II ap iiiii iirrrriPPT ! ! W tUtflL 411 1 CAE J 1 j Prayer Meeting Wednesday, The regular mid-week prayer sei-j vice will be held in the Queen Street I Methodut church, wednccaj at 8:15 o'clock. evcn.r.- The Furniture for New School Has Been Purchased. The Board of Trustees of Kinaton . schools hog placed orders for tha school funtiture to equip the rev school building. 050 opera cha:rj To. the auditorium, were orcered from s Ch.uTotte firm and the onur for jO'J deski was divided between Raleigh and Hickory firms. State Grand Lodge r Odd Fellows. The State Grand Lodge of Odd Fei lows, colored, today began its ses.tiori:i in this cityTho Tcctings pf the lodge are being hold In Hollow's, Kali on tasi ungni pirecranu ts'er : duraMe, very etncient as accruing .. H. Young, of Raloigii, presiding. To 1 hard nmooth surface and practically Patriarchal r meeting in Bethel ' duatleaa. This latter point is of great church on East Shine Ptroet. The Pa-! important; since not -only comfori triarchl ranfttglfbllfl'n the order of and convenience, hut health and lite Odd Fellows iei use the- military de- itself depends on cur getting rid o. parAnentof,theord9r'Ht'v, ths dust. Tuberculoid and other dia. On Thuraday th!tcrv;cc8 wijciosv are transmitted by dust b . with hWg 'atreet' paraSVa'rld drill on r0 othor agency, the bnalball field jua acroffl Parrott I rje moving picture operator aceom bridgo. This la scheduled for, 2 p. m. ! pajjyiafc. '.li. a ".uiii.tU took t!ie on that day. H "wtlf Xk tffa molt ipv; ! pictures wed to illustrate the- lecture: tacular part of the meeting and stt' ta public, wul doubtleea Jje.well ttsgd- ed. -in j Inth MayorVr" Ccurt. TheitttheMaywr'aourt Mon. day night waa.net UirfdJom'hiu bound over to court for carrying mtt-' wma cnocealed imSfcfWS8e, John and JSiAJ9lwaybidiWU- liam WhitfleJdfindjiijpc3ai(t,ftim to rhalt can be landed; and otner prc a pelting with waU-rmeloVrirtd". It 'cashes in refining before the asphalt t 8eema.thaWhttfllhadWadhimgehready for putting down on the road objectionable by visiting girla which way. the Franke claimed wan jeopardising! The lecturer was greted by a good thelr own interests. " The escapade ' aised audienca who manifested then took place on Twer Hill road and cost approval of tha subject under consiu the Franka $1.00 each and costs of the', eration. Ke was introduced by Dr. J. caae. j M. Parrott, who, with other members Liae Sherrod waa caled on to ans- wer th charge of disorderly cdnduci. I iu violating the peace and dignity of state by throwing a brick through a window. The mayor thougut it ws. not an aggravated case, so let the of nder off by paying the costs and re imbursing the injured paritea for the damage done. W. C. T. V. Activities Today at TO a. m. a called meeting ef the W. a T, U. waa held at the home of Mrs. H. 0. Hyatt, to whicu all the ministers of Kinnton were in vited. They were requested to co-op-erate with the union, so that theu may be held in Klnston one Sunaay night in each month a service devoted to promoting the cause of temperance tl waa decided to hold the Hr&t moot ing in the Christian church titular the direction of Rev. R. P. Pmitli. Mr. N. J. Roune, Mrs. H. A. Mum He nr.d Mrr.. O. T. Jlx-r."y '.vc: t-'-rtl the commitiDi- to urrKr.ar'j tha L and places for holding the, m.-... meetings. They were alio ck..(! confer together aboyt s curing a pit. tident for the unicn. It was decidetl to hold tha nrt tr.tet among the colored churches, and r ni .. , . 1'awsun i iumnicr was r.Kf(l 10 rnnge for a service i;i tlie 1cre$ Chi'iaUan church on August 2 Miss) V.L HYATI UcvonKllg oei !Cta!J. ...acton's flurd Makes Hit. The Auirii.'ta t'hror.iclc .' . ir.ost iAt0&,fa'to&WBppP- 0 tlu'eniluct of tho N'ojth Cdi'oltna aeldisr by s in camp tlicre. Col Bcdn;&!i and hv ataff have mude onite a numbf et frienda who nwr gl'.d to fcuv t-its op portunity to vi.it ut, Cnmp Wiiew'.er. in apenkiiis of the band mu.ic tho Gtorg: paper sayt that the Hi-glmou. ia justly proud of its tnd compouu of 27 jnusiclans from Kinston. lt. comment in run is n ronows: "While the parade and review w be especially intfresting, the enjoy ment will probably bs greater in th second feature. If there ia one thing more than cl; else that the Second North Carolina regiment ia proud of-nd justly so it la tha) Second .Regiment l and, 27 musicians from Kington, N'. C. In past years Augusta has on several occas iona, had reieat ' tr'di ' from -the regular army hew and they havo be,:i featured The eHtiehm that the K. ond North Caijt.llnt 1ndsis bnnues tionably thehst"tntS&icr.ertfiir.atiOu of military jnenhat has. rerer I'een in Auguat not criticism ' from the regime iiif which Uip bar.c, :a a ran, l t from people of AugusU Vho hve h..rd It and o'her bands which have nude music 'here. At reovr. t!e re gular army fflcera at the camp,' wn hava bad no little experience In mth band music are equally aa commna torjr ia their coreraent' on the North Carolina! organization." SUBSCRIBE TO THE FSEE PRESS 'T2rl Letfsra frwed .Xrttc-retU; Mor..-icy r.i.;ht or.o if th?j mo?t inter- Wir.g ar4 valval ie 'wchirca of th sea cia was jriven in the court house by llr. Charle- E. Toot,', a r:ivir?; cia!i.t of .N'av York City. Ir waa -free illustrated locturo provxe 1 ly ths Asrhalt Pavin Cora.ny, c f New York City; and Ly meuna of moving picture it wa4 admirably illustrafifu. Mr. Foote dwelt on Ib i oAivi c of nsrhalt aa a paving scoalanro or rocda r.nd ?trets. To ahov its enor mous durability he citod the instance of a fsr Lccl.3 of Asphalt paw mcni en F.fth Avenue, New Ycrlc U:y, where the traffic is heavier than f.t ! any other single point, perhaps in tu world. 1 This he said had held up .r 13 years, with practically no ..:.t Ht maintenance. It did not develop holes, j but the only effect of the constant a. id - i heavy usage vm to wear it thin. Mr. Foote declared its points of t- ceice to lia in the fact that it wa comparatively noUelesa, exceedingly - n dth?y were of much interest. Hc- showed the Trinidad lakes and the Ber- muda mir.e-i; the methods of mining and gathering tiia c.ud i.ihlt; tiu means used in transporting it to the ' eea shore and loading it vn anips; tn. jfawijmaJon to New York in which j'casecWeala into a solid maaa in tha Hhip3 nolJ; the reminin8r from la hold that ta necessary before the A of the chamber of commerce seemed much interested in the subject. Horses are Coming Back. The Kansas City Star recently said hat horses were coming back in style, uoting a large Nhw York buyer. The buyer, Mr. McKinty of New York had this to say about the retura of pleasure hcrsea to favor: The motor car has about reached its limit In possibility of cost, eleganco and luxury. It is an inanimate thing, offensive in ita scent, nerve racking in iti performance, and is failing to at tract the attention it once did. Horses era animate, they appeal to human be ings accordingly," Local dealern rsriy th:vt it will bo ex tremely hard to f.r.d funcy driving horsoi if ai:y important demand should develop. Ir. tho !-ist six. or ssvtn year a practtcnliy nothing t ut heavy hor.e r.r.d mi;!e.i have ben bred in the Uni ted Stage s. nr.(i even the United State "vi!.ri -i.t i a.! u..::caify ia ol tainin ioi d nd:.nf horee? t' )i- caralry uvo. i."1! .'.. C'i.t aiid heavy wotk lu-r.ics hav '..uor. active uerrr.-l for : evt-rni ya.'.r', r.r.d pi ices now art' higher ihan they wtLi a d-':.ule ?o. Firt of Season's Tobacco Crcp Scla. Fayettevllle, Any. 10. The first 10-j banco sold on the newly e3tabli.he'-i tyatteville market was brought here. Sotfio.iy by L. A. i :n i c ii , oi i':it t j i :.-ck, Ci'-niberSand county, rr.d netted , Ihv gr.iw er J lt, or at; r.vciage ot n! out $U.11 t'er hundred. Eitriitv- pounds f the load, which aggregated 1',) pounds, brought $17.50 per ban-' il'.wl. The buyers vot; .Si.stu'i, Weo- j, sttr & Umte:id, of the rinntsr."-. j v,ttin.i:isi, viio maiie no waivnouss r! n r ch:rgs, a- the .- a.;o:i ha. not i.'itu for;n;;:.!y opt-ntvl. 'It. Smith has ;. io'it ..!'!'(' iKur.as to l-rsr.-r in. The tob.ici'o season will be ojiied formally on August 20 when the firs, break wil conic off. OPENING TOBACCO MARKET (Continued from prirs D) ..; Oforrmg the .pnirg of sales thai it wilt not tnconvenence the farmers to any great extent and possibly ob tain for them a batter price for their tobacco. Respectfully, J. C, Eagle for the Wilnon Tbbacco Bcard of Trade. L..P,,Tapp for Kinston TooaciJ Boaril of Trade. C. H. Cooper for Rocky Munt Tbbacco Beard of Trade. E. B. Fergerson for Greenvilla Tobac co Bvard of Trade, ttm r Cvtan n Ha Kan a Rm rawn B All tf 1 .1 I . I, Bu. faMAlikM. . .l 11', ll Mm . b CUM Wttil .Ml tTilatnft. Ii iruiu 1 1, tMrai.iiA Hull (Atarrk Cuns mtautxaivd b f i. tws UpV, TntedO, OhV b) U OK ItrntltittMn! mrm an M uk(w uit-raii f n dom (run w ' " " - ".ivu.i. n trn kvt cri vw OK104 I BANISTER I OXFORDS " To 66 At I i Dail & Taylor The Men's Store Kac5i::Maa!iiBKaiaiaiaiagaaa SEE SOUTH WINDOW For Little People's Goods. Yard Hats. .04 .19 Rompers, Belts, White and Black .04 Blouses, .19 Children's Drawers 10 and 12 l-2c Oliver Twst Suits .39 O. N. T. Cotton 6 for 25c. Chas. A Waters Th T1ohooe Store - New Crepes and Poplins In all the leading shades Now on display. SEE THEM All Oxfords at Re duced. Prices. '""aaaaMMMi aaa THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A, J. SUTTON Phone 34 X? Proo. N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Klnston, N. C... .Coldsboro, N.C. ROUSE & LAND , , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston. N. C, (ioldsboro, X. C, s Edgcrton Building. Dr. O. L. WILSON Dentist Office over J. E. Hood & Co'a Store. Cheaper Than a Good Horse and WHAT? "THE SAXON.V Only , $425.00 Delivered. See Our Demonstrator Buggy IKI!1ST0!I GARAGE, Incl A few More $25 Dresses For$9.98 Just the' Thing for Early Fall J. M. STEPHENSON THE LADIES STORE. IF WE CAN'T SUPPLY YOUWITHTTHERUG YOlf WANT IT ISN'T MADE : : i i Oettinger's Furniture Store LJ . ' 11 .1 "Tfrrfl :i 1 """ j g 'Patronize Home Industry' JOB PRINTING We are Equipped to Handle Your Orders for High Grade Job Printing. flrdr Cfffullf nl Preaiplljr , Ecntd We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES. CIRCULARS. LARGE AND. , SMALL. ENVELOPES. POSTERS. We have Connection with Engraven and Blank Book Maker, which en able u. to Promptly Handle - Order (or Engraving and allkind.ofBlarikBook Making. on Free Press Co. lacarpwatei y PaUishers and Jb Printers ; .'Anything la Printing 6R. GEO . K0RNEGAY BpfciaJis. ia D:eaea ef " ' mea autd Children. Oiflei ksurs (0 to 12. OBci OSci ICS E. Camll strut Pbww III. 6 or 6 dosea 66 will break anv case f Tever or Chills. Price. 25 Special in Sunuuer Goods. All Oxfords, Colored Lawh; iMll lineryjLadies'Reaay-to-Wearahd Men's Clothing will be offered at REDUCED PRICES: . .,. , , Barrett & Hartsfield 11 1 ' H 1 U - . I M5KC2 Florence Told All the Neighbors "You come in and see my Florence oil cook stove work jus t once and you won't be happy until you have one. , You can have a slow, simmering fire on one burner at the same time you have a quick, hot fire on another and the other one regulated exactly to any wsrk you want done. Just set the levers aa you want them and you can go away far two hour and find all the burner at exactly the same heat when you come ; back. That's because the o3 supply is automatic and there are no wicks. - "It's to simple, so clean, so conveni ent, so cool, that I don't know what I should do without it, 1 "My husband has tested the FLOR-, ENCE with- other stoves and he says it produces a wonderful amount of heat for the oil consumed and that it costs only about two cents an hour to run four burnerV .. ;-. r , "TUTinlu Pfi 4 OilSlmBlstm" FLORENCE OilCookStoves 4Look for the Lever ''- In the Florence you have at last the toft, reliable oil stove. Safety and nnv piiaty-endecoaorny. They go together. ,- Come ta and aee these wonderful cook . atoves. - They carry the (aabafpcturet'a guarantee in addition to our own. H.EU0SEIEYHDW.:C6. Offerings AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream. Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Son "We Strive to Pleaae" DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLeweao Si Near Residence. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drnf Co. Office hours: U to 11 a. m. Phones: 8 ta ft p. m Office, 471 to I p, & Beaidence, 7-L, July Clearance Sale On This week We Reduce The Following: Unusual Values in UCE FD $1.25 and $1.50 - QUALITY " r 11 UK ! lornegav lab tu i ijuw hr &ai:3Mnv i cests. v M' -t s t

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