I OF LOCAL INTEREST , Evaajilktic Servui-a. Kev. W. O. Bodell, pastor of t:.e IJniversalist church, is engaged u i evxmfjclintie work in TuUro. lie i Lheing assisted by Rev. J. L. Vvert n, :! . Clinton. Mr. Bodell will hold services at -Pink Hill f ay morninif vt 11 o'clock, at Smith's Chapel at 3:.'I0 p. m. and at Mill Hill school house Sun--day night at 8 o'clutk. Pastor Resigns. Rev. W. T. Thompson, Jr., who has l)en pastor of the Presbyterian church of this city eince early in 111 o , announced to his ccriyriefcauon Sunday that he had decided to accept a call to the First Presbyterian church c: Knoxville, Tennessee, and that he ' would leave Lexington at once to l e gia his work. The announcement, . while It created no surprise was a hard ' how to the members of the congre gation, and to the people of Lexington in general. It is safe to say that iiU pastor of any denomination, has ever had a stronger hold upon- the affections of a people than Mr. Thompson ha en joyed here and his (joinuf is regretted by everybody. Lexington Dispatch. Delegates to Waterways Meeting Mayor Sutton has appointed five delegates to the Atlantic Deeper 'Waterways Association to be held in New York City, Sept. 22 to 2(5, in elusive, The appointees art Dr. J. M. Tarrott, Lovit Hines, N. J. Rouse, W. D. LaRoque and William Hays; and .the step was taken at the invitation of the Executive Committe f the Nortn Carolina Waterways Association with ..headquarters at Washington, N. C. ITn North Carolina Association is especially interested in tne projecteu completion of the inland waterway along the Atlantic Coast of this tUU; and a special effort is to too made to secure the early completion of the link from Beaufort to the South. The Norfolk-Beaufort link i now in use. Special rates to the New York meet ing will be in force from all Souta Eastern points. The officers of the association hope to have a Inrgs num ber of representative North Carolin ians in attendance. Roys Have Bis Time. Thoroughly bronzed by the sun, mosquito-bitten, but not otherwise in . jured the knights of E;:elnh returned 1L. I ... Tl 1 t . ui uiw cuy inursuay nignc irom b tenday's outing at Camp Glenn. The company consists of 15 boys under the leadership of Rev. H. A. Humble, pas tor of the Methodist chu.cn, who wu : Assisted at the encampment by Mr. John A. Herndon, Sr., and Ray Jordar.. The boys declared that not a dun moment had transpired. Prayer ser vice was held twice daily, morning nnu Evening, and by ten o'clock ea h nigra I, except the sentriesfi were in bed. 'Six o'clock a. m. wr.s tho time for ris ing and nt 7:30 they had l.reitkfa. ...f.?r th! t-., ' .inn tt kind cr Vfcthcr urti! 11 vhtn they v.vnt u the sound for a swim, then dinnev and unother swim at 4 o'clock. The Knight of ulah were organiz ed in VMM by Rev. II. A. Humble, then Klationed at Luuriidiurg. Witu Init few changes it lias been adopted iy thee Epworth League boanl us the l oy'a o, jmii?ation of the Metbodit huivh. Its purpose, which is tuner forgotten in camp, is to develop hov into ( hii.'tian manhood, to teach bo v. that they tan lo )-'oil boys and mar. iioys ut the ;anic time. The boys seem very f r.d of tiie lender, r.ev. Mr. Mumble and voted him i complimentary xml on the ev- -ning before breaking camp. Those comprising the party at the -encampment (nil of u.iwn ca...o n me with a nickname I were: Kent Out law, Ray Jordan, John A. Henulon, Jr., Lisha Lewis, Frank Hooker, Orviho Jobson, Lee Davis. Park Nunn, Ne ton Smith, Gray Smith, William Dix on .Cecil Wooton, Ernest Mangum, .Roland Blow Paul Bell and Riihavu IX Hardy "Dick, the cook." HEW HOSIERY MILL FOR ELIZABETH CITY Elisabeth City, August U. The Pasquotank Hosiery Mill has begun operations. The machinery-was ts d out the first of the week and yes terdajr morning the manufacture of .' hosiery was begun. The plant staried with k fair sired complement of ahnds chlch will be increased until the mili will be operated at its full capacity -which is about 700 dozen pairs per day. ' Mr. Noah Burtoot is President of this company and Mr. Dennis Van liorn ia general manager of the milL . . Children Cry rOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SUBSCRIBE TO TUX FREE PRESS NX SOLDIER BOYS WELL RECEIVED IN GA. Capt. A. L. C. Hill Reports a Most Ef ioyahlf Irij: and Speaks of llir Hospitality of Augustans. Cf.;.t. A. L. C. Hi!!. Quarter Master i '. the Kt-.-ord Retrimer.t N. C. X. U, which has been in annual eni'arapnvr'.t at Augusta, Georgia, returned with the Kmston company this moraine. Capt. Hill reports having had a m"-it delightful trip and is especially louu it. bis praises of the hospitality a--ccrcied the so!-lier boys in Augusta. The encampment was heM u; Cam. Wheeler, Iccatsd very near the .oia home of the famou3 confederate fiirn fer, General Wheeler, affect ionatel) spoken of as "Fighting Joe" anu the officers mess was held in the ola Wheeler house.' Col. Mallory of the 21th Infantry U. S. A., was command-er-in-chief and Capt. Hill says he and his associates were most helpful in their instructions to the boys and con siderate of their welfare. Co. H. 2!Hh U. S. A. Infantry under command o; Capt. Wadon was stationed at tne camp and four United States army of ficers, who acted as instructors for the three battalions. Capt. R. C. Lang don IT. S. A., who is Commandant ax the A & M at Raleigh, was one of the instructors. Capt. Timball, Capt. Gregg and Lieut. Hendricks of the United i't..t.. army V4r tlie efficient instructors for the battalions in ordei as named. The people of Augusta were very kind to say that the North Carolina regiment was tho r.im orderly ar.a well conducted that had been in cam there this season. The Kinston band, as told in the Free Press some days ago made a decided hit. Capt. Hili says that' everything moved like clockwork. The train were handled on time, the arrange merits at camp were handled with dis patch and the entertainment by the Georgians, which I.e. says cannot be emphasized too much, all went to make the trip a most memorable one. LOCAL SCHOOLS TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 1 Trustees Ask for Same Tax Rate as Heretofore. The board of trustees of the city graded schools met last night in re gular session in the Secretary's office at the Peyton avenue school build ing. President were chairman J. W. Goodson, Secretary P. S. B. Harper and Messrs. William Hays and J. O. Miller. It was decided to open school this fall on September 14. The board elected four new teachers. This will increase the faculty by two members. A committee consisting of Messrs. 1 ays, uoodson ana Harper was auth orized to sink an artesian well at the site of the new school building on Le noir street. This to be undertaken as soon as the debris that now cover.-, the ground is cleared away. The trustees recommended to the board of aldermaen that the school tax rnt' be tried' Si) cents on the hun- !.ed as heretofore. This is virtually t:.uig tne rate, since the aldermen have always passed the rate as recon.. mer.ded bv the board. City Suj-erinteivltnt Darron Cald well was present at the meeting, but left on the night train, for Fayettevile where he is now engaged in insitutt work. I he institute clones Tuesday r.:ht r.nd Mr. Caldwell then expects t return to Kington, which he will r.ake his permanent residence. The new biuldmg will probably be completed by (Vtober 1."; and the op-er.u-g will take place inthe old build in. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of THE SAJ Gets an average of 30 miles to a gallon of gasoline, 10,000 miles on a set of tires. For economy and pleasure drive the SAXON. Ask for a Demonstration KINSTOn GARAGE, Inc. phone 414 ON Figured Crepedechine 36 in. Wide. 50c. a Yard. In South Window O. N. T? Cotton 6 for 25c. Ciias. A Waters The TleoSone Store -Phone Nt. SI Start an Account With Us We Will Help You Save. New Crepes and Poplins In all the leading shades Now on display. SEE THEM All Oxfords at Re duced Prices. THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 Prop. s 1 n PLAY-ICE CREAM The Cool $t of Hot Weather Games! Requires no Exertion Our Parlors Free For Use of Parties Consisting of One, Two or More Everything Furnished! CHARGES NOMINAL! Courie's Candy Kitchen Dr. O. L. WILSON Dentist Office orer J. . Ilood ft Co't Stores 11 !:,rWrl I I Is- I I A 'Few More $2 5 Presses For $9 .98 Just the Thing for Early Fall. J. M. STEPHENSON THE LADIES STORE. ASK TIE ill Customers of Oettingers of 40 years ago are still cus tomers. Children and grand children of parents who traded with Oettingets in the 1870's, trade here now. It is a significant fact that the majority of our custo mers stick, and another sig nificant fact that you never see any of them dissatisfied with anything bought here. "ASK IHE UI 10 BUYS HEBE Oettinger's Furniture Store Florence Told All the Neighbors "You come in and se my Florence oil cook stove work just once and you won't be happy until you have one. . "You can have a slow, simmering fire On one burner at the same time you have a quick, hot fire on another and the other one regulated exactly to any work you want done. Just set the levers as you want them and you can go away for two hours and rind all the burners at exactly the same heat when you come back. That's because the oil supply u automatic and there are ao wicks. "It's so simple, ao clean, so conveni ent, so cool, that I don't know what 1 should do without it. "My husband has tested the FLOR ENCE with other stoves and he says it produces a wonderful amount of heat for ths oil consumed and that it costs only about two cents aa hour to run four burners.' "TU rerstof iStaf ia Oil Sttr Hiutrj" FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves Look for the Lerer" la the Florence you cave at last the mM. reliable oil stove. Safety and sits pucity end economy. Theytotofether. ' Ciwne In intl mam ttww wniwWAJ stoves. They carry the manufacturer'a to saaiona to our ows. H. E MOSELEY HDW. CO. Special In Summer Goods. All Oxfords, Colored Lawns, Mil linery, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Men's Clothing will be offered at REDUCED PRICES Barrett & Hartsf ield WHO BUYS HERE" THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors. Stair Work, Grilles, Mouldings and Interior Finish; Mantels, Columns, Balusters, Porch R a i 1, Screen Doors and Win dows. Store Fronts and Office Fixtures a Specialty OR. F. FITT3 Osteopathic Physician Oyer Kinston Ins., & Realty Co. Office Hours: .9-12. .2-8 ' Nights and Sundays by -Appointment - "Examination Free Phone 80 0ft. GEO. E. K0RXESAY '. 8peialial ia Diaaasea of We- wtm and Clildrea. 0S2e Hours 18 to II CCet CSci lCS E CasweS itrttt Thooi III. Offerings AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Sod "We Strive to Please" OR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean Si Near Residence. 2. V. M0SELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Offlce next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office (tours: 9 ro 11 a. m. Phones: S to 9 p. m, Office, 478 1 to I p. Residence, T-L. Sale Now On This week We Reduce The Following: winmis In Crepe and Rice Cloth $1.50 QUALITY Special $1.19 Long G.tM SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE PRESS '