OF LOCAL INTEREST ST. JOHN'S LODGE. There will be a special coir.municii tion of St. John's Lodge, No. 4, A. ; avmi Ay MMondty eveninj; ft 8 o'cfock1. for; wprH UU&e seacwl cit-f ren. ' ' ' t' - i. o. f; encampment. N. B. Moore and' R. E'. Cox will go r W High Point Tuesday to repiwen: . the tootiM4.FplIifr At. the gran.: encampment of the orar in i'ie State.. Jhft:nision,T" of theencr.mr raent wfll last' through' several day. . . HEATT WAOtf IrTENSE. , Sunday was not' so hot' a Cay ai many people supposed. The mercury just barely topped 'the 93 mark, the official report. fof Klnstoo a li. This was nine degrees cooler thsn on the hottest day of the year to date. ' Falling weather is predicted. .STATE.MlS&giC: OF JUNIORS. . The annual convention of tfteSate Council of .the Junior Qrder of Unit ed American Mechanics will be open ed iB Durham, Juesday evening at 8 o'cock. ; lndr Couifcir No. 18 will be represented by Jesse Cullom and Sam A. Haskins. THREE RETAILERS ARRESTED. Joseph Jones, white, and his son, Jarvis Jones, were arrested for sell ing whiskey Saturday night in an Hey in South Kinston. A deputy sheriff , saw the Joneses take pay ment for a pint of whiskey- They gave bond. Sunday night the police arrested John Simmons, colored, for the same offense. SAM NEW80M GIVES BAIL. Late Saturday a magistrate bound 8am Newsom, a negro, accused or trying to assault his employer, G. M. Rouse, with a knife, over to Su perior Court The defendant gave bond. The attempted assault was al leged to have occurred on the farm of Rouse, a white planter, near Fall ing Creek. LIVED TOGETHER ILLEGALLY. The sheriff of Martin county, Sun day, arrested Jake Dawson and B r tha Farmer, in their home, near Rob--ereonvllle for fornication ana adul tery. The two were under indictment here for that offense, and eluued die authorities some months ago. Hie local officers located Dawson ana uie woman hut week. They gave bond wntil 1 the coming term of Superior Courts here. DITULITHIC OR ASPHALT. Was work Is commenced on im , provetnents to Kinsten's streets af-ar-.thej' bonds, now laying dormant, re 'sold what will be the nature of the pavements to be laid T is the ques tjon that many have asked. It is aafe to assert that the council will eject either bitulithic or sheet a.v phalt, say those close to the adnv.n iatration. The former seems to have the preference of the majority of the council. Bitulithic has been used ex tensively In this part of the coa.i try, and has a very durable and yet smooth surface, pleasing in appear- nee, ''It is said to have stood hard testa Jtreots;Ui Charlotte, Win aton.8ajem,.shevilhjV Rocky Mount, Coldsboro, fayettevffle and other North Caroliim towns. SALE OF BONDS DELAYED. The European was ha, by discon certing affairs in the bond market, Jtad the effect of postponing the ex tensive municipal improvements uu thorUed by an election in Kinston on June 23. After City Council had rejected all offers for ,th $100,000 issue, when advertised fur, yiu were opened in July, the administration heads were authorized to make a .private aale. The officials have abandoned the hope of selling the bonds until some thing decisive transpires in Europe. All proportions had been turned down because the bidden nave ask d Mg discount, which the city inU ot consider. It is probable that the lighting, aewage and paving extensions in tended U be made this fall will net be coiiced for several monraa. The engineer is finishing his plans, but no step may be made ror actual work until 1915. CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO HOLD EVANGELISTIC MEETING. The Christian congregation of this city la to hold an evangelistic meet. Ing, ' beginning Sunday. Ausrust SO. and lastlag for about two weeks. The pastor will probably do the preach ing. : mt doeea of 6C win break any eaae f Fever or Chills. Prk. M (Adv.) TEMPERANCE MEETING . HELD LAST NIGHT. Lant night, inntead of the usual sermon, Bernard Smith, of the Chris tian church, gava a temperance ad dress. He spoke very earnestly of the benefits to bi derived from rc hibiticn, and backed up his -a; te nants with-'afetonhihfng facts nr.'i te- tinnial(t rom btojrfnes? ar.d scUr.-' title irwr;who have '(mrestigated''the tttontf drink xituation. Ha slinvvei the spiendid conditions existing ij. .Kapaa after' thirtynve years;; tf prohibition.' J " In cloung, he ndmon'.s-:h?d the cit izens of Einefan .to ta on the ait-:-: us to enforcement of law; to sea that temper&rwJe -facts, aje tuutht ir. Wie public schools and meeting are held to disseminate, intelligent'.' &D ! t'uii.t 3j sentiment. He u.v urged 'Ke im fcrt)ince of electing the riifbt knd of legislators, so that the law may not 1 weakened, but stran?thened und perfected. He declared that it was a safe course toi alway. oppose the man the liquor element favored because strong drink is a?ain everything the church and good men ure for, und for everything .that $ church and good, men pre' opposed to. 1 RUSH WORK ON " TH1 ALARM SYSTEM. Work wan tegcn in earnest toay j by a force of men of the Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company or Cincinnati, on the local alarm sys tem, which will be one of the most complete and modern in Eastern Car olina. The construction will be rusft- ed so that the system may be, in ope ration in from ten to twenty days. Twenty boxes will be scattered about the city at intervals of several blocks. The alarm boxes are of tne newest style, with the sending apparatus easy of access. In the stations indi cators with big, easily readable dials, and brass gongs which may De heard for some distailce from the house; will record the location of the box from which the alarm is sent in, and strike its number for the informa tion of the firemen. FARMER AND FAMILY BESIEGED IN THEIR HOME. Jesse Braxton, a farmer who lives in Pitt county, a short distance from the Lenoirline, has col'.-etf half a bushel of brick-bats ano omer mis siles which hav been thrown at his house during the past few days. Braxton's dwelling is surrounded by a well-matured corn crop, and al though he suspected negtoea, who, he had reason to believe were his enemies, ho could never get a glimpse of. the assailants until at last, in des peration, ne fired a shotgun into the Held in the direction vr the nidden fusilliers. It is beliered a number of the shot found their mars, for the malicious bombardment roc been repeated since. The plancer and his family were almost afraid to venture out of doors unarmed. QUARTERLY CONFERE.NCE TO MEET TONIGHT. The quarterly ronfrn- of Cu ll be well Street Methodut rhu.ol w. held in the church tonige. Preced ing the conference, Rev. J. E. Un derwood, presiding elder of tne New Bern district of the churc.i, will de liver a sermon. SUFFRAGISTS TURN (TBS" TO AID CAMPAIGN FUND. Philadelphia, Ausf. 17 Suffragists in this and other large cities of the State turned "cub" reporters Satur day. Many newspapers hired the women vote-seekers to do re- portorial and editorial work. Each "cub will turn over the day's sal ary to the "denial day" campaign fund. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A THE SB Gets an average of oU miles to a gallon of gasoline, 10,000 miles on a set of tires. For economy and pleasure drive the SAXON. Muslin I and ft Worth a :Good Bit More. N. Window O. N, T Cotton 6 or 25c. Th TiteoHooe Store Start an Accoartt t i i ,v With Us We Will Help You- - Save. New Crepes aijd Poplins In all the leading shade NbW on display. SEE THEM All Oxfords at Re duced Prices. i THE ONE PRICE , CASH STORE " ' 4 A J. SUTTON Nous 34 & Prop. POT We Cater -to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream Sodd and Fine Candy Phon 149 J.T. Skinner & Son "We Sttive toPleaaa" 0R. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins., ft Realty Co. OSct Hours: .9-11.24 Nighta aad Sunday by Appointmeot. t Examiaatioa Free Phone 8C A Few More $25 ,' - - i ", . .'- I Dresses Jdst the Tliitig M EMy'Fall ( 'fl'. f..lt.ut.f 1 t, t ' I A, STEPHENSON THE LADIES STORE. .' . - .i -nu-i LIKE .Fdf.$9,98 i That are both artistic and durable, you will find them here. From the cheapest Ingrain to the handsomest llll J I Wiltone the newest patterns and the V largest assortments that we mil k ave ever offered. We have the rug to suit you at the price you want to pay. Bill I 11 Oettinsier's llll Vt ; ill I I I . FlprencoTold AU the Ndghbora w Tfou coarfln and see my Florence oil cook stove work just once-aad yon i weat be happy until you hare on. , "You on have a slow, tmuaermg are oaoa. burner at the Mac time you have a quick, hot fire oa aaotner-and the -other one nculate xactiy Waay voric 3a eoaau, Jaatost-the levers as yea want then and you caa to away Joe two hours sat find all the humeri at exactly the aame heat when you cone back. That's biaines the oil supply is utamatic and tixr are nowicki. -w "Il'.o Mnpla M cbaa. so converd eat, so cool, that I doat kaow what I Should do without it. f My hwband has' tasted the FtOR. ENCI with other stores aadheiaysit produces a woodcrful amount of heat for tho a consumed and that it coats only about two ceatt aa hour to run four burner. yri TWataf riM Oil S Hittmj'' FLORENCE OilCook Stoves 1xok for thm LeW h the lloreace you ha-t laat-the awKrolabU oJ etoro. Safoty-oad mm. pikMt ouJoooaomy. They so toawthw. ! JJ f tfceae wwaderful cook ! WSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSmmmSmSSmSSSS "f M!r'' ! : 3L V. BOSELEY, H. 0 . J I "-rjT1--?" 1 : Plyslclan and Surgtoa fKAVr-l 'I Offloe nei to Lenoir Draf C. I, A V&ZSA I I Offlet hours: I I "jr : m J. H. FAULKNER . ; '-1 ljfeV Near Residence. . tie V '"lf DHR, A. WHITAKEB ...PJiysicIaa and Surgean New. . Building . corner Blount . street and Locust Alley, opposite Hooker, Churchill & Co, Office: 303 3Pb.?nes: Eeaidence: 153 PRETTY RUGS We are showing Furniture Store THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. s Corner Bright and Heritage Streets , . Manufacturer! of . poors, Sash, Special Front Dcors? Stair Work, Grilles, Mouldings and Interior Finish; Mantels, Columns, Balusters, Porch R a 1 1, Screen Doors and Win dows. Store Fronts and Office fixtures a Specialty IRA M. HARDY, M. B. Physician and Surgsoa ' 102 W. CasweU St. : 'Phon. 479. Residence 309 West Lenoir St ; ' Thona 507. ) : y JONT envy the figure of the lady you so much admire'. " Just get those beautiful Iine3 in your OWN figure. Simply & matter of the proper corset. All per- feet feminine figures re sult, from scientific cor seting, from wearing cor sets that are hygienic, stylish and perfect fitting. Such are the renowned $3 to $5 Barrett & Hartsfield OR. CEO. C K0RREGAY BpeeiaJirt in Disesaes of Wo- men and Guldren. Oflea hours 10 to IZ. Oflet 02et IC3 E. CwweJI timt Plum til Dr. O. L. WILSON Dentist " Office over Ji'.E. Hood & Co'O wt. ore. Sale Now On This week We Reduce The tallowing: VHITE SHIRTS In Crepe and RiciCloth LonglTunic 91.50 QUAU1T K $1.19 July Clearance Ask for a Demonstraticn HOT GM, Inc. N.J. Rome, Edward M. Laa4 Kinston. N. C .Goldsbere. N.C -JROUSE & LAND ATTOENEYS-AT-LAW Ofikesj: V N.C. GeUsbavw. N. XV (a. E. . . Children Cry . ret FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA D. L IIOSEEY HDW. CO. roiYtiiD?JEypiiis PHONE 411 t wmatw atottaia aae iSUBSCRIBK TO THS FRSB PRESS &lertoa Bonding