THE DAILY FREE PRESS Pabluhed Every Afternoon Except Sunday HUSTON FREE PRESS CO , INC. Subscription Rates: (Pyfcl in Advance) Week. 10c. 3 Month., Month 35c. 12 Month, H. tatt Braxton, Editor and Manager I at lk DMtfiAc at Kmaton. North Carolina mm ncand-claw matter under art at vrogrtM ui Mxdi . 167?. UNITED - PRESS - REPORTS fatephone All Department. 75 Wednenday Evening. August 12, 1S14 Queen street affords the best Retting to be h adanywhere for an artistic line of "white light." About the hardest thing any ernment upon the lace of the earth ha to do now is to maintain its neu- trality. We don't know which, hut this is one of the "everyotherdays" in Mexican affairs. Pence hovers over the hori son. An anti-spitting ordinance shoulo be passed in Kinston. The side walks and hallways of public buildings an. not proper receptacles, There was something in the air a few weeks ago about Kinston's depot prospects. It was even hinted that something of interest was to fall from the secret recesses of the Corporation Commission but it hasn't "dritpped." War news is scare because of tti censorship. Each nation is trying to let out only that, which is favorable to Its side of the question. An eager world will have to wait until some of the. facts become history uefore they re really known, if then. A number of well placed trash can, on Kinston's principal streets and ar ordinance requiring, under penalty 01 fine for violation, the placing of all -wrappers, waste paper, fruit peelings avnd all other refuse that pedestrians now throw down anywhere and the winds scatter broadcast, would help the city beautiful idea along wonder fully. f o It is remarkable how easily "big business can take water, when it is cornered and there is no alternative. Suits are started and then abruptly called off as soon as Mr. Trust Mag na! cries I'll be good. It reminds us of the boy, who cries "Mania I won't do it any more" whe nhe sees her ap proaching with the hickory. Is disso lution sufficient "punishment" for the New Haven bunch of crooks ? Our contemporaries over in Char lotte and Greensboro jie talking back at each other abuiitt he alleged ad vantages and disadvantaged Greens boro's only lailroad system. The Charlotte folks say that Greensboro will wuke up sometime and find itseit off the ninin line and the (Jreensbor scribe cines back and tays it makes no difference, Thtie is apt to-be no:e or less virtue in the argument of boi but neverthele it um:uns tiue.tha Grtensboro is n pi ii-lcnt. as is evei other place. -y n t lailioad f.w.v ties and the railroad in lam is depen dent upon liucr -'Hii o The tobacco men hive cud led t in fer the upenii.g f he tn.-vkct un til September 1. ! ".vhich time it is CX)ctd business tv.d:t : will have, subside. I to a '.:-!ic;c-:; ,Uv:cc fr-'ii. the war flui : y to eiulde the niv.hw ers to d:pote of their crops it ati- lacuuy c ert.iniiy tne uii.trncy throi:fch -ut the cou.'.Uy is to ta..e a ,more ptiniit:c view, as conditii: 'rmr( i'ji-eiu::y considered, an,i tjierc seem t be :i- ginnl reason, a this wiit.n-, i thi-.iK that by the first of the njit month, a reeevtry frost tt. shock wiil not have bee i surncitntly marked to re.;re confidence ami trade relations n, at !ea-t. a ba-is cf operating. his subjects "there is latent hostility to the east and to the west and be yond the sen." The press of America has not been very rympathetic nittj the German position becau.-e there has appeared veiy little, if any, jiint: fication tor the wholesale declaration of war and the precipitation of ali Europe into a mighty struggle. Ap- paiently the German Er.p;.-.r has d.s- regarded ill treaties respecting neu trality laws and arbitration measures and has thrown out a defiant challenge to the world. The American press not.roing to be muzzled and taken as a whole can be depended upon to reflect the real conditions and poinv out the government, which is responsi ble for the terrible war. EDITOR'S STATEMENT. The management of Trie Free Prss thoroughly appreciates 'he incor-en ience caused its readers in the late tie livery of the paper and as b-foi, stated, every effort is bi:ig marie 10 prevent this delay. Ihe.e has been need, in the organization of the me chanical department, of an exptn Not the kind of man who is looking for a job but the kind who is making good on another job arm who can oe. induced to change joLs. Extra men, who are competent, cannot be secured n a place the size of Kinston and hence hey have to be "imported." The Free Press has b?tn in correspon dence with applicants from Te::as to New York and has had a try out of one or two but unfortunately didn't finO! the man that was needed to fill in the gap. If plans fail us not, thinit we are now in position t'j assure o'.;r readers hat we have engaged a man, who wij fill the bill, and after a few day, 1 when he can come and get to work, the delivery of the paper in Kinston wit ie made at a suitable hour and our readers in adjacent towns will d- erved by the afternoon trains. The present organization has beer working faithfully and doing ita besv but the results haven't been obtain able. WHAT OTHERS SAY Cheering up New. (Ledger Dispatch.) The more that is heard of Senatoi Bristow the better seems the judg ment of Kansas in Retiring him. Nor Inteerst of Movy Patrons. (Wilmington Dispatch.) But censorship wil ahrdly interfere wit hthe crop of moving pictures ol the war taken in Jersey and Brook lyn. Reducing Public Pay Roll (Durham Sun.) Caswell has joined in the proces sion of counties to abolish the offic of treasurer and icther place thosv duties with the sheriff or with a bank It might do in small cou.uies to piac. this office in the sheriff's hands, but the better policy is to designate a bank as the county treasury and let that institution act as treasurer. Hit But Didn't Mean it. (Wilmington Stnr.) ooiomon wrote: "Go to the ant, thou sluggard." Of course, the infer ence is that the ant is n nustlei nnu that its great industry should be imi- tntcd. Nevertheless, the ani s activity c. nsi.-ts in making a raid on what o.i- ers have produced by industry. A i-reat m-ny peonle net like nnt. How eer, ue do not intend to dispute a thing that Sol'-mon said. The Kaiser wtn.j to have gotten the impression that l'r.c:e Svm is not as frisnd'y a rm mic.lit I.e. At ie.-st that is the interpretation o; r.. itxn'. rr;j'a:vi.. j m vliich h ?'.: H. w About Home Consumer? I Greonsbo.M Record.) A gentleman hero who deals a little i o the ::;, i !vt. was greatly eviteli hn m.'.ning vho:i be leceived a quo- i.';,on i .ni .. i.i-.oi i, snowing corn a:u -eih'i; a 1.07 -md a fraction, i. i i, ;ito a being hsv.hvr tnan wheai. If the.-e figm are correct, what wmT it be 'Alien this c-mntrv is able to fii;) .t nbii'ttd? The- farmer is goini; starve yet if ho d-m't l.k out. Poultry Kaiser Meet in Annual t on-vention. r.uago. Au,ut u. petrmine- to troo to the world th.u the pouitrj ir.dutiy m this country is the la. gs in the woild, thouanos of poultry raise. from every .-tats in the Union r.nd from ninny section of Canada, gathered nt ;he Fherroan Hctel today for the teal work cf the thirty-ninth an :al meeting cf the American PouU try A sanation which opered its busi ness css;c.i! yeftertlav. Oyti-nisfic View"cf Business Outlook. Th foUow.g is clipped from ' Southern Farming, Athrta. Ga." and Wands a note of optimism well worth reading. The bulletin says: Through the cloud cf hncertain:y like a pail over the bjsiness worlil, may be clearly discerned this striking fact: It is America's -rpoitanity! The world mut be fed, largely from the United State?, a tieast during the next few months. The interrupted export trade must and lihall be resum ed. The delay in ail produce exports can be but temporary. All crops are good property. No one need be scared into selling produce be low its real worth. However, the present flurry affects quotations, all grains and non-perish able prdouce should command excel lent prices ere it is finally consumed Cigar leaf tobacco and hops may bt advanced by the war, and its effect upon heavy leaf may be depressing only for a short time. Continued delay in exports afford rare chances to buy feeds at prices lower than may prevail when export are renewed. All fruits, vegetables, perishable produce, milk, butter, cheese, eggs and meats should command fair prices. Cotton is the worst hit, because half the American crop usually is export ed to the nations now at war. Bui. the new crop is short, world's supply for years to come will be below nor mal, and it is merely a question of time before every pound of cotton wiil be needed, and ultimately at prices in growers' favor probably. Our Strong Financial Situation. The national government, and tne farmers of the United States, backec up by American business and labor interests, make an impregnable combi nation of gold, credits, property and brains. With Uncle Sam at the helm, the fiscal ship wil: soon outride the sudden squall caused by the sun more sudden European war. Crop money $34,000,000 of ii dumped into banks this week from the federal treasury. Vast stocks of gold in the United States, and slight chance o." more oi it egtting away from us. available to the national banks. Emergency currency, $500,000,000 The federal reserve system, soon to be working I No wonder the public is confident that American finance is sound, that business soon may be better than ev er, that the financial center of the globe may be transferred from London to New York, and that American far mers are going to be "everlastingly in it." It is a time to keep cool and make hay. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A3 TO R I A NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. 1 Notice ;s hereby given that the co partnership, heretofore existing be tween T.obert L. Blalock. R. B. Bialock nd V. J. Blalock, under the firm name and style of Blalock Brothers, has. been this day dissolved by limitation ; nd under the terms of the Co-Partner ship Agreement heretofore existing. From and after the date hereof, a co-partnership is formed and will be continued by Robert L. Blalock and R. B. Blalock, under the firm name and style of Blalock Brothers. All debts legally due by the former firm of Bla lock Brothers will be paid by the un dersigned upon presentation. All contracts entered into and all debts created must be entered into and I created by the andersigned or either of them. This 4th day August, 1914. R. L. BLALOCK. R. B. BLALOCK. "Sit Steady in the Boat'i mine nr tArnr yamII nice HivaaI ly and the sun will shine bright ly on Uncle Sam. MEANWHILE Quality housefurnishings is our hobby. Satisfaction when the goods are new, and continued satisfaction as you use them. Everything for the Home at the Real Worth m-3mm mm i e- na m m m sm - mm s m i m i law' . I, I j iisy v - Expression, Phyical Culture, Pedagogy, Domestic SclenceBushStIEr Art' servatory oi Music High standard maintained by large staff of txBtrtent-. trained ins ructors. Takes only 100 boarders and teaches the Individual. lTTr passed health record. Brick buildings. Steam heat Electric lights. ExcSiXi !' Good Gymnasium. Park-like campus. Concerts. lecturesTVeKnii: ffl balL Write for our catalog before selecting the college for your daughter GEORGE J. RAMSEY, M. A, LL. D, Praaident. Raleigh, N. C THE PLAIN TRUTH. What More Can Kinston People Ask? When well-known residents and highly-respected people of Kinston make such statements as the follow ing, it must carry conviction to ev ery reader: J. C. Heath, chief of police, tfOl Waters St., Kinston, says "About h. year and a half ago, my kidneys goi out order and gave me much annoy. ance. I had pains in the small of m- back, frequent headaches and dizzy spells. The kidney secretions were too freuqent in passage, scanty and pain ful. They were also highly colored and contained sediment. I began us ing Doan's Kidney Pills as directed and they soon cure dme of all symp toms of kidney and bladder trouble." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Ioan's Kidney Pills the same that Chief Heath had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. PLAY ICE CREAM The Coolest cf Hot Weather Games! 1 Requires no Exertion Our Parlors Free For Use oi Parties Consisting of One. Two or More Everything Furnished! CHARGES NOMINAL! Courie's Candy Kitchen IRA M. HARDY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 102 W. Caswell St. 'Phone 479. Residence 309 West Lenoir St. 'Phone 507. DR. R. A. WHITAKER Physician and Surgeon New Buildmg corner Blount street and Locust Alley, opposite Hooker, Churchill & Co Office: 303 Residence: 152 'Phones : NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of M. R. W'iggins, de ceased, late of Lenoir county, X. C, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exh bit them to the under- ;ig::ed on or before the 3rd day t f A.. gust, 1 .)!., or this notice wiil be p.ea.led n bar or tlietr recovery. pei sen indebted to said otatc piease make -'mmediale payment. This, the :Ust day of July, SUSIE M. WIGGINS Adniii.istrativix cf M. R. Wi.i;j:n ceased. Loftin & Paw son. Attorneys Administratrix. S-l to i'-.T a:: DR. F. FITTS ri Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins., & Realty Co. Office Hours: .9-12. .2-6 Xight9 and Sundays by Appointment. Examination Free Phone 80 THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets Manufacturers of f Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors, Stair Work, Grilles, Mouldings and Interior Finish; Mantels, Columns, Balusters, Porch Rail, Screen Doors and Win dows. Store Fronts and Office Fixtures a Specialty (K 1 V. DOSE-.TweTjrCT I m-ome I 5 or 6 doses of 6S6 will break any case of Fever or Chills. Price, 25 cents. (Adv.) The North Carolina College of Agri culture and Mechanic Arts. This State Industrial College of fers strong courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock-raising, Dairying, Poultry, Veterinary Medicine; in Ci vil, Electrical, and Mechanical En gineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cotton Manufacturing, and in Agricultural teaching, Four year courses in Agriculture and in Ma chine Shop Work. Faculty of CI men; 738 students; 2.") buildings; ex cellent equipment and laboratories for each department. On July 9th County Superintendents conduct en trance examinations at each county seat. For catalogue write E. B. OWEN, Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. Polk Miller's LIVER PILLS are fast displacing the old time honored calomel and salts. They are quicker and more thorough in effect, gently relieving the system of al impurities without the distressing after-effects of the old-time, griping cathartics. Taken at bedtime, they cleanse and invigorate the stomach, liver and kidneys, quickly dispelling all ailments of these important organs. Aik for Polk Mfller's Liver Pills at druggist or general stores today or send 10c for foil size box con taining 7c coupon. Free sample on request POLK MILLER DRUG CO., Inc. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA r- Littleton College -, A well-etblihed. well-quipped. nd ven proiperoun chool tor girlt nd young women. Fall term begins SeDtember lb. 1914. For catalogue, addiew J. M. HODES, Lit letotr, N. C. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE PRESS III NOTICE. The sixtieth annual meeting of the stockholders of the A X. C. Rail road Company will he held at the At lantic Hotel in Morehea J City the first Thurday after the first Monday in August, it being the rith day of Au gust, 1914. The meeting will be call ed to erder at 12 o'clock m. Books for transfer of stock will close ten days preceding the meeting. T. W. SLOCUMB, Secretary and Treas. Goldsboro, X. C, July 6, 1?14. 7-6 to The National Bank of Kinston I IP m iiiilf S REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods, and this bank has kept pace with them. While conservative in the interest of SAFETY, our equipment and business methods are nYodem. Let us do business together to our mutual advantage. Capital. $100,000.00 Surplus ' $90,000.00 "THE OLDEST AMD STRONGEST BANK Hi THE COUNTY." I SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE PRESS J