes Didcstlonflwtf J- nr"; nnd Ret rnnrlntnHttvr Oraua-Marphine na-iacal X XT tT htm i f i JtMltSmtt stoat W ft m JEFWm AnnfprtRpmrdv forrnnsft tlon . Sour Storaadt-Dlarrtwa VormsjranTUSKmsJ,cvtns ncss andLoss or Sleep. laz Centaur Compasi; NEW 1UKIV. w. lsau Copy of Wrapper. I tjiCatfiwd ijfi53 II n r A avi HI KINSTON LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO., Inc. "We Write Insurance of all Kinds" m mum mmw MMi'.-m m m rnA m mi rk. w mm AN Meal Chrlttlin Horn School..' Preparatory and Collcalat counea. Art ExDreMion. Physical Culture. Pedafioflv. Domeitlc Sdnin Rmliu.. f " crvatory of Mutlc. High (tandard maintained by large staff of experienced, college .ii.ii. tanvsvni, .w uuiiuvii cnu tvQuir ine maiviauai. vnaur passed health record. Brick buildings. Steam heat. Electric lightsExcellent table. Good Gymnasium. Park-like campus. Concerts, lectures, tennis, basket ; ball. Write lor our catalog before selecting the college for your daughter. t GEORGE J. RAMSEY, M. A, LL. D, President. Raleigh, N. C mi Bcc Brand Spices Add Zest To every meal. A dash of pure pepper ground the Bee Brand way, will improve you meal a thousand fold. The deep pungent aroma of Bee Brand Pepper is secured by patient grinding in especially constructed mills. In no other way can the puie rich flavor be obtained. Bee Brand Pepper and other Spices are packed in handy air-tight tins equipped with sifting-tops. Cost no ' .1 .l i - J. in. ... I 1: more man ouiei kiiius. lut Htrc Are A B. Dajgherty, I. A. . d . F. R. Nunn, i. u. W. TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. A Southern College of liberal arte with an established national reputation for high, standards, noble traditions, and progressive policies. Its large endowment fund makes possible its first-class equipment and large (acuity of well trained and crefu!ly chosen teachers. Student lees low. Comfortable, inexpensive rooms in carefully supervised t. i Jnrmilnfl.l. Classical and scientific courses leading to the bachelor's degree. Graduate course in all departments. Schools of Engineering, Education and Law. Foi catalogue and illustrated booLlet, address. . R. L. FLOWERS. Secretary to the Corporation INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, Now Uccupymg isew unice one uoor jasi oi. ine rost. Office. ':v:': Kinston (Insurance & Realty Co. ? ;v Phone 182 P lin ft For Infants arid Children, 0 Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of AjiF Use For Over Thirty Years. ill VMI CUfTMl HWUt, NZW WT. mm mw m mm l mm ' mm- . i rm , mtw r.m ai leaumg giuicis. q A Few. o. w. McLawhon, R. C. asn. C Suttorr, A. V. Wlilkms. CilAUlhUKli liN in LM ' " .. .. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD , t a itn imAAnn m a. LUAflyiUGUl Alfcfcl ; C. Oettmger, Mgr.

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