nr nilfV iTDET... DPCCg-ttPternaUonAl. peace -wnawwcsiir ;,na lllt- limi-ritlx rttrmanv encou;aeinr ;,i, have aw rt r- 1 1 "I foreign power, ambassadors, United) vmtTny.VDrr tiertt rfl INR . aitivn in f" states senators, governors, or 6iates fl. Cll eriXtontCdifr Manager ni men prominent in finance and -." -nwii-riJ I f central v. Some of rwnlnrfi ii - fn""1- Vl.r'-i. tar r replies tfill probably be given fiwli). leJ9. , ' ,: j-,' I r,iibJicaien a little !a;er, fwirrn r?ppr ' reports irc r.r w?e "L" ' -friephone AII Departmentt 75 ,h terribfe condition" now existing in Eurone. It has - already auvocateo Subscription Rates: (PaymbU in AKne) Week. 10c. 3 Months. Month 35c. 12 Month. Tuesday Evening, August 25, 1914 mediation as the only method in which a tatisfactory adjustment of the continent-wide differences can be reached. In this age of enlighten ment and civilization, the sentiment of right thinking people is averse to Argentine is now in position to dis- I war( anj tne record of the brutal pute with all nations the honor of tragedies,- being enacted on foreign having the largest "floating arsen al." The attention of the official statis ticians of the liquorite of the Old Dominion is respectfully called to the figures coming from Wheeling, W. Vn., where prohibition has held sway one month. The jails are be ing depopulated, the police courts are running dry and the officials are be ing laid off because of scarcity of work. bRttlefields now, are no less shock ing than were the atrocities perpe trated centuries ago by nations, which were classed as barbarians. The Free Press hopes that when the nations, at war, find time for mature consideratiSn of President Wilson's offer of mediation that they will be inclined to give their approv al, ami that the suspension of hostil ities may be brought about. A re newal of the President's offer wou! 1 iiot !'C out of keeping with the desire aril purpose of a great civilized nnl Christian nation. At any rate, it is .-ill be kept permanently Wfove the ht'iliui'i tntp. The E:ith' troops have at last been heaid fioro, and report says they are on Belgian soil, engaged with to be hoped that the mediation outltt the enemy. This is encouraging to the majority of people, who had be gun to think that the allies would per mit the annihilation of the Belgians before responding to their aid. Tla refusal of Germany to accede to the demand of the Japanese gov emment and give up her coaling Ma- WHAT OTHERS SAY No Room for Doubt. (Durham Herald.) Th'r mav hp some miestinn as to uon in ne rr lh was uuuui which , best bu H WM tQ be only course that she could take and maintain her dignity. Japan's ultl ma turn was merely a pretext for war, and it was made in such a way that Germany couldn't comply. o fact that the primary and the con ention do not always bring the same results. i JUDGE DANIELS TO THE POINT. Kinston welcomes Judge Daniels of Goldsboro, who is presid ing at this term of Superior Court 'Thl "ii'-Judgi" Daniels' first official Visit here, and his first day's work Brilliant Success Is Uppermost (Wilmington Dispatch.) North Carolina continues to figure as the "horrible example" or the 'brilliant success," according to the Frank I P'r ' the contenders in the pro hibition election in Virginia. Nothing Impossible in This Age. (Fayetteville Observer.) When war began to loom up m made a most favorable impression on I Europe, the question was asked on both bar and laymen. n1' si(ies "Wil1 lne P"ic food- Judge Daniels' charge to the grand "uf" " ' " "ee"Md ?0' jury was able and o the point He but eed ,ck, found a Wj am, Jet it be Known that he stood for law they are soaring gracefully upward. enforcement, and he charged the jur or to do their duty and bring to the We Don't Need Any More, bar of justice -ail violators of the i J.Wilmington Star.) law, and those who were responsible for the enforcement of the laws, if The only condition upon which this loan shark would loan any of the Eu- roDean combatants millions uoon mil it, was slLjwn that there had been hion3 t money, would be for them to jrefcHgenet. He arrayed crime agamst turn over their Jest warships to us a:d the greatest hind-1 as relics of civilisation's most stu- progress, and said tne g ranee to the progress of a commun ity was crime, and that tho criminal, either vicious or ignorant, must be deterred for his own sake as well a for the sake of the community. pendous folly. On the Joti. Always. (Durhr.m Sun.) President Wilson and the present Congress have rendered most com- Judge Daniels' supplemental I mendauie service in various wnv,s charge, delivered Monday after- tut in njh' will do more for , ritiii'ir countrymen tnan in the plan noon, directing attention to their countrymen than in the p! I foi a merchant Tnni iiu wm! r. segregate distnct lor vice in vio- tXore commerw to lhe seas when lation of the State laws, which he other nations io attempting to de understood was permitted here, per- stroy the trade facilities of the haps approached more nearly tho sen aational than any of his other charges. He spoke very plainly on the law, and said that the police and city officials were amenable to the world. Two Parties, Hardly Democratic. (News end Observer.) It is said that Tammany Hall may run William Randoich Hearst for tho law if such a condition existed, and United States Senatorship to uc- he charged the jury to go the bottom I feed Elihu Root. This must be dis- of the matter and find out if there eoncrt'nK news to New York Demo crats who want to make use of the hA Kjutn nni K i tb I rt tw j .... " , , . , Republican split to make sure of ,IKUW" vn n" iarx ol omciais. Democrat s being it Is too welt known that there has Root's seat. a. placed in Mr, If Tammany insists on been open violation of the segrega- J nominating Hearst there would prob tion laws, and the vagrant law has ably be two moeratic parties, the not been invoked as it should with . now lwo "Paw- can parties. . , reference to lewd women in Kinston. v -. Let the grand jury look into this Constinaflon in .W.L',, aiatUr. The ciUxens of Kinston will j more dangerous than in the fall, win welcome a riddance of these unfor-1 ter or spring. lThe food you eat is "tanates, in whose company crime and ? ften c o"tinated and is more. Kkis disease stalk! Vy to ''""'"tjin your stomach, then you are apt to drink much cold water during, the hot jveather- tkAis injatinc your, stomach. Coiier Ferer, Ptomaine IFoisvung and other ills are natural INTERNATIONAL V fl ' PEACE MOVEMENT. The Free Press is Jin receipt of an re8nlt P-Do-La will keep you well, bviution from thrpukisher vt the f S inCTt"t' th Bile, tha natural ' ' rkiv p,iB.. Z - v - : ' ; i JaxMve. which rids the bowels of the Ctkneo Examiner to parttc.paU in congested poiwnous waste. Po-Do: - t m nausji-wiue eaort w rjrsUUue Lax wiU make you feel better. Plea i.t sentiment far international peace. I nt and effective. Take a dose to f Tha Examiner has invited, thei rukrr mSht j0c at druggist. A 0e United Stat? j to j; jx ia a great -enta. Adv.) SIT TIGHTS DOJCT BOCK THE r .... BOAT! . (Chicago Herald, Aug. 3,-1914,) 'Sit tihtf Don't rock the beat! That's the watchword today. That's the first duty of every American at this moment. That's what this coun try needs to keep i: st: night and safe and true to its course absolutely ail it needs. Eus:nc:s cenditians are sound. We have one of the greatest grain crops in history. Its value has already greatly advanced. We have a sound financial system, backed by the great est store of gold in the world. Our- banks are solid, safe. There is noth ing the matter with the United States. War will mean an unprecedented demand for supplies. Experts declare American business will feel a grea impetus. While ether nations des troy, this country v.-ill produce. While other nations are armed camps, th.v countiy will be a farm, a factory, a forge. Trade extension is predicted in all directions. The immediate fu ture is plain. The national administration is acting wisely, promptly. The sum of $500,000,000 is available, under the Aldi-ich-Vreeland act, for an emer gency. The organization cf the re servo board will soon be complete. This will enable us to deal rao.e ef fectively with the outflow of gold. Plans are perfecting to permit Am erican registry cf foreign vessel This will protect and develop cu. commeicc. We are preparing to maintain ftriet neutiuiity. Questions may arise with foreign nations as to wh.u constitutes contraband. Such ques tions cannct c.nceivably involve u in difficulties. They will be settle;! by the ordinary processes. The gen erul principles of neutrality and neu tral commerce are plain. The Unit ed States will adhere rigorously to them. Friendly intercourse, as fai as circumstances permit, will be iti rule and its procedure. Stock exchanges have closed a vvi?e precaution.. This country can not be the dumping ground of the whole body bf securities that war mad Europe is anxious to convert in to money. The closing is temporary. Elsewhere there is no prospect of in terference with the orderly processes of American business. Stable condi tions are here. All we have to do is to keep them stable. The administration has. decided to appeal officially to the public to help maintain existing satisfactory condi tions. The public cannot fail to res pond. The only danger is one 'which it may create itself. , Its course is simple. All it has to do is to -sit tight, "to do nothing to disrupt the fortunate condition in which this country happily finds itself. . Don't rock the boat- that's the cen tral idea!' The swell' from the great battleship, "Europe," tyill Ee felt., But it will not hurt uii. It need not even break over the sides. There's nothing the matter with the boat that we are in. Straight and strong, well- seamed, well-caulked, well-timbered, with reasonable guidance it will bear us safely and prosperously through. Sit tight! Don'.t rock the boat; Keep its head well up against the sea! Don't let it get into the troush of the waves! Let every man real ize that at this moment calm confi dence and calm thankfulness are t:ie first duty. They are absolutely jus tified by the favorable situation in which we find ourselves. Tht?v are the .certain guarsntee of - a continu ance of those conditions.4 XMEHICXN Wlunteers - Ilk ?3&lPWv J 'T'aris; Aifgt.-American recruits 'fix the Wench army will leave here today for Rouven, where they will be driven. Of the hundred or more Am ericana who underwent physical ex aminations preparatory to enlist ment, only one was rejected. Thio-.ia said to bo a record. DON'T POISON YOURSELF WITH CALOMEL. ' That's what you may do if you take calcmel because calomel is often dan gerous. Calomel is a chloride of mer cury, as your doctor will tell you, and as everybody knows, mercury is a poison. When you think you need a dose of liver medicine, instead of whip ping your liver v.p with calomel, o to E. B. Mar-ton Diug Co. and pay rifty cents for a bottle of Dodso;i' Liver Tone, a pure vegetable liquid that starts the liver to action just as surely as calornel doess and is per fectly mild and harmless, with no bad after-effects. No restriction of hab it or diet is necessary. It i. gcod for children and they like it. Dodson's Liver Tone gives such rerfect satisfaction in relieving con stipation and in relieving a torpid liver that vour mcnev will be given inc.; ii you uo not nnj mat it limy satisfies you in every 'way. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the St: te for the Wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar Courses leading to decrees. Spe cial Courses for teachers.- Free tui tion to those who agree to become tenchersin the State.' Fall SessioD begins September lb'th, 1914. For catalogue and other information, address JULIUS I. F0UST, President, Greensbors, N. C. seeing iS'jWHWuig We Havt Been Talking , About i Uerkey JUay "FOR YOUR CHILDREN'S HEIRLOOMS' . , The faithful studies from the best work of the old masters in furniture. The furniture that combines elegance with durability. The furniture that gives you lasting service. SEE BERKEV & GAY DESIGNS IN OUR WINDOWS Mf re inside Handsorrc Mahogany Genuine. ' -'-i- yo;.fCt-kcuCa; Coi.'eci.'on Tcday" ! ! jjij 1 " rv) uv, v ' o LUNG DISEASE "After four in our family had died of consumption 1 was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, but my life was saved anal gained I bi poucus tnrougn using DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY Vt. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. PRICE 50e mtttl.CO T 'J. ORL'CfllSTS EAST OA ROi !NA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL I A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North j Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition 1914. For catalogue and other information address, ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President Greenville, - - - North Carolina Ml I CALIFORNIA CASTING PRIMARY VOTE TODAY. IRA M. HARDY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 102 V. Caswell St. Residence 309 West Lenoir St. 'Phone 507. i 1 Is This of Interest to You? Certainly it it or we would not have it in our advertisement We are always looking out for the interest of our friends who do business with us and it is to your interest as well as ours, to see that you have all of your property INSURED. Fire Insurance is one thing you must not be without. We appre your business and it shall be handled promptly. : : Phone us at 242 or 377-F, and we will call to see you ?t ONCE KtNSTOfi LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO., Inc. "We Write Insurance of all Kinds" Tobacco Flues That Fit San Francisco, Aag. 25. Califor nia is casting its primary vote today for the party tickets between which ts electors must choose at the No. vember State1 election. Despite a de marjd for, a "short, ballot,' the ballet . . . v : . i . . i i juuijary is several -Jig On it ire the names -fcf 179 cardi- uates(-nr so many proposjti&ns that it takes an average ol aH hour to m$um- alk'irt Mi'M is the mott , cumbersonie btllolT In , Califor nia's history, and probaWy V.the his tory of the StAe". Candida tea if or the ffovernowhip ominitious ar: Kepublican-fsloan "T. Frederick. Lob Angeles Charles M I!shaw, Antioch, and FraflcSptJ. KSsfingand Villiam jC. Ralston, Si Francisco. Democratic Fred. M. HalL Bakerv field; John B. Curtin, fionora; Ed ward Vhlt, Watson ville;" Syiey M. van Wych, Jr, San Francfeeft. ar.d Claries King, Hanford. i", Ftotr.siv Hiram W. Johnson. San Francisco. ' ftohUititoistClinton P. MoorV. Senatorial candidates are: Repub licanJoseph R. Ksjowlaad ' Alame- da and gamuel H. Shortride, Sab Francisco. Deasocratic-Waiaes ; D. Phelaa, ai Francisco, fced Thomas F. GriiU1 Trogresslve Fntntis .. J. Henty Sa .rjrrjcisco sjnd Chester 11. Jiaitia, . Fresno. r Frohibi tionist Getthem now to avoid the rush, Tin, Slate and Galvanized Roofing, Metal Shingles and Gutters of all kinds. Call and see our stock which has the quality with it. If you want anything for the roof we have it. Come, Phone or write us. : : SCOTT & WALLER Phone No. 189 v . Kinston, N. C The National Bank of Winston ill REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE - ' -si. '';'"" ' $ t in btisfness methods, lind this . bank has kept pace with v them. - While conservative in the ; interest of SAFETY, our . equipment and business methods are modem. Let us do business together to our mutual advantage. : Cspitar.' $100,000.00 ; Surplus, $90,000.C0 VTHE OLDEST A!D STRONGEST BAliK 111 THE CCUilTY."

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