THE DAILY FREE PRESS Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday HUSTON FREE PRESS CO., INC. H. Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager I M K MMtoftc M KilMlan. North Cwolins, m Meond-rMM m.oef unacr tct or ionsr i Mscl J. 1879. VHITED - PRESS - REPORTS f tlephone All Departments 75 Subscription Rates: (Psysbls in Advance) Week. 10c 3 Months, Month 35c. 12 Month. Friday Evening Augunt 14, 1914 The Kaiser items to he making a deiperate effort to involve the few re maining countrie of Europe in the continent wide war. Probably the reason the railroad of ficials don't wake up to the necessity of better facilities for Kington iit that they generally travel in private cars and have no need to make use of depot accommodations. "The Greater Washington Edition of the Daily News containing 16 pages and published on August the It it a credit to Editor Mayo and his taff. It is filled with boosting newt of the advantages of Washington ana Beaufort County. Germany seems to be playing u game with Belgium where it thinks it can hit her in the face and Ray ex cuse me but the Belgiums don't like the treatment. It is reported that a renewed request for the privilege of passing through Belgium territory has been made and turned down. Let the reader of the Free Press, and all other papei-n, keep in mind thfu authentic news concerning the pro gress of the war i practically impon sible to get Hiul let them not he too husty in condemning ny of the be I irerents. Remember there are two aides to every question and ritfht w no doiibt, eventually ptevail. of trie Atlantic and it xs to be hoped that the Attorney General will very quickly respond to the call of the Pre sident arid the welfare of the people of this nation and apply checxs as may be r.ecesary to defend the con sumers from the extortionate lU'th'Klj and practice of there oct p-is' of DOVER t V AND SOUTH RAILROAD " BOUND Schedule of Trains Carrying Passers gers. Effective Sunday, February &, 191A. t South Bound Train. a',..-. , A JJAKK OF 'I HE S'VTH The press dispatches from Rome a few days afro, on the occasion of tUe funeral of Mrs. Wilson, paid tribute to that spirit of hospitality and sympa' thetic cordial good will toward ail men, which has ever characterized the South. All along the route of the fan- eral train people of high and low ea tate gathered to show their respect' and sympathy in silence. Several thousand people journeyed to Rome to do the same thing. The city authorities had taken the precaution to provide extra police to keep orcer but tney were not needed except to point out to the visitors the route of the proces sion in order that the way might be kept clear. There was a quietness ol Sunday permeating the atmosphere. There was no hilarity or untoward conduct out of keeping with the occas- on. Why ? because the people gather ed there, were Southerners possessing that heritage, which has ever been theirs and which does not belong to the people of any other section or clime. Be it ever thus. Let our peo ple continue to give example of de corum on all such occasions. WHAT OTHERS SAY Some of these days the pride ot Kin ton's citizens will rise up and de ; maud the erection of a city hall and jail In keeping with the growth of tnt town. Until then the unfortunate., who fall under the arm of the law will continue to be put in the "chicken coops, which are now provided for their reception. The visit yesterday of the higher officials of the Norfolk Southern Rail way may have no greater MArnitkanoe than n regjlar inspection trip. It ik however, thought by simo, to mean that there in n plan on foot to extend the road to Stantonsburg ns it known that such a 1ms been un der consideration heretofore. The Free Press hopes that further exten sions of the lines of the Norfolk South ern in this section of the State arc contemplated and that actual opera tions may be begun at "an eaily date. Every encouragement sduuld be gw n railroads to extend their mileniti' and The Free Press will always glad ly lend its influence to any undertaK ing in this direction"'!! the railroads which now run into Kinston or an? others which may seek admission to this field. May They be Bumpers. (Greenville Reflector.) Meanwhile the American forces con tinue to re mobilized to harvest th rops. Probably Attempting to Induce Sur renders. (Scotland Neck Commonwealth.) "Belgians furnish German prisoners with bread and beer." Headline. O: well, war ain't ?o bad. o Old Barley Corn I'sing Mode Methods. (Wilmington Star.) Virginians continue to plant "local self-government" mines along the routes mapped out for the passage of the water wagon. o They'll Find Something Just as Good (News Leader.) -just initiK or u ine price of rouge has pone up If! riei' cent. ;n the Inst two weeks on account of the war. Isn't it a barefaced shame asks the Boston Globe Also a .'ot outrage? More War (Prophets. j ( Durham Sun. Napoleon predicted that in 100 years all the world would be either all Cos- ack or all Republican, but strangely enough didn't seem to foresee how thoroughly Democratic the Unitea States would be bv that time. o Safe and Wise Investments. (New Bern Sufi.) The growing activity In the sale of New Bern dirt is significant. Scarce- y a day passes that at least one am' sometimes three r four lots do noi .hange hands and at a prfit to tnv sellers. No citizen is so r:c'n and scarcely any sy poor that he should not be aide to contemplate with satisfac tion some h"idi:igs of biir or little ex tent in Ne wBcrn or Craven county Lv Dover Lv Foy Lv Taylors Lv Phillips LvWimsatt Lv Comfort Lv, Petersburg At Ricbjand ,'. STATION'S A C - P.;M. ;. ' . 4:45 ' " 5:00 '' 5:04 , - 6:00 .A fa. ' ''"'' 5 4. A. M. A 1 " '-.-j1- 8:49 Ar Dover Ar Foys Ax Taylors Ar Phillips Ar Wimsatt Ar Comfort Ar Petersburg.., Lv RicbJands 8 AM. North Bound Trains ;. STATIONS ... ...... ...6-, , . A. M. 7:55 ' 7:38 7:34 7:23 7:12 6:51 .6:30,. 6.25 Trains run daily except Sunday. N. S. RICHARDSON, Traffic Manager, D. W. RICHARDSON, General Manager. 7.55 -7:40 7:36 7:27 ?:18 7:00 6:40 8:35 KINSTON A CAROLINA LUMBER CO. R. R. Tatronfee Hortejlndastry JOB PRINTING We are Equipped to Handle Your ,' . Orders fcr High Grade Job Printing. Oiitn Crfnlly ami rWplly Eietrted V We MIte the Best Grade letter .heads. , wedding Invitations, j cards for all purposes. V : ORCULAiftS, LARCE AND '-4 iSMALLi'ri.?;. . EN VF LOPES,' We have Connections with Engravers and Blank feoba Malcers which en able us to Promptly Handle Orders (or Engraving and ' 1 ' all kind of Blank Book Making. . Kinston Free Press Co. bcorparatcd Publishers and Job Printer! 'Anything In Printing Time Table No. 4. Effective March 22, 1914, k:00 a. m. Daily except Sunday. CHECKING THE ADVANCE FOODSTt I F PUK ES. IN Iup-.h- Th ion to the ;u..- In yesterday's editurin Free Press called atten reasonable increase in the pin- of food stu-fs, pointing; out that the mve . aities, which were home prctlucii. meaniiitf American pnilucts, had tei. advanced to an esharbitunt Cju;s, i being alleged by those in contiol of thee products that conditions in Eu rop necessitated the advance. The President issued instructions yesterday to the Attorney General to go after the, fellows, who were responsible tui this rapid and unwarranted increase. President Wilson continues to demon 'atrate that he is fitted, in every to steer th hip cf jrovernment safely over tna hoal and to guard the lnte eats tht people." "As putted pot in Tn Free Press, there i uc cod rta oo for any advaaca what w In th price of the! nece?itk if .Vfe lVh United State Ci sraunt of any Vara that may be rag!ne n the other a'.av - ' " . ' ' - -" '4. 5 or 6 doses of t.Y will break any esse of Fever or Chills. Price. 25 cents. (Adv.) Mo. 1 P. M. 3:00 Lv. 3:10 Lv. 3:20 Lv. 3:50 Lv. 4:20 Lv. 4:30 Ar. STATIONS No. 2 A. M Ar. 9:10 Ar. 8.50 Ar. 8:40 Kinston Jackson Albritton's Sparrows Lynchburg Pink Hill Lv. WM. HAYES, General Guperintedent. R. A. HOXEYCUTT, Superintendent. VACATION EXCURSION TO EAS TERN RESORTS AND CITIES Via the ATLANTIC COAST LINE The standard Railroad of the South at the following low round trip fares: From Kinston to Atlantic City, New Jersey '. $12.00 Baltimore, Md 11.00 Washington, D. C 9.00 Richmond, Va 6.00 Norfolk, Va 6.00 Virginia Beach, Va. 6.00 Tickets will be sold for all trains on j Tuesday, August 18. ' Limited returning to reach original j starting point by or before midnight of Wednesday, September 2, 1914. For schedules, routes, stop-over pri- I '' ' ' if "''; ! .' IF ITS FOR THE HOME I il I . : We have jtAnd.,;il, Quality Furniture. Dainty patterns II from the' better ' j factories. -PagiSB!BMggT1- i m i ii i i.i i nm Ar. 8:20 Ar. 8 :0") vileges, ec, apply to D. J. Ward, Tick- j j 3:00 et Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, or Address, W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Tass. Traf. Mgr. Gen. Pass Agt Wilmington, N. C. Littleton College , A wll-etfclioHed. wetl-qutppd, and very propeou ikKckjI (or gul wid youni women, Fall term bf-pirii September 16, t9i4. F or catalogue, ttridieu J. M. RHODES, Lit leton, N. C. DR. DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge -Work a Specialty. OfficeoverCik Milloffice SUBSCRIBE WOW TO -THE FIFTH SERIES OF STOCK IN THE MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION An Absolutely Safe Investment Which Will Yield a Net Return of Over SIX PER CENT The New Series Will Date From SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th C. OETTINGER, Sec. & Treas. TELEPHONE 182 in THE FIRST NATIONAL FANK OF KINSTON "while lympAthizing with war-tricken Europe congratulate its tnends and patrons upon the very atitfactor state of business here, and is gratified that the preparedness of our Govern ment gives unquestioned assurance of an abund ance of currency for business requirements and for the movement of the crops." OfFICIRS N. J. ROUSE, Pre. DR. H. TULL, Vice President, D. F.WOOTEN. Cashier. J. J. B1ZZELL. Ass t Cashier, T. W. HEATH, Teller. DIRECTORS. W. L Kennedy ' David Oettinger H. Tull tH. Canady . C. Moseley J. F. Parrott C. Felix Harvey H. E. Moseley r. laylor H. H. McCoy S. H. Isler N. J. Rouse i C7-QUR WEEKLY LIMERICK Proroineat inservice, is General Hardware, Excelled bv none, for hardware and tear. v&CNERAl. ' 8u m irng . U c '1 I I . tJ 670 WITH HEUUPBTEBS HERE. When you appear, He'll salute yon, try to rait you, and treat yon all fair. Our Line of General Hardware CONSISTS OF Heavy, Shelf and Builders' HARDWARE Ranges. Heaters. Qil and Gasoline Stoves, Kitchen Utensils, Anti-Rust Tin, Granite and Enamel Ware. Washing Machines, Tubs, Wringers arjd Boiles, Churns, Ice Boxes. Refriorerators. Ice Cream Freezers, aijd- a host of kerns too numerous to enumerate. When you want Hardware. reatmW tbers is not a Hardware want wc can't supply. D. V. DIXON SON The North Carolina College of Agri culture and Mechanic Arts. The Stato ltululruil Cot We of- fers tii-.!:.' oouros in Ai:rnlturt', IIi'r;i'u!tr'. St k-rniiiijr, Dairymi;. r,.t. ... ..... i uanrv. tiT!::ary ModK-iiie; in i vil, Klutvii'til, and Meclinnical Err; Kiowrirg; in Chemistry and iivt'ns; in Cotton MiinnfHeturmff, tuid in Airri.'ii'tural tnulnnsr. Four year ewire- in .AcrUultiire nn.l in Ma oline Shop Work. Faculty o HI men; 73S t-tudnts; ") huildings; ex cellent equipment nnd t I.tjoratoriea for each department. On July 0th County SbrMrinteuuVbta eonUuet en trance examinations . at..eaeh county eat. For cat.ilofrm write P.B. OWEN, Registrar, ; . , : I 3,t Rfiiieh, x EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executrix of the esttate of the late D. J. Nunn, late of Lenoir county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having cfaims gainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, proven and itemized to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of July 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of July. 1914. 3IKS. L1LLIE NUXN, Executrix of tha estate of D. jCNunn, NOTICE. the underuaifiUr-Jiavnir been ar- pointed and duly qualified as admin, istrator of the estate of E.' V. Bor den, deceased, all persons having claim against sard estate are noti fied to exhibit the same before kirn on or before July 20, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tfceir recovery. All personal indebted to aaid estate will please icake imme iate payment Thi JStaiday of July, 1914; fr. . . I V ' (17 B ANTON. A Junutrator, ct E, t W. Borden, de- rULtlVIDNEY PILLS ifi7 0.. , Attorney f The National Bank of Kinston ll Willi- REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methodsand (his bank has. Kept pace with them. While conservative in the interest ofSAPETYr bur equipment and" business methods re modern. Let us V do business together to bur mutual advantage? - "A. Capital. $100,000.00 Surplus. $90,000.00 5i Ik "THE OLDEST AND '-STRONGEST BANK Ifi i THE COUHTY." nii,BwsslSUaustti