- - 4 a piece of Em broidery with you on your Vacation? j We have a nice line to select from. Chamberlain & Braxton Caswell Building 1 1! I t WANT ADS' 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN-.SERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS First Class Tailoring, "pressing and cleaning. Call Carolina Pressing Club, Phone 528. ' 7-30, tf. Yot Sale Slabs in carload lots. J. B. White, Kinston, N. C. 8-24-6t dly For Rent Brick .Store .on .North street, adjoining Simmons' stable. Possession given September 1. V 8-20-6t d!y We Can furnish Galvanized V Crimp and Corrugated Roofing, 6 to 12 feet. No. 28 gauge. D. V. Dixon & Son. 8-24-dly-tf For Sale Large wood building, sit uated on coiner Queen and North streets, and known as Webb build ing. Will sejl reasonable. See J. E. Hudson. 8-21-tf, dly Dancing Class Mr. Williams i will open his class Tuesday evenirig, at 9 o'clock, in Lof tin's Opera House All desiring tp tajfte ejsons$ be at hall by 8 30 o ciock. o-za-zraiy' Wanted To grade your ' tobacco prices reasonable, strictly goodwork, place at foot of Parrott's bridge, known as Smith's Stables. For further particulars see John W. Smith. , 8-11 4 w sw 3t dly 2 wks. Framing of Pictures. Why you should carry your pictures to W. M. Co ble to be framed: First, he has all kinds of moldings; second, because he knows how to harmonize the frame to suit the pictures he keeps only the best white French glass to go on them. 8-21-2t a w 2w-dly Dancing Lessons Mr. Charles Wil liams of Norfolk, VaTtfill ' be" in Kinston next week to open a dancing school, teaching the one step, hesita tion and all other latest dances. All desiring to take his private lessons in their homes or. with class in even ings, address application to box -191, Kinston, N. C. 8-20-3tdly DOVER AND SOUTH RAILROAD BOUND Schedule of Trains Carrying Passen gers. Effective Sunday; February 8, 1914. South Bound Trains STATIONS f i ' 7 P.M. - 4:45 5:00 i 6:04 43 Lv Dover Lv Foys , Lv Taylors Lv Phillips Lv Wiinsatt -, Lv Comfort I Lv Petersburg .AB-RirMnnila' it"' ... .. .. If: H 5:22 5:42 ; ' , ; 6:00 v 6:05 ; North Bound Trains : ,t STATIONS 9: 5 A. M. 4:45 5:02 5:06 5:17 5:28 5rf9 6:10 6.15 PERSONAL it 11 wa$ here ,,fo&ay. Mr, John H. Randall of Goldsborp spent Sunday here." : Miss Hortense Mewborn is visiting relatives in J-aOrange. Mr. Jack A. Street of New Bern was a Kinston visitor Sunday. Mrs. B. B. Wooten of Fort Barn well was a recent visitor here. - Mrs. G. W. Stanton of Wilson is visiting Mrs. W. T. Hines, on King street. Misses Ruth and Alice Dawson of Rocky Mount are visiting Mrs. Jas. B. Dawson. . Misses Leafy and Olive Spear are ghorne, after a visit with relatives in. Portsmouth, .Va. . Dr. and Mrs. W. C- Knox have gone to New York and other north ern cities for a business trip. 1" '. Miss Lotta Farmer of Wilson is visiting . her cousin, Miss Christine Williams, on Independent street. Mr. and Mrs.' Charles A. Roscmoncl and little son, George Parrott, are the guests of relatives in Greensboro. Messrs. Claud Ballard and Elbert Spear have returned from a week's auto trip through the western part of the State. Mr. and Mrs. W. A.' Jolly of Adsit, Va., are in the city for a visit with Mrs. Jolly's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Sutton, on Blount street. Miss Bessie Maxwell of Pink kill passed through the city today, en route for Parmele, near which point she will visit for several days. Mrs. C. T. Randolph, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Turner, in New Bern, has gone to Belhaven to spend a few days with friends. A marriage license was issued this morning by the Register of Deeds to H. C. Freeman and Miss Mab'el Gil bert, well known young people of this county. Misses Orie and Marie Moseley of this city are guests in the home of Mrs. J. B. Person at Selma. They have been the honoree's at' several so cial functions during the . past few days. ' . V' Perch rrty al- Kookeftoa. Hookcrton,'.N-C., Aug. 24. Miss Alice Taylor delightfully entertained at the homev of .her .parents, Thurs day evening,' between the hours of 9 andf 12 in' honor of her gucsf, Miss Ellen Counstable of Durham. The home was beautifully decorat ed with ferns and cut flowers. The porch was aglow with Japanese lan terns. All the guests were ushered to the porch, where rook was played. Miss Fannie Brown Edwards won the highest score.. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the game. Music was rendered by Mis ses Edwards, Catherine and Ruby Dail.' Those enjoying the evening were Miss Julia Taylor, Fannie Brown and Mary Ida Edwards, Mamie Brooks. Catherine Dail, Snow Hill, Johnnie Patrick, Snow Hill; Mildred Carr, Greenville; Leora and Mary Hooker, Kinston, Charlotte Hodges, Kinston; Messrs. S. G. Hollowell, Richard and Harry Taylor, Will Killpatrick,' C. M. Mendenhall, James Moore, Haw; Giimsley, Jesse Hardy, G. C. Taylor, William, and Freddie Harden, John nie FHzzelle, Hewitt and George Al len, Drew Harper and Guy Lassiter of Snow Hill. " . ADDRESS ON MISSION" WORK. Miss Middleton of Raletgh will ad dress the women of the First Baptist nurcK'Tn' the' "'High Rchob! auditori um, lucMiay atterroon at 4 ocueK. the women ,bf invited. I the city A!! ;e cordially SERIOUS AFFRAY IN ; k THE MULATTO COLONY Arnold Mills is at the point of death and Pinkney Grant, who shot him, is a fugitive in Greene county, according to a report today from Erov.)sville. The men are residents ofthc notorious mulatto colony at Brownsville, and Grant bears a bad reputation. The men had been enemies for orne rrr.e. Mills had previously suf fered injury at the hands of Grant. A man who sought to elope with Mills' sister was aided by Grant, who set Mt to secure the license. Mill interested him, and was assailed by the other with a bludgeon and severe ly beaten. ''The direct cause of the recent ilif Acuity is not known. Mills was shot in the left breast, a pistol bullet lodg ing dangerously near the heart. LINCOLN CIT Y IS SCENE OF, j MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Three policemen who vwe called to Lincoln City, a colored suburb, near Southeast Kinston, at 1:30 o' clock, Sunday morning, ran into what at first right, seemed to be a riot. Fifty negroes, most of them armed, were extremely active. The officers burst into the mob to find that the law and order element of Lincoln City had been called out to appre-1 .or.) ,U 1 1 1 1 1 in the village, probably with a view to burglary. A corn field on one edge of the suburb had been surrounded by the excited residents, and. the man was thought to have been penned in. The officers beat up the corn field in vain effort to hr.d him, but a sentry discovered him in another locality, and the scene of operations was shifted. The pursued was too alert to be captured, and escaped with a fusillade of shots following him. No entry had been effected, but watch- era had seen the stranger acting sus piciously at several houses. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, - : to . - REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD 5 10ANS NEGOTIATED Now Occupying New Office one Door East of The Post Office. Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. i Phone 182 C. Oettingrer, Mgr. No Danger cf Competition. In L'Esprit des Francais is an In stance of the sharp, biting wit for which Alexis Pirou the French epi grammatist was famous. wt -,t t A youug author whose ability, was by no means equal to his conceit . was discoursing at length upon the merits of his work. i "I am tired of writing of that which others write of," he said. "I waat to create on original work, something that no one has ever written about or ever will write about." ' Piron turned uuickly to the speaker. "Why cot write your own eulggy?" he said. Youth's 'Companion. f Hook and Eye. - The scene was a teachers' training college; the class one of girls; the lec turer on phonetics a gentleman with a nice taste In sarcasm." "This sound," be said, "has for symbol something even you can all remember a dress maker's hook; Just the prdinary thing you are all familiar with." As he spoke, says the Manchester Guardian, be drew the symbol in chalk on the board, and the worried pupils all laughed. Even they to borrow the professor's remark knew that the "hook" depicted wae an "eye." Puts Airship In Prayer. Under the orders of Emperor Will iam, as the heed of the Lutheran ihurch, and with the consent of 'the Lutheran synod, the general prayer, which Is Baid weekly in all Lutheran churches, now neks the protection of God for the aerial service as well as for the army and navy. Jh& sentence, as amended, reads: "Protect the king's army and the entire German war forces on land and Sua, and particularly the ships and air ships while on their Journeys." As You Like It Jimmy, who was no highbrow, had gone all alone to see one of those out door performances of Shakespeare. He was telling hie elders about it. -"Some class to Shakespeare," said Jimmy. "The show was fine." "Qut what ahow was It?" asked Jimmy's big sister. "Let Ev'ybody Do to Suit Himself," replied Jimmy, Great Britain's Coal. The output of coal In Great Britain during 1913 was 287,411,869 tons, an increase of 27,013,291 tons over the output 61 1912. at ! the highest on record. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA WAR SPIRIT AT FEVER HEAT IN SERVIA On the right is shown Servian soldiers receiving the blecsing of the church. The Insert stows Servian volun teers on the way to enlist FENCES TO ELIMINATE "MASHING" AT MOVIES. Ar Dover 1i Ar Foys v-" I loo 7:34 7:21 7:12 Owl -ti:30 jjl f Taylor; Ar Phillip, . .,'' A Tiin.ait-v- , Ar Comfort " ? Ar Pettrsbtrr' j I S 1$ nichlaiida I f K; Trainis fukAattj "except SmeW ! . - - - "::rTraffl! JUanagef- ' General xlanasfr.- i 623, 8 A.M. 7J55 7;40 736 7:18 .7:00 :;60 ,65 Cleveland, Ohio; 'Aug. 21 Now ccxes, the "movie masher" ami the problem of gettin? rid ot h"in. "Ifs easy," says .Mrs. S. A. Grtgs. prcmi nent Cleveland , clv.bwoman. "We'll segregate the sexes. . To accomplish this end, Mrs. Grczg has taken the matter up with the Cleveland Mothers' Congress, cf which s'ne'is & member. If this body acts favorably, c;t7 officials will be asked to, frame on ordinance wh en will put a feiiee in movie houses oo- tweeri -unaccompanied FLOOR )F LAKE EPIC BEING SV.ES'T Oi AY Ccnneaut, Ohio, Aug. 24 The floor of Lake Erie today is being: swept twith- huge electrical . '-magnet 3 in an efTo'ts to recover the bugt car ferry Marquette and Bessemer Xo. 2, which went down on Ccnneaut luubor durfcg a terrible torm nn the night of December . IW-X The ferry car ried a cargo of cor.l valued 'at 000, and a crtw of thirty men, oil cf whom were ict. The' work has been undertaken .liy t- svndicate of business mtatfvin EAST MEETS WEST ! :-iL MATCH. Oer.vi:, A.;. -i. a he West new has a cha.ice '.o make ?ood Its boast I that it can produce players at least equal to tiie four which loit the in ternational cup to tht Diitish chal lengers this summer. For the first time in the histc;y cf p lo in this re gion, a tournament betran at the Penvcr Counti y C! -.' field today, in which crack players from the East and West v.-ill meet. These includes ?ohua Crane of Eostun, Foxhail Keene of Meadawbrouk, the Veiies, father and Son of Kansas City, asd Major Colin Rose and Waiter Dnj-ree . . j ... 1 1 1 - . ' I.. , . t i . t. i -: t . i Wincsor. lm wr.o nave laani.i u- i . , rr j! r corted women only wouirtnas be ai- months, isn on th,. aiKf cargo 0,VT ri V " i i iv ,n -v- ,.. T'.c cits . : - 1 ,. , , , wood Springs, Colorado bpr;:itr, xv:.n- owed talk to the nun andexpct' to realise handsomely ifjfas QtJ w Ft. 5 .'- '" sh. w Tecovjred. f", ' f ' ' Leavecw, . Ka.WS, "and. Fort Hi'.. "Wn ruixii e cctrfcal engineer cf at. Thomal w..l . entered. Cups worth J10.COO -. . . i 1 . haw lwoh nffprcrl . w-Wi tn fhsntrcnr friends and rhborrior'their-lnany kinases are. cf our wife and toother. M.-"Ha'srsin9-''imd Fsmiiy. SUBSCRIBE JO JTHEjREE PRES1 cents. 5-.OT el dosea'of -6f ,nr01 break any case of Fever . or x Chilis, m -(Adv.) yacht Berth if yhichhft-bev it equiB-1 , rw,1 wifh fniil annnrntua for th&i rendered" duidnsr theaflfctien v . af work. ' " " , ?!, (CHICHESTEB SPILLS Children Cry . FOR FLETCHER'S;., A ml Ah firf jit f-r A 1'illtU lld V fv rl aukrr. nnf f " fflf rr a- ..grt:ii- irVvrtB -Jf fcujJovn i;aJ: I';u.va THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON WAR IN EUROPE .will not male' scarce money herek Our government made prepara tion (or any emergency. This bank is in posi tion lo extend tSe same liberality to its custo mers m heretofore. r omenta-- N. j. ROUSE. Pre .... DR. H. TJLL. Vice PrkJe1it, D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier, - J. J. BIZZELL, Ass t Cashier, . T. W. HEATH. TeMet. W. L. Kennedy .. David Oettinger, ii. E. Moseley I." HrCanady L. C. Moseley I V P.,.,f U. rehx Harvey J. F. Taylor H.H. N.I. McCby ouse SUBSCR TO THE FIFTH SERIES OF STOCK 111 THE MUTUAL BlillOINS & LOAN' ASSOCIATION An Absolutely Safe Investment Which Will Yield a Net Return off Over SIX PER CENT The New Series Will Date From SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th C. OETTINGER, Sec. & Treas. TELEPHONE 182 tTTOUR WEEKLY LIMERICK Prominent iLservice, is General Hardware, Ercrlled lv tone, for hardware and tear. ui p n h & mV? "i WITH HEADQUARTERS HERE Wh en you appear, He'll salute yen?, try to suit yoo, and treat yon all fair. Oar Lint General Hardware CONSISTS OF Heavy, 'Shelf and-Builders' ' HARDWARE Rar.gef, Heater. Oil and Cetoline Stoves. Kitchen UtenulavDti-Rwtt Tin, Graaite arid Enamel Ware. Washing !.ichine, Tub. Wringer and Boiler. Churn. Ice Ivoxej. Refrigerator. Ice Cream Freezer, and a host of item too nu.-nerou to enumrnie. When you want Hardwar,nftl!( Ibtr is t.t IlerJwar wnt we tEn" Mpply. ,r i , D. V. DIEON m-SON 1 f Tiv VJ' t. f ft t t . 'I i-D? . l 'it IV j r. . Oak Ridse Institute ?is,vyhird NEW $J.00 ALLMM BULKING : IX buildings, 350 acres in campus, athletic fields, and farm. Steam heat. shower baths, gymnasium. Over 200 boarding students annually for the- past thirty years. v Prepares for College, for Business, for Life. Students study under teachers, at night, in study hall. Fall season opens September 16th." -Terms reasonable. Write for illustrated catalogue."" Address ',.; . " OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE :: oak ridge, n.c: S'