- III ''; 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN- ! SERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS Wanted Position wanted by boy It years old, address H. A. E. Cas well Hotel. ' ' ' If 111 Beard wanted in Trivate Family by voune man. Address UJ. Cfcre this office. - , ': 8-20 3t dly For Beat Good Office and rooms, Whitaker Building. See D. V. Dix on & Sons. - " v 7-31d tf For Rent 4 unfurnished rooms 'with electric lights and water. Dr. R, A. Whitaker. 8-11 dly tf First Class Tailoring! ' pressing and cleaning.',. Call Carolina Pressing Club, Phone 528. - 7-SO, tf, For Rent Brick .Store .on .North street, adjoining Simmons' stable. Possession given September 1. 8-20-6t dly For Sale Large wood building, sit uated on corner Queen and North streets, and known as Webb build ing. Will sell reasonable. See J. E. Hudson. 8-21-tf dly Miss Annie Beasley can recover hand bag and contents, left on Norfolk ,Aand Southern train by calling on agent, identifying property and pay ing 50 cents for this ad. 8-19-Jt Framing of Pictures. Why you should carry your pictures to W. M. Co ble to be framed: First, he has all kinds of moldings; second, because he knows how to harmonize the frame to suit the pictures--he keeps only the best white French glass to go on them. 8-21-2t a w 2w-dly Dancing Lessons Mr. Charles Wil liams of Norfolk, 'Va., will be" in Kinston next week to open a dancing school, teaching the one step, hesita tion and all other latest dances. All desiring to take his private Tessons in their homes or with class in even ings, address application to box 191, Kinston, N. C. 8-20-3tdly GOOD NEWS TO CALOMEL USERS Dodson's Liver Tone is a perfect vegetable remedy to take instead of calomel and is eusranteed to be harmless. If you haye tfbuble with constipation or biliousness, be care ful how you take calomel, because calomel is a form of mercury, and if mercury remains in the system very long, it will salivate and - seriously injure the strongest person that ever lived. . . If you need something to start the liver to working take Dodson's Liver Tone. It is a harmless vegetable liquid which will liven up the liver as well as calomel does arid without any bad after effects. No restriction of habit or diet is necessary. Dodson's r Liver Tone is as safe for children as it is for grown people and everybody likes its taste. : ,.' i-it .Buy a bottle for fift cents from E. B. Marston Drug Company and if you do not find that it absolutely takes the place of calomel, the drug store will gfve you your money bac-;; as soon as you ask for it. No argu mentthis is the guarantee that talks. - Littleton College . A weH-ukljhed, welUquipped. jnd very Pfo.prou.Khoolfornrl..nd youn, women. hll term begin September 16, 1914. ror catalogue, sddres J. M. RHODES, k LiUef on, N. C SOCIAL 'PERSONAL Miss Beulah Speight is visiting friends in Fittcounty. Mrs. W. B. Stox of Pitt county is the guest of relatives here. , . Miss Myrtle Heath recently visit ed friends in Greene county. Miss Kate Chapman of Winter- ville was a visitor in the city this week. Mr. Leon Simmons, of Mt. Olive, has been on s visit with relatives here. Mrs. Klebear Denmark is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. M. McArthur at Smithtown. , , Miss Irma Tapp has returned from a visit with menus . ia Bessemer. Alabama. - Miss Catharine Wooten is visiting a relative, Mrs. uine Lamb, in Sampson county. Misses Hattie Lou Whitfield and Nannie Smith are the guests of Mrs. W. A. Whitfield in Clinton. . Miss Nannie Frizzelle is visiting in the home of Mayor J. Paul Frizzelle at Snow Hill. Prof. J. M. Perry of Dawson has been assisting in a series of meet ings at the Christian church in Pun- gO, JN. U Mr. B. A. WoSten of Demopolis, Ala., is a visitor here. Mr. Wooten left this county in 1887, and is now prosperous planter of Southern Alabama. He has a number of brothers and sisters living in Lenoir county, one of whom, Mrs. H. W Russell, will give a dinner in his hon or this evening at her home ncar Kennedy's Mill. Miss Sybil Hyatt has returned from Durham, where she attended the State Council of the 3. 0. U. A. M. Miss Hyatt is interested in the furtherance in North Carolina of the Laughters of America, the woman's auxiliary of the Junior Orderi Three national officers of the Daughters were at Durham. There are now on ly five lodges of the Daughters of America in this State. A report fromthe bedside of Mrs. L. N. Montgomery, .who has been in a Ureensboro hospita(lor some time, and whose life was despaired of several weeks ago, is to the effect that she is noljrjjjrn the road to re covery and is expected to be able to return aorne in a lew weeKs. H! mrs. l. o. Hayes dead. Wilson, Aug. 21 Mrs. L. 0. Hayes, wife of a prominent Fremont physi cian, died m a nospitai nere yester day, after an extended illness. BOLEBURCUR mm DAYLIGHT n nree- agranti negroesj r all un known, commenced, a, remarkably daring series , of housebreakings in theiextrfroe ortheaterjk'part of the civly( ti. h9 docktbis mining- which reKuiitru in in fining (y every po licemhh VnS sheriff's ofrlcer in th city to thef seiori.; ' . In broad daylight the trio' broke into.a;dwellingi:from which the col ored family was absent, and rifled thsveontents of a trunk and drawers. securing articles, of trifling value The bouse' was" pnt of several locat ed in- close . proximity to the! Kin stpn Silk Mills. -After leaving this house they attempted U enter an other, but were frightened, off by dogs. A negro -woman saw ihem in the attempt to-break into, a third house, and-telephoned for a police man. ',' Patrolman Ji F. Skinner call ed, for assistance when he ! 'arrived, and the downtown section !was ...the scene of considerable- excitement when the unfounded rumorj was, cir culated that the robbers had disarm ed and terribly. handled Skfiiner, Of ficers rushed to the scene, finding the policeman unharmed and( the cjrimi n&U gone. ."' I . Woods were handy Iri which the negroes found concealment and it is believed they finally escaped by a country road. The roads leading out of town are being watched. "TIM" BRYMN, FORMER PRESS FEEDER, IN TOWN Now a Musician of Some Note, and Composer of "Josephine, , My Jo,." SHERIFF COULDN'T LOCATE MURDERER. Sheriff Taylor has returned from Dunn, N. C, where he went upon re ceipt of intelljgence that Simeon Jcnes, colored, who murdered Hay wood Caho, 'another negro, near Pink Hill, in April, was believed to be there. The quest was unsuccessful. - 5 or 6 doses of 666 will break any case of Fever or . Chills. Price 25 cents. . jfciV-". - '"" (Adv.) Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Box" mm It AN ' ? MXl iuuuu I Tit ?w;iii .it A nmotny jjrymn, wno rorleited a bond and left this, is native town, nineteen years ago, is back again af ter having achieved more fame pos sibly than any other citizen who ever left Kinston. Brymn is the country's foremost negit? composer. The pom pous, sieeK individual wno came to be at the bedside of a very; ill! father, U as much a Southern darkey as was the stripling who left his native heath nearly two decades ago. Brymn "took up" in New York, where he was a Pullman porter for a time. He then drifted into music, and displayed such talent that by some means or another he got ' to Berlin, where he received the best tutoring obtainable. In 1002 and 1003 one of his composition, a rag, v,:tn tne title Josepmne, My .;, was the sweep of the country. Brymn has written many pieces which have had national and international cir culation. "Tim" Brymn, when a boy, fed the press in The Free Press shop. Steam, gasoline and electricity were no' much in uee as motive power in coun try printeries at that time, but good muscle power was much in demand. Mr. L.. J. Mewborti, cashier of tne Farmers and . Merchants Bank now, was thj foreman then. Whi'e "Tim." Brymn stuck the sheets back in the grippers one at a time, Peter Brinn, his ufather, laboriously turned the big . wheel which revolved the cyl inder and dragged the platen back and forth, .and ground out the pa pers. " Peter Brinn, patriarch of his race, and having the esteem of the whites of his community after a life nearfy done, but very well spent, was replaced by an engine, and Timothy Brinn set forth end found fame. CHILE INTERESTED IN i .;v SOUTHERN MADE GOODS. Chattanooga Tenn., August 21. Southern manufacturers will be in terested in the announe?ment made by Mr. C. L. Chandler, South Ameri can Agent for Southern Railway and affiliated lines that the director gen eral of public works at Santiago, Chile, has established an office for the collection of catalogues, price lists, and circulars of construction ma terial, also data concerning improve ments in construction material and methods. This bureau will be frequented by the official Chile engineers and archi tects as well as by private construc tors. Catalogues, circulars and quo tations should be sent to La Direc- cioii Jeneral de Obras Publicas, San tiago, Chile. All such matters should be in the Spanish language, and, if posible, weights and measures in the metric system and prices in the Chil ean currency. In the opinion of Mr. Chandler the move is one of impor tance to Southern manufacturers gen erally, as it will give them an oppor tunity to place their products before an open court where material will be judged on their merits entirely,! and that on this ground American manufacturers should easily outstrip their European rivals. FOUNDED 183$ CHAPTER EDj iN 185 TRINITY COLLEGE . DURHAM, N. C. - ' - ' A Southern College nf liberal art with n eirablUhed national reputation, for high tandards, noble traditions, and progresiive policies. Its large endowment fund makes possible its first-class equipment and large faculty of well trained and carefully chosen teachers. Student fees law. Comfortable, inexpensive rooms in cafefuUy supervised hygienic dormitories. Classical and scientific courses lamding tothe bachelor's degree. Graduate course in all departments. Schools of Engineering, Education and Law.' ,, , For catalogue and illustrated booklet, address, A .; ft. L. FLOWERS. ' ' Secretary1 to tke Corporation , HEALTH OFFICER FOR PITT COUNTY. Greenville, Aug. 21. The mayor of Greenville has been instructed by the council to communicate with the mayors of the other towns in Pitt county, relative to hiring a "whole time" county health officer. The offi cer would have an office here, but work throughout the county. SUBSCRBBEPSOW TO THE FIFTH ifeiOST(it IM THE" MUTUAL BUILDING & ; LOAN ASSOCIATION An Absolutely Safe Investment WHrch Will Yielcja Net Return of Over SIX PER CENT The New Series Will Pat rom SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th C. OETTIWGER, Sec. & Treas. TELEPHONE 182 ' - REAL ESTATE BOUGHUAND SOLD .Thei'osr --iCinston Inkiirancfa' &. Itealtv DR. FOLEY RETURNS , FROM VERA CRUZ New Bern, Aug. 2L Dr. .J. F. Fol- ey,"a local -veterinarian. iKotici.iiu- ed from -Vera Cruz, where ne was stationed as a veterinary ; 'surgeon with the American occupying force. .Vith no prospect for 'active service, the staff of animal doctors with the army is being curtailed, and Dr. rol- ey took advantage of this to secure his discharge from the service, al though,, be enjoyed the time spent in the ! 'Mexican seaport. "". 'U " CHECK FLASHERS AT M -JVORK IN RALEIGH. . rf f t " OA A Annif WA. HAIR MADE BEAUTIFUL. Beautiful hair, thick, fluffy, lus trous and absolutely free from dan- ruff i3 not so much a gift of nature as a matter of care and proper nour ishment. Hair is like a plant it will not grow healthy and beautiful un less it has attention and proper nutri ment. Parisian Sage, daintily perfumed' and easily applied, tones up and in vigorates the roots of the hair, and furnishes the necessary nourishment o not only save and beautify the hair, mt r.l.so stimulate it to grow long, heavy, soft, fluffy and radiant with ife. When used frequently and rubbed nto the scalp, it will simply work wonders. Just one application stops itching head, removes dandruff and leanses the hair of all dust and ex cessive oil. Since Parisian Sage, which can be obtained from J. E. Hood & Co., or at any drug store, npver disappoints, it is no longer necessary for any wo man to be humiliated because of thin, streaky, faded, lifeless or unattrac tive hair. CCTQUR WEEKLY LIMERICK Prominent internee, is General Hardware, ' Excelled by none, for hardware and tear. 4 "iijM W I WITH 6TO HEADQUARTERS HERE, When you appear, ' '- He'll salute you, try to mit you, and treat yon all fair. Our Line of General Hardware CONSISTS OF ? Heavy. Shelf and Builders1 HARDWARE Ranges, Heaters, Oil and Gasoline Stoves, Kitchen Utensils, Anti-Rust Tin, Granite and Enamel Ware. Washing Machines, Tubs, Wringers and Boilers, Churns Ice Boxes, Refrigerator. Ice Cream Freezers, and a host of items too numerous to enumerate. When you want Hardware, ranembtr tbtrs is sot a Hardware wist srs caa'l supply. i D. V. DIXON SON Otoe Map 9000 Horsepower How the Largest Exclusive Tire Factory IT f j. T .... a tt - ,Air i?a f Tmiy xccps wost uuujti ana ic quality jup WO- Rifeih,.A0(r. 20. A young maiyjnqwlgiving her nam as Lena gmithv bfiPetiersburg, but 'who' regis Y?f?2t tfright's Hotel early in the week with;;her male conipanion, as -thftHea fa Wells and wife, BaltS SBoi,".ls -ii.ihe city prison bore and thepoliceare looking fori J-Vells, the twofbting .wafit4 for parsing bogus chei5:jon.. homber of Raleigh mer-cha'rliaU- The rman wal arrested rear Selnaa yesterfjaj: aflrshe ai)d vVeUa had"liDBd'out of Anof! -by miilrlfKri' Cr'v.. Cost No More Than Average Every facility for economical production . that science has been able to produce has been brought to bear in the Firestone plant to give you Firestone quality at Ordinary price. The power plant, where one man feeds the boilers that produce 9000 borsepowet, is one example of Fire stone scientific management. The great Firestone plant naturally attracts the COuntrVg greatest tire experts. Everyman In this factory is a tire specialist, doing his work with skill and accuracy. Here nothing but tires Is made, and every ounce of steam power, every effort of the workmen, every bit of study and thought, are focused on the making of Firestone Tires. This concentration and specialization in production make it pos 'Sible to give highest quality at a cost no greater than only average tires. Most for Your Money in First Cost I f coid Final Economy Firestone Tire & Rubber Company "AajwrsM'a iMrgMt Extkmkm Ttr mnd Km Ma)n" Akron, Ohio Branches auid DsMJers EvsBrywher a ' Akron. Ohio fi WKxo- : irvr VA Mr 4 Mf -tit ;