THE DAILY FREE PRESS !' ' 1 I PtUMiked Every Aft.rnoon Except Snoday KISSTON FREE PRESS CO., IMC H. Ctlt Braxton, Editor and Manager . . . is v! . l II . I at M BMOBtt M KiraiDP. I'onn ma aacma-rlu. MW vatr c at w'" Mack). 1979. If KITED PRESS REPfRTS tiri (mm Xlt' rDeparlment$" 75 Subscription Rates: (Payable in Advatm) Week. 10c. 3 Month., Month 35c 12 Month.. Monday Evening, August 24, 1914 Wanted A man who has actually Men the scale on a Kinston ice wag on. And one who has really wit sensed the weighing of a piece of ice would be twice as valuable. Business generally is unhiding from the flurry attendant upon the first war cry. Trailing men report condition almost up to normal, and they predict the it-gular stride 'ii a very short time. Tobacco men ere more optimistic and the clouds of despair air not hanging nearly to low a they woe a week or m ao. It is cmtifyiug to note that Kin Bton's piog!8 is attiHctiiix atten tion. The building statistics, pub lished in The Free Press last week. In which it was shown that almost three-quarters of a million in build ing permit would be issued tin year have been favorably commented on hy several of the State papers tiartieularlv the Ralek-h Times. Ad vertising pays. COHTpntioi m spring, when the position was taken that a State-wide primary would throw some of the counties, now polling a Democratic majority, into the Republican column, only the Democratic idea was worse, if anything. Down in Spartanburg county, South Carolina, it was tshown in a recent registration that twenty-five per cent, of the qualified voters of that county tfere illiterate, a nd had to make their marks, and in some pre cinets the illiteracy ran as high as sixty-two and a half per cent. Just think of such a situation in an en lightened age. Are there any coun ties in North Carolina, where the people suffer from such ignorance? It is pontible and for that reason let the voters of the Old North State go on record as favoring the extension of the school term. Every boy and girl in this State should at least have common school education. BJSHQP STRANGE. bakers are nc to blame for the rib in the price of flour, which has made the smaller loaf a necessity. It has not been proved yet that there is jus tification for the rise in the price of any commodity produced in this country, and particularly is this true of wheat and corn. The whole trou ble, as The Observer has claimed, is based on war greed, a greed for which the ceople have to pay the price. Japan has, as predicted, g-Mten in lo the fight, and the chances for Am erica n sentiment to reach an equili brium is better than before. France and England pet hap have first claim but Germany ranks far ahead of Ja pan in the estimate of American peo Die. After all. it is a matter of fair play, and the plaudits of the neutra world will be given to that nation. or nations, which more nearly roairi fent'Hueh a spirit. o - In defense of their local dealers, hotel 'and boarding-house keepers, who have seen fit to raise their prices recently, -some of 4heUte .papers are aying that they were forced to do no by the people, higher up. That is all right, but will the local dealer, etc., cut the prices accordingly when the man higher up i&ioreed by, court or other legal proceediniTtotake the wind out of the inflated prices? That is the question that vitally concerns the coiihusner. Is he ta getany' ben efit? Let's wafih the local men to ace if he in really acting in good faith. When do the chy authorities ex pect to fulfill their promise t have the appumch to Pwrott's bridge cleaned up? The situation there is a disgrace to a civilized community, a menace to the health and comfoit of everybody living in the vicinity of the filthy hole and something ought to be dune. There is no excuse for delay. There was no excuse for the place getting in the condition that it la in, and the property owners in th locality "ihfvsl.l not tolerate the situ ation longer. The people of this city will back them rp. Let's have it cleaned up. EDUCATION AND POLITICS. One f the delegate to (lie recent Republican State c-wentiru, held in Raleigh, openly oppos-.d the consti tutional tmeiuiment, which nupo. to exttnd the chi'.l Un ft cm four to six mor.'.hj, cn ie gsound th..t education was nut adding the Re publican ranks. Thi man, Mr. A, L. ' McCaslsiil, a form? postmaster, cf 'Fayetteviile, .-aid hi v.-a not oppcml to cducatUo:, u-t he thought it time "V to call a halt n expenses, and then, too, the more t boy were educat ed the mre tendency ;hey showed jump the Ktpvblietm mnks. This . is really about the hen. thing that ha . been said ui favor of Derr.ociacyfcr ; many CKKns if, indeed, it i not among the test cf a!l time. The . point," whea applied to the Republican, side of the fence u about on a par with the one which was advanced hy acme of the Democrats In their State The death of the Rr. Rev. Robert Strange of Wilmington, bishop of the Fasten Carolina Diocese of the Epis copal (hurch, brings sorrow to his hui h people throughout the State, nd to those of other faiths, who have Known ana aamneo rum ior nu esti mable life. He was a Norh Carolin ian of distinguished parentage. Born in Wilmington a little more than a half a century ago, was but juf-t past he prime of life, and until the ill- r.e?s which he couldn't throw off, at tacked him in New York last fall, he was prominent in the activities and councils of his church, both State and National. Bishop Strange was a fre quent visitor to Kinston, which was a . Attracting Attention. (Raleigh Times.) Kinston the capital of Lenoir, county a busy, hustling town, of the eastern section, is seemingly not disturbed by reason of European war clouds. Acooifcing to the reports from that good town, the building contractors have been exceedingly busv. The Free Press says that 6ince March 1 of this year, sixty-three building permits . have been issued. The total cost implied in these per mits runs to $28.0,000, In this period of six months thirty-eight new dwell ings have been erected, or are in course cf erection. Other improve ments include church and school buildings, tobacco plants, a new bug gy plant, a number of store- build ings and additions to tobacco ware houses. The record exceeds any pre vious six months in the history of the town. Eastern Carolina towns are not "booming" but thy are building1. .Steady development is noted in every direction. It is a genuine pleasure to The Times to note the solid indus trial The; erection of a business house, dwelling, a church, t, school house this is good news and worth much more than the story of the commission of crime. SEA GIRT SHOOT ON. Sea Girt, N. J., Aug. 24. Selected sharpshooters with rifle and revolver, representing the organized militia cf New Ens-land and Middle-Atlantic part of his diocese and his death is states and the District of Columbia mourned here. by many personal friends WHAT OTHERS SAY Different Kind of Dukes. (Greensboro Record.) Britannia may rule the waves with the Irop Duke, bijt it she thinks that she is going to rule the money mar ket with the tobacco Duke she has another think coming. All Is Fair 4a Love and .War. (Henderson Gold Leaf.)) tattle Belgium ' deserves the sym pathy of the world. A small, but one of the most densely populated kingdoms or the earth, so busy with manufacture and commerce that she has been called "the world's work ihop," she is being-Wade the battle ground of the nations. She has not .(Tended, but she is in Germany's way. And because tiermany wants to expand fhe is willing to butcher the Belgians, batter down their enutiful cities and devastate their .-cuntiy. Scrap Was Inevitable. (Wilmington Dispatch.) v Aside from the fact that the Kai er feels that he is light, and there. fore wouM prefer to he front :he Far East (by overwhelming num bers) than to confess to a crime he has not perpetrated, he probably al so feels like "what's the use?" Ja (n woiii.i trumn tin somet.untr else .vith which to find an excuse for de iarirtg war on Germany, because it s evidently war with Germany, unlet- the existing conditions only, how- ier. that Japan wants, therefore no amount of apologies and no trc r.Hiido s profusion of such would np- A Little Different. That's All. t Kail-brother's Everything.) The War News. J', will ' o i.M..d that we put our news in na!I type. The small ?vt type v.v have. There is tio use to use the i-'i.' tviK- to tell that men v-e 0i . :i k:!l,-ato tecite the uloody !.!;. "I of the papt-s are try it .-k-feedMchel dloP.boyshrdl "K to' gs't up tlml's by using the bur-;o.-t type .it! sbr shoo. Our war nuws -i authentic but it is in small type :: ! only c.ven to record what is hfirptrsing,, The soldiers need a brass ban I to urge them on but we don't see that the readers need anytninsr to give them isspiratien. Read our six-point war new and you won't feel nervous over it. Not So Sure Baker Is Innocent. (Charlotte Observer.) The bakeries cannot cherce nm than five cents for a loaf of treai but they can d tomethin? else. Thet can reduce the size cf the loafand that is the next thing we are going to hear ha been done.' When the 'jwunk" locf comes '-en the market it fchctiM' fce remembered that the and the United States Infajitry, Cav alry and Marine corps, will compete in the twenty-fourth annual Sea Girt shooting tournament which opened to day on New Jersey's range. Other organizations entered are the Rifle Association of America, the New Jer sey Rifle Association, the New York iRifie Association, and the American Association of International,. Rifle men, the matches will end Septem ber 2. They will be followedv Sep tember 3-8, by Divisional Competi tion A of the national matches, here tofore since 1903 held as a unit here or at Camp Perry. ' Sweeping changes ,in the national matches are effected by two new rules: the tense competition between the amateur guardsmen and the pro fessional regulars has been made far fairer by eliminating the.,. jsjeirmish firing, where for successive years the regulars service teams have won the national trophy, sometimes over for-j ty or morStatee; and to spread in terest and', skill -in jifle.shooting among the men actually behind the guns, rather heretofore .among offi- ers, ten of the twelve national ma'teh team members must not be enlisted men, an innovation started voluntar ily last year by Ohio and Michigan. THE LIFE 'WORK- CF A NOTED CHEMIST. Po!k Hirer's Word' as Well as His Skiil Pack of His Valuable Remedy The reaction from deadly drags dentroyfi the healthy ti-.-u.-s of the body and leaves the sy-tem suscepti ble to other diseases. Thy means that you ma.-t be con stantly takink medicine to temporari ly build up what another has torn down. , It i- nosmal! thing tohave the finibh ed product of this noted ehemiist within easy reach and at but little cot. Polk Miller' Liver Pills can be procured at your druggists or at the country storenifor 30c a box. Tliey are safe and effective and not only cure sick headache, bilousnews, etc., but if taken occasionally serve as a general tonic, keep the system invigorated and preeut tu'-h troubles a- Mck headaches, biliou-r.ct-s, piles, aj pendiciiis, fistula and other trou bles, which come from a disordered liver. Don't poison yaur system with cal omel or weatten it with salts or str.n- ir-rit li'jiiids. Send ior a free sample or buy a box from your druit or general -tore now and let mil tire's own icm euy re-torc ym to n-nrmal lu-alth. Examine carefully the eo:.rpon you find in each box worth 2 1-Jc. I'oik Miller Drug Company, Inc., litchmond. Vo. VACATION EXCURSION TO EAS TERN RESORTS AND CITIES Via the ATLANTIC COAST LINE Seeing is Believing Wc Have Been Talking About - ) "FOR YOUR CHILDRCN-S HEIRLOOMS" The standard Railroad of the .South at the following low round trip fares t From Kinston to Atlantic City, New Jersey $12.00 Baltimore, Md , . . , , . 11.00 Washington, D. C .... D.00 Richmond, Va 6.00 Norfolk, Va 6.00 Virginia Beach, Va. . . . , 6.00 Tickets will be sold ipr a,U trains on Tuesday, August 18. Limited returning to reach original starting point by or before midnight of Wednesday, September 2, 19H. For schedules, routes, stop-over pri- 'ileges, etc., apply to D. J. Ward, Tick et Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, or Address, W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Pass. Traf. Mgr. Gen. Pass Agt. Wilmington, N. C. The faithful studies from the best work of the old masters in furniture. Th i furniture that combines elegance, "with durability. The furniture that gives you lasting service. SEE BERKEY & GAY DESIGNS IN OUR WINDOWS . Mt re inside Handsome Mahogany- Genuine. t ys::r Cerkey U Gy Collection Today" '11 ii ;i :.r ' - tied to exhibit the patr.e before him on or before July 20, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment. This ISth day of July, 1S14. J. G. BANTON, Administrator of E. W. Borden, de ceased. By G. G. Moore, Attorney. 7-20 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY NOTICE OFADMINISTRATIOX. Having heretofore qualified as ad ministrator, c. t. a., of Kate Brown, deceased, late of Lenoir county, Nottl Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned cn or before the 25th day of August, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery., AjI persons indebted to the Sunday Excursion to Norfolk $2.50 Raleigh, Wendell, Zebulon, Middle sex, Wilson, Farmville, Goldsboro, La Grange, Kinston, and intermediate stations $2.25. Greenville, Washington, Plymouth, Vanceboro, and intermediate stations. $2.25. Tickets sold for trains, leaving Ral eigh and Goldsboro Saturday nights due Norfolk 7:30 a. m. Sunday. Re turning train leaves Norfolk 9:00 p. m. Spend Sunday at4he Seashore. J. F. MITCHELL, T. P. A. I Raleigh, N. C. E. D. KYLE, H. S. LEARD, Traffic Mgr. 1 Gen. P. A. r- Littleton College A well-Mt.Wi.hKj. wtlUq-jjppcd. .nd V5rv proipeiou. school for g:rl, ,r.d your.g -..omen rail term begim eptrmbei Id. 1914. For catalogue, gddreta J. M. RHODES, Lit leton, N. c. IRA M. HARDY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 102 W. Caswell St. Residence 309 West Lenoir St. 'Phone 507. JOVER AND SOUTH BOUND RAIL MOTORBOAT CARNIVAL ON. New York, Atisr. 24. A week of eompetitions under the auspices of the National Motorboat Carnival As sociation, began today at Manhaset Bay. For ten years this carnival has been the motorboat racing classic cf the season. The program includes, as usual, competitions for the five perpetual championship tropliies of fered by the National Association of Engine and Manufacturers. In addition, there will be added events for all classes of bor.ts. The five championship trophies are for the ntevstate championship title for speed boats under forty feet in length and the title for cabin la i:ich oats, '!3 feet and under; national title for speed boats of A) feet n;id jvv! ; international world's tit.e for ?peod boato under 40 feet and of ength; the title for cabin launch louts frcm 40 to 00 feet le-:. n:id he titlofor motor yacht tej t.t i or more in length. To the public: Regujar afternoon train will be said estate will please make immedi- held aV Dover Sunday August 2nd, ate payment. j Sunday August 16th and Sunday Au- A. C. BROWrN, ! gust 30th, 1914, until arrival of Nor- Administrator, c. t. a., of Kate Brown, deceased. August, 19," 1914. ' LOFTKff & DAWSON, Attorneys. 8-19, -26; 9-2, 9, 16-23 dly NOTICE. MINIMUM WAGE EFFECTIVE, Olympia, Wash., Aug. 2-1. A min- mur.i weekly ware cf St) for women snd girl employed in laundries and dye works in the State cf Washing ton became effective today. This wrgewas ordered by tlw State in duslriul .welfare commission on re commendation of a conference of em ployers, employes and representa tives of the disinterested public, i r CASTOR! A For Ixfants knd Chllirea In Use For Over 30 Ycsrs The undersigned, hrving been ap pointed and duly qualified as admin istrator of the estate of E. W. Bor den, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are noti- Dover, N. C, July 29,1914 folk Southern: afternoon train from Morehead City, and the Ibllowing round trip rates rates to D&Ver are authorized : ' From R!chland .. . . . . 75c From Petersburg - : . . . . . . . 75c From Comfort 50c From Wimsatt 50c From Phillips 50c Tickets good enly on date of sale. N. S. RICHARDSON. Traffic Manager. Patronize Home Industry" JOB PRINTING We are Equipped to Handle Your ' Qrders for High Grade Job Printing. Prdeir Ciwfally iJ Promptly Excatd We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES. CIRCULARS, LARGE AND SMALL, ENVELOPES. POSTERS. We have Connection with Engraven and Blank Book Maker which en able u to Promptly Handle Order for Engraving and all kinds or Blank Book Making. Kinston Free Press Co. locorporatcd Publishers and Job Printers Anything in Printing' Always bear ifte Signature of y7 , ; The National Bank of Kinston ;:;iJlteiiM rl wit a n nn rif MPfig MADE - vy. in business methods, and thisr . bank has kept pace with them. ' , ;.. While conservative in the interest of SAFETY. -our; '.. equipment and business 4 methods are modern. ' Let us ' do busincs together to our mutual advantage.' , i Capital, $100,000.00 5 Surplus. 590,000.00 ,j "THE, OLDEST AND STRONGEST 8Aiii( I'l T! COUUTY." ji "'MiMaMaSJMMMPMpaMMPMaatjMijijB