PlliiKd Every AJtarnooa icp Sunday - - - - tllJTON FREE PRESS CO, INC. ... . A: '-! PI. Gilt Brixton, Editor and Manager faawnl M tU amtaifWa at fcnaton. Nonf CuoUa. ctrit) fk.t mtatar unw act of Coi'iraa. .I..W. v ,1, VRITEO ; PRESS REPORTS fttephone All Departments 75 Subscription Rates: (Payable i. Adrant.) Woek. 10c. 3 Month., Month 35c. 12 Mentha. flThamday Evening, August 20, 1914 Germany eayi one more dedara tion of war won't make much dif ference, bo it ir presumed Japan'i little bluff will be called Money doesn't make the man, but it draws a very distinct line between the fellow who has it and the unfor Innate who hasn't North Carolina is suffering (Some what from the effects of the ."blind tiger booze" that is sent into its con fines in defiance of the law by the aupply houses of Norfolk and Rich mond. The news given to the readers of The Fress Press yesterday afternoon that the Imperial Tobacco Company's buyers had been ordered back in the field was about the best that has come to Kington in several weeks. It la funny how adversity draws people together and makes them for gut their seii-importance. Look at the American refugees, for instance Millionaires and people of small means are alt comrades in their ef forts to gain the shores of their na tive lands. The Raleigh Times, in its yester- day s edition, printed the picture of H new press, now being installed The machine. 1h capable of printing a sixtcen-pnge paper in colors, and at a speej greatly in excess of the present nfiuipment. Publisher Park is a live wire, and The Times does eredlt tevtho State, and its home'ejty. la the great furei'W (W'-e .t-tha Northwest, wild cat, hear, wolves and other ferocious animals have been, known to take refuge on the name bouts with men in their mad ef forts tJcap the flames. They are sakl toFget aboard and be as docile as domestic animals, indicating that there is a good deal of the animal In people, after all. ' -r- After the present war is conclud ed find The Hague tribunal kiu to make nw laws governing the bellig erency of nations, it will probably be thought nccessmy to . 'devise some more effective safeguard for the comforts and welfare of citizens of heutrnl countries, who may be caught; without any warning, in the war district, an was the case with thosandn of Americas. hibit in" North Carolina, and there is teEW ' Vjf of eT'rrgBKafi ness of fcarrjng tba h'iuortraffic than the wholesome atmosphere to be 'iwijtf ' in, th .-.TV'Jeel. citiea. I he liquor' crowd know, they are on the jeid rnn in NorthYCaro3Lnat,.n l that their days elsewhere are, .numbered, aliid they w'ilf-' ajiy ikept to ftay the 'eaecntjpn. . Governor Craig, after a personal investigation into the conditions sur rounding thefdeath of two convicts at the Whitney camna. finds that there was apparent carelessness on the part of the superintendent in not calling in a doctor promptly to at tend the .two men who , had become overheated. If the fact can be sub stantiated, the guilty person, or per sons, should dc nem accountable ior the deaths of the1 convicts. Unfor tunately a great many prison ward . . a , fry ens. convict guarus ana otner om- cials, whose duty it ia to keep in custody men, who have violated the law, Mid to protect those men and surround them with such Tenviron men as will better them, fail to get the right conception of their duty, and think that a poor unfortunate reature, who falls into their hands loses all feeling, and other human qualities. There is need for remed ial legislation in the handling of con victs in this State.- iness and dfrrnotr&Qtyti ltitnr out we nav4tavapK.'io- wan, papers woyldmaiit ptitty juoh as thfytitV'ir1 to'nuucMi bjM minister". The ideals of most papers would ;e tubed, no doubt, but generally speaii inc. preachers would soon cct.ise tn he j-eachers, and would be nc gatherers and ccnnic-Dtitoi-s. - SOCIAL SERVICE DUREAU NAMES ADVISORY BOARD WHAT OTHERS SAY Good for the Horse. (Wilmingtpn Star.) The hone no longer sniffs the bat tle from afar. The automobile runs ahead on land to find the battle lines, ivhile aeroplanes will circle above to UP mark the locations of the fortresse the batteries and the army corps Cary'a New Parm School. (Carolina Farmer.) Cnry' is to have a farm life choo n connection with the splercV high chool already established. 1 ;eek more than $1,200 was 'Vli.'(l it, a single meeting, this to i u creased to $2,000 for the put pose t wuipping the school ami farm, ih atter I'Cinc donated by .Mr. J. M Temjiletoh, Jr. In a Class With Spelling. (Gold Leaf, Henderson.) The study of the geography of llu ppe might a well be dispensed with n the public schools for a while, a t now bfciivi to appear ihuc tht hole thing would; have to be done iver aifain before very ion?, tne resent, map of Europe is e:;!reivcly able to extensive revision within he next year r .so. msV. ! a Ihe Uelgians have apparently altanuoned their courageous efforts to keep out the German invaders and now will center their defence at Antwerp in one rmgnty stand to Aul. L L. . .viicvn. uib gnrun m me Aaisei 8 troops. It would certainly seem to bo appropriate for the French and German allies to throw their best trength to the aid of little Belgium and share with he some of the bur den, which she has carried so nobly to date. , It seems that the war howlers have tried again to force President. Wil- aon to take up arm against Mexico, Wont these fellow e.tfopji reasonable and high-handed grand tend pj'ays? If they are not aatia- a continued neaceful ,at iDospbeie, why not exclude them from pJ neutrsdity piwuVination and ahip,htk over to Europe M the .mctfi bidder for their services. It 4old, however, be doubtful If oy bida,, could gotta.f or the wiod- - Th lrgnia.BrohibitIun fioKt u nest and the antii arithfi.- tingiitatastlca, afiiar tk if the law la Norfh CaroRniL Temperance I'aya Anywhere. (Charlotte Ooserver.) In a letter reaching Edinburgh ron Berlin occurs this note: The aider has gone forth direct from ihe Kaiser ihA on no pr4te,' whatever ixctpt for medical purpofes is any ne to offer n soldier fntoxicants. Ihe penalties for violating the order re tenibly strict." Oni of tha gn of the times v. 'rich do nrt di ppear trom view even, in war. The I'rince of Peace. (News and Observer.) One of iho many observers of '.ii great war in Europe declares that .hi war f peaks eloquently of th'. wea!; iitss of the church in nil the coun- ries engaged. This country is r snrd'd as alarmingly worldly. 1!. u'i Kion, tne tenets 01 tvnien a. seen 'y the best minds nowadays ale op tced to war, is .-tronger than in the 'ountries of Europe. The Priiico of l'eace has a hold on the Ame-i?an people that He does not have upvn the peoples of Europe. Tfce BattlfVharton Team (K Iv. (Greensboro Record.) - Dr. Battle is piaking a stropg fight against the mosquito. So far he is doiTvt very well, but the weather, it should be. remembered, has bean very dry and pools cf standing water are few and far between. He is prepar fd however.' Jo take car of these should they appear! He has the price f oil down so lew that it la cheaper cider, .and all one has to do, should ceet pools be discovered, is to pour oil on the troubled water and we shall not be troubled by moscrai- i vent -fa wbicji about as erroneoua as the Oat pt Their Sphere. - 1 ' ;?.Rlelgh Timea.1; ; : The preachers ( ;Chit, aiccord ng(V V:Ve. tW ministers' even doing the sporting atluff. The paper to be so favored Is, the Calumet Index. . No fuli. .maty gtltcJr. "fctStTC ZVS j Chicago Tibu&e, are go l out k newtpaper them- New York, Aug. 20-Dr. William Carter, head of the Church and School Social Service Bureau which has been organized for the purpose of putting high class motion pictures in the schools and churches of the United States, announced his advis ory board today. The list contains the names of a large number of men prominent in the religious and edu cational circles of the country. "Our bureau seems to have arriv ed at a very encouraging state of be ing," Dr. Carter said. "We have fine list of men who are all eager to txe the movement succeed, and have faith that every one of them will do his utmost to help along the movement which we have undertak en. rirst, we win nave tne very great facilities of the International, Education League, of which the Duke of Manchester is the head, and which is allied with our organization for mutual good, one to the other. Then we have Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst as vice-president, and the Duke of Manchester as international vice president. Bishop E. R. Hendrix is to be the supervisor of our biblical department, Dr. Edward Judson to have charge of the missionary de partment, and Dr. Francis Brown will be head of the department of Orien tal manner and customs, and Presi dent Hidden of Princeton will be at the head of our educational depart ment. These men will pass on the subjects and the manner of preseata tion of them in the various depart ments of the work as we will take it They will, of course, be assist ed by the members of the advisory board who are assigned to their re .-peetive departments."' 18 Constipation Causes Sickness Don't permit yourself to become constipated, as your system immed iately begins to absorb poiaon from the backed up waste matter. Use Dr. king's New Life PiH and keep well There is no better safeguard against ilness. Just take one dose to-night 25c at your Druggist., Purifies Blood With Telling Effect Gives Conscious Evidence of Its Direct Action. ,i ,t A ti .1 ' -J I i - KfOTICE! To the Public in General I wish to s'at; to the public in general that 1 am prepared to do all kinds of picture framing and guarantee to please you if you will only give me a trial. We also sell Pictures, Picture Frames ready made, and-cut glass to fit ycur old frames. . We do up holstering and repair furniture. A trial order will convince you that we are on tae job. Youri to serve, C. F. Smith 307 N. Queen at.. Hargett'a Old Stand Kinston, , - N. C. i 1 "i Convenience 4 t . .v. 1 i 1 : It is the desire of this concern to .work for the CONVENIENCE of our custoniersT -There is the telephone use it and a salesrran will U at the house and talk over your needsThink .l: - - - ' ' tins 'Patronize Home Industry' JOB PRINTING We are Equipped to Handle Your Orders for High Grade Job, Printing. Orrleri Carafmlly uti Frankly ExccatetJ We Make the Beat Grade LETTER HEADS1 WEDDING INVITATIONS. CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES. CIRCULARS, LARGE AND SMALL. ENVELOPES. POSTERS. ', ' We have Connections with Engravers and Blank Book Makers which en able us to Promptly. Handle Orders for Engraving' and all kinds of BlankBook ' Making. Kinston Free Press Co. I Incorporated Publishers and Job Printers Anything in Printing" r " ii HI 1113 jVrl One other word remember it is always I QUALITY in this establishmentthe best II possible for the money. & .. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, . REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD LOANS NEGOTIATED Now Occupying New Office one Door East of The Post Office. Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Phone 182 C. Oettinger, Mgr. in II S. S. ft., tl.o fatno'ift hlood p'irlfl"r, almniit lk nt It 8n"( ) lt.i wuy thtmih the plr- latlcn. it a tlfa la n uirwt that very often in coxe f. rnui nrbllu aillietlon the apIH'arnni'O I l.ic erupt lima cuubk" over Blllht, the j a. I ridiifM are guuo anj fci--ery lioplna lijiaitllatcly; An a inattir of uot, tlifre fg une iriKreul- n4!ln S. S..S. willed ai-rvi'S the artlve pur pose uf Mlaiulatii; cni-Ii cellular purt it till! .belly to !'.: lioult'.y Uliil Judlilous gelrc tiou ol'lta own u::;ri:ui-nt. That Is why It r'si'Bornti' Cu biw.l supply ; why It has mii-H a tros-mUutia l::(Itn-neo in owr- mlns i-izi-aiu, raalj, pluiples, acJ all hi'.u uiilutiuns. And In regenoratlni; the tissues S. S. S. has a rapid and positive antidotal t-rTcct wpon all tluwe Irrllittlnx InUueaeoa that aus.e rheumutimu. sure threat, weak eyes, i sn ef weluht, tain, i ale cheeaa, and that wiarluts ef muscle and nerve that Is Ren- erally experienced s spring ft-ver, (Jet a ottle of S. S. at any dug store, and In a few day ycu will net only feel brlftht and nergeile, hut yea will be the picture ef new life. S. 8. S. Is prepared only in the tfthnrntnrv of TTie S-tff Knectflc Cn.. T:t4 Swift Itlitg., Atlanta, (!a., who maintain a yery efflclent Medical Penartment. where ail who have any hlood dlsnrler ot a stuhborn nature may write freely for advice aa'i a speclarhook ot Instnictlcn. 8. 9. K. Is acid LUNG DISEASE "After f6ur in ovc family bad tlietl of consumption 1 was taken v.ith a frightful cough and lung trcut.le, bat my life was saved audi gained 87 pounds through using DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. PHICt SOe awdtl.OO T U DRUGGISTS. It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's tonic. She says further: "Before ! began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles cf Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. 1 wish every suffering woman would give 12 1 Mafaw The Woman's Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's ' tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui '' for your trouble. It has been heloinir weak, ailinsr women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! ,M HHHHHHHHHEil Tobacco Flues That Fit Gef them now to avoid the rush. Tin, Slate and Galvanized Roofing, Metal Shingles and Gutters of all kinds. Call and see our stock which has the quality with it. If you. want anything for the roof we have it. Come, Phone or write us. : : Scott & Waller Phone No. 189 o Kinston. N. C -r W rryrhere ti drue atoi ireneral afore, but bewart of Do sot accept them. - substitutes. ACATION EXCURSION TO EAS TERN RESORTS AND CITIES Via the ATLANTIC COAST LINE. The standard jRilroad of tha South at tna loiiowiB ipv round trip iar3 Frorfl Kinston to :AtUntic City, New Jertei ;;..,.. $13i)0 Waahirntoii, D. . V. ...... ? 9.0(1 Rkhttoijd, Va , ,, ,v 1 W Kerfiflk; Yav i . . . . . , . .0(l irgwiBeKK Va.. 2 3)( Ticketa ViU bsd for all trains oo Tuesdaj, August IS. LiajitM wttiratiff to reach br $tartinr polity or tf ore midniirht ilegft, t ta, iiptoto CJ, Ward, Tick t Agant of tttanttfirr8tlerf For'achedfsjroutfis stop-over fnrij The National Bank off Kinston ti . J. REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE m business methods, anti this i l baoK j Has' keptlpaie , witK ' lhcm.j . - ' , ; VVhile conicrvative in ! the -: interest of tSAreTy.;;pur ? y - r cauinmimi , rA h t in ' fTttthods are modern. Let us v mutual advanta; & tCspilal,i $100,COO.OOj . Surplus k $00(OCO.OO ' "M.OLOiST AliD .STRONGEST: BAIlIf III Tlir COUIITy." hi 31 J us- .r-iJj Wilmington, K C -tii

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