rrn rn nrnTH ft' 7 TV OMEN'S ' CLOTI a:: Why not take a piece of Em broidery with you on your Vacation? We have a nice line to select from. Chamberlain & Braxton Caswel) Building 1 CIA - i , PERSONAL Miss Neva' Padrick is visiting Morehead City in - Mr. C, H. Norman was here Wednesday. of Greensboro f H A NT m j 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN-' SERTION .MINIMUM 15 CENTS Watermelons on cold storage for sale at P. A. Hooker's Market.' 8-17, 4tdly B:ard wanted in Private Family by young man. Address L. 1. care this, office. 8-20 3t dly For Rent-Three unfurnished rooms, sfiitable for light housekeeping. Apply Box No.' 132. , 8-18-3tdly For Rent Good Offices arid rooms, Whitaker Building. See D. V. Dix on & Sons.- - . 7-31dtf. For Rent 4 unfurnished rooms with electric lights and water. Dr. R; A. Whitaker. 8-11 dly tf First Class Tailoring, pressing and cleaning. Call Carolina Pressing Club, Phone 528. 7-30, tf. For Rent Brick , Store on; . North street, adjoining,-' Simmons' stable. Possession given September 1.' 8-2C-Gt d!y D. Paris, Tailor, Has moved from No. 2C3 South Queen Street to Whitah.. er jouilding, second floor. Phone No. 497 J. 8-12 6t dly. Miss Arwie Beasley can recover hand hag and contents, left on Norfolk and Southern train by calling on a$st, identifying property and pay ing. $ cents for this ad. S-19-2t Dancing Lessons Mr.' Charles Wil liams of Norfolk, Va., will Jbi in Kinston next week to open a dancing school, teaching the on step, hesitas tion and all other latest dances. All desiring to take his private Jesgons in their homes or with class in even ings, address application to box 191, Kinston, N. C. ; 8-20-3tdly ' r littleton College -. A welI-e.t.bIi,hed,eIUQuipped snd very J. M. RHODES, lltleton.N.C Miss Mary 1 Harvey is visiting Mrs. Joseph Graham in Durham. . . S:- , , Mr. J. H. Andrews of Raleigh was a Kinston visitor Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cummings of Mount Olive have been here for i'Sholt isit with relatives.- Miss Kate Tilghman returned to day after a stay of several weeks with relatives in Onslow county.'; ...' Mr. Geo. L. Jordan of. the firm of Rollins and Jordan, branch office managers of North State Life Insur ance Company, at Timmonsville, S. C, is a home oflice visitor today. He will probably remain in Kinston with his parents for several days. . - Mr. Bernard P. Smith left this af ternoon over the A. C. L. for Rob- erSOnville. He will be absent for a week, during, which time he will as-'l stst Rev, C W. Howard at Oak Grove church in an evangelistic meeting. Mr. Howard will supply for him next Sunday in Kinston. Mr. Smith will return in time to begin his evange listic meeting here, August 30. ,. Rev. Mr.,C. W.. Howard of the Oaks left this afternoon for Oak Grove church, in Pitt county, . where he and Mr. Bernard P. Smith will cpnductan evangelistic meeting. Mr. Howard will return Saturday, so as to preach at the Christian church here Sunday morning and night. He will return to Oak Grove next Mon day. lUR. tary hm" motW-aikd-"-tonV.ts the "3ic turn of Cteveland .manufacturers for fall and winter styles in ladies' cloaks and suits No longer will mi lady appear in the sheer blousy waist and peg top skirt. Present styles in coets and jackets are doomed, for war mad Paris has decreed that la dies' wear must be military Skirts will be plain, and only straightalines will be tolerated. Jack sts and coats will also bi plain' and button close about the throat'.- Low, or "V" necked waists, too, will be re placed by stiff military collars and cuffs to match. Milady's walk and carriage must conform strictly with her new mode in dress. A long and straight step and stiff carriage of the body will hjs the only -mode ap proaching good form. Meanwhile, buyers and , other people " who lay down the law of dress are marooned m Paris, becoming fully imbued with the military Bpirit. They ;will be back with their trunks of samples-. With- them .will -Mine the "-military?-k SUFFRAGISTS INFESTING " FORMER DIVORCE CENTER. J Reno, Nev., Aug. JJO.Thjs; form er seat of divorce activity is now one of the hottest suffrage spots in thej West. With the Nevada Equal Suf frage League working hard for the' women s rights amendment to be vot-M ed on in November; and' the Nevada Association Opposed to Equal Suf frage striving with eaal energy to defeat it, the "votes for women" is! sue is becoming ovcrshadowingly im portant in the present State campaign. M'UPILS TO BE SEGREGATED IN. THE SEATTLE SCHOOLS. WILMINGTON KIDLETS ARE AHEAD OF THE WAR. The Einstein brothers, Kinston- lans, wno are now in the wholesale business at Wilmington, have just received from- Germany' -the largest Consignment of toys evei? purchased by a concern in the Carolinas, sp.ys a Wilmington paper. There were 20C cases of gaudy Noah's arks, iron horses, little wocly dogs and htn: dreds of other kinds. The shipment. was sent out just about the begin-. nmg or nostuiues, and nad to run the gauntlet of British men-oP-war on the high seas. There will be, a toy famine in America this Christ mas, because Germany, the principal producing country, will 'be blockaded effectually until the war is overSJflrt' Wilmington kids certainly have noth ing to fear in' that une. ; , -- Seattle, Wash., Aug. 20. Educa: tors today began work on the plan adopted by the city schooi board to segregate the boys and girls in the Broadway high school at the begin ning of the fall semester. It will be the first time the experiment has been tried in Seattle. School officials deny that moral questions had any thing to do with the adoption of the plan. Students whose parents op pose the separate class-room idjea will have the privilege of attending any ether hiph school in the city. Not or.iy U it planned to segregate the boys ar.d ;.irls, but Superintend ent of Schools Cooper will assign, as far as po.--.sHuc, men teacher for the boys' classes. "Because of intellec tual and temperamental differences an sexes," said Superintendent Cooper today, it is thought that each woiks mere effectively in separate classes, and thai they tnjoy such separation. Kinston Man Who Has Been in Ca nal Zone for Eight Years. Says Big Ditch Is Interesting. James J. Gilbert, assistant director of post cji the Panama Canal Zone, who is on a visit here, says the big ditch is already a paying investment, although it will not actually make "elating expense under four or ve years. "The canal pays by doubling the efficiency of our fleet," says Mr. Gil bert. "Now men-of-war may make Jhe trip to San Francisco from the (anal' in six or seven days, while be fore the work was finished it would fcake as many weeks." The cohcen- ration of a big fleet at Colon or Pan- ma will make the force available or service in either ocean. ' Mr. Gilbert is a native of this sec- ion, and was at one time assistant stmaster of Kinston. He is now icond in .charge of the postal ser vice of the zone under Colonel Goe- tflal's gjvernn-.cr.t. The canal zone ost office department is separate rom that of the United States,, al though patterned after and supply ing its clerical force under the same eivil service rules. He is stationed at A,nron, the government-built town. h the population is about and the death rate is almost ro. . vj Even to a resident of eight years he canal is wonderful. Mr. Gilbert says the fortifications at the ends of te canal are among the biggest in the world. The utmost secrecy is maintained in their construction', and not a doien people of the 35,000 oh the zone have ever been through ell of them, passes only permitting o:i9 to see such portions of the work the officers in charge are willing for curious eyes to observe. It requires about eight hours to l(:o through the canal. Its adequacy s apparent, and a big fleet of vessels lav be moved through it in twsnty- four hours' time. Inside of five years, Authorities estimate, the canal will pay working expenses, and in about two douules will pay interest oi cne one a-'d a half per cent., taking into consideration the average m- i:i.se i traffic. in whic fiiCOO, Children Cry for Fletcher's Tllf dcYou I-ave Always Bonght, nnd which has heca. ' la me for over 30 years, lias borne tho slgnatnro of T TXr r. m,d has bPon Ulid ttndcr his per rJZxfffljt3 s..Ijal Iwvlslon since its infancy. rfrw Allovr no oso to dwflvo yon in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnt-tis-cttKl " ore hut Experiments th:t triflj with and enrttfttw tim health of Infants and Children Experieaeu against EspcriaienU c what is cimm Castorla is a harmless shbstltnto for Castor Oil, Pare Uoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino Ecr other Nareotio substance. Its age is its gnarantee. It destroys AVoruis and allays Feverishnes. For more than thirty years It ban been la constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teethin? Troubles and Oiarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates tho Food, giving: healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Is This of Interest to You? Certainl it it or we would not have it in our adverti,ement We are clway looking out for the interest of our friends who do businew with u and it is to your interest as well as ours, to see that you have all of your property INSURED. Fire Insurance is one thing you must not be without, Wenppre your business and it shall be handled promptly. s :- :. Phone us at 242 or 377-F, and we will call to see you at ONCE THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and industrial College iajiuuinea 07 the State fpr the Wo nen 01 iNorth Carolina. Five rega-" ir courses leading to degrees. Sp i-iai ourses for teachers. Tree tui. tioa to those -who agree to become teacuersin th fltate.t -Fall SesSioa oepieiDDer iota,' I914,.,-:For catalogue $M$v MforttatioiC adl h Greensbor, . a 1 '! X ik K"?T0ll. jt CAROLINA, R..R. ' 1IIURPD rt i' tSet So. 4 U TATtOs''' t SUV. Lw Kiaston : p.otin iTrchaarigijt.-oaa.nv iJauy except Sunday. rTo? f! Jackson V Ax, tbM i3 . AlbrittonV' A Ar-8-40 3 m LVU.OesW 80 ?VEICH FOOT DOES THE SHOE FIT, ANYHOW? a i A negro teacher in Be of the ru ral schools of fhe county, who is not in attendance upon the institute now being held in the Shine-Street color ed school, wrote Supt. Joseph Kin sey that other affairs were response bie for his having "misted the open ing. This flagrant misspelling of "missed" would probably have cost him his job. if he wasn't such a good discirilinarian. He knows how to handle the other negroes of hi? neighborhood, and his school is well conducted, the superintendent says, Mr. Kinsey compares this poor spell er, who is a competent master with a veteran who applied for a job as teacher. He missed every word to be. spelled in the examination, and the examiner called a halt. "Hey, you won't do," the old soldier was told, "you can't spell." "Why, that's all right, sonny," said the vet.; "I ;on't. have to spell. I'll just take the book arid make those youngsters do, the spelling." cday that a hill in Jt. for a State boxing commission will be xtrodjccd ih the State Leg islature at its next session in Janu ary, 1015. Dan Salt,,S Rattle box- Ling promoter, is lurtncfing the idea, and has drafted a mosp.'I bill, based on the New York, Montana and Wis- :onsin laws. WASHINGTON ' FIG leattlc edfassuzed EXPEtTS m BILL TO PASS. Y3sn.. Aug. zv. 11 seem provid- Infection and Insect Bites Dangerous. Moso'.::toes, flies and other insects, which breed quickly in garbage pails, ponds of stagnant water, barns, musty places, etc., aiS carriers of disease. Every time they bite you, they inject poison into your system from which .some dicad disease may result. Gat . ... .o, T : . 1 ; a bottle Ol ' oian s .uimineiu. ia is antiseptic and a few drops will neu tralize the infection caused by insect bites of rusty najls. Sloan's Liniment lisinfects Cuts, Bruises a;ul Sorts. You cannot afford to be without .it in yourhome. Money back if not satis-; fled. Only 25c. at your Druggist. Summer Constipation Dangerous 1 Constipation in Summer time is ire- :!any:ei-o'js than in the fa.ii. win- fir or spring. The food you eat is oftt.i contaminated and is more like ly to fei ment in VQ4 stomach. Then you are apt to drink much" cold water" dining the hot weather thus injuring yo.iv stomach. Colic, Fever, Ptomaine Poisv.ning and other ills are natural jesiilts. Po-Do-Lax will keep you well, is it iiKitases the Bile, the natural laxative, which lids the bowels of the Congested poisonous waste. Po-Do-tax will make you ftel.tottter. Plea sant and effective. Tak a cVose to rjighv 50c at', your drug gist.. 1 " " V XVanJed Pdsifion wanted by bf ll years old, address H. A. R.Cas welh Hotel: A ' v' ' ; - --s ' 1 ' Hi 1 i) KINSTON LOAM & REAL ESTATE CO., Inc. "Wo Write Insurance of all Kinds" itxsmaoBsasmt For Chills and Fevers Take THOMAS' CHILL PILLS Satisfaction Guaran teed. Sold by J.E.Hood&Co. Kinston. N. C. THE FIRST KATIOVAL EA1 OF KINSTON WAR IN EUROPE will, not make scarce mon'-y here. Our government made prepara tion ior any emergency. This bank is in posi tion to extend the same liberality to its custo mers" as heretofore. OFFICLKS N. J. ROUSE, Pre.. DR. H. TULL, Vice President. D.F.WOOTEN, Cashier, J. J. BIZZELL Ass't ahier. T. V. HEATH. Teller. DIRECTORS. W. L. Kennedy David Oettinger H. Tull 1. M. Canady L C Moseley J. F. Parrott C. Felix Harvey H. E. Moseley J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy S. H. Isler N. J. Rouse j CHICHESTER S PILLS V . . t'MB DIAMOND 1RIUM1, A ( ('Uawteral l'i:i In HrU hot. MU-H- Ttk. a MlM - Bur at t DIAMWKIIIBANW tILI. I i Si yuukfiinrauBcst.Silar.ASwtycRtlui ie Its. ;B. our unccM i t a I1 uJT;rdV mi SloU n -ili.V. i tluo R.un. V t (US BY Dkl'CGISTS LVlRitVr EF.l i E. B. MOORE J&EAt). Washington, N.:AB2EHfj as is. Moore, ioryar? prgmuieu wholesale fish "det; lieretei Yes terday. He had iten:&hiM a Sbfoke of pahfoAsi -fevete !rs igo 'Mr. Moortlwa a fiave . rv county, antf WlpjM' lag families i- wi-Jffc'' -J POISON FROM DRIED BEEr 'j , EATEN A WUSOX POJIE. ' LwnaAn. Aur. 19AThrA, easts- V: tit tfnine naisonifier- at tte home-4fJOT6rXoir7:3d . J. i.,1- j i: K - - -I ef&d beef. 5 All of the. Vw5n&r it4 Reported aa out of "angertnlafpCTdbunday at the Seashore. NOEFOLK OlTBiERNsKAILWA uhar Etcrsioil t6rXorfolk J2.50 Ralelfrh. Wendell. Zehulon, Middle x,llsoiVali'6ol48boro, U aair'SK6t6n and intermediattj statfc$25r bi! 1 ' f :3&evl"-a?hirt4h, Plymouth VanCeiora utftrjnewate stations. 1 Eiboraratiirday rugnta V d IV A i ll II i v r llwy'-aR' ... ip-lapMIpvflpg-ppvavlI . ... ... .... . ,v ' r: lit -1 . . . , -r.v. . i f : m : i flHHJI ..-! i' mvt' :-.r lit 1 -1- . r s m HIUF..B i -m i. 1 i , ... T..i!.....i. . v.ssj ,;7:fTSiVV. vty.,r White Enamel Finished Walls and Woodwork are Beautiful, Sanitary, . Durable, and Economical PEE GEE CHINA ENAMEL lends tone and refinement to your . home surrounding, especially where Colonial Architecture ' prevails.. For Hall, Bedrooms, and Nursery it is particularly adapted on account of its cheerfulness and absolute sanitation.' PEE GEE CHINA ENAMEL does net turn ytttou nor .' chip off. ana can ft easily cttantd walk soap and water. VISIT THIS STORE AND ASK FOR FREE BOOKLET On Pet Get China Enamel or write for it to Peaslee-Caulberi Co, Incorporated. Louisville. Kentucky. li;E. MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. hi mi .! HI ;.?pmT H Uer3 liixptinte'jdet ? mi I! TZiO JO iJiIiN' c i f l't; "5 or ? doses of C-nireaVy A.--HOSETCUTT.- ease Soperiatcndent: cents; r T--JI II J ixin hxhizzz: