'V "'.V ' :4 ,9 il 1 V 4 a-:: z '? OF LOCAL INTEREST j r OPEN j)lTUX CAMPAIGN'.. Duplin cjuntyV. political ruliy v.lll lie ht'ld u Sereoti, Saturday. County Ik'ir.ocrntic randiclsiten ar.d E. Hood, candidate for Coin.-. Iron the district, will U the shakers. SI IT. JOY NEK A VISITOR. Stfite Supoi intendcrit of I'ul.lk- fn-'Mtrui-tiori J. Y. Joync-r spent Wednes day night in the city, a truest in th home of his lrolher-in-la'.vt Hon. N J. Roune. Mr. Joyner was en route to Aulunder, Bertie county, to coi. fpr about the estaidishment of tt SUte farm life school there. MR. WEBB GROWING W E AK Kit. The condition of Mr. George B. Webb, who suffered a stroke of par alynin about ten days ao, continued to decline, according to a report from his bedside today. There ha been no radical change, but the venerable citizen and ex-mayor in perceptibly weaker. DOG OWNERS PAY UP. Chief of Police Heath hasn't issued any warrants against owner of dogs today, as he contemplated. Satur day he made a public htatement, giv ing owners until midnight Wednes day to pay the taxes. At that time 320 of the 840 listed had complied, .and the handful of delinquents were prevented by various causes from re hitting, so that th etime was extend ed. 8EEK8 MURDERER. Sheriff A. W. Taylor has gone to Dunn in an effort to locate Simeon Jones, an alleged murderer. Jones is a negro, who several months ago, killed a fellow worker in the timber -woods near the Lenoir-Duplin coun ties line. After he had shot the oth r to death he walked to a point some some distance from the scene of the laying and gave himself up to a' white man. The man, believing that Iahad iA niw a ltttA ft hits ziurn !' cord, would not take him in custody, but advised him to come to Kinston nd deliver himself to the authorities. Jones started toward Kinston, bu: hanged his mind en unite. The sher tff has reliable information that he is in the vicinity of Dunn. LAWN PARTY FOR BAPTIST CHURCH. There will be given a lawn party tomorrow evening at the home of Mrs. E. B. Lewis, on Caswell street or the benefit of the new First Bap tist, church, which is now in process of construction. Excellent ice cream and the 'best of cakes will be served those who come. Every one is invit ed to come and bring their friends with them and enjoy a pleasant even ing, listening to good music, which Will be furnished by skilled muni rians, a the visitors ure served. All wro invited to come and help in inks ing the funds. polk :; conn' di;.;:.ia. Orie Weldon, her daughter, Jume and Clara IMtinan, were in plotce court Wednesday night, charired with disorderly conduct. The three en gaged in a wordy war and defamed one another's "characters. ' "Dis missed upon payment of costs," was the court's judgment, Janie Weldon, who didn't know her age, but was us confirmed a htt.e Amazisn n.i one could him in u day s journey, preferred the charge nirains, Clara Pit (man in the chief of police's office Wednesday afternoon. Junle has the appeMiauce of one who had been blessed by about fourteen sum mers and been done ample justice by them; the woman she nccused is well -on in middle utte. Janie named many witnesscs, and didn't heed the chief s admonition that they would probab ly cost her around forty cents u head. "And the nasty, gooii-fur-nothiiik thing said my mother had sold whis key and stole chickens," she said, when describing the scene in which the trio had engaged in Southwest Kinston. She told some things about iiara rutmnn wnicn iiiaut go into the record at all. The case was just one of many that come from one strata of life In Kinston, as in every other commun ity, which most people, who live with out tearing, would be ready to asser: docs not exist in this homing town ol .chanty and churches and fraternal jam. SUMMER COUGHS ARE DANG EROUS. Summer colds are dangerous. They Indicate low vitality and often lead to aerious Throat and Lung Troubles, in cluding Consumption. Dr. King's New Discovery will relieve the cough or cold promptly and prevent complica tions, It is soothing and antiseptic and makes you feel better at once. To delay is dangerous get a bottle of TJr. King's New Discovery at once, Honey back is not satisfied. . 50c and 41.00 bottles at your drugfist. NEGRO PERRY BEING, HELD: IS GIVEN A GOOD AME. K magistrate late Wednesday held f'.hr. Perry, a negro, chargeJ .vith r -tries of icblieriei in South Ili" t"n, f !- f.r3t degree burglary, ard oriititil him ccmmitt'.d to jail -oi t tail. Kny is believed to have t-iutrec! th ? I .'a.' - of O -ct'.r Fisher end Rev. VV. H. Williamn, colored, c;i Shire xtitet, and attempted an entrance tc th- dwelling of Eliza Broun, in L:: ci.!n City. Cora Fisher testified un hesilutinjfly that he was the rrr, vvhu broke into the room whe'-e f-he ard her husband and a :;n;aii g'wl were sleeping. Sarah Fisher, the child, who was aroused by a man disturbing the bedding on her cot, could not identify Perry. The intrud-1 or escaped when the girl screamed. The offense with which Perry is charged is a serious one, with a pos sible death penalty. Perry was giv- en a gool character ny a morions Southern Railroad detective, who knows him, Wednesday, when the of ficer visited the jail here. He de nies the charge. KINSTON GETS NEXT ODD FELLOWS' MEETING. Kinston will entertain the sixty- eighth session of the grand encamp ment of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in North Carolina next year. The delegates to the encamp ment of ment now in session at High Point, decided upon this city as the next meeting place on Wednesday. K. Kendall of Shelby was elected Grand Patriarch. Kinston has no representatives among the new grand officers. E. B. Stradley of Asheville is the retiring Grand Pa triarch. The station" p High Priest was the only one unfilled at the meeting. That station was draped in black, the Odd Fellows' tribute to the late E. W Chudwick of Kinston, who was High Priest at the time of his death. W. B. Bagwell of Durham was named to succeed him. MAKE ROOM FOR NEW POSTOFFICE. Postmaster LaRoque today receiv ed nistructiona from the Treasury Department to advise tenants of buildings on the government's pro i ei ty at Queen and Nc th streets, to m.n-e immediately. Sixty days is al lowed in which the buildings, all frame structures, -and debris are to be removed preparatory to com mencing construction of the new postoffice there. This is taken to indicate that act ual construction of the building' will be begun within ten er twelve weeks. Rentals of the tenants on the prop el ty were stopped with the notice M-rved today for their romova'. BANKER COX OPTIMISTIC. Washington, D. C, Aug. 13. J. Elwood Cox of High Point, one of the State's leading bonkers, dues net vitw with, alarm the present cotton situation. Mr. Cox said tonight that lu is confident that neither the tobac co nor the cotton market will be se riously injured on account of the Eu ropean war. He thinks within the u-xt thirty days conditions will have improved materially, and that with in two months the crisis will have been passed. 5 or 6 doses of G'V will break any -rase of Fever or Chills. Price, 25 cents. (Adv.) ttenv's This T offer in Hunrtrl r'c.;at Rwk! f . n t alarm can:. .n u rurwl t dsii' felAr;Q Curu. r J. f'HF.NTV CO..-.IM, t tht ur!Mljriol, love k ;imwti F. J i h-ON r llw 4U li yiitr ml l, 'w,, hur. (wrfwtly Ii m viIwr la ml b(UHtit r;ina.'lknj ;ul ItliaurUt it! to i'tkrry mit anv oh!itfutM:u m.vt by tla djrm. natoivo hiwiv ,t Makviv, h.lewi Prui&KTi. Toledo. CV Catarrh run- u ir,.,i in(.Tnall-. tc.lni v.-iiv ui"n h b;Hl anl rtiumt aurract i'f th sij tt- a Oruu. " lta.lt -v -v coiitlnrl -v THE SMON Gets an average of 30 miles to a gallon of gasoline, 10,000 miles on a set of tires. i For economy and pleasure drive the SAXON. Ask fora Demonstration KIIISTOSJ GARAGE,- Inc. rnoNc itf" All BANISTER OXFORDS To Go At Dail& Taylor The lien's Store W3SM2XSMSMSM Glove Silk Hose $1.50 a Pair, White. Black, Tan. O. N.T.Cotton 6 for 25c Ciias. A Waters Th TeleoHone Store Phoni No. SI New Lot of Tango Cords Large Size. All Styles Ginghams Just the Thing For School Dresses. THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 Prop. AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone, 149 J. T. Skinner & Sou 1 "We Strive to fW" X. J. Rouse. Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C,. .Goldsbore, N.C ROUSE & LAND ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Oflkes: Kinstoa, N. Goldsboro, N. C : Edf erton Buildiaf. fOLEY KIDNEY PELS a uaom KioatsT MtO lieaaee A Few More $2 5 Dresses For$9.98 Just the Thing for Early Fall J. M. STEPHENSON THE LADIES STORE. You Will Appreciate e Good Quality these new soft and fluffy Ax minister Rugs that are now en display. Like wise you will greatly ad mire the artistic patterns that have been brought out for the 1914 Fall sea son. We are showing all of the best makes in the most popular patterns Oriental, Floral and Con ventional. P Oettinger's Furniture Store r f? Florence Told All the Neighbors "You come in and see my Florjr.ce oil cook tove work just once and you won't be happy until you have one. - "You can hjve a slow, simmering fire on one burner at the same time you have a quick, hot tire on another and the other one regulated exactly to any work you want dons. Just set the levers as you want them and you can so away for two hours and rind ail the burners at exactly the same heat when you come tpek. That's because the cl supply is automatic and there are no icks. "It's so simple, so clean, so conveni ent, so cool, that I don't know what 1 should do without ft. "Mv husband has tested the FLOR ENCE with other stoves and h? says it produces a wonderful amount of heat for th; oil consumed and that it costs only about two cents aa hour to run four burnira." "TU Tmrmt flint tm Oil &m HUtwrj" FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves "Look for the Lever" la the Florence you have at Use the . reliable o I stove. Safety and sun puciry end economy. They sjo together. Came In and see these wonderful coofc atoeea. They carry the manufacturer's uanutwai addition to Surswv, - H. E UOSELEY HDW. CO. SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE. PRESS r Z V. BOJELCY, M. 0. ; Physician and Surgeon ' ' Offlce next to Lenoir Dmf Ce. Office hours: 0 to 11 . m. . . Phonea : S to t p. m Offlce, 471 8 to I p. m Re-. Phone 1 1 3 seflnTTiCTlW DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Offlce 130 S. McLewean 0t Near Residence. D. R. A. WHITAKEB Physician and Surgeon New Building corner Bloont street and Locust Alley, opposite Hooker, Churchill & Co. Offlce; 303 Residence : 152 Phones: i THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors. Stair Work, Grilles, Mouldings and Interior Finish; Mantels, Columns, Balusters, Porch Rail, Screen Doors and Win dows. Store Fronts and Office Fixtures a Specialty OR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins., & Realty Cm. Office Hours: .9-12. .2-6 Nights and Sundays by - Appointment. . Examination Free Phbna 80 .OR. SCO. E. KQRXEGAY 9pnaJil ia DiasaMa ol W ad Chfldraa. 0Se Mart 10 tt 12. CSet CSet ICS C CjiwsJ ttrttl list' TTJONT envy the figure of the lady you so much admire. Just get those beautiful "lines" in your OWN figure. , Simply e. matter of the proper corset. All per fect feminine figures re sult from scientific cor seting, from wearing cor sets thai are hygienic, stylish and perfect fitting. Such are the renowned Price$3to$5 Barrett 6c Hartsfield IRA M. HARDY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 102 W. Caswell St. 'Phone 479. Residence 309 West Lenoir St. 'Phone 507. Dr. O. L. WILSON Dentist Office over J. E. Hood & Co's Store. 1 July Clearance Sale Now On I This week We Reduce The Following: eTiis In Crepe and Rice Cloth lunic $1.50 QUALITY Special $1.19 (origay